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Accession #: Dl96023635

Document #: SD-WM-PE-055


Pages: 115


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3. From: ( O r i g i n a t i n g Organization) 4. Related EDT No.:

Waste Treatment Systems N/A Engineering 6. Cog. Engr.: 7. Purchase Order No.:

M. D. Guthrie N/A

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This document summarizes 242-A Evaporator Campaign 95-1 as required per WHC-IP-0842 Section 8.12, subsection 6.2

DATA TRANSMITTED (F) (e) ( H ) ( 1 )

O*.k- 10, nwor er Approval Reason Origi- Recaiu- IO)

NO. Tran=mmsd nator Trans- Dispo- Dispo- mmd sicion sain

IEI T*lo or Description of Data S h s t

WHC-SD-WM-PE-055 0 242-A Campaign 95-1 NA 192 1 1 Post Run Document

N/A 10. Sys tmBLdg. /Fac i l i t y :


1. Approval 2. Release

Soc.12.71 3. Information

IJ) Name IKI Siwnatr

Cog.Eng. M. D . Guthr ie

cog. Mgr. R. J. Nicklar


=a=== I

I I 18. 20. I 21. DOE APPROVAL ( i f required)

C t r l . No. t1 Approved (1 Approved u l c m n t s [I Disapproved ulcannents

ED-7-1 72-1

WHC-SD-WM-PE-055, Rev. 0

242-A Campaign 95-1 Post Run Document

Mike D. G u t h r i e Westinghouse Hariford Company, Richland, WA 99352 U.S. Department o f Energy Contract DE-AC06-87RL10930

Org Code: 77310 Charge Code: N1793 EDT/ECN: 614273 uc: 7L3.7

B&R Code: LF- ,~ /ZCL 7/ T o t a l Pages: / / L ,&-nfi $&/

Key Words: 242-.A, Evaporator, Post Run, Campaign, 95-1, Process Eva lua t i on

Abs t rac t : 1995 and f i n i s h e d J u l y 27, 1995. An o v e r a l l Waste Volume Reduction (WVR) o f 8.18 m i l l i o n l i t e r s (2.16 Mgal o r 87.6% WVRF) was achieved from 9.35 m i l l i o n l i t e r s (2.47 Mgal) o f processable waste conta ined i n 108- AP, 107-AP, 106-AW and 102-AW. S l u r r y generated from Campaign 95-1 cons is ted o f 1.05 m i l l i o n l i t e r s (278,000 g a l ) o f d i l u t e double-shel l s l u r r y feed (DDSSF) w i t h a SpG o f approximately 1.34. T o t a l process condensate dischlarged t o LERF was 10.3 m i l l i o n l i t e r s (2.72 Mgal), ach iev ing a condlensate/WVR e f f i c i e n c y r a t i o o f 1.26. T o t a l throughput f o r Campaign 95-1 was 18.1 m i l l i o n l i t e r s (4.79 Mgal). B Pond discharges from steam condensate and c o o l i n g water were 15.8 and 583 m i l l i o n l i t e r s (4.17 and 154 Mgial) r e s p e c t i v e l y . downtime, t h e 242-A Evaporator mainta ined an opera t i ng e f f i c i e n c y o f 86% d u r i n g t h e 49 da,y campaign.

The 242-A Evaporator Campaign 95-1 was s t a r t e d on June 6,

Based on 145 hours o f unplanned

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WHC-SD-WM-PE-055 Rev . 0







INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FEED SOURCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DISCUSSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





4.1.1 Waste Volume Reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.2 Throughput . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.3 T o t a l Operat ing E f f i c i e n c y . . . . . . . . . . . . . PROCESS CONTROL EVALUATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.1 Energet ics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.2 M ix ing and C o m p a t i b i l i t y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.3 C o r r o s i v i t y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.4 Flammable Gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.5 Phosphates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.6 Organic Complexants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.7 T rans fe r L ine Plugging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.8 Transuranic Waste Segregat ion . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.9 Heat Generat ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.10 Separable Organic Layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.11 Sludge Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SAFETY EVALUATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.1 C r i t i c a l i t y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.2 Evaporator Rad io log ica l Source Term . . . . . . . . . 4.3.3 LERF Rad io log ica l L i m i t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.4 LERF Ammonia I n d u s t r i a l Hazard L i m i t . . . . . . . . 4.3.5 Shl ie ld Design L i m i t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E N V I RONMENITAL COMPLIANCE EVALUATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4.1 Vessel Vent Organic Discharge L i m i t s . . . . . . . . 4.4.2 Vessel Vent Ammonia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4.3 LERF L i n e r L i m i t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4.4 Process Condensate Ammonia Concentrat ions . . . . . . 4.4.5 Gaiseous Rad io log ica l L i m i t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4.6 Steam Condensate Discharge L i m i t s . . . . . . . . . . 4.4.7 Coo l ing Water Discharge L i m i t s . . . . . . . . . . .

PROBLEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1 High Process Condensate Temperature/Poor Vacuum Condenser

Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Inadver ten t D ra in ing o f Steam Condensate t o 102-AW . . . . . 5.3 S l u r r y Sampler R e c i r c u l a t i o n L ine Plugging . . . . . . . . . 5.4 Seal Water/PC Recycle System Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5 RC2 Sampler Leakby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.6 Raw Water Flow I n d i c a t o r F a i l u r e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.7 E r r a t i c LERF Basin 43 Automatic Level Readings . . . . . . . 5.8 Loss o f Feed due t o AW Inst rument A i r Loss . . . . . . . . . 5.9 Process Condensate D ive rs ion To Tank 102-AW . . . . . . . . . 5.10 Condensate Bu i ldup i n Rad ia t ion Mon i to r i ng System . . . . . .




2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9


10 10 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13


Ll!i r CF I'ERMS


242:-.,!, Crlil i 15 Wht E r 242:-.,!, F I , x : : , s ~ Ccir densc.te 24;!-.,!t Stiaii (cnclcr~satf~ Dei-; ,'eo f[io:srtrat.ion Guide1 ine Di1ul.e Douti le Shel l S lu r ry Feed Data Qual! I..y Dbject ives Di t'i'wenti a l Scarining Calorimetry Doiihl e She: 1 Tank: Eft? uent 1-reatment F a c i l i t y 2 4 2 - 4 Feed Liqu.d Eff luent Retention F a c i l i t y Mon.itor arid Control System Operating Spec i f i , ca t ion Document Operational Safe ty Requirement Process Control P1 an p a r t s per mi l l ion Safe ty Analysis Report 242-A S lu r ry Spec i f i c Gravity Total Organic Carbon Total Operating Eff ic iency Transuranic Weight Factor Waste Volume Reduction Waste Volume Reduction Fac tor


- WVR = [ I n i t i a l 242-A Feed Tank(s) Volume - Final feed t a n k ( s ) volume]

- WVRF = WVR / t o t a l feedstock x 100%

THROUGHPUT = Total mater ia l t r a n s f e r r e d through Evaporator feed l i n e

+ ( W ) ( t ) X P


where t = processing time = throughput / feed r a t e (min) x = feedstock or amount' of waste t o be processed ( g a l ) p = number of evaporator passes w = raw water addi t ion r a t e from sea l water (gpm) WVRF = waste volume reduct ion factor per evaporator pass

( t h i s equation i s f o r precampaign throughput es t imat ion only)


WHC-SD-WM-PE-055 Rev. 0


This document summarizes the results of 242-A Evaporator Campaign 95-1 as required per WHC-IP-0842 Section 8.12, subsection 6.2 "Process Evaluation Report".

Campaign 95-1 was the third successful operation of the 242-A Evaporator facility since the Project 8-534 upgrade. Dilute waste from 108-AP, 107-AP, and partially concentrated product from Campaign 94-2 were processed. Process condensate generated from the operation was transferred to the Liquid Effluent Retention Facility (LERF) awaiting final disposal by the Effluent Treatment Facility (ETF).

Waste compatibility, radiological source term, criticality, and effluent discharge limit compliance were evaluated prior to Campaign 95-1 startup by WHC-SD-WM-PCP-010. Process Control Plan for 242-A Evaporator Campaign 95-1 (Le 1995) and will be referred to as the "PCP" in this document.


The 242-A Evaporator Campaign 95-1 was started on June 6, 1995 and finished July 27, 1995. An overall Waste Volume Reduction (WVR) of 8.18 million liters (2.16 Mgal or 87.6% WVRF) was achieved from 9.35 million liters (2.47 Mgal) of processable waste contained in 108-AP, 107-AP, 106-AW and 102-AW. Slurry generated from Campaign 95-1 consisted of 1.05 million liters (278,000 gal) of dilute double-shell slurry feed (DDSSF) with a SpG of approximately 1.34. Total process condensate discharged to LERF was 10.3 million liters (2.72 Mgal), achieving a condensate/WVR efficiency ratio of 1.26. Total throughput for Campaign 95-1 was 18.1 million liters (4.79 Mgal). B Pond discharges from steam condensate and cooling water were 15.8 and 583 million liters (4.17 and 154 Mgal) respectively. Based on 145 hours of unplanned downtime, the 242-A Evaporator maintained an operating efficiency of 86% during the 49 day campaign.


