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Research Collection

Doctoral Thesis

Towards high-power diode-pumped femtosecond all-solid-statelasers

Author(s): Aus der Au, Jürg

Publication Date: 2001

Permanent Link: https://doi.org/10.3929/ethz-a-004109669

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A dissertation submitted to the


for the degree of


presented by


Oipl.-Phys. (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland)

born on Februa ry 9, 1970

citizen of Switzerland

accepted on the recommendation of

Prof. Or. U. Keller, Supervisor

Prof. Or. W. Hunziker, Co-Examiner

Prof. Or. M. Sigrist, Co-Examiner

Or. R. Paschotta, Co-Examiner

November 27, 2000

Reprint of Diss. ETH No. 13950


edited by Henry Baltes,Peter Günter,Ursula Keller,Fritz K. Kneubühl t,Walter Lukosz,Hans Melchior,Markus W. Sigrist

Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP Cataloguing-in-Publication-Data

A catalogue record for this publication is available fromDIE DEUTSCHE BIBLIOTHEK (http://wurw.ddb.de)

Copyright © 2000 by )ürg Aus der Au

First Edition 2001




Table of Contents

List of Abbreviations and Physical Symbols

Table of Figures

Table of Tables

Table of Equations



Kurzfassung (German)

Introduction and Motivation









Passive Mode Locking 7

2.1 Mechanism of passive mode locking 7

2.2 Semiconductor Saturable Absorber Mirrors (SESAMs) 11

2.2.1 Basic mode of operation 11

2.2.2 Macroscopic properties of SESAMs 13

2.3 Dispersion management. 14

2.3.1 Analytical theory for a simple cavity 15

2.3.2 Experimental observations on a Nd:glass laser 19

2.3.3 Numerical approach 21

2.3.4 Another experimental test 23

Challenges for High-Power Femtosecond Operation 25

3.1 lntroduction 25

3.2 Choice of gain medium 26

3.2.1 Ytterbium-doped materials 29 Yb:YAG 30 Yb:KGW 31

3.2.2 Neodymium-doped materials 34 Nd:glass 34

3.3 Thermal effects in the gain medium 36

3.3.1 lntroduction 36

3.3.2 Temperature rise 37

3.3.3 Thermal-induced stress 38



3.3.4 Thermallensing 41

3.4 Pumping schemes 46

3.4.1 High-brightness pumping 46

3.4.2 Elliptieal mode approach .48

3.4.3 Thin-disk approach 49

3.5 Laser eavity design 51

3.6 Q-switching instabilities 54

3.7 Damage of the saturable absorber 56

Experimental Results 59

4.1 Lasers pumped with high-brightness diodes 59

4.1.1 60-fs pulses from a diode-pumped Nd:glass laser 59

4.1.2 1.1-W femtoseeond Yb:KGW laser 65

4.2 Lasers based on the elliptieal mode approach 69

4.2.1 1.4-W femtoseeond Nd:glass laser 69

4.2.2 8-W picosecond Yb:YAG laser 72

4.3 Lasers based on the thin-disk eoneept 75

4.3.1 16-W sub-pieosecond Yb:YAG thin disk laser 75

Extending to Other Wavelengths 81

5.1 Introduction 81

5.2 Seeond harmonie generation 82

5.3 Optieal parametTie generation 82

5.4 Optieal parametrie oseillation 86

Conclusion and OuUook


Curriculum Vita!




List ofAbbreviations and

Physical SymbolsCXrßß(A)





A..abs, max

A..em . max




qJ(x,y)({Jmdtri'(2) P

aALAlAsAl2Ü 3



Thermal expansion eoeffieient of gain mediumBranching ratio of the eonsidered laser transitionAngle between wavelength Aand refereneewavelength ;.,...Width of the eavity stability zone, expressed indioptrie powerEmission bandwidth of the gain mediumMaximum SESAM modulation depthAmount of nonsaturable losses of the SESAM(L1R", = 1 - R".)Radially varying phase differeneeMaximum temperature riseNonlinear coefficient owing to SPM (also ealledSPM eoefficient)Extemal angle of incidenee at the prismAngle of ineidenee within the prismPump absorption wavelengthLaser wavelengthPoisson's ratioEffeetive absorption eross-seetion of the gainmedium at the pump wavelengthEffeetive emission cross-seetion of the gain mediumat the laser wavelengthMaximum tangential stress at the rod/slab surfaeeMaximum surfaee stress, at which fraeture oceursFluorescenee lifetime of gain mediumPhase retardationRound-trip phase shift in a eavityNonlinear optieal susceptibility

Width of slabMode area in the laser mediumAluminium arsenideSapphireAdditive pulse mode lockingMode area of the laser beam inside the SPM mediumBrightness of a laser,defined as powerI unit areal unit solid angleConfoeal parameter of the pump beam in the fastdirection




dAdendn/dTIDIEEA• 5O,




FFA. 50'f" i = 1,2,3~).= x,yJJ ,j = x,yfast axis








Confocal parameter of the pump beam in the slowdirectionSpeed of lightCharge-coupled deviceContinuous-waveThickness of siabDensity of states (in energy space) of a semi­conductorThickness of the whole SESAM structureEffective nonlinear optical coefficient of a crystalTemperature coefficient of refractive indexTotal intracavity group delay dispersionYoung's modulus (also called E-module)Effective saturation energy of the absorberExcitation energy in a semiconductorEffective saturation energy of the laser mediumIntracavity pulse energyFluence (= energy per unit area)Effective saturation fluence of the absorberFocallength of lensFocallength of thermaliens in x (1) directionThermallens focusing power in x (1) directionIn a laser diode: direction parallel to the diodejunctionFull width at half maximumGallium arsenideNormalized line shape functionGroup delay dispersionAngular group delay dispersionGires-Tournois interferometerHighly reflecting mirrorHalf wave platePump intensity necessary to achieve transparency atthe laser wavelength Aem• max

Emission spectrum of the gain medium, measured inexperimentally relevant units of watts perwavelength intervallIndium (x at. %) gallium «I-x) at. % ) arsenideWave number (k = 21r/ ,1,)Thermal conductivityKerr lens mode lockingKTiOAsO., potassium titanyl arsenate crystalAbsorption length of the gain mediumLight amplification by stimulated emissionof radiationLiB30 S' Lithium triborateLength of the gain mediumLight detection and ranging





M;, i = 1, 2, 3, ...M'-M 2












Lithium niobate crystalLithium tantalate crystalPath length in prismLength of the SPM mediumLow-temperature grownNumber of passes through gain medium per cavityround-tripCavity mirrorBeam quality factor I

Beam quality fador in the fast directionBeam quality factor in the slow directionMolecular beam epitaxyMetal organic chemical vapor depositionRefractive indexNonlinear refractive indexNd3

', Neodymium ionY3AlsO,y Yttrium aluminium gametYttrium orthovanadateNanosecond (= 10-9 seconds)Output couplerOptical parametric generation/generatorOptical parametric oscillation/oscillatorPolarizing beam splitterDissipated averape powerPicometer (= 10-1 meter)Periodically poled lithium niobate (LiNb03) crystalPeriodically poled lithium tantalate (LiTa03) crystalPicosecond (= 10-12 seconds)Q-switched mode lockingRadius of curvature of a curved prismCritical radius of curvature, at which the angulardispersion divergesMaximum achievable reflectivity of the SESAMRadius of curvature of a spherically curved mirrorRadius of curvature of a cylindrical curved mirror(curved in sagittal direction)Thermal shock parameterSaturation parameter (5 = Ep/EA...t ) of the SESAMDirection perpendicular to the work spaceSemiconductor saturable absorber mirror(s)Special optical glass from Schott Glass TechnologiesInc.Spatial hole bumingSiliconSilica glassIn a laser diode: direction perpendicular to the diodejunctionSelf phase modulation


sub-picosecond regime



xX point




Medium, in which a laser beam sees an intensity­dependent refractive index due to the Kerr effectTime regime from some hundred femtoseconds toabout one picosecondTemperatureDirection parallel to the work spaceThin film polarizerMinimum Gaussian beam radius in the gainmediumMinimum beam radiusGaussian beam radius on the SESAM(Gaussian) beam radiusBeam radius at the focusing lensGaussian beam radius of pump beam in x directionSuper-Gaussian beam radius of pump beamin x directionGaussian beam radius of pump beam in y directionCoordinate in 3-dirnensional spacePoint, where all wavelength components of a beam(inside a cavity) intersectCoordinate in 3-dirnensional spaceYb3+, Ytterbium ionKGd(WO,)~ tungstate crystalY3AlsÜl~ Yttrium aluminium gametCoordinate in 3-dimensional spaceRayleigh range (ZR ==0

2 /1.)

Tahle ofFiguresFigure 1.1:Figure 2.1:Figure 2.2:Figure 2.3:Figure 2.4:Figure 2.5:Figure 2.6:Figure 2.7:Figure 2.8:Figure 2.9:Figure 3.1:Figure 3.2:Figure 3.3:Figure 3.4:Figure 3.5:

Figure 3.6:Figure 3.7:Figure 3.8:Figure 3.9:Figure 3.10:Figure 3.11:Figure 3.12:Figure 4.1:Figure 4.2:Figure 4.3:Figure 4.4:Figure 4.5:Figure 4.6:Figure 4.7:Figure 4.8:Figure 4.9:Figure 4.10:Figure 4.11:Figure 4.12:Figure 4.13:Figure 4.14:Figure 5.1:Figure 5.2:Figure 5.3:Figure 5.4:Figure 5.5:

Different modes of operation of a laser 3Pulse-shaping and stabilization mechanisms 8Soliton mode locking in time and frequency domain 10Basic principle of a semiconductor as saturable absorber 12Measured nonlinear reflectivity of a SESAM 14Simple cavities with prisms 16Beam radius in prism and GDD of a simple cavity 19Nd:glass laser cavity set-up 20Beam radius and GDD in the Nd:glass laser cavity 22Change of GDD generated by the dispersion effect... 23Thermal conductivity vs. bandwidth LU for I-pm materials 28Elliptical mode and cylindrical rod geometry 37Calculated temperature rise and stress in y direction .40Calculated temperature rise and stress in x direction .40Calculated temperature profile and local thermallens focusingpower in x direction for different pump beam profiles .43Like Figure 3.5, but for the y direction 44Like Figure 3.5, but for Nd:glass .45Schematic set-up of the high-brightness pump geometry .47Schematic set-up of the elliptical pump geometry .49Schematic set-up of the thin-disk pump approach 50Linear resonator with an internal variable lens 51Mode radü of a linear resonator with an internal variable lens 52Autocorrelation and optical spectrum of the 6O-fs pulses 60Set-up of the 6D-fs Nd:glass laser 61Dependence of the pulse duration on the pulse energy 62Dependence of the pulse duration on the GDD 64Set-up of the 1.I-W Yb:KGW laser 66Autocorrelation and optical spectrum of the Yb:KGW laser 67Set-up of the l.4-W Nd:glass laser 69Calculated temperature profiles at the flat end of the slab 70Autocorrelation and spectrum of the 1.4-W Nd:glass laser 71Set-up of the high-power Yb:YAG laser 72Autocorrelation and spectrum of the 8.1-W Yb:YAG laser 74Radial variation in focallength for an aberrated thermaliens 75Set-up of the Yb:YAG thin disk laser cavity 78Autocorrelation and spectrum of the 16.2-W thin disk laser 79Set-up of the single-pass optical parametrie generator 83Autocorrelation and spectrum of the signal wave 85Set-up of the OPO ring cavity 87Signal and transmitted pump power vs. incident pump power .. 88Autocorrelation and spectrum of the 2.5-W signal wave 89


Table ofTablesTable 3.1: Thermal shock parameter Rshock für different materials 27Table 3.2: Parameters für Yb:YAG 31Table 3.3: Parameters far Yb:KGW 32Table 3.4: Parameters far phasphate-based laser glass 35


Table 0/ Equations

Equation (2.1): Angular dispersion of a prism without curvature 16Equation (2.2): Angular dispersion of a prism with radius of eurvature R 16Equation (2.3): Critieal radius of eurvature Rcri• , at which the angular

dispersion diverges 16Equation (2.4): Angular group delay dispersion of a prism with radius

of eurvature R 17Equation (2.5): Angular group delay dispersion, expressed by means of

the angular dispersion 17Equation (3.1): Definition of the thermal shoek parameter R.hock ..........•........... 27Equation (3.2): Füehtbauer-Ladenburg equation 33Equation (3.3): Normalized line shape funetion 33Equation (3.4): Maximum temperature rise in a eylindrieal rod geometry 37Equation (3.5): Maximum temperature rise in a reetangular siab geometry 38Equation (3.6): Maximum tangential stress at the rod surfaee 39Equation (3.7): Maximum tangential stress, expressed with Rshock 39Equation (3.8): Maximum tangential stress at the slab surfaee 39Equation (3.9): Maximum tangential stress, expressed with Rshock 39Equation (3.10): Beam radius Wo behind a thin lens 47Equation (3.11): Focusing condition for the elliptieal pump approach 48Equation (3.12): Width of the eavity stability zone, expressed in

dioptrie power 51Equation (3.13): Stability eondition for ew mode locking 54Equation (3.14): Definition of the saturation parameter 5 55Equation (3.15): Stability eondition for ew mode locking, expressed with 5 55Equation (3.16): Dissipated energy in the SESAM 57Equation (3.17): Maximum temperature rise on SESAMs (wA< dA)""""""""'" 57Equation (3.18): Maximum temperature rise on SESAMs (W A» dA) 57Equation (4.1): Pulse duration of a soliton pulse 63Equation (4.2): Definition of the SPM eoefficient 63Equation (4.3): Focallength for a thin thermaliens with a given radially

varying phase differenee .1qJ(r) 75

- Xl-

PublicationsParts of this thesis are published in the following

journal papers and conference proceedings:

Journal Papers[1 J F. Brunner, R. Paschotla, J. Aus der Au, G. J. spühler, F. Morier-Genoud, R. Hövel,

M. Moser, S. Erhard, M. Karszewski, A. Giesen, and U. Keller, "Widely tunable pulse du­rations from a passively mode-locked thin disk Yb:YAG laser," Opt. Lett., submitledOet. 16.,2000.

[2] T. südmeyer, J. Aus der Au, R. Paschotla, P. G. R. smith, G. W. Ross, D. C. Hanna, andU. Keller, "Femtosecond fiber-feedback oPa," Opt. Letl., submitled Sept. 4.,2000.

[3] R. Paschotla, J. Aus der Au, G. J. spühler, S. Erhard, A. Giesen, U. Keller, "Passive mode­locking of thin disk lasers: effects of spatial hole buming," Appl. Phys. B, accepted forpublication Sept. 29, 2000.

[4J R. Paschotta, J. Aus der Au, and U. Keller, " Thermal Effects in High Power End-PumpedLasers with Elliptical Mode Geometry," fEEE J. Select. Topics Quantum Electron., SpecialIssue, accepted for publication May 22, 2000.

[5J F. Brunner, G. J. spühler, J. Aus der Au, L. Krainer, F. Morier-Genoud, R. Paschotta,N. Lichtenstein, S. Weiss, C. Harder, A. A. Lagatsky, A. Abdolvand, N. V. Kuleshov, andU. Keller, "Diode-pumped femtosecond Yb:KGd(WO.h laser with 1.1-W average power,"Opt. Letl., vol. 25, pp. 1119-1121, 2000.

[6] J. Aus der Au, G. J. spühler, T. südmeyer, R. Paschotla, R. Hövel, M. Moser, S. Erha.rd,M. Karszewski, A. Giesen, and U. Keller, "16.2 W average power from a diode-pumpedfemtosecond Yb:YAG thin disk laser," Opt. Lett., vol. 25, pp. 859-861, 2000.

[7] R. Paschotta, J. Aus der Au, G. J. spühler, F. Morier-Genoud, R. Hövel, M. Moser,S. Erhard, M. Karszewski, A. Giesen, and U. Keller, "Diode-pumped passively mode­locked lasers with high average power," Appl. Phys. B, vol. 70, pp. 525-531, 2000.

[8J R. Paschotta, J. Aus der Au, and U. Keller, "strongly enhanced negative dispersion fromthermallensing or other focusing effects in femtosecond laser cavities," J. Opt. soc. Am. B,vol. 17, pp. 646-651, 2000

[9J R. Paschotta, C. Hönninger, J. Aus der Au, G. spühler, D. H. sutler, N. Matuschek,F. H. Loesel, F. Morier-Genoud, U. Keller, M. Moser, R. Hövel, V. Scheuer, G. Angelow,T. Tschudi, M. J. P. Dymott, D. Kopf, J. Meyer, K. J. Weingarten, J. D. Kmetec, J. Alexan­der, and G. Truong, "Progress on all-solid-state passively mode-Iocked ps and fs lasers,"lnvited Paper, Proc. sPfE 3616, p. 2, 1999.

[10J J. Aus der Au, S. F. Schaer, R. Paschotta, C. Hönninger, U. Keller, and M. Moser, "High­power diode-pumped passively modelocked Yb:YAG lasers," Opt. Lett., vol. 24, pp. 1281­1283,1999.

[l1J L. Krainer, R. Paschotta, J. Aus der Au, C. Hönninger, U. Keller, M. Moser, D. Kopf, andK. J. Weingarten, "Passively modelocked Nd:YV04 laser with up to 13 GHz repetitionrate," Appl. Phys. B, vol. 69, pp. 245-247, 1999.

[12] J. M. Hopkins, G. J. Valentine, W. sibbetl, J. Aus der Au, F. Morier-Genoud, U. Keller, andA. Valster, "Efficient, low-noise, sEsAM-based femtosecond Cr:LisAF laser," Opt. Com­mun., vol. 154, pp. 54-58, 1998.

[13] F. X. Kärtner, J. Aus der Au, and U. Keller, Invited Paper, "slow and Fast Saturable Ab­sorbers for Modelocking of solid-state Lasers - What's The Difference?," fEEE J. Select.Topics Quantum. Electron., vol. 4, pp. 159-168, 1998.



[14] J. Aus der Au, F. H. Loesel, F. Morier-Genoud, M. Moser, and U. Keller, "Femtoseconddiode-pumped Nd:glass laser with more than 1-W average output power," Opt. Lett.,vol. 23, pp. 271-273, 1998.

[15J J. Aus der Au, D. Kopf, F. Morier-Genoud, M. Moser, and U. Keller, "60 fs pulses from adiode-pumped Nd:glass laser:' Opt. Lett., vol. 22, pp. 307-309, 1997.

[16] U. Keller, K. J. Weingarten, F. X. Kärtner, D. Kopf, B. Braun, I. D. Jung, R. Fluck, C. Hön­ninger, N. Matuschek, and J. Aus der Au, Invited Paper, "Semiconductor saturable ab­sorber mirrors (SESAMs) for femtosecond to nanosecond pulse generation in solid-statelasers:' IEEE J. Select. Topics Quantum Electron., vol. 2, pp. 435-453,1996.

[17] D. Kopf, J. Aus der Au, U. Keller, G. L. Bona, and P. Roentgen, "A 400 mW cw diode­pumped Cr:LiSAF laser based on a power-scalable concept:' Opt. Lett., vol. 20, pp. 1782­1784,1995.

Conference Papers[18] R. Paschotta, F. Brunner, J. Aus der Au, G. J. Spühler, S. Erhard, A. Giesen, and U. Keller,

"Passive Mode Locking of Thin Disk Lasers: Effects of Spatial Hole Burning," AdvaneedSolid-State Lasers (ASSL 2001), Seattle, Washington, USA, Jan. 28-31, 2001.

[19J T. Südmeyer, J. Aus der Au, R. Paschotta, U. Keller, P. G. R. Smith, G. W. Ross, andD. C. Hanna, "Femtosecond fiber-feedback OPO:' Advaneed Solid-State Lasers (ASSL 2001),Seattle, Washington, USA, Jan. 28-31, 2001.

[20] T. Südmeyer, J. Aus der Au, R. Paschotta, U. Keller, P. G. R. Smith, G. W. Ross, andD. C. Hanna, Postdeadline Paper, "Femtosecond fiber-feedback OPO:' OSA AnnualMeeting 2000, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, Oet. 22-26, 2000.

[21] T. Südmeyer, J. Aus der Au, R. Paschotta, U. Keller, G. R. Smith, G. W. Ross, andD. C. Hanna, "Optical parametric generator (OPG) for 1.38-1.56 11m with up to 0.5 Wav­erage power in 270-fs pulses at 35 MHz:' in Conference Digest, paper CThHl, Confereneeon Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO Europe 2000), Nice, Franee, Sept. 10-15,2000.

[22J F. Brunner, J. Aus der Au, G. J. Spühler, L. Krainer, R. Paschotta, F. Morier-Genoud,U. Keller, N. Liehtenstein, S. Weiss, C. Harder, A. A. Lagatsky, A. Abdolvand, andN. V. Kuleshov, "l.l-W femtosecond diode-pumped Yb:KGd(WO,h laser;' in ConferenceDigest, paper CMA2, Conferenee on Lasers and Eleetro-Opties (CLEO Europe 2000), Nice,France, Sept. 10-15,2000.

[23J R. Paschotta, G. J. Spühler, J. Aus der Au, U. Keller, M. Moser, S. Erhard, M. Karszewski,and A. Giesen, "Power-scalable femtosecond thin disk Yb:YAG lasers:' in Conference Di­gest, paper CMA4, Conferenee on Lasers and Electro-Opties (CLEO Europe 2000), Nice,France, Sept. 10-15,2000.

[24J J. Aus der Au, G. J. Spühler, R. Paschotta, U. Keller, M. Moser, S. Erhard, M. Karszewski,and A. Giesen, "Femtosecond microjoule pulses with 15.8 W average power from a pas­sively modelocked diode-pumped Yb:YAG thin-disk laser:' in Technical Digest Series2000, paper CMQ1, Conferenee on Lasers and Electro-Opties (CLEO 2000), San Francisco,California, USA, May 7-12, 2000.

[25J T. Südmeyer, J. Aus der Au, R. Paschotta, U. Keller, G. R. Smith, G. W. Ross, andD. C. Hanna, Postdeadline Paper, "Femtosecond single-pass optical parametrie generator(OPG) for 1.38-1.56 11m with 35 MHz repetition rate," in Vol. 34 of 2000 OSA Trends inOpties and Photonies, paper PD4, pp. 619, Advaneed Solid-State Lasers (ASSL 2000), Davos,Switzerland, Feb. 13-16,2000.

