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"" RMIS View/Print Document Cover Sheet""

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Accession #: Dl95063903

Document #: SD-WM-DA-209


Pages: 108

P1 ant Config. /Drmings/Test Evaluation

Waste Managem n t 5. Pmj./Prq./Dapt./Div.:

Approval /Re1 ease

Mit igat ion System Integration N/A

6. Cog. Ewr.: 7. Purchase Order No.:

J. P. Strehlow N/A

N/A 10. Sy.tem/BLdg./Facllity:

8 . m i g f n t o r Rmrb:

N/A 12. Major A M . DW. NO.: 11. R ~ l v w R-rks:

H-2-85141 13. P e n I t l P e n i t Ippl icat im No.:

NJA 14. R.quird R..paua Date:

9. Equip./Cmpnmt No.:

W-SD-M-DA-209, Rev. 0

Structural Qualification of the Multifunctional Instrument Tree for Inst8Uation in Double-Shell and 1 00-Series Single-Shell Tanks

J. P. Strrhlar Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richland, WA 99352 U. S. Department o f Energy Contract DE-AC06-87RL10930

EDT/ECN: 604150 O r g Code: 74750 BaR Code: EM3120072

UC: 2070 Charge Code: .MU2166 Jw I+/qr Tota l Pages: 105

Key Words: M u l t i f u n c t i o n a l , S t ruc tu ra l , Instrument, Tree, HIT, Analysis, Qual i f i c a t i o n

Abst ract : This document provides the techn ica l bas is and methodology f o r q u a l i f y i n g the m u l t i f u n c t i o n a l instrument t ree, (HIT) s t r u c t u r e f o r i n s t a l 1 a t i o n i n double-she1 1 and 100-series sing1 e-she1 1 tanks. S t ruc tu ra l q u a l i f i c a t i o n f o r MIT i n s t a l l a t i o n s i n s p e c i f i c tanks are a lso contained i n t h i s document.

D I 1 W I m . Rdwaw h a i n to ry F i f i c col.rci.1 pr&ct, prouu, or aervic. by trd. n a ~ , tr-k, m l c h u r r , or otherwiu, doa not r*c..aviIy cmntitut* or i lp ly i t a ndomnt, l u c m h n , or tworing bv tin hitd Stat- pmmnt or my q m c y th..of or it. antractom or ubmtmctora. Prlntd in th. Unitd Steta cf I r r iu. To obtain sep ia of th is m t , c m a t : WCDCE Dasum Cmrol Swvim, P.O. Box 1970, hllrtep I!&=, Ricklmd U.99352, pha* ( 5 0 9 ) 372-2420; FW (sw) 3 r n - m .

A-6600-073 C10/95) en21

WHC-SD-M-DA-209, Rev. 0


November 1995

Prepared by : J. P. Strehlow Principal Engineer Mit igat ion Systems Integration

Contributions by: Advent Engineering Services, Inc.


Westinghouse Hanford C6mpany Hanford Operations and Engineering Contractor

for the U.S. Department o f Energy


WHC-SD-WH-DA-209, Rev. 0

an increase in the tanperature for either the vapor space gases or the waste, or an increase in the waste rollover velocity.


Tank and riser configuration, MIT configuration, and MIT installation qualification requirements deal with the ability of the tank and riser to provided adequate support for the MIT and for the MIT structure to withstand the applicable loads without exceeding specified stress limits or failing due to fatigue.

allowable stress values for the materials used to fabricate the HIT. Higher temperatures could reduce the allowable stress for these materials, thereby reducing the ability of the HIT to withstand the applicable design loads.

Waste property qual Ification requirements are prerequisites for the qualification of other applicable design loads such as the waste rollover load, the mixing pump circulation load, and the seismic loads.

The qualification requirements specified for design loads are essentially the same as the loads that were applied in the structural qualification of the HITS installed in tank SY101. The qualification requirements for the waste rollover load and the mixing pump tirculation load provide an option; either demonstrate that the actual waste velocity profiles and viscosities for a specifk -installation are enveloped by those applied in the SYlOl structural qualification or demonstrate that the maximum bending moment in the HIT is less than the qualified bending moment for the SYlOl MIT installations. loads require the applicable response spectra for the MIT to be enveloped by or be equivalent to the response spectra applied in the structural qualification of the SYlOl MIT installations.

Operating temperature qualification requirements are associated with the

Similarly, the qualification requirements for the seismic

The hydrogen burn load qualification requirements are specified to ensure that the HIT will not be ejected from the tank during a hypothetical hydrogp burn inside the tank dome vapor space. The specified pressure of 70 lbf/in (gauge) is the same pressure that was applied for the hydrogen burn for the structural qualification of the HITS installed in tank SYlO1.

Qualification requirements for the installation/removal accident drop are specified to prevent the MIT from perforating the bottom tank liner and causing it to leak-df the HIT were dropped during either installation or removal. To protect the primary tank liner, the impact velocity of the MIT must be kept below a critical value. Drag forces on the MIT as it moves through the waste are capable of reducing the impact velocity below this critical value providing the specific gravity and waste depth meet the specified qualification requirements. If these requirements are not met, an impact limiter should be installed to limit the effect of a possible drop, unless a more detailed drop analysis can show otherwise. .


WHC-SD-WM-DA-209, Rev. 0


Checkl ist f o r S t ruc tura l Q u a l i f i c a t i o n o f MIT f o r a S p e c i f i c I n s t a l l a t i o n

A t t l - i



Tank Number 241- - Ins ta l la t ion Drawing

Riser Number MIT Reference Number

C r i t u i a It-

(Note: Any requirement checked "no" invalidates the structural acceptance o f the MIT ins ta l la t ion , unless further engineering evaluations are performed to resolve the d i screpmcy)

Rqiramnt mt i If i.d Actual valw/st.tcl. R.fermce/C-t

D f B t Y r . f ra T n k F l o w to B o t t a Lip of R1.W

Lngth of R i I w

I 1 1 . 1 1 42.5 f t

1 14 ft

Unstwortd L w t h of Rinr Ahon Soil w r f ~

1 2.5 ft

I I I 1 1 I 1 Total * IT Y.i*t

Probc H d Y.ipht

N a f r u l Outaid. Di-tar of Outer ~ r k

Ymirvl Wall Thiskmms of Outu T r k

1925 lbf

i Loo Lbf

3.5 in.

0.180 in.

A t t l - 1




Tank Number 241- - Riser Number

R.quirr*nt I Criteria Item I ~ ~~

MI T b Matarial 0Ul.u. Stainleu T y p S t W T b

m e r T b Material Yldd S t r a m th

S q l i n g Port Cutout C i r e u f m n t i . l o i l r a i e n ThermcoIqle Cutout s 1.28 in. Cireuf.rrnti.1 D i r n l o n


chord oilr* ion s 1.25 in.

Ye l l T h i c h a R.lov.d L 0.023 in. fw Circufelwlt ial Weld Backing Rim

h u),OOO Ibflin'

5 0.6 in.

Weld flaw Size (Lngth

. 122 Mout

OU T r p n h u e in

I Spci t ic arwiw I J 1.7

I v i s m i t y I L 25.w CP

Ins ta l la t ion Drawing

MIT Reference Number

At t l -2



Tank Number 241- - Riser Number

Cri ter ia Itn

y . x i u UUt. vcloci ty 0Y.r Top 10 Frit O f YYt. WNte veloci ty

I f f r t i v r l y 2no)


W i n g Yant in M I 1 m e r lrb. e t Bottom

10 Fdot D m

LID of a i m . - V e l a i t y Pro f i le md

M I 1 Laa t ion M i X d Y..te veloci ty et



sh# that V o r t u sh.ddiq i s mt

r i r i c RNpmw rporn fo r Structure 1rrtf . t L o d

R q i r m t

V e l a i t y Envr lopd ky

F l w 3.6.2-1 d F i w m 3.6.2-2

Applicable v a t u tra

s 1 3 . W l b - in

d Velocity Pro f i le E M l o p d b+ Figure 3.6.3-1 nd Viscwi ty s 500 CP

s 17,686 W i n

s 189 @ W i n Ilod. 1 J 139 c W i n wod. 2 Vibretion yad. 2 I p p l i n b l e only i f F l w Velodty et M I 1 Location E l l & Ilod. 2 “Lock-In* V e l a i t y of 1.9 f t / s

Verify T h r w In-Situ T U t .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Llmlop.d or C g r i n l n t t o the ~rponu W t r a in OC-4.1. I.V. 12, for e 0.2 g -e et 5% c r l t f c e l Dmiw

E n u r l o p d or Egriwlnt t o the Ry)a*e Spectra in SC-4.1. Rev. 12, for a 0.2 g Eerthqmke e t 0.SXCritic.t D m i n g ( s c d d frm s p s t r e l vrlw for 2% c r i t i c a l

s To ib t / in2

Insta l 1 a t ion Drawing

HIT Reference Number


At t l -3

Actual V e l u / s t a t u R e f e r a c e / C m t

........... - _I __



Tank Number 241- - Riser Number

Crlterfa Itam I

I Or


h 1,760 lbf

Ins t a l 1 a t i on Drawing

MIT Reference Number

Based on the above checklist results, the indicated MIT ins ta l la t ion i s s t ructura l ly qual i f ied .

Cognizant Engineer Date.

Cognizant Hanager Date

Independent Review Date



PRoJEcr WHC- Evoluotion Of T d 241SY101 ha Des@ for Other Tanks

CLIENT W c d q b u s c W o r d Company

JOB NO. FILe NO. 95010 95010.1.1

cLlENTcAu=. NO.0F NO. SHEETS .. 62



A - i i '


see section 1.0


See Section 6.0

puRposE FOR REvIslON To on MIT le* belaw the riser lip, and relpx restrictions on location of p 8 m p a t w j t b r r o p s c t t o ~ o f r k u lip.


