Roman’Fitness’Systems… ·...

Post on 11-Jul-2020

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Transcript of Roman’Fitness’Systems… ·...


Thank you!Hi  there!  I  just  want  to  take  a  minute  to  thank  you,  and  introduce  myself.  I’ll  keep  this  brief,  since  logic  dictates  that  if  you’re  reading  this,  you  downloaded  this  report  from  my  site  and  therefore  know  who  I  am.  I’ll  try  not  to  bore  you.  On  the  other  hand,  if  you  don’t  know  me,  that  means  you  were  sent  to  my  site  by  someone  else—perhaps  a  magazine  or  website  I  write  for,  or  one  of  the  other  bloggers  I’m  networked  with.    

If  you  fall  into  that  category,  then  I’ll  do  you  a  quick  solid  an  intro  myself.  My  name  is  John  Romaniello,  but  everyone  calls  me  Roman.  For  more  than  10  years  now,  I  have  been  working  in  the  fitness  industry  as  a  coach,  model  and  writer.  I’ve  worked  with  clients  of  all  kinds,  been  published  in  every  magazine  and  website  you  can  think  of,  been  interviewed  on  TV,  appeared  on  a  billboard  in  Times  Square,  and  even  a  wriMen  a  few  books.  

That’s  about  the  most  I’ll  talk  about  myself  during  this  document.  I  hope  you  thought  that  stuff  was  cool—it’s  what  marketers  call  “demonstraPng  value”  and  by  reading  my  achievements,  you’re  instantly  supposed  to  trust  me.  If  none  of  that  impresses  you,  then  we  are  screwed  here,  because  that’s  the  best  stuff  I  got.  

I  kid,  I  kid.  The  best  is  what  I  do  with  my  clients  –  help  them  lose  fat  in  the  fastest  way  possible.  Which  is  what  this  is  all  about  –  radical  fat  loss.  And  today,  you  are  going  to  learn  more  than  you  bargained  for  about  that  very  thing.  

That  brings  us  to  the  report  itself.  Firstly,  thank  you  for  downloading  it–  it  means  a  lot  to  me.  I  hope  you’re  excited  for  what  you’re  about  to  read,  because,  if  I  do  say  so  myself,  it  is  effin’  legit.  

You  see,  In  addiPon  to  some  kick  ass  workouts  and  a  number  of  precise  and  immediately  acPonable  Pps,  you’re  going  to  get  something  far  more  valuable:  knowledge.  I  don’t  mean  that  only  in  the  general  sense  of  the  word;  I  mean  it  both  in  the  broadest  and  most  specific  senses  possible.

In  the  broad  sense,  you’re  going  to  come  to  an  understanding  of  fat  loss  that  goes  far  beyond  what  you  have  read  in  magazines  and  on  blogs.  This  alone  would  be  valuable;  however,  we’re  going  to  go  much,  much  deeper.  In  the  specific  sense,  I’m  not  just  going  to  give  you  not  just  the  steps,  but  also  the  thought  behind  the  steps.  

You  see,  this  report  isn’t  just  about  radical  fat  loss—it’s  about  radical  fat  loss  programming.  I’m  not  content  to  merely  give  you  a  program.  I  want  you  to  understand  what  it’s  designed  that  way.  I’m  going  to  give  you  a  complete  breakdown  and  understanding  of  the  rules  I  use  to  design  


fat  loss  programs,  which  in  turn  gives  insight  into  the  way  I  gauge  the  value  of  programs  designed  by  others.  

If  you’re  a  trainer,  you’ll  be  able  to  take  these  rules  and  apply  them  to  your  own  stuff,  perhaps  allowing  you  to  write  beMer  workouts  and  help  your  clients  get  beMer  results.  If  you’re  not  a  trainer  and  are  instead  interested  in  this  informaPon  purely  for  personal  use,  the  informaPon  is  just  as  valuable—perhaps  even  more  so.  

Once  you’ve  read  this  report,  your  enPre  perspecPve  will  be  changed.  I’m  going  to  give  you  the  breakdown  necessary  to  assess  and  evaluate  any  program  that  you  come  across;  anything  that’s  being  offered,  pitched,  or  sold  will  now  be  stripped  bare  before  you.  You’ll  be  able  to  apply  these  principles  to  those  programs,  and,  if  they  don’t  measure  up,  you’ll  know  they’re  not  worth  your  Pme  (or  your  money).  

I’m  giving  you  an  abridged  version  of  my  enPre  philosophy,  disPlled  and  presented  for  you  in  15  pages.  In  other  words,  I’m  not  just  giving  you  some  run  of  the  mill  report—I’m  giving  you  the  keys  to  the  kingdom.

Get  ready  to  learn.