[26] G. J. Spühler, J. Aus der Au, R. Paschotta, U. Keller, M. Moser, S. Erhard, M. Karszewski,and A. Giesen, Postdeadline Paper, "High-power femtosecond Yb:YAG laser based on apower-scalable concep!," in Vol. 34 of 2000 OSA Trends in Optics and Photonies, pa­per PD1, pp. 52, Advaru;ed Solid-State Lasers (ASSL 2000), Davos, Switzerland, Feb. 13-16,2000.


(27J R. Paschotta, J. Aus der Au, G. J. Spühler, F. Morier-{;enoud, M. Moser, and U. Keller,"High-power diode-pumped passively modelocked lasers," Ultrafast Optics '99, Ascona,Switzerland, July 12-16, 1999.

[281 J. Aus der Au, R. Paschotta, and U. Keller, "New scheme for dispersion compensation incompact femtosecond lasers," in Technical Digest Series 1999, paper CThP3, Conference onUlSers and Electro-Oplics (CLEO'99), Baltimore, USA, May 23-28, 1999.

(29] C. Hönninger, J. Aus der Au, F. Morier-{;enoud, M. Moser, and U. Keller, Poster "Effi­dent high-power diode-pumped passively modelocked Nd:YLF laser," in Vol. XXVI of1999 OSA Trends in Optics and Photonies, paper WBl, p. 372, Advanced Solid-State UlSers(ASSL'99), Boston, USA, jan. 31 - Feb. 3, 1999.

[30] R. Paschotta, J. Aus der Au, and U. Keller, "New scheme to strongly enhance the negativegroup delay dispersion from Brewster interfaces," in Vol. XXVI of 1999 OSA Trends inOptics and Photonies, paper TuAS, p. 372, Advanced Solid-State UlSers (ASSL'99), Boston,USA, Jan. 31 - Feb. 3,1999.

(31] R. Paschotta, C. Hönninger, J. Aus der Au, G. J. Spühler, D. H. Sutter, N. Matuschek,F. H. Loesel, F. Morier-{;enoud, U. Keller, M. Moser, R. Hövel, V. Scheuer, G. Angelow,T. Tschudi, M. J. P. Dymott, D. Kopf, j. Meyer, K. J. Weingarten, J. D. Kmetec, J. Alexan­der, and G. Truong, "Progress on all-solid-state passively mode-Iocked ps and fs lasers",talk 3616-01, Invited Talk at Pholonics West Conference '99, San Jose (California), USA,Jan. 23-29, 1999.

(32] R. Paschotta, C. Hönninger, J. Aus der Au, G. Spühler, D. H. Sutter, N. Matuschek,F. H. Loesel, F. Morier-Genoud, U. Keller, M. Moser, R. Hövel, V. Scheuer, G. Angelow,T. Tschudi, M. J. P. Dymott, D. Kopf, J. Meyer, K. J. Weingarten, J. D. Kmetec,J. Alexander, and G. Truong, "Recent progress in all-solid-state ultrafast lasers", talk FO,p. 428, Invited Talk at Lasers '98 in, Proceedings on the International Conference on La­sers, Tueson, USA, 1998.

133] J.-M. Hopkins, G. J. Valentine, W. Sibbett, j. Aus der Au, F. Morier-{;enoud, and U. Keller,"Ultralow-noise battery operated passively modelocked Cr":LiSAF laser," InternationalConference on UlSers and Eledrooptics (CLEO Europe '98), Glasgow, Scottland, 1998.

134] j. Aus der Au, F. H. Loesel, F. Morier-{;enoud, M. Moser, and U. Keller, ~"High­average-power femtosecond diode-pumped Nd:glass laser," Advances in Lasers and Ap­plications, Scottish Universities Summer School in Physics, SI. Andrews, ScoUand, 1998.

[3S1 j. Aus der Au, F. H. Loesel, F. Morier-{;enoud, M. Moser, and U. Keller, "Femtoseconddiode-purnped d:glass laser with more than l-W average output power," in TechnicalDigest Series 1998, paper CfhP3, Internalional Conference on Ulsers and Eleclrooptics(CLEO'98), San Francisco, California, USA, May 3-8,1998.

[36] F. X. !<ärtner, J. Aus der Au, and U. Keller, "Multiple pulse break-up in solitary laser sys­tems; in Technical Digest Series 1998, paper CfhC7, International Conference on UlSers andElectrooptics (CLEO'98), San Francisco, California, USA, May 3-8, 1998.

[37] j.-M. Hopkins, G. J. Valentine, W. Sibbett, J. Aus der Au, and U. Keller, "Efficient femto­second Cr3':LiSAF laser powered by penlight batteries;' in Technical Digest Series 1998,paper CfhO, International Conference on Ulsers and Eleclrooptics (CLEO'98), San Francisco,California, USA, May 3-8, 1998.

[38) F. H. Loesel, j. Aus der Au, F. Morier-{;enoud, M. Moser, and U. Keller, "Dioden­entgepumpter 175-fs Nd:Glas-Laser mit l-W mittlerer Ausgangsleistung," DPG­Frühjahrslagung, Konstanz, Gerrnany, 16.-19. März, 1998.

[39] F. H. Loesel, J. Aus der Au, F. Morier-Genoud, M. Moser, and U. Keller, "Femtoseconddiode-pumped Nd:glass laser with more than l-W average output power; in OSATrends in Optics and Photonies, paper AWF2., pp. 391, Advanced Solid-State Ulsers (ASSL'98), OSA Topical Meeting, Coeur d'A!ene, Idaho, USA, Feb. 2-4, 1998.

(40) F. X. Kärtner, J. Aus der Au, and U. Keller, "Slow and fast saturable absorbers for mode­locking of solid-state lasers - Whal's the difference?;' Ultrafast Optics 1997, Monterey, Cali­fornia, August 4-7,1997.


Patents[1] R. Paschotta, J. Aus der Au, G. J. Spühler, and U. Keller, "Passively mode-locked thin-disk

laser", provisional US patent application, filed in December 1999.

(2) R. Paschotta, J. Aus der Au, and U. Keller, "Verfahren zur Beeinflussung der Dispersionin einem optischen Resonator und optischer Resonator mit beeinflussbarer Dispersion",provisional US patent application, filed in June 1999.


In the last few years, major advances in solid-state lasers have become possible

due to the fast progress in the field of high-power diode lasers. This thesis de­

scribes the development of diode-pumped high-power laser sources with pulse

durations in the regime of some hundred femtoseconds (= 10-15 s).

One of the main problems in the development of such systems arise

from the fact that part of the energy supplied to the laser medium is converted

into heat. This can lead to a number of unwanted effects such as a decrease in

efficiency (especially for quasi-three level laser materials such as e.g. Yb:YAG),

thermal lensing, thermal birefringence, and finally thermal fracture. Another

challenge is that broadband gain media (which are needed for the generation of

femtosecond pulses) typically have a low emission cross-section, leading to an

increased tendency towards Q-switching instabilities.

Therefore, special solutions have to be found to overcome these !imita­

tions. Different laser materials and pump arrangements have been used

throughout this thesis to determine the most promising approach towards high­

power femtosecond lasers. The probably most encouraging technique is based

on the thin-disk concept. By using this pumping arrangement, we were able to

achieve output powers as high as 16 W in pulses of 730-fs duration at 1.03 ~,

limited only by the available pump power. This is the highest average output

- XVlIl-


power reported for a laser oseillator in the sub-pieosecond regime (status: Oe­

tober 2000). This result only has become possible due to the unique design free­

dom of absorber parameters offered by the use of semiconductor saturable ab­

sorber mirrors (SESAMs).

The results obtained within this thesis show the huge potential of di­

ode-pumped solid-state lasers for compaet, reliable and powerful sources of co­

herent radiation. These SOUIces have reached astage, where they no Ionger only

are working horses for a limited number of specialized people, but will find ae­

cess to a large eonsumer market, e.g. in the form of laser projeetion systems.


In einer rasanten Entwicklung haben Diodenlaser in den letzten Jahren Blitz­

und Bogenlampen als Pumpquelle für Festkörperlaser abgelöst, nicht zuletzt

dank der hohen Ausgangsleistungen neuerer Diodenlaser von 60 W und mehr.

Dies hat zu einem eigentlichen Boom im Bereich der Festkörperlaser hoher

Leistung geführt. Die vorliegende Doktorarbeit beschreibt die Entwicklung dio­

dengepumpter Hochleistungs-Laserquellen mit Pulsdauern im Bereich einiger

hundert Femtosekunden (= 10-15 s).

Ein Hauptproblem bei der Entwicklung solcher Systeme beruht auf der

Tatsache, dass ein Teil der im Lasermaterial deponierten Energie in Wärme

umgewandelt wird. Dies kann zu einer Reihe unerwünschter Effekte führen,

wie z. B. zu einer Abnahme der Lasereffizienz (dies trifft insbesondere auf

Quasi-Dreiniveau Lasermaterialien wie z. B. Yb:YAG zu), zu thermisch­

induzierter Linsenwirkung und/oder Doppelbrechung und schliesslich gar zur

Zerstörung des Lasermaterials. Eine zusätzliche Herausforderung bilden die

typischerweise relativ kleinen Emissionswirkungsquerschnitte der verwende­

ten Verstärkungsmedien grosser Bandbreite (eine grosse Bandbreite ist für die

Erzeugung kurzer Pulse erforderlich). Dadurch weist der entsprechende Laser

im modengekoppelten Betrieb eine grosse Neigung zu Amplitudenflukhla­

tionen in der Laserleistung auf. Deshalb müssen spezielle Lösungansätze ge-



funden werden, um diese Limitationen zu überwinden. Verschiedene Laser­

materialien und Pumpkonfigurationen sind während der vorliegenden Doktor­

arbeit verwendet worden, um die beste Methode zur Realisierung dioden­

gepumpter Hochleistungslaser mit Pulsdauern im Femtosekundenbereich zu

finden. Die bis anhin vielversprechendste Technik basiert auf dem Thin-Disk­

Konzept. Unter Verwendung dieses Ansatzes konnten wir Ausgangsleistungen

von über 16 W in Pulsen von etwa 730 Femtosekunden demonstrieren. Dabei

waren wir nur durch die uns zur Verfügung stehende Pumpleistung limitiert;

höhere Ausgangsleistungen sollten ohne weiteres möglich sein. Das oben­

genannte Resultat stellt die höchste Ausgangsleistung (im Pulsdauerbereich

unterhalb einer Pikosekunde) dar, welche bis jetzt direkt aus einem Laseroszil­

lator erzeugt worden ist (Stand: Oktober 2000). Dieses Resultat ist nicht zuletzt

dank der Verwendung sättigbarer Halbleiterspiegel (SESAMs) zur Pulser­

zeugung möglich geworden, welche es erlauben, die Absorberparameter über

einen grossen Bereich zu variieren.

Die im Rahmen der vorliegenden Doktorarbeit erzielten Resultate zei­

gen deutlich das grosse Potential diodengepumpter Festkörperlaser als kom­

pakte, zuverlässige und leistungsstarke Quellen kohärenter Strahlung. Diese

Quellen haben ein Stadium erreicht, in welchem sie nicht mehr nur Arbeits­

pferde einiger weniger Wissenschaftler sind, sondern durch Anwendungen wie

z. B. Laser-Projektionssysteme in den heimischen Wohnzimmern Verwendung

finden werden.

Chapter 1

Introduction and Motivation

Since the first successful demonstration of a laser (= Light Amplification by

Stimulated Emission of Radiation) by Maiman in 1960 [I], solid-state laser de­

velopment has been paced by the improvement and discovery of pump sourees.

In a first step, the helical lamps, used to pump early ruby lasers, were replaced

by linear flash lamps and discharge are lamps. The next advance in solid-state

laser technology took place with the development of diode lasers. The first

demonstration of a diode-pumped laser was in 1964 [2]. However, it lasted

more than 20 years before diode lasers became commercially available with

long lifetime under room-temperature operating conditions and with appropri­

ate power levels for laser pumping. Pioneering experiments performed using

such diode lasers as pump sources showed the benefits of diode pumping over

lamp pumping and were discussed in an early review paper [3]. These benefits

include compactness, high efficiency, reduced thermal effects in the gain me­

dium, and a long lifetime. Decreasing costs of diode lasers and increasing diode

powers have gone hand-in-hand and triggered an increasing demand on diode­

pumped lasers. However, the earlier prevailing opinion that diode-pumped la­

sers are free from pump-induced thermal effects has long gone. That was, to

some extent, a consequence of the low diode powers initially available. Nowa­

days, with diode lasers offering tens of watts of pump power, thermal problems

have become a key issue in the further development of diode-pumped lasers

(and therefore will also form an important part of this dissertation

(see Chapter 3.3)).

- 1 -

CH/lPTEJ/.l - 2-

A question often asked by people not involved in laser business is:

"Why using (diode) lasers to pump another (solid-state) laser instead of using

flash lamps or the diode directly?" Solid-state lasers (in contrast to diode lasers

and flash lamps) emit optical radiation in a diffraction-limited spatial beam that

is easily focused to a small spot. This results in an increase of brightnessl, which

is essential for many applications that require a high degree of temporal and

spatial coherence. Furthermore, solid-state lasers can operate at a variety of

wavelengths, not accessible with diode lasers. Diode lasers on the other hand

are ideal sources for pumping of solid-state lasers because they efficiently emit

optical radiation into a narrow spectral band. When the emission wavelength of

the diode lies within the absorption band of the ion-doped solid-state laser me­

dium, diode lasers can be used as very efficient pump sources with a relatively

small heat generation. In contrast, flash lamp pumping efficiency is limited by

the broad spectral emission of the lamp. Excess heat and power fluctuations of

the lamp also degrade the solid-state laser performance, as does the finite lamp


In the forty years since the first demonstration, lasers have become

widespread devices and can be found in almost every field of our life: In infor­

mation technology and communications for example, progress during the past

decade has been extraordinary. Around the world, optical fibers are currently

being installed at a rate of 1'000 m per second. By the year 2005, about

600'000 km of fiber-optic cable will cross the oceans, enough to encircle Earth 15

times; and the demand for high-bandwidth services is still growing. This

growth goes hand-in-hand with an increasing demand on lasers. In medicine,

lasers are enabling a wide variety of new therapies, from laser heart surgery,

laser surgery of the retina, to the minimally invasive knee repairs. In addition,

they are being used with light-activated drugs to treat cancers. In biotechnol­

ogy, lasers have e.g. become essential in DNA sequencing systems. Please note

that this is just a small part of al1 the fields and applications, where lasers are

1 The brightness B is a rneasure for the maximum acltievable pump intensity and is defined as power/unitarl!1J/unit solid angle. See also Chapter 3.4.


used. Often, people are not aware that lasers are incorporated. For example,

most of the gyroscopes2 in modem airplanes are based on lasers.



... I OO""'~~w.". '~I... illQ)


~0 0~ ~

Time Time

Q-switched mode locking

•... :. /. t. ...Q) Q)

~ ~0 U ' . 0~

j li ~


Time Time

Figure 1.1: Different modes of operation of a laser.

Considering the temporal characteristics of a laser, we distinguish be­

tween four different operation regimes: continuous-wave (cw), Q-switching, Q­

switched mode locking (QML), and cw mode locking (see Figure 1.1). In the cw

and the Q-switching regimes, it is possible to operate the laser in single mode,

which makes them very interesting for spectroscopic or ranging applications

(LIDAR3). In the Q-switched mode locking and cw mode locking regimes, the

laser output is characterized by trains of short pulses in the picosecond to fem­

tosecond regime with high (Q-switched mode locking) or low (cw mode lock­

ing) amplitude f1uctuations (see Figure 1.1). Such lasers are interesting for appli­

cations that require a high peak power and/or good temporal resolution. In this

thesis, we will only deal with lasers operating in the cw mode-Iocking regime.

A good overview over all four operation regimes can be found in Ref. [4].

2 The phase shlft in a rotating Sagnac interferometer is well-known and is the basis of the RlNG LASERGYROSCOPE. Light travels round the interferometer in both directions. U the interferometer is station­ary, there is no phase difference between the two emerging light beams. However, if the interferometerrotates, both beams experience a Doppler frequency shUt - but in opposite directions. Tms is becauseone of the beams is travelling in the same direction as the rotation and the other in the opposite direc­tion. By mixing the two output beams, a 'beat" frequency is detected that is equal to the difference be­tween the frequencies of the two beams. Knowing the geometry of the interferometer, this frequencydifference can be related directly to the angular rotation. Integrating the angular rotation over timegives the amount of rotation - hence the device can act as a gyroscope, measuring rotation.

J LIDAR = light detection and ranging

CHAPTER 1 - 4-

To achieve sub-picosecond4 pulses, we rely on passive mode locking

mechanisms. Passive mode locking is achieved by using saturable absorbers,

devices that introduce high losses at low incident intensities/fluences, and vice

versa. Therefore, pulsed operation is favored if the parameters of the saturable

absorber are correct1y chosen.

A well-known "artificial" saturable absorber is based on the Kerr effect.

Therefore, the corresponding mode locking mechanism is normally called Kerr

lens mode locking (KLM) [5, 6, 7]. The shortest pulses obtained so far directly

out of an oscillator are based on this technique and are as short as = 5.8 fs [8, 9].

However, KLM is typically not self-starting, requires critical cavity alignment,

and can not easily be achieved with diode-pumped lasers. The first passive

mode locking mechanism that resulted in reliable, self-starting operation and

did not require critical cavity alignment was based on an intracavity semicon­ductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM) design [10]. Trus device has been

further improved in the last few years, allowing for pulse generation in the pi­

cosecond and femtosecond regimes for a variety of solid-state lasers (see e.g.Refs. [11,12]).

In the work presented here, we demonstrate that by combining diode

pumping 0/ solid-state lasers with the advantages of SESAM-based passive mode

locking, we are able to build reliable, compact femtosecond laser sources with

record-high average and peak powers. The hurdles that have had to be taken to

achieve this goal are manifold: They reach from finding a proper pump and

cavity design to thermal effects in the gain medium (see Chapter 3). Such lasers

will meet a growing number of scientific, medical, and industrial applications

that require the combination of compactness, efficiency, and high optical inten­

sity and/or energy. Future scientific applications could e.g. include tabletop ion

acceleration [13]. Medical applications appear promising because of the small

size, reliability, high pulse energies, and choice of wavelength of diode-pumped

passively mode-Iocked solid-state lasers. There are many medicallaser applica­

tions that are either already performed routinely (such as opthalmology or

dermatology [14]) or have been developed recently as the state of the art [14] .

• In this thesis, the term "sub-picosecond regime" will be used for pulse durations between some hun­dred femtoseconds and about 1 picosecond.


For industrial applications, diode-pumped mode-locked solid-state lasers will

extend to material processing such as welding or drilling. However, if history is

a guide, these compact, efficient laser sources will also find widespread appli­

cations in the area of entertainment. Laser light shows and compact disks are

already a reality. In the near future, high-power diode-purnped solid-state la­

sers coupled with nonlinear optical processes will provide all-solid-state sys­

tems capable of generating the primary colors required for laser projection sys­

tems (see also Chapter 5).

This thesis is organized as folIows: The fundamentals of passive mode

locking are shortly reviewed in Chapter 2, including the basic principles of

semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors (SESAMs). In addition, we will dem­

onstrate a new technique for dispersion compensation in femtosecond laser

cavities. Chapter 3 will deal with the challenges one encounters in the devel­

opment of diode-pumped high-power femtosecond lasers. Among others, we

will treat questions of thermal problems in gain media, purnping schemes, and

SESAM damage. The experimental results are summarized in Chapter 4.

Chapter 5 will deal with the question of converting the output of high-power

lasers to other wavelengths. An outlook to future developments concludes the

present thesis.

Chapter 2

Passive Mode Locking

In this chapter, we give a short introduction into three basic passive mode­

locking mechanisms and discuss them with respect to their application in com­

pact, diode-pumped solid-state lasers. We then introduce a special type of

saturable absorbers, the so-calJed semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors

(SESAMs), which provide unique properties to achieve reliable passive mode

locking both in the femtosecond and in the picosecond regime. In Chapter 2.2.1,

we will give a short overview of the basic mode of operation of such SESAMs.

The important absorber parameters, which determine the laser dynamics, will

be introduced in Chapter 2.2.2. FinalJy, in Chapter 2.3, we will present a new

scheme for dispersion compensation in femtosecond laser cavities. This scheme

is based on the observation that the negative dispersion from a Brewster inter­

face can be strongly enhanced by the focusing effect of a curved surface on a

prism or of a thermallens in the gain medium.

2.1 Mechanism of passive mode lockingPassive mode locking mechanisms are welJ explained by three fundamental

models: Slow saturable absorber mode locking with dynamic gain saturation

[15, 16) (see Figure 2.1(a», fast saturable absorber mode locking [17, 18) (see

Figure 2.1(b», and soliton mode locking [19, 20) (see Figure 2.1(c». In the first

two cases, a short net-gain window forms and stabilizes an ultrashort pulse.

This net-gain window also specifies the minimal stability requirement (i.e., the

- 7-


net 10ss immediately before and after the pulse approximately defines its ex­

tent). For solid-state lasers, we cannot apply slow saturable absorber mode

locking as shown in Figure 2.1(a), because no significant dynamic gain satura­

tion is taking place as a result of the long upper state lifetime of the laser. Dy­

namic gain saturation means that the gain undergoes a fast pulse-induced satu­

ration that then recovers again between consecutive pulses. However, as the

upper state lifetime of solid-state lasers is typicaUy in the microsecond and mil­

lisecond regime (much longer than the pulse repetition period, which is typi­

cally in the nanosecond regime), we observe no significant dynamic gain satu­

ration. The gain is only saturated to a constant level by the average intracavity

power. An ultrashort net-gain window as shown in Figure 2.1(a) can only be

formed by the combined saturation of absorber and gain, for which the ab­

sorber has to saturate and recover faster than the gain, whereas the recovery

time of the saturable absorber can be much longer than the pulse duration.





Ga in


11: :

Time ---(b)

~ /1

r----- -




Figure 2.1: Pulse-shaping and stabilization mechanisms owing 10 gain and loss dynamics in

a mode-locked laser in case of using: (a) a sJow saturable absorber plus slow gain saturation,

(b) a fast saturable absorber, and (c) a slow saturable absorber plus soliton formation.