1.0 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1

. 2.0 SCOPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1

3.0 DESIGN PAMETERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 3.1 TANK AND RISER CONFIGURATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 3.2 HIT INSTALLATION (RISER LOCATIONS and DIMENSION) . . . . . . 3-2 3.3 HIT COWFIGURATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 3.4 WASTE PARMETERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4

3.4.1 Specif ic G r a v i t y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 3.4.2 V i s c o s i t y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 3.4.3 Waste Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 3.4.4 Layers o f D i f f e r e n t Waste Ma te r ia l s . . . . . . . . 3-4

3.5 WASTE and 6.4s VOLUME TEMPERATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6 3.6 APPLICABLE DESIGN LOADS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6

3.6.1 Deadweight (D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6 3.6.2 Waste Ro l l ove r (WRO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7 3.6.3 Mixing Pump C i r c u l a t i o n (MPC) . . . . . . . . . . . 3 -9 3.6.4 Design Basis Earthquake (DBE) . . . . . . . . . . 3-10 3.6.5 Waste Sloshing (SL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11

4.0 BEYOND DESIGN BASIS CONSIDERATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 -1 4.1 HYDROGEN BURN EVENT (H) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 4.2 DROP ANALYSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1

5.0 CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1

6.0 REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1

A - l l i

WHC-SD-WH-DA-209, Rev. 0 Calculation Sheet WIT Dwign for Other T u * *

M u l t i f v r t i m I n s t r u n t Tree


The scope o f the study includes a review of the existing M I T design, the associated waste and structural parameters, and the drop analysis provided in ADVENT 1994. Although not explicitly addressed herein, it is anticipated that the results of this study will provide the necessary applicability requirements which will allow a cognizant engineer to determine the acceptability of the existing HIT design for use in the 100-series single-shell and double-shell tanks, including the following:

SY - 103 AW-IO1 AN-103 AN-104 AN-I05 A-101

Double-Shell Double-She1 1 Double-Shell Double-Shell Double-Shell Single-She1 1




Based on the available information provided in WHC-EP-0711 and WHC-SD-Wn-RD-027 (the Structural Design Specification (SDS) for the SY-101 tank), the applicable waste parameter values are shown in Table 3.4-1. Oue to their variability, especially waste level, consideration is given to a range of possible values for specific gravity, viscosity, and waste level.

3.4.1 Specific Gravity

The specific gravity values evaluated as part of this study vary from 1.0 to greater than 1.7. gravity are addressed in the various sections pertaining to the applicable loads (see sections 3.6 and 4.2).

The acceptability requirements for specific

3.4.2 Viscosity

The viscosity values evaluated as part of this study vary from 20 centipoise to 25,000 centipoise. viscosity are addressed in the various sections pertaining to the applicable loads (see sections 3.6 and 4.2).

The acceptability requirements for

3.4.3 Wastr Lavrl

Waste levels evaluated in this study vary from 250 inches to 420 inches. Waste level acceptability requirramts are addressrd in the various sections pertaining to the applicable loads. (sections 3.6 and 4.2).

3.4.4 Layers of Different Waste htrrials

The MI1 design for the SY-101 tank considered both non-layered waste and layered waste conditions. UHC-EP-0711, there is no significant layering of different waste materials that would require consideration o f a variation of specific gravity through the depth of the waste (as there Is for the SY-101 tank). Therefore, no further evaluation for the potential effects of layered waste is required.

Based on available infomation provided in


WHC-SO-WM-DA-209, Rev. 0 Calculation Sheet


on a gas volume temperature of less than 100 O F and ASTM A-511 annealed stainless s tee l . The maximum stresses (mostly bending) occur near the bottom o f the r i s e r l i p (near the top o f the gas volume). The WHC-EP-0711 repor t indicates tha t gas volume temperatures i n some o f the tanks may approach 110 OF. Based on the ASME Boi le r h Pressure Vessel Code Appendix I , Table 1-2.2 valyes f o r high a l l o y austeni t ic steels w i th a minimum y i e l d value o f 30 k i y / i n (Type 304 steels) , the y i e l d stress allowable a t 110 OF i s 29.5 k ip / in . This represents only a 1.67% decrease i n allowable stress due t o the higher temperature and i s considered ins ign i f i can t .

Although the waste tempekature (approximately 140 O F ) i s higher than the gas volume temperature, the decrease i n allowable due t o t h i s higher temperature does not govern the analysis because the bending moments i n the waste are much less than the con t ro l l i ng bending moments near the bottom o f the r i s e r l i p .

temperatures are acceptable provided the fol lowing a p p l i c a b i l i t y requirements are sat is f ied:

The allowable y i e l d stress o f 30 kip/ in2 f o r the SY-101 M I T was based

Therefore, based on the SY-101 M I T design, the waste and gas volume

Gas volume temperature s 110 O F . Waste temperature s 140 O F .


3.6.1 Deadmight (D)

shal l not weigh more than 1,000 l b f . However, the ex is t ing analysis i s based on a HIT weight o f 525 l b f uni formly d i s t r i bu ted below the r i s e r flange connection locat ion and a concentrated weight o f 400 l b f located above the r i s e r f lange connection f o r a t o t a l weight o f 925 l b f .

WHC-SD-MI-RD-027 (the SOS f o r the SY-101 tank) speci f ies tha t the MIT

Therefore, based on the SY-101 M I T design, the deadweight loads a r e

Total HIT assembly weight s 925 l b f

acceptable provided the fol lowing app l i cab i l i t y requirements are sat is f ied:



WHC-SD-WH-DA-209, Rev. 0 CdCUlatiOn Sheet



The drag coefficient C, is calculated via log-log interpolation

= loaded length o f MIT tube = 120 in = distance from the critical MIT tube section to the bottom of

= wa_stp -level the tank = 492.2 in

... -

between the following points (Ref. ADVENT 1994, Figure 6.1) :

- Figure 3.6.2-1 illustrates the maximum allowable waste rollover

velocity for any given waste level assuming the specific gravity o f the waste is 1.5. absolute.viscosity o f the waste. Figure 3.6.2-2 illustrates the maximum allowable waste rollover velocity for any given waste level assuming the absolute viscosity o f the waste i s 25,000 centipoise. The three curves provided illustrate sensitivity to waste specific gravity.

Waste parameters affecting MIT response due to waste rollover are waste level, wasto rollover velocity, waste density, and waste viscosity. Representative values of these waste parameters that combine to define th applicability requirements o f the existing HIT design are Illustrated in Figures 3.6.2-1 and 3.6.2-2.

acceptable provided tbe following applicability requirements are satisfied:

The three curves provided illustrate sensitivity to the

Therefore, based on the SY-101 MIT design, Yaste Rollover loads are



The maximum waste velocity over the top 10 feet of waste i s to be enveloped by the applicable value from Fi ure 3.6.2-1 and Figure

maxilwm bending nornent at riser lip caused by the forces associated with the velocity distribution must not exceed 13,487 lb-in.

3.6.2-2 with effectively zero velocity be 9 ow the 10 foot depth or the

250 inches s waste level s 420 inches


metion Inetrunmt Tree (NIT) 95010.1.1 -

"t calc. No. RW.NO.

3.6.3 Mixing Pump Circulation (MPC)

The MPC loading evaluated for the SY-101 HIT (ADVENT 1994) is based on waste velocity information provided in Attachment 2 to the SDS for the SY-101 tank and the resulting velocity profile is shown in Figure 6.2 of ADVENT 1994. From the velocity profile a drag load profile is calculated and is shown in Figure 6.4 of ADVENT 1994. that the only significant drag loading on the MIT occurs over the lower 200 inches of waste. Therefore, for waste levels of 250 inches to 420 inches, the velocity profile is likely to be similar to the one used for the SY-101 MIT and to ensure that the maximum MPC moment due to drag loads would be no greater than for the SY-101 MIT, the velocity magnitude profile should be enveloped by the Figure 3.6.3-1 velocity magnitude profile provided herein.

Flow-induced vibration due to vortex shedding caused by the MPC velocity profile is conservatively controlled by imposing the same limits on flow velocity magnitudes and on strain limits as those imposed for the SY-101 HIT. The conservatism occurs becpuse at lower waste levels the structural frequencies increase slightly and move further from the SY-101 MIT vortex-shedding "1 ock-in" frequencies.

Therefore, based on the SY-101 MIT design, the Mixing Pump Circulation loading is acceptable provided the following applicability requirements are satisfied:

The drag load profile shows

. Velocity profile enveloped by Figure 3.6.3-1, specific gravity 5 1.7 and mixed viscosity s 500 centipoise or the maximum bending moment at the riser li p caused by the forces associated with the velocity distribution must not exceed 17,686 lb-in .

. 250 inches 5 waste level 5 420 inches

Unless it can be verified, through in-situ tests, that vortex shedding is not present:

-Mode 1 strain amplitude (4 rafiqe) < 189 microstrain (at riser

- W e 2 strain amplitude (4 rmgr) lip) for f low velocity in excess o f the mode 2 "lock-in" velocity o f 1.9 ft/s

1 ip)

139 microstrain (at riser'


3.6.4 Design Basis Earthquake (DBE)

The DBE evaluation f o r the SY-101 HIT provided i n ADVENT 1994 i s based on the superposition o f two load considerations: an equivalent s t a t i c "buoyancy" load and an i n e r t i a load, which includes the e f fec ts o f added mass.

The equivalent s t a t i c "buoyancy' loads determined i n section 6.4 o f ADVENT 1994 are based on a conservative peak spectral accelerat ion o f 0.44 g ( t o provide the maximum possible buoyant force per u n i t length), a speci f ic g rav i ty of 1.7 and a waste depth o f 400 inches. The acceleration leve l used i n the development o f the "buoyancy" load i s taken from the 5% damped spectrum presented on sheet 61 (o f Attachment 6) o f ADVENT 1994. The conservatism contained i n the 0.44 g (vs. 0.42 g) spectral acceleration i s s u f f i c i e n t t o j u s t i f y the a p p l i c a b i l i t y o f the qua l i f i ca t i on t o waste depths o f up t o 420 inches.