Roman  Fitness  Systems


Understanding  Programming

I  have  a  lot  of  “rules”  or  principles  for  fat  loss  programming—which  I  will  share  with  you  below—and  some  of  them  can  seem  a  bit  out  there;  however,  the  over-­‐arching  theory  of  how  I  go  about  designing  plans  for  extreme  fat  loss  is  exceedingly  simple.  

In  fact,  I  could  break  it  down  for  you  into  just  one  sentence:  ALL  Facets  of  the  Program  Must  be  Geared  Towards  Fat  Loss.

This  is  hugely  important;  it’s  the  Big  Idea,  if  you  will.    Looking  at  things  this  way  certainly  requires  you  to  put  them  in  the  broadest  terms,  but  forces  you  t  see  things  in  the  simplest  terms—and  THAT  prevents  you  from  making  mistakes  many  of  my  readers  make.

I  know  they  are  making  these  mistakes,  because  they’re  evident  in  the  quesPons  they’re  asking,  which  display  a  complete  misunderstanding  of  the  facets  of  programming  that  actually  help  you  lost  fat.  

Now,  it’s  true  that  there  are  no  stupid  quesPons—but  that  doesn’t  mean  that  some  quesPons  aren’t  based  on    stupid    faulty  reasoning.  In  the  fitness  industry,  it’s  hard  not  to  get  a  lot  of  those…especially  when  it  comes  to  fat  loss.  I  do  my  best  to  answer  each  and  every  quesPons  I  get  as  directly  and  completely  as  possible,  the  fact  is  that  a  lot  of  the  Pme,  I  don’t  understand  the  quesPon.  Or  rather,  I  don’t  understand  the  reason  they’re  asking  it.

Several  Pmes  a  month,  I  get  emails  asking  about  how  to  modify  programs.  Most  of  these  are  logical:  “I  don’t  have  access  to  a  pull  up  bar,  what  should  I  do?”  (Resistance  band  pull  downs,  or  rows.)  Or,  “Is  it  okay  to  use  dumbbells  instead  of  a  barbell?”  (Yes.)    Stuff  like  that.  

But  then  there  are  others  where  are  asking  for  advice  on  how  to  use  my  programs  intended  for  fat  loss  into  muscle  building  programs—or  how  to  turn  muscle  building  programs  into  ones  for  fat  loss.

QuesPons  like  this:  “Hey  Roman,  I  want  to  get  cut  up,  and  I  know  that’s  your  department.    I’m  doing  5/3/1  and  seeing  pre^y  decent  strength  gains.  I  want  to  drop  about  25  pounds  in  about  6-­‐8  weeks  though.  How  can  I  modify  the  program  and  what  diet  should  I  use?”    

Now  of  course,  the  truth  is  that  if  you  do  nearly  everything  right  and  get  your  diet  perfect,  as  well  as  do  cardio  both  frequently  and  intensely,  you  can  lose  fat  on  nearly  any  sensible  weight  training  plan.  The  keyword  in  my  half-­‐serious  response  there  is  CAN,  not  WILL.  You’ll  lose  fat,  but  how  much?  And  at  what  rate?

My  above  avowal  begs  the  quesPon:  why  on  earth  would  you  do  it  this  way?  It’s  possible,  but  not  opImal—doable,  just  not  ideal.  And  that,  predictably,  brings  us  to  the  focus  of  this  arPcle,  which  is  to  espouse  my  theories  on  fat  loss  programming,  and  give  you  an  idea  of  to  design  your  own  such  programs.  


First  Things  First:  Covering  the  Basics

Extreme  fat  loss  is  what  I  deal  with  every  day.    My  clients  and  athletes  want  to  get  lean  in  the  shortest  Pme  possible,  and  so  my  programs  are  designed  to  do  just  that.    For  this  to  be  possible,  a  complete  approach  is  of  absolutely  integral  importance.    In  keeping  with  the  Big  Idea  I  menPoned  above,  this  means  all  aspects  of  programming  need  to  be  geared  toward  that  specific  goal:  diet,  cardiovascular  training,  supplementaPon,  and  yes  weight  training.  

We’re  talking  radical  fat  loss—and  for  rapid  results,  it  just  isn’t  enough  to  modify  your  diet  and  throw  in  some  extra  cardio.  If  it  were  that  simple,  there  would  be  a  lot  more  people  walking  around  with  appreciable  muscle  and  visible  abs.  As  I’ve  menPoned  several  Pmes  throughout  this  piece  so  far,  you  have  to  have  excepPonal  programming.  

However,  before  you  can  worry  about  excepPonal  programming,  you  have  to  the  basics  covered.  I  would  like  to  believe  that  more  people  do,  but  I  wouldn’t  be  doing  my  job  if  I  didn’t  give  you  everything  you  need  to  get  started  and  put  all  the  pieces  in  place.  