This is different in the fast saturable absorber model, where no dynamic

gain saturation occurs and the short net-gain window is formed by a fast recov­

ering saturable absorber alone (see Figure 2.1(b)). Trus was initially believed to

be the only stable approach to passive mode locking of solid-state lasers. Addi­

tive pulse mode locking (APM) [21, 22] was the first fast saturable absorber

mode locking technique for solid-state lasers. However, APM was not suitable


for real world applications, because critical interferometric cavity length stabili­

zation was needed for stable operation. In 1991, a breakthrough occurred in the

development of passively mode-Iocked solid-state lasers by the discovery of the

Kerr lens mode locking technique (KLM) [5]. KLM was the first demonstration

of a simple and reliable intracavity fast saturable absorber for solid-state lasers,

and, because of its simplicity, replaced the more complicated coupled cavity

mode locking techniques. For a detailed description of KLM, please refer e.g. to

Refs. [23, 24]. With this technique, pulses as short as = 5.8 fs have been demon­

strated [8, 9]. This are the shortest pulses ever produced directIy out of a laser

oscillator. Besides the tremendous success of KLM, there are some significant

limitations for practical or "real-world" ultrafast lasers. KLM is based on the

generation of an artificial fast saturable absorber effect due to the self-focusing

that occurs inside the laser crystal. To enhance self-focusing, one usually oper­

ates the cavity dose to the stability limit, so that the cavity is sensitive to small

additional intracavity lensing effects [23, 24]. Furthermore, very short pulse la­

sers based on a fast saturable absorber alone have an intrinsic problem to self­

start from continuous-wave (cw) - operation. This is simply due to the fact that

the peak intensity changes by about six orders of magnitude when the laser

switches from cw-operation (where the pulse energy is distributed over about

10 ns) to a 10 fs pulse. Moreover, KLM is hard to achieve in compact, diode­

pumped solid-state lasers because the minimum laser mode area (and therefore

the maximum peak intensity) in the gain medium is limited by the poor beam

quality of diode lasers.

Soliton mode locking [19] (see Figure 2.1(c» addresses these issues by

decoupling the saturable absorber from the cavity. In soliton mode locking, a

saturable absorber [19, 25] or an acousto-optic modelocker [26] is used to start

and stabilize the mode locking process, while pulse shaping is done by soliton

formation, i.e. by the interplay between group delay dispersion (GDD) and self­

phase modulation (SPM) at steady state. In soliton mode locking, the net-gain

window (see Figure 2.1(c» can remain open for more than 10 times Ionger than

the ultrashort pulse, depending on the specific laser parameters [20,27].

Soliton mode locking can be qualitatively explained as foIlows (see

Figure 2.2): The soliton pulse loses energy due to gain fiItering (i.e. due to the


limited gain bandwidth) and other cavity losses. These losses form a long, low

intensity background pulse, the so-called continuum, which experiences negli­

gible bandwidth broadening from SPM, but spreads in time due to GDD (see

Figure 2.2(a». Compared to the soliton pulse, the longer continuum has a nar­

rower spectrum (see Figure 2.2(b», which leads to a weaker gain filter and a

higher effective gain. Without a suitable intracavity saturable absorber, the

continuum would actually grow until it reaches the lasing threshold and thus

ultimately destabilize the soliton pulse. However, the soliton can be stabilized

by introducing a saturable absorber that is fast enough to introduce sufficient

loss for the growing and temporally spreading continuum to prevent it from

reaching the lasing threshold. A detailed theoretical treatment of soliton mode

locking based on soliton perturbation theory can be found in Ref. [19].





Frequency ---


Figure 2.2: Soliton mode locking in (al time and (b) frequency domam. The continuum

spreads in time owing to group deJay dispersion (COO) and therefore, suffers from higher

losses in the absorber, which is saturated by the shorter soliton pulse (a). However, the

Ionger continuum pulse has a narrower spectrum and thus experiences higher gain than the

spectraJJy broader soliton pulse (b).

Semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors (SESAMs) [li, 12] provide

unique freedom in the design of important absorber parameters such as the

saturation fluence or the recovery time (see Chapter 2.2). We could benefit from

this freedom in order to obtain compact and reliable passively mode-Iocked la­

sers in the picosecond and femtosecond regime. In the picosecond regime, we

use SESAMs as fast saturable absorbers (see Figure 2.1(b» to start and shape the

pulses. For femtosecond pulse generation, we operate the laser in the soliton

mode-Iocked regime (by means of SPM and GDD) to shape the pulses and use

the SESAM to start and stabilize the mode locking process (see Figure 2.1(c».

- 11 -

2.2 Semiconductor Saturable Absorber

Mirrors (SESAMs)


In this chapter, we will give a short overview over the basic mode of operation

of aSESAM, and briefly discuss the important absorber parameters, which de­

termine the laser dynamics. For a more detailed description of the semicon­

ductor saturable absorber mirrors (SESAMs), please refer to Refs. [li, 12,28].

2.2.1 Basic mode of operation

Semiconductors show a nonlinear transmission upon incidence of radiation due

to absorption bleaching. This makes them suitable in principle as a saturable

absorber, i.e., as a device that shows higher transmission at higher intensi­

ties/ fluences and therefore energetically favors the pulsed mode of operation.

The bandgap of a semiconductor can be tailored to the desired laser wave­

length, the modulation depth (see Chapter 2.2.2) can be varied by adjusting the

thickness of the material, and the response time of the absorber (see Figure 2.3)

can be influenced by changing the growth temperature of the material [28]. In

addition, a semiconductor is a compact, passive device that does not need elec­

trical contro!. Therefore, a semiconductor provides the basic features to pas­

sively mode-lock a solid-state laser.

However, some material parameters of a semiconductor are not weil

matched to the requirements of a solid-state laser. The gain cross-section of a

semiconductor is typically on the order of 10-14 cm2, whereas the gain cross­

section of a solid-state laser is on the order of 10-20 to 10-19 cm2, i.e. five to six or­

ders of magnitude smaller. Therefore, a bulk semiconductor inserted into a

solid-state laser cavity generally saturates already at continuous-wave (cw)­

intensities and does not show a nonlinear response to intensity fluctuations. In

addition, bulk semiconductors generally show high losses.

These problems have been solved by the invention of the semiconduc­

tor saturable absorber mirrors (SESAMs) by U. Keller et a!. [10]. In such a de­

vice, the semiconductor saturable absorber is embedded between two mirrors, a

highly reflecting bottom Bragg mirror and a top mirror (which is usually

CHAPTER2 -12 -

formed by the Fresnel reflections at the interface air-semiconductor). These two

mirrors form a Fabry-Perot structure. (For a summary of different SESAM de­

signs, please refer to Ref. [12].) The thickness of the absorber is adjusted to the

anti-resonance condition of a Fabry-Perot. This increases the saturation energy,

decreases the losses, and introduces only negligible group-delay dispersion

(GDD). The amount of light, coupled into the absorber, can be adjusted to any

desired vaJue between 0 % (for a top coating with a reflectivity of 100 %), and

100 % (for an anti-reflection top coating). Therefore, the effective saturation en­

ergy can be increased in principle from the material-given parameter to any de­

sired vaJue.

Intraband thermaJizalion(-100 fs time scale)



Interband recombination(-ns time scale)]ow-temperature-grown materials:e1ectron trapping(-ps to ns time scale)



Figure 2.3: Main mode of oper.tion of • semiconductor '5 satur.ble .bsorber. The optic.1

nonlinearity is based on .bsorption ble.ching. Also shown is • typicaJ impulse response of •

semiconductor satur.ble .bsorber os measured in • pump-probe set-up. En, energy; D(Eul,

density of st.tes.

Figure 2.3 shows the main mode of operation of a semiconductor as

saturable absorber: Light hitting the absorber is exciting carriers, which occupy

the upper level. Because of Paulis exclusion principle, the absorption is


bleached, if the upper states are occupied. The time response of aSESAM is

determined by the carrier dynamics in the absorber. The excited carriers first

thermalize due to carrier-earrier scattering, leading to a fast contribution to the

temporal response (see Figure 2.3(a». The long time constant is due to interband

recombination, and when using low-temperature (LT) grown materials, it is

due to electron/carrier trapping, whieh will happen on a time scale of picosec­

onds to nanoseconds (see Figure 2.3(b». These traps lie somewhere between the

two bands, and they accelerate the population decay. They are eaused by vari­

ous reasons such as clusters, defects and surface effects. We ean influence the

trap density (and therefore the long time constant) with the growth tempera­

ture. At lower growth temperature, more defects are incorporated leading to a

faster Iifetime. Figure 2.3 also shows the bitemporal time response of the ab­

sorption as typically measured in a pump probe set-up.

2.2.2 Macroscopic properties of SESAMs

The laser dynamics are determined by the macroscopic properties of the used

SESAM. Figure 2.4 shows the typical nonlinear response of aSESAM as a fune­

tion of the incident pulse fluence on the deviee. The maximum change in reflec­

tivity is called modulation depth LiR, and the point, where an infinitesimal thin

absorber is saturated to e-I is named saturation fluence FA.sat. Another important

parameter are the nonsaturable losses L1R".; they describe the losses introduced

by the SESAM if it is fuHy saturated. The maximum achievable refleetivity is

eaHed Rns. Together with both time eonstants of the SESAM (see Chapter 2.2.1),

these parameters fulIy characterize such a device. The nice thing about it is that

they ean aB be adjusted over a wide range and independent of each other (see

e.g. Ref. [12]). This makes the SESAM a very flexible device and allows using it

for Q-switching and mode locking of many different solid-state lasers. In addi­

tion, it is simple to use, as it just replaces one end mirror, and eheap in produc­




2FA,sal = 1811J/cm ~=3.7%

6789 45678910 100

Incident pulse fluence Fp ' (IlJ/cm2)

Figure 2.4: Measured nonlinear renectivity as a function of pulse fluence incidenl on a sem;­

conductor saturable absorber mitrar (SESAM). FA• U1 is the saturation fluence, .1R is themodulation depth, RN is the maximum achievable reflectivity, and LlRN are the nonsaturablelosses.

2.3 Dispersion management

Mode-Iocked lasers for the generation of sub-picosecond pulses are usually op­

erated in the regime of negative group delay dispersion (GDD) of the resonator,

where soliton pulses can be formed. A source of negative GDD is then required

in order to overcompensate the usually positive material dispersion. The most

common way to generate negative GDD is to use a prism pair [29]. Here, a

broadband (e.g. pulsed) laser beam experiences angular dispersion between the

prisms, the magnitude of which is basically deterrnined by the material disper­

sion. The obtained negative GDD is govemed by the angular dispersion and by

the separation of the prisms, apart from the positive material dispersion due to

the path length in the prisms. If a large value of negative dispersion is required,

the prism separation can become impractically large, even if a strongly disper­

sive prism material is chosen.

It has been found that a single prism [30, 31) or a so-calied prismatic

output coupler [32) can be sufficient for dispersion compensation in a laser cav­

ity. Here, the generated GDD again depends on the angular dispersion (which

is basically determined by the material dispersion), while the quantity analo-


gous to the prism separation in the case of the prism pair is now the distance

between the prism and the so-called X point (see Figure 2.5). The latter is de­

fined as the point, where a11 wavelength components of a beam intersect [30],

and its position is govemed not by the prism, but by the other cavity optics. Ba­

sically, the limitations of this approach are the same as for the prism pair. A

notable difference to the prism pair is that different wavelength components are

spatially separated everywhere in the laser cavity, in partidllar also in the gain


Recently, we have demonstrated that the negative dispersion generated

by one or several prisms in a laser cavity can be significantly increased by a fo­

cusing effect, which may occur either within the prism (e.g. by thermallensing)

or in an optical element near the prism [33]. We first illustrate this effect in

Chapter 2.3.1 for a simple laser cavity, where an analytical treatment is possible.

In Chapter 2.3.2, we report the experimental observations, which originally ini­

tiated the work described here. As the laser cavity was more complicated in this

case (so that the analytical theory of Chapter 2.3.1 is not applicable), we devel­

oped a numerical computer program for general laser cavities (see Chap­

ter 2.3.3). The predictions from this model allowed for another experimental test

as described in Chapter 2.3.4.

2.3.1 Analytical theory for a simple cavity

An analytical treatment is possible for simple cavities as shown in Figure 2.5. A

prism, having a reflective coating on the left side, acts as an end mirror. The an­

gle of incidence 8 on the right side of the prism is usually chosen to be Brew­

ster's angle. In Figure 2.5(a), we assume both surfaces of the prism to be flat;

this situation has been discussed in earlier work [3D, 32]. In Figure 2.5(b), we

introduce a curvature with radius R on the left side. The rest of the cavity optics

consists only of a lens (or curved mirror) and a plane end mirrar. However, it

will become apparent that the dispersive praperties of this cavity depend only

on the properties of the prism and the position of the X point. In the given

cases, the distance between the latter and the lens is given by the focallength of

the lens.

- 16-



~ß X point A"'I



!!J~ e



Figure 2.5: Simple cavities with prisms that have reflective coatings on the left side: (a) a

prism with f1a1 surfaces, (b) a prism with a curved surface on the left side. The beam paths

for a wavelength .1. and a reference wavelength .1,., are shown.

In Figure 2.5, we have indieated ray paths for a referenee wavelength

A,er as weH as for some other wavelength A. The rays eross at the so-eaHed

X point, and the angle between them is named ß(A). First, we eonsider the ease

R =00 as in Figure 2.5(a). It is easy to show that the angular dispersion is


tan8 dn---

n dw(2.1)

where w = 21OC/A is the angular frequeney and n is the refraetive index of the

prism material. The generalization of this result for finite values of R as in

Figure 2.5(b) requires some trigonometrie eaJeulations, which we do not present

in detail; the result is

dß = tan8 !!!!-[1_(eOS8')2~]-1dw n dw eos8 R-l;,


Here ~ is the path length in the prism, and 8' is the angle of ineidenee within

the prism. It is apparent that the angular dispersion diverges as R approaches

the eritieaJ value

(eoS8')2R.,." = l;, + nLx -­eos8



We illustrate this critical behavior with the following explanations: For

R = RcriV any value of the angle ßwould lead to a c10sed beam path in the reso­

nator at the fixed wavelength A....f , because any beam approaching the prism

from the X point would be refracted so that normal incidence on the reflective

coating would occur. For a slightly larger value of R, there would be a slight

deviation from normal incidence at the coating; i.e. the beam path would no

longer be c10sed for non-zero values of ß. However, this small deviation could

be compensated with a small change of wavelength, which modifies the angle

of refraction at the prism interface. Thus, only a small change of wavelength

corresponds to a given change of ß, which means that the angular dispersion is


The calculation of the group delay dispersion (GDD) is more involved.

The simple type of arguments as used by Fork [29] for the case of the prism pair

does not work here because the curved surface implies that we cannot work

with plane waves. Therefore, we use the formalism introduced by Martinez

[34,35]. According to Equations (12) to (15) in Ref. [35], the round-trip phase

shift fPmdlrip (and thus the dispersion) in a cavity results from different terms. In

our case, the dominant contributions come from Equation (12), which contains

the material dispersion, and from Equation (15), which accounts for the effects

of angular dispersion. The latter term, calculated in the given situation and dif­

ferentiated twice with respect to w, leads to the result


Here we have introduced the wave number k = 27l/A., and Lx is the distance be­

tween the prism and the X point (measured along the reference beam). Note

that this term accounts only for the effect of the angular dispersion and does not

contain the material dispersion (which is easily calculated). Using

Equations (2.2) and (2.3), we reduce the result to

GDDan =_2 kL" tano(~)(dß).g n dw dw



We see that the curvature of the prism surface, if dose to the critical value Rcri.,

introduces not only a large angular dispersion but also a large group delay dis­persion.

Another important observation is that the divergence of angular disper­

sion and GDD for R ---7 Rcri• is related to the edge of the stability range of the

cavity. It has been shown by Magni [36] that in general each standing-wave

cavity has two stability zones (labeled zone I and zone II; see also Chapter 3.5)

with respect to a variable lens (which we identify here with the focusing action

of the curved surface). At one edge of zone II, the sensitivity of the resonator

against misalignment diverges; this edge is always the one where the mode

sizes on both end mirrors diverge (see Figure 3.12). In our case, the wavelength­

dependent refraction at the Brewster face of the prism can be seen as causing a

wavelength-dependent misalignment of the resonator, and the point of diverg­

ing angular dispersion is indeed identical with the mentioned edge of stability

zone H.

As the diverging negative dispersion from the Brewster interface only

occurs when a cavity stability edge is approached (where the mode sizes are

also diverging), one might believe that this effect does not provide a practical

way to generate negative dispersion in a laser cavity. However, Figure 2.6 (in

addition to our experimental observations) demonstrates the opposite. Here, we

have plotted the total cavity dispersion and the tangential beam radius W beam in

the prism as functions of the inverse radius of curvature R. We have assumed a

prism made from Schott LG-760 glass (see also Chapter operated at

Brewster's angle, a path length I., = 5 mm in the glass, and a distance Lx = 40 cm

between prism and X point. The rest of the cavity (lens and mirrors) is not dis­

persive. Figure 2.6 shows that a significant negative contribution to the GDD

can be obtained at a point that is so far from the stability limit that the mode

size is not changed dramatically. Even without the curvature (R· t = 0) the

wavelength-depen'dent refraction at the Brewster interface generates some

negative dispersion, but only the focusing effect makes this contribution large

enough to get into the regime of negative GDD.



I-------~~500-..::--:::-....::--:::-:::----------_. __ _.. __ ._-_._-------_ .





- Beam radius (~)GDD (fl)

..... GDD of material (fl)

.1000 '--_...JI'--_...LI__.....I__.L...-I__.L-I__'--I_u

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7

R"l, (rn-I)

Figure 2.6: Beam radius in the prism and group delay dispersion (COO) of a simple cavity

as shown in Fig. 2.5, both plotted as a function 01 inverse radius of curvature on the leH side

01 the prism (see Fig. 2.5(b)). The dotted curve indicates the material dispersion alone. For

this graph, the following assumptions have been made: prism made from Schott LC-760

glass (operated at Brewster angle), L, = 5 mm, L. = 40 cm.

As mentioned before, the same dispersion effect can be obtained if the

focusing action of the curved prism surface is replaced by a thermal lens in the

prism (if the prism is actually the gain medium in a laser cavity) or by a curved

mirror dose to a prism with f1at surfaces. It is only that the simple analytical

analysis applied in this section can then no longer be applied; in Chapter 2.3.3

we will show how such cases can be treated. Another remark is that the disper­

sion effect does of course occur only in cavities, not in single-pass arrangements

as used e.g. outside of a laser cavity for extemal compression of pulses; it is es­

sential for the principle of operation that each wavelength component corre­

sponds to a cavity mode the position of which is determined by the interplay of

dispersion and focusing action in the cavity.

2.3.2 Experimental observations on a Nd:glass laser

Originally, the work presented here was initiated by some experimental obser­

vations that appeared very strange at that time. We were working on a diode­

pumped high-power Nd:glass femtosecond laser similar to the laser discussed

CHAPTfR2 - 20-

in Chapter 4.2.1, when we observed that even without the prism pair, the laser

generated soliton pulses with a duration of a few hundred femtoseconds when

the pump optics were somewhat misaligned in the axial direction. The pulse

duration was very sensitive to changes of the pump power and also to the

pump alignment: A shift of one of the pump lenses by only 0.1 mm was suffi­

cient to change the pulse duration signilicantly. The minimum pulse duration,

measured with an autocorrelator, was 266 fs, and the time-bandwidth product

was 0.34, not far from the value of 0.315 for ideal sechz soliton pulses. Despite of

the critical alignment it was possible to obtain stable operation over hours

without intervention and the M' factor indicating the spatial beam quality was

< 1.3 in both directions. The output power was typically around 0.9 W, while

1.4 W were achieved when the pump alignrnent was optimized for output

power and the dispersion compensation was done in the conventional way

with a prism pair near the output coupler. In the latter case, the minimum pulse

duration was 275 fs (see Chapter 4.2.1). The laser cavity is shown in Figure 2.7.

Output coupler

20-W diode ? _

b'~PY~/;·····;1Pu~p // / Mzoptics / / SESAM

~Figure 2.7: d:glass laser cavity that generated femtosecond pulses without a prism pair.This cavity is similar to the one used in Chapter 4.2.1. M1• concave mirror with 4G-cm radius

of curvature; M" cylindrical mirror with 20.3-<:m radius in the sagittal direction; M" concave

mirror with l5O-cm radius of curvature.

As soliton pulses were generated, it was apparent that the cavity oper­

ated in the regime of negative GDD, despite of the fact that all the cavity mir­

rors were standard dielectric mirrors with relatively small dispersion and no

• Normally, a prism pair is required for operation in the regime of negative GDD where soliton pulses areformed.


other dispersive component was used. The dispersion effect horn the Brewster

interface of the gain medium seemed at first to be much too weak to overcom­

pensate the significant material dispersion of +1200 fs2 per round-trip. The ex­

planation that we finally found was that the thermallens in the gain medium

strongly enhanced the negative dispersion generated by the Brewster interface.

The mechanism is the same as quaiitatively described by the model in Chap­

ter 2.3.1, although the laser cavity is more complicated than in that model. An

important point is that the strength of the tangential component of the thermal

lens in the gain medium was increased by misaligning the pump optics in axial

direction as described above. Only in this way a focal length in the order of

1.5 m was generated, which was enough to bring the cavity dose enough to the

critical stability edge of zone II. The critical dependence of the soliton pulse du­

ration on the pump power and pump alignment is now easily understood be­

cause these effects affect the strength of the thermallens and thus the proximity

to the stability edge. While some misalignment of the pump beam was required

in our laser (and caused some reduction of the output power), of course one

could design a cavity so that such a misaIignment would not be required.

We also note that in many of the common cavities of mode-locked la­

sers the mentioned X point is located quite dose to the Brewster interface of the

gain medium, or parallel end faces are used. In such cases, the discussed dis­

persion effect is not expected to occur.

The analytical treatment of Chapter 2.3.1 is not applicable to this case

because the gain element is not located at an end of the laser cavity. Therefore, a

numerical approach was required. We describe this approach in Chapter 2.3.3,

where we also give a quantitative analysis for the case of the described laser. In

Chapter 2.3.4, we give further support for the daim that the mentioned disper­

sion effect is indeed the reason for the peculiar observations.

2.3.3 Numerical approach

The analytical treatment in Chapter 2.3.1 leads to a good physical understand­

ing of the dispersion effect and allows for quick calculations. However, its

limitations are that the prism with the focusing effect must be at one end of the

CHAPTER2 - 22-

cavity, and only the effect of the wavelength-dependent refraction at a single

interface can be calculated. In addition, we can only treat the effect of paraboli­

cally curved surfaces. In order to overcome all these limitations, we also did

numerical calculations. For a detailed description of the used numerical meth­

ods, please refer to Ref. [37]. Here, we just show the results obtained from the


2000 ,....-----,.-----r------------,Zone II

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Tangential focusing power, (rn-I)

- Beam radius (~)GDD (fs2


-2000 '--__..1-__-'-__---1. '--__..1-




Figure 2.8: Beam radius in the gain medium and overall group delay dispersion (COO) in

the Nd:gJass laser cavity as shown in Figure 2.7, plotled as lunctions 01 the locusing power

of the tangential thermal Jens.