The weight d i s t r i b u t i o n o f t he HIT assembly below the elevation o f the r i s e r f lange was taken as uniformly d is t r ibuted, t o t a l i n g 525 l b f and the weight o f the probe head is represented by a 400 l b f concentrated weight located 4 ft above the r i s e r flange.

The DEE i n e r t i a load was evaluated i n ADVENT 1994 by means o f response spectrum modal analysis. response spectra, one response spectrum f o r each o f three orthogonal d i rect ions o f seismic input, e.g. North-South, East-West and Vert ical ; each consistent w i th the 5% damped spectrum shown on sheet 81 (o f Attachment B) of AOVENT 1994. spectrum i n the predic t ion o f v e r t i c a l seismic response (same as hor izonta l ) implies t h a t f o r the dome-mounted HIT there i s a uniform ampl i f icat ion (across a l l frequencies) o f the ve r t i ca l f r e e - f i e l d seismic exc i ta t ion. The ampl i f icat ion fac to r i s 1.5.

Julyk 1995 presents reconmendations f o r in-s t ructure ve r t i ca l response spectra f o r dome-mounted equipment which are 'intended t o address ampl i f icat ion due t o the dynamic motion o f the dome. Julyk 1995 provides in-s t ructure response spectra i n i t s Figure 5 with corresponding ampl i f icat ion factors i n i t s Figure 6. The dynamic analysis o f the HIT reported i n ADVENT 1994 revealed tha t the fundamental ve r t i ca l mode o f the HIT was above 33 Hz. Figure 6 o f Julyk 1995 Indicates tha t f o r frequencies above 33Hz., the dome ve r t i ca l ampl i f icat ion fac to r i s no more than'1.5 f o r locat ions greater than a 21 ft. from the center o f the dome. Consequently, the 1.5 ampl i f icat ion o f ve r t i ca l f r e e - f i e l d seismic exc i ta t ion implied i n

The input loading t o the analysis were

It i s important t o note tha t the use o f the i den t i f i ed


WHC-SD-WM-DA-209, Rev. 0 Calculation Sheet

the existing MIT analysis envelopes the requirements of Julyk, 1995.

The HIT’S fundamental bending mode dominated its horizontal inertia load response. A review of the input spectrum provides a basis for reaching conclusions regarding the effects of variations in waste depth (250 to 420 inches) on the MIT seismic inertia loads. ADVENT 1994 predicted the fundamental bending mode of the HIT, for 400 inches of waste depth, to be 0.24 Hz., just below the control point between the constant displacement and constant velocity regimes of the input spectra. A reduction in waste depth results in a decrease in the added mass of the fluid surrounding the HIT, and a consequently small increase in its natural frequency. The small increase in natural frequency, if sufficient to allow for a cross into the constant velocity regime of the spectrum (where spectral displacements are decreasing), would result in a decrease in predicted seismic inertial response; if insufficient, would result in no change in predicted seismic inertial response (constant spectral displacement). an increase in the added mass of the fluid surrnunding the MIT, and a consequently small decrease in its natural frequency, resulting in no change in predicted seismic inertial response (constant spectral displacement) .

Therefore, based on the SY-IO1 MIT design, the DBE loading is acceptable provided the following applicability requirements are satisfied:

The small increase In waste depth to 420 inches results in

. A seismic design basis, enveloped by or equivalent to the SDC.4.1 ’ Figure 3 response spectrum - 0.2 g (5% crittcal damping) . 250 inches s waste level s 420 inches

. Specific gravity s 1.7

. Viscosity s 25,000 centipoise. .. 3.6.5 Waste Sloshing (SL)

The sloshing evaluation for the SY-101 HIT provided in ADVENT 1994 is based, in part, on the slosh frequency and displacements provided in Attachment 6 (Tank Slosh Displacmnts) to the SDS for the SY-101 tank. The following approach and equations are based on the calculation presented ‘ in the SDS Attachment 6. The SDS Attachnt 6 calculation provides the first mode slosh frequency and displacrcnants using a simplified approach


WHC-SD-WM-DA-209, Rev. 0 Calculation Sheet

slosh frequencies and equivalent slosh displacements at a radius of 28 ft for the range of waste levels considered.

The Table 3.6.5-1 equivalent displacements at a radius of 28 ft and the frequencies for waste levels of 250, 300, 350 and 400 inches are used to perform the slosh analysis. the controlling case (slosh case 3 from ADVENT 1994) using the following program and compared to the ADVENT 1994 slosh case 3 maximum moment of 11,751 lbf-in.

The maximum moments are calculated for

The slosh analysis results show that the maximum moment of 10,919 lbf-in occurs at a waste level of 250 inches and that the maximum moment decreases with increasing waste level. is less than the previously qualified moment of 11,751 lbf-in reported in ADVENT 1995.

Therefore, based on the SY-101 MIT design, the waste slosh loading is acceptable provided the following applicability requirements are satisfied:

However, this maximum value

. A seismic design basis, enveloped by or equivalent to the SDC-4.1 Figure 3 response spectrum - 0.2 g (2% critical damping), which is scaled to obtain spectral values at 0.5 X critical damping

250 inches 5 waste level 5 420 inches . Specific' Gravity 5 1.7

. Viscosity 5 25,000 centipoise.


Proaram MITSA.EXE Source Code

cc CC Cylinder / Sloshing Dynamics Interaction cc

Integer . Num,Cycle Double Precision k(6,6) ,m(6),d,cps,w,f(6) ,t Double Precision hax(6),Vmax(6),Amax(6) ,Ftmax,l(6) Integer Double Precisibn ' Dr(6),Vr(6),Ar(6),Fr(6) Double Precision tt,Vs, sig(6) ,h,m(6) Double Precision Vi(6), Cd(6), Re(6) Double Precision Fk(6), Fv(6), Smax

COmax( 6). CVmax( 6), C&x( 6), C m a x


Do'i = 1,6 Write(*, ' ( /36H Enter Cylinder Mass (lb) - -> , \ ) ' I Read (* , * )m( i ) Write(*, ' ( /36H Enter Trib. Drag Length (in) Read ( , *) 1 ( i ) Write(*, ' ( /36H Enter Viscosity (centipoise) Read(*,*)Vi (i) Write(*, ' ( /38H Enter Moment Matrix Term (in-lb/in)> , \ ) ' ) Read (*, *)m( i )

Do j = 1,6 Write(*, ' ( /36H Enter Stiff Matrix Term (lb/in) -> , \ ) I )


- - > , \ ) ' I - -> ,\)'I

Read(*,*)k(i ,j)


Write(*, ' ( /36H Enter Sloshing Max Disp (in) - -> ,/)'I Write(*, ' ( /36H Enter Sloshing Fraquancy (cps) - -> ,/)'I Write(*, ' ( /36H Enter Integration Time Step (s)--> , / ) ' I


Read( ,*) cps


Read(*,*)Cycle Write(*, ' ( / I / ) Write(*, ' ( /36H Enter Number Of Cycles - -> ,/If)

Write(*, '(/32H Mass Matrix (lb) Do i - 1.6

Write(*, ' ( 12,F12.3)')iI m( i)


.-.. Wulrituution ~ n s t n r n c Tree ( n i l ) 95010 95010.1.1

nt Cdc. No. Sheet No. 2-,p Rw.No. ~


I f ( l ( i ) . l t . .OOl ) goto 100 s i g ( i ) = 1.0 I f ( V s .It. Vr ( i ) ) s i g ( i ) = -1.0 Re(i) = Abs(Vs - V r ( i ) ) * 3830. / V i ( i )

Cal l Reynolds( Re(i), Cd(

f ( i ) = .1111 * Cd(i) * 1(

Fk( i ) = 0. Fv( i ) = 0.

00.1 = 1.6 ~ F k i i ) = 'Fk ( i ) - k ( i , j ) * Dr ( j ) Fv ( i ) = Fv ( i ) - .1 * k ( i , j ) / w * V r ( j )


F r ( i ) = s i g ( i ) * f ( i ) * (Vs - Vr( i))**Z. t Fk( i ) t Fv( i ) A r ( i ) = F r ( i ) / m( i )

I f l g = 0

I f (Abs(Dr( i ) ) .gt . Dmax(i)) Then Dmax(i) = Abs(Dr(i)) CDwax( i ) = I f i x (tt*cps )+1 I f l g = 1

Endi f

I f (Abs(Vr ( i ) ) .gt. Vmax(i)) Then Vmu(( i ) - Abs(Vr(i)) C V n u X ( i ) - I f i x ( t t *cps)+ l Iflg = 1


I f (Abs(Ar ( i ) ) .gt. Aaax(i)) Then Amu(i) = Abs(Ar(i)) CAmrx(i)= I f i x ( t t * cps )+ l I f l g = 1

Endi f


If(Abs(Ho) .gt. k r x ) Then


Mmax = Abs(No) CMnax = I f i x ( t t * c p s ) t l I f l g - 1

Endif Enddo

Write(*, ’(36H Maximum Values (Cycle Occurrence) ) ’ )

it) . Wri te(* , ‘ (4OH ( i n ) + 4OH ( in/s) (i n/s/s) Do i - 1,6

Wri te(* , 102) i ,Omax( i ) ,CDmax( i ) ,Vmax ( i ) , + + 9HMax D i s =,F8.2,2H (,12,4H) , + 9HMax Vel =,F8.2,2H (,I2,4H) + 9HMax ACC = ,~8 .2 ,2~ (,12,4H) j

CVmax( i ) ,Amax( i ) , CAmax( i ) 102 Format(I2,4H ,

Enddo Write(*, ‘(/36H Max. Noment Occurs a t Cycle - - > ,115)’)CMmax Write(*, ‘(/36H Max. Moment ( i n - l b ) - -> ,FlS.S)’)Mmax Stnax = Max/1.5377 ’

Write(*, ‘(/36H Max. Nom. S t r e s s (ps i ) - - > , F 1 5 . 5 ) ’ ) Smax


Subroutine Reynolds(Re, Ce) Double Precision Re, Ce

c Using log- log in terpolat ion o f data p lo t ted i n Figure 10.13 (p. 300) c c c

o f “F lu id kchan ics urd Engineering Applications” by Daugherty and Frant in i , ca lcu late drag coe f f i c i en t versus Reynold’s number f o r a c i r c u l a r cyl inder.

