Ringkasan MM Tosin

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Marketing Management Ringkasan Amelia Tosin. Prasetiya

Transcript of Ringkasan MM Tosin

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Value positioning itu masi abstrak, branding cb masukkin value nya perusahaan jg.

Branding vs Product itu beda :Product : bicara ttg teknologi (atribut #mie sedapp kriuk2 inovasi!

Product manager : inovasi "$Branding : ttg komunikasi %as human being%, seakan2 punya nya&a, sosok, image. 'hg ad

hrs membangun %relasi%Brand manager : hrs gaul, bikin calender event

 he importance o) brand : *onsumers do not buy the products, but they buy the brand.*+ itu beli sesuatu yg realiable. onsumen membeli sesuatu yg reliable, jadi brande-tension : dr jual alat berat ke baju, spatu, topi. /akanya B2B bs membentuk suatukomunitas krn ada brand, krn yg dia beli ialah identitas.

Brand : 0ame, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination o) them, intended toidentify the goods and services o) one seller o) group o) sellers and di1erentiate them)rom those o) competition

Bagaimana cara memunculkan $30+' : dgn akti) 44ga&ul44 jadi, brand harusdimunculkan, diperbincangkan, di update statusnya. (jd bagaimana brand manager berhubdgn komunitas 44bahasa a)eksi44!

Brand Identity : is a uni5ue set o) brand associations that the brand strategist aspires tocreate or maintain. 

Brand dentity should help establish a relationship between the brand and thecustomer by generating a value proposition involving )unctional, emotional, or sel)e-pression bene6ts.


Brand Decision! To brand "branded# or not to brand "$enerics#% 7eneric itu yg dr pemerintah pake

i8in. 9bat resepnya buat sendiri atau engga&! Brand sponsor decision% /anu)acturer;s brand (pake merk dr pabrik! $istributor;s (toko! <icensed brand (sbg mitra dr institusi lain # 'syong punya truk, ada mer8 ben8 nya,artinya mesin dr mer8 ben8!'! Brand name decision% ndividual brand name #unilever : dove, clear. 0egati): kl ada apa2 ga ngaruh ke brand

yg lain. Positi) : hrs invest dr =

Blanket )amily name )or all product #+B* : batere,sirup 'eparate )amily name )or all product #maspion : dr listrik ke mi instan. 'makin tebel,

smakin kuat ( promag gagal se&aktu buat bikin obat sakit kepala, krn promag itu obat sakit

perut. ! eori sand&ich, berbagai kategori, brand beda. #a5ua 6t (krn a5ua sudah punya

positioning sendiri, 6t itu sbagai 6ghting brand!.#seiko, alba *ompany trade name combined &ith individual product name #nestle pureli)e, toyota

camry, toyota yaris, kijang innova

(! Brand strate$y decision% Brand Decisions

<ine e-tensions : barang dititipkan ke produk Brand e-tensions : #maspion: dr listrik ke mie instan. /erk V"70 dr >'+ yg punya

segala barang 0e& brand ?ighting Brand

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*o@brand : bersaiing berduaan #sony erricson, atau teh kotak dgn cap hoka2 bento

nput @ process @ output

*reate customer loyalty : churn rate (brp yg pindah ke merk lain!, retention (masih setia!"esonance : gmn bangun relasi, biar nyambungdentity : <ogo vs 'ymbol : logo bs diucap, kl symbol ga bs dibaca.

Brand "esonance Pyramid

Apeta bagaimana bonding sm customer sampai customer loyalty. #*oca cola beli ades

(coca cola cm mau beli suratnya aja, untuk minta i8in memasarkan!'egitiga kiri : kogniti), segitiga kanan : a)eksi. "esonance itu brand yg bikin getaran.

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Bull4s eye :

P"9$>* /+0+73/30

Brand : ada nya&a as person. #kl bango as brand itu seperti the sage. (di brandmanag!