Figure 2.8 shows the calculated beam radius in the gain medium and

the overall GDD for the Nd:glass laser as described in Chapter 2.3.2, plotted as

functions of the focusing power of the tangential thermal lens. Two stability

zones can be recognized. A negative total GDD, suitable for soliton pulse gen­

eration, is obtained in zone II (see Chapter 3.5) for a focallength in the order of

1 m. The experimental results indicate that with the pump alignment optimized

for output power, a large value of the focallength is obtained, while the critical

value can be approached by moving the pump focus in axial direction. A

straightforward prediction is that this misalignment of the pump beam could be

avoided if a suitable curvature on the surface of the gain medium would be fab­

ricated. In this way, it should be possible to obtain the dispersion effect without

any loss of output power, or possibly, even with more output power as the

losses on the usual prism pair are eliminated.


- 23-

Another experimental test



Although all the observations described in Chapter 2.3.2 are weil explained by

the discussed dispersion effect, we did another experimental test to confirm

that this mechanism is indeed at work in our laser. This test was based on the

observation that the critical radius of curvature (see Equation (2.3» - or in our

case the critical strength of the thermallens - depends on geometrical factors.

This means that moving the position of mirrors in the cavity can move the sin­

guiarity of the GDD in Figure 2.8, and thus also modify the GDD and conse­

quently the soliton pulse duration, if the strength of the thermallens stays con­

stant. indeed, it was easy to verify both in the computer model and in experi­

ment that the pulse duration changed significantly when the distance between

mirrors MI and M2 (see Figure 2.7) was modified. Thus, our model had correctly

predicted a behavior that would normally not be expected.


-100§''in -200...<lI

.~ -300"0

'0 -400<lIoe1ä -500

..c:U~OOL..l- -L.. -L.. -L.. -L.._-'

o 5 10 15Position x of mirror, (mm)


Figure 2.9: Changes of the group delay dispersion (GDD) generated by the dispersion effect,

when mirror MI (see Figure 2.7) is moved away from the original position (x; 0). An exceJ­

lent agreement between the experimental data (dots) and the theoretical expectation (line)

from the n umerical model is acrueved.

For a more quantitative test, we inserted an SFIO prism pair near the

output coupler mirror. We then operated the laser at various positions of mir­

ror MI, keeping the pump power and pump alignment unchanged. At each

?oint, we adjusted the position of the SESAM to keep the distance between

SESAM and mirror M, constant; in this way, we minimized changes of the


mode sizes on the SESAM as weil as in the gain medium. In addition, we ad­

justed the insertion of the prisms in the prism pair in order to obtain anstant

pulse duration of 400 fs for each position of mirror MI' From the required

changes of prism insertion, we calculated the changes of GDD, using the known

dispersion of the prism material. Figure 2.9 shows the excellent agreement be­

tween the experimental data and the theoretical expectations from the numeri­

cal model. We conc1ude that the discussed dispersion effect is indeed the expla­

nation for the observed phenomena in our Nd:glass laser. We also note that it

could be convenient to use the demonstrated dependence of the GDD on a mir­

ror position for fine adjustrnent of the GDD.

Chapter 3

Challenges for High-Power

Femtosecond Operation

In this chapter, we discuss the main issues encountered in the development of

high-power diode-pumped passively mode-Iocked lasers. It will become appar­

ent that the issues discussed in the following sub-sections are interconnected in

various ways, so that the overall optimization of a pulsed laser system is a

nontrivial issue.

3.1 IntroductionIn principle, high average powers can be obtained by combining a low-power

laser oscillator with one or more amplification stages. However, particularly in

the femtosecond regime, high-gain amplifiers usually rely on complicated

multi-pass arrangements. Thus, it is clearly preferable to achieve high-power

performance directly with a laser oscillator, without using amplification stages.

The most promising approach towards this goal is to develop passively mode­

locked diode-purnped high-power solid-state lasers. Diode purnping is essential

for efficient, compact and reliable devices. Passive (rather than active) mode

locking using SESAMs (see Chapter 2.2) leads to a simpler set-up and allows for

shorter pulse durations and higher peak powers. However, until recently the

average output powers obtainable from passively mode-Iocked lasers were

- 25-

CHAPTER3 - 26-

much lower than those from some continuous-wave solid-state lasers, where

output powers of more than 1 kW have been demonstrated [38, 39] (status: Oc­

tober 2000). Particularly in the pulse duration regime below 1 picosecond, aver­

age powers from diode-pumped lasers were typically weil below 1 W. Sub­

picosecond pulses with multi-watt average power have been obtained only

from Ti:sapphire lasers [40, 41, 42], which however rely either on a bulky, inef­

ficient argon-ion pump laser or on an expensive frequency-doubled diode­

pumped solid-state pump laser. In the following, we will discuss the main

challenges of high-power diode-pumped passively mode-Iocked lasers. We

show that different solutions are required depending on the desired pulse du­

ration (which limits the choice of the gain media).

3.2 Choke of gain medium

For continuous-wave high-power lasers, the gain medium should already meet

quite a nurnber of requirements. It should have a laser transition at the desired

emission wavelength, combined with a pump transition at a suitable wave­

length, where powerful pump diodes are available. A small quantum defect as

weil as the absence of parasitic losses (as e.g. upconversion (see e.g. Ref. [43]),

quenching (see e.g. Ref. [44]) or excited-state absorption (see e.g. Ref. [45])) are

important factors for a good efficiency. In addition, a large product of emission

cross-section and fluorescence lifetime is desirable as it allows achieving a low

laser threshold.

By going to higher and higher pump and laser powers, the thermal

properties of the gain media become increasingly important. The probably most

crucial parameter in this regard is the thermal conductivity K. As the focusing

power of the thermal lens in the gain medium goes inversely proportional to

the thermal conductivity, a high value of K is important. This generally favors

crystals over glasses. Other requirements are a weak temperature dependence

of the refractive index (in order to further reduce thermal lensing) and a weak

tendency for thermally induced stress fracture. This tendency of a laser material

can be described by the so-called thermal shock parameter R,;,oU [45]. This pa­

rameter is defined as

_K·(l-v)~ock - aT . E . CTfracture'



where K is the already mentioned thermal conductivity, v is Poisson's Ratio, aris the coefficient of linear thermal expansion of the material, E is Young's

Modulus, and CTfTaetun> is the (maximum) surface stress, at which fracture oecurs.

A larger Rshock indicates a higher permissible thermal load before fracture oe­

curs. The table below lists typical values for a number of laser materials if we

assurne a standard surface treatment (and a rod geometry).

MaterialThermal shoekParameter~





7.9 100

YVO. cl


Table 3.1: Thermal shock parameter R"",,' for different materials'.

This table clearly shows that glass-type gain media are much more difficult to

handle concerning high-power operation than crystals (see Chapter 4.2). How­

ever, please note that the thermal shock parameter just gives a rough estimate

on how the material will behave under thermal loads. Surface treatment, purity

of the material, growth technique, ... also have a big influence on the stress

fracture behavior. For example it has been recently demonstrated that ion ex­

change can significantly enhance the power input required for fracture in com­

mercially available Nd-doped phosphate glass [47]. Thermal loading experi­

mental studies of a 160 x 15 x 8 mm3 rectangular slab showed a fivefold to six­

fold increase in power input for the strengthened sampies over the unstrength­

ened material, without changing the optical properties of the strengthened

glass. Another method to decrease thermal stresses, and therefore the tendency

towards fracture, consists of diffusion-bonding undoped host material to the

doped laser material section [38, 48]. This measure keeps the end face of the

doped region under compressive stress. Since most materials are as much as an

order of magnitude stronger under compression than they are under tension

(see e.g. Ref. [49]), such an approach could lead to an order-of-magnitude in-

, VaJues taken from [45], except for YVO, [46].

, "YAG = Yttrium Aluminium Gametb) Alp, = Sapphire<, YVO, = Yttrium Orthovanadate

CHAPTER3 - 28-

crease in laser brightness for a given dass of laser materials and pump configu­

rations. A further advantage is that the end face of a laser material with un­

doped end cap experiences negligible temperature rise, avoiding end-face dis­

tortions, which contribute to thermal lensing and thermally-induced wave­

length shifts of dichroic coatings.




"0 4c:0u 2öl§ 0QJ 0 1015 20 30 40 50 60

Emission bandwidth M, (nm)

Figure 3.1: Thermal conductivity K 01 different laser materials emitting at 1 l'J1l as lunction

01 the corresponding emission bandwidth LU.

Mode locking, particularly in the sub-picosecond domain, introduces

additional constraints for the gain medium. The more obvious one is that the

amplification bandwidth must be sufficient to maintain the desired pulse dura­

tion. This definitely excludes otherwise very favorable laser media such as

Nd:YAG for the generation of sub-picosecond pulses (see Figure 3.1). Another

challenge is that broadband gain media typically have a low emission cross­

seetion a Lem , which leads to a strong tendency for Q-switching instabilities (see

Chapter 3.6) in passively mode-locked lasers". This shows that the search for

new laser materials with the combination of a broad amplification bandwidth,

large emission cross-sections and good thermal properties is very important.

The search far such materials is under way; just recently, the new material

Yb:KGd(WO.), (Yb:KGW, see Chapter has been developed, which com­

bines the good thermal properties of crystals with a relatively broad amplifica-

• A notable exception is Ti:sapphire, lor which however a high-power green diode laser as pump sourceis not yel available.


tion bandwidth comparable to glass-type media (see Figure 3.1). First results

with this new material have been very promising for the near future (see Chap­

ter 4.1.2).

In the following, we will take a closer look at different laser materials.

Thereby, we will restrict ourselves to advantages and disadvantages of these

materials with regard to high-power femtosecond laser operation. Other char­

acteristics (such as e.g. spectroscopic properties) will not be dealt within this

thesis. For readers who would like to know more about these materials, we rec·

ommend the book "Solid-State Laser-Engineering" by W. Koechner [45] as a

starting point.

3.2.1 Ytterbium-doped materials

In recent years, the Yb3+·ion has been recognized as an interesting dopant for

solid-state laser materials [50]. This is mainly due to its very simple energy level

scheme, which consists of only two manifolds that participate in the lasing

process. Higher lying energetic levels in the Yb3'-ion are so far above the

ground state that they can not affect the laser.

Yb-doped crystalline laser materials have a number of characteristics

that make them very suitable for high-power operation in the sub-picosecond

regime. First, they can be pumped by strained layer InGaAs diode lasers in the

wavelength range between 0.9 pm and 1.1 pm. Very efficient lasing is possible

due to the small quantum defect (defined as the difference between pump and

laser photon energy), which is in fact smaller than in any other laser ion. In ad­

dition, the efficiency is not degraded by processes such as upconversion, ex­

cited-state absorption, and concentration quenching. In contrast to many other

solid-state laser materials, high doping levels are possible without reducing the

upper-state lifetime. Therefore, short pump absorption lengths can be obtained,

which lowers the demands on the beam quality of the high-power laser diodes

used for pumping. Last but not least, due to the crystalline host, these laser

materials show good thermal properties such as e.g. a large thermal conductiv­

ity (see Chapters and

CHAPTER3 - 30-

While the small quantum defect results in a good efficiency, it causes a

significant thermal population even in the highest Stark levels of both mani­

folds. As the higher Stark levels of the ground state manifold serve as lower la­

ser level, this population leads to a three-Ievel characteristic with ground-state

absorption at the laser wavelength and thus significantly increased laser

threshold. Although the lower laser level population can be reduced to a large

extend by cooling the gain medium, the still high laser threshold leads to a sub­

stantial heating of the gain medium. Yb:YAG

Yb:YAG was investigated in the early 1970s and was the first Yb-doped laser

material. Reinberg et al. used GaAs:Si light emitting diodes as pump sources

[51). In that experiment, both the Yb:YAG crystal and the pump source required

cryogenic operation. It took about 20 years from then until the development of

efficient InGaAs diode lasers resulted in the first room-temperature diode­

pumped Yb:YAG laser [52). Since then, there has been a substantial progress in

the development of diode-pumped Yb:YAG lasers. Recently, continuous-wave

(cw) operation with average output powers of more than 1 kW and with up to

48 % optical efficiency has been demonstrated [38, 39).

Not only for high average power operation but also for sub-picosecond

pulse and high peak power generation, Yb:YAG has become an interesting al­

ternative to Nd-doped materials, which presently are most common in diode­

pumped all-solid-state laser systems. Pulses as short as 340 fs have been dem­

onstrated in a low-power laser [53). Recently, we have obtained more than 16 W

of average power in pulses with 730 fs pulse duration, corresponding to a peak

power of 560 kW [54] (see Chapter 4.3.1). This clearly shows the potential of this

material for diode-pumped high-power femtosecond operation.

In Table 3.2 we have listed the main parameters of Yb:YAG, subdivided

in laser, optical, thermal and mechanical properties. As (in contrast to four-Ievel

lasers) the peak wavelength and the bandwidth of the gain depends on the ex­

citation level and therefore on the doping level and on the cavity losses (see e.g.

Ref. [55]), we have indicated in Table 3.2 values for two common wavelengths.






1.03 .~6.3




10.20 cm2

nm10.19 cm2



UnitsLaser propertiesLaser wavelength .) A..m, rnax

Emission bandwidth .) !1A.Emission cross-section .) (J \mAbsorption wavelength .) A.bs rn.x

Absorption cross-section .) (J r.b,

Fluorescence lifetime') t"dTransparency intensity') 1"'05



UnitsOptical propertiesRefractive index .) at Aem rn.x

Temperature coefficient'of re­fractive index b) dn/dT

Thermal properties Units14





Units109 N/mz

Mechanical propertiesYoung's modulus c) EPoisson's ratio c) v

Table 3.2: Parameters for Yb:YAG'. Yb:KGW

Femtosecond high-power lasers require a gain medium with a broad arnplifica­

tion bandwidth, relatively large laser cross-sections in order to suppress Q­

switched mode locking (QML) (see Chapter 3.6), and good thermal properties to

handle the heat load. Although Yb:YAG satisfies most of these requirements,

the limited bandwidth of Yb:YAG restricts the pulse duration to some hundred

femtoseconds. For shorter pulse lengths, one has relied on glass-type gain me­

dia10 such as Yb:glass or Nd:glass so far, which however show poor thermal

properties (see Chapter Only recently, the new laser material

9 data were taken fram different sources:" Ref. [55]SI Ref. [45]

,) Ref. [56]; please note that these dala are published for Nd:YAG.

10 Please note that throughout this thesis, we are taJkjng about direct diode-pumpable gain media. There­fore, Ti:sapphire, which both possesses good thermal properties and a large amplification bandwidth,can not taken into account here because there are no green high-power laser diodes as pump saurcesavailable yel.

CHAPTER3 - 32-

Yb:KGd(WO')2 (Yb:KGW) [57,58) has been demonstrated that combines a large

amplification bandwidth (comparable to glass-type laser media) with the good

thermal properties of crystalline laser media (see Table 3.3).

Absorption wavelength a) Aabs•mal<

Absorption cross-section a) cr Pabs

Fluorescence lifetime b) t"d

Transparency intensity Iuans


10-20 cm2

nm10-19 cm2



2.6 (E 11 a)

2.1 (Ellb)

0.7 (Elle)

9811.2 (E 11 a)

0.2 (Ellb)

0.2 (E 11 c)


== 2.8 (E 11 a)

2.023 (Eil a)

1.978 (E 11 b)

2.042 (E IIc)




Refractive index cl at Aem• max

Optical properties

Temperature coefficient of refrac­tive index a) dn/dT

2.6 (E 11 a)

3.8 (E 11 b)

3.4 (E 11 c)

4.0 (E 11 a)

3.6 (E 11 b)

8.5 (E 11 c)




Coefficient of linear thermal ex­pansion a) a,- (20°C to 40 oe)

Thermal propertiesThermal conductivity a) K (25 0c)

Units10' N/mz

Mechanical propertiesYoung's modulus d) EPoisson's ratio d) v

Table 3.3: Parameters for Yb:KGW"

A wide tuning range has also been obtained [62], confirrning the poten­

tial of this material far sub-lOO fs pulse generation. In addition, the crystal

11 data were taken from different SOUIces:

.) Ref. [59Jb) Ref. [60J,) Ref. [611

d) Data not available at date of publication.


shows a laser emission cross-section that is larger than that of Yb:YAG, leading

to a smaller saturation energy. This is beneficial to suppress Q-switching insta­

bilities (see Chapter 3.6). With its absorption peak at 981 nm and its peak laser

wavelength at 1026 nm, Yb:KGW exhibits an extremely low quantum defect

(A"ump/ A,aser = 0.96). The pump saturation intensity of Yb:KGW is = 10 times

smaller than that of Yb:YAG, allowing for a good laser efficiency even when

pumped by low-brightness sources.

In Table 3.3, we have summarized the main parameters for Yb:KGW.

Please note that the fIuorescence lifetime indicated in Table 3.3 (~OO Ils) is dif­

ferent from the value published earlier (= 0.6 ms, see e.g. Refs. [58) or [59]). We

believe that the published value of 0.6 ms is too high, based on the following


(i) We also measured the fIuorescence lifetime by means of a 5 at. % Yb3+-doped

KGW crystal. In order to minimize effects such as reabsorption and multiple

internal reflections, which both prolong the measured fIuorescence lifetime, we

used a mask to only probe a small volurne of the crystal. With this arrangement,

we measured a lifetime of about 380 ll5 [60), while without mask we obtained

values around 600 Ils. Please note that the measured value of 380 IlS was limited

by the resolution of the applied chopper.

(ii) The fundamental relationship between spontaneous and stimulated emis­

sion rates embodied in the Füchtbauer-Ladenburg equation allows a straightfor­

ward calculation of the emission cross-section (or, as in our case, of the radia­

tive lifetime) using input parameters, which are readily attained. The form of

the equation is [63):

L A2 ßC1 em(A) = -2-g(A)

8nn c 't'rad(3.2)

Here, n is the refractive index, c is the speed of light, 't'rad is the radiative lifetime,

and g(A) is the normalized line shape function:

A- A3 .I(A)g( )- fA'I(A)dA



I(,t) is measured in experirnentally relevant units of watts per wavelength inter­

val. In this type of analysis, one must also know the branching ratio ß for the

considered transition. By using Equations (3.2) and (3.3) and assuming a value

of 1 for ß, we can deduce a theoretical upper limit for the radiative lifetirne of

about 300 J.1S12.

3.2.2 Neodymiurn-doped materials

Nd3> was the first of the trivalent rare earth ions to be used in a laser, and it re­

mains by far the most important element in this group. Stimulated emission has

been obtained with this ion incorporated in at least 40 different host materials,

whereupon the principal host materials are YAG and glass. As only glass shows

a bandwidth that supports femtosecond pulses, we will take a doser look only

at Nd-doped glasses in the following. For a summary of other Nd-doped hosts,

please refer to Ref. [45). Nd:glass

The first use of a Neodymium-doped glass was reported by Snitzer in 1961,

when he demonstrated that laser action was feasible [64). Over the years,

Nd:glass-based systems have tended to involve lasers dedicated to generating

high single-shot energies, high average power, or ultrashort pulses. All three of

these areas have continued to experience large interest to the present day. For

example, high-energy (ps and ns) pulsed Nd:glass lasers have been utilized

predominantly for plasma physics and inertial confinement fusion experiments

(see e.g. Ref. [65]). Continuing interest in this area has led to lasers evolving from

= 1 kJ to = 100 kJ - these systems are expected to reach the megajoule dass

within the next decade (see e.g. Refs. [65] and [66]). The general situation is that

Nd:glass is a technologically important means of generating laser radiation near

1.05 J.1m.

12 As Yb:KCW shows polarization-dependent emission cross-sections (see Table 3.3), we have used theaverage va1ue of the three emission cross-sections to determine the radiative lifetime.

- 35-

--!aser p~ertiesLaser wavelength A.em• max

Emission bandwidth KA.Emission cross-section (J \mAbsorption wavelength A.abs max

Absorption cross-section (J i'abs

Fluorescence lifetime 't<ad

Optical propertiesRefractive index at A.em max

Temperature coefficie~tof re­fractive index dn/dT (20°C to40°C)

Thermal propertiesThermal conductivity K (25 0c)Coefficient of linear thermal ex­pansion a..,- (20°C to 40°C)


Young's modulus EPoisson's ratio v

Table 3.4: Parameter.; for phosphate-based loser glasslJ


10-20 cm2

nm10-19 cm2




10-6 K '

Units109 N/mz







There are several representative types of Nd-doped glasses that are

potentially useful including silicates, phosphates, and fluorides, as weil as

mixtures of these basic types (see e.g. Ref. [67]). The simplest glass into which

Nd can be incorporated is fused silica, or Si02 . An important step in laser

glasses occurred 1967 when phosphate-based compositions were first ex­

plored [68]. Phosphates were found to have several important advantages over

silicate glasses (see Table 3.4) as e.g. a higher emission cross-section. In addition,

it can be manufactured free of platinum inclusions (which greatly increases the

optical damage threshold). Since micron-size platinum inclusions appear to be

an inevitable consequence of today's glass melting technology, it is of crucial

significance to note that it is possible to completely eliminate these particles by

treating phosphate glasses chemically. It has not yet been possible to achieve

comparable results for silicates or fluorides. Therefore, Nd:phosphate glasses

are generally regarded as the medium of choice for most bulk laser applications

IJ Data taken from Ref. [67] for the phosphate-based laser glass LG-760.


(see Chapter 4.2.1). In Table 3.4, we have summarized the most important pa­

rameters for a phosphate-based laser glass.

3.3 Thermal effects in the gain medium

3.3.1 Introduction

The average output power obtainable from a solid-state laser is ultimately lim­

ited by stress fracture due to heating of the gain element. At average powers

below this stress-fracture limit, heating can lead to thermo-optic aberrations,

thermallensing, and/or stress-induced birefringence that reduce the efficiency

of laser operation, decrease the output beam quality, and change the resonator

stability with pump power. In solid-state lasers, the primary source of heating

(at least in high quality laser gain media) is the quantum defect, which is de­

fined as the difference between pump and laser photon energy. There mayaiso

be non-radiative relaxation due to parasitic losses such as non-radiative sites

(also known as "dead sites") which are sites that absorb pump photons but do

not contribute to inversion, excited-state absorption, upconversion, and

quenching (see e.g. Refs. [43] and [45]). Thus, laser materials with a small differ­

ence between the pump wavelength and the laser wavelength (i.e. with a small

quantum defect) are expected to have lower heating as long as parasitic losses

are weak.

