~ro~~t pointe...

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(It ~ ~ro~~t pointe lRtuitw"'------ _ ... ~ • ..=.. ......'::. ...



Vol No 5-1\[0 47 GROS% POIN1F MICHIGAN THuRSDAY ocrOB1cR 29 1931 By Mall $200 per year, Smgle CopIes SCents



students ats-chool andElementary


General NorthrupKmg Enc VlnMaJor BlentSoldIerDr FellmanPrmce WIlhamLaker

Student Directs Play"The Queen's Husband"

To Be Staged Nov. 6-7

Football _ Sunday, November let,De La SalIe--Cathohc Central; De LaSalle Field, OPPOSite Airport

CongratulatIOns on the birth of adaughter have been pour111g 111 thtsweek on Jack Semon of Grosse PomteFarms The new arrIval wCllghed erghtpounds at bIrth Mrs Semon IS reported 'domg fine" ThIS lllustnQu"event 111 Mr Semon s life occurred lastSaturday mormng

Four of the It1Jured ar€'the Grosse Pomte Hlghthree attend the Kerbyschool

School authorlttes here are conductlUg a vtgorous lllV€sttgatlOn 111 the recent aCCIdent 10 whlch a school buscarrymg It was reported at least 40pupIls to two schools In Grosse Pomtecolhded WIth an automobIle at Kerbyroad and Kercheval avenue resultmg mseven of the pupIls recelvmg rnlllor ill


1 he four at Grosse Pomte 1l1gh<;choo1 are

CHARLES VERBEFRST 14 ) ear<old 301 Kerby road

RlT A DUROSS, 13 year< old 2127Hawthorne road Lochmoor

MARIL Y>! ALEEN, 12 years old1716 AnIta avenue Lochmoor

ANGELI"E BACH 14 years old1644 Prestwlck road, Lochmoor

Injured pupIls at the Kerby school~ere

\fARGARET ROTS 13 years old294 Cloverly road, Grosse PomteFarms

BERNICE CALLABERT 7 year<oLd 285 Cal'V1l1iavenue, Grosse Pom teFarms

MARGARET PENElTZ, 11 yearsold 261 Cloverly road

Gharles Hoover, 1251 Lakewoodboulevard dnver of the bus and Fre'Cl.enck Sladden 1021 Lakepo'1llte aV'enuedrIver of the other car, were questtonedby Grosse Pomte Farms iPolIce and reteas-e.d Pollee 'SaId Hoover told <t-h.e'T'he d1d not come to a, complete '!top atthe mtersectton and that hIS VISIon wa'>somewhat lmpalred by chlldren aroundhun Sladden s car was demolIshed

Cuts brUIses and shock compnsedthe InJUrte~ to the seven pupIls -;upt~ M Brownell of the Grosse P0111techools said that It was tmpossIble to

tell exactly how many chIldren W€teon the bus because after the aCCidentthey walked to school

PhysIclans examined all known passengers on the bus and trea.t-ed thosewho were hurt

School AuthoritiesMatter Certain to beCrash: Pupils Injured

Every Wednesday nIght at the Alomatheatre, $5000 worth of Poultry Free.

If the Wolves are to upset precedentand defeat the DetrOlters Saturdaythey '\\-111have to stop Rocky Par"sacaversatlle TItan halfbaoek who has beehthe outstandmg offenSIve star for theDetroit team m every game thIS seasonParsaca one of the few quadruplethreats m collegIate football today ISplaYIng hIS thtrd year as a regular backfor the DoraAsmen A shlfty open fi-eldrunner he can also be called upon topunt pass or drop kICk H1s threepomter scored 111 the second penod ofthe West VIrgInIa ttlt was the Titansmarg1l1 of vlctory over the Mountameerteam

Both Loyola and DetrOlt WIll beeager for VIctory Saturday m the rubber contest of theIr senes Past performances favor the D-oraismen smcelU each of the precedmg games thehome team has fimshed on the long When the Pomte Players senIOr l11ghend of the score Loyola was victortous drnmatic orgaI11ZatIOI1of Grosse P01l1teIU 1926 and 1930 plaYlllg at New Or hIgh school present Robert E 5hetleans whIle the Red and WhIte tossers wood s comedy The Queen s Hmplayed as Inhospitable hosts at DetrOlt band 1t Wilt be the first tlme that adunng the 1928 and 1929 campaIgns student WIll have complete dIrectorial

charge of a pubhc 'ProductIon JeanneSmce theIr unexpected defeat at the IHardmg of the class of 1933 I~ the

hands of the Blue Demons of DePaul student So honoredUmverMty m a presea~o-n tIlt the T~t Ians have scored four straIght Vlctones The play IS scheduled to open 111 thedownmg Western State Teachers Col hIgh school audltorIUm fnday eVenll1glege Iowa State College Marquette I November 6 and WIll be repeated onUmverslty of MIlwaukee and West Saturday November 7 Axel A GruenVlrglllla UmversIty on succe.$Slve l:<n berg and LUCille Cornell are the facultyday evenangs adVisors and George Lowne .32 bUSI

ness managerThe cast as announced by MISS

HardIng IS as followsFrederIck Gr~ton Thomas GroehnPhIPPS Roy MaypoleLord Blrten Wllham Bradle)\hstress of the~Chamber

Betty BarthelPrmcess Anne Ethel BealsQueen Martha Yfary S1bleyFIrst Lady m Waltmg Vlrgm a To¥.erSecond Lady In Walhng

Marnon SImmonsEdward Ketterer

George LloydDonald Sulltvan

Theodore PelsterArnold WelIman

Robert ThIbodeauHenry Parsons

U. of D. 'In SectionalTilt With Loyola "11"

On Saturday AfternoonHavmg successfully represented the

lllldwest In their first mtersectlOnal gridbattle of the season WIth the Mountame~r s eleven of Wes1 Vlrgml1a UmversIty Coach Crtarles E DoraiS' 'Lniversity of DetrOIt TItans are now busypTf'parmg for thelr second cross country tIlt WIth the Loyola UmversIty 'Wolfpack of New Orleans at the U of DstadlUm next Saturday afternoon

Wmth the -exceptIOn of the annual tradlttonal contest w~th the MIchIganState C01lege Spartans every remamIng game on the TItan card w111 belIsted 111 the mtersectIOnal column On~ovember 7 the DetrOIt team OiPposesthe strong Fordham Umverslty elevenat New York Ctty returl1111g to enterta.ln Coach Harry Stuhdreher s VIllanova College combmatton the followmg week The Doralsmen concludetheIr season agamst Georgetown Untverslty at Washmgton, D C

Lending LIbrary-Your Drug Store.• • •

Mr and Mrs Wllham H Ducharmeand theIr daughter MISS Ruth hhzabeth, of Meado,wlawn Jeffersonavenue, Grosse Pomte VIlla~ who areVlsItmg m FaIrfield Conn Wlll returnabout the first of November

• • •Mr and Mrs Paul Stevent Stras-

burg, have taken a home tn RIVardbculevard thiS season. Thoy formerl,.realded In Semmole avenue.

•••Lending Library-Your Drug Store• • •Mrs Jobn W Mulford of Mem

weather road, Grosse Pomte FarmsWIll return to the CIty \n a few daysafter a SOjourn of several weeks 1U


MISS Helene De Morat Nichols,daughter of Mr and Mrs. John TN,chol. of Lake SI\",.., roed, Gn> .. ePOlnte Farou, has returned home aft~.. vlSll; lV'.lth friond. 1ft C1e..ve1.and, O.