Product ada dibagian P"9V$3 3 V+<>3, gmn me&ujudkan brand mantra.

itam mempengaruhi putih, putih jg mempengaruhi hitam : agar seimbang.

itam ke putih : jgn lupakan servis. #mobil ada C' (sales, service, spearpat!Putih ke hitam : #ca)e jual pelayanan. 0ilai P9$ ada di seragam (sesuatu yg ber&ujud!, jd

tolak ukur kualitas sebuah servis. #$apur dianggap kurang elok, skrg ganti konsep, ditaruh

di dpn, hotel pullman thamrin. #?avehotel 'urabaya, karpet diganti sesuai hari.

$e6nisi : produkA barang D jasa

P"9$>* *<+''?*+90

1. Ketahanan& wujud :

Nondurable goods : konsumsi 1x ato bbrp kali # sampo, sabun ; durable : tahan utk jngka wkt pjg # kulkas, baju ; servis : ga nyata

#haircut, massage

2. Konsumen ( berdasarkan kebutuhkan konsumen, brg biasa/eksklusif) : convenience (sering dipakai, mudah didapat #di c4),

shopping : (hrg+, kualitas, style # furniture, baju), specialty ( dgn karakter khusus -ga butuh pembanding krn kebanggaan, prestige--# Minicooper, harley davidson); unsought : ga kepikiran org beli--butuh promosi &personal selling-- #dream catcher, obat

3. Industrial : produk yg dipakai utk proses industri/pabrik.. Material&parts (dilihat dr bagaimana produk itu masuk proses produksi

& biaya) : Raw material, manufactured material and parts : component material (yg material tambahan yg diolah), component parts

(material yg no diolah lg)#dipake abang tukang tek2

Capital items (produk yg thn lama yg digunakan utk produksi : ky mesin2 & instalasi) Supplies and business services : maintenance

and repair items ; operating supplies

$ari sisi produsen : $urability angibility :@ non@durable : mudah rusak, mknya pusattin ke kemasan : kl dr product : kuat, elastis

brand : kemasannya ada gambar (departemen &arehouse E logistik!@ durable : #V : departemen "$, hrs inovasi@ service : departemen ", agar ada standarisasi layanan, biar layanan sama pd semua


$ari sisi konsumen : *onvenience : implikasi, hrs jaga inventory, hrs ready@ 'hopping goods : hrs paham trend, kl bs jd trendsetter@ 'peciality goods : 4special4 : konsumen mau diperlakukan khusus@ >nsought goods : konsumen ga bakal beli kl ga ada masalah #asuransi.

ndustrial goods : service itu memberikan solusi terhadap P"

P"9$>* <3V3< : menjaga agar P9$, tdk dpt ditiru. Bacanya dr tengah keluarF *ore : "esto siap saji : /*$ vs PadangF Basic : konsentrasi ke teknologi . /*$ itu siapin stok, belajar dr pitstop ?G, P+$+07 itu

make to inventory, byk rasa

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F 3-pected : itu dr konsumen. /*$ ada Pae. P+$+07, ada one@man sho& gamau antri,

kl mcd tetap hrs antriF +ugmented : P9$nya. /*$ menu sama, tp ada dimana2. P+$+07, kl resto padang ini

enak paru nya, resto padang lain enak rendangnya. /obil ada included 7P'F Potential : belum terjadi, tp kelak akan. *th Padang, berlemak cm bebas asam urat. /obil

ada concept car, hybrid.

Suatu produk berdasarkan tingkatannya dibagi menjadi 5, dilihat dr seberapa jauh produk itu dapat sesuai dgn value from dan

needs konsumen. Dr dalam keluar, levelny smakin tinggi, yg artinya attribut yg ditawarkan oleh produk++.