To  that  end,  we  need  to  give  some  recommendaPons  for  aspects  of  your  programming  beyond  just  training.    

Let’s  start  with  the  obvious  ones.

Diet  –  Finding  the  exact  balance  of  macronutrients  that  will  help  a  person  be  successful  is  tricky.    Not  only  are  things  highly  individual,  but  it’s  important  to  recognize  that  no  Calorie  formula  is  perfect,  but  at  best  is  a  good  place  to  start.    Now,  that  being  said,  in  order  to  achieve  radical  fat  loss  with  my  clients,  I  need  to  start  somewhere,  of  course.    To  that  end,  I  give  general  recommendaPons  to  set  Calories  below  maintenance.    

To  determine  maintenance  Caloric  intake,  I  use  the  following  formula:

Current Body Fat Caloric Intake6%-12% 17Kcal per pound of LBM

12.%-15% 16Kcal per pound of LBM15.1%-19% 15Kcal per pound of LBM19.1%-22% 14Kcal per pound of LBM

22.1% or above 13Kcal per pound of LBM

The obvious reason for the structure is rate of fat loss. The more fat you have on your body, the faster you can lose it—and the more of it you can lose without sacrificing LBM, all in that shortened timeframe.  Therefore, you can consume fewer calories and still have a pretty decent rate of fat loss without really affecting the metabolic processes responsible for fat loss and even muscle gain.

Roman  Fitness  Systems


As  for  macronutrients,  protein  is  set  at  between  1.15  and  1.5  grams  of  protein  per  pound  of  lean  body  mass.    There  really  is  no  magic  number—as  long  as  you’re  gebng  a  liMle  bit  above  1  gram  per  pound  of  LBM,  you’ll  be  fine  from  a  physiological  standpoint  of  actual  fat  loss.  The  purpose  of  having  a  range  is  to  allow  for  some  individual  customizaPon,  the  determining  factor  for  which  will  be  saPety.    Simply  put,  if  you  start  low  and  find  that  you’re  sPll  hungry,  increase  protein  intake  up  to  as  high  as  1.5g  per  lb/LBM.  This  allows  you  flexibility  with  meal  size  and  food  choices.

In  terms  of  carbs,  limit  intake  to  .5  per  pound  of  LBM,  if  you  are  “carb  intolerant”  or  insulin  resistant,  meaning  that  you  gain  fat  easily  when  you  eat  carbs.  On  the  other  hand,  you  can  go  as  high  as  .75  grams  per  pound  of  LBM  if  you  handle  carbs  well.

The  difference  in  your  total  Caloric  intake  is  to  be  made  up  by  fat.  Of  that  fat,  I  recommend  that  you  take  one  gram  of  fish  oil  per  bodyfat  percentage  point.  That  is,  if  you  are  10%  body  fat,  take  10  grams.    

The  main  thing  here  is  that  you  don’t  need  a  radical  reducPon  of  Calories  to  allow  for  radical  reducPon  of  body  fat.  While  starPng  400  Calories  in  the  hole  is  not  unno6ceable  as  far  as  saPety  and  energy  levels,  neither  is  it  extreme.  For  fat  loss  without  sacrificing  muscle,  it  is  by  far  more  efficacious  to  create  (or  expand)  a  deficit  via  increased  acPvity  level.

Cardio  –  High  Intensity  Interval  Training  (preferably  sprints  or  jump  rope  work)  OR  complexes  at  least  once  per  week.  In  most  cases,  I  have  clients  do  one  HIIT  session  and  one  complex  session.    I  consider  complexes  cardio,  not  weight  training.  (more  info  on  that  below)

SupplementaIon:  The  aforemenPoned  faMy  acid  supplements  (Flameout  and  FA3)  and  in  many  cases  HOT  ROX.  That  would  depend  on  need,  Pme  frame  for  goal,  and  tolerance  to  sPmulants.    

As  to  the  weight  training;  that’ll  preMy  much  comprise  the  remainder  of  this  wriPng,  but  let’s  just  quickly  go  over  a  secPon  from  weight  training  101  and  touch  on  why  weight  training  is  essenPal  for  fat  loss:

• Greater  Caloric  expenditure  than  most  cardio  over  the  same  Pmeframe

• Longer  elevaPon  of  metabolic  processes  involved  with  fat  loss

• BeMer  for  retenPon  of  lean  body  mass,  which  keeps  basal  metabolic  rate  higher

With  the  basics  covered,  let’s  get  more  specific.  


It  is  Pme,  now,  to  delve  into  the  rules  that  govern  programming.  