Dilute miscellaneous Hanford facility waste from 107-AP and 106-AP was chosen as feed for Evaporator Campaign 95-1. Additionally, the partially concentrated waste from Evaporator Campaign 94-2 was processed during Campaign 95-1 based on an engineering recommendation (see Appendix K ) . waste in tank 106-AP was transferred to 108-AP to provide blending capability necessary for evaporator process control prior to the run. The feed sources, volumes, and compositions for Campaign 95-1 are summarized in the table below:

Because 106-AP is equipped with a flex and float pump,


WHC-SD-WM-PE-055 Rev. 0


per. DOE 5820.2A. C a l c u l a t i o n s f o r TRU can be found i n Appendix B.

k i t Generat ion - P r i o r t o t h e run, t he combined 95-1 feed ancl sludge heat g e n f r a t i o n was c a l c u l a t e d i n t h e PCP t o be below t h e 2.05 x 10 Watt (70000 BTU/hr) l i m i t . The sludge i n t h e 102-AW and 106-AW had n o t been sampled p r i o r t o Campaign 95-1 and f o r conservat ism was assumed t o be equ iva len t t o 106-C sludge when heat generat ion was ca l cu la ted . Post campaign t a n k samples f r o m 106-AW i n d i c a t e d t h e t o t a l heat l o a d o f t h e tank i s 1.71 x lp3 Watts (5830 BTU/hr) which i s w e l l below t h e 2.05 x 10 Watt (70000 BTU/hr) l i m i t and s u b s t a n t i a l l y l e s s than p r e d i c t e d i n t h e PCP. Ca lcu la t i ons f o r t ank heat l o a d a re contained i n Appendix B.

4.2.10 &)arable Orqanic Lavers - Separable sur face organic l a y e r s were n o t present i n tanks 108-AP, 107-AP, 102-AW, ancl 106-AW as i n d i c a t e d by precampaign sampling. The minimum l e v e l i n feed t a n k 102-AW was se t a t 15 cm (6 inc:hes) throughout t h e campaign.

The process condensate tank C-100 l i q u i d l e v e l was operated a t 50% WF d u r i n g Campaign 95-1 t o maximize t h e d e t e c t a b i l i t y o f a p o t e n t i a l l y forming organic l a y e r and t o move t h e i n t e r f a c e f u r t h e r f rom t h e condensate pump suc:tion. The TK-C100 organic i n t e r f a c e i n d i c a t o r LI-C100-1 d i d n o t alarm d u r i n g t h e campaign i n d i c a t i n g no s i g n i f i c a n t organic l a y e r was present . t he end o f t h e campaign t o remove p o t e n t i a l f l o a t i n g m a t e r i a l s and undesi rab le su r face c o n s t i t u e n t s .

The TK-C100 was overf lowed a t

4.2.11 a i d q e Levels - The sludge l e v e l i n 106-AW was measured , be fo re and a f t e r Campaign 95-1 t o q u a n t i f y t h e volume o f

s o l i d s generated d u r i n g t h e campaign and t o determine t h e c u r r e n t ope ra t i ona l volume o f t h e tank. campaign, t h e volume o f sludge i n 102-AW was measured t o be 50.8 cm (20 i n ) . Post campaign measurements o f 102-AW were not. performed a t t h e t ime o f t h i s r e v i s i o n . P r i o r t o t h e campaign, t h e volume o f sludge i n 106-AW ranged between 132 ancl 254 cm ( 5 2 and 100 in . ) w i t h an average o f 191 cm (79 i n . ) from 5 d i f f e r e n t r i s e r s . Measurements f rom t h e same r i s e r s a f t e r t h e complet ion o f t h e campaign i n d i c a t e d sludge l e v e l s between 132 and 287 cm (52 and 113 i n . ) w i t h an average of 208 cm (82 i n . ) . 106-AW can be found i n Appendix J .

P r i o r t o t h e

Sludge measurements f o r


WHC-SD-WN-PE-055 Rev. 0


4.3.1 W t i c a l i t v - The criticality prevention specification (WHC 1994) limits the concentration of fissile material for evaporator feed to 0.005 g/L. systems are limited to 0.013 g/L fissile material. Campaign 95-1 samples indicated 239/240~u concentrations from 0.066 to 0.19 uCi/l ( 1 . 0 6 ~ 2 0 - ~ - 3.07q0-6 g/L) in feed and 0.13 to 0.91 uCi/l (2.1~10- - 1.47~10- dL) influrry. Although not measured directly in sample;, U and 'IJ2 were calculated from U,, to be 6.63~10- and 7.66~10- g/L respectively. All tampaign 95-1 fissile material was measured or calculated to prevention limits. Total 9/240Pu transferred to 106-AW was 8 grams. concentrations were below detection limits, a plutonium material balance was not performed. Fissile calculations can be found in Appendix B.

4.3.2 Evaporator Radioloqical Source Term - The preliminary assessment of the Campaign 95-1 slurry product in the PCP indicated that it would be in compliance with Evaporator radiological source term (RST). Slurry product samples were taken during the campaign to verify source term compliance. term limits (Lavender 1993). Table 11 (Appendix E) contains the source term 1 imits and the associated slurry product analysis.

Because the 24'Pu analysisz4$annot be performed at the 222-S Labs, the slurry product Pu concentration was calculated from an equation in WHC-SD-OCD-016 (Tranbarger 199&)6 and found to be less than 0.1% of its RST limit. The Ra concentration was a1 so calculated from WHC-SD-OCD-016 because of poor 226Ra detection levels caused by matrix interference. be 0.1% of its RST limit.

Evaporator transfers to DST Actual

below the criticality

Because some Campaign 95-1 feed

None of the radionuclides exceeded the source

The slurry 226Ra concentration was found to

4.3.3 U.F Radioloqical Limits - The LERF source term limits are based upon maintaining the sum of the ratio of con,centration to Derived Concentration Guide (DCG) value for 22 radionuclides at less than 5000 (Aguirre 1994). pratcess condensate samples taken during Campaign 95-1 were well below the limit of 5000 DCG's.


Process condensate samples were taken on a weekly basis during Campaign 95-1 and analyzed for the predominant contributors AT, TB, 1-129, and H3. From these samples, the DCG's were calculated to range from 3 to 21 with an average of 8.

Starting on 7/31/95, samples were collected from LERF Basins 42 and 43 to satisfy the OSR semi-annual sampling requirement (Aguirre 1994) and full characterization for the Effluent Treatment Facility (ETF). LERF basins were estimated to be 2.90 and 3.80,

The DCGs from these


WHC-SD-WM-PE-055 Rev. 0

respec t i ve l y . The c a l c u l a t i o n s f o r the OCGs can be found i n Tables 13 and 14 o f Appendix F.

4.3.4 U F Ammonia I n d u s t r i a l Hazard L i m i t - Ammonia/amrnonium concentrat ions are l i m i t e d t o 13,600 mg/L i n LERF t o prevent t o x i c o l o g i c a l exposure o f n o n f a c i l i t y personnel t o ammonia vapor (Lavender 1993b). The h ighes t ammonia concent ra t ion i n process condensate was est imated i n t h e PCP t o be 1,950 mg/L. process condensate samples taken d u r i n g Campaign 95-1 were we l l below t h e l i m i t o f 13,600 mg/L. concentrat ion i n t h e samples was l e s s than 6.0% (796 mg/L) o f t h e l i m i t . condensate ammonia r e s u l t s .

Ammonia concent ra t ions i n a l l o f t h e

The h ighes t ammonia

Appendix F conta ins i n fo rma t ion on process

4.3.5 m e l d Desian L i m i t s - The Cs-137 concent ra t ion i n feed and s l u r r y streams must be maintained below 0.8 Ci /L t o prevent r a d i a t i o n f i e l d s which exceed t h e s h i e l d i n g des ign c r i t e r i a o f the personnel-occupied areas o f t h e 242-A Evaporator B u i l d i n g (Lavender, 1993).

Analys is o f a l l feed and s l u r r y samples taken du r ing Campaign 95-1, i nd i ca ted Cs-137 concentrat ions w e l l below t h e 0.8 C i /L l i m i t .


