Rivalries/Alliances Militarism Nationalism Stalemate Trench warfare Convoy Communism Armistice...

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Transcript of Rivalries/Alliances Militarism Nationalism Stalemate Trench warfare Convoy Communism Armistice...


MilitarismNationalismStalemateTrench warfareConvoyCommunismArmisticeReparationsRivalriesAlliances

Vocabulary Needed to Know

European Countries Grab Up Land In Africa

European Countries Grab Up Land In Asia

British Empire

As countries grabbed land, they had agreements with other countries to ensure their land and interests were safe.

These agreements were called Alliances.

This means that one country has an agreement with another country that if someone causes one country harm, the other countries will have their back.

SSSSOOOOOO how does that lead us to WWI??These different Alliances became Rivals against the

other Alliance!

Alliances Bring Peace or Not?


1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1914

94 130 154 268 289 398

1910-1914 Increase in Defense Expenditures

France 10%

Britain 13%

Russia 39%

Germany 73%

The Rivalries competed against each other in their military strength that created a Arms Race

Below shows the total defense spending for the Great Powers at the time

[Ger., A-HIt., Fr., Br., Rus.] In the millions

All this Military spending created Rivalries between the Alliances


Great Britain



Central PowersAllies



Turkey /Ottoma

n Empire

Two Armed Camps!Allied Powers: Central Powers:

On the verge offighting

Europe in 1914Europe in 1914

The Spark that started the WAR!

Serbia contains Slavs, Serbs, Muslims, and Huns. This meant that related groups outside of Serbia, all had an interest in Serbia. Slavic Russians Independent Serbs Muslims of Turkey Huns of Austria-Hungary

Austria-Hungry controlled Serbia

The Balkans


A Terrorist group called the Black Hand plotted to kill the Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary, to free Serbia from Austria-Hungary’s control.

Archduke was assassinated.Austria –Hungary accused Serbia of supporting

the Black HandRussia supports Serbia against Austria -

Hungary’s accusation. Germany supports Austria-Hungary & Turkey

(Ottoman Empire) and declares war on Russia & its allies France.

Germany invades Belgium, England who has a treaty with Belgium declares war on Germany.

Austria Hungary/Alliances WW1

The Assassination: Sarajevo

The Assassin: The Assassin:


The Black Hand

The Colonies and Territories

What Made it a World War?

Each of the countries in the Allied Powers and Central Powers had colonies all over the world. When the countries declared war the people from the colonies would fight on the side of the country that controlled them.

Colonies made it a World War

Economic & Imperial Rivalries

Sikh British Soldiers in India

Australian Recruit

Australia was a British colony. Therefore, thousands of Australians volunteered to Fight for the BRITISH EMPIRE.

Fighting in Africa

British Sikh Mountain Gunners

Black Soldiers in the German Schutztruppen [German E.


Fighting in Greece

French colonial marine infantry fromCochin, China - 1916

French African Troops


on theside ofFrance.






for the






WAR in Europe, how and where it was fought


attacks France

by going




declares war



English troops

help stop


outside of


Both sides dig

in and the


becomes a


where neither

side can win a

clear victory.

Germany advances

within 30 miles of Paris

Western Front

As the Germans were stopped outside of Paris the French dug trenches to insure that Germans could not advance any farther.

Likewise the Germans dug trenches to prevent the French, English and their allies from advancing and pushing the Germans back into Germany,

Result: A stalemate that resulted in two very long lines of trenches dug across the country of France

Trench Warfare




. The



n the




Over the Top: Call to AttackSoldiers lived in the


Many times they would dig into the side of the trench to get cover.

They were exposed to all the elements (all types of weather).

When called to attack, it was called “Going over the Top”

Life in the Trenches

The first winter it was dry only 18 days out of about 4 months.The conditions cased terrible diseases, like trench foot.

Issues from living and fighting in the Trenches: Trench Foot

Well fed fat rats from eating human corpses

Simply Chatting

No mans land

was the area

between the

two trench

lines .


would run

across this

area running

towards the

other sides

trench while

they are being

shot at.

No Mans Land

Major Battles in World War 1

Verndum France, February 1916

German offensiveEach side had 500, 000 casualties.