Lending Library-Your Drug Store• • •

Alumni of HighSchool Reorganize:

Knapp ElectedAt a recent re orgalllzatlOfi meetmg

of the Grosse pomte hIgh schoolAlumlll aSSOCIation, Walter Knapp Jr",as elected presrdent and Jack Younttreasurer An mtenSlve program ofacttvity IS bemg planned f.or the asSOclatlOn dunng the next year It '\\-asstated by the newl) elected presIden1and the deolslon was reached to holdthe alumnI s annual fall frobc on Fnday November 27 at the HIgh schoolAn open meetll1g of the alumm WIll beheld the first Wednesday of eachmonth accordmg to Mr Knapp JrMembers of the alumm aSSOCIatIon deSlrous of enroll ng III the Dramattc chfuare requested to commumcate WIthMJSS Mundt, secretary

Pond's Market ExpandsArrangements were complete th1s

week whereby Pond s Market havetaken over the Meat Market concesSlOn of the Gage Market Well andfavorably known Grocer at 15408 Ma-ckavenue near Nottmgham Mr Pondwdl carry a very complete hne of fre-shand smoked meats at prIces that havemade hosts of customers for the PondMarket 111years past If you have notas yet VISIted Pond s vmt the op.elungof the ne¥. branCh at 15408 Mack ayenue thIS '\\eek

Because ot Pond s Wholesale andRetal1 methods hIS prtces are uniUsually attracttve See ad on page 4

* ••The BluebIrds and MISS Beaupre's

younger sewmg class WIll have theIrparty together qn Wednesday November 11 at four 0 clock Due to thIS latedate the party w111 tak-e on more thecharactenstlcs of a Thank~glvlllg partythan a Hallowe en• • •

The Ladle::. Bndge Cub met la:.tMonday as usual Mrs John DesRocher Mrs R J Mauer, and MrsV A DaVIson won the three -cashprize:. for the h1ghest scores We haveSIxteen members enrolled now but themore the merner you know so cometo our Bndge Club and practice up onyour game

By DOllOTHY DEEMrs Albert V Blessmg of Pasadena turnmg from theIr weddmg tnp 10 the

Cal IS eJOPected to arrwe In Dett"Olt East Monday, and WIll be at homeearly In November to VISit Mr and shortly 111 thetr reSIdence 111 VIllageMrs T W Palmer Ltvlngstone of RI Lane, Crosse Pomtevard boulevard Grosse pomte VJllage * * *Mrs Bles.smg has been stpendmg some Mr and Mr. Albert S Keen WIlltIme Ul the east and WIll stop here he move Novemher 1 from Burns avenuefore retunllng to her western home to their reSidence 10 Tourame road.,

* * * Grosse Pomte Farnu•••

ternoon at four 0 clock Only regularmembers are ex,pe:cted to attend MISSManon Jappe 1$ m charg"e l11 the arrangements

Detects Faulty GlassDefecthe !,Ia::.swear now ('an be de-

tected before it leaves the factory b,tests with a llght whH-h shows up th(faults The lamp produces polarized

I tIght which reveals the defects in theglass -PopUlar MechanIcs Magazme

Mr and Mrz Richard H Doughtyof Washmgton road, Crosse POluteVIllage, are makIng a motor tnp Inthe East They Will bel guests of Mrand Mrs Crosby Doughty In WIlhams ..town, Man, and ViSit ther daughter,MISS Kathleen, who IS --attenchng MIl~$

Hall's School at Plusfield, Mass MISSMary Rumney Dou~hty, another daugh ..tel', and their niece, MISS Betty Sar..gent of Evanston, 111. accomparuedthem

• • •Mr and Mrs George Edwards

.Schenck (Elame Pommerer) are re

The Dead Line

It Is Up to YouIt remalIlS wltll us to make the

chOICe of what thmg::. we shall haveIt Is your chOice that deterrnmf's whatsort of life you wlll lead -Grit

Offiela1s of all the Grosso PomtecommUnItIes JOined thiS week In astatement warnlng aU reSIdents whohave not as yet obtauied a renewalof theIr drivers' hcenses to do so bySaturday as the deadbne for the se"cunng of beenses by those whom.the State law reqUIres to do so IS

November 1 The fPlObee depp.ri ..ments of the several VIllages areprepared to renew the licenses ofreSidents upon apphcatton

Every Wednesday nIght at the Alomatheatre. $5000 worth of Poultry Free

Several classes are gIven to orchIdsroses and carnatlons

InformatlOn 'regardmg <the show maybe obtamed from Tom Pearson chatrman 37 LakeVIew avenue GrossePomte Farms or fr~m the secretaryDavld Rawnsley, 102 Grosse Pomteboulevard Grosse Pomte Farms

Flower Show Here OnNovember 14 and 15

To Attract VisitorsThe eleventh annual Chrysanthemum

Show of the Grosse pomte and Eastern Mrchlgan Hort1'Cultural SooIety tobe staged at the NeIghborhood ClubGr@sse Pomte VIllage Saturday andSunday November 14 and 15 w1l1 attract many vistors from all over Mrchlgan and nearby states

Last year s exhibIt was held lrt Detrolt at ConventlOn Hall as. part of theannual show of the ChrysanthemumSoclet) of Amenca

An attractIve schedule has just beenpubhshed ",hlch calls for ma 1Y classesof cut chrysanthemums cOvermg aUtypes from the baby pom poms to th-elarge exhrbltlOn types A good number of classes are also devoted to bushand standard types and others togroups and arrangements for artistICeffect

The A 0 C gHIs are havmg a cas-tume Hallo", e ( t p. ..,:t'~) Gn "Thutsda)evenmg at seven thtrty The programcommIttee MIS-S Carolyn Jones andMISS Bertha Danna have been workmgon the decoratIOns and entertammentso that a good time IS expected by all

• • •The Camp FIre glrls also WIll have a

costume Hallowe en party Fnday af

Lions Club Shows How I~ the "Goodfellow Fund"ill Was Sp?nt for Needy I

The Grosse ..Pomte LIons ClubGoodfellow FU\ld has been spent

dUring the past year to prOVIde thenecesslt1es of lrre for many of theneed) of Grosse, Pomte accordmg toa statement lSSU(d thl" week ShOWlOgItem for ltem tIre dlstnbutIOn of thefund

In scores of 111tances groceries havebeen puroltased {'Or the hungry medlcal attention gIven the 111dIgent $lIckdnd mfirm rent pald for a destttutefa'11lly gas and e~ectl.'lc lIght bIlls paIdshoe'> prOVIded for I.hIldren and 111 onemstance $57.84 was dtsbursed for thepayment of taxes

Of the total of $55241 compnS111gthe Grosse Pomte Lons Club Good.fellow Fund thl., followmg has beendlstnbuted grOO€'f'les $182 92 doctor$27964 gas bIll iIl3550 sboes $15453rent $6277 electrIC 11gbt $1861 andlllls<cellaneous $38~8

Thls sum of money was made avaIlable for the poor and needy of thePomte by the Grosse Pornte LIonsClub conduct'1Og a sale of a Goodfellow edltlOn df the Gros>se PomteReVIew last yearjJ prIor to the Chnstmas hall days

Football fans Wlll have I1:he opportumty Sunday afternoon of seemg twoof the outstandmg CatholIc hIgh schoolteams of the CIty 111 theIr annualleagu-etilt, when De La Salle meets CatholicCentral on De LaL Salle field Connorsand Glenfield avenues, oppoS1te theMUnICIpal AIrport

Last Saturday, De La SaUe defeatedSt Joseph Commerctals m the finalseconds of a game that was de'ela..redby many of those present as bemg oneof the most spectacular they had everwItnessed 1 hes-e two schools, bothconducted by the ChrIstIan Brothershave bmlt up athletIc rIvalry that culmmated tms year 10 takmg the gameto a neutral field 10 an effort, on thepart of the Comme1"clals to break theJInx that De La Salle has held ove'!them for the past three seasons

An account of the game sounds lIkea page from fictlon On a soggy fieldshppery and heavy WIth mud, De LaSalle, WIth but a fractIon of a mlUutebefore the final gun scored the wmnmg pomts on a beautIfully executedforward pass and a long run for atouchdown De La Salle scored earlyIn the game on a pass from Breckelsto McClellan but mIssed the1r try forthe extra pomt From then untl1 late111 the game It was mp and tuck bewtween the two teams unhl St Josephuncorked a SImIlar pass whIch gavethem a touchdown Their suocessfultry for the ex.tra pomt gave them aone ....pomt lead the first they had ha>dover De La Salle In three years

WIth but a few mmutes left of thegame De La Salle WOI1ked the baU tothe center of the field but St JosephstIffened and It looked as though theywould be able to keep theIr one pomtlead DetermInat!on plus clever gen-eralsh1p of Cap tam MerClellan, rousedhIS boys to do the seemmgly ImposSible-on theIr fourth down w1.th tenya..rds to go and only forty secondsleft to play, De La Salle's dimInuhvecaptaIn heaved a beaubful pass downthe SIde hne to Breckels who .sIde~steplped and sprInted another thIrtyyards to place the ball over the centerof the Ime for a totichdown Breckelswas earned off the fie1d Immedmte1yafter the play, m a serIOUS condltlondue to an InJury rece'1ved the weekprevtous but whIch he refused to letkeep htm from thIS game

(Ciontmued on Page Tbree)

Catholic Central ToPlay De La Salle InFeature Game Sunday

GRADUATES RETURNFifteen post graduates have returned

to Grosse Pomte hIgh to study shorthand accordIng to MtS8 Mary HKremmm They are Mary BurgerJane Brookes Eleanore GeuT'm Wliham Hurley ulln.an Lancaster Frankltn Van Der Karr Mary Walch ManonW 1lhams SophIa Radlow DorothyMaul Helen FrIedel Harnett MoffetMadelme Freckleton, Ethel Wallworkana Flea\lor.e Laughlttl;t

ThIS IS a case of two boys havmgto compete WIth thIrteen gIrls

(Contmued on Page Four)

Kles Esther Kaplan rJeanor LoughbnHarnet Harrison Leah Japhnke Hargaret \:faertens Eleanor Marsack Jan{'NIVens Janet \1offat Dorothy MaulVlrglllla Olsen Agnes Inglosbe BessHPearch, Estelle Pmkerton L01S Poucher Ruth Sable Roxane Snow DorothyStock Mary Thtron Carol Wmdlschand Ehzabeth Wl1son

High School News Briefs

CADETS NAMEDCadets for the gym and sWlmmmg

classes hav€l been selected by MISSDarns Teft and approved by MrCharles LeavJtt aSSIstant prmclpalThese gIrls are from the eleventh andtwelfth grades They have completedtheIr reqUIred number of years of gymand sWlmmmg and have proved themselves relIable aSSIstants TheIr dutIesare to take roll, make out absence shpreferee games, and glve special help tothose who need It.