4.4.1 Vessel Vent Oraanic Oischarae L i m i t s - V o l a t i l e organics are l i m i t e d i n evaporator feed t o prevent hanford s i t e organic emissions from exceeding 1.4 kg/hr (3 l b s / h r ) o r 2800 kg /y r (3.1 t o n / y r ) (Von Bargen 1995). Th i s may be c o n t r o l l e d v i a sampling o r c a l c u l a t i o n (process knowledge). To ensure these l i m i t s were n o t exceeded by t h e vessel discharge, t h e Campaign 95-1 feed c h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n da ta was analyzed i n t h e PCP and determined t o be a small f r a c t i o n o f t h e l i m i t .

Based on t h e pre-campaign da ta eva lua t ion , vessel vent organic samples were n o t necessary f o r t h e campaign. However, t h e t o t a l carbon da ta r e s u l t s f o r feed, s l u r r y , and process condensate samples taken s imul taneously a t steady s t a t e e q u i l i b r i u m cond i t i ons du r ing t h e campaign i nd i ca ted t h a t more than 99.6% o f t o t a l carbon i n t h e feed stream remained i n the s l u r r y stream. Therefore, a n e g l i g i b l e amount o f organic carbon discharged ou t t h e vessel vent.

Based on t h e pre-campaign c h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n da ta f o r candidate feed tanks and t h e methodology documented i n 242- A Evaporator Dangerous Waste Permi t App l i ca t i on , DOE/RL-90- 42, t h e weighted average organic emission r a t e f o r Evaporator Campaign 95-1 was est imated t o be 0.19 kg /hr (0.4 l b / h r ) . The maximum emission r a t e was est imated t o be 0.32 Kg/hr (0.70 l b s / h r ) , which i s w e l l below t h e 1 .4 kg/hr (3.0 l b s / h r ) l i m i t . The t o t a l est imated organ ic d ischarge through t h e vessel vent system f o r Campaign 95-1 was 221 Kg


WHC-SD-WM-PE-055 Rev. 0

(465 l b s ) . A copy o f the i n t e r n a l l e t t e r c o n t a i n i n g es t imat ion o f organic emission r a t e can be found i n Appendix K.





- Vessel Vent Ammonia - Ammonia discharges from t h e vessel vent s tack are l i m i t e d t o the CERCLA r e p o r t a b l e q u a n t i t y o f 45 kgs (100 l b s ) i n any 24 hour per iod . Data compi led from t h e vessel vent ammonia mon i to r AI-NH3-1 d u r i n g Campaign 95-1 i nd i ca ted ammonia discharges f rom a maximum on 6/25 o f 16 kglday (35 l bs lday ) t o n e g l i g i b l e a t t h e end o f t h e run f o r an approximate campaign re lease o f 185 kgs (408 l b s ) . To reduce d a i l y ammonia discharges, waste f rom 108-AP was blended w i t h 107-AP t o main ta in ammonia concent ra t ions i n the s tack below 1000 ppm. Vessel ven t ammonia re lease in format ion, i s contained i n Appendix G.

- LERF L ine r L i m i t s - Process condensate chemical l i m i t s have been es tab l i shed f o r LERF l i n e r i n t e g r i t y (Von Bargen 19!)5). To ensure these l i m i t s were n o t exceeded, t h e Campaign 95-1 feed c h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n da ta was analyzed i n t h e PCP and determined t o be w e l l below t h e l i m i t s .

Tho t o t a l carbon data r e s u l t s f o r process c o n t r o l process condensate samples taken du r ing t h e campaign i n d i c a t e d i n s i g n i f i c a n t amount o f organic i n t h e process condensate stream. The h ighest carbon concent ra t ion i n t h e samples wa!j 23 mg/L which i s we l l below t h e LERF organ ic screening l i m i t o f 1240 mg/L. The data r e s u l t s f o r a l l t h e process condensate samples taken du r ing t h e campaign were w i t h i n tho discharge l i m i t s f o r pH and ammonia. To ta l carbon, ammonia, and pH ana lys is f o r LERF l i n e r c o m p a t i b i l i t y can be found i n Appendix F.

The process condensate RCRA-protocol sampling f o r 1 i n e r c o m p a t i b i l i t y was taken a t LERF as p a r t o f LERF/ETF Waste An,alysis Plan on 7/31/95. talken from LERF basin 42 were l e s s than 17 percent o f t h e LEIRF l i n e r c o m p a t i b i l i t y l i m i t s .

The organ ic analyses f o r samples

- Process Condensate Ammonia Concentrat ions - Ammonia coincentrations are l i m i t e d t o 1 w t % (0.58 M o r 10000 mg/L) i n LERF t o prevent the waste f rom c l a s s i f i e d as "Extremely Hazardous" (Basra 1995). Al though t h e RCRA p ro toco l sainpling f o r ammonia i s now taken a t LERF as p a r t o f LERF and ETF sampling, none o f t h e process c o n t r o l condensate saimples taken dur ing Campaign 95-1 approached t h e l i m i t . Amimonia concentrat ions i n t h e process cohdensate samples ranged from 14 t o 800 mg/L and an average o f 305 mg/L. Appendix F conta ins in fo rmat ion on process condensate ammonia r e s u l t s .

- Gaseous Rad io loq ica l L i m i t s - Vessel Vent r e c o r d samples i nd i ca ted .the a i rborne rad ionuc l i de l e v e l s d ischarged through stack 216-A-22 increased s l i g h t T y d u r i n g Campaign 95-1 bu t were w e l l below t h e OSD l i m i t s (Godfrey 1993). The h ighest t o t a l alpha concent ra t ions were approx imate ly an order o f magnitude below t h e annual average OS0 l i m i t .

WHC-SO-WH-PE-055 Rev. 0





Hiqh Process Condensate TemDerature/Poor Vacuum condenser Performanc:e - The condensate transfer line from 242-A to LERF has an operating limit of 120 DegF for structural integrity. Maintaining a process condensate temperature below the alarm point o f 110 degF and an overall condensate tank temperature below 120 DegF was difficult during the final pass of the evaporator campaign. Contributing factors included warm summertime (70') cooling water temperatures, higher waste SpG's with associated higher vapor temperatures, and evaporator operating pressures of 2 60 TORR. Typical ways to reduce process condensate temperatures are by controlling cooling water flow and controlling vacuum in the evaporator vessel. During campaign 95-1, the cooling water flow was increased in an attempt to decrease condensate temperature, but the changes made had only small effects. One method to reduce condensate temperature would have been by decreasing the operating pressure/temperature of the evaporator, but the operating efficiency (with zero air bleed-in) of the vacuum-condenser system was poor, attaining only 60 TORR operating pressure during the final pass. A 40 or 50 TORR operating pressure hrould have easily kept the process condensate temperature below 110 DegF during Campaign 95-1. Historical vacuum-condenser system operating pressures were typically in the 40 TORR range. One postulated reason for the observed performance reduction o f the vacuum condenser system is hard water fouling in EC2 and EC3. Fouling of the main EC1 condenser has been well documented, but little information exists on EC2 and EC3. temperatures may significantly impact transfers to LERF, a work package ha,s been generated to assess fouling of the EC2 and EC3 condensers prior to the next campaign. performance of EC2 and EC3 may be contributing to the condensation problems with the vessel vent system during the last three campaigns.

Inadvertent Draininq of Steam Condensate to 102-AW - On July 10, several adljustments were made to the reboiler steam trap bypass valve to smooth steam flow and pressure instability but were unsuccessful. Later, troubleshooting began which included checking dlrains and traps on the inlet and outlet side of the reboiler. Upon completion of the investigation, one o f the steam traps was left open unintentially causing a portion of the steam condensate, to purge to 102-AW. The daily material balance was performed on the morning o f July 11 and did not come within specifications. After an investigation of the material balance discrepancy, the 102-AW liquid intrusion was determined to be coming frcim the steam condensate. Upon walkdown o f the plant, the open trap valve was identified. Approximately 30,000 gallons o f steam condlensate was transferred to 102-AW, resulting in reduced overall evaporator operating efficiency.

Slurry SaniDler Recirculation Line Pluaainq - On July 21 and 22, slurry saniples were taken from the F2 sampler for the evaporator final pass waste evaluation. The slurry samples were found to contain an unusually high percentage o f solids (50 V o l % ) , which did not represent process predictions. recirculation bypass jumper flowmeter FI-CAI-3 indication over the

Because high condensate

Furthermore, the poor

Review of the


WHC-SD-WN-PE-055 Rev. 0

con ta ins hligh ammonia. The seal water booster pumps w i l l be operated m l y when f i l t e r e d raw water i s used f o r PB1 and PBZ pump seals. The changes are expected t o occur p r i o r t o t h e nex t evaporator campaign.