The Somme – July, 1916

60,000 British soldiers killed in one day. Over 1,000,000 killed in 5 months.

War Is HELL !!

Sacrifices in War

Eastern Front: Fought very different

Eastern Front

Fighting in Turkey, Gallipoli

Throughout Western Russia

In the Middle East, Palestine.

Gallipoli, major defeat of the British

Russian Front, Czar was the leader

Czar with a General The Russian army was large but very Poorly equipped. Large casualties and a suffering economy created a very unhappy citizenry. There was a rebellion against the Czar. He was thrown out and the new communist Government dropped out of the war.

WWI was a war of the Industrial Revolution: New Technologies changed how war was fought

TanksU-BoatsAirplanePoison GasFlame ThrowersGrenade LaunchersMachine Guns

New Technologies


Tanks broke down easily at the beginning of the war, they became more effective as the war continued on.

German U-Boats

Ships sunk by U-boats May 1917-Jan 1918

German U-boats had a huge effect during the war especially on the United States, since the US was supporting the Allies, with supplies, technology, and volunteers.

The Airplane

Airplanes first used in war. AirFights (called Dog Fights) with famous pilots, like The Red Baron, and dropping bombs.

Better weapons to kill with especially if attacking a trench.

Grenade Launchers

Flame Throwers

Krupp’s “Big Bertha” Gun GermanKrupp’s “Big Bertha” Gun German

Answer this question on another sheet of paper:

What was the effect of these new technologies on the war?

Pause the video!!

America Joins the War!

Americans personally were divided on their loyalties.

German Americans and Irish Americans, (out of their hatred for England’s long control of Ireland) supported the Central Powers.

Others supported the Allies due to common language, along with Americans of Slavic or Italian descent.

America was “Officially” Neutral

American business mostly traded with the Allies.

American banks lent large amounts of money to the Allies

British prevented the US from trading with Germany, due to the British blockade.

Germany didn’t have many surface ships to break through the English blockage, but they had many U-Boats (submarines). Germany announced that they would use their U-boats to blockade England.

For American Business, money talks

128 Americans

died in the



Wilson made

angry protests

at Germany.

Germany said

they would no

longer target



May 7, 1915

Zimmerman TelegramGermany practices

submarine warfare in the February 1917 in hopes of stopping America from providing supplies to England.

England intercepts a telegram from Germany’s foreign minister, Arthur Zimmerman to Mexico.

Germany asks Mexico to attack America in hoping to stop them from supplying the Allies.

Promising Mexico land that they lost to America

America Enters The WAR!!!!! Because of the Zimmerman Telegram

American troops from Harlem, distinguished themselves in battle!!!!! They were treated as heroes in France. When they

returned to the States they faced great discrimination.

Allies in 1917 were growing increasingly desperate.

With American’s supplies and fresh troops, it turned the tide of the war. Russia government was getting

weaker, and more unstable with protests against it, until it

collasped.World wide influenza outbreak

weaken the armies.

America tips the Tide in the Warand other Factors that lead to the end of WWI

1918 Flu Pandemic: Depletes All Armies1918 Flu Pandemic: Depletes All Armies

50,000,000 – 100,000,000 died

world wide

50,000,000 – 100,000,000 died

world wide

Russian Drops Out of the War

Russia’s economy was weakened by the war

Massive loss of life by the Russian army

Inadequate equipment for the army, too few guns etc.

Great disparity between the wealthy and peasants.

By 1918 both sides were loosing too many soldiers . The world was weary of war. When Russia dropped out and America joined the war and energized the Allies, Germany was running out of resources. Neither side saw victory as happening soon.




Both side

agree to



Towards the end of


War is Over!!

11 a.m., November 11, 1918

11 a.m., November 11, 1918

The Armistice is Signed!

Soldiers Celebrating the Armistice

Total of 9,000,000 DeadTotal of 9,000,000 Dead

World War Casualties

There are eight main points. How did the war start?

Why was it a World War?

How was the war fought in the West and Eastern Europe?

What were the new technologies and their effect in the war?

When, how and why America entered the war?

End of the War?

World War I Summary