The fo-llomrug' guls help 111 the abovementIoned ways El.s1e Andrews, Flor-ence Adnenson MarguerIte Br1&htBettr Hanna, Ethel H9s~hke, Flora

Begmmng thiS week the Journahsm I cla<ses wlll gather andwnte the Grosse Pomte hIgh school neJ-s for the Grosse PomteRevley."

Editors were chosen from each of the classe' last week TomBoyd, the chOIce of the third hour clas< and Donald Clark thechOIce of the fifth hour cla" received perml%IOn from the Gro%ePomte ReView to carry out thiS work A>Slgnments are given outto the students by the'e edltors ~nd must be covered 111 the 'amemanner a'" regular ..,taff workers cal ry out the-Ir 'lSsIgnment,:

ThIS Will pe ave' y helpful plan for not only the JOlln1dhsm Iclasses but the ones to come, a'l It gIve", all "tudents a 0hance to'v\ nte for a paper where preVIOusly actual wntmg for pnnt hasbeen done mamly by the Journahsm II class -EdItor s Note

ON TOWER STAFFIncreased to a five column SIze the

Tower Grosse PQmte hIgh schoolr;ewspaper IS makmg Its appearanceweekly l11stead of bI-weekly as lastyear

The paper IS dIstnbuted on Tuesdays at 3 20 0 clock mstead of onThl1rsday, m order to have the week~end news as fresh as poSSible

The staff IS Mary SIbley edJ.tQrwlll~ch1ef Dorothy Boyd, managmg edlwtor Ruth Palmer and Donatd ShelPhern, news edItors

Other staff members are ArthurTreut Watter Conra-d, John FrazerKenneth Johnston, RIchard GroveBe1ty Stark, Rosabelle SCC:t-umanCharles Hanneman, Ruth PalmeT andAlfred Gramger

Cub reporters are Helen Wortley,Bob Heusel Edward Kette1'er, BettleFennen Ada Spoor Donald QarkFranCIS Sulhvan and Ehzabeth Wilson

The faculty adVIsers are DOrIS KTrott Journal1sm and Verle E WybleprIntIng

The ptllper tS !publIshe.d 111the hIghschool prmt shop by students under theduectIOn of Mr Wyble

Juniors and Ninth GradeBattle in Preliminary

Grosse Pomte JUnIor h1gh schoo!"Sfirst team defeated the Grosse P'omtehigh school S mnth grade second teamIn an mterestmg game of football Saturday, October 24 preced1llg the regular varsIty game

The mnth grade team pushed theJUlllors durmg the first three quartersbut the VIctors opened up an aenal attack III the tast quarter that beat thenInth grade ba-ckfield The wlll111mgplay was made In the las1 tw6 mmutesof play and was a long paS's from RaliphSwyke to Walter Mdler

Lasky Furniture "11"Battles Berkley Team

Sunday on Field Here

Fisher Boundary Line iMatter Cerain to beVoted dn Ne:l't Spring

Lasky Furll1ture State f(ootball.champ-lOns, '\\111meet the strong Berk1ey 11 Sunday afternoon November1 at the Neighborhood Club field StClalr and Waterloo avenues, Ul theVIllage

The Lasky "11' are undefeated andhed for first place In the MIchiganProfeSSional league

Recently the Furmture team playedthe strong Cleveland Pennzolls 111 thecity of Cleveland's new mumclpalstadlUm 'WIth the game endmg In ascoreless tIe

The retard of Lasky s to date mdlcates to dose observers of the Professlonat league that they are strongcontenders for champIonshIp honorsagam thIS season

Many of the members of the Laskyteam are former DetrOit hIgh schoolfootball stars and are well known mlocal football CIrcles Among themare Frank Deronghe Jack Shcks andM ax Armstrong

Good headway 15 bemg made In thematter of s-ecllnng SIgners on the pebMons belOg circulated among resldelftson FIsher road III the V111age, accordmg to Nqrbert P "!\Jeff,V111age ClerkThe Vdlagers are respondmg very fayorably, thereby msunng that the matter WIlt be placed upon a ballot forYotlOg upon at the next March electwo

Surveys, plans and des,cnpbons ofthe stnp of property to be annexedfrom the Farms v;illage are completedand have been accepted by the counells of both villages FIsher road reSldents are Invtted to telephone or 'VlSltthelr office on Maumee avenue for In

formatlOn as to thIS proJect Plansare on file and all deSIred data can be ELECTED TO CLUBobtamed rea<l.Ily At a recent electIOn held 111 the sen

As soon as the necessary census has tOr hIgh dIVIsIon of the Grosse Pomtebeen taken and the reqUttTe-d number hIgh school 75 st>udents were elected

f t h bd b to membershlip In the Service CtubQ SIgna ures In> eac su IVlSlon 0

tamed, t-he petItionS) WIll be filed wIth maJkmg a total of 100 membersthe County Baard of SupervIsors and ReqUIrements for membershIp m thl'!upon thelr approval, the proposItIon orgamzatlon are students must be mplaced before the voters on March 12 thb senior hlgh school, they much rank1932 111 the ll,Plper thud of thelr class scho

The Vtllagers are agalln assu~e<l. that laS'tIcally, and they must have at leastthere IS absolutely no expense Or ad a two In oItIzenshlpdltlonal taxes mvolved 111thIS meas The ServIce Club i's an orgam.zahonure ContrarIly, tMs move may be the whIch funchons 111the Grosse p.omtemeans of avoIdmg a ve~y consIderable hIgh school to mamtam orderly canexpense at a future tIme The tm duct m the halls and 'CafeterIa to asmedIate effect of this measure when all Slst the lIbrarIan m the hbrary and tosteps have been -completed and rab aId 111 small office dUbes It 15 the perfied by the voters, WIll be to extend sonal duty of each member to set anthe preg,ent Boundary hl:\e dlv1dmg the example of good conduct throughoot

f 1 h the schoolvdlages1 rOm I1tseXlstmg ocahon eIgr tfee~ msid*, of...'1he :sro-ewatk. to a"'POfRt T,.,beJ1('-wh ele-.cted membe.rs-.are E4.33 feet easterly or along the -center 'Of w1Il c;arlson, Dorothy Donovan. Raythe street ~ mond Foraker, Grayce Schreck, Jean

The officIals of Grosse Pomte Farms CorrIck Ann Ruth Martm, Bess.tehave been extremely courteouslPearch Eugene Werner Rog.er Dothroughout the negotIattons and have lese Rose HeOJdenon, RandaU Kalent every aId possIble Their co opera mrschke Earl Kltchen Barbara Urql1tlOn IS a splendl<l. example of mter hart Eetty BastIen, Walter ForakervI.llage good-feeling and «s very much Altce Horn Wm«fred Marsh, PlatoapprecIated Pl1IPPS Wilham Bradley, Betty Greg

The VIllage has completed a senes ory MarguerIte Neumeyer, Charlesof small concrete areas on both s1des of Stahl, Donald Van Mar"ter, HeLenKercheval avenue at each cross street Wortley, George GhesqUlere, MarymtersectIOn at the pomt where the Dugu1d, Charles Hanneman Robertmotor busses stop f>Orpassengers, Mr HeuseJ Esther Kaplan JUnIor KruelNeff also stated Thts WIlt shortly be Vlrgmta Moody SIdney Moore, Frank~a.ccomphshed on Jefferson avenue 1m Van De J;>:.ar Carl Kuchenmel1st01"j

A hght regulatmg traffic at the FIsher Alan Phelps, Ralph Sprenger, Me1vmKeflcheval corner w1111be mstalled m Braund, MarguerIte Colhng, Betty'the I1Umedlate futul"'e by the V1l1age, It Johnson, Harold MoGre01:, Juatllltawas announced by Mr Neff Kline, Joseph SmIth, Edward Stam

man Fred StIckel



TlluTsctay,Nov 2~, t~Sr

Jefferaon at Rivard BlvCI.