1)  Training  Sessions  Must  be  Frequent  

If  you  want  to  lose  fat  fast,  you  need  to  do  work—and  you  need  to  do  it  oken.  In  almost  all  cases,  it  is  by  far  more  effecPve  to  spread  your  acPvity  over  a  greater  period  of  Pme  (while  sPll  allowing  for  rest),  and  so  for  fat  loss  I  am  highly  in  favor  of  training  twice  per  day.    And  so  between  weight  training  and  cardio,  I  like  my  clients  to  train  in  something  that  most  closely  resembles  a  bastardized  version  of  a  2  on/1  off  double  split  rouPne.    

Of  course,  training  twice  per  day  is  not  possible  for  some  people,  in  which  case  I  allow  them  to  do  weight  training  and  cardio  back  to  back,  as  long  as  they  ensure  that  the  weight  training  comes  first.

The  high  level  of  frequency  ensures  a  consistently  elevated  metabolic  rate,  a  tremendous  and  constant  surge  of  EPOC  (Excess  Post-­‐exercise  Oxygen  ConsumpPon)  and  the  resultant  boost  in  rate  of  rate  energy  expenditure  that  accompanies  those  things.

For  the  sake  of  demonstraPon,  here  is  an  actual  3-­‐week  schedule  for  one  of  my  online  coaching  clients,  whose  goal  was  to  lose  18  pounds  of  fat  in  8  weeks  (it  wound  up  taking  6  weeks.)

Week  AWeek  AWeek  AWeek  AWeek  AWeek  AWeek  AWeek  ADay Monday TuesdayWednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Training AM  Sprint  HIIT  Workout

 PM  Weight  

Workout  1  followed  by  15  Min  Jump  


AM    20  min  steady  

Jump  Rope  

PMWeight  Workout    2  followed  by  10  Min  Treadmill  Walk


OFF  from  weights

AM  Sleepytime(OFF)


Workout  3  


Workout  1  followed  by  15  Min  

Jump  Rope



Anytime  Bodyweight  

Training,  lots  of  overall  activity


Roman  Fitness  Systems


Week  BWeek  BWeek  BWeek  BWeek  BWeek  BWeek  BWeek  BDay Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Training AMWeight  

Workout  2  

PM  20  Min  HIIT  Jump  Rope  Work





Weight  Workout  3

PMOMG  Gossip  Girl!  Watch  it  

on  the  treadmill.

OFF AMWeight  

Workout  1  IMMEDIATELY  followed  by  HIIT  Sprint  Workout

OFF Anytime

Bodyweight  Trainingfollowed  by  15  Min  Treadmill  Walk

Week  CWeek  CWeek  CWeek  CWeek  CWeek  CWeek  CWeek  CDay Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Training OFF AM    

Any  style  of  HIIT  Cardio


Workout  3




Workout  1



PM20  Minutes  Steady  Jump  Rope  Work


Weight  Workout  2

PMHIIT    Sprint  Workout

AM  Bodyweight  Trainingfollowed  by  10  min  

Jump  Rope  Work



All  told,  this  client  is  training  23  Pmes  in  21  days,  or  an  average  of  7.6  Pmes  per  week  (1.09  Pmes  per  day,  for  those  of  you  who  think  math  is  neato.)

In  fact,  my  client  is  working  out  as  oken  as  5  Pmes  in  a  60  hour  period—that  sounds  crazy,  but  when  you  look  closely  at  the  schedule,  you’ll  see  that  stretches  of  back  to  back  training  are  followed  up  by  adequate  rest  Pme.

If  that  sPll  seems  like  too  much,  in  the  following  paragraphs  you  will  see  that  each  training  session  was  very  short,  and  the  overall  volume  relaPvely  low.

2)  Training  Sessions  must  be  ShortWhen  designing  weight  training  programs  for  fat  loss,  it’s  important  to  remember  that  you’ll  be  starPng  each  workout  while  already  in  a  what  we  can  call  a  moderate  energy  deficit  (of  at  least  398  Calories,  remember?)  created  via  diet—and  that  each  workout  is  intended  to  increase  that  deficit  to  the  greatest  degree  possible  without  killing  you.


Long  training  sessions  (anything  over  45  minutes)  are  unsuitable  to  radical  fat  loss  programs;  given  the  reduced  calories,  the  structure  of  the  workouts,  you’re  creaPng  a  recipe  for  overtraining,  injury,  and  stagnaPon.    I’m  certainly  a  proponent  of  pushing  hard,  but  there’s  a  fine  line  between  well-­‐intenPoned  intensity  and  stupidity,  and  that  line  can  be  defined  by  how  long  your  train  while  on  a  fat  loss  program.

In  addiPon,  based  on  what  I’ve  seen  with  hundreds  of  clients,  the  level  of  performance  drop-­‐off  is  high  enough  towards  the  end  of  45  minute  sessions  that  adding  in  extra  Pme  is  essenPally  pointless  anyway.    Unless  you  have  an  extraordinarily  high  work  capacity  (in  which  case,  why  the  hell  are  you  fat  and  in  need  of  radical  programming?),  35-­‐40  minutes  is  enough.  In  most  cases,  45  is  pushing  it.