Double P r t c i sion cd( E), mum( 8) , expon , a, b

c Data points def in ing s t ra igh t - l i ne port ions o f curve. data rnun/5000,3000,1000,50,20,5,2,. 1/

bcd/l, .9,1,1.6,2,3.8,7,60/

do 200 j-1,7 i f (Re.ge.mum( j + l ) .and. Re. 1 t. rnum( j ) ) then

a-aloglO(rnum( j)/Re) b-aloglO(rnru( j)/rnurn( j + l ) ) axpon=a/b Ce -cd(j) * (cd(j+l)/cd(j))*expon


Return end i f

I 200 continue i f ( R e . l t . . l ) Ce - 6/Re if(Re.gt.5000.) Ce = 1

Return end



Proaram MIT5A.EXF w s for Case 3 - Waste Le v e l .I 350 in-

Mars Matrix (Ib) 1 33.m 2 44.000 3 1UI.lW 4 194.ow 5 194.000 6 194.oOO

Trib. Drip Length Matrix (in) 1 .om .___ 2 .ow 3 50.000 4 100.000 5 100.000 6 1W.000

Cy1ind.r S t i f f w a r N i p ( l b / i n i 1

1 15463.Ii00 - 6 6 2 2 . b 1 5 4 4 . ~ -M1.-000 2 -6bz2.000 4629.000 -2122.m 622.OOo 3 ISU.000 -2122.m 1m.m -1020.000 4 -304.000 622.m -1ozo.m 1146.000 5 76.000 -1Y.OOO 372.m -755.000 6 -13.000 26.000 -6Z.W 204.000

cy1ind.r llant Matrix ( in- lb / in) 1 -67795.00000 ’

2 6665.00000 3 -1061.00000 4 209.00000 5 -52 .OOOOO 6 8.70000

Viscosity Matrix ( e n t i p i s * ) 1 . .wo 2 .WO 3 m . 0 0 0 4 2mw.m 5 2Sm.ow 6 2mw.m

5 6 76.W -13.000

-156.000 26.000 372.000 -(u.ow

-7s5.000 204.000 774.m -2s.Wo

-215.000 lZ6.WO

Mu(. llQnt O e M a at Cyct. --> 1

M u . lbrnt (in-Ib) --> 10637.Ml66

Mix. m. S t r a r (pi) --, 6787.-

(in/./.> X . 4.m X . 15.b X . m.51

X * a.54 X 8 a.46

X 4.n



wc - Ewlwtim ot T m k U l S Y l O l HIT D n i p for Othw lmki

c a p . r i s a of T W W t e Design Parminmt.c.rr

Mult i fmct ion Intrimant T r n (HIT) 95010 95010.1.1 Stan

em Calc. No. sh..( M.3- 3 Rw.M ,, ~~

Proaram MIT5A.EXE Resul ts f o r Case 3 - Waste Level = 400 inches

Mass Matrix (Ib) 1 u.wo 2 u.wo 3 194.m I 194.m

cylindcr S t i f f m i Matrix (Win) 1 3 1 A

1 15463.bD -6bzz .b 1 5 4 4 . ~ -304.500 2 -bb22.000 w.wo -2122.OQo 6u.OOo 3 1544.m -21~.OOO 1m.OQo -1m.OQo 4 -306.m 6u.m -1010.ooo 114b.OOo 5 76.OOO -15b.W 372.OOo -7S.OW 6 -13.m 26.OW -U.oOO 204.000

cylinbr llolnt Matrix ( in- lb/ in) 1 -67795.wooO 2 bbb5 .om 3 -1Wl.oowo 4 209.00000 5 -52.00000 6 0 . m

viscosity Matrix (cantipoise) 1 .wo 2 .wo 3 25Ooo.wo b 25ooQ.OOo 5 ~ ~ . O O o 6 25WO.WO sloshing W.x D i s p (in) --> S l a h i n s c m (cp) --• IMqntion T i l st.p (S) --> Iwb.r Of C y c l r - - w


. W l O 10


w i u Valun (Cycle 0ccurr.m) (in) (in/.) (in/a/a)

1 Ilu Di. = .a ( 1) IWI v.1 24 c 1) k x k e . 5.32 2 M u D i i * .84 ( 1) I(u Vel * 1.00 ( 1) Ila Lce * 16.09 3 Ilu O i l 2.11 ( 1) kx V.1 = 2 3 9 ( 1) )*1 Lce = 61.40 4 Ilu 01s = 4.42 ( 1) IWI V.1 = 5.a C 1) kx Isc = U.53 5 M u D i i * 6.B ( 1) kx Vel = 1.19 ( 1) Ill.- = 42.11 6 M u D i i = 9.57 ( 1) Ilu V.1 * 11.27 ( 1) kx k c = 42.20

W.X. -t ocwr. i t Cycle - -> 1

Ilu. l l a t (in-lb) --> 9813.*am

MU. MQ. St rua (pi) ..> bs81.92%7



;Jim1 Calc. NO.

Table 3.6.2-3. Maximum Waste Rollover Velocity vs. Waste Level (Case 3)

Specific gravity: 1.7 Absolute viscoSity (cP): 25,000 Kinematic viscosity (WZE); 0.15843

Wastelevel Wasterollover Reynold’s Cd[l] DmgrorOr velocity Number

Notes: 1. Formula for Cd is valid for Reynold’s Numbers between 2 and 20.


Ilultitvrtion Instrumnt Tree W I T ) 95010 95010.1 . l nt Calc. No. -No'331 Rev.No. ,,

Table 3.6.24. Maximum Waste Rollover Velocity vs. Waste Level (Case 4)

Specik gravity: 1.3 Absolute viscosity (e): 25.000 Kinematic viscosity (W"'s): 0.20737

Notes: 1. Formula for Cd is valid for Reynold's Numbera between 0.1 and 5.


WHC-SD-WM-DA-209 Rev. 0

- - -- 20.00 0.2000 -- - - - -

-t- Frequency

-- 15.00 0.1500 -- e C

E 0

- - - 5 -- 10.00 g 0.1000 - :: a


-- 5.00 0.0600 --

o.Oo(10 . . . . . : . . . . : . ' " * . ' : ~ . . . : . ' ' . : " ~ . ' 0.00

250 275 300 326 350 376 400 425

Wmta LwaI lin)

M w m .

Figure 3.0.5-1. Slosh Frequency and Equivalent Uniform Slosh M.pbcrment at R = 28 ft vs. Waste Level

- N E t s a L 0




Write( 1,105) (I,Area( I ) ,Den( I ) , I-1,NDD) 105 Format(lx,'Plate ',12,' Area = ',F10.3,' inA2;', '

+ ' Distance from Entry End = ',F9.2,' i n ' )

Acl = MasP386.4 - Blv*Dis DO I = 1, NOD

I f ( ( D i s - Den(1)) .gt. -.1E-6) Then

Endif Acl = Acl - Dlv*DD(I)*W(I)*Vel*Vel

Enddo Acl = Acl / Mass

Write(1,lOJ) Wr i te( l , l04) Dis, Tim, Vel, Acl

103 Format(/Sx, 'Distance', 5x, 'Time', 5x, 'Velocity ' , 5x, 'Acceleration'/) 104 Format( 5x, F7.0 ,F9.3 ,5x, F8.2 ,5x, F12.2 1

X s t = 0.01 Num = I f i x ( ( h 1 + h2) / Xst) N r = 100 * Inc

Do I 1 = 1, Num

D i s - D i s + X s t T i 2 = Xst / Vel T im = T i m + T i 2

I f ( D i s . le. h l ) Then Ac2 = Hass*386.4 - Blv*Dis

E l se

Endi f

Do I = 1, NDO

Ac2 = Hass*386.4 - 62v*Dis - B2c

I f ( ( D i s - Den(1)) .gt. -.1E-6) Then I f ( ( D i s - Den(1)) . le. h l ) Then


Endi f

Ac2 = Ac2 - Olv*W(I)*W(I)*Vel*Vel

Ac2 - A c ~ - D2v'00(I)*W(I)*Vel*Vel

Endi f Enddo


WHC-SD-WM-DA-209, Rev. 0

umight of *jut s 925.0 Ib D r o p Wfpht Abow Fluid = 368.0 i n V d o c i t y 8 t Fluid Entry = 547.6 inlr Fluid Layer 1 Oqth = 125.0 in; S p c i f i c Gravity = 2.12 Fluid L w r 2 Depth = 125.0 in; ) p c l t l c Qrwity = 2.12 Tot81 Fluid Osoth = 250.0 in: P r i n t Raulcs Ewry 10 i n lowjan7j o i & r . 3.5 in yub.r M Drag P l m t n * 1 plate 1 A r n = 9.621 W2: D i a t u r m tram Entry Ed


0. 10. 20. 30. 60. 50.

70. 80. 90.

100. 110. 120. 130. 140. 150. 160. 170. 1110. 190. 200. 210. 220. 230. 240. 250.