5.5 RC2 S a m D l e w - Dur ing campaign 95-1 t h e RC-2 sample carboy was observed f i l l i n g a t an accelerated r a t e compared t o normal. Upon f u r t h l e r i n v e s t i g a t i o n , it was determined t h a t t h e RC-2 i s o l o c k sampler head was a l l o w i n g raw water t o l e a k by t h e O-r ing seals . A t f i r s t , t h i s was n o t deemed a s i g n i f i c a n t problem because thle leakby was n o t severe. The sample frequency f o r t h e composite sampler was decreased t o compensate f o r t h e sample head l e a k r a t e . d u r i n g eva,porator operat ion. As t h e campaign continued, t h e leakby increased t o a p o i n t where i t was determined t o be a s i g n i f i c a n t problem. a r e p r e s e n t a t i v e composite sample o f t h e used raw water stream was impossible' t o ob ta in . Environmental engineer ing was consul ted and agreed t o t h e use o f grab samples o f t h e used r a w water stream u n t i l t h e sample head cou ld be rep laced d u r i n g t h e outage planned be fo re the' f i n a l pass. I n a d d i t i o n , t h e excess used raw water sample being d ra ined was becoming a s i g n i f i c a n t waste a d d i t i o n t o t a n k 102-AW. To address t h e problem, t h e ove r f l ow d r a i n from t h e RC-2 carboy was t e m p o r a r i l y re rou ted t o t h e TK-C-103 (steam condensate). Dur ing t h e planned outage be fo re t h e campaigns f i n a l pass, t h e RC-2 i s o l o c k sampler head was rep laced w i t h a new sample head from spare p a r t s . composite sample frequency was r e t u r n e d t o i t s o r i g i n a l c o n f i g u r a t i on l f requency .

No work cou ld be performed on t h e i s o l o c k sampler head

The RC-2 carboy was f i l l i n g so r a p i d l y t h a t

The RC-2 carboy d r a i n l i n e and t h e RC-2

5.6 Raw Water Flow I n d i c a t o r F a i l u r e - On J u l y 7, 1995, t h e raw water f l o w i n d i c a t o r F I - C A I - I A (a metal f l o a t and g lass housing) ruptured, a l l o w i n g a water l e a k t o t h e 242-A condenser room. f l o w ind ic :a tor was immediately i s o l a t e d t o prevent f u r t h e r leakage. The water spray caused severa l o f t h e f a c i l i t y inst ruments t o read e r r a t i c a l l y , r e s u l t i n g i n a 43 hour f a c i l i t y shutdown. The r o o t cause o f f l o w i n d i c a t o r f a i l u r e was determined t o be excessive opera t i on t h e raw water va l ve HV-CA1-6 over t h e years. Th is ope ra t i on caused t h e p i p i n g t o v i b r a t e enough t h a t t h e f l o w i n d i c a t o r f i n a l l y f a i l e d a t some p o i n t on t h e g l a s s housing. Dur ing t h e campaign, t h e raw water va l ve was f r e q u e n t l y c y c l e d t o l e t s l u r r y va lves (HV-CAI-2 and HV-CAI-2A) seat and prevent water leakage i n t o t h e s l u r r y l i n e . i n d i c a t o r was used as an opera t i ona l process a i d o n l y and w i l l be i s o l a t e d permanently t o prevent r e c u r r e n t f a i l u r e .

5.7 E r r a t i c LERF Basin 43 Automatic Level Readinqs - LERF bas in 42 r o u t i n e l y rece ived process condensate f rom t h e Evaporator Campaign 95-1. Due t o concerns t h a t ETF s t a r t u p cou ld be s i g n i f i c a n t l y delayed, t h e process condensate generated d u r i n g t h e f i n a l pass was rou ted t o LERF bas in 43 i n o rde r t o use a l l a v a i l a b l e LERF capac i t y , thereby p r o v i d i n g adequate space f o r f u t u r e campaigns. The automatic l i q u i d l e v e l measurement systems f o r LERF bas in 43 prov ided erroneous readings d u r i n g warming and c o o l i n g p e r i o d s o f t h e campa-ign. The l i q u i d l e v e l was manual ly measured t o v e r i f y compliance w i t h LERF opera t i ng s p e c i f i c a t i o n s .


The r a w water f l o w


WHC-SD-WM-PE-055 Rev. 0

A f t e r ex tens ive t roub leshoot ing , t h e problem was found t o be a bad Probe/Transmit ter connect ion mechanism as suppl ied by t h e vendor. The end o f t h e probe had a thermo we l l t ype c a v i t y t h a t housed a s p r i n g loaded pos t t h a t pushed against a so lde r pad on t h e t r a n s m i t t e r . Dur ing s i g n i f i c a n t temperature changes, t h i s connect ion became uns tab le and caused e r r a t i c l e v e l ou tpu ts from t h e t r a n s m i t t e r . To reso lve t h i s problem, t h e s p r i n g loaded p i n was removesd. The opening o f the we l l was threaded and t h e w i r e l e a d was b o l t e d t o t h e end o f t h e probe. s o l i d p r o b e p r a n s m i t t e r connect ion and r e s u l t e d i n a s t a b l e output from t h e t r a n s m i t t e r s . t h e LERF Basins Level Transmi t ters Troubleshoot ing can be found i n Appendix K.

Th is prov ided a very

A copy o f the i n t e r n a l l e t t e r addressing

5.8 Loss o f Feed due t o AW Instrument A i r Loss - Inst rument a i r compressors i n AW farm shut down several t imes d u r i n g t h e campaign. Since inst rument a i r f rom AW farm i s used t o operate t h e feed va lve DOV-02E-1 f o r t h e evaporator, l o s s o f AW inst rument a i r w i l l cause t h e feed va lve t o f a i l open, d i v e r t i n g feed f l o w from Evaporator t o t h e 102-AW feed tank. Loss o f feed w i l l r e s u l t i n Evaporator shutdown due t o lower ing l i q u i d l e v e l i n t h e vessel . I n add i t i on , s i g n i f i c a n t e f f o r t s were requ i red t o rega in feed f l o w c o n t r o l a f t e r l o s i n g inst rument a i r t o t h e feed valve. The Evaporator was shutdown due t o AW inst rument a i r l o s s on one o f t h r e e occasions d u r i n g the campaign. To prevent recurrence, a work packalge has been generated t o use inst rument a i r f rom evaporator compressors f o r the feed va lve operat ion.

5.9 Process Coindensate D ive rs ion To Tank 102-AW - On June 20, 1995, a spur ious alarm from l e a k de tec to r LDI-A1 on t h e process condensate (PC) l i n e lbetween t h e 242-A Evaporator and the L i q u i d E f f l u e n t Reten t ion F a c i l i t y (LERF) annunciated i n t h e 242-A Evaporator c o n t r o l ro'om and c leared immediately. As a design o f t h e computer c o n t r o l system, t h e alarm ac t i va ted t h e automat ic shutdown mechanism o f PC pump (P-C100) and d i v e r s i o n o f va lve HV-RC3-3 t o pe rm i t prolcess condensate f l ow back t o t h e 102-AW Evaporator feed tank . t h e alarm annunciated. However, t h e HV-RC3-3 va lve was n o t reposi t ion led t o send the process condensate t o LERF. The Evaporator system was u n i n t e n t i o n a l l y opera t ing i n a non- p roduc t i ve r e c y c l e loop f o r approximately e i g h t hours. caused 27,1000 g a l l o n s o f PC t o be d i v e r t e d t o the feed tank and 2,000 ga l l ons o f seal and f l u s h water be ing added t o t h e system.

The P-CIOO was manually r e s t a r t e d i n a few minutes a f t e r

Th is

A m o d i f i c a t i o n t o t h e va lve l i n e u p was performed which w i l l d i v e r t t h e PC flol,v back t o TK-C100 i f a s i m i l a r a larm occurs.

5.10 Condensate Bui lduo I n Rad ia t ion Mon i to r inq Systems - High d i f f e r e n t i a l oressure f d h ) across the vessel vent de-en t ra iner pads occurred' severa l time; du r ing t h e campaign. i n an atteimpt t o lower t h e h igh d/p i s t o reduce t h e vessel vent s tack f l o w r a t e and manually ad jus t a i r b leed- in va lve 3-1. On 6/19/95, w h i l e i n v e s t i g a t i n g a spur ious alarm from vessel vent h i g h alpha r a d i a t i o n moni tor , the vessel vent CAMS and reco rd sampler were found t o conta in water. Water condensation i n t h e vessel vent was due t o i n s u f f i c i e n t a i r f l o w and h igh humid i t y d u r i n g a r a i n storm.

Typ ica l response

The problem was temporary reso lved by


WHC-SO-WM-PE-055 Rev. 0

d r a i n i n g water out o f t h e CAMS and r e p l a c i n g the record sampler f i l t e r s . A temporary heater was i n s t a l l e d on t h e vessel vent a i r i n l e t t o reduce water condensation f rom h i g h humid i ty . f u t u r e , a r a i n cap o r permanent i n l e t heater may be i n s t a l l e d t o reduce condensation problem i n t h e vessel vent system.