Don’t  believe  me?  Wait  Pll  you  try  the  workout  I  designed  for  ya’.    

As  previously  menPoned,  the  frequency  is  high,  and  so  such  short  training  sessions  sPll  provide  enough  sPmulus  to  elicit  great  caloric  expenditure  metabolic  increase.    

3)  Training  Sessions  Must  be  Fast-­‐paced      The  pacing  of  each  training  session  is  also  of  vital  importance.    One  of  the  least  talked  about  aspects  of  training  is  workout  density;  which  is  the  amount  of  work  you  do  in  a  given  Pme  frame.      Training  density  could  certainly  the  topic  of  an  enPre  training  arPcle  unto  itself,  but  for  our  purposes  here  it  is  enough  to  say  that  the  greater  your  density,  the  greater  your  Caloric  expenditure.    

To  that  end,  the  simplest  way  to  increase  density  is  to  shorten  rest  periods.    I  generally  dislike  rest  periods,  and  certainly  don’t  ever  prescribe  long  ones  even  for  most  of  my  hypertrophy  programs;  but  for  fat  loss  is  absolutely  necessary  to  keep  rest  periods  short  and  sweet—which  in  turn  will  make  the  session  itself  short  and  miserable.  

Here  is  how  to  set  them  up:

Exercise  Types Examples Rest  PeriodBetween  CompePng  Upper  Body  Muscle  Groups– Chest  and  Shoulders 20  seconds  or  

lessBetween  Non-­‐CompePng  “Large”  Upper  Body  Muscle  Groups

Chest  and  Back 15  seconds  or  less

Between  Non-­‐CompePng  “Small”  Upper  Body  Muscle  Groups

Biceps  and  Triceps 5  seconds  or  less

Between  Non-­‐CompePng  “Mixed-­‐Size”  Upper  Body  Muscle  Groups

Chest  and  Biceps 10  seconds  or  less

Between  Straight  Sets  of  Squats  or  Deadliks Squats,  Deadlik  (bilateral  only)

45-­‐60  seconds

Roman  Fitness  Systems


Between  Squats  or  Deadliks  Alternated  w/Lower  Body  Exercise

Squat  and  Reverse  Lunges30  seconds  or  less

Between  Squats  or  Deadliks  Alternated  w/Upper  Body  Exercise

Deadlik  and  Bench  Press 25  seconds  or  less

Between  Non-­‐CompePng  Lower  Body  Exercises Lunges  and  Calf  Raises 20  seconds  or  less

Between  Lower  Body  Exercise  Alternated  w/”Small”  Upper  Body  Muscle  Groups

Lunges  and  Biceps 10  seconds  or  less

Between  Lower  Body  Exercise  Alternated  w/”Large”  Upper  Body  Muscle  Groups

Romanian  Deadlik  and  Chest

25  seconds  or  less

Between  Straight  Sets  of  Explosive  Exercises Cleans,  Jump  Squats,  Push  Press

35-­‐45  seconds

Between  Explosive  Exercises  Alternated  w/”Small”  Movements

Cleans  and  Curls 15  seconds  or  less

Between  Explosive  Exercises  Alternated  w/”Large”  Movements

Push  Press  and  Lunge 25  Seconds  or  less

Those  guidelines  are  both  broad  and  advanced.    Use  them  as  a  starPng  point  and  try  to  cut  down  where  you  can.  If  your  condiPoning  sucks,  you’ll  probably  have  to  add  some  Pme  to  all  of  the  above.  It  also  goes  without  saying  you’ll  need  to  drop  the  weight  in  a  lot  of  your  exercises.

AddiPonally,  I’ll  say  that  even  for  my  advanced  clients,  these  numbers  are  really  only  applicable  for  the  first  half  of  the  workout.    Aker  that,  we  generally  need  to  add  a  few  seconds  in  a  few  spots.

4)  Workouts  Must  UIlize  the  BEST  Fat  Loss  ExercisesNot  all  exercises  are  created  equal—some  are  simply  beMer  than  others.    Just  as  a  deadlik  is  beMer  than  a  leg  curl  for  building  overall  mass  in  the  hamstrings,  so  too  are  some  exercises  wholly  superior  for  fat  loss.    

In  my  programs,  we  base  all  of  our  fat  loss  workouts  around  certain  A-­‐list  exercises,  and  then  add  on  to  those.    

Speaking  generally,  my  fat  loss  workouts  are  constructed  of  2-­‐4  circuits,  with  each  one  of  those  circuits  being  comprised  of  4-­‐6  exercises.    At  least  2  of  those  exercises  will  be  from  the  A-­‐list.