INvA)..UABLE .. among our resources.• is a certain human quality that makes

commercial relations with our bank a rareand gratifying experieilce. We welcomeCommercial accounts.

The Village of Grosse Pointe

Gros.tO Pointe SavingsBank



ROSEWOOD GARDENS•14600MACK AVE., at Philip Avenue

Music 1:Iy the Famous Four-Leaf Clover Pickers

Dire'cted by Dick Mead

Dancing from 8:30 to 12 30



Important Notice

Remember Nov. 10, 1931


Residents in the Village of Grosse P~inte areherewith reminded that WATER RATES aredue now and payable at the Village office at17150Maumee Avenue, on or before Novem-ber 10,1931,without penalty. After such dateten per cent will be added to unpaid bills.



Try Our DinnersDelicious Home Cooking

All You Can Eat65c to $1.00

During the week we serve DeliciousDinners for 65., 7Sc, and '1.00-Luncheons served for 35c to SSe

Jennie O'Dair, Hostess ,/


tltN Mac&. Mttreell Mottl............ s_ T......... il41.OPEN 11 A. M. TO I A. II.

SpECIAL CHINESE Dally Dmn... SUNDAY DINNEI.Nooday Lunch ~ 5 p m to 8 p .... 12 Noon to 8 p ..11 11. m to 2 l» .... 75c to $1 00 'I GO

AllERICAN LUNCH,.45c Dor Yo:to. "ALWAYS HOT"We put up all dIshes to take home-No waltmg-We bave fast

Auto Dehvery

A Bank with aFriendly Service

Orthopedic Work. Arch Supports. Metat.sel Pad.Z6Years Experience in the Making and Fitting of Sh.....

HI-GRADE SHOE REPAIRING DONENu-Bilt Custom Made Boots and Shoes

Now in our Dew .tore located atLOUIS JACOBUCCI, Prop. 14929Jefferson at Alter Roacl,


IA Good Place to EatVillage Tavern

Every Wednesday night at the Alomatheatre, $5000 worth of Poultry Free~

Her Cardboard Lover' to be resurrecteEl 111 talkIe gUise Manan Dav1es.u"ed 1t some not so many years ago\\lfh 1\Jlls Asther 10 support, thIS tImeIt wtll be bl11e-d as Buster Keaton spIcture and N11s, the gemal Swede, "Illrepeat hIS part


CLOTHIER'S DAIRYSpecials for Saturday

19c100lbs. ,!la"con,Guaranteed, Sliced, Ib

I-Quart MIlk 9cI-Pmt WhIpping Cream 47c%-Pint WhIpping Cream 2SeI-Pu1t Coffee Cream 2Sc%-Pmt Coffee Cream 13cSour Cream lIeDry Cottag'e Cheese, pound 8eCream Cottage Cheese, pound HeNew York Cheese, two-year-old 43eImported Swiss 6SePimento plain and relish spread, pound 41eStore CheeSe, pound 23e

FAIRMONT'S BETTER BUTTER-Plain Prints, pound 33eSweet Clover;Rolls, pound 37cFaIrmont's Better Rolls, pound 41cFairmont's Better Butter, pound 42c2-lOc Cans Fairmont's Condensed Milk He

While They Last

Candled Every DayNo. 1Selects, per dozen 2SeOne Week Old White, dozen 3Sc; brown, 33c2-Day Qld White Heneries, per dozen 39c

We carry full line Farmcrest Pies and Cakes


Home Made Potato Salad, pound> 17cHome Baked Beans, pound 15cE. J. CLOTHIER CO.,DAIRIES

14910 kEReHEVAL AVENUEOpen Sundays and Evenings E. J. Clothier, Mgr.


Sounds and Shadows

A FULL LINE OF STERLING OYSTERSStewing Oysters, 8-oz glass jar 25eNo 1 Selects, 8-oz can 33c

ffi No 1 Selects, I2-oz Cdn 43cSATURDAY SPECIALS I

A Full Line bf Peschke Packing Co., Loch- ~O!ffiIJi!!ffi1r.Ji;)Ji;)J,lJi;)JW,!llillii!l~Ji;)Ji!ji!!J"iJji;)Ji!Jii!Iii!lii!!i!l,I~li!Ii!lO!Ii!Iii1ffilliillO!liillii!Ji1fo!l

Bacon, P:~o;Brand' Smoked Meats 31c I OLD TIME DANCING PARTIESBoiled Ham, pound 32e I Every Saturday Night at theCountry Sausage, pound 27cRing Bologna, pound 17eFrankfurts/pound 15c

I WOLVERINE DAIRY PRODUCTSFrom Sanilac County-Michigan's Best Dairy Farming Sec-

tion-Pure Pasteurizlld-Goverl1ment Inspected.

Sketchcs-.ChIC SaleThe palned -expreSSlons 011 the face

of hIS mUSICInstructor were responSIblefor Charles ChIC Sale s ne-clslon tomake faces and mImIC

OBorn 111 urbana Ilhnots from whence Pol)anna belo ...ed by Mary F1et...

he drew the .chaTaoters that later he ford fans, has- been bought by }< ox

U would mutate and be~ome famed for Corp for Janet Gaynor That OUghta talent for dIawIng caused h1m to gOlto smt Janet rather wrll there. "VIa"

Oto Ch,lcago where he told a theatncal some t?lk of (I thmk Paramount!manager that he drew pictures and makmg a talk1e VE'rSl0n of ~eventhmade fac("s the' managel was 11o.t 1m Heaven Hope they don t 1:0 make apressed and turned hIm -down-later better pl<:ture would not 'be pOSSIblethough he became a huge success on to SPDll a good thIng by a poor rCipl~the same ClrcUlt The charaders he tttIon would be dIsmalportrays are all-ArnerH:an, redolent ofearth, hay and rural thmgs Hts nexto pu<:ture IS to be "Old Man MmIck

Ofrom the Edna Feroer ..George Kaufman play Quotation From Bible

I ~ The proverb A house divided

O ~Grand Hotel" the V -cIa. B against I.tself cannot stand' Is fQund, 1 aum sen In the BIble, Mark a 25 Abraham LID

sahon, IS under preparatton at M G :M I coIn quoted it in a statement aboutand so far as Edmund Gouldmg has the North and South at the hme ofbeen chosen to direct, and the cast W111 the Civil war

p ,


All that part of Grosse Pointe Country Club Woods, being a subdivision\>fpart of Private Claims 618 and 617, Gross" Pointe and Gratiot TownslUps,Wayne Courlty, Michigan, as recorded in Liber 59 page 64 of P~ts, WayneCounty Records, which lies within the Township of Gratiot and more partic-ularly dellcrib<odas follows:

,All that part of Grosse Pointe Country Club Woods No. I, being a sub-

division of part of Private Claim 619, Gr06se Pointe and Gratiot Townships,Wayne Count)', Michigan, as recorded in Liber 60 page 16 of Plats, WayneCounty Records, which lies within the Township of Gratiot, and more par-tieul,!,l)' described as follows:

Beginning at the intetsection of the southerly line of Grosse PointeCountry Club Woods No.1 with the easterly line of Gratiot Township; thencealong said southerly line N. 60' 03' W., 2321.22'to the westerly line of GrossePointe Country Club Woods No.1; thence along said westerly line N. 30' 24'30' W., 220.92'; thence continuing along said westerly line N. 18' 47' E.,204.08' to a point on the northerly line of Grosse Pointe Country Club WoodsNo. 1~said 1m.. being the northerly line of P. C. 619; thence along said north-erly line S. 60' 02' 12' E., 2178.18' to the easterly line of Gratiot Township;thence along said easterly line S. 6' 41' 30" E. to the place of beginning.

Containing approximately 21.73 acres of l'\11d,

Beginning at the intersection of the easterly line of Gratiot Townshipwith the southerly line of Grosse Pointe Country Club Woods, said line beingalso the southerly line of P. C. 618; thence "long said last mentioned line N.60' W. 805.65' to the westerly line of Grosse Pointe Country Club Woods;thence along said westerly line N. 32' 16' 3lY'E., 630.78'; thence continuingalong said westerly line No. 29' 44' E., 625.69' to the northwesterly corner ofGrosse Pointe Country Club Woods; thence along the northerly line of GrossePointe Country Club Woods; ~aid line being also the northerly line of P. C.618, S. 60' 03' Ej., 243.56' to the westerly liJ>eof Gratiot Township; thence 0along said westerly line of Gratiot Township, S. 6' 41' 30' W to the place of Dbeginning.

Containing approximately 14.5 acres of land. _PARCEL 2-SUBDIVIDED ....