I n t h e


6.1 SPECIF IC GRAVITY MODELING - A p rec i se p r e d i c t i o n o f s p e c i f i c g r a v i t y (IjpG) o f t h e s l u r r y waste a t t h e end o f an evaporator campaign i s v i t a l f o r evaporator process c o n t r o l s t r a t e g y and opera t ion . The evaporator s l u r r y i s l i m i t e d t o SpG o f < 1.41. The SpG l i m i t was chosen because o f a s t a t i s t i c a l c o r r e l a t i o n between SpG and flammable gas watch l i s t tanks. The pre-campaign boildown !ipG i s always much h igher than t h e ac tua l s l u r r y SpG main ly due t o t h e suspended and p r e c i p i t a t e d s o l i d s i n t h e boildown ( f lask.

For seve r r l years now, t h e 242-A Evaporator SAR (WHC-SD-WM-SAR- 023) has prov ided t h e c o r r e l a t i o n f o r es t ima t ing t h e f i n a l product s l u r r y SpG. However, t h i s SAR SpG c o r r e l a t i o n was found t o be s u b s t a n t i a l l y d i f f e r e n t f rom t h e ac tua l sample SpGs taken du r ing evaporator campaigns i n 1994 and 1995. The SAR SpG c o r r e l a t i o n was der ived from an equat ion based on four-component s y n t h e t i c waste w i t h SpGs rang ing from 1.490 t o 1.728. This c o r r e l a t i o n was n o t der ived f o r t h e range o f c u r r e n t evaporator opera t ion and does n o t inc lude some impor tant waste components t h a t c o n t r i b u t e t o SpG such as NrF, Na,PO,, Na,SO,, and Na,CO, which are known t o be f a i r l y coinmon among t h e evaporator wastes. Therefore, i t was f e l t t h a t a new SpG c o r r e l a t i o n was needed.

The new SpG c o r r e l a t i o n f o r t h e evaporator waste was determined as a func t ion o f t h e concent ra t ion sum (moles) o f e i g h t major s a l t s which are found abundantly i n t h e waste. The major s a l t s a re NaAlO,, NaOH, NaNO,, NaNO , NaF, Na,P04, Na,S04, and Na,CO,. d e r i v e t h e new SpG co r re fa t i on , t h e e f f e c t o f temperature was neglected, assuming ambient cond i t i ons a t t h e l a b s were t h e same as i n the waste tanks. are based on Evaporator campaigns which are l i s t e d i n Table 7 o f Appendix IE.

The fo l l ow ing simple equation, v a l i d f o r SpGs rang ing from 0.983 t o 1.47 a t room temperature was der ived from the referenced da ta w i t h a h igh c o e f f i c i e n t o f c o r r e l a t i o n (R ) o f 0.965, which means 96.5% of the t o t a l data v a r i a b i l i t y i s expressed by t h e equat ion.


The data used f o r t h e new SpG c o r r e l a t i o n

SpiG = {O.q57998 * Anion Sum (M)) - (0.00169 * [Anion Sum (M)] ) + 0.98041

The SAR equat ion wag a l so compared t o t h e same referenced da ta and had a c o r r e l a t i o n R = 0.82.

Graphical i l l u s t r a t i o n s o f how c lose t h e c o r r e l a t i o n s compare t o t h e sample da ta can be found i n t h e Appendix E.


WHC-SD-WH-PE-055 Rev. 0



It is recommended that this equation will be used in the next campaign to determine SpG (as a test case). this test and using further data to refine the equation as necessary, a recommendation may be made at that time to incorporate it into the Evaporator Flow Sheet model.

Based on results of

PBl/PB2 Seal Water Modification - At the present time, orifices are used to maintain backoressure o f water seals for PB1 and PB2.

~ _ _ Because o f the small size'of these orifices, plugging is a common occurrence. have been made frequently to unplug these orifices, ALARA, waste minimization, and eliminate the down-time currently associated with cleaning the orifices, an engineering study (WHC- SD-WM-ES-359) has been completed proposing modifications to redirect the PB1 and PB2 pump seal to TK-C100 instead of 102-AW. and to install accessible needle valves f o r flow control.

Insufficient Anti-Foam Concentration Results In Hiclh De- entrainment Pad dP's - Excessive foaming at the C-A-1 vessel 1 iquid-vapor interface resulted in plant shutdown on five separate occasions during the campaign. During the initial stages of campaign 95-1, the facility was operated using an anti-foam concentration which had proved effective during campaigns 94-1 and 94-2. Anti-foam concentration was increased incrementally after each of the first three successive shutdowns to a concentration of approximately 300 ppm of anti-foam i n the C-A-1 vessel at the time of the fourth shutdown. After the fourth shutdown the decision was made to double the anti-foam concentration, which resulted in smooth plant operation until the anti-foam addition was prematurely stopped prior to the end of the campaign (the fifth shutdown).

Much valuable experience was gained during campaign 95-1 concerning the behavior o f foam in the evaporator process. main points are summarized below:

Entries into the pump room (a high radiation zone) To promote



Boildown studies are valuable tools for predicting foaming potential. During both campaign 94-1 and 95-1, foaming problems occurred at approximately the same WVR as noted during the pre-campaign boildown studies. The boildown study for campaign 94-2 did not predict significant foaming, and in fact the entire campaign was run successfully at a very low anti-foam concentration.

The evaporator process is very destructive to the anti- foam. Foaming problems encountered during campaign 95-1 were resolved after anti-foam concentration in the C-A-1 vessel was raised to approximately 600 ppm, or three times the maximum concentration recommended by the anti-foam manufacturer.

Adjustment o f process parameters will not cure foaming. During both campaign 94-1 and 95-1, steam, vacuum and level setpoint adjustments were made in an effort to control foaming in the vessel, to no effect. In both cases, the only successful cure for foam was anti-foam chemical addition.



5 )

WC-SD-WH-PE-055 Rev. 0

F i l l i n g t h e vessel w i t h water and r e s t a r t i n g w i l l n o t cu re foaming - Dur ing bo th campaign 94-1 and 95-1, C-A-1 was dumped and f i l l e d w i t h raw water i n an at tempt t o "wash out." t h e foam. I n both cases foaming problems resumed when the! vessel contents re tu rned t o t h e o r i g i n a l concen t ra t i on . This technique i s p a r t i c u l a r l y non -bene f i c ia l g i v e n t h e nega t i ve impact on PC t o WVR r a t i o , a PBI goal .

Anti- foam chemical does n o t c l o g t h e de-entrainment pads - Review o f de-entrainment pad dP d a t a f o r a l l t h r e e campaigns revea ls no upward t r e n d t h a t i s assoc iated w i t h s c a l i n g or m a t e r i a l b u i l d u p from beginning t o end o f campaign.


WHC-SD-WM-PE-055 Rev. 0


Agui r re , H., 1994, F i n a l S a f e t y Analysis Report, P r o j e c t W-105, L i q u i d E f f l u e n t Re ten t i on Fac i l i ty , WHC-SD-W105-SAR-001, Rev. 0-D, Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richland, Washington.

A l l i s o n , J. M., 1984, Computer P r e d i c t i o n o f Evaporator Operations, SD-WM-ADP-004, A.ockwel1 Hanford Operations, Richland, Washington.

Basra, T. S., 1995, 242-A Evaporator Waste Ana lys i s Plan, WHC-SD-WM-EV-060,

Beck, M. A., 1995, Evaporator Campaign 95-1 Boi ldown Report, i n t e r n a l memo,

Rev. 5., Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richland, Washington.

Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richland, Washington.

Fowler, K. D . , 1995, Tank Farm Waste C o m p a t i b i l i t y Program, WHC-SD-WM-OCD-015, Rev. 1, Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richland, Washington.

Godfrey, S. D. , 1993, Operat ing Spec i f i ca t i ons f o r t h e 242-A Evaporator- C r y s t a l l i z e r , OSO-T-151-00012, Rev./Mod. D-1, Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richland Washington.

H a r r i s , J. P., 1992, Operat ing S p e c i f i c a t i o n s f o r t he 241-AN, AP, AW, AY, AZ, & SY Tank Farms, OSD-T-151-00007, Rev./Mod. H-5, Westinghouse Hanford Company, R i c h l and, Washington.

R e t e n t i o n Fac i l i t y (LERF), OSD-T-151-00029, Rev./Mod. B-0, Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richland, Washington.

Lavender, 1993, 242-A E v a p o r a t o r / C r y s t a l l i z e r S a f e t y A n a l y s i s Report, WHC-SD-WM-SAR-023, Rev. 1-6, Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richland, Washington.

Le, E. Q. /Guthr ie M.O., 1995, Process Con t ro l P l a n f o r 242-A Evaporator Campaign 95-1, WHC-SO-WM-PCP-010, Rev. OA, Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richland, Washington.

7C242-92-019, Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richland, Washington.