Ti l *



.036 . OS4











.213 2.59 .27b .292 300 .324 .YO 3 6 .3R .3m .bo4 A20

v*locity Accol~rmcfa

547.56 267.02 552.39 2b1.84

561.61 ' 251.60 5bb.M 266.54 570.32 2b1.52 576.50 236.54 578.Y 231 .bo

5ab.Y 221 .a4 590.07 217.02 593.70 212.23 597.P 207.69

557.07 an

582.50 u6.m

6W.G 603.97 607.21 610.35 613.40 616.36 619.23 622.02

627.35 6?.9.W 632.36



202.78 198.11 193.47 1 w . a 184.32 179.29 1 x 3 0 170.115


16b.U 162.05 157.7l


.OO i n



Ueisht of W e e t = 9ZS.O Ib Drop Height Abaw Fluid 9 338.0 in Velocity at Fluid Entry = 511.1 in/r Fluid Laye? 1 0-h = 150.0 in; S p d f f c brevity = 1.76 Fluid Layer 2 Ogth = lM.O in: Spsfffc Gravity * 1.76 Total f luid Oapth * 300.0 in: Print ReuIlts Ewry ' 0- D i m e t a ' 3.5 in Wub.r of Drw Plates * 1 Plmee 1 Area = 9.621 iW2: Oistmca f r a Entry End =


0. 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. m. m. 80. 90.

100. 110. 120. 130. 140. 150. 160. 170. 180. 190. 200. 210. 220. 230. 240. 250. 2m. zm . 2ao. 230. 300.




.039 .m






. lM




. a 9

.256 . 273


.SO7 324 .341 .357 .374 .3w .407 ,423 .439 .455 A71 .e7 .503 .519

V* la f ty AculWatfW!

511.0 300.07 5i6.n 295.54 522.52 291 .os 528.02 2M.59 us.38 2P.15 538.60 2TT.75 543.69 273.38 54E.66 269.03 553.50 266.71 558.23 260.42 5e.84 256.16 567.33 251.93 571.71 247.R 576.00 243.54 sm.17 239.40 584.25 235.28 588.23 231.18 592.11 227.11 595.90 223.07 599.60 219.06 603.21 215.07 6o6.n 211.11 610.17 207.18 613.52 203.27 616.79 199.39 619.99 195.53 60.10 191.69 a . 1 4 187.89 629.10 184.10 631.99 180.34 634.81 176.60


10 in

.OO in

Ueipht of Object - 925.0 l b Drop Height *bow f l u l d = m.0 i n velocity a t Ftuid Entry * 479.9 in/. f l u i d Ly.r 1 0- = 170.0 in; S p s i f l c Grufity * 1.55 f l u i d 1- 2 O q t h = 170.0 In; Spe3lfle Dnv i ty 1.55 Total f l u i d O W = 340.0 in; Print Results Ewry 1- c4.rt.r = 3.5 in __, - _, - . -.. yub.r O f Or# Plates = 1 Plat. 1 A m 9 9.621 in"2; O i s t m e fro. Entry End =


0. 10. 20. 30. ko. 50. 60.

M. w. 100. 110. 120. 130. 140. 150. 160.

100. 190. 200. 210. 220. Po. 240. 250. 2 a . no. m. zw. 300. 310. 320. 330. 540.



T i n
















.a7 305 .322 .UP 357 .37& .391 .boo . k25 Ab1 .458 . k7k .491 3 0 7 .525 339 .5Y .571 .5a7 .603


479.m w.46 k92.05 k99.W 505.17 511.W 516.87 . 522.51 528.02 533.39 538.66 543.77 5e.m 553.68 558.46 563.14 567.7l 5R.18 576.55 %.a2

509.09 593.09 597.00 6oo.K 604.17 6om.2) 611.81 615.31

6u.10 625.37 a . 1 a 631.R 634.79


6 ia .n


319.36 315.27 311.20 307.15 303.12 299.12 295.14 291.19 207.25 ZQ.34 279.46 275.59

247.93 2A4.13 264.36 256.61 252.87 249.17 245.4 241.31 230.17 23k.Y 230.94 W.36

220.26 216.74 213.2)

206.19 '202.05 1 w . u 1W.02 192.U

27 i .n





10 i n

.m in

Might of W h e t = 925.0 Ib Drop Height Ahwe Fluid * 278.0 in Velocity et fluid Entry = fluid 1ey.r 1 D q t h = 180.0 in: S p s i f i c Gravity = 1 ftuid L a y w 2 D O Y , = 100.0 in; s p s i f i c Gravity = 1 Total fluid bpth = 360.0 in: Print Rowlea Ewry * o i l r t r r s 3.5 in hrb.r M Drw P l e t n * 1 Plate 1 A m = 9.621 ie2: Dis tnse tram Entry End =

463.5 in/a

0 i a t . m

0. 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. 60.

(10. 90.

100. 110. 120. 130. 140. 150. 160.

180. 190. 200. 210. 220. Do. 240. 250. 260. no. m. 290. 300. 310. 320. 330. 360. 350. 360.












.163 -183 .202 : a 1 .240 .zM .276 .a5 .313 3 1 . u o .% .3a A01 .418 .435 .452 .*69 .4& 302 319 . n 5 .551 .56a .M1 .ma .616 .632 .#7

velocity Acceteratfon

463.51 327.49 470.4E 325.59 477.27 319.7l 4a3.m 315.85 490.32 312.01 4W.61 308.19 507.74 306.39 5a.72 300.62 514.56 296.86 520.26 293.12 525.82 289.41 531.26 m . 7 1 5Y.Y 282.06 541 .78 278.38 546.86 276.75 551.m 271.13 556.69 267.54 561.44 263.97

570.64 256.88 575.09 253.36 579.45 249. 86 5M.R 246.8 587.90 ' 242.93 591 .99 239.49 595.99 236.07 599.91 m.66 605.76 229.27 W7.50 225.91 611.18 222.56 614.79 219.22 618.31 215.m 621.77 2t2.62 625.15 zop.34

631.72 202.86 634.90 199.61

566.09 260.41

a . 4 7 m . m


.46 10 in

.OO in



RIwrd I&&?$ WIC - E v r l u t f m of TlZ6lSYlOl MIT Drim for o(h.r T&

* c o l p w i r a of T n V u u t e Oaim Carrrters

tm I lu l t i fmct im lntwrnt Tree (1111)

Dam (41 (9 ' FibNo.

446% RanewsdBy:

Job No. 95010 95010.1.1

mt W. No. Shsa No. 4- ,5 ROWNO.

wight of object = 925.0 Ib Drop Height Abow FIuid = M . 0 i n V 8 l a i t y et Fluid Wry * 446.5 in/a

f luid 1ay.r 2 Dapch = 190.0 in; spc i f ic Gravity = 1 Totel Fluid D g t k a m.0 in: Print R a s u l t i E n r y

*ulrr of Drw N a t a = 1 Plate 1 A r r 9.621 iW2; Distance fror Entry End =

Fluid 1ly.r 1 Dg(h = 190.0 in; f p s f f l c Gravity = 1

Di...tC . 3.5 in

D i s t m

0. 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. 60. 70. 80. 90. loo. 110. 120. 130. 140. 150. 160.

180. 1w. 200. 210. M. Po. 240. M). 260. 270. m. 290. 300. 310. 3m. 330. w. 350. 360. 370. m.


T i l



















.3M 376 .394 . H 1 .up .w .a .Ul . 4- 316 .531 .w .% .sa1 .597 A13 .6?.9 .b66 .661 . b77 .693

V81od t y Accalentim

U.52 bS3.92 461.11 468.12 474.91 481.59 468.08 w . 4 0 500.58 506.61 512.50 518.25 523.87 58.37 536.75 540.00 545.15 550.18 555.11 559.93 56L.65 569.27

S62.57 586.83

M.08 5W.M a . 0 0 606.15 610.61 616.30 b17.92 67.1 .47 626.95 628.35 a1 .Lp 636.97

5n.m 573.23

m .oo



319.93 316.a 312.65 309.06 305.46 301 .E7 298.31 296.77 291.25 287.76 266.26


270.51 267.11 263.73

257.03 253.7l 250.40 247.11 2 4 3 s 240.50 237.33 m.11 230.90 m.7l 226.53 zn .37 218.23 215.10 211.99 2m.m 205.9

331 .oo Us.m





.38 10 in

.W in



nuttifmtim Ins tnmnt T m (HIT) 95010.1.1

Wi* t of mject = 925.0 Lb Drop lh ipht A b o w Fluid = 238.0 in velocity a t Fluid Entry - 428.9 in/. Fluid L a p r 1 Dgth = zoQ.0 in; S p c i f i c Gravity 1.31 Fluid Lawr 2 Depth = 200.0 in; s p c i f i c Gravity = 1.31 Total Fluid D g t h = 4W.O.h; P r i n t Re8ults Ewry 10 in

W.r O f Drag P l e t a = 1 plate 1 Area = 9.621 iW2; D i l t u m frm Entry End = -00 in

D i m . 3.5 in


0. 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. 64.

0. 90.

100. 110. 120. 130. 140. 150. 160. 170. 180. 190. 200. 210. 220. 230. 240. 250. 260. 270. 280. 290. 300. 310. 320. 330. yo. 350. 360.

30. 390. 400.


sm .