Core benefit : benefit ( consequences +) dasar yg menjadi alasan knp org beli. Hotel : buat bobok. ABC:Sebagai penambah cita

rasa (bumbu/saus)

Basic product : benefit yg ada, diberikan nilai tambah. Kmr hote +wastafel, meja. ABC : Saus kedelai yang memberikan cita rasa


Expected produk : yg sdh sesuai dengan ekspektasi/value from customer. Kmr bersih, telp hairdryer jalan, air hangat. ABC : Saus

yang “natural, thick, rich“

Augmented product : produk dgn value from+ atribut2 yg mnejadi brand positioning poin. ABC : Bahan baku pilihan, proses

produksi terjamin dengan mesin modern, kemasan higienis

Potential product : produk dgn atribut++, mksdny produk yg dpt menawarkan kemajuan2/inovasi2 utk di masa dpn.

P"9$>* 3"+"*H : dr atas ke ba&ah : abstrak ke konkrit. $ibagi ke berbagai tingkatan

berdasarkan )ungsi pemenuhan needsngat C needs ?unctional, 'osial, +1ective$ibagi jadi :product class #udah di komunikasikan dgn pabrik, mau yg manis pedas, mau yg manis ajaproduct line : sdh dlm bentuk kemasan, botolEplastikproduct type : suatu unggulan yg bs dipaketkan #dietpack (dipakettin biar lbh murah!product items : kl di pabrik udah dlm '> (stock keeping unit!

Produk Hierarki : suatu produk itu dibagi2 menjadi berbagai tingkatan/hierarki berdasarkan fungsi pemenuhan needsnya.

The need family : tingkatan terluar/terluas yg cukup memenuhi core basic. Kamar Hotel : utk tidur. ABC : Kebutuhan akan Saus /

Bumbu dapur sebagai penambah cita rasa

Product Family : kumpulan dr produk2 yg mampu memenuhi kebutuhan dasar dgn fungsi yg lbh spesifik/efektif. ABC : kebutuhan

akan cita rasa asin, manis, pedas, umami, asam

Product class : kumpulan produk yg memiliki korelasi hubungan fungsional yg sama/ kategori @produk. ABC : Produk kemasan

siap pakai yang dapat memenuhi segala kebutuhan cita rasa (manis pedas, manis, asam manis)

Produk line : penggelompokkan lbh lanjut dr product class, untuk target pasar yg lebih mendetail. Jd kumpulan produk yg memilikifungsional yg sama, ditujukan untuk segmentasi pasar tertentu, didistribusikan ke lingkup pasar tertentu dgn range harga yg sdh

ditentukan.ABC : Kecap, Saus Special, Sambal, Saus Tomat, Makanan Kemasan

Product type : variasi yg ada di dlm produk line sendiri. ABC : Kecap → Kecap black gold, Kecap manis pedas ; Sambal → Sambal

asli, Sambal extra pedas, Sambal manis pedas

Item : produk itu sndiri dgn variasi pada ukuran kemasan, harga, bentuk. ABC : variasi bentuk kemasan (botol kaca, botol plastik,

plastik, sachet, dll)


Horizontal ke samping : menjelaskan product line yg ada (jd yg memiliki fungsional yg sama (sbgai pemenuhan cita rasa manis++),

n utk segmentasi tertentu.

Vertikal ke bawah : sbrp byk tipe produk dlm 1 line, jumlahnya (brp byk variasi)

Tujuan : sgt membantu peru utk menyusun marketing mix : terutama 4 P (place- pendistribusian bagaimana, product- produk line

mana yg hrs ditambah variasinya, ) dan yg penting utk product line analysis. (ngeliat sales&profit)

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Untuk penentuan budgeting perusahaan, utk biaya R&D, produksi, produk2 yg akan dikembangkan.

apan hori8ontal I kl nambah product line, artinya nambah mesin

apan vertikal I kl nambah product item

P"9$>* <03 +0+<H'' : utk nentuin, cth ein8 +B*, jual beli merk.

)ER*I+E MAR,ETING : core@ process@ supplementary service A augmented product.