Johnson, P. G., 1995, Operat ing S p e c i f i c a t i o n Document f o r t he L i q u i d E f f l u e n t

P i t k o f f , C. C., 1992, I s o t o p i c Uranium Analysis Composition, I n t e r n a l Memo

Tranbarger, R. K., 1992, 242-A Evaporator OSR Compliance S t r a t e g y f o r R a d i o l o g i c a l Source Strengths, WHC-SO-WM-OCD-016, Rev. 0, Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richland, Washington.

CPS-T-149-00010, Rev./Mod. E-0, Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richland, Washington.

Von Bargen, 6 . H., 1995, 242-A E v a p o r a t o r l L i q u i d E f f l u e n t Re ten t i on F a c i l i t y Data Quali ty Object ives, WHC-SD-WM-DQO-014, Rev. 1, Westinghouse Hanford Company, R i c h l and, Washington.

V a i l , T. S 1994, Waste Storage i n Double S h e l l Tanks and Associated Equipment,

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WHC-SD-WM-PE-055 Rev. 0

TABLE i :: EVENT TIMELINE - CAMPAIGN 95-1 (p. 1 of 5)

Mav 4. 1995




6/16 6/17

S t a r t e d a complete t a n k t r a n s f e r from 106-AP t o 108-AP.

Completed 106-AP t o 108-AP t r a n s f e r .

S t a r t ed and completed a 371,000 gal the feed tank (102-AW).

S ta r t ed and completed a 371,000 gal feed t a n k .

on (135 i n ) transfer from 107-AP t o

on (135 i n ) transfer from 108-AP t o

I n i t i a t e d and completed v a l v i n g , ins t rumentat ion, and e l e c t r i c a l l ineups .

Began evaporator p r e s t a r t procedure.

F i l l e d evaporator w i t h flush water. Began troubleshooting low seal water flow t o r e c i r c u l a t i o n pump (PB1).

Replaced w h a t was assumed t o be f a i l e d PB1 flow t r a n s m i t t e r (FIT-CAI-1). PB1 seal water jumper then assumed t o be plugged.

Cleared PB1 seal water jumper obstruct ion. S t a r t ed p lan t up f o r campaign 95-1, achieving bo i lo f f a t midnight.

Obtained process condensate and s l u r r y samples. Feed sample was not taken due t o l e a k i n g valve. S t a r t e d a 206,000 gal lon (75 in) t r a n s f e r from 107-AP t o the feed tank.

Completed t r a n s f e r from 107-AP t o t h e feed tank. S t a r t ed a 206,000 g a l l o n (75 i n ) transfer from 108-AP t o the feed t a n k . Spurious s l u r r y 1 ine leak de tec t ion (SL167/168) alarms shutdown the s l u r r y pump (PB2) mul t ip le times due t o moisture.

Completed t r a n s f e r from 108-AP t o the feed tank. Moisture caused SL167/168 alarms t o shut down PB2 multiple times.

S lu r ry and process condensate samples were taken. Valving sequence was modified t o allow feed samples t o be obtained. S t a r t e d 275,000 (100 i n ) 106-AW t o feed tank recyc le transfer.

Seal water pressure t o PB2 gradual ly drops o f f , t roubleshoot ing s t a r t e d .

Completed 106-AW' t o 102-AW recycle transfer. S t a r t e d a 385,0010 gal lon (140 i n ) t r a n s f e r from 107-AP t o the feed t a n k . Turned o f f deentrainment sDravs t o maintain adeauate sea l water Dressure . - t o PB2.

A- 2

WHC-SD-WM-PE-055 Rev. 0


6/18 Completed t r a n s f e r from 107-AP t o the feed t a n k . Vessel vent de-entrainer d i f f e r e n t i a l pressure (d/p) began t o r ise and could n o t be cor rec ted with a i r bleed-in adjustment.

S t a r t ed vessel rent deentrainment sprays in an attempt t o reduce d / p ' s . Feed, s l u r r y , and process condensate samples were taken. Rain and h i g h humidity caused condensation t o accumulate i n the vessel vent CAM's and record sampler. S t a r t e d a 275,OClO g a l l o n (100 i n ) recycle transfer from 106-AW t o the feed t a n k . Moisture caused COB box alarms t o shut down the 106-AW transfer pump mu1 t i p l e times . Restar ted 106-Ah1 recyc le t r a n s f e r a f t e r e l e c t r i c a l jumper was i n s t a l l e d t o bypass spurious alarms t h a t were unrelated t o the transfer. LERF l eak de tec t ion alarms caused an unnoticed 27,000 ga l lon d ivers ion of PC t o t h e feed t a n k . Disassembled process condensate recycle pump (PC-106) and found pump impel ler corrosion.

Spurious SL-1671168 alarms per iodica l ly shutdown PB-2. Seal water pumps (P-C105 & P-C105A) f a i l e d and shut down PB2. S t a r t e d t o s l u r r y out by g r a v i t y . Completed 106-ACI recycle t r a n s f e r . S t a r t ed a 358,OtlO gal lon (130 i n ) t r a n s f e r from 108-AP t o the feed tank.

Decreased steam flow t o match boi lof f ra te t o g r a v i t y s l u r r y flow; Attempted t o rebui ld P-C105A b u t pump would not increase s e a l water pressure. Compressors in A W farm shutdown, causing l o s s of feed which a l s o s h u t down the evaporator due t o lowering l i q u i d level .

Completed shutdown of evaporator. Gravity s l u r r i e d most of evaporator contents t o 106-AW and dumped remainder t o l O 2 - A W . Completed 108-AI' t o 102-AW t r a n s f e r . Fixed seal water pumps and cleaned PB2 seal water jumper. AW farm instrument a i r r e s t a r t e d using a por tab le a i r compressor. Began f i l l i n g evaporator w i t h feed and proceeded i n t o s t a r t u p .

Completed evaporator s t a r t u p with boi lof f a t 0622.

A por tab le compressor was i n s t a l l e d because the A L C compressor s h u t down. A l a r g e r por tab le was brought on-line f o r both AW instrument a i r and ALC air a f t e r the ex i s t ing ALC por tab le compressor s h u t down severa l t imes.

Feed, s l u r r y , and process condensate samples were taken. S t a r t ed a 275,000 ga l lon (100 i n ) recycle transfer from 106-AW t o t h e feed t a n k .






6/24 6/26





WHC-SO-WM-PE-055 Rev. 0

TABLE 1 :: EVENT TIMELINE - CAMPAIGN 95-1 (p. 3 of 5 )

Used raw water sampler (RC2) leakby is causing some used raw water to drain to the feeld tank. Completed 106-AW recycle transfer.

Restarted PC rec,ycle system after new/rebuilt pumps were installed.

ALC compressor was repaired and placed back in service. Portable instrument air compressor in AW farm shut down, causing loss of feed valve contr'ol. After air was restored, the feed valve required cycling to regain flow control. Started a 756,0010 gallon (275 in) recycle transfer from 106-AW to the feed tank.

More air compressor problems in AW farm caused loss of evaporator feed valve control, with significant effort required to regain control.

Foaming caused evaporator deentrainment pad dP's to climb and eventually shut down the evaporator. Restarted evaporator after increasing anti-foam chemical addition.

Deentrainment dP's continued to rise again, despite deentrainer flushing, increased anti-foam addition, and reduced boiloff. Evaporator later shut down due to high deentrainer dP's. Dumped evaporator contents and refilled vessel with raw water to help remove foam.

When initially starting up with raw water, the lower deentrainment pad dP rose again preventing startup. Deentrainment pad flushing would cause a temporary reduction on the dP's. Deentrainment transmitter air rotometers were adjusted. Antifoarn chemical was added with a higher makeup concentration over a period of time to bring up vessel antifoam concentration before attempting to restart the plant. The evaporator eventually reached boiloff without pad dP problems.

Feed, slurry, and process condensate samples were taken. RC2 isolock leakby calculated to be 1 gpm. RC2 carboy overflow drain rerouted to the steam condensate weir to eliminate water addition to the feed tank.

Deentrainer dP slowly rose forcing a plant shutdown. Deentrainers were flushed and antifoam makeup concentration was doubled. A plugged steam strainer prevented restart of the evaporator and the plant was left in recirculation with vacuum.


WHC-SD-WM-PE-055 Rev. 0





Completed 106-AW to 102-AW recycle transfer. Cleaned plugged steam strainer. Started process condensate recycle system, and completed plant startup. FI-CA1-1A rotometer (water) ruptured on upper level of the condenser room, wetting down equipment, the basement floor and instrumentation. Shut down the evaporator and dumped the vessel.

Some instrumentation temporarily showed irregular readings, but most readings returned to normal after instrumentation dried out. PB1 seal water needle valve required adjustment to bring flow into spec during seal water startup. Filled vessel with feed from 102-AW. PB1 seal water pressure rose and alarmed.