The  A-­‐ListWithout  quesPon,  the  top  exercises  for  fat  loss  are:  lunges  (all  variaPons),  step-­‐ups,  push  presses,  cleans,  single-­‐leg  squat  variaPons,  and  full  body  pulling  (pull-­‐ups,  chin-­‐ups,  inverted  rows),  and  push-­‐ups.

Those  exercises  serve  as  the  foundaPon  of  each  circuit,  with  two  or  more  A-­‐list  exercises  making  an  appearance.    

The  remaining  exercises  are  ancillary  compound  movements,  the  occasional  isolaPon  movement,  and  usually  at  least  one  anterior  or  posterior  core  exercise.

On  the  next  page,    you’ll  find  an  example  of  one  of  a  single  day  of  training  in  one  of  my  fat  loss  programs:

NOTE:  In  keeping  with  the  above  schedule,  this  would  consPtute  “Weight  Workout  1.”    There  would  be  two  other  unique  sessions  in  a  given  training  week.

Circuit ACircuit ACircuit ASet Up – Perform A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5 sequentially, resting as prescribed between exercises and 30 seconds between circuits. Perform this circuit twice. After your second circuit, rest 60 seconds and proceed to Circuit B

Set Up – Perform A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5 sequentially, resting as prescribed between exercises and 30 seconds between circuits. Perform this circuit twice. After your second circuit, rest 60 seconds and proceed to Circuit B

Set Up – Perform A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5 sequentially, resting as prescribed between exercises and 30 seconds between circuits. Perform this circuit twice. After your second circuit, rest 60 seconds and proceed to Circuit B

Exercise Reps/Time RestA1)  Push  Press 12 25  seconds  or  lessA2)  AlternaPng  Forward  Lunges 15  per  leg 15  seconds  or  lessA3)  Narrow  Grip  Pull-­‐up 10-­‐12 25  seconds  or  lessA3)  Side  Plank 25s  per  side 5  seconds  or  lessA4)  Swiss  Ball  Rollouts 15 N/A

Roman  Fitness  Systems


Circuit BCircuit BCircuit BSet Up – Perform B1, B2, B3 and B4 sequentially, resting as prescribed between exercise and 60 seconds between circuits. Perform this circuit once. After your second circuit, rest 90 seconds, and proceed to Circuit C.

Set Up – Perform B1, B2, B3 and B4 sequentially, resting as prescribed between exercise and 60 seconds between circuits. Perform this circuit once. After your second circuit, rest 90 seconds, and proceed to Circuit C.

Set Up – Perform B1, B2, B3 and B4 sequentially, resting as prescribed between exercise and 60 seconds between circuits. Perform this circuit once. After your second circuit, rest 90 seconds, and proceed to Circuit C.

Exercise Reps/Time RestB1)  Bent-­‐over  Barbell  Row 8-­‐10 25  seconds  or  lessB2)  SPff  Legged  Deadlik 6-­‐10 15  seconds  or  lessB3)  Jumping  Lunges 15  per  side 5  seconds  or  lessB4)  Bulgarian  Split  Squat 10-­‐12per  leg N/A

Circuit CCircuit CCircuit CSet Up – Perform C1, C2, C3, C4 and C5 sequentially, resting as prescribed between exercises and 45 seconds rest between circuits. Perform this circuit 3 times.

Set Up – Perform C1, C2, C3, C4 and C5 sequentially, resting as prescribed between exercises and 45 seconds rest between circuits. Perform this circuit 3 times.

Set Up – Perform C1, C2, C3, C4 and C5 sequentially, resting as prescribed between exercises and 45 seconds rest between circuits. Perform this circuit 3 times.

Exercise Reps/Time RestC1)  Step-­‐up  onto  Bench 12  per  leg 15  seconds  or  lessC2)  Push-­‐ups 10-­‐12 10  seconds  or  lessC3)  Jumping  Jacks 15  per  side 5  seconds  or  lessC4)  Bent-­‐over  Lateral  Raises 10-­‐12per  leg 10  seconds  or  lessC5)  Superman  Hold 20-­‐30s N/A

Now,  what  you’ll  see  is  that  each  circuit  is  short,  fast-­‐paced  and  intense.    The  key  is  to  move  through  it  as  quickly  as  possible  with  good  form,  all  while  using  weight  that  you’d  find  challenging  in  terms  of  both  strength  and  strength  endurance.

5)  Training  Must  Manipulate  MulIple  VariablesThis  is  the  twist  which  makes  my  programs  for  radical  fat  loss  a  bit  more  fun  than  any  others  I’ve  tried.    And,  to  be  honest,  I  think  it  makes  them  more  effecPve.  The  reason  for  the  difference  is  a  long  view  of  training,  from  the  perspecPve  of  someone  who  has  preMy  much  done  it  all  ways.