?<9J3" '3"V*3. 3-ception : sbg strategi recovery #kl di kolam brenang cthnya, ad penjaganya.#Pi88a ut : ada yg biasa, drive@in, P$ delivery, ome *atering

'ervice /arketing riangle cm ada di servis. np ga di produk, krn ga ada kontak langsungkonsumen sm karya&an lsg.

nternal /arketing : 3mployees itu as internal customer, hrs dilatih agar bahasanya sama.#*arre)our ada mbak de&i@nya. +*3 ard&are ada ritual tangan di kiri.

'ervice Blueprinting

'ervice Blueprint : alur peta layanan : proses penyampaian dimana ada titik kontak antarakarya&an dgn tamu.

Kona +tasEdepan : itu hanya utk tamu Kona engah : Kona BelakangEbackroom

'ervice bisnis itu butuh yg tangible sbgai media penyampaian.


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)ettin$ -ricin$ Mana$ementG. <ihat the pricing objective

• 'urvival Pro6t /arket 'hare /arket 'kimming Product@Luality

2. $etermining $emandPrice 'ensitivity (titik batas ambang dimana konsumen masih beli produk kita! Price

3lasticity $emand *urve

C. 3stimasi Biaya ypes o) *osts and <evels o) Production +ccumulated Production arget *ostingM. +nalisis *ompetitors *ost, Price, 91erPossible reactionsN. 0entuin Pricing /ethod/arkup Pricing arget@"eturn Pricing Perceived@Value Pricing Value Pricing 7oing@"ate

Pricing +uction@ype Pricing

Rate of Return Pricing. arga ditentukan untuk mencapai tingkat "9E"9+ yang ditarget kan. Penentuan harga

ini disebut juga ‘target return pricing’.Value-based Pricing. arga ditentukan atas dasar nilai jasa yang dipersepsikan (perceived value) oleh segmen

konsumen tertentu. Pricing ini desebut marker-driven approach, dimana tindakan dilakukan untuk memperkuat

positioning jasa dan man)aat (benets) yang diterima konsumen dari jasa tersebut.

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O. entuin 6nal pricempact o) other mkt. activities *ompany pricing policies 7ain@and@ risk@sharing mpact

o) price on other parties. +dapting the price (dari 'etting Pricing management, $isini 'etting Pricing Policy!7eographical pricing Price discounts and allo&ances Promotional pricing $i1erentiated


V+<>3@based pricing strategy

+.ANNE/ MANAGEMENT eori +ir terjun : ingat P9$ itu juga ada di pricing strategy.44provide the value44 : value yg sdh di create yg menjadi brand mantra bersi)at masih abstrak,maka harus di&ujudkan.

*hannel A perantaraE distributor, antara produksi ke konsumen #agent, intermediaries,brokers, representative..

Mar0etin$ channel A the set o) independent organi8ations involved in the process o)

making a product available )or consumption or use by consumers or industrial users.ndependent : berdiri sendiri, mandiri. dk ada kepemilikkan, jd tdk bs diaturE tdk tergantungoleh produsen. ujuan dr 4mandiri4 ialah biar kerja nya e)ekti), e6sien, pro)esional.

Bagaimana $istributor bs e)esien Iasus G : semua distributor hub dgn semua klien. : @ /acet krn byk kontak, semua dikirimin,semua didatangiasus 2 : distributor di@pooled dlm G penengah (indipenden distributor lagi #BB/! drdipooled dioper ke klien semua. <bh e6sien, Problem : 7a percaya sm pooled distributor, krnrahasia bs kebongkar semua.

+khirnya : yg dipraktekkin kasus G.

+hannel 1unction 2 1lows:+pa yg membuat eksistensi seorang Perantara (dgn ada jasa a b c, perantara punya po&er! : n)ormation : data ttg behavior konsumen

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Promotion : krn dia tahu behavior segmentasi, bs menyesuaikan sistem promosi yg cocokutk konsumen 0egotiation : ud kenal org dalem (produsen!, bs nego hrg khusus #majalah G thn 9rdering : punya gudang inventory utk nyimpen ?inancing : bs bayar cash ke produsen "isk taking : resiko transpor logistik Physical possession Payment : bs atur pricing policy metode bs beragam tp terserah distributor, bs obral

gede2an 44mandiri44 itle : punya kuasa. #car)or blg, cm bs masukkin brg tp merk car)or aja