Began using filtered raw water to supply pressure to the seal with seal water pumps shut down. Proceeded to plant startup and achieved boiloff.

Started seal water pumps. PC-105 was unable to maintain pressure, so PC-105A was put in use, with PC-105 as backup.

A feed tank material balance discrepancy occurred. Steam condensate valve 2-14 was discovered to be open allowing approximately 30,000 gallons of steam condensate to be sent to feed tank.

7/15 Shut down evaporator and dumped the vessel to the feed tank in preparation for the final pass operation. Started staging waste from 106-AW to the feed tank.

The waste staging transfer was shut down temporarily due to a material balance discrepancy caused by inconsistent methods of taking liquid level readinas.


- 7/18

Partially filled the evaporator vessel so feed samples could be taken. Dumped the contents to 102-AW. Sent feed samples to labs for rush analysis. Rebuilt and installed PC-105. properly.

Started evaporator prestart procedure.

Completed startup for the final pass. Started PC recycle system.

Pump was tested and found to work



WHC-SO-WM-PE-055 Rev. 0

95-1 Feed, Slurry, and Process Condensate

ign 95-1 F i n a l Pass Slurry and Process Condensate


WHC-SO-WH-PE-055 Rev. 0



8- 1

WHC-SO-WM-PE-055 Rev. 0


T o t a l Processable Feed: Start

102-AW 356.75 106-AW 240 107-AP 226.7 108-AP 214

T o t a l

Remaining DSSF ]product:

- End 20 100.0 10.3 10.5

Final 102-AW 24.4 106-AW 196.7

T o t a l

F i n a l Evap Flush: - End

102-AW 34.35 106-AW 196.7

T o t a l

D i f f e r e n c e 336'. 75 140 216.4 203.5

896.65 inches (2.466 Mgal or 9,330,000 L)

D i f f e r e n c e 4.4 96.7

101.1 inches (278 Kgal o r 1,052,000 L )


D i f f e r e n c e 9.95 0

9.95 inches (27. Kgal o r 103,600 L)


WVRF (be fo re f l u s h ) = 896.65 - 101.1 x 100% = 88.7% 896.65

WVRF ( a f t e r f l u s h ) = 896.65 - 101.1 - 9.95 x 100% = 87.6%

T o t a l Campaign 95-1 WVR = (896.65 - 101.1 - 9.95) = 785.6 inches


(2.16 Mgal o r 8,180,000 L)


WHC-SO-WH-PE-055 Rev. 0


Unplanned Outages

Dates 6/22-6124

7 1 2 , 713-714 716-717, 7/24


-- Coimmen t s

S e a l Water Pump(s) Fai 1 u re

Oelentrai ne r Foaming

Coindenser rqom water l e a k f r l om rup tu red rotometer

To ta l

P1 anned Outages

7/15-7120 Fiinal pass waste s tag ing

7/25-7127 Evaporator h o t water

and sampling

f l i i s h To ta l

T o t a l Downtime

37 hours

64.5 hours

43 hours

144.5 hours

118.5 hours

35.5 hours

154 hours

Operat ing E f f i c i e n c y (Based on Unplanned Outages Only)

Campaign d u r a t i o n 618-7127 (49 days) Planned Outages

11 76 hours - 154 hours

1022 hours

T o t a l Operat ing E f f i c i e n c y (TOE) = (1022-144.5)/1022 x 100% = 86%

Overa l l Operat ing E f f , i c i e n c y

Campaign d u r a t i o n 618-7127 (49 days) 1176.0 hours T o t a l downtime (planned and unplanned) 298.5 hours

T o t a l Opera t i ng E f f i c i e n c y (TOE) = (1176-298.5)/1176 x 100% = 73%


Campaign 95-1 Overall Performance

'30 Date

I -m- Throughput 4 PC to LERF * WVR I


WHC-SD-WM-PE-055 Rev. 0






m Q)

c -

50 -



Campaign 95-1 Tank Liquid Levels

(t107AP --t 108AP (106AP waste)


WHC-SD-WM-PE-055 Rev. 0


LERF Basin 42 and 43 Liquid Levels Limit

* 18 Basin 43

4t-@- ----I 01 -Jun 11 -Jun 21 -Jun 01-JuI 11 -Jul 21 -Jul 31 -Jul 2 h l I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 8 '

Date Erra t ic level due t o probeltransmitter problems

(see discussion i n Section 5 . 7 )


WHC-SD-WH-PE-055 Rev. 0



D- 1




140 h :: 120 E =

2 - 100 ( d 3

C3 80 t 60



0 OE

Wr-':-5D-li7-PE-055 Rev. 0


Campaign 95-1 Daily Throughput

Total C,ampaign 95-1 Throughput = 4,790,460 Gal

Normal Throughput (Feed Flow) = 140,OOO gal/day



WHC-SD-WH-PE-055 Rev. 0

T a b l e 6: 242-A Campaign 95-1 Feed Data


5. v

6 C 0 0

WHC-SD-WM-PE-055 Rev. 0


Campaign 95-1 Slurry Hydroxide Concentration lor ' Upper [OH-] Limit = 5 Molar - ___. -_____

a, -0 x .-

2 u:L I I Date I I I I

x I

Lower [OH-] Limit = 0.01 Molar oo, _._I_-___.___.._-._.___-________

06/10 06/15 06/20 06/25 06/30 07/05 07/10 07/15 07/20 O i 25


UP:-SD-WM-PE-055 Rev. 0


Campaign 95-1 Slurry Nitrite Concentration

Upper [N02-] Limit = 5.5 Molar -__.I__

s v


0 c 0

a) c L 4- .- .- 0.1

Lower [NOZ-] Limit = 0.01 1 Molar o1 06/10 06/15 06/20 06/25 06/30 07/05 07/10 07/15 07/20 O i

Date '25


WHC-SD-WM-PE-055 Rev. 0


CamDaian 95-1 SI u r ry N it ;ate c'oncen t rat i o n

[N03-] Limit = 5 Molar '"1


0.1 06/10 06/15 06/20 06/25 06/30 07/05 07/10 07/15 07/20 Oi 25


WHC-SD-WM-PE-055 Rev. 0


0.1 7

0.01 E’

- - - - - - -

h - + u) 0.001~ v - - Q) 0 (u

- - 3 0.0001~ a

1 E-05~ -

- - - - - - - - -

1 E-06 -

Campaign 95-1 Feed/Slurry Pu239 Concentration

DST Fissile Limit = 0.013 g/L Evaporator Feed Fissile -- Limit = 0.005 g/L

\r=& 25

I -m- Feed + Slurry I


WHC-SD-WM-PE-055 Rev. 0

. .-



SpG LIMIT = I .41

Campaign 95-1 Specific Gravity Comparison

0.9- I I I I I I

06/10 06/15 06/20 06/25 06/30 07/05 07/10 07/15 07/20 07/25 Date

SLURRY SpG 1 (Evap) ---- SLURRY SpG 2 (Evap) - -D- SLURRY SpG (lab) + Feed SpG (lab)







cs d rn 3 1.2

(II -J v

=I c


I I 1 1 1 1

0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5


0.9- 1.6

WHC-SO-WM-PE-055 Rev. 0


SAR Specific Gravity Correlation

Sp.G = 1.01 651 + 0.05878[A102] - 0.01 943[0H] - 0.00050471 (Temp) + 0.04589(SIG] -0.00088267[N02IA2 R"2 = .82 [SIG] = Sum of all anions in (M) [Temp] = in celcius

+ 94-1 94-2 0 Old Data 1


1 .E

1 .E

c 1.4

ki I.?

0 1.2 (3 d * 1.1

0 v) .- .-

E 0


0.9 (

i tlC-S?-WM-~E-055 Rev. 0


Estimated Sp.G Vs Actual Sp.G

0 0


Slurry sample data line


0 0

I 1 8 1 1

1 1 1 .I 1.2 1.3 1.4 1 Sp.G

I T E s t i r n a t e d Sp.G 0 SAR-23 Sp.G




Rev. 0

Smnplm IAlOZI Ion1 IN031 IN021 Ifl imai IS041 ITICI INal LAB Nvmb., (MI (MI IHI (MI (Mi (MI (MI (MI IW SPG

Table 7: Slurry Data used for Spec i f ic Gravity Correlation


C 0

m 0 0 C m 0


e .-

P i

WHC-SD-WM-PE-055 Rev. 0


CamDaian 95-1 Slurry Tot& Orzanic Carbon

1 00

Approxlmate TOC Concentration if slurry product was concentrate, to 8 Molar caustic limit Complex Waste

14.3 g/Lp

I I Non-Complex Waste


0.1 06/10 06/15 06/20 06/25 06/30 07/05 07/10 07/15 07/20 O i 25


WHC-SD-WH-PE-055 Rev.0

SAMPLE NUMBER T1986 T2011 DATE 6/10/95 6 /15 /95

Table 9 : 242-A Campaign 95-1 Slurry D a t a

T2043 T2096 T2149 T2097 1227 0 72271 6/19/95 6 /27 /95 7/5/95 712119 7 /21 /95 7 /21 /95


WHC-SD-WM-PE-055 Rev.0

Table 9: 242-A Campaign 95-1 Slurry Data


WHC-SD-WM-PE-055 Rev. 0

Table 10: ;!42-A Campaign 95-1 F i n a l Slurry Product D a t a


WHC-SD-WM-PE-055 Rev. 0


‘For conservat ism, d a t a used f o r cornparision i s t h e h i g h e r v a l u e between sample T2270 and 6AW-95-1.