Most  fat  loss  gurus  will  say  that  the  goal  or  the  programming  isn’t  to  increase  strength,  or  endurance,  or  how  many  pushups  you  can  do.  That’s  all  minor.    And  I  agree.

The  primary  goal  is  to  lose  fat  FAST.    However,  nearly  as  important  to  me  is  that  trainees  finish  the  program  beMer  than  they  started,  not  worse.    Gebng  leaner  is  primary,  and  I  insist  that  all  thoughts  of  strength  gain  and  hypertrophy  be  placed  firmly  on  the  back  burner.    


However,  I  make  damn  sure  I  don’t  send  anyone  away  weaker  than  they  came  to  me,  or  with  less  lean  body  mass.    RotaPng  training  styles—assuming  they’re  all  designed  with  the  same  ideas  about  overall  programming  kept  in  mind—  therefore,  has  two  purposes.    

Firstly,  it  allows  you  to  lose  fat  faster  because  you’re  just  gebng  hit  with  mulPple  types  of  sPmulus  all  the  Pme;  it’s  hard  to  really  adapt  to  that.    The  lack  of  adaptaPon  is  what  increases  the  rate  of  fat  loss  over  other  programs.  

I  hate  to  call  on  training  clichés  and  bodybuilding  colloquialisms  like  “keep  the  body  guessing,”  but  the  reality  of  the  situaPon  is  truly  that  staying  ahead  of  the  adaptaPon  curve  is  beMer  for  progress.    For  that  reason,  I  usually  add  in  a  secondary  liking  protocol  into  the  clients  program.    In  the  above  example,  it  was  bodyweight  training.    By  doing  this,  we  keep  the  training  fresh  and  the  client  moPvated,  while  concurrently  speeding  up  progress.

Secondly,  I  like  rotaPng  styles  during  a  week  because  it  allows  me  the  opportunity  to  keep  an  eye  on  factors  that  will  be  important  at  the  conclusion  of  the  program.    ConvenPonal  fat  loss  programs  are  usually  a  bit  in  line  with  what  I’ve  listed  above;  at  least  in  theory  if  not  in  actual  style  and  execuPon.    The  problem  with  such  programs  is  that  they  fail  to  address  strength  in  any  real  way.    More  specifically,  the  fast-­‐paced  training  inherent  in  fat  loss  workouts  typically  dictates  use  of  lighter  weight  in  order  to  be  effecPve.  

Do  you  know  what  liking  only  lighter  weights  while  in  a  caloric  deficit  for  six  weeks  does?    It  makes  you  really  good  at  liking  light  weight…and  preMy  bad  at  liking  heavy.    And  to  me,  that’s  unacceptable.

Given  that,  with  all  of  my  fat  loss  programs,  one  day  per  week  (minimum,  but  somePmes  more)  is  dedicated  to  liking  heavy  (85-­‐95%  of  5RM)  loads.    This  workout  will  sPll  be  fast-­‐paced,  intense  and  horrendously  miserable,  but  it  will  keep  you  strong.    As  just  about  every  gym  rat  worth  his  salt  knows,  heavy  training  is  also  vastly  superior  for  holding  on  to  lean  body  mass  while  diePng.    

I’ve  had  discussions  about  this  with  a  few  other  coaches  who  specialize  in  fat  loss,  and  one  argument  I  hear  is  that  taking  Pme  off  from  the  heavy  weight  during  a  the  programs  they  design  is  actually  good.    They  give  me  the  same  speech  about  how  taking  Pme  away  from  low  reps/heavy  weight  de-­‐condiPons  you,  and  when  you  return  to  it  you’ll  experience  growth.    They  dress  this  nonsense  up  with  terms  like  super-­‐compensaPon  and  over-­‐reaching  (usually  used  incorrectly).

Bullshit.    There  is  no  benefit  to  gebng  weak,  ever.

To  stay  strong  while  on  a  fat  loss  plan,  lik  heavy  one  day  per  week.    Acceptable  programs  would  include  an  abbreviated  5x5  workout  or  something  with  low  reps  and  heavy  weight  uPlizing  the  Perfect  Rep  method.

Roman  Fitness  Systems


Closing  Thoughts

Forgive  me  for  repeaPng  myself,  but  this  bears  need  for  reinforcement:

ALL  Facets  of  the  Program  Must  be  Geared  Towards  Fat  Loss  

I  honestly  begin  each  and  every  day  hoping  that  this  message  has  goMen  through  to  the  world.    

Evidently,  it  hasn’t—and  I  have  54  e-­‐mails  to  drive  that  point  home.

So  let’s  just  get  your  head  right.    If  you’re  going  to  go  on  a  fat  loss  program,  really  go  on  a  fat  loss  program.