PARCEL 3-UN-SUBDIVIDED 0That part of Private Claim 619 in Gratiot Township, ;"ayne County, ID I:

Michigan, which is more particularly describ<odas follows: Beginning at theintersection of the east line of Gratiot Township and the south line of P. C.619; thence westerly along the south line of P. C. 619 to the center line of Mt. 0Clemens Drive; thence northerly along said center line 143.62' to its intersec-tion with the westerly production of the south line of Stanhope Avenue;thence easterly along said production and along the south line of StanhopeAvenue to its intersection with the east line of Gratiot Township; thencelsoutherly along the east line of Gratiot Township to the place of beginning.

Containing approximately 7.9 acres of land.

Philip F. Allard 0°1VILLAGE CLERK, ,

oiOJ::JOJ::lO' ..'---iOJ:lO'li ===l:::llOJ:;:lOX I





AT THE "Tl;IEATRES 'thIS generatIon that attends the playmk of any game en probably be headed hy Greta Garbo3"' M;lSS .Barrymore IS brmgmg WIth her thuslaSitIcatfy play.ed, 15 caught splen Joan Crawford, Clarke Gable and Jahn

MIl~hia'an. nGJrla About Town,." ! relgnmg member -of the royal fam11y to Detrmt a cast of dlstmgulshed art- dldly GiLbert:flow blOn.de and brunette \S<J.ueezeof the theater IS stqppmg over here Isis many of whom have been selected J Farrell MacDona1~ /portrays The Idea of mIXIng b'1g names to

otder~out of butter and egg men only for one v.eek followmg her preVl for theIr notable characJenzahons of Rockne and those who knew the coach draw the publIc to the box office, IS aParatflount. CfPlatmum lBlond~'~ ously announced mtentIons of bmlted theIr 4Present roles 1ll prevIOUS cele wlll appreclate the manner m whIch good one and ought to make lor much

Neio\sip&perman marrIes money m::> engagements everrywhere thlS sea.:;r-n brated revtVals Vlalter GIlbert WIll be he bnngs out the str.ength and l-ovable better pl1ctures. provH:ttd ithe namesnt'S and ,rMuf'ns to CInders so that she rmght cover the greatest Charles Surface McKay MOTf1S will ness of the man The famous Four are -chosen to fit pecuharly the rolesFish4!r ~LbcaI B"6y MaJtes Good..." a ea 10 the hme allotted to her tour be Joseph Charles Croker Kmg w~l1be Horsemen are there and the game slho+s and not randomly chosen as star natnes

He\of the cavernous mouth, Joe F Immedtately followmg hf;r brief V1sIt S1r Peter Teazle, Beatnce Terry Will are the best obtamed in ~ny college and nothmg elseBtowIl tn coUeg-e storr In DetrOlt the- start '\'\111.commence be lady Sne-erwell Anita Rothe Mrs film I have ever seenUnited ArtiSts "'The Unholy Garden " her c1aS5.1CrepertQ re season m her Candour, Harry Phmmer, S r Oltxer Lew Ayres Wllharn Bake .......ell and Vv hen LIt Dag-over s first Amerlcan

~ In wh1ch Ronald Colman stars 10 own playhouse In "!\few York The others are A G Andrews Anna SCy Sally Blame ;rovlde a s11ght thread of pIcture has a permanent tItle attached~Hecht ...Ma:eArlhU1" act-ton story School for Scandal will lDaugurate a moUr Ernest Rowan Char1e~ Romano story and a Junior prom to serve <lS \\ e WIll herewLth m£orm you Startlllg

State. "SSusan Lenox"" "'ertes of play.:; by PmerD Ibsen D An Wilham Kershaw, Arthur Treacher and relIef to the sober busmess of football w1th' I Srpy,' It has gone through tooDrama..!l£ story of regeneratIOn of a nUl1710 and other.:; Marcel Dill The weakness of the story eXIsts m many ('hanges to cootmue 111pursUlt

woman $ rise to"power through love In each generatlOn the theater s fore dragging 111 an InJured member of the a good .cast as promIsed m the mean"""-- most a<Ctress has played the role of THE SPIRIT OF NOTRE DAME team to add suspense He 1l.es, one 1<) t1tlre WIth Walter Huston, Maud

C.ASS *THEATER Lady Teazle 111 Sheridan s great play It should be understood to begm w th gIven to understand dYing m hospaal Eburne and Warren WIlhamsEthel Barrymore comes to the Cas.;; Altbough M1ss Barrymore has played that thIS IS s1nctly a football pacture of pneumo111~ and yet he hstens to the --

theater an Detrol<t for ode week begm the role befor-e she onTy appeared m It fo" football fans progress of the Artny game on tre j JackIe Cooper{ the httle Sk1PUYmng next Monday mght November 2 an New York some elght years ago Dechcated to the memory of Knute radIO Lt IS dQubtful whether a pneu~ and Donovan sKId ha<; chanpedm Sherldan s celebrated 'Comedy The when the play was done by The Play Rockne the late coach of Notre Dame mama pattent as 111as he IS eould sho'1i\ s.tud1oS three tlmes m ius short caSchool for Seanoa! ' ers w1th an all star cast Th1s W111the film upholds the finest tradlt'1DnS qUIte SO much enthUSIasm Qr energy reer StartIng Ith Paramount and

MISS BatrymQTe thiS season already mark the -celebrated star's first VtSlt of the game ahd Rockne S OViD tessons and cap It off WIth an ImmedIate t-e~ gomg on to RK; he has now movedhas made a 'W~de te-tir of the country here In the great femmme charac1!er on the, aJue of team work Not beIng covery on hearIng of the college tn~ over to MGM, where .he WIll begm onstartmg In ntld summer on 'the Paerfic and m View of thIS her appearance m a football {art, I t;an hard!). 'Write on umph Maybe I m wrong but It seems the picture 1 Llmp~ .. from the Wtlham~ba~t afid commg/ east oyer one of rt!-je role from coast to coast already has the techmcal detaIls of thy game or a btt too b1g to bIte Johnston bookthe most remarkable routes followed by been haded a~ 'One of the most slgmn. film and WIll only modestly offer theany noted star tn matiy years The <,ant theatncal and artistIc events ofremaI"k that the spmt of eXCitement

x:2QI' :':' ==t IKOIICI==::":lO:c:llO;;:i:::::::::t:&O~OII'===:I'OJ::lOoo '- Notice of Registration and Noticeo of Special Election

To be held ino The Village of Lochmoorg on Monday, Nov. 16, 1931


YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED tht\t a special election willbe held in the Village of Lochmoor on Monday, November 16th, 1931at th~ pollirlg place in the Municipal Building and Police Station, sit-uaJed at Mack Avenue between Vernier Road and Anita Avenue inthe Village of Lochmoor.

j •

YOU ARE F1,JRTHER NOTIFIED that the polls for said elec-tion shall be open from 7:00o'clock in the forenoon to 8:0n o'clock inthe evening, Eastern Standard Time.

YOU ARE FUR,THER NOTIFIED that if you have not alreadyregistered, you may do so by appearing before the Board of Regis-ti<atio1'1which will be in session on Tuesday, October 27th, 1931,be-tween the hours of 8:00o'clock in the forenoon and 8:00 in the eve-hing, Eastern Standard Time, at the Municipal Building and PoliceStation, situated at Mack Avenue between Vernier Road and AnitaAvenue in the Village of Lochmoor, and that registration may alsobe made with the Village Clerk up to and including Tuesday, Octo-ber 27th, 1931.

YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the proposition to besubmitted to the qualified electors at said election is as follows:


rI ;"









_'" II


- II~ II• II



t ......

II II 111111 • ~illill~1{!~Ut!Htl~ia~l!'1iiiiS~ ~ liliJiiTiilli






Phone LEnox 1162

Order You

Grosse Pointe Park, Miello



also a fine display of higherl

pric,ed card1s to choose from


Grosse Point~ Printing Co.

15121=Kercheval Ave.

Fine display of 12assorted cards for







Learns by FallsThe ChIld through stumbling learns

to walk erect IJvery faU is a fall upward -Parker

First Saw a SnakeTalus, the Greek IS 'SRld to have in

vented the saw from havmg once =found the Jawbone of a snake, wh(ch :he employed to cut through a smallpiece of wood

Brides Drugged for 3 DaysBrides of the Bugis tribe on the

Celebes island are dl ugged three daysbefore their marriage tD keep themfrom lookmg at any males other thanthelf intended husbands.