The most obvious way to lessen the impact of heating of the gain ele­

ment is to choose a gain media that generates less heat. However, other con­

straints such as laser wavelength, pump wavelength, amplification band­

width, ...etc usually narrow the number of possible laser media. Therefore, one

normally has to choose a gain media with non-ideal thermal properties. In or­

der to reduce the influence of these non-ideal properties one has to apply spe­

cial pumping and cooling arrangements. In Chapter 3.4, we will go into this

subject in more detail.

In the following, we will consider the cases of a rectangular (slab) and a

cylindrical (rod) geometry, as shown in Figure 3.2, and deduce equations for


temper-ature rise (see Chapter 3.3.2), thermal-induced stress (see Chapter 3.3.3),

and thermallensing (see Chapter 3.3.4).


(a) (b)


Fi~e 3.2: (a) Slab for a Iaser with eIliptical mode geometry; (b) cylindrical rod geometry.

Temperature rise

Here, we consider the maximum temperature rise in the gain medium with re­

spect to the cooled surface. While thermal-induced stress and thermal lensing

arise from temperature gradients on1y, the maximum temperature rise deter­

mines the operation temperature of the laser medium. For some (typicaUy four­

level) laser media this quantity is not of great relevance, but at elevated tem­

peratures the efficiency of three-level laser media like Yb:YAG (see Chap­

ter or Yb:KGW (see Chapter is reduced. Other gain media Iike

e.g. Cr:LiSAF show quenching effects [44]. For such lasers it is therefore cruciaI

to keep the maximum temperature as low as possible. This can be done with

special pumping arrangements (see Chapter 3.4).

We first consider the cylindrical rod geometry (see Figure 3.2(b», for

which anaIytical solutions are readily avaiIable [45, 69]. If we assume the power

PWs to be dissipated uniformly within a radius W beam from the rod center (with

Woo.m S; Rg), we obtain a temperature rise

öT =~(1+2ln~)max 4n:KL




CHAPTER3 - 38-

of the rod center with respect to the outer surface, where K is the thermal con­

ductivity of the medium. We conclude that for a given material, L1Tm.x is largely

controlled by the quantity PclislLg, and the only way to substantially decrease

L1Tm.x is to increase the length Lg. Limits to this can be set by the beam diver­

gence (particularly if the pump beam has a poor beam quality), by the avail­

ability of long crystals, or by nonlinear effects in pulsed lasers, for example.

In the case of the rectangular geometry (see Figure 3.2(a)), we assurne

for a rough estimate that the pump beam fills the full width a of the slab, that

the pump profile is approximately flat in x direction, and that the extension of

the beam in y direction is small compared to the thickness d of the slab. This re­

sults in the simple equation


We see that for a given material (which determines the value of K) and length

Lg, we can decrease L1Tm • x by decreasing the ratio dia. Such an option is not

available in the rod geometry. This result is qualitatively still the case if the as­

sumptions made are not strictly valid. As a higher precision is usually not es­

sential for this purpose, we resort on more precise numerical solutions only in

the following sections.

3.3.3 Thermal-induced stress

The stress that is induced by the inhomogeneous temperature distribution in

the gain medium can lead to stress fracture, and also have optical effects be­

cause of its influence on the refractive index. In this chapter, we consider only

the problem of stress fracture. Optical effects of stress are treated in the next


Again, we first consider the cylindrical geometry, for which analytical

solutions are available [45, 69). As before, we assume the power Pd;'; to be dissi­

pated uniformly within a radius Wb•am (with W beam ~Rg). The maximum tangen­

tial stress at the rod surface is




lXr is the thermal expansion coefficient,

E is Young's modulus, and

v is Poisson's ratio.

As with the maximum temperature rise, we see that for a given material a sig­

nific.ant reduction of stress is possible only by increasing the length L g• Equa­

tion (3.6) can also be written by means of the thermal shock parameter Rsluxk (see

Equation (3.1))

Pdis (2 - W""'m

2 J= 4n:k'L R 2 "'shockg g


For the slab geometry, we first discuss the situation in which the slab is

uniformly pumped over its whole volume. In this case, we can write for the

maximum tangential stress [45]

or, (3.8)


For a given material and given Pdis/Lg, the stress can be reduced by reducing the

ratio d/Q. This is remarkable as e.g. areduction of d alone leads to an increased

density of dissipated power.

For the more difficult situation where only part of the slab is pumped,

we have used the program SOUDIS [70] to solve the heat conduction equation

numerically. We have assumed the pump beam to have the Gaussian radii w.

and wy in x and y direction, respectively. First, we investigated the dependence

of the maximum surface stress on wy' while w. and Pdis are kept constant. Fig­

ure 3.3 shows that the dependence of both LiTm.x and Gm• x on wy is weak. Then

we varied w. (see Figure 3.4) and found that LiTm.x and Gm• x depend largely on

CHAPTfR3 - 40-

Pw./Wx' Therefore, we conc1ude that, as in the uniformly pumped slab, the stress

mainly depends on Pdis·d/(W.LJ apart from material parameters.

200 250 o-l-;u ~

9~ 150 ~ • 200 1l...

• l\lul • 150 ~!Il -QJ • ~.l::l 100 f--- - • .- ~!Il • X

§ • - 100 g.5 '"SO


x - .?«l

~I I I I I ~0 0

0 100 200 300 400 SOO 600

Vertical beam radius, (J.1ffi)

Figure 3.3: Calculated maximum temperature rise and stress in a Nd:glass (Schott LG-760)

slab (with L, = 7.5 nun, a = 7.8 mm, d = 1 mm, and 4 W of dissipated power) as function of

the pump beam width in y direclion.

400 . 500 o-l~-;u 9

~ - 400 "0300 ~...

• l\l

ul • ~!Il - 300QJ ~

.l::l 200 - ~!Il X

§ • - 200 g.5 '"100


~ • - 100 .?~ • .-

0 I I I -I0 :8

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 SOOOHorizontal beam radius, (pm)

Figure 3.4: Calculated maximum temperalure rise and maximum stress as in Figure 3.3, but

with lhe pump beam widlh in x direclion as variable parameter.

To minimize stress fracture, we should therefore use a siab as thin as

possible and choose W x large enough. A small value of wy is beneficial because it

limits the required magnitude of d and aUows to increase W x without making

the mode area (and thus the laser threshold) excessively large. The optimum

value of wy will often be limited by the divergence of the pump beam. Thus, a


pump source with good beam quality in y direction can help to decrease both

the temperature rise and the stress by using a thinner crystal. High power diode

bars, the currently most powerful pump sources available, happen to have just

this quality: While the beam quality factor M2 is typically » 1000 in the hori­

zontal direction (where our demands for a slab geometry are very moderate),

we typically have M2 < 10 in the y direction, enabling tight focusing in this di­

rection and thus the use of a rather thin crystal.

3.3.4 Thermallensing

The inhomogeneous temperature distribution in the gain medium may lead to

thermallensing due to several reasons (45). The refractive index is directly in­

fluenced by the local temperature, and it is also affected by thermal-induced

stress. Moreover, stress can deform the end surfaces of the gain medium, which

gives another contribution to thermal lensing. Which contributions are domi­

nant, depends on the gain material as well as on the geometry. Therefore, we

wiU discuss the situation for different lasers.

a) Yb:YAG laser

Recently, we have demonstrated a mode-Iocked high power Yb:YAG laser

based on the elliptical mode geometry (see Chapter 4.2.2) with up to 8.1 W of

average output power. Here we discuss the strong thermal effects in this laser

and derive some general conclusions from this analysis. First we cakulated the

temperature and stress distributions and the bulging of the end faces of the

d =0 1 mm thick, a =0 9 mm wide and Lg =0 4 mm long Yb:YAG slab for a total dis­

sipated power of 1 W, using the program SOUDIS [70]. The heating power

density was assumed to be proportional to the local pump intensity. The simu­

lation was carried out for different pump intensity distributions. Then, we used

the obtained data to calculate the refractive index profile, taking into account

both temperature and stress effects [45, 71). Finally, we obtained the phase re­

tardation f{i...x,y) along lines in z direction by simple integration, and calculated

the thermal lens power in x and y direction from this. The material data were

taken from Refs. [45,69] and [56).

CHAPTER3 - 42-

For the first simulation, we assumed the pump profile to be Gaussian in

x and y direction with W z =1.2 mm and wy =80 pm (neglecting divergence a10ng

the z direction), centered in x and y direction. ln the second and third simula­

tion we assumed super-Gaussian functions 1- exp[-2(x/w",)5] in x direction

with s = 3 and s =6, respectively, and calculated w., so that the peak intensity as

weil as the second moment of the intensity distribution stays the same as be­

fore. Experimentally obtained pump profiles (which we generated with a high

power diode bar and cylindrical optics) were characterized with a CCD camera

and found to be elose to the super-Gaussian function with s = 6 near the focus,

while an ordinary Gaussian (with s = 2) is a better fit near the crystal ends. The

typical experimental situation effectively lies somewhere between s = 2 and

s = 6. The pump absorption along the z direction with an absorption length of

3 mm is taken into account. Figure 3.5(a), (c), and (e) show the resulting tem­

perature distributions. They do not perfectly reflect the pump intensity distri­

butions because the crystal thickness disnot much smaller than the pump beam

width. The solid curves in Figure 3.5(b), (d) and (f) show the resulting values

for the local thermallens focal power1.-' in x direction, calculated (always for a

single pass through the crystal) from the second derivative of the phase ql.x,y)with respect to x. For the Gaussian profile (see Figure 3.5(b»'/z·' has its maxi­

mum (0.21 m· l) at the center, while for the super-Gaussian with s = 6 (see Fig­

ure 3.5(f» maximum lensing (0.17 m· l) occurs in the wings because the tem­

perature profile is quite f1at near the center and steeper in the wings. The other

curves in Figure 3.5(b), (d) and (f) show the different contributions to thermal

lensing. In both cases, the effect of stress on the refractive index somewhat

counteracts the direct temperature effect and the effect of bulging of the end

faces. The most interesting conelusion is that for a pump profile with s z 3,

which is quite realistic for real situations, the resulting values of1;1 are nearly

constant over much of the pump beam width. Th1S means that the effect of ab­

errations can be quite small if only the laser mode size is chosen to be some­

what smaller than the pump mode size (so that the laser mode does not probe

the regions of strong aberration in the wings of the pump profile). lndeed, our

Yb:YAG laser was found to have the best beam quality when the laser mode ra­

dius in x direction was around 0.9 mm (see Chapter 4.2.2), to be compared with

a pump beam radius around 1.2 mm.


=~~T I•..•. Stress /- - [);spl.


-0.1 L-_---I.__-'--__...L._---:'

-2000 -1000 0 1000 2000

x, (~m)


...'.,~ 0.1o0..bO.5~~~

20001000oX, (~m)



5.-------....------,g.,' 4<Il·e., 3

.2 2~0..E.,





.... ,.>..•.

-Total /......... dn/dT..... Stress /- - Displ.


-0.1 L---'>.""-I.__-'--__.-C>'""'-----:'

-2000 -1000 0 1000x,(~)


S' 5 0.2


....,~ 0.1o0..

'" bO

1: J20001000o





~f-oO_-=._L-_---'~ _ __l._"""_




~ (.-"""':..:....JL-_--'__--'--'-='",.-<-;000 -1000 0 1000 2000



-2000 -1000 ox,(~)


1000 2000

Figure 3.5: (a) Calculated temperature profile in x dineclion at y =z =0 mm for a 4-mm long

Yb:YAG slab with 1 W of dissipated power. The pump profile is Gaussian with

w. = 1200 I'm and w, =80 I'ID. (c) Like (a), but with super-Gaussian profile (s =3) inx direclion (see text). (e) Like (c), but with s = 6. (b) Local thermal lens focusing power in

x dineclion for a Gaussian pump profile as in (a). Truck solid line: Total inverse focal length.

Other curves: Pump beom profile, as weil as the different contribulions from the direct

thermal effect (dn / dT) on the refraclive index, from stress, and from bulging of the end

faces. (d) and (f) Like (b), but with super-Caussian profiles s = 3 and s = 6, respectively.

CHAPTER3 - 44-

The thermaliens focusing powerf/ in Y direction (see Figure 3.6) is sig­

nificantly stronger, about 1.8 m·1 in the beam center. lt is irnportant, however, to

realize that nevertheless thermal lensing in y direction constitutes a much

smaller problem than in x direction because the laser mode size in y direction is

much smaller, and smaller modes are less sensitive to focusing effects (see

Chapter 3.5). As shown in Ref. [36], the width of the stability ranges of a stand­

ing-wave cavity with respect to the thermaliens focusing powert' is 2)./(=02),

where Wo is the mode radius in the gain medium at the stationary point

(= minimum) of the stability range. In our case, the width of the stability range

in y direction is more than 2 orders of magnitude larger than in x direction

while the thermaliens is only about one order of magnitude stronger". Indeed,

we found it much easier to obtain a good beam quality in y direction, despite of

the largerf/ .


10050-50 0

x, (pm)-100

3-Total / \ •

~ ...... dn/dT / ......... ...........\ ..'7

5 2 •.•. Stress- . Displ. ,./ \....•.....' ....

aI "...•.~ ....00..bO 0.S ..........

a -10u.. ..


Figure 3.6: Like Figure 3.5(b), but for the y di.rection.

We also found that the thermal behavior of the Yb:YAG laser was

somewhat improved by using a vertical offset of the pump beam from the cen­

ter position. A simulation revealed that in this asymmetrie situation (with a

vertical offset of 300 pm) the temperature rise is reduced by one third and the

thermallens power by one fifth. The finding indicates that the thickness d could

actually be made somewhat smaller without increasing the diffraction 1055 too

I< Another way to explain Ws dependenee on mode size is that a larger mode aequires a higher phaseshift in its wings, because e.g. for a not aberrated lens in x direclion the phase shift is proportional tox'//. (see Equation (4.3)).


much. This should decrease the temperature rise, stress, and the thermal lens

power in x direction. We tried this with a reduced crystal thickness of 0.6 mm,

but achieved a lower output power, apparently because the reflecting coating

was not good enough so dose to the edge of the crystal.

b) Nd:glass laser

As another example, we consider the case of Nd:glass high power lasers as de­

scribed in Chapter 4.2.1 and in Refs. [72] and [73]. The dimensions of the gain

medium, a slab made of Nd-doped Schott LG-760 phosphate glass (see also

Table 3.4), are similar as for the Yb:YAG laser: d = 1 mm, a = 7.8 mm, and

Lg = 7.5 mm. We used material data from the manufacturer [67], except for the

photoelastic coefficients, for which we used data of a similar phosphate glass

Q - 88 from Ref. [56].



.~ 40

] 30

'" 20...cu

~ 10

~-1000 0 1000

x, (I.un)


2000 -1000 0x, (I.un)


1000 2000

Figure 3.7: Like Figure 3.5(e), but for Nd:glass and WB = 1300 }.l1I\.

Figure 3.7(a) shows the temperature distribution in the Nd:glass gain

medium for 1 W of dissipated power. We assumed a super-Gaussian pump

profile in x direction with s = 6 and a width of w., =1300 pm (as in the experi­

ment). The temperature rise is much larger than in YAG because of the ~ 21

times poorer thermal conductivity. However, Figure 3.7(b) shows that the

negative value of dn/dT (a characteristic of the phosphate glass) allows the di­

red lhermal effect on the refractive index to cancel most of the effect caused by

stress. Mainly for this reason, the thermallens focusing power is only ~ 4 times

stror.ger than in YAG for the same dissipated power. Another factor is that the

four-level nature of Nd:glass allows working with a somewhat larger mode

CHAPTER3 - 46-

area, which reduces the effect of thermallensing. The main problem in the end

is the tendency for stress fracture, which we indeed experienced a few times in

our Nd:glass laser experiments but never with the Yb:YAG laser, despite of sig­

nificantly higher output powers.

3.4 Purnping schemesAs long as pulses with > 5 ps duration are wanted, one can resort to gain media

such as Nd:YAG or Nd:YVO., which have rather favorable thermal properties.

Traditional rod geometries, used with either end purnping or side pumping,

can then be used to generate high output powers [74, 75]. Currently available

diode-pumpable gain media with larger amplification bandwidth, however, re­

quire special solutions for high-power operation due to their poor thermal

properties (see Chapter 3.2).

In the following sub-sections, we will discuss three optimized purnping

geometries, which already have shown their suitability for pumping of high­

power lasers. In addition, we will also try to evaluate their potential for power


3.4.1 High-brightness15 pumping

This pumping scheme is typically used for pumping of low-power lasers. The

major problem that arises by using Ws pumping scheme for high-power lasers

is that the output power of high-brightness pump diodes is limited to a few

watts so far. This also restricts the possible femtosecond output power to this

regime. In addition, due to the high pump intensities, it is not suitable for gain

media with low thermal conductivity such as e.g. glass.

" The brightness B is a measure for the maximum achievable pump intensity and is defined as power/unitarea!unit solId angle. For a laser beam with wavelength ~. power p. and beam quality faclors M, 2 and M.,'the brightness becomes:



iCavity mirror

Gain mediumI


Slow axis Sphericallens

Fast axis ~ _/ '"'" ------=-==-~~---

ASPhll'~ CYlin~2'11'~Cylindricallens

Figure 3.8: Typical high-brightness pumping scherne.

Figure 3.8 shows the basic properties of the high-brightness pumping

scheme. The two different axis16 of the diode are first collimated through an

aspheric lens. In standard laser cavities (without the use of cylindrical optics),

the laser modes inside the cavity are more or less round17 (see e.g. Ref. [76]).

Therefore, in order to achieve mode matching between laser and pump beam

(which is necessary for a good efficiency and a low laser threshold), the pump

beam has to be focused to a circuJar spot inside the gain medium. Generally, if a

lens is placed in the optical path of a laser beam with beam quality factor M,the transmitted beam is focused to a radius Wo given by (see e.g. Ref. [76])

2 )..wo~M --f·



Here, we have assumed that the radius of curvature of the beam at the lens (as

weil as the beam area at the lens divided by the wavelength, TUJJ1:m/)..) is much

targer than the focallength f (see e.g. Ref. [76]). Equation (3.10) shows that the

beam radius behind a lens of given focallength fand at fixed wavelength ).. is

proportional to M / W 1ens' Therefore, in order to achieve a round spot behind

the spherical focusing lens (see Figure 3.8), the pump beam has to be flared in

slow direction by the ratio of the beam quality factors, M 2stow / M2

fast • This

expansion is typically achieved by means of a cylindrical (Keplerian or

Galilean) telescope (see Figure 3.8).

16 The axis of a laser diode parallel to the diode junction is normally called fast axis, while the di.rectionperpendicular 10 the diode junction is named slow axis.

11 It has to be noled that the cavity mode already has an aspect ralio of n (where n is the reiraclive index ofthe gain medium), if a Brewster-eut medium is used.

CHAPTER3 - 48-

Due to the high brightness of the diode, one can focus the pump to a

small area, which leads to high pump intensities in the gain medium. This is

especially required for quasi-3-level systems in order to more easily overcome

the transparency intensity. We recently have obtained more than 1 W of

average output power from an Yb:KGW laser pumped with a high-brightness

pumping set-up (see Ref. [77] and Chapter 4.1.2). In this experiment, we were

limited only by the available pump power.

3.4.2 Elliptical mode approach

Here we describe an approach that has been applied first to Cr:LiSAF [78] and

has recently been proven to be successful with Nd:glass [72] and Yb:YAG [79]

(see Chapter 4). The spatial profile of the output of typical high-power diode la­

sers (with tens of watts) is very asymmetrie in terms of beam size and mode

quality; while M"last is < 10 in the direction parallel to the diode junction (fast

axis), it can be » 1000 in the perpendicular direction (slow axis). To achieve the

highest possible pumping efficiency (or equivalently, small-signal gain), we

have to focus the pump beam to a pump spot area that is as small as possible,

while maintaining a good overlap of the pump beam with the laser mode over

at least an absorption length. Therefore, the generation of a focused circular

spot without a significant loss of brightness requires the use of some beam

shaper [80l, which symmetrizes the beam quality in both directions. Our ap­

proach, however, involves focusing the beam with cylindricallenses so that the

confocal parameters!8 blas. and b sJow for both directions are in the order of the ab­

sorption length Labs of the crystal:


The resulting strongly elliptical beam can be used to pump a gain medium with

only ~ 1 mm thickness or less. Such a thin gain medium can be cooled effi­

ciently from the top and bottom sides (see Figure 3.9), which limits the maxi­

mum temperature rise (see Chapter 3.3.2). This is beneficial particularly for gain

media like Yb:YAG or Cr:LiSAF, which are less efficient at elevated tempera-

" The confocal parameter b is defined as b ~ 2·z. ~ 2·m",' / .1. [4] (w,: radjus of beam waist), where theRayleigh range z. ~ =,'/ .1.14J describes the distance whjch the beam travels from the waist before thebeam radius increases by .fi. (or before the beam area doubles.)


tures. Moreover, if the width of the pump beam is larger than the crystal thick­

ness, the resulting heat flow is nearly one-dimensional, and the temperature

profile roughly resembles the intensity profile of the pump beam. If the latter is

relatively flat in the long direction, the focusing power of the thermaliens in

this direction (which is the more critical one) is significantly reduced. Unlike

cylindrical rod geometries, this geometry is in principle power scalable. Dou­

bling the power as weil as the width of the pump beam leads to a four times

weaker thermal lens, while the two times wider laser mode is four times more

sensitive to thermallensing19. Thus, the width of the stability range of the cavity

in terms of pump power can be increased together with the pump and output


Pump beam Laser mode

Figure 3.9: Elliptical geometry for high-power lasers with thermaJly challenging materials.

T... and TM' denote the temperature variation in tangential (horizontal) and sagittal (vertical)direction.

3.4.3 Thin-disk approach

A to:ally different approach, which looks very promising at least for a limited

ran~ of laser materials, is the thin disk-concept [81, 82). Here a circular rod ge­

omelry is used, however with a very small dimension « 1 mm) in the axial di­

rectiDn and cooling through one end face (rather than transverse cooling) (see

Figu:e 3.10). In this geometry, the temperature rise at a given distance from the

symmetry axis is largely determined by the local pump intensity and the dis­

tance from the cooled end surface. The pump intensity distribution can be con­

trolltd so that thermallensing is reduced weil below the level that is typical for

con ntional rod lasers. The pump absorption in a single pass through the thin

" Thewidth of a cavity slability zone in terms of focal power of the thermal lens is inversely proportionalto Ue square of the mode size at the position of the thermal lens (see Chapter 3.5 and ReI. [36]).


disk is weak, but efficient pump absorption is achieved by 8 or more passes of

the pump radiation through the disk [81].