That  means  for  the  next  6  weeks,  you’re  going  to  stop  worrying  about  gaining  muscle.    You’re  going  to  stop  caring  about  the  amount  of  weight  you  lik.    You’re  going  to  stop  trying  to  convince  yourself  that  you’re  going  to  gain  crazy  amounts  of  muscle  and  get  extremely  lean  while  you’re  doing  it.    

You’re  going  to  focus  on  fat  loss,  but  with  the  most  comprehensive  aMenPon  to  your  ulPmate  goal  possible.

Will  you  gain  muscle?  Probably  not.    Will  you  get  stronger?    It’s  very  possibly.    However,  you’ll  get  extremely  lean,  extremely  quickly.    On  top  of  that,  you’ll  walk  away  with  excepPon  condiPoning,  strength  endurance  and  some  increased  work  capacity.  When  you  resume  training  for  size  and  strength,  those  increases  will  be  of  inesPmable  value  for  bringing  your  training—and  your  physique—to  the  next  level.

If  you  follow  my  lead,  I  promise  you’ll  get  lean—without  losing  any  muscle,  and  without  turning  into  a  weakened  shadow  of  your  former  self.    Those  things  are  taken  care  of  in  the  programming.    

So  at  this  point,  you're  probably  wondering  what  program  I  recommend  for  fat  loss.  WELL,  I'm  glad  you  asked.  Fat  loss,  is  of  course,  my  specialty,  and  I  believe  I  have  proven  myself  as  one  of  the  foremost  experts  in  gebng  people  as  lean  as  possible  as  fast  as  possible.  Just  take  a  look  at  some  of  the  results  my  clients  have  had  (TesPmonial  Screenshots).

My  "Magnum  Opus"  of  fat  loss  is  called  Final  Phase  Fat  Loss.  It  is  far  and  away  the  MOST  effecPve  program  out  there  for  finally  gebng  rid  of  those  stubborn  pounds  of  fat  -­‐  and  showing  the  world  the  real,  legiPmately  hot  body  that  you  have.  

I  cover  and  annihilate  many  of  the  fitness  industry  LIES  that  have  been  holding  you  back  from  fat  loss,  and  show  you  how  to  break  through  them  to  achieve  the  body  you  want.  I'll  fill  you  in  on:


• The  number  one  reason  why  your  current  training  program  is  NOT  opPmized  for  fat  loss  and  how  you  can  literally  DOUBLE  the  amount  of  fat  you  lose  in  half  the  Pme  by  making  a  few  simple  adjustments  to  the  way  you  order  your  exercises

• The  most  effecPve  fat  annihilaPng  exercises  including  one  in  parPcular  that  WILL  have  you  kicking  yourself  for  not  harnessing  its  fat-­‐burning  power  earlier

• A  training  method  so  powerful  that  one  client  lost  2.5  pounds  of  pure  body  fat  as  the  result  of  just  two  workouts

• How  to  use  strategic  movement-­‐based  workouts  to  double  or  even  triple  the  effecPveness  of  each  and  every  minute  you  spend  in  the  gym

• How  a  unique  challenge-­‐based  training  method  will  have  you  progressing  workout  aker  workout,  ensuring  that  the  fat  conPnues  to  melt  away  while  you  get  stronger

• Why  excessive  cardio  is  sabotaging  your  fat  loss  and  how  you  can  actually  burn  more  fat  while  NEVER  having  to  do  a  tradiPonal  cardio  workout  again

• My  secret  4-­‐pronged  training  approach  that  will  have  you  losing  more  fat  than  ever  before,  all  while  increasing  strength,  mobility,  flexibility  and  your  overall  fitness  level

• The  ulPmate  way  to  gear  your  training  towards  the  producPon  and  manipulaPon  of  hormones  that  will  force  your  body  to  shed  of  fat  and  build  muscle—FAST!

• The  truth  about  marathon  workouts  and  why  you  MUST  dramaPcally  shorten  your  training  sessions  for  the  fastest  fat  loss  results

• And  that's  just  the  Pp  of  the  iceberg....

It  is  truly  the  ulPmate  fat  loss  program  -­‐  and  I  highly  recommend  you  check  it  out.

Grab your copy here.

About  the  Author

John  Romaniello  is  a  veteran  in  the  business  of  making  people  preMy.    From  models  to  not-­‐so  model  ciPzens,  he  delivers  the  requested  results  and  unrequested  self-­‐aggrandizing  stories  of  his  video  game  heroics.    In  addiPon  to  his  nerdery,  John  runs  Roman  Fitness  Systems,  LLC,  a  personal  training  and  online  coaching  business  that’s  helping  people  all  over  the  world  get  into  good  enough  shape  to  feel  comfortable  posPng  naughty  pictures  on  the  internet.  

Roman  Fitness  Systems