Fredric MarchIn "My Sin" at

the Riviera

"Susan Lenox"Now at State

.r.!J 5111 I~ the £catUlc attletd 011 10\\

s!loW1l1g at the Rtvtel.t t11C'1tCl I lederJc Mdl ch and 1 allulah B.wldH..cidshare honors 111 the <produchon

fhe plduwc open" \\lth the sccnt. ofa dn.e cafe In the P'l amet \\hcrc 1allulah tS d, smF"el <tl1d \{arch a \ oungla;,,,)er 1\-ho has '>ltccumbed t) dnnk~nd the tropIcs Tallulah ~ v"orihlesshusband dcmands morc tnon'Cy ftomhet and 111 a struggle WhiCh emues hetS ktllcd and the'v,olUin 15 held formurder

Joe F Brown, one of the funmestcomedians on the screen IS starred 111

the FIsher att-racbon of Local BoyMakes Good' Appearmg WIth han 111

the productIon are DorothYl Lee andRuth HalI, two of Hollywood s pretbestbeauhes

The story <:ente.rs around Joe EBrown a: eolleg--e student that the gt.rlsare 'Crazy over, Naturally there areplenty of funny sttuahons and the pIC-ture IS filled WIth laughs from begm-nmg to end

••Mt. Olive Lutheran II;Radnor avenue at Mack H C Arndt .I

Pastor Phone Niagara 3023 it!FrIday evemng the Young Pe"'ople s II

SOCIety WIll have a party to which also -I £l'!J.ends are mVlted

Sunday the congreg3Jtton WIll ob- •serve Reforrnahon Day, the bIrthday ofProtestanbsm

The communtty J:S lllvited to our ser-VIces Sunday School and YoungPeople s BIble Class are held at 9 45and the regular "erVlce tS held at 11 II! , ."" . . ~!I ~

o'dook Snndays ~~-"-'Z-:!-;"----Il-1f!!!DmlllliP~"~~~EI!a£t.'mililllJtiJil!illll::"<.-~~~~ - -~, - -- -

Mealiab LutheranSoutheast corner of Lakewood andercheval avenues A H A Loeberstor, 1434 Lakewood <avenue Te1e~one Lenox 2121

effe.J:sonAvenueBaptist -Church

ra"t Jefferson avenue at \lall1~tlqueart h Kircher pa<:.tor

1\eAt Sunday morning the :pastor ofe Lastmmster Presbytenan 'Churcharl F KIrcher, pastol mIl s>peak on

Why Roses Have Thorns Sundaychool I::>gro" lng rlghi along nowi 6 30 the I:ndeavor SocletIes WIlleet an 1 at 7 30 thCI e Will be a conrt by the great male chOIr 1 he <::;t

aul s ChOir of '>ome 40 men 1 ho<;er10 heard them h"t }C'11 '\-Ilt \\ant toal the maga1l1 v\; c arc hay ng tl cmar Chnstian :endeavor at 4 00 p monday Mrs Motnssey IS havmg alendH:l, attendance at that serVH:e

hursday mght the men WIll meet forevemng of fellowshlJP Sunday eve

ng Rev Kircher w1l1 preach the secd of the senes on The Hereafter

Where IS the 5'Oul From Death toe Judgment?"

lIt SIX PartsAn epItaph 'l,QQtedhY the Natal Mer

cury via the Bost-on ;I'raveler, readS.IIn Memory of OUf Father, Gone toJoin His AppendIX His Tonsils, HisKIdneys, Ris Ear Drum and a LegPrematm;ely Removed by a HospItalSQ"!!eon Wh<rOraved EJxJ)erl~nc"" ,,-

~ J

CatJiolic Central "0Play De La Salle InFeature Game Sunday

The anniversary -of the Reformationthe Church by Martm Luther WIllO'bserved m the serVIces on. the com~

g Sunday November 1 Se'fIVfCeS WIllheld as ,follows German SlerVl'ee at

a ltl., EnglIsh serVice -at 11 15, Sun.."y school at 10 15 The 'pastor WIllke as the theme for the Reformattonrmon Not Ashamed of the GOS1Pel"The monthly Btble Hour under the

Usplces of the Young People's "io~ety mll be held next Sunday, bfgtn,.ng at 5 15 pm.

A sauerkraut c;uppJr Will be 'lenedy the Ladles' AId next Wednesday,ovember 4 from 5 to 8 P n1

Comedy-sparkling s-cads of It-and(Contmued from Page One) drama romancf' pathos are thr- ele

De I a ~alle defeated Holy Redeemer ments VlhlCh get a thorough workoutgh two we~ks ago and prIor to that 10 the hands of a ve'r'y capable andmmed St Peter and Paul s of Ionlla \!:ery large cast Df stage and screen

o110WlUg Cathohc Central, they 'WJll favorItes 10 Glrls About Tcrwn Palaeet ~t Anthony sand St Cathenne" moutH '> lavl"h and bnlliant talk e nowregular leagl1e games W1th an Ahun at thf" "vhch1gan theater wIth Kaygame ;andwlched In between BM Funcls LIlYan Tashman Eugene Pal

n-g iurther senous ae--C'ld~nts to aJ1S lette .'lnci Jad McCrea In the- 1eadmgIayers~ Coach Bob Moruere- IS confi role'lfit of ag'alO finrshmg the 'Season Moth The story IS an ongmal by Zoeclean slate AkJms, the woman novelist and play~A p1ea~Ing feature or thl~ Sunday wrIght who hac; achIeved glory ill ame IS the fact that many paren1:~ and few years In t~e field of letters and of •end., '\\111 be able to attend whQ the stage and screen with such OPt a~uid not be present on Fnday Or Sat~ the sc-e.narfo of I Sarah and Son and =day afternoons De La sane neld IS I An)'b@dys. \Voman -and tile stage Ity convenIently located Just north cngmai I Tne Greed Had a Word Fur :Gratiot .on Connors ancl dtrectly QP- It'l iiIi

SIte the roam entrance of the AIr IF!rt The fi~ld IS enclosed and has "Platinum Blonde" :

mple seahng ~nd parkmg fac,hues / At Paramount ••E.stnn.nlter Preab"y. mPlatmum Blonde" 15 heralded as one :i!i

terian Cliurch of the mos' amusmg clever and out- 1_~tandlJlg 'Plctures of the year Robert _.Wlll1ams makes h1S first lmportant ap Ipe;uancc m thiS plctmc and he IS one 1:.-.01 thc 11Iost Ollgiidl 1.nd devcr actoisnn t1'1c screen 1U short he IS Clark ~_=:Gable and James DUl n Ioled mto one if5_~and is the bIggest hlt 111:> ean, $t!

ii'i_-The StOI) 15 that ot a ne1\-spaper ~man marrymg the "earthy gal as !tipIa) cd by J can Harlow and findmg illh 111<;£.>1f a C nd('\(:lla Man JU a gilded !IIag:i' turn and marncs tl c poor gJrl :II

,1<; pIa) C( b_v_L_<i_re_l_ta_\_o_u_l1~ IJoe E. Brown ill

Comedy FeatureNow at Fisher!



At the 11 a clock morning WOf"J1 Pastot 7\11 ayer wdl officJate at the

egulal monthly observance of theord s .,:,upper openmg the selOnd

nonth of hIS p'd"torate The mOlnmgreacher Will be the Rev A C DarOw of BurmaThe first month of the new pastorate

t the Jefferson Avenue BaptIst Chur-ehhas shown ul11formly large congrega-

1On"S both mormng and everuog wtthhe large aud1tonum always well filledy members and guests Both young

people's groups rtteetmg at 6 15 p mhave mtert}Stmg programs planned torhlS Sunday The Harvest Festn:~al

beld under the auspIces of the FrIendlyB Y P U resulted In the collectIon0,£ a store of staple goods that WIll beused tor the relIef of needy durmghe next few weeks The Sutlday school

WhlCh mee;ts act 9 45 a m under theeadersh~p of the General Supermtnd-ent, MI Kessel D Green, closed themonth of October WIth an attendan~eof only 26 under Its former hIgh aver-age of 800 A Jumor Church condUded dtmng the mormng worshrlPhour has been planned by the Board ofReligIOUS Education

Greta G",rbo and Clark Gable in~'Susan Len-GOC"contmue thefr <town~town record run at the State theater =-where they are now ShOWIng' for the =tfirst time at balfgatn 1prIces Vet)seldom doeo;; such a 'CombInahon of ~popular screen talent appear 10 any ~one plcture, tv. 0 stars th'tt are tht> ~mo'>t popular of thelr sex !Jj

h I

1:-_.:Garbo IS 111aglllnc€'nt ao;; t e 1erome

of the DavJ:d Graham Phlll~pS storyWhICh Robert Z Leonard d~rected, _The farr1bus novel was adapted f'or the =screen by \Vanda Tuchock WIth <ha :logue wrItten by Zelda Shean and :~eon Gordon Modermzed as it 1S, the