Fiber coupleddiode laser

RoofprismHeat sink with crystal ~in focal plane~ "<'?~:cP----:l~..LLl


Figure 3.10: Schematic set-up of the !hin-disk pump geometry, which alIows 16 absorption

passes through a crystal disk by using a parabolic mirror.

The probably most crucial advantage of this laser head design is its

power scalability: Ooubling the mode area in the gain medium allows for dou­

bling of the pump and output power without making thermal problems more

severe. Applied to Yb:YAG, this concept has led to lasers with near diffraction­

limited performance of up to =100 W cw output power [83], and even higher

powers seem to be feasible. We have recently demonstrated passive mode

locking of such a laser with 16 W of average power in 0.7-ps pulses (see Chap­

ter 4.3 and Ref. [54]). In the near future, even significantly higher mode-locked

powers should be achievable.

Unfortunately, the thin-disk approach seems to be applicable only to

gain media with good thermal conductivity, a small quantum defect, a rela­

tively large product of upper-state lifetime and emission cross-section, and with

a potential for high doping density, as otherwise the temperature rise and tem­

perature gradient are too strong. While Nd:YAG has been used [84, 85] (al­

though somewhat less successfully than Yb:YAG), the application to broadband

gain media like Nd:glass or Ti:sapphire seems not to be feasible.

Oue to the highly reflecting coating of the Yb:YAG disk on the side that

is attached to the cooling finger, the laser beam always generates a standing­

wave pattern in the disk, regardless of the type of laser cavity (ring or standing­

wave). Therefore, spatial hole burning (SHB) [86] unavoidably occurs. This has

a strong effect on the mode locking performance because it leads to inhomoge-


neou.s gain saturation. We will go into this subject in more detail in Chap­

ter 4..3.1.

3.5 Laser cavity designThe esign of a laser cavity strongly influences the sensitivity of the laser to

thermal effects (see Chapter 3.3). A central chaUenge is that the strength of the

thermaliens varies with pump power, and to some smaller extent also with the

Variable lens f

Figure 3.1 1: Linear resonator with an intemallens of variable focallength f and other intra­

cavity optical systems. In our case, the lens f is formed by the thermal lens inside the gain

medium. The dashed Iines are reference planes as used in Figure 3.12.

intracavity laser intensity. A standing-wave resonator with a single variable

lens (see Figure 3.11) has in general two stabili ty zones, calied zone I and zone II

[36] (see Figure 3.12). Zone II is defined as the zone in which the mode sizes on

both end mirrors of the cavity diverge at one of the stability limits (see Figure

3.12). In our case, the variable lens fis formed by the thermal lens inside the

gain medium. Stable cavity modes exist if the focusing power of the thermal

lens lies in one of these two zones. The minimum fundamental mode radius W3Q

inside the gain medium is the same for zone I and zone II. The width of both

zones in terms of focusing power is given by (see Ref. [36])


For stable operation with good beam quality, it is advantageous to operate the

laser near the minimum w3Q of mode size in the laser medium, because then the

spot size is less sensitive to changes of the power level.



- 52-



Zone I


Zone II

\ Zone II )




~W, W.lr::J· .· .· .


I+-- M'--J f'

Figure 3.12: Spot radius of a !inear cavity (as shown in Figure 3.11) with an interna! variable

lens (Figure laken &om Re!. [36]). (a) Mode radius on mirror \. (b) Mode radius on mirror 2.

(c) Mode radjus on lens 3. The dashed vertica! !ines correspond 10 the mliUmUffi funda­

mental mode radius WJO inside the gain medium.

Moreover, it was shown [36] that the alignment of the cavity is signifi­

cantly more critical in zone II. At one edge of zone II, the sensitivity of the reso­

nator against misalignment even diverges; this edge is always the one where

the mode sizes on both end mirrors diverge (see Figure 3.12). We note that in the

particular case where the variable lens is at one end of the cavity, only one sta­

bility zone exists, and this is zone n in Magni's notation, i.e., it is always the one

with larger alignment sensitivity. (This can be shown with Equations (9) to (12)

in Ref. [36] by assuming a vanishing distance between the variable lens and one

end mirror.)


In our experiments on elliptical-mode Yb:YAG lasers (see Chapter 4.2.2)

we initially used zone-II cavity designs, but then we found that the alignment

stability was indeed greatly improved by changing from a zone-lI cavity to an­

other one operating in zone I [79]. We believe that alignment sensitivity is par­

ticularly important in lasers were the thermaliens is strong and has significant

aberrations. For example, by slightly moving the pump beam in transverse di­

rection, the center of the thermaliens moves away from the beam axis and thus

has a similar effect as a tilt of a mirror. If the laser modes react to this with a

strong change of mode position (which can in turn again influence the strength

and shape of the thermal lens), the alignment becomes very critical, even if

good mechanical mounts are used. With the initial zone-lI cavities, we some­

times observed hysteresis effects, where for example the laser power could not

be reproduced after just blocking the pump beam for a moment. This tendency,

which makes the alignment very difficult, was found to be much reduced with

a zone-I cavity design.

The question then arises how to find a suitable cavity design operating

in zone I. We have already seen that a standing-wave cavity with the thermal

lens at one end always has to operate in zone lI, because zone I requires an ar­

bitrarily strong thermallens if one arm length goes to zero. Therefore, a cavity

type with two arms has to be taken. Such a cavity is also more suitable for a

mode-locked laser because it gives the freedom to put the output coupler at one

end (generating a single output beam) and the saturable absorber on the other

end (which makes focusing on the absorber more convenient). A disadvantage

of this cavity type is that the beam makes four instead of two passes through

the gain medium per round-trip, doubling the effective strength of the thermal

lens (but also the gain).

However, the design of a suitable cavity operating in zone I is a difficult

task because several conditions have to be fulfilled. The laser mode sizes in the

gain medium have to have given values in both directions, and particularly in x

direction the operating point should be not too far from the point of minimum

mode size. Sometimes, the mode sizes at other positions have to meet addi­

tional conditions, e.g. to get the right spot size on a saturable absorber in a

mode-locked laser. We note that if a zone-lI design is known that meets all


these requirements, it can not be easily transformed into a zone-I design by

continuous adjustment of the parameters, because both zones are separated by

an unstable region (see Figure 3.12), and there are singularities at the ends of the

stability zones.

In this situation we have developed a strategy to find a zone-I design

meeting all mentioned requirements. The implementation of this strategy lead

to a self-made computer program, which is based on a combination of analyti­

cal results with a nurnerical optirnization aIgorithrn. For adescription of the ba­

sic ideas of this program, please refer to Ref. [87].

3.6 Q-switching instabilitiesIn a passively mode-Iocked laser, the saturable absorber needed for mode

locking also introduces a tendency for Q-switching instabilities. This can drive

the laser into the Q-switched mode-locked regime with mode-locked pulses

under a Q-switched envelope [88, 89). Recently, Hönninger et al. have investi­

gated in detail the transition between the regimes of stable cw mode locking

and Q-switched mode locking (QML) [90]. Here, we discuss the impact of this

issue on the development of passively mode-locked high-power lasers, which

turn out to be more affected by this problem than most low-power lasers. For

picosecond lasers, not operating in the soliton mode-locked regime, they found

the condition [90)


for stable cw mode locking. Here, Ep is the intracavity pulse energy,

Et..sat =hvAL/(mer\m) is the effective saturation energy of the laser medium and

AL is the mode area in the laser medium. m is the nurnber of passes through the

gain medium per cavity round-trip. They assumed a slow absorber with

modulation depth L1R, which is fuHy saturated by the intracavity pulse

(Ep > 3EA,sa,). Here we rewrite this criterion by introducing the saturation pa­




and obtain




The pulse energy Ep enters this equation both directly and indirectly (via 5), but

this form of the equation is useful for the following discussion. The problem

with many high-power lasers is that the ratio Ep / EL• sat is relatively smalI, mainly

because the poor beam quaIity of the diode pump laser and/or the use of

schemes like side pumping tend to increase the laser mode area AL more than

the pulse energy. To some extent, QML can still be suppressed by using a small

value of L1R, just enough for mode locking, although this typically leads to

longer pulses. Another option is to saturate the SESAM more strongly, i.e., to

increase S. This can also affect the pulse duration, and eventually lead to

SESAM damage (normally for 5 > 100; see Chapter 3.7). Typically, we use

5 ~ 3...5 in low-power lasers, while the suppression of Q-switching instabilities

has made it necessary to use values of up to S ~ 27 in high-power lasers [91]. Fi­

nally, for given values of L1R and 5 we can increase the intracavity pulse energy

Ep by using an output coupler with smaller transmission. This, however, will

eventually compromise the laser efficiency and increase the dissipated power

on the SESAM. An often better way of increasing Ep is to use a longer laser cav­

ity with smaller repetition rate.

A somewhat unexpected result is that the choice of laser material as

weil as the construction of the laser head has an indirect (hut strong) effect on

the problem of SESAM damage (see Chapter 3.7). This is because for a laser

head with large saturation energy (i.e., with small cross-sections and/or large

mode area) the need to avoid Q-switching instabilities can enforce the operation

with high intracavity power (weak output coupling) and strong saturation of

the SESAM. Partly for this reason it is essential to use optimized purnping geo­

metries and laser cavity designs (see Chapters 3.4 and 3.5) (particularly in the

domain of high powers, where not every laser head is equally suitable for pas­

sive mode locking).

CHAPTcR3 - 56-

Another important finding is that operation in the solitor: mode-Iocked

regime (with negative overall cavity dispersion) substantially inaeases the sta­

bility against QML [90]. Basically, this is because any increase in pulse energy of

a soliton increases the bandwidth and thus reduces the effective gain because of

the limited gain bandwidth. As most of the other measures against QML (as

discussed above) have unwanted side effects, the additional option of reducing

the QML tendency by operation in the soliton mode-Iocked regime (i.e., by

adding appropriate level of negative dispersion to the cavity) is very we1come.

While we only have to tolerate a slight increase of the intracavity losses (which

can be rather small), we can typically further reduce the pulse duration. This

technique was essential for stable mode locking of the Yb:YAG and Nd:glass

lasers, which we will describe in Chapter 4.

3.7 Damage of the saturable absorberIn passively mode-Iocked high-power lasers, an important issue is to avoid

damage of the saturable absorber. One possible cause for damage is that the ab­

sorber may become too hot. We note, however, that absorber damage can also

be caused by non-thermal effects, particularly in the presence of Q-switching

instabilities (see Chapter 3.6), which can lead to the generation of very intense

pulses. Recently, we have started a detailed and systematic study of the dam­

age thresholds and mechanisms for SESAMs. PreJiminary results show that no

SESAM damage occurs, if the applied fluences are within 100 times the satura­

tion fluence FA, sat· Therefore, we can expect non-thermal effects to be under

contral if we do not operate the absorber with an excessively high saturation

parameter 5, and also manage to suppress Q-switching spikes. Thermal effects

will remain, and in Ws section we briefly discuss how to limit them. We do Ws

discussion for semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors (SESAMs; see Chap­

ter 2.2), which have so far been used most successfully for mode locking of

solid-state lasers, although some results would apply to other absorbers as weil.

Each SESAM has both some saturable losses, which is needed for pas­

sive mode locking, as weil as some unwanted nonsaturable losses. The latter

tends to be increased by low-temperature semiconductor growth, which is often


used to reduce the recovery time of the absorber. It has been shown, however,

that the application of a suitable annealing procedure [92) or doping the semi­

conductor with beryllium [93] can help to obtain a fast time response and low

nonsaturable losses at the same time.

Here, we discuss thermal effects on a phenomenologicallevel. If a pulse

with energy Ep hits aSESAM, the dissipated part of the energy is


provided that the SESAM is fully saturated, i.e. Ep > 3EA• so ,' Here, EA• so, is the

saturation energy, L1R is the modulation depth, and Rns is the reflectivity in the

fully saturated regime. Therefore, the heat dissipation is usually dominated by

the nonsaturable losses if the SESAM is operated in the regime of strong satu­

ration, which is often needed to reduce Q-switching instabilities (see Chap­

ter 3.6). Particular1y for high-power operation, it is therefore desirable to have

SESAMs with a small ratio of nonsaturable to saturable losses.

Of course, the maximum temperature on the SESAM also depends on

the size of the laser beam on the absorber. As long as the Gaussian spot radius

W A is smal1er than the thickness dA of the absorber, the maximum temperature

rise (in the center of the laser beam) is [73]


where Pdis is the dissipated average power and K is the thermal conductivity,

e.g. =45 W·K'·m-1 for GaAs. We have assumed that the whole backside of the

absorber is kept at room temperature. Scaling up the output power of the laser

usual1y involves a proportional increase of mode area 1W/ so that effectively

L1Tmax rises proportional to .JP:::- At some stage, however, W A becomes larger

than dM and the nearly one-dimensional heat flow leads to [73)


CHAPTER3 - 58-

where L1Tmax will no longer rise if the mode area is scaled up proportional to the

laser power. The most advanced high-power mode-locked lasers just begin to

get into this regime.

How large the mode radius W A on the SESAM has to be, depends not

only on the intracavity pulse energy Ep but also on the saturation energy EA• sa,;

in fact the mode-locking performance depends only on the saturation parame­

ter S = EplEA,sa, (see Equation (3.14)). Therefore, it is advisable to use SESAM de­

signs with a small saturation fluence (despite of their typically lower damage

fluence) and use an accordingly larger mode radius W A in order to limit the

temperature rise L1Tmax'

We see from this discussion that the problem of SESAM heating (or

SESAM damage, to be more general) will (in contrast to a still widespread be­

lief) not necessarily become more severe as the output power is scaled up, pro­

vided that suitable laser heads (with small gain saturation energy) and SESAMs

with low saturation fluence (for a large mode area on the absorber) are em­

ployed. Therefore, we expect SESAMs to remain very suitable for passive mode

locking even of lasers with much higher average powers than demonstrated so


Chapter 4

Experimental Results

So far, we have talked about the requirements that have to be fulfilled for

building a diode-pumped high-power femtosecond laser. In this chapter, we

now focus on the experimental results. We have subdivided this chapter into

three main parts, corresponding to the three different pumping schemes intro­

duced in Chapter 3.4. Most of the results presented here had (or still have) been

record-breaking either in pulse duration (see e.g. Chapter 4.1.1) or in average

output power (see e.g. Chapters 4.1.2 and 4.3.1).

4.1 Lasers purnped with high-brightness diodes

4.1.1 60-fs pulses from a diode-pumped Nd:glass laser

Dur first experiment, which will be described in the following, mainly concen­

trates on the question of the minimum achievable pulse duration from a

Nd:glass laser. This question is of great importance as it can help to achieve

high peak powers without the need for extremely high average powers. Multi­

kW peak powers are beneficial for numerous applications. Examples are three

photon microscopy or z-scan measurements in the field of nonlinear spectros­

copy, synchronous pumping of optical parametric oscillators for femtosecond

tunable IR sources, or efficient and simple UV generation by cascaded external

single-pass wavelength converters.

- 59-

CHAPTER4 - 60-

Typical Nd:glass laser materials have a fluorescence bandwidth of 20­

30 nm FWHM (see Table 3.4), supporting sub-lOO fs pulse generation at a

wavelength of -1.06 pm. Until recently, the shortest pulses of 88 fs from a (bulk)

Nd:phosphate laser [94] were produced by additive pulse mode locking (see

Chapter 2.1). Semkonductor saturable absorber mirrors (SESAMs) in various

Nd:glass lasers [95, 96] have supported pulses as short as 130 fs for diode

pumping and 90 fs for Ti:sapphire pumping. Recently, we have demonstrated

60-fs pulses [97] from an optimized diode-pumped Nd:glass laser using

SESAMs. The ratio of the intracavity pulse energy fluence to the saturation flu­

ence of the SESAM is shown to be an important design parameter in order to

avoid multiple intracavity pulses [27, 97]. Simple arguments can explain the oc­

currence of double or multiple pulses at increased pulse fluence.

Figu.re 4.1: Intensity autocorreJation lrace (a) and optical speclrum (b) 01 the shortest pulses

oblained Irom a diode-pumped Nd:fluorophosphale g1ass laser (Scholt LG-81O). The dolled

curve in (a) is a fillo an ideal sech' pulse shape. The dolled curve in (b) shows the fluores­

cence speclrum of the Nd:fluorophosphate g1ass, indicating that the pulse speclrum spreads

over most of the available gain bandwidth.

-100 0 100

Time delay, (fs)


1.02 1.04 1.06 1.08 1.10 1.12

Wavelength, (}.lm)


Figure 4.1 shows the experimental results of 60-fs pulses from a

Nd:fluorophosphate (LG-810 Schott laser glass [67], 3 % Nd-doping) laser at an

average output power of 84 mW, corresponding to a peak power of =11 kW

(total absorbed pump power, 1.1 W). We have also obtained 68-fs pulses from a

Nd:silicate laser glass (LG-680, 3 % Nd) at an output power of 32 mW (absorbed

pump power 0.37 W from both diodes). The spectrum of the 60-fs pulses is

21.6 nm wide (FWHM) and fills most of the available gain bandwidth of the

LG-8lO (see Figure 4.1(b». The time-bandwidth product is 0.34, within 10 % of


the transform limit. These pulses were stable over an experimental period of

more than an hour. Mode locking was generally self-starting. The laser cavity

was easy-to-align and did not have to be operated dose to the resonator stabil­

ity limit. Additionally, no hard aperture was present. This rules out Kerr lens

mode-locking [5] as a significant mode locking effect.

We have used an optimized low-finesse SESAM [98, 99] with a modu­

lation depth L1R of 1 %. The bitemporal impulse response of the SESAM (see

Chapter 2.2.1) shows a fast time constant of 200 fs, followed by a slow time con­

stant of 25 ps (as determined by a standard pump probe measurement). The

saturation fluence FA...1 of the used SESAM was measured to be 116 JlJ/cm2.




Output coupler

Figure 4.2: Set-up of the 6O-fs Nd:g1ass laser pumped by two high-brightness laser diodes.

ROC, radius of curvature of the spherically curved mlrroTS; SESAM, semiconductor satur­

able absorber mirror.

The pump and cavity layout (see Figure 4.2) is based on a standard delta

cavity design similar to that of Ref. [96]. The laser beam is focused onto the

SESAM to a calculated beam waist of about 63 Jlffi x 70 Jlffi in radius. The cavity

repetition rate was typically 114 MHz. The calculated beam radius in the laser

material is approximately 47 Jlffi x 66 JlID. The Nd:glass laser is cw-pumped by

two diode lasers (Spectra Diode Laboratories, SDL-2360-C, 1.2 W, emitting

wavelength = 803 nm) focused to a beam radius of approximately

40 Jlm x 50 Jlm. The higher doping level and the reduced absorption length

CHAPTER4 - 62-

(2 nun) of the Nd:fluorophosphate, as compared to Ref. [96], result in improved

mode-matching of the pump beam to the laser mode over the absorption

length. The Nd:silicate glass (LG-680) used in some experiments had

3 % Nd doping with an absorption length of 2.5 nun at the pump wavelength.

We have chosen LG-810 and LG-680, which are inhomogeneously broadened,

because mode locking is obtained more easily than with the homogeneously

broadened Nd:phosphate laser glass [96].

In the experiments described above, we verified that a single intracavity

pulse was present. However, we observed a breakup into two or more pulses at

increased intracavity energy (see Figure 4.3), or at a decreased amount of nega­

tive group delay dispersion, ID I, i.e. increased prism insertion (see Figure 4.4).

The spacing between the pulses in the cavity ranged from '" 90 ps to half the

cavity round-trip time, and was subject to spontaneous changes. We monitored

the pulse train with a fast 50 GHz photodiode and a 20 GHz samplingscope

(Tektronix CSA 803) with a time resolution better than 20 ps. Additionally, the

autocorrelation span was increased to > 20 ps to monitor possible smaller pulse

spacings. However, such smaller spacings were not observed.

Pulse fluence incident on SESAM, (pJ/ cm2)

100 150 200 250 300 350 400


~ 110e0 JOO:c I

'" I...:::J 90 I-0CIl IrJl 80"3 I


20 30 40 50

Pulse energy, (n])


Figure 4.3: Dependence of the pulse duration on the total intracavity pulse energy in the

Nd:silicate glass laser (Schott LG-680). The data are litted assuming allE, behavior (as typi­

ca! lor solitons (see Equation (4.1))). At an energy 0135 nj. the pulse breaks up into!wo intra­

cavity pulses that have longer pulse durations.


Figure 4.3 shows the pulse duration as a function of the total intracavity

pulse energy Ep but at a constant negative dispersion in the Nd:silicate laser

(the fluorophosphate laser showed a similar behavior). As we increase the

pump power and thus the pulse energy Ep, the measured transform-limited

pulse duration decreases approximately inversely proportionally to Ep , as the

soliton mode locking model predicts (see Chapter 2.1 and Refs. [19,25]):

T =176. 210 1p . e5SPM ' Ep

Here, ClsPM is the so-called SPM coefficient, which is defined by

1e5SPM =knzLsPM-­




where k is the wave number, "2 is the nonlinear refractive index of the

SPM medium 20, LSPM is its length, and A SPM is the mode area of the laser beam

inside the SPM medium. In our case, the SPM medium is identical to the gain

medium. The observed deviation is most likely due to thermal lensing effects.

At sufficiently high Ep of =35 nJ (corresponding to =2.2-times FA. 50')' the intra­

cavity pulse breaks up into two separate pulses, accompanied by a jump in

pulse duration by a factor of =2. Correspondingly, the spectrum narrows by a

factor of =0.5, as we would expect for a soliton with half the energy (see Equa­

tion (4.1)).

For a fixed absorbed pump power of 658 mW in the Nd:silicate and an

intracavity pulse energy of 46 nJ, which corresponds to 2.8-times FA, 5Ol> we ob­

served an analogous behavior as we increased the insertion of one intracavity

prism, thereby decreasing 101 (see Figure 4.4). The transform-limited pulse du­

ration decreases for smaller 10 I, i.e. increased prism insertion, until it breaks

up into two pulses of Ionger duration. We could observe a linear dependence

both in the single and in the double pulse regime, weil in agreement with the

soliton mode-locking model (see Equation (4.1) and Refs. [19, 25]). At an even

smaller I0 I, we could also observe a transition to more than two intracavity

.. SPM medium = medium. in which a laser beam sees an inlensity-dependenl reffactive index due 10 theKerr effecl.

