Robust Digital Right Management Scheme (DRM) for Multimedia Anuj Maheshwari (

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Transcript of Robust Digital Right Management Scheme (DRM) for Multimedia Anuj Maheshwari (

Robust Digital Right Management Scheme (DRM) for Multimedia

Anuj Maheshwari (

Victor Sutan (

Presentation Overview

Introduction Project methodology Previous work Plan of action Project Design Flow Conclusion Questions


Motivation: Facilitating control of ownership of multimedia over the internet. Altering existing Digital Rights Management (DRM) schemes

Main issues: Security Robustness Efficiency

Project goal: To have a software that would provide more security and protection features to existing media players.

Project methodology

Concepts used: Watermarking (focusing on Audio)Robustness against following attacks:

MPEG Audio compression Quantization Filtering A/D, D/A conversion

Encryption Cryptographic algorithm (look for this)

Previous work – Steinebach [1]

Audio watermarking and partial encryption [Steinebach2005] Transparency between watermarked and

encrypted dataNeed only one key to decrypt / extract

watermarkLack of robustness against format


Steinebach 2005 (II)

Previous Work – Memon (1998) [2]

Authentication Techniques for Multimedia Content [1]Many techniques for DRMVisible / Invisible watermarking (Yeung-

Mintzer scheme, Wong scheme)Fragile / Robust watermarking Possible Attacks

Memon (1998) (II)

Previous work – Bassia (1999) [3]

Robust audio watermarking in the time domainEmbedding of information in audioRobustness against

Lossy compression Quantization and re-quantization Low-pass filtering


Bassia (1999) (II)

Plan of Action (I)

Shortcomings of previous DRM schemesNon robust to:

MPEG compression Quantization Filtering

Key issues to be rememberedSecurityEfficiencyRobustness

Plan of Action (II)

Robustness issues to be tackledMost papers use LSB methodPossible problem associated with LSB

Blind retrieval of watermark information

Weighted watermarking to resist attacks from: Compression Quantization and Re-Quantization

Other methods?

Plan of Action (III)

Efficiency issues to be tackledLevel of computation required on server side

large for encryption and watermark generationAttempt to move computation to client

machine?Alter the format to allow for appending of


Plan of Action (IV)

Security issues to be tackled Investigate other encryption schemesAllow for less intensive computationsOffer more security than shuffling tablesAllow for minimum probability of random


Project Design Flow

Personal I nform ation

* additional inform ation

Ready for Transm ission

W aterm ark generator

Encryption m echanism

I nput Data

Project Design Flow (II)

W aterm ark extractor

Decryption m echanism

* Personal inform ation

* Additional I nform ation

I nput from transm ission

Verification w ith local inform ation

Challenges Anticipated

A lot of work has been done Security Robustness Efficiency

Project timeline

April: Week of 11th:

Finalize project flow Finalize watermarking and encryption algorithms

Week of 18th: Implementation of watermarking and encryption

Week of 25th: Rigorous testing Preparation of final report Preparation for final presentation

May Week of 2nd:

Submission of final report


Come up with alternate DRM Address the issues of

Robustness Security Efficiency


[1] Stienebach M., Zmudzinski S., Bolke T. Audio watermarking and partial encryption Security, Steganography and watermarking of multimedia conference VII, Processing of SPIE-IS&T Electronic Imaging, SPIE Vol. 5681, March 2005

[2] Memon N., Vora P. Authentication Techniques for Multimedia Content, SPIE conference for multimedia systems and applications, SPIE Vol. 3528, Nov. 1998

[3] Bassia P., Pitas I., Robust Audio Watermarking in the time domain 1999

[4] Picard J., Robert A., On the Public Key Watermarking Issue Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents III, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4314, 2001

Questions anyone?