'You Haven't Touched Bottom Yet," -dramatIc oregene-tat1tln theme makes It111be the unusual subject of the ser~ Ideal matenal for Garbo In the 9P1n- ..on thiS Sunday night by the Rev ton -0£ many she accomphshes the

Wayland Zwayer at the Jefferson greatest mdiv.tdn-al chatactenzatton ofvenue B.!>hst ChurcJ1 ThIS subject all her talkre efforts

announced by the new pastor a., aessage not only for 111', member~ butr a c ty wh1ch feels Itse1f m theld~t of a depr.esSlOl1 1he sel VIce beI s at 7 $0 0 clock 'VI'lth congregaonetl 511g11lg led by Lmcoln Igou 11

ructor of mUS1Cat the Grosse Po ltcgh ~c1001 VII 7'Aayer holds thength of tJ111C of the evenIng serVIce

:T ctly to sixty n1 nutcs 1here 15 a£tee 1 11nute per ad of worshlf 1hl t1

11 K prccedmg the even ng hour " tll1rs \Vlmfrcd Douglas, orgal1l~t daector dt the COl1so.1

er you d n t know anythmg Los Angeles Time,.__ ~_ ~---..J __ ~

BUlin•• DirectoryRADIO SERVICE



Radio and Sporting Goods hIU. of D. Football Tickets for tn

All Home Games FLen 1919 14409 E Jefferson at Chalmers m

InFuneral Directors m

rit..-..,. CZ8l t..-..,. 7* P


II Y.... In D..-it ga

No Branches 14t11 Kweh.ftI A.... fllN_A1_R .... <0

Miscellaneous urveofpopo'l

Daniel G. Allor anaSons Ice & Coal Co.

, ....... Rio ...... IIOCC

70 K...by Itoad Go P. F.... thC


General Carpenter Work 1II


We Specialize in Repair Work p

Niagara 07.6 ".4 Rid,emont heCra•• Poiate Farm.s, Mich. \ Ju



Interior and Exterior Decorator anPaperhanaing, Kal.OlUlmq, PaiDtiDl', nt

GrNDiDB' onAll Work Gutu'lmtoed1057 WAYSURN AVE. on

Lenox 8369 Detroit, Mich. th-Painting & DecoratingWindow Washing and Interior

CleaningKExpert Workmanship• pa

Eo A. ~ONTHIER !>hTuxedo 2.0257

\ ofMarylana Eleettic he

Contracting and Repa!riqmhe

LEDos 5284 loot Maryland 9

Gro_ Poil1t. J!ark d\ t~

se...- < \Central Cylinder a

Boring 01

Motors Rebuilt nt

A.uto or Manne. Rehored and HonedbParts BUilt and FUl'mshecl

Light Machine Work N1211 Maryland at Kercheval,


Maple chunks, 2.ft. long, $9.00W

per face cord, delivered. m

C. B. Dey, NIagara 4548 AIS

Review Liners mfont

Rooms for Rent gltt

MH ROAD 571>-Heatcd (ou) ~IX st100m upper 2 bedrooms "unroom hI

breakfast roon fngldalre 1ICl11etatorIe..,tall sho" el 2 cal gal age Rent le

duccd to $100 Open tft

I\OTTI:t\GHA\f 9B2-J looms Iceles~"and garaf;,e l1ke ne'l LEnox 7640 1

Situations Wanted r

eLDERI y L~DY \\ II cale for chll pdren afternoon dr c, cnmgs or do

mcndmg NIagara 3280 rL

REFINED young lady would hke car e Iof ch1ldren and dSSl'S1:WgWIth hQuse

1V0rk Good refer{ll1ces HIckory p

1682J r,

Miscellaneous Wanted a

WANTED a haby buggy Call NJ t1766 - t


ATTENTfON-Flreplace Wood BtrchBeech and Oak $550, face cord t

"heeled 111your basement Call Mast!H,ckory 0001W 4362 Newport

LISTINGSWANT-LIstmgs on Grosse Pomt e t

iPropertlesc Improved and vacant Sal eexchange lease or rental Klenk Lan d 1Co 14837 Kercheval at Alte~, Leno "7640

Tears POlSon to GermsTears have a very practical purpo"e

An EngUsh biologist has discoveredthat tear flUId even greatly diluted, isan exceedingly powerful dest10yer ofbacteria -P.opular Mechanics :Magazine

Much to UnlearnI What's the use? You are content in

the belief that you know everythmgand then you get educated and diSCOV

0 -







,a pound


Full Line of Pies, Cake. and Pastries

BEEF STEAK,All PorterhouseSirloins, Rounda pound

LAMB ROAST, 11...BEEF ROAST, found ••


Cinnamon Roll., dozen 19c

Assorted Cookies, 2-doz 25c

Coffee Cakes 17c ~~

Home-Maid Bread 5cI

Individual Pies 10c •

Apple Turnovers, dozen 27c "


BACONSq. pound

Friday • Saturday











28-ln. Boys Fully Equipped, $27.50; 28-ln. Double Bar, $24.9526-ln. Boys Fully Equipped, $26.50; 26.In Double Bar, $24.50

28-Inch Girls Full Size, $25.95; 26.Inch Girls, $24.95

Velocipedes and Anicycles-Babycab Wheel. Re-Tired

17018 Kercheval Ave., bet. Notre Dame and St. Clair

"BEST MAID"Wit\l $1.00 Purchase or More


Flavors, 2,0c

17c All Steaks, Ib 17%" Leg of Lamb, lb. 18<:12%c Roast, lb. 12c to 15c Stew, lb. 10c

15c Bolling Beef, lb. 10~ Shoulder, lb. 13cI5c22c Hamburger, lb. 10e Chops, lb. 15c29c Rolled Ribs Beef, lb. 18" Boneless, lb. 20c20., 130nelea. Beef, lb. 15" Boneless Rolled, Ib 20c

Open Sundays and Evenings Till 10


Good things to eat14726 Charlevoix" Avenue


Italian Spaghetti - Dinner Combina-tion, complete dinner 29for three C

Maxwell House or WhiteHouse Coffee, pound

(Small Cans)MILK-3 cans for


Call LEnox 656215408Mack Ave. near Nottingham



tountryRolls, lb.




2.lb. CRACK. 19"ERS - Sunshine ..

JELLQ-All3 for








Leg., lb.Stew, lb.Chops, lb.For StuffingBoneless Roast, lb.Steak, II..Bonele .. Stew, II>.










SAVE IOpen Daily and Sunday---lO A. M. to 11 P. M.

CornPeasBeansTomatoes3 cans for


Wholesale and Retail14730 Charlevoix

15408 MACK AVE.~

CarrotsTurnipsBeetsRadishe.Celery each


Grapefruit, dozenFresh Spinach, 2 Ibs. for

Cape Cod Cranl.erl'ies, lb.

2.lbs. LARD

STEW-LAMB andBEEF, pound

Loins, lb.Picnic Hams, IbSteak, lb.Boston Butts, lb.Spareribs, lb.Fresh Hams, IbChops, lb.

HAMS-FreshPicnics, lb.



SmallFr~sh ,a pound

5 Ib~~lSugarDomino 21with $1.00 p,ur. Cchases or over



The Meat Market Department of Gage's is now conducted by Pond's Wholesale and RetailMarket. This insures Finest Grade Meats at lower prices. - Watch this space each week - Itmeans a savings on purchases of Meats and Groceries.

'Neuse the Lamac Process-Shoes resoled are hrought back to ongmalstyle shape and appearance No nails used-Looks LIke New


17018 Kercheval Avenue Call Niagara 9817bet. Notre Dame and St. Clair Frank Tickle, Prop.


~ Village Shoe Repair ShopWe Call for and Deliver-.-Best Workmanship and Material.