CHAPTER4 - 64-

pulses. Again, the increased number of pulses is accompanied by a jump in

pulse duration.

Relative prism displacement, (nun)

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4




\'" 100~ I"0 90<lJ , I

"3 80I ',j,

0.. I


240 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80

Negative dispersion ID I, (fs2


Figure 4.4: Dependence 01 the pulse duration on the lolal inlracavity group delay dispersion

(CDD) ID I in the Nd:silicate glass laser. The solid lines are fits 10 a Slraighlline.

To explain these multiple pulse observations, we considered both the

saturable absorption of the SESAM and the limited gain bandwidth of the laser

medium. The reflectivity of the SESAM increases with increasing pulse energy

fluence, and eventually goes into saturation (see e.g. Figure 2.4). Given an en­

ergy fluence many times the saturation energy fluence FA..." the reflectivity is

strongly saturated and therefore similar to the reflectivity for a pulse of half the

energy. Therefore, the SESAM provides reduced discrimination between single

and double pulsing at increased incident pulse energy fluence. In addition, the

limited gain bandwidth of Nd:glass prefers double pulsing over single pulses

because the two longer intracavity solitons, which have a narrower spectrum,

see more gain than a single shorter intracavity soliton. Therefore, the laser pre­

fers two intracavity'pulses over a single pulse for a sufficiently broad mode­

locked spectrum with a given saturation level of the saturable absorber. A more

detailed treatment of Ws behavior can be found in Ref. [27].

- 65-

4.1.2 1.1-W femtosecond Yb:KGW laser


As already mentioned earlier, passively mode-locked femtosecond high-power

lasers require a gain medium with a broad amplification bandwidth (see Chap­

ter 3.2), relatively large laser cross-sections in order to suppress Q-switched

mode locking instabilities (see Chapter 3.6), and a good thermal conductivity to

handle the heat load (see Chapter 3.2). So far, the absence of laser materials with

this combination of properties has limited the average output power of diode­

pumped femtosecond lasers to a few hundred milliwatts. Femtosecond pulses

with multi-watt average power have only been obtained from Ti:sapphire lasers

[40,41, 42], which however rely on bulky, inefficient argon-ion lasers or on ex­

pensive frequency doubled diode-pumped pump lasers. Only very recently, we

have presented two approaches for femtosecond diode-pumped lasers with av­

erage powers of more than 1 W. In the first case, a passively mode-locked

Nd:glass laser with an average output power of more than 1 Wand a pulse du­

ration of 175 fs has been presented (see Chapter 4.2.1). However, as we will see

in Chapter 4.2.1, the laser relies on a highly elliptical pump mode approach be­

cause of the poor thermal conductivity and the low stress fracture limit of glass

(see Table 3.4), making the whole system complex and rather inefficient. For

somewhat longer pulses, we have recently presented a passively mode-locked

thin disk Yb:YAG laser yielding 16.2 W with a pulse duration of 0.73 ps (see

Chapter 4.3.1).

Recently, a new laser material Yb:KGd(WO')2 (Yb:KGW) has been dem­

onstrated [57, 58], which combines a relatively broad emission bandwidth (see

Table 3.3) with the good thermal properties of crystals (see Table 3.3), making it

very suitable for application in high power femtosecond lasers. With this new

material, we have demonstrated a passively mode-locked Yb:KGd(WO')2

(Yb:KGW) laser with up to 1.1 W average power in 176-fs pulses [77]. The laser

cavity (see Figure 4.5) is designed to operate in the middle of stability zone I (see

Chapter 3.5) in order to obtain good alignment stability. As garn material, we

use a 3 mm thick 5 at. % Yb3+-doped KGW crystal under Brewster incidence. It

is mounted on a heat sink kept at 10 oe. The crystal is longitudinally pumped

by two high-brightness, single emitter InGaAs/GaAs laser diodes (maximum

3 W each) with 100~ ridge width, operated at '" 980 nm with a spectrai band­

width of 6 nm. The absorption length of the crystal at this pump spectrum is

CHAPTER4 - 66-

= 1.6 mm. The M'slow value in the slow axis of the diodes is measured to be 25. In

the fast axis, the emission of the diodes is nearly diffraction limited with

M2fas, = 1.4. Efficient pumping through the spherically curved cavity rnirrors M,

and M2 (see Figure 4.5) would require a special dichroic coating due to the dose

vicinity of pump and laser wavelengths. However, we use standard 1../4 coat­

ings optimized for high reflectivity at wavelengths > 1030 nm. As a conse­

quence, the two mirrors have a transmission of 94 % (MJ and only 63 % (M,) at

980 nm, reducing the maximum pump power incident on the crystal to 4 W.

The transmission at 1026 nm is 0.23 % and 0.14 %, rising to 0.4 % and 0.25 % at

1020 nm, respectively. This induces round-trip losses of more than 1 %, which is

significant compared to the output coupling of 4.3 %. Therefore, laser operation

occurs at 1037 nm rather than at the gain maximum of Yb:KGW. The pump

light is focused to a beam radius of 160~ x 70 ~m inside the crystal, resulting

in a confocal parameter of =2.9 mrn for the slow axis of the diodes. The laser

mode radius inside the gain medium is calculated to be 120~ x 60~.

Yb:KGW, d = 3 rnm



Figure 4.5 Set-up 01 the l.1-W Yb:KGW laser pumped by !wo high-brightness laser diodes.

Rex:::, rad.ius of curvature of the spherically curved mirrors; M1 and M2• mUrors with

ROC = 20 cm; SESAM, semiconductor saturable absorber mirror.

For passive mode locking, we use a serniconductor saturable absorber

mirror (SESAM) (see Chapter 2.2). The SESAM, used as an end mirror, consists

of a 25 nm thick lnGaAs/GaAs quantum weil in a low-finesse structure as de-


scribed in Ref. [11). The SESAM is grown by low-temperature molecular beam

epitaxy (MBE) in order to reduce the absorber recovery time and the stress in

the quantum weil. The device has a modulation depth of =1.3 % and a satura­

tion fluence of = 350 JlJ/cm2. At full pump power, the energy fluence on the

SESAM is =10 times the saturation fluence of the absorber. In this regime, we

do not observe any signs of damage, which typically occurs at about 100 times

the saturation fluence (see Chapter 3.7).

We already know from the discussion in Chapter 3.6 that a main chal­

lenge in passive mode locking of a solid-state laser is to suppress the strong

tendency towards Q-switched mode locking (QML) [90]. This problem is par­

ticularly severe for gain media with low emission cross-sections and therefore

high saturation fluences. Compared to other Yb-doped materials, Yb:KGW has

large cross-sections (see Table 3.3). In addition, the use of high-brightness laser

diodes allows us to choose a relatively small laser mode size inside the gain

medium, reducing the saturation energy. Together with the stabilizing effect

resulting from soliton mode locking (see Chapter 2.1 and references therein),

this leads to stable cw mode locking.



-{).6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6Time delay, (ps)


1020 1030 1040 1050Wavelength, (nm)


Figure 4.6: Intensity autocorrelation trace <al and optical spectrum (bl of the Yb:KGW laser

at an average output power of 1.1 W in 176-fs pulses. Dolted curves: Fils assuming an ideal

sech' pulse and spectrum shape.

With the cavity shown in Figure 4.5 and an output coupler transmission

of 4.3 'ro we have obtained 1.1 W average power in transform-limited soliton

pulses (time bandwidth product: 0.32) with 176-fs duration at a center wave-

CHAPTER4 - 68-

length of 1037 nm (see Figure 4.6) [77]. This is to our knowledge the first dem­

onstration of a mode-Iocked Yb:KGW laser. At a pulse repetition rate of

86.4 MHz, the peak power is as high as 64 kW. The !vf values are measured to

be 1.7 in the tangential direction and 1.0 in the sagittal direction. We attribute

the deviation from the ideal !vf value in the tangential direction to the fact that

the pump beam radius in the crystal is slightly larger than the laser mode. The

shortest pulse duration we have achieved is 112 fs at a center wavelength of

1046 nm with 200-mW output power [77], using an output coupler with 3 %


The wavelength of the Yb:KGW laser can be tuned by inserting a knife

edge in the spatially dispersed beam between the second prism and the output

coupler (see Figure 4.5). In mode-Iocked operation, we obtain a tuning range of

22 nm from 1032 nm to 1054 nm. The output power varies from 180 mW to

820 mW and the pulse duration from 133 fs to 224 fs. Within this tuning range,

the transmission of the output coupler is (4.2±OA) %. By using an output cou­

pier with a lower transmission, we can extend the tuning range to slightly

longer wavelengths at somewhat lower output powers. At shorter wavelengths,

we are limited by the fast increasing transmission of the dichroic cavity mirrors

M, andM2•

In continuous-wave (cw) configuration, i.e., with a high reflector sub­

stituting the SESAM and no prisms inside the cavity, we obtain a maximum

output power of 1.3 W at 1038 nm (output coupling: 3 %) [77]. To our know­

ledge, this is the highest cw output power reported from an Yb:KGW laser

(status: Oetober 2000). The pump power incident on the crystal is 4 W, resulting

in an optical-to-optical efficiency of 33 %. The slope efficiency is 57 % with re­

speet to the absorbed pump power. No roll-off is observed at high pump pow­

ers. This implies that so far thermal problems are no limitation to the output

power, which is only limited by the available pump power.


4.2 Lasers based on the elliptical mode approach

4.2.1 1.4-W femtosecond Nd:glass laser

We have already seen in Chapter 4.1.1 that Nd:glass shows the poten­

tial for generation of sub-lOO fs pulses. Here, we demonstrate a significant im­

provement in average output power of a diode-pumped Nd:glass laser,

achieving more than 1 W mode-locked and 2 W continuous-wave [72, 73]. This

achievement was possible due to the elliptical mode concept (see Chapter 3.4.2),

which helps to cope with the poor thermal properties (such as thermal conduc­

tivity, see Chapter of Nd:glass.




Mode-Iocked outputT = 2 X 1.5%

cw outputT=3% ....

~)~ ..


ROC= 75 cm

20 W Shaping

diode laser ~OPhCS(1 cm bar) L ----- _

\ - --lr~O-~---_-~~~~~1~- --y---

\ ROC sag = 20.3 cm




Figure 4.7: Set-up of the high-power Nd:glass laser pumped by a l-cm diode laser bar. ROC,

radius of curvature of the spherically curved mierors; ROCM " radius of curvature of the cy­

lindrical mierors; oe, oUlput coupler.

Figure 4.7 shows the schematic set-up of the high-average-power, di­

ode-pumped Nd:glass laser. The flat/Brewster-cut Nd:glass piece is = 7.5 mrn

long in the middle. The flat surface is anti-reflection-coated for the pump and

high-reflection-coated for the laser wavelength. The 806-nm pump light from a

I-ern wide 2D-W diode bar was collimated by a cylindrical microiens and addi­

tional cylindrical shaping lenses, resulting in a beam with M2sag '" 7 in the sagit­

tal axis and with M',an '" 1800 in the tangential axis of the laser resonator. To

prevent stress fracture, the output oE the single 20-W laser diode was split in

two beams and applied from opposite sides to the Nd:glass gain medium (see

Figure 4.7). The focused spot radius was approximately 120 J.1m x 1100 J.1ID with

a confocal parameter at least as long as the absorption length of 5.8 mm in the

1 % Nd-doped LG 760 glass (Schott laser glass [67]). We achieved an improved

heat removal from the glass medium in the sagittal direction by reducing the

thickness of the glass to 0.8 mm and by actively cooling only the upper and

lower side of the laser glass (see Figure 4.8). Aperture losses due to the thin me­

dium were negligible.

CHAPTER4 - 70-

We have matched the laser mode to the highly elliptical pump mode

using a cylindrical cavity mirror next to the crystal. In order to reduce thermal

aberrations, which strongly affect the beam quality of the laser beam, we also

have made the tangential laser mode radius inside the gain medium (= 0.7 mm)

somewhat smaller than the pump beam radius (= 1.1 mm) (see Figure 4.8 and

Chapter 3.3.4). This overpurnping leads to an improved beam quality with a

measured M 2 = 1.2 for both axes, even at maximum output power. Higher

transverse modes in the tangential direction have been suppressed by the

stronger mean thermallens, which actually makes the cavity unstable for these

modes according to our simulations. We obtained a cw output power as high as2 W with a slope efficiency of 26 %.

Nd:glassLG 760 1%

TS~ L.-__""""7'<:.....j---''-l...L..w..~.,.-- ---l<'-


Figure 4.8: Laser and pump modes and the calculated temperature profiles (Le., T.." and

TM') at the f1at end o( the Nd:glass.

For femtosecond pulse generation, we modified the cavity by inserting

an SFI0 prism pair and aSESAM as the end mirror (see Figure 4.7). The meas­

ured nonlinear reflectivity of the SESAM showed a maximum modulation

depth of 1.3 % and nonsaturable losses of 1 %. We focused the intracavity beam

onto the SESAM with a cylindrical mirrar to prevent a spectral flip in the tan-


gential plane. A spherical focusing mirror would reflect the longer wavelength

into th path of the shorter wavelength. The spot size radius on the SESAM was

calculated to be approximately 320 pm x 120 pm using standard ABCD-matrix

calcula ·ons. Thus, the pulse energy density incident on the SESAM was

233 pJ/ m2 (for 1 W output power), which corresponds to approximately 2

times the saturation fluence of 120 pJ/cm2 of the device. We obtained nearly

bandwidth-limited soliton pulses of 275 fs duration with 1.4 W average output

power and =61 kW peak power (see Figure 4.9). A similar result with 175 fs

pulse duration and 1.0 W of average power (= 43 kW of peak power) in two

output beams has previously been published (72).

Although the peak power of these Nd:glass lasers is quite respectable,

this concept can not compete in terms of average output power with the thin­

disk approach as applied to Yb:YAG (see Chapter 4.3). Still, we have demon­

strated th.at power levels comparable to those from Ti:sapphire lasers are possi­

ble. For even higher average powers (> 10 W) with pulse durations far below

1 ps, one will probably rely on the development of new laser materials such as

Yb:KGW (see Chapter with broad amplification bandwidth, large laser

cross-sections and good thermal properties.

-0.5 0.0 0.5

Time Delay, (ps)


1.045 1.050 1.055 1.060

Wavelength, (pm)


Figure 4.9: lntensity autocorrelation !rare (a) and corresponding optical spectrurn (b) 01275­

15 pulses at a total output power 011.4 W. Dolled curve: Fit assuming an ideal sech' pulseshape.

CHAPTER 4 - 72 -

4.2.2 8-W picosecond Yb:YAG laser

Encouraged by the good results obtained with the high-power Nd:glass laser

we have also buHt an Yb:YAG laser based on the elliptical mode approach.

Yb:YAG (see Chapter is a very promising gain medium for short-pulse

generation in the high-power regime. It shows a very good thermal conductiv­

ity and a small quantum defect, which makes it potentially very efficient. Prob­

lems arise from the quasi-three-Ievel nature, which leads to a high laser thresh­

old. This threshold significantly rises with crystal temperature. Therefore, it is

crucial to have an efficient cooling as provided e.g. by the elliptical mode ap­



W~'c:1i I~mPump bean: 2.7 mm 'iaser mode



;1:Xw.~l*,*~: diode

' ~ bars


Flat foldingmirror

P. ~fi",,,,~li IMod<-lod"" """"''''~ I


~~ROC = 200 an i GTI

Figure 4.10: Set-up of the high-power Yb:YAG Iaser pumped by !wo polarization-eoupled

4O-W diode bars. ROC, radius of curvature of the spherically curved mirrors; ROC y •• radius

of curvatu.re of the cylindrical mirror; SESAM, semiconductor saturable absorber mirror;

HR, highly reflecting mirror; OC. output coupler; GTI, Gines-Tournois interferometer.

Figure 4.10 shows a schematic of the laser set-up. The Yb:YAG crystal is

pumped by two polarization-coupled 40-W diode bars at 940 nm (DILAS Di­

odenlaser GmbH, Germany). Each diode has a cylindrical microiens attached to

the output face, forming a nearly collimated beam in the sagittal direction. Two

more cylindricallenses for each diode are used to further collimate the sagittal


direction as weH as to collimate the tangential direction of the beam. After po­

larization-coupling the two beams with a thin-film polarizer (TFP), we use a

pair of two elosely spaced spherical doublets for focusing into the crystal, re­

sulting in a beam with 1vfsag =10 in the sagittal direction and with 1vf!an =2800 in

the tangential direction. The focused pump spot radius is 1.36 mm x 0.10 mm.

We obtained a maximum pump power of 53 W at the location of the laser crys­

tal and a pump intensity of =12 kW Icm2, to be compared with the intensity of

1.4 kWI cm2 for transparency at 1.03 }.lIIl (see Table 3.2).

The Yb:YAG crystal is flat/Brewster-cut and has 3 at. % Yb-doping, re­

sulting in an absorption length of = 3 mm at the pump wavelength of 940 nm.

The flat surface is anti-reflection-coated for the pump wavelength and coated

for high reflectivity at the laser wavelength. For efficient heat removal, we

chose the thickness of the Yb:YAG crystal to be only 1 mm. The crystal is

mounted between two copper heat sinks, which are attached to thermo-electric

coolers. Due to the chosen pump and cooling geometry, the heat flow is nearly

one-dimensional, which reduces the effects of thermal lensing and stress­

induced birefringence (see Chapter 3.4.2).

At multi-watt power levels, thermal effects are strang (mainly due to

the high laser threshold) despite of the smaH quantum defect of Yb:YAG and

the cooling geometry used. Trus can make the alignment of such lasers very dif­

ficult, particularly because the alignment towards higher output power often

leads to local maxima with significantly lower power than in the global opti­

mum, which is difficult to find. As already discussed in Chapter 3.5, a standing­

wave laser cavity (with the gain medium not being located very elose to one

end of the cavity) has two stability zones, where zone I is substantially less sen­

sitive to misalignment. Only by operating our laser in zone I, we have been able

to achieve the results mentioned below.

The used MOCVD-grown SESAM consists of a 15 nm truck lrlo.25Ga".7SAs

quantum weH embedded in an anti-resonant Fabry-Perat cavity, formed by a

GaAsl AIAs Bragg mirror with 25 layer pairs, a 70 nm AIAs spacer layer, a

70 nm GaAs spacer layer and a dielectric top reflector with = 70 % reflectivity.

The device has a modulation depth of = 0.15 %, a saturation fluence of

= 400 jlJ/cm2, and a recovery time of = 60 ps.


? r-----.,..-------,


~ 4 ~ 0 2 4 6

Delay time, (ps)


- 74-

1030 1031

Wavelength, (nm)


Figure 4.11: !ntensity autocorrelation trace (a) and optical spectrum (b) of the 2.2-ps pulses

obtained from the soliton mode-Iocked Yb:YAG laser. The total average output power (in

!wo beams) is 8.1 W. Dotted curves: Fils assuming an ideal sech' pulse and spectrum shape.

In order to suppress Q-switched mode locking instabilities (see Chap­

ter 3.6) we operated the laser in the soliton mode locking regime (see Chap­

ter 2.1), generating negative dispersion with a Gires-Toumois interferometer

[100] (GTI) in the cavity. We obtained pulses as short as 2.2 ps (see Figure 4.11)

with an average output power of 8.1 Wand a pulse repetition rate of 63 MHz

[79]. The laser output was split into two nearly diffraction-limited beams

(M2< 1.2 in sagittal and tangential direction), each with = 4 W average power

and = 29 kW peak power. A single output beam with the full power could be

generated using a GTI with smaller dispersion, used as a folding mirror, so that

the output coupler would be the end mirror. The obtained 2.2-ps pulses were

almost transform-limited (time-bandwidth product 0.34). Even shorter pulses

should be achievable using a GTI with broader bandwidth. A similar laser with

a single 40-W diode bar and a prism pair instead of the GTI generated 1.0-ps

pulses in a single output beam with 3.5 W average power and as much as

74 kW peak power.


4.3 Lasers based on the thin-disk concept

4.3.1 16-W sub-picosecond Yb:YAG thin disk laser

Although the average output power of the Yb:YAG laser from Chapter 4.2.2 is

quite respectable, the elliptical pump approach used there can not compete

with the thin-disk approach in terms of average output power. As already dis­

cussed in Chapter 3.4.3, the thin-disk concept has the very significant advantage

of power scalability: Starting with an initial design, we can double the output

power by doubling the pump power and the mode area in the gain medium.

Owing to the unchanged intensity and the one-dimensional heat flow, the tem­

perature in the disk will not increase, if the cooling system is capable of re­

moving the waste heat. Therefore, the efficiency of the laser should not be de­

creased even at high output power. In addition, the scaling procedure does not

make thermal problems more severe: The stability range of a laser cavity with

doubled mode size is reduced by a factor of 4 (see Chapter 3.5), but the focusing

power of the thermallens is reduced by the same factor. This can be seen by the

following consideration: For a thin thermallens with a given radially varying

phase difference L1cp(r) an approximate expression for the focallength f(r) can be

derived from simple geometrical considerations (see Figure 4.12):

Thermal lens



Fi~ure 4.12: Radial variation in focaJ length for an aberraled thermallens.

The re~u1ting expression is then given by

21Crj(r) ~ d(IHp(r»




(From Equation (4.3) it can be seen that, if the phase difference L1lp(r) shows a

parabolic dependence from r,j(r) is constant and the lens has no phase aberra­

tion.) For laser materials such as Yb:YAG, the major contribution to thermal

lensing arises from the temperature dependence of the refractive index, while

the stress dependence of the refractive index and end-face bulging result in only

relatively weak additional contributions to lensing. Under this condition and by

assuming a parabolic temperature profile inside the gain medium, the phase

difference L1lp(r) will also show a parabolic dependence. Therefore, by doubling

the mode size, the first derivative of the phase difference L1lp(r) (at a given r) will

decrease by a factor of 4, leading to an increase of the focallength of the thermal

lens by the same value (see Equation (4.3)).

The used thin disk laser head (see Figure 3.10) consists of a 220~ thin

Yb:YAG disk, used as gain medium, which is mounted with one face on a heat

sink. This allows applying quite high pump power densities to the disko The

cooled face of the disk is coated for high reflectivity for the laser and pump

wavelengths, while the other side has an anti-reflection coating. As the diame­

ter of the pump beam (= 1.2 mm) is larger than the thickness of the disk

(= 220 pm), the heat flux is nearly one-dimensional and directed along the opti­

cal axis of the laser mode. This leads to a nearly homogeneous temperature pro­

file within the pumped region in radial direction and thus to only weak thermal

lensing and low stress-induced birefringence. An optical arrangement consist­

ing of a parabolic mirror and three roof prisms is used to obtain 16 passes of the

pump radiation through the thin disk [101]. This allows obtaining efficient

pump absorption despite the small absorption per double pass through the thin

disko A consequence of this is that the pump intensity is approximately constant

along the beam axis. The thin disk laser head is pumped by two fiber-coupled

30 W diode bars at =940 nm. The disk is slightly wedged to eliminate residual

reflections, which might disturb the mode locking process. In a simple cw cav­

ity, the laser head generated 20 W near room temperature in a nearly diffrac­

tion-limited beam. This output power is lower than obtained from similar lasers

without wedge, where = 30 W have been achieved with the same pump power.