3Calcul a ted from equat ions i n WHC-SD-WM-OCD-016 (Tranbarger 1992)


WHC-SD-WM-PE-055 Rev. 0



F- 1

h:'-C-SCI-'dV-P5-055 Rev. 0

f:IGlIRE 20

90 -

80 -

70 - 60 - 50 - 40 -

30 - 20 - 10-


Campaign 95-1 Daily Process Condensate Discharge

Total Campaign 95-1 PC Discharge = 2,724,410 Gal

T #I




I I I I -1

30 Date


WHC-SD-WM-PE-055 Rev. 0


Campaign 95-1 APC DCG’s

Limit = 5000 DCG’s 10000


?3 100 0 n

I I 1 1

06/20 06/30 0711 0 07/20 Oi 1 0611 0

Date ‘30


WHC-SO-WM-PE-055 Rev. 0


Campaign 95-1 APC NH3

/r 10000 Limit = 10,000 mg/L (ppm)


0611 0 06/20 06/30 0711 0 07/20 0 10


\ .____\__I_


WHC-SO-WM-PE-055 Rev. 0

Table 13: Comparison o f LERF Basin 42 Concentrations t o Radiological Limits





~ e - 7 9 ~




Ru- 106 1-129




Eu- 154 Eu-155










Total ( L - i m i t = 5000)

1. Frm Tab le 9 - 3 o f '~HC-SD-U105-SAR-001. Rev. 0. " F i n a l S a f e t y A n a l y s i s Repor t 242-A Evapora tor L i q u i d E f f l d e n t R e t e n t i o n F a c i l i t y " .

2. L i q u i d E f f l u e n t R e t e n t i o n F a c i l i t y Sampling Report, DOE/RL t o Eco logy T r a n s m i t t a l LETTER W6-PCA-020. October 25. 1995.

3. No a n a l y s i s d a t a a v a i l a b l e . E s t i m a t e f r o m UHC-SO-UM-PCP-010, Rev. 0, "Process C o n t r o l P l a n for 242-A Evaporator Campaign 95-1".

4. No a n a l y s i s da ta a v a i l a b l e . C a l c u l a t e d u s i n g t h e f o r r m l a 4.1 E+01 x Pu-239/240, f rom UHC-SE-W-OCD-016 (Tranbarger 1992).








4.OE-08 2.24E-10 5.60E-03

3.OE-08 < 1.32E-10 < 4.40E-03

2.OE-06 5.41E-09 2.71E-03

3.OE-08 < 6.77E-10 < 2.26E-02

6.OE-08 < 5.71E-10 < 9.52E-03

5.OE-07 3.35E-16 6.70E-10

T o t a l ( L i m i t = 5000) < 3.80

WHC-SD-WM-PE-055 Rev. 0

T h i s Page Intentionally L e f t Blank


WHC-SO-WM-PE-055 Rev. 0



4- 1- . 9 ! c .g 2 0.8- 3 s


a - 0 -

Campaign 95-1 Daily Vessel Vent Flow

1.4 95-1 Vessel Vent Discharge = 44,037,860 ft3

:::I I

1 1 1 1 05/31 06/10 06/20 06/30 0711 0 07/20 O i 0

Date 30


KHC-SD-WN-PE-055 Rev. 0


Campaign 95-1 ASC Total Alpha

Annual Average OSD Limit = 6.OE-OB uCi/rnl r - 1 E-06

1 E-07 h

> E o_

05/31 L l 0611 0 06/20 06/30 I 0711 I 0 07/20 I O i

2 v

2 1 E-08

1 E-09


4 I

30 Date


This Page Intentionally L e f t Blank


WHC-SD-WH-PE-055 Rev. 0





Campaign 95-1 Daily Cooling Water Discharge

- 4.5-










Total 95-1 Cooling Water Discharge = 153,538,560 Gal


W'-C-SD-%Y-P?-055 Rev. 0

T a b l e 17: 2 4 ; - A Cani8:iii:n 95-1 Used K 3 w W a t e r D a t a



Taken 9/14/95

.. S

112.9 100.5 I

Sludge 1 Riser Level

11 2.9 16C 73.4





PREPARED: b A 39 $5 BY:

CHECKED: s.p' 1; /?ys BY:














ORGANIC CONSTIWENT ACel0"e B e ~ y l Alcohol Butanal 1-Bulanol 2-Butanone 2-Butoxyelhanol 3.5Dimelhylpyridine Elhoxytrielhyleneglycol 2-Hexanonc Hexone (MIBQ 2-Pcnla"o"e Phenol 2-Propanol Fyrldlne Tetrahydrofuran Telradecanc Tribulyl Phorphale Tridccane

6.84E-02 5.22E-03 1.56E-W

6.18E-02 5.22E-03 1.28E-02

7.20E-03 1.85E-02 8.42E-03


7.20E-03 1.85E-02 8.42E-03


8.ZBE-05 1.23E-04

21 m < 1.65E-01 3.10E-01 EMISSION RATE E < FEED XNK (kglh



TOTAL ORGANIC EMISSIONS: 211.2 kg (bared on average organic emission rale and duration 01 campaign)

464.7 Ib 1

3.16E-01 kglhr ( 6.95E-01 lblhr MAXIMUM ORGANIC EMISSION RATE:

WHC-SD-WM-PE-055 Rev. 0 Westinghouse Internal Hanford Company Memo

77310-95-016 From: Waste Treatment Systems Engineering Phone: 373-9161 R1-43 Date: September 13, 1995 Subject: L I Q U I D EFFLUENT RETENTION FACILITY B A S I N S LEVEL TRANSMITTERS

To : E. Q. Le T. M. Galioto M. D. Guthrie

cc: R. J. Kicklas RJN File/LB

R1-43 R1-43 R1-43


During the Flast 18 months, three of the six Liquid Effluent Retention Fa.cility Basin Level Transmitters have provided erratic outputs that occurred each morning and evening. After extens,ive troubleshooting, the problem was found to be a bad Probe/Transmitter connection mechanism as supplied by the vendor. The end of the probe had a thermo well type cavity that housed a spring loaded post that pushed against a solder pad on the transmitter when assembled. During warming and cooling periods of the day, this connection would become unstable and cause erratic level outputs from the transmitter.

The solutiori to the problem involved removing the spring loaded pin, threading the opening of the well, and bolting a wire lead to the end of the probe. The other end of the wire was directly soldered to the transmitter board. provided a wery solid Probe/Transmitter connection and resulted in a stable output from the transmitters.


I f you have any questions, please call me on 3'13-9161.

C. M. Towne Electrical (Cog Engineer

WHC-SD-WH-PE-055 Rev. ch

Westinghouse Hanford Company

internal Memo

From: Evaporator Projects Phone: 373-4565 135-07 Date: September !i, 1995 Subject: 242-A CAMPAIGN 95-1 -- LESSONS LEARNED

~~ ~ ~-


To : W. E. Ross

cc: T . L. Bennington E. D. Biddle J. L. Blackwell K. A. Buchanan M. E. Edwards J. L. Foster J. E . Geary S. S. Glover P. R. Gunter M. D;- Guthrie 0. S. Haring F. M. Matthews G. D. Mickle R. D. Mitchell


51-57 S5-14 S5-14 56-72 S5-09 55-14 S5-07 R3-01 S5-07 R1-43 R1-43 R2-82 R3-01 R3-01

R. J. Nicklas D. P. Reber C. A. Sams B. L. Slettene D. L. Tubbs B. H. Von Bargen R. A. Wahlquist K. A. White M. A. White J. H. Wicks C. M. Winkler A. K. Yoakum S. U. Zaman JEG LB/File

R1-43 T4-08 51-57 55-14 55-06 . R1-43 R1-43 S5-13 R1-43 S5-07 55-14 S6-71 R3-08

A meeting was conducted on August 10, 1995, to review the strengths and weaknesses/lessons learned o f the 242-A Evaporator Campaign 95-1. attached lists the strengths and lessons learned.


Actionee groups have been assigned items on the weakness/lessons learned lists. placed on the 96-1 outage meeting minutes and statused weekly at the 96-1 outage meetings.

Items deemecl important for resolution prior to Campaign 96-1 will be

