Roxy digital strategy

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Roxy digital strategy


By: Cait Quinn

Current Demographics

Young women Ages 14 – 24 Athletic Stylish Fit Independent

ROXY SWOT Analysis

STRENGTHS• Specific target market• Established brand identity

OPPORTUNITIES•Social Media growth•Surfing/Snowboarding industries expanding quickly

WEAKNESSES•Negative media attention for lawsuits•Many competitors: Billabong, Volcom, PacSun

THREATS• Competition from other brands• US economy in recession

cCurrent Digital Strategy

Current #RoxyDARE campaign Encouraging customers to start “Pushing the

limits and living unique lives” Using incentives and social media to build this

campaign has been highly successful so far

Digital Strategy Changes

Adjust the hashtag for a wider audience #ROXYGirl

Use of a spokesperson, an up and coming female athlete to post bi-weekly YouTube and Vine videos with tips on leading healthy, active & stylish lives

By putting a face with the campaign, more press will naturally occur

New Strategy Cont’d

Enormous Facebook & Twitter push Daily pictures, videos, facts, etc. Keep the consumer interested & paying

attention Repetition is key

The more the consumer hears the name, the more it is on their mind

GoogleAd Words Line 1: Roxy Swim Suits for Summer! Line 2: Cute suits & surfwear for juniors Line 3: Buy online, save on shipping!


TOTAL BUDGET: $2,000,000

BREAKDOWN• $500,000 – Spokesperson• $90,000 – GoogleAd Words for 6 months• $410,000 • agency to run social media sites• video production• contest costs• miscellaneous costs

Mobile App

• Online shopping

• Coupons/Deals

• Campaign highlights

• Connected to Instagram account

Current and Projected Stats

Facebook: 2.8 million likesTwitter: 45,000 followers

Facebook: 3.5 million likesTwitter: 500,000 to 1 million followers


Projected 6 Months

Evaluation of Success

Utilize GoogleAd Words metrics on their site

Social Media site growth –

Mobile Application downloads

Overall increase in Roxy sales over 6 months