+hannel /e3el :

*onsumer /arket :=@<evel : tdk melibatkan distributorG@<evel : cm reseller2@<evel : ada dealer (# di pro6nsi!C@<evel : ada jobber (mitra distributor! # &arung. /obil ngangkut itu jobber, retailer si&arung. Qobber ba&a M peti, si &arung pesen G peti coca cola aja.

ndustrial /arket :

+hannel Desi$n Decision:

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 anggung ja&ab si channel :

• Price Policy : harus ada range harga

• 'ale : boleh, cm ga boleh sering2

0umber o) channel : intensiv : #toyota, jarak G km uda ada dealer lagi eksklusi) : )errarilamborgini (cm G! selective : beberapa aj, toyota di kota2 kecil


/arketing communications are the means by &hich 6rms attempt to in)orm, persuade, andremindconsumersRdirectly or indirectlyRabout the products and brands they sell. n a sense,marketingcommunications represent the voice o) the company and its brands they are a means by&hich the6rm can establish a dialogue and build relationships &ith consumers. By strengthening

customerloyalty, marketing communications can contribute to customer e5uity.

44"elevant44 A /arketing communications also &ork )or consumers &hen they sho& ho& and&hy a product isused, by &hom, &here, and &hen. *onsumers can learn &ho makes the product and &hat thecompanyand brand stand )or, and they can get an incentive )or trial or use./arketing communicationsallo& companies to link their brands to other people, places, events, brands, e-periences,)eelings,and things.

44*onsistent44 A hey can contribute to brand e5uityRby establishing the brand in memoryand creatinga brand imageRas &ell as drive sales and even a1ect shareholder value./* :

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G. /* Proses objective

/icromodels o) marketing communications

concentrate on consumers; speci6c responses to communications.

2. /* /i-

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0on personal communication : +ny paid )orm o) nonpersonal presentation and promotion

*ommunication to customers &ith incentives : to encourage trial or purchase o) a productor service including consumer promotions (such as samples, coupons, and premiums!,trade promotions (such as advertising and display allo&ances!, and business and sales )orcepromotions (contests )or sales reps!.

*ommunication to customers through activities : special brand@related interactions &ith consumers,including sports, arts, entertainment, and cause events as &ell as less )ormal activities.

*ommunication to public involving internal and e-ternal parties : internally to employees o) the

company or e-ternally to consumers, other 6rms, the government, and media to promote or protect acompany;s image or its individual product communications.

nteractive communication &ith customers using technology : >se o) mail, telephone, )a-, e@mail,or nternet

*ommunication bet&een customers relates to consuming the product : 9nline activities andprograms

?ace to )ace communication )or the purpose o) making presentations, ans&ering 5uestions,and procuring orders /* mi- : ?ace@to@)ace interaction &ith one or more prospective purchasers )or thepurpose o) making presentations, ans&ering 5uestions, and procuring orders.

C. /anaging /*

'even ey $esign 3lements o) an 31ective Jeb 'ite:

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P>' : + push promotional strategy involves taking the product directly to the customer via&hatever means, ensuring the customer is a&are o) your brand at the point o) purchase.%aking the product to the customer%

distribution channels and persuading middle men and retailers to stock your product. hepush techni5ue can &ork particularly &ell )or lo&er value items such as )ast moving consumergoods (?/*7s!, &hen customers are standing at the shel) ready to drop an item into theirbaskets and are ready to make #encouraging retailers to stock your product, designing pointo) sale materials or even selling )ace to )ace.

P><< : + pull strategy involves motivating customers to seek out your brand in an activeprocess.%7etting the customer to come to you%

4Pull strategy4 re)ers to the customer actively seeking out your product and retailers placing

orders )or stock due to direct consumer demand. + pull strategy re5uires a highly visiblebrand &hich can be developed through mass media advertising or similar tactics.