Romulo Pires Shares Facts About His Journey As A Model

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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Romulo Pires is a Brazilian model who has featured in various campaigns, magazines, cover pages, and runways. He has worked for various designers as Gucci, Chanel, Target, Lagerfeld Gallery and many more brands.

Transcript of Romulo Pires Shares Facts About His Journey As A Model

Romulo Pires Shares Facts About His Journey As A Model

Romulo Pires is a Brazilian model who has featured in various campaigns, magazines, cover pages, and runways. He got scouted when he was working as a mechanic and a woman named Marina Sakamoto from a scouting agency in Brazil saw him. He was fixing a flat tire for her while working, she was greatly impressed with his looks and complimented him that he is very attractive and should try working as a model.

He entered into the model search held by Elite Management in Brazil that he won first place. Winning this competition opened the doors of the modeling world for him and since then he has not looked back.

Romulo has worked for various designers as Gucci, Chanel, Target, Lagerfeld Gallery and many more, brands who design the finest and rarest clothes, and perfumes for men and women. He has a clean face, perfect complexion as a result he also got to model for numerous skin care brands as well.

Romulo says “the perks that are offered in the modeling world come with its good and bad, so it is crucial for all to face the whole thing with complete strength and willpower.”

When not working Romulo Pires loves to spend time and talk to the people he works with, in order to learn, and gain fruitful knowledge from them. He loves to hang out and chill with his friends during free time playing pool table, soccer, or even cards.

About Romulo Pires Romulo Pires is a Brazilian model who dreams to own a cafe in Brazil after retirement and invest in some good business deals. He has a successful modeling career for now, but has made few plans in for his future. He has made plans about his modeling life, but at the same time he is ready to face the unknown and what life has in store for him.

As he says “life is a box of surprises and no one knows what it will offer next. All one has to do is face it with strong will and determination.”

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