Riverview Third Grade "Armful of Love"

Post on 06-May-2015

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The third grade class at Riverview School in Farmington Minnesota joined forces to collect donations supporting three families over the holidays through "Armful of Love" , a program coordinated by 360 Communities. This activity happened on December 7, 2012.

Transcript of Riverview Third Grade "Armful of Love"

THIRD GRADE “ARMFUL OF LOVE” Riverview Elementary – December 7, 2012

The teachers showed the gifts to be wrapped for each of the three families that the students supported.

One student even made a homemade blanket that was included as a gift to one of the families.

Let the wrapping begin! Students teamed up and started off by getting tape.

Then it was over to the gift area. Teachers organized gifts by the type of wrapping paper the students would use.

Students found some open floor space to do the wrapping. This is in one of the team areas at the school.

They worked together to fit the gifts in the box.

Teamwork was important to getting the job done!

The entire project was completed in just a few minutes, but taught some real world, and timely, skills.

Here some students show the completed project. Three families will enjoy a happy holiday due in part to their work!