The reason for Htis is probably related to strain ir1 the wedged disk and will be

investigated further. The focal length of the thermal lens of the thin disk at

maximum pump power was estimated to be about -1 m. The negative focusing


power can be explained with bending of the disk as a result of thermal expan­

sion [102, 103].

As we have already seen in Chapter 3.4.3, spatial hole burning (SHB)

[86] un voidably occurs due to the geometry of the thin disk laser head. This

has a strong effect on the mode locking performance because it leads to inho­

mogeneous gain saturation. In cw operation of our laser, SHB leads to laser os­

cillation on severallines simultaneously, separated by as much as 0.7 nm due to

the small thickness of the Yb:YAG disk (220 ~). When we initially set the in­

tracavity dispersion for the generation of pulses with several picoseconds, we

observed two (or even more) mode-locked pulses circulating in the cavity with

slightly different center wavelengths, corresponding to the different lines ob­

served in cw operation. The reason for this is that the bandwidth of a single

pulse is not sufficient to saturate the whole gain. This regime sufters from a lack

of stability of pulse energies and timing. However, by reducing the negative

intracavity dispersion, we obtained mode locking with a single pulse in the

cavity. This lead to a pulse duration of =0.7 ps and an increased optical band­

width of 1.5 nm, broad enough to largely "wipe out" the standing-wave pattern.

In this regime, SHB is even beneficial because it effectively flattens the gain

spectrum and thus allows for reduced pulse duration.

As a consequence of SHB, which inevitably occurs in thin disk lasers,

we have obtained stable mode locking only in a narrow range of pulse dura­

tions around 0.7 ps (see Ref. [54]). Recently, we have developed a theoretical

model that can quantitatively describe these effects, and we have also proposed

a novel scheme to weaken the effect of SHB by using a special laser cavity [86].

In this cavity, the laser beam hits the thin disk under two different angles, cor­

responding to two different periods of the standing-wave pattern. If the angles

are properly chosen, the pattern is largely wiped out. But even then, as our

model [86] predicts, the SHB effect is not totally eliminated. With an additional

etalon in the cavity (where the free spectral range is chosen appropriately (see

Ref. [86])), a much wider range of pulse durations is predicted, beginning at a

few picoseconds. The upper limit for the pulse duration is in this case not de­

termined by SHB but by other factors such as the recovery time of the SESAM

and the very weak soliton effects at long pulse durations. Recently, we have

CHAPTER4 - 78-

demonstrated for the first time the experimental implementation of this scheme,

obtaining soliton-Iike pulses in a range of pulse durations extending from 3.3 ps

to 89 ps [\04].

The laser cavity (see Figure 4.13) is designed to operate near the middle

of stability zone I [36] in order to obtain a good alignment stability. The laser

mode radius is calculated to be = 500 Ilm in the tDin disk laser head and

=600 J.1m on the SESAM. A Brewster plate is inserted into the cavity to enforce a

stable linear polarization. Without the Brewster plate, the laser is only partially

polarized (about 80 %) along a preferred direction, which is determined by me­

chanical strain in the disk (from the fabrication process). Negative group delay

dispersion is obtained by use of a self-made Gires-Tournois interferometer

(GTI). It consists of a high reflector and a fused quartz plate (anti-reflection­

coated on one side) with a piezo-controlled air gap of =30 J.1ffi in between. The

dispersion can be continuously tuned by varying the piezo voltage.

Output coupler

Brewster plate


Wedged Yb:YAG diskon cooling finger

Figure 4.13: Set-up of the Yb:YAG !hin disk laser cavity. ROC, radius of curvature of the

sphericalJy curved mirrors; SESAM, semiconductor saturable absorber mirror; oe, output

coupler; GTI, Gires-Toumois interferometer.

The SESAM, grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition

(MOCVD), consists of a single 8 nm thick Inou;Gao.7.As quantum weil embedded

in an anti-resonant low-finesse Fabry-Perot cavity. This cavity is formed by a

GaAs/AlAs Bragg mirror with 25 layer pairs and the Fresnel reflection from the

GaAs/air interface. Due to the low-finesse design, the device has a small satu­

ration fluence of = 100 IlJ/cm2, which allows operation with a relatively large

spot for efficient heat removal. The modulation depth is relatively low (= 0.5 %),

but sufficient to initiate and stabilize soliton mode locking. The nonsaturable

losses of the device are < 0.3 %. The backside of the SESAM is actively cooled to


'" 20 oe. At full power, we operate the SESAM at only '" 7 times the saturation

fluence. In this regime, we observed no signs of damage, which typically occurs

at saturation parameters 5 > 100 (see Chapter 3.7).

With the cavity shown in Figure 4.13 and an output coupler with 5.5 %

transmission at 1030 nm, we obtain a mode-locked average output power of

16.2 W for a maximum pump power of 57.5 W. To our knowledge, this is by far

the highest reported average output power for a femtosecond laser. The pulse

duration is 730 fs (see Figure 4.14), as expected for soliton pulses if the disper­

sion introduced by the CTI is about -3700 fs2 per round-trip. The repetition rate

is 34.6 MHz, which results in a pulse energy of 0.46 11J and a peak power of

560 kW. The pulses are almost transform-limited (time-bandwidth product:

0.32), and the beam quality is measured to be not far from the diffraction limit

(Nf < 1.5). For the optimized setting of the CTI voltage, the onset of QML insta­

bilities could be suppressed down to average output powers of about 6 W,

which is in agreement with the theory presented in [90].

~ ~ ~ 0 1 2

Time delay, (ps)


3 1028 1030 1032

Wavelength, (nm)


Figure 4.14: Intensity autocorrelation trace (a) and optical spectrum (b) of the 73O-fs pulses

obtained from the soliton mode-Iocked Yb:YAG !hin disk laser at full output power of

16.2 W. Dotted curves: Fils assuming an ideal sech' pulse and spectrum shape.

With a longer cavity (repetition rate: 15 MHz) we obtained pulses as

short as 680 fs [54]. In this case, the laser output was split in two nearly diffrac­

tion-limited beams (Nf < 1.2), each with 7.9 W average power and 680 kW peak

power. The pulse energy was 2x 0.53 11J.

CHAPTER4 - 80-

We emphasize that not only the thin disk laser head concept, but the

whole concept of the passively mode-locked thin disk laser is power-scalable.

For the laser head itself, we have explained this above. Moreover, as the mode

diameter on the SESAM is significantly larger than the thickness of the sub­

strate (450 ~), further power scaling (by increasing the mode area also on the

SESAM) will not significantly increase the temperature rise on the SESAM (see

Chapter 3.7). Finally, the tendency for Q-switched mode locking (see Chap­

ter 3.6) or for thermal or non-thermal SESAM damage (see Chapter 3.7) will not

be increased. (This relies on the fact that the ratio of intracavity average power

and mode area on the thin disk laser head is kept constant.) Therefore, we ex­

pect that our concept will allow passive mode locking of thin disk lasers with

even significantly higher powers, as long as near diffraction-limited perform­

ance is possible (as demonstrated already for '" 100 W average power [83]). This

demonstrates very c1early that SESAMs are suitable for lasers with very high

powers, provided that suitable laser heads and SESAM designs are used.

Due to the high peak powers, the thin disk laser is a perfect tool for

nonlinear frequency conversion experiments. In Chapter 5, we will demonstrate

some preliminary results obtained with the thin disk laser as pump source for

such experiments.

Chapter 5

Extending to Other Wavelengths

5.1 IntroductionIn the last few years, there has been a growing interest in laser projection sys­

tems. In this fjeld of image production with lasers, research and development

are confronted with the task of simultaneously providing three wavelengths

with consistently high laser output in the visible range. In order to illuminate

e.g. a cinema screen, laser display technicians would like to have about 10 W of

each wavelength. In the red wavelength area, direct-emitting laser diodes are

already available as laboratory test sampies. However, in terms of the green

and blue wavelength regime, no high-power diodes are available so far. There­

fore, these colors have to be generated by frequency mixing, e.g. by means of

optical pararnetric oscillators (OPOs).

There are many different schemes proposed to generate red, green and

blue wavelengths. Recently, a system has been presented that generates 7.1 W

at 629 nm, 6.9 W at 532 nm, and 5 W at 446 nm [105). This laser system is based

on a passively mode-Iocked Nd:YVO. laser oscillator emitting at 1.064 11m, an

arnplifier system to boost the output of the oscillator, and a KTA-OPO. In a first

step, part of the =1 11m output of the pump laser is converted by means of a

nonJinear crystal (LBO) to reach the green (532 nm) wavelength regime (second

harmonie generation). The rest of the 1.064-pm output is used to pump an OPO

emitting at 1.535 11m (signal wavelength) and at 3.468 11m (idler wavelength).

- 81 -


The red 629-nm light is then generated by sum-frequency mixirg of the OPO

signal wave and the 1.064 ~m pump in a KTA crystal. Finally, tre blue 446-nm

light is provided by a sum-frequency mixing process that mixesthe generated

red light with the residual OPO signal wave in a LBO crysta1.

With the mode-Iocked thin disk laser presented in Ch<pter 4.3.1, we

have now a perfect tool to develop a much simpler system forlaser displays

than described above. This is mainly due to the fact that our syitem does not

rely on an amplifier chain (which makes the whole set-up rathe' complex). In

the following, we will discuss preliminary results obtained fromnonlinear fre­

quency experiments. In these experiments, we mainly concentratld on the gen­

eration of l.5-~m light. With a special scheme as e.g. described ablve, one could

convert this wavelength in a next step to the desired wavelength(E).

5.2 Seeond harmonie generationIn a first step, we tried to frequency-double the 1.03-~m output cf the thin disk

laser (see Chapter 4.3.1). The high peak power of the laser allowe( using critical

phase matching at room temperature, while efficient conversiOl with signifi­

cantly longer pulses would have required non-critical phase rratching in an

oven at elevated temperatures. The 13.8 W of incident fundameüal light was

focused to a beam radius of = 60 ~m in an externalS mm long mti-reflection­

coated LiB30 S (LBO) crystal. With Ws set-up, we achieved up to 8W of average

output power at 515 nm in a single pass, corresponding to a cmversion effi­

ciency of 58 %.

5.3 Optieal parametric generationOptical parametrie generation (OPG) in a single pass through ;:(2) nonlinear

crystal is a simple way to generate ultrashort pulses that are tuna:>le in a broad

wavelength range. In contrast to typical ultra fast optical parameric oscillators

(for an exception, see Chapter 5.4), OPG does not require an os:illator cavity

that is synchronized to the pump laser. However, the required punp intensities


Variable attenuator,-------,


are much higher. For this reason, so Ear aPG experiments with ultrashort pulses

have alwa s required amplified pump sources, e.g. based on a mode-locked os­

cillator and a high-gain amplifier opera ted at a repetition rate oE typically Ear

below 1 MHz [106, 107]. Such pump sources lead to quite complex systems, and

low repetition rates very much limit the obtainable average output power. By

using the thin disk laser presented in Chapter 4.3.1, we have been able to dem­

onstrate a parametric generator that is directly pumped with a mode-locked la­

ser, not using any amplifier system. In this way, we have obtained up to 0.5 W

oE average power in Eemtosecond pulses at 35 MHz repetition rate in the wave­

length range oE 1.38 - 1.56 pm using a periodically poled LiNba3 (PPLN) crystal

[108]. The corresponding range oE the idler is 3.03 - 4.06 pm.

PPLN is attractive Eor aPG experiments because oE its high effective

nonlinearity (dorf = 17 pm/V) and the possibility to control the phase-matching

wavelengths with the period oE the poling pattern. The used PPLN crystal was

produced by electric field poling [109]. It contains 10 periodically poled chan­

nels with various poling periods between 27.1 pm and 30.4 pm. Switching be­

tween the channels (by moving the crystal) allows to address different ranges oE

signal wavelengths. For a given channel, temperature tuning allows to cover a

continuous range oE several nanometers. These are overlapping, so that in total

we can cover a very large wavelength range. The temporal walk-off within the

7-mm crystallength is in the order oE the pulse duration oE our laser.

Y1::YAGthindisk laser h-II--L/f----r-~---____7I\ HR 1030 nm(346 MHz)

Pump wave @ 1030 nm( < 15 W, 730 Es )


Signal wave1.38-1.56 11m

Figur. 5.J: Set-up of the single-pass optical parametrie generation (OPG) experiment. The

pumpbearn is sent through a variable attenuator (HWP, half wave plate; PBS, polarizing

beamsplitter) and then focused into the uncoated PPLN crystal. The crystal was operated

above 150 'e to avoid photorefractive damage. The signal wave is separated by dichIOic


CHAPTER5 - 84-

The OUtput beam of the Yb:YAG thin disk laser (see Chapter 4.3.1) was

first sent through a variable attenuator, eonsisting of a Ä./2 plate and a pclariz­

ing eube (see Figure 5.1). Then, it was focused with a mirror of 300-mm :adius of

curvature to a spot with 6O-pm radius in the PPLN crysta1. The pump beam was

slightly tilted with respect to the normal end faces of the erystal in order to pre-­

vent refleetions from disturbing the laser. Seme Q-switehing tendency of the

laser was nevertheless observed beeause the magnitude of the tilt was limited

by the small width of the poled ehannels (0.5 rnm).

Most of the aPG output power appeared behind the PPLN erystal,

while the refleetions at the uneoated crystal end face caused some part of the

power to be emitted in backward direction and transmitted through the focus­

ing mirror. The signal output power (between 1.38 pm and 1.56 pm) was meas­

ured with a thermal power meter after eliminating the other wavelength eom­

ponents with a set of dichroic mirrors. The different poled channels allowed to

generate between 0.1 W and 0.5 W of signal output power (in forward direction

only) for a pump power of ~ 10 W ineident on the erystal. For a signal beam at

A. = 1.5 pm, the M2 value was 2.8 in sagittal and 2.0 in tangential direetion. At

high pump powers, we observed saturation or even a drop of the signal output

power, depending on the used channe\, accompanied by a signifieantly deterio-­

rated beam quality. Some channels have been operated with output powers of

~ 0.2 - 0.3 W for several hours until the onset of damage (beam distortions and

redueed output power) was observed. The idler power could not be measured

but is expected to be up to 0.25 W in the range from 3.03 pm to 4.06 pm2l• We

also observed up to ~ 0.1 W of green light around 515 nm (second harmonie of

the pump beam), in addition to not quantified power levels at the second har­

monie of the signal wave and in the UV around 343 nm (third harmonie of


The erystal was opera ted in an oven at a temperature T> 150°C to

avoid photorefractive damage. For different erystal temperatures in the range

from 150°C to 250°C and grating periods from 27.1 pm to 29.2 pm, we obtained

signal wavelengths horn 1.38 pm to 1.56 pm. The spectrum was broader for

21 It has to be noted that the atmospheric transmission strongly varies in the wavelength reginne between2.8 \.Iffi and 3.9 \.Iffi (see •.g. Re!. [110]).


Honger grating periods (from 10 nm FWHM for a grating period of 27.1~ and

ia signan wavelength at 1.377 11m, up to 40 nm for a grating period of 29.2 ~

iand a s;ignal wavelength of 1.55 11m), as could be expected from the broader

!phase matching bandwidth at given temperature for longer grating periods.


;i~ ~

;ic' ~0

'.0 Ei''"Qj ;:l.... !:J....0 uU <ll

.9 P-.Cf)


<t:-{).4 0.0 0.4 1400 1440 1480 1520

Delay time, (ps) Wavelength, (nm)


;i~ ~

;ic' ~0


t:0 u



<t:-{).4 0.0 0.4 1400 1440 1480 1520

Delay time, (ps) Wavelength, (nm)

(a) (b)

Figure 5.2: intensity autocorrelalion Irace (a) and oplical speclrum (b) of the signal wave for

signal powers of 150 mW and 500 mW (for 28.4 J.llIl graling period). The FWHM pulse dura­

lion was determined from the autocorrelalion trace assuming a sech' pulse shape (dottedcurve: fitting funclion). The pulse duralion is 207 fs for 150-mW output power and ~ 270 fs


The duration of the signal pulses was measured by intensity autocor­

relation assuming an ideal sech2 pulse shape. For 28.4 11m grating period,

1.46~ signal wavelength and 150 mW output power, we obtained a (decon­

volved) FWHM pulse duration of 207 fs (z 3 times shorter than the 0.73 ps

pump pulses), a spectral width of 21 nm (FWHM), and a time-bandwidth

product of z 0.6 (see Figure 5.2). This shows that the pulses are not far from the


transform limit ('" 0.315 for ideal sech2 pulse shape). At 0.5 W, we obtained a

spectral width of 28 nm and a pulse duration of 270 fs, leading to a time­

bandwidth product of '" 1.1.

5.4 Optical parametric oscillationSynchronously pumped optical parametric osdllators (OPas) are interesting

sources of broadly wavelength-tunable ultrashort pulses as required for many

applications. Recently, we have shown that the combination of a thin disk laser

as pump source with a fiber-feedback opa results in a system with a number of

very attractive features [111]. The mentioned fiber-feedback opa is a novel

type of synchronously-pumped oPa, where a single-mode fiber represents

most of the cavity length (see Figure 5.3).

Our concept has lead to a very stable and compact opa set-up, which is

unusually insensitive against intracavity losses and drifts of the opa cavity

length. Even with non-optimized optical components' we obtained up to 2.7 W

of average power in 900-fs pulses around 1.45 J.lIn [111]. In contrast to many

other oPas in this pulse duration regime, the fiber-feedback opa does not

need an active stabilization of the cavity length.

The incorporation of a fiber into a cavity containing bulk components

in general will introduce substantiallosses, mainly at the fiber launch. Never­

theless, a high power conversion effidency can be achieved if a large parametrie

gain is available and most of the power of the resonant wave is coupled out di­

rectly after the nonlinear crystal. Other intracavity losses then affect only a

small portion of the generated power. We achieved a small-signal gain in the

order of 90 dB by applying a high average pump power of up to 8.2 W to a pe­

riodically poled LiTa03 (PPLT) crystal, which has a relatively high nonlinear­

i~ ( d.ff '" 9 pm/V; see Ref. [112]). The Yb:YAG thin disk pump laser is slightly

modified from the one described in Chapter 4.3.1, generating pulses with a du-

22 Please note thal the nonlinearity of PPLT is onJy aboul half of thai of the PPLN cryslal. Unfortunalely,we did nol have a PPLN crystaJ al our disposaJ al the time of these experimenls.


ration of 0.6 ps at a repetition rate of 35 MHz, and delivering up ta =11 W of

average power.

The pump beam is focused with a curved mirror (MI) to a waist with

90-pm radius in the middle of the PPLT crystal (see Figure 5.3). The 22-mm long,

uncoated crystal is operated at a temperature of =150 ·C to avoid photorefrac­

tive damage. The OPO signal wavelength depends on the period of the poling

pattern and the crystal temperature. Our 0.5 mm thick crystal, fabricated by the

same procedure as described for periodic poling of lithium niobate [113], has 8

poled regions of transverse width 1.2 mm, with different grating periods of

28.3}1m - 29 J.lm, resulting in signal wavelengths between 1429 nm and 1473 nm

(for 150 ·C crystal temperature). After the nonlinear crystal, the signal wave is

collimated and separated from the pump and idler waves by a combination of 3

dichroic elements (mirrors M3 and M., filter). One of the two reflected beams

from an uncoated glass substrate is used for the signal feedback, while the

transmission of 82 % represents the signal output. The feedback light at

=1.45 pm is launched into a 4.6 m long standard telecom fiber, which is single­

mode at the signal wavelength. The light emerging from the fiber is mode­

matched by the lenses f, and f2 and fed back into the crystal through the di­

chroic mirror M~ which is highly reflective for the pump wave and transmis­

sive (70 %) at the signal wavelength.

UncoatedFilter glass

Signal wave

(2.3-2.7 W, 1.43-1.47 j./m)

Single-mode fjber (4.6 m length)

Figur. 5.3: Set-up of the OPO ring cavity. MI - M•• mirrors; fl - f" lenses; PPLT, crystal of

periodically poled tiTaO,.

The different gratings aIlow generation of signal power output between2.3 W and 2.7 W (measured with a thermal power meter) for a pump power of

CHAPTER5 - 88-

8.2 W incident on the crystal. Figure 5.4 shows the typical performane for one

grating. We would expect to obtain even higher signal output powersn the or­

der of 4 W by reducing the losses of several non-optimized optical conponents

(filter: 5 %, glass substrate: one 9-% reflection suppressed, 15 % at unceted end

faces of the PPLT crystal). The internal pump depletion is up to = 80'/0 at full

power. If required, the idler power (expected to be 1.0-1.1 W in the pesent ex­

periment) in the range 3425-3670 nm could be extracted through an otimized

mirror M).


0Trans. pump 10 dB

I •Trans. pump 0 • 0

• 0


0 • 0

OCD oO 0 •• Q B

• o 0 0...' -. .- 0Q) 1/ • •• • • •~

.........0 •• 0 0

0.. .- 0 0• 0

• 0Signal-: 0 ~ Signal 10 dB

00 2 4 6 8

Pump power, (W)

Figure 5.4: Signal power (filled eircJes) and transmilted pump power (filled rectanglesver­

sus ineidenl pump power for a signal wave of 1429 nm (grating period 28.3 ).Ull). Ope. cir­

cles and reclangles: Same with a 1G-dB attenuator in the feedback loop.

A notable feature of the fiber-feedback oPa, which results rom the

high gain and strong output coupling, is the insensitivity of the perfomance to

cavity losses: The maximum output power is reduced by only 6 % ifan addi­

tional filter with 10 dB loss at the signal wavelength is inserted at he fiber

launch between the glass substrate and lens f) (see Figure 5.3 and Fifure 5.4).

Obviously, it is not necessary to minimize the losses in the feedback hop after

the output coupling (lenses f,-f) were uncoated and the polarization 0 the sig­

nallight emerging from the fiber was not controlled).

For a signal wavelength of 1429 nm and an output power of 1 \1, the M2

value was 1.2 in tangential and 1.3 