Presbyterian ChurchOf the Covenant

East Grand boulevard at PrestonS'treet Melrose 0975 Alfred SamueiN1ckless, mlllIster 729 East Grandboulevard Melrose 0080

SerVIces for Sunday November 1-At our 10 45 mormug servJce Mr

NIckless WIll give the second of hIS~erles of sermons, the theme belllg'The ChrIst for our Age"

The Blbl. S<hool meets at 9 30Dunng the mornmg servIce chddrenare cared. for m the nurseXlY, theolder boys and gIrls attend the JumorserVIce

Ea.ch SUlloay evelllng there IS aSOCIal hour for young people at 5 15which IS followed by devotl11al meetmgs at 6 30 In two grouips youngpeople and High school age

The Rev Benjamin Bush, D D pastor of th Westmmster PresbyterIanchurdl WIll occupy our l'lUtPlt at the7 45 evenmg serVIce He WIll speak onthe subject Against a European Background' Dr Bush has Just returnedfronl an extenSIVe tour of Europe WIththe Sherwood Eddy Sem111ary WhIleIn Europe Dr Bush "lth other members of the Semmar, 'had conferencesWIth the leadmg statesmen and educators of the countries of Europe WeinVite you to hear hIm

Briefly ToldThe light that shmes tal thest shines

bl tghtest nearest home

Grosse Pomte high school footballteam de,feated Monroe h1gh school forthe fourth victory thIS season in ahard fought colorful game SaturdayOctober 24 The lv.[onroe team threatened Grosse Pointe s goal hne In thela~t two minutes of play, but was unetble to crash the :.trong defensl\e wallbullt by tll,. POlnters

The game started With the Blue andGold klckmg off at Z 30 p m fhe:,tands were well filled wlth enthU&1astlC fans The home team crashedtheir opponent 5 hne from the very begill! mg and made steady advances unttlthey \il<ereon the Monroe ten yard lmeMonroe called time out and the re~tseemed to do them good, for they reentered the game to play better football The Pomters however had lostnone O'f thelf fightmg spmt dUring therest' and went through for a touchdownRay Shephard makmg It on an offrIght tackle play m the first eIghtml'llutes of the eXCIting game GrossefOlnte faIled to make the .p0111t aftertouchdown by an attempt to kick

Thelr opponent s touchdown gaveMonroe more SrplrIt and started out togam territory They began to gam onGrosse Pomte steadIly but Hanneman slong punts sent them back

The second quarter saw bQth teamsfightmg wonderfully and dIsplaY111g remarkable football Monroe whIch wasmakmg gains steadtl) at no timethreatened the POinter s goal hne

NeIther team came very near thelropponent s g-oal hne dunng the thirdquarter The ball was bemg played ll1

Grosse POll1te terntory for the mostpart

The \1onroe boys began 111 the fourthquarter for v. hat looked hke a suretouchdown The began to use a passmg attack to gam ground Slowly theyforced the Pomters back until the lasttwo ml1lutes of play the ball rested onthe Grosse P0111te two yard lme Manroe s ball first down The fans wereyelling tremendously loud The Gros'Sep.Ol11tecoaches were III tears Monroeho .......ever failed to gam any ground 111

the fir:,t and second downs but a gamof one yard two and a half feet wasgiven to the Monroe boys on the thuddown It looked hke a sure touchdown A hearp of players on the GrossePomte goal hne was the result of thefourth down No one knew whetherOf not the ball was over the hne The:,pectators were In sllence When allof the players got up the ball was stillSl~ I11ches from the hUll' Gros-se Pomtepunted thiS endmg the game

Grosse P01l1te s next game 1& w1ththe Mt Clemens high school SaturdayOctober 31 at Mt Clemens

LENOX 3467


A New Fuel


Gfo.. e Pointe'. Fuel Merchants Since 1898


R. F. Meek Coal andSupply Co.


Royal E. B. R. StudiosDance-Drama-Voice

Ballet modern techmque Ger-man character, ~astenets to tapPubltc speakmg elccutton play


VOlce placement 'Coachmg classand priVate

ChIldren and Adults

Monthly ReCItals CadIllac 96245th floor WIlson Theatre Bldg

FOOTBALLSunday, Nov. 1st

De La Salle vs.Catholic Central

De La Salle Field, 2 30 P. M.Cathohc High Sc4oo1 LeaJUo

Conners and C1enfiddOpPOsite Airport

Every Wednesday night at the Alomatheatre, $SO00 worth of Poultry Free

LABORATORY ADDITIONA member of the order of repbha

has been added to the coLlection In

the blO1og1ca1 laboratoryThl<S anl1ual was secured off the

coast of FlOrIda and WIll be an 1m

portant one for consideratIOn by theadvanced classes 1ll bIOlogy It IS sImllar to the CrocodIha of Africa, -only '1tIS not such a harmful speCies Theenvtronment of the la.boratory 10 thehigh school IS anange-d arttficlally tocorre;.pol1d to the natural surroundmgsof thIS rmmal In Southern wa.ters Thereptde orde~ m-e1udes a very largegroup of a11lma1s, others of WhICh wIllb~ consldered thlrmg the biology laboratory work,

PLAN SWIMMING TESTSThe gIrlS annual SWlmm)1lg meets at

the Grosse Pomte high school are tobe held 1U November, before Thanksglvmg vacatlO11 The exact date ha~~ot yet been deCIded The first contest wIll be between the seventh elghthand 111nth ,grades The seeond contest wdll be held between the tentheleventh and twdfth grades

There WIll be racmg and dlvmgevents In charge of the meets areMrs A Schlafer and M~s& M MeKenZie Members of the Aquatlc clubw111aSSIst as offiCIals The admls'SlOnIS a student aSSOCIatIOn ticket or tencents


919 Barrmg.ton RoadLEnox 7639

Owned and Supervised by


1J4 Mul'bOl'Ouah, eoI'. J..... _

Madame PauletteShoppeDre ••mak1nsr

Alt.nnr, Hemstitching, pleatin,Monograms. Buttona Covered

LE_ H13 Detrol'



The Reckless Hour


CHARLIE CHAN SLatest Thrtller

"The Black Camel"W,th WAli-NER OLAND

Wedne,cfay mght only, $5000 worthof Poultry Given Away FREE

Monday N.ght Only-$50 00 on Ca.hFree-3 Pnzel'




Pnvate and dass lessons for be-ginners and advanced -childrenand adults In BaUert: Tap MUSI~cal Comedy, BaLlroom BeginnersAcrobabc Modern GermanTechmque and Character Dan<:.tng

50 Hillcrest Avenue

Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich.

Elaine Marie ArndtDance Studio




" Sporting Blood"Defenders of the law-All star cast

Co~ntry Store Night, $1700 In cash,Jso 24 Grocery Prizes FREE



"The SmilingLieutenant"

AlomaTheatre,SltX Oaarl .. 01:& A_eo.-- 01W.,.,.


a,,,w .. ,HiNiNi@M

Dr. Lawsoll B. CoulterO.teopathi" Phy.ician

15204 Mack Ave t at LakepomteLenox 4022

Hours 10 a. In -9 pm, exceptSaturday and Wedneada,.

Special Police Day and NightPhone NIagara 4532

GRADE TEAMS FORMEDRather than have a reserve football

team made up of aSlpIrants not on thevarsity squad, a new system has beenmaugurated thiS season by the coachmg staff whereby the boys of GrossePOinte hIgh school are placed on teamsrepresentmg their respectrlve grades

Intense rivalry eXISts between the,.============;;.-;;;. teams of the nInth tenth and eleventhGrosse Pointe grades the semors bemg mebglble

The captal11s are mnth grade, HarryResidential Police Cookson, tenth grade, MelVin Braund

and eleventh grade Lawrence SlatkmSmce the new arrangement 18' ra.p

ldly gal1ung popularity an enables al-mo&t every boy to play regularly on ateam, It IS probable that a few moreyears Will see the adoptIOn of a sySJ-tern of home room football SImilar tothat of the present home room basketball

VIRGINIA ROWE WINSThe JUl110r gIrlS completed the~r ten~

tllS tournament Wednesday October21 when VIffgl111a Rowe 9-B won thematch agal11st P-eggy RobmsQn alsoof 9B VIrgIllla W111re'Cetve a letterand Peggy a medal

The semor glrls tenms tournament 15

near It::. close Grace R~chtng defeatedAmta Stuart Thursday October 22She Will play the Wllmer of the matchbe.tween Maxml;l Montgomery andEstheI' Kaplan

The tournament must be completedbefore Wednesday, October 28'

Fall PlantingNow ia the time Perennials and Rock

Garden Plants at reasonable prlCMLandscape Senlce i

17012 Kerche.'Val Ave.VILLAGE FLOWER SHOP

Niagara 5092Grosse pomte VJ11age

_______ n -.--



Reasonable951 Roslyn NI 9764,

H' h School OBrien19 • 1 The layette W111 consIst of fiveNews BrIefs dresses SIX shps three pettIcoats (out~

mg), fOUf sleepers one sacque, threedozen diapers three bands, on'e bonnetand one blanket


High School ElevenTriumphs in Colorful

Conest With Monroe(Contmued from Page One)

TO AID THE POORGIrls In the seOlor high home makmg

tt1ass are comrplet111g a baby 5 layettewh~ch they have been workmg on forseveral weeks The home makmg classts somethmg new among senIOr highcourses It 15 bemg taught by MISS

J etta ThompsonThts mfant s wardrobe will be gJ.ven

to welfare upon completIOnThe gtrls In the home mak111g who

are workmg on the layette are CarolTIemann Marton LeEevr~ Mar;or,eWolfe, Dalma ROSSI and Katherme


II \

tI •I



1 Mr