T i m























.U1 AS9 .476 .4% .511 .528 .545 .Mz .579 .5% .612 .628 .bb5 .bbl .6i7 .693 .709 .N .741

Yeloci ty A c c ~ l e r a t l m

42a.87 341.15 u6.n 337.58 444.35 336.03 4 s i . n 330.49 458.97 326.97 M6.W 323.47 4n.85 319.W 47p.54 316.52 486.06 313.07 492.42 309.64 493.63 306.22 504.70 302.83 510.64 299.44 516.U 29b.M 522.10 292.73 527.65 289.40 533.07 286.08 5sa.sa 282.711 543.58 279.50 5u1.67 276.23 523.65 2R.96 558.53 269.75 563.31 266.53 567.W 2a.a 572.59 2M.14 577.M 256.97 581.49 253.81 W . 8 1 250.67 SW.05 247.54 591.20 244.42 S98.27 241 .a 602.27 238.25 606.19 235.18 610.03 1u.13 613.80 229.09 617.49 226.07 621.12 225.06 b24.68 220.07 628.17 2t7.09 631.59 214.12 a.95 211.18


W - Evalurtion of T . n C 24111101 NIT Onin fa r othw T m k n

bi.a mriron of T n t n o s t a h i m Paramtars

SIOIT Fib NO. W l t i f I n c t i m Irstrunt T m ( M I T ) 95010 R010.1.1


a w. No. Shwl NO. A17 &.No. 0

Weight of Object = 925.0 Ib D r o p Heiwht Abave Fluid = 218.0 i n Vdoeity a t Fluid Entry = 410.5 i n ls Fluid Layor 1 OIpth = 210.0 in; S p s i f i c Gravity = 1.25 Fluid Layor 2 OIpth = 210.0 in; S p s i f i c Gravity = 1.25 Total Fluid OIpth , = 420.0 in: P r i n t Result; Ewry ' 8aiynsv Di.lrtor . 3.5 in M.r Of O r a # P lat - = 1 Plat. 1 Arm s 9.621 i e2 ; Oistnsm frm Entry End -

O i S t n s .

0. 10. 2a. 30. 10. 50. 60.

80. '90. 100. 110. 120. 130. 140. 150.


160. in. la. 190. 200. 210. 220. 230. 240. u0. 260.

zw. 290. 3w. 310. 320. BO. 340. no. 360.

ma. 390. 400. 410. 420.



Tim V d a i t y

.wo 410.45

.OM . 426.86 -071 As&. 71

.024 4ia .n

. . . 0% 442.35

.138 457.02

.160 46b.07

.116 449.n

.lo1 470.95

.202 4i7.66








.362 381 .399 .418 .436 .454 .472 .490 .508 sa 3 4 3 .560







.711 -727 .743 .759 .m .791



48b.20 490.60 496.84 502.94 508.91 514.74 520.45 526.04 531.50 536.85 542.09 547.22 552.26 557.18 562.01 566.74 571.39 575.94 m.40

SW.07 5 9 3 2 9 597.12 641.57 605.46 m9.x 613.19 616.95 620.64 62b.27 62733 631 .32 63b.75


Accelerat i on

346.85 343.42 uO.00 336.60 333.21 329.84 326.49 323.15 319.S 316.52 313.23 309.95 306.69 303.44 300.21 297.00 293.a .' 290.61

284.29 281.15 278.03 274.91 271.82

265.67 262.62 259.56 256.55 253.54 250.54 247.55 244.58 241.63 w.68 235.75 232.84 229.94 227.05 224.17 221.31 218.46 215.63



in i n

.OO i n


WHC-SO-WM-OA-~O~, Rev. o Calculation Sheet

file No. - mull Job No.

ent Calc. No. Mu- f Y I T ) 95010.1.1

2.20 2.10 2.00 1.90 1 .a0 1.70 1.60 1.50 1.40 1.30 - 5 1.20 : 1.10 .- 1.00 x

a 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40

0.30 0.20 0.10


Figure 4.2-1. Minimum Specific Gravity for Drop Analysis VI) Waste Level

240 260 280 300 320 340 3 0 380 400 420 Waste Lwal (in)



I Table 4.2-1. Minimum Specific Gravity for Drop Analysis VI Waste Level


WC-SD-WM-DA-~O~, Rev. o Calculation Sheet














Total NIT assembly weight s 925 lbf

Uniform HIT weight below riser flange connection s 525 lbf

Probe head weight s 400 lbf

Distance-of probe liead-c;g. above riser flange connection s 4 ft

Nominal UIT outer tube outside diameter = 3.5 in

Nominal UIT outer tube wall thickness = 0.1875 in

NIT outer tube material is feamless stainless steel with a minimum yield stress of 30.0 kip/in

Sampling port cutout circumferential dimension s 0.6 in

Distance from thermocouple patch edge to bottom of riser lip z 73 in

Thermocouple patch (arc) chord dimension s 1.25 in (or circumferential dimension s 1.28 in)

Circumferential weld flaw size s 0.625 in. long and s 0.04 in. deep

Wall thickness removal due to backingring milling s 0.023 in

Full circumferential weld flaw size L 0.032 in. deep

and 6as V- . 6as volume temperature s 110 OF

Waste temperature L 140 OF. .


95010 95010.1.1 She@ NO.= - Rw,No. .

!2nuh&& . Table 4.2-1 and Figure 4.2-1 show the resu l ts o f the drop analysis and provide the minimum spec i f i c g rav i ty necessary f o r each waste l eve l . For a given waste l eve l , i f the spec i f i c g rav i t y f o r a given tank i s less than the reported minimum required spec i f i c grav i ty , an impact l i m i t e r should be i n s t a l l e d t o l i m i t the e f fec ts o f a possible drop unless a more de ta i led drop analysis can show otherwise.

Notes :



It i s conservatively estimated tha t an increase i n # I T length below the r i s e r l j p from the as-modeled dimension o f 41.43 ft t o 42.5 ft increases demand-capacity r a t i o s by no more than 5 percent.

Previous res t r i c t i ons governing placement o f a gas sampling p o r t near the r i s e r l i p have been l i f t e d . A sampling po r t located a t the r i s e r l i p a f fec ts previously documented ca lcu lat ions as fo l lows:

The maximum bending stress a t the gas sampling por t increases due t o an increase i n bending moment (evaluat ion o f the HIT a t a gas sampling po r t was previously based on the bending momant calculated 5 i n . below the r i s e r l i p ) . For the con t ro l l i ng load combination, t he bending moment increases only 2.2% (39,818 versus 38,969 in- lbf as show on Sheet E-18 o f ADVENT 1994). Considering t h i s increased bending m m n t cumulatively w i t h the e f fec t o f increased HIT length, demand-capacity r a t i o s are s t i l l canfortably less than one,

Local contact stresses as calculated on Sheets 8-12 and 8-13 o f ADVENT 1994 are increased due t o the presence o f the sampling p o r t a t the point o f contact. Owing t o the la rge fac to r o f safety (25) calculated i n ADVENT 1994, increased contact stresses are o f no concern. Local deformation o f the MI1 a t the po in t o f contact w i l l reduce the net sect ion modulus t o a neg l ig ib le degree.


WHC-SD-WM-DA-209, Rev. 0


Current MIT Configuration

WHC-SD-UH-DA-209, Rev. 0

The current conf igurat ion f o r the MIT design i s documented on the fo l lowing drawings, which cover HITS 1 through 8. Key conf igurat ion dimensions taken from these drawings are show i n Figures 1 through 4 f o r MITs 3 through 8. MITs 1 and 2 are not included because t h e i r s t ructura l q u a l i f i c a t i o n i s covered i n a separate s t ructura l analysis report.

Drawing Sheet Revision

H-2-85141 H-2-85141 H-2-85141 H-2-85141 H-2-85141 H-2-85141 H- 2-85 14 1

H-2-85142 H-2-85142 H-2-85142 H-2-85142 H-2-85142 H-2-85142 H-2-85142 H-2-85142 H-2-85142 H-2-85142 H-2-85142 H-2-85142

H-2-85143 H-2-85143 H-2-85143 H-2-85143 H-2-85143

H-2-85144 H-2-85144 H-2-85144 H-2-85144 H-2-85144

H-2-85145 H-2-85145 H-2-85145

1 5 2 1 3 1 4 0 5 1 6 1 7 0

1 4 2 2 3 3 4 0 5 1 6 2 7 2 8 1 9 0 10 0 11 1 12 0

1 2 2 0 3 1 4 0 5 0

1 4 2 2 ' 3 3 4 3 5 2

1 3 2 3 3 2

5 1

.. . ~.

WHC-SD-UM-DA-209, Rev. 0



o'6" 1,b .'665" r 1.330"







44.5" ITEM #26 1 H-2-85142-1 REV 4

21 6.0" SAMPLE TUBE ITEM #ll H-2-85144-3 REV 3

138.0" TUBE #I ITEM #6 H-2-85144-4 REV 3

138.0" TUBE #2 ITEM #7 H-2-85144-5 REV 2

138.0" TUBE #3 ITEM #8 H-2-85144-5 REV 2

t1.38-.88 = .5" H-2-85144-2 REV 2


8-3 552

WHC-SD-Wn-DA-209, Rev. 0


Structural qua l i f i ca t ion o f HIT f o r I n s t a l l a t i o n I n Tanks 241AN103, 104, and 105




Tank Number 241-AM-103

Riser Number BIS-131 rlJ&-

Cri ter ia l tm

w i f i c Gravity

v i .soli ty

w u i u V n t e Velosity over Top 10 F m t of Yute (V.st. velocity Bekw 10 FoOt Dqath Effectively Zero)


B m d i n a l lmt in 1111 Rltar T b at Batton

Velocity Pro f i le nd M i x d Wnta Velocity at M I 1 Locatim


Bndiw M a n t in WIT at nottam L ip or Rlur

Strain -lit& (112 of Strein I-) in WIT W w T b at httm Lip of Risw for V ib ra t im yodo 1 nd 2


250 t o 420 in.

1 1.7

1 25.m c?

Velocity E n v r l o p d by rpplicable Valu. f ra figure 3.6.2-1 md Figure 3.6.2-2

1 13,487 Ib - in

Velocity Pro f i le Enwlqmd by Figure 3.6.3-1 and Viscosity 1 5 0 0 CP

1 1 7 . w inl in

s 189 fi W i n 1106 1 1 139 c W i n 1106 2 Vibrat im 1106 2 Appliuble mly i f C l a r Velocity a t WIT Location E x c n b Ilod. 2 *Lock-W Vmlocity of 1.9 ftl.

V w i f y Thrwoh In-Situ T N t S

I n s t a l l a t i o n Drawing H-2-85610 - 1 Rev. 0

HIT Reference Number 5



I I 4 Actual ValtmlStatu Reference/Cnn*nt

367.5 in.

Effective SA. 4 . 7

lluwl Tapa m 7/31/95 PC-SACS Datlbue

s i Note 3

2.3 f t l s nut Allarable Valocity fron figure 3.6.2-1 a 1.5 8.9.. 10.000 CP, and 347.5 in., Ac tw l Velocity

2.0 f t l 8



Tank Number 241-AN-103

R iser Number m - 1 3 1 (l5A)-

Cr i ter ia Itm I S d r l c R n p ~ n u f p e t r a fa r S t M u r e 1nwt ia l L d

U u t e D@ md

we Iqrt L l m i t r far WIT 1 n t a l I a t i r n

R . q u i r n * n t

Enwlopd or Equivelmt t o the ~ n p a e y c t r a In SDC-4.1, Rw. 12, for a 0.2 e Earthgrlre at 5% C r i t i c a l D q l n o

Enrrl0p.d or Equivalmt t o the

SDC-4.1, Rw. 12, for a 0.2 g Earthquke at 0.SXCrltlceL D q l w ( s c a l d frm r p e t r a l v a l w for 2% c r i t i c a l

W t r e in

d 70 l b f l d

2 1,760 Lbf

Actual ninlmm f p e i f i c Gravity 2 MInlnn R q i r d V e l u f m Figure 4.2-1 for Actual U u t e D q t h

I v c t Limiter C@le of Absorbiw Drq,

I n s t a l l a t i o n Drawing 4-2-85610 - 1 Rev. 0

MIT Reference Number 5

sat isf id Actrul VaLm/StatUa R e f e r a c e / C o w t

vn wo I Y I A I I I I I

1 /

0.12 a R n p m e

5% Dq im

MI1 i s safety c1a.I 3 (K idd . r 1993. Far Safety

0.12 g r- a p u t r e f ra SDC 4.1, Rw. 12, 10 usad,

0.12 g R..ppye f p e t r a pr S - 4 . 1 , Rev. 12, 0.5% Dv im

n f l i s safety C l n e 3 ( K i d d w 1993). F a r Safety Class 3 c a p m m t s the 0.12 g r p m r e spectra f ron SDC 4.1, Rw. 12, i s ud, J l l ch 10 m e l o p d by the 0.2 g m p m e aputra.

' I I my Impaction I H-2-855610-1, Rw. 0 > 1,760 Lbf


I I I I / 1.52 0.0. R q 4 i r . d

Dapth, A c t w l E f f e c t l w S.G. > 1.52

a 367.5 in. m s t e

I I ------

S n Note 3 Inpact Limiter not Raquird

Based on the above c h e c k l i s t r e s u l t s , t he i nd i ca ted MIT i n s t a l l a t i o n i s s t r u c t u r a l l y q u a l i f i e d .

Cognizant Engineer Date, I -+A$- Cognizant Manager Date 1t/!/4J' Independent Review Date I)--J-YS




Tank Number 241-AN-103 I n s t a l l a t i o n Drawing - Riser Number w-131 UliB), H I T Reference Number 5



This MXT i s naan t ie l l y identical t o th. MXTs inta1L.d in tu* S Y l O l (MXTs 1 L 2, W-2- (15141, Rw. 6). Therefore, their wights d wiaht d i s t r i b u t i a ere also identical.

u u t e wfw t q W e t u r w (Rynolh I-) nam und for the gu t q r a t u r n . k t w l g n t r p r e t u r n W I L L b. s l i & t t y I r s tlHn the wate surface t9 . ra ture.

3. R r o r d a l ve lun for . p s i t i c gravity ere 1.5 for the c-tive 1ay.r d 1.8 for the non- c-iw 1y.r. ukich cowm ek. 1-r 150 in. of taste (Rynold. 1%). Baud on thaa v e l u , the d f r t i w c p r i f i s y . v i t y for lateral w t e Lod. i s e x p c t d t o b. I n s than 1.7 d ths d f r t i v a c p r i f i c gmity for the accidnt drop i s axpactad t o b. =re then 1.52.

4. u u t e rollowr velocity for tha UI tnts i s up.ctad t o k I n s than 2.0 ft/s, the ve lod ty uud t o q u l i f y the SY lO l 11111, . m g . t i c than t h o u in tnlc S Y l O l (Rynolh 19%).

P n k hyb- tum prn& for the Ai tnlu i s expct.d to b. L n s than 70 lM/in2 the hyb- bum pressure uud t o q u l i f y tho 91101 HITS, b u u e the w t e ro l lonrs i n the M tw*. are I n s a w r r t i c thM t h o u in tMka S Y l O l (Rymlh 19%).

th. m i t e rollwars in the UI tMka are Lns



R . y n o l h , 0 . A., 19%. *Evrlult ion of 241 UI TU& Fern F l r r b l e On BdIavior," UHC-EP-0717, JV~UW 19%. Yntinahoure ~ ~ t o r d E-, R i c h l n d , wshinston.



Tank Number 241-AN-104 I n s t a l l a t i o n Drawing H-2-85611 - 1 Rev. 0

Riser Number m - 1 3 1 MIT Reference Number 6

Velocity Lnvr lopd by Appl iuble Wu fro. F i w r e 3.6.2-1 md F i w r e 3.6.2-2

I Cr i ter la I tam


W t e Depth I ZSO t o 420 in. I f I I

va1Ocity P r o f i h E M l o p d by F i W . 3.6.3-1 md Vlscoslty d 500 CP

Simclflc Gravity ' I i 1.7 I f I I


#utlnm Y u t a V a l a i t y om Top 10 r u t O f U . t a (Yut. vetocity h l w 10 Fwt Depth Effect ively Zero)

Show that Vortox ))l.ddtra la mat P r u n t .


Varlfy Thr- In-Sltu T U t S

D m d i n a Mmmt In WIT O U t u T r t * at Dot tm

d 13,487 Lb-in

I I I I L*

I I I I Valocity P ro f i l e md M l x d Y u t a Velocity e t M I 1 lcut im


Brd inp Mmmt in MI1

Strain *glitu6 (1/2 of Straln I-) i n W I T mtar T r t * a t l o t t o . l i p of R i a a r f o r Vibration llodn 1 md 2

LID Ol' Riwr


d 17.686 i n l i n

s 1119 c I W I n M o d . 1 d 139 c lnl ln I(0d. 2 V l b r l t l Q I M o d . 2 Appllcabla m l y I f Flow V*loclty a t WIT L o u t i m mend# #d. 2 .lock-In. V a l ~ l t y of 1.9 f t l1

- f


Refereme/Canat I Actual ValwIStatus


385.9 In. E W F m 8/14/95 PC-SACS D4t.brra

1 A6 Ora0.r 1994

s n n o t i 4 2.3 f t l s mu^ ALLa*ble Velocity fro. F i w r e 3.2.2-1 8 1.5 6.g.. 17.500 cP, ud 385.9 in., Actual Velocity < 2.0 f t / s



Tank Number 241-AN-'104

Riser Number u - 1 3 1 ( l 5 q l

Cri ter ia I t r I lauow

r e i r i c n r p a e Jpctra for Structure 1nr t ieL L w l

Seismic R m p a w t r m for U . t a

zhi, L o d

I(Ydr0gn turn Pa& P P I Y C . - T n r i I . L o d crpci ty of B o l t i n that

Uaate Dapth md viscosity


UH Ilpct Limitar for WIT I n t a l l a t i m I

R a y i r n n t

C n w l a p d or Ecpriwlmt t o tha R r p m a W t r a in mC-4.1, Rw. 12, for e 0.2 g earth+mke a t 5% C r i t i c a l Dq iw

E n w l q r d or Ecpriwlmt t o the R m p a w S p t r a in SDC-4.1. Rw. 12, for a 0.2 g Earthqute at 0.5XCriticaL D q i m ( a d d f ra 8p.ctral velun for 2% c r i t i c a l

1 m lbf/ in2

k 1,760 lbf

Record W i n i u S p c i f i c Gravity b Minima R a y i r d Valw fra Figure 4.2-1 for Actual Uaata D.p(h

Ilpct Limiter Capable of Aborb im D r q , Emrw

Installation Drawing H-2-85611 - 1 Rev. 0 MIT Reference Number 6


--I Actw l VaLw/Status


0.12 g Rnporae Jpc t ra p r SDC-4.1, RW. 12, 5% D r p i n g

0.12 9 R n p l s e W t r a p r bC-4.1, RW. 12, 0.5% D r p l W

i 1,760 Lbf I 1.36 S.G. R q i r d 0 W.9 in. mate Depth, Actual S.G. 1.48 .

I Refer.nee/C-t

I M I T i S Safety CLOSE 3 ( K i d k r 1993). For Safety

a 3 eapmmts the

WIT i a Safety Clus 3 ( K i d k r 1993). For Safety Clam 3 coqonnts the 0.12 9 rnpmee spectra f ra SDC 4.1, Rw. 12, i s ud, J l i ch i a male@ by the 0.2 g rapanae ywctra.

1 9.. note 5 I BY Ir&tiLm H-2-055610-1, Rw. 0

Bared on the above checklist results, the indicated HIT installation is structurally qualified.

Cognizant Engineer ate'

Cognizant Manager ate /z///&-

Independent Review ' B2 Date Ik-l-y%



Cri ter ia I tam R q u l r m t sat i s f id A C t U l ValU/StatU I I I

Tank Number 241-AN-105

Riser Number US-131 rlw


1 ,ns ta l la t ion Drawing H-2-85612 - 1 Rev. 0

MIT Reference Number 7

T n l r D1MW.r

Radial D i r t m frm m a r of T n l r t o 1111

(Note: Any requirement checked 'no" i n v a l i d a t e s the s t r u c t u r a l acceptance o f t he HIT i n s t a l l a t i o n , unless f u r t h e r engineer ing evaluat ions are performed t o reso lve the discrepancy)

n f t f n ft H-2-71915, RW. 2

L 28 ft f 28 ft H-14-10501-3, RW. 0

Diatnce frm lnlr Floor t o Bot tm L ip of Rlur

Length of Rlaar

Unuppor td L w t h of R i m h o w SOIL MU.

D m Thiclvl... a t NIT

i 42.5 f t f 42.46 f t lllx On Dilnm-miorul Calculationr in thir Appubjix

s 14 f t f 13.34 f t mx sw oi - iWU~ catcutationr

s 2.5 ft f l.R f t On D l l l r * i o r u l Calculations

in t h i s Aced i x

in th is Appubjix

2 15 in. f 15 in. H-2-71907. Rev. 1


Rminforcing Bar Sire a t

I U r n Caweta S t r a t h - 1 b 4.500 lbf/lnz I J I I I 4,500 LM/d I H-2-71907. Rev. 1 I 2 #6



Ralnforcing Bar Canter t o Cmter -1- at H I T Location (Top nd Ilottm, 80th Dimtim) Rainforcing Bar Y i d d S t r a t h

Rlser P l p Sir. nd SdI&I.

Riur M t a r i a l Yield Strength

3.5 in. H-2-85144-1, RW. 4

0.180 in. , H-2-Ql44-1, R w . 4

s 10 in.

4 in. Sch 40

I - i VZ5 Ibf

i 400 lbf

3.5 in.

0 . W in.



Actrvl Valtn/StatU

Tank Number 241-AN-105

Riser Number m - 1 3 1 I15A)

Ref mrme/Connt Criteria Itm

1.22 in.

- - - - - - - 0.023 In.

w ~ r p n t u m in vumr smca

waste T r p r a t u r e

H-2-85144-4, Rw. 3

11-2-65144-5, RW. 2


52s ibt

s 0.6 In.

S n Note 1

s 1.28 in.

s 1.a in.

L 0.023 In.

s 0.625 x s 0.04 In.

L 0.032 in.

L sa im

s 5 tt

2 75 In.

s 110 'F

1 1LO 'F


Ins ta l la t ion Drawing H-2-85612 - 1 Rev. 0

MIT Reference Number 7

ASTll A511 n-2-115144.1, RW. 4

30,wo l M / d

0.6 in. H-2-BlU-3, Rev. 3

ASTM A511 TP 3041 -Id

2.57 ft s.. O i n r c r i p u l Calculetforu in this lppndix

4 1 2 *C R y n o l d . 1994


--- -~



Tank Number m-AN-105

Riser Number u m v. 0 I n s t a l l a t i o n Drawing H-2-85612 - 1 Re

MIT Reference Number 7

nom: 1. This 1111 i s n s m t i e l l y i d n t i c e l t o the 1111s inatellad In tank S Y l O l (111la 1 P 2, H-2-

llb141, Rev. 4). Therefore, the i r w i d l t s d widlt distr ibutions ere elso i d n t i c e l .

2. UNte W f u e tm- (R-ld. 1994) W e url fW the O M t m r a t u r r . t r p r e t u r n m i l l b. di#ht ly Ins thm the w t e surtue t r p r e t u r e .

V i m i t y i s uumd to b. Lns than 17,500 cP bumme no date i s aveilnble. This velw i s hl- thn y ~ m n viscosity in any nutford w t e tank.

U n t e r o l l o m wlaity for the AN tnlu i s expctad to k Less t h m 2.0 f t l s , the velocity wad t o qmlify th. W101 NITS, b u a e the w t e r o l l m n i n the AN tanks are Leas m w t i c t h m tham in tank BY101 C R y n o l d a t994).

P W r h@wgm burn p U W e for the AN t U l k S i s e x p c t d t o k I n s than 70 Lbf/in*, the hydro#en burn p r n m url t o qmlify the SY101 NIT., h a m e the m t e rollovers i n the AN tnlu are I n s m u g e t i s thn those in t n k s S Y l O l (R-lds 1994).

A C t U L wa


4. .


Bragor, H. R, 1994, " S u m r y Inforamtiem m F l u m b l e Gas Uatch L i s t Tanks. UHC-EP-077," January 1994,

Reyno16, D. A., 1994, Enlbtim of 241 AN Tank F a n F l u b l e Gas Behavior, WC-EP-0717.

K i d d r r , R. J. 1993, "DoUble-ShdI Ink Interim Safety E q u i p n t List," UWC-SD-W-SEL-026. Rev. 1,

Ynt lnghare Manford E-, Richland, thshlngtm.

J u ~ y r y 1994, U n t i q h a r e I(.ntord C-, R i c k l d , Umhingtm.

u n t i n g h a r e Wntord E-, Richland, Wh ing tm.


Report- m l o f 7 .Rabidon 0 JobNo. WA

Dllwln(l Bui#ing 24. lSY- lOf

The folldng dlmumbnal waluatkn k for the MITs installed in the subject AN tanks. Thb mluetkn b kurd on the MIT pooWoning dlmedon of 11.08 in. shown on th. irmtallatlon drawings.

This duatlon b dMcled hto thrw parts. Patl I is for the nomlal tank dome h a m . Part II b for the

hput d m spplkd In thb 8nalYJI btaken from Figurn 4 In Appefnjix B and from Figure 1 in thb madmum tank donw height, and Part 111 b for the mlnknum tank dome height. The dkneMlon . ApprndbL


PART I NoMlNAL TANK DOME HEIGHT The pd(knhg dlmondon forthe MIT bth. dktance from the MIT datum to the b r flange.

D it-fle = 11.06 in

The dktonca form the center of g d t y for the MIT head assembly to the h r flange b D ~ - f l ~ = 19.75 + D mit_ne

D M gg=30.81 in -

The unwppoltrd length of the rbar above the soil turface b L flgd = 14.66 + 6.0

Lflgd'20.66 in

Lagsoil 11.722 A 12

a-480 in




Report- p . O . Z o f 7 R d d ~ n 0 Jab&. NIA

Dmvlng ~u#hg 241m-1~1

The d b n c e from the tank centerline to the fi~~U~efd o W e edge of th. riser is

x = 338.25 in

h.rirdetennhd aa fallam. h.rirdetennhd aa fallam.

Y =b. Jm Equ.tkn for an ellipse

The I

:=b.j[ 1 - (:)'I Equ.tkn for an ellipse

y-127.713 in

nralkfi at the bottom Up of the b r b then detmnlns BII follows.

,-612.33.( 12) + 0.375+ 8.0 + (31.0.( 12) + 9.5) + y - 0.375- 2.0 ELhP .- 12

EL@-655.26 A

The m l l length of the riser. including the riser extension for the MI1 inatallation, is

L- := [ (667.04 12) + 3.0) - EL lip'( 12)] + 14.66

Lk'158.487 in

J-ria - -13.207 A 12

The dktence from th. tank (loor tothe bottom lip of the dnar is

D h fip'=((31.Q(12)+9.5)+y)- 2.(0.375)- 2.0

D*-@=506.463 in

*-* 142.205 A




Report WHC-sDWM.aAZOO Pago 4 of 7 Rarbkn 0 JobNo. N/A

- - W-IfJ~


Tho elwallon at the bottom lip of the riser is determined BI) follows. The i d s surface of the tank concete dome is an ellipu vvith lhe folluhg dlmenalonrr.

a .=_. (12) + 2.0 2

.=482 in

Half the major dh&r

300 2

b :=-.(12)+ 1.5 Halftheminordlameter

b =I813 in

The dklance from the tank cmteriIne to the farthest ouQ#e edge of the h r is

x =28.0(12)+ (;).4.5

x-338.25 in

when lhe dimendon 4.5 in. b the OW &meter of tha rl#r (4 In. schedlw 40 pipe). Th.dhSsncsYfromlhelmjordb~dthetankdomodYp.tothokrtsnrction batween the inside surface dlhe tank ConaaO dome snd the hrth.rtouWda .dge ofthe riser Is determined as follows.

y = 129.302 in

The olovdon at th. boltom I@ dlhe rb.rhth.n dotmnhd nlolbws.

- 612.33.( 12) + 0.375+ 8.0+ (31.@( 12) + 9.5 + 1.5) + y- 0.375- 2.0 12

EL,, .-

ELlip9655.52 A

The overall length of the her, IncWng tho riur atondon for lhe MT InrblbUon, Is

L- =[(667.0.( 12) + 3.0) - =lip.( 12)] + 14.66

L& =155.398 in

- = 12.95 fi 12

The dirtanco from the tank floor to the bottom lip of the riser is

D h ~ : = ( ( 3 1 . ( 1 2 ) + 9 . 5 ) + ~ ) - 2.(0.375)- 2.0

Dfba_lip=504.874 in


h-b 142.073 A 12

Tha dbtanm that the Mlf entonds below the bottom Up of the W r is

Lmit ,.=(675.015)-D mt-tlg- . Lriser - Lmit-& -503.879 in

L ' mt-&=41.99 A


The damrice belween the bO(t0m of the MIT and the tank floor Ls

D Gk ,= D flon lip + L-+ D ,,,j-flo- 675.015

DGk-0.995 in


Tho dkhnce from the top edg. of thennocouple portrrzZ to the bottom lip of the rber Ls

D W Z - ~ . = 2 4 8 . 4 9 S - (L-+Dmit - fld D ~ 2 - b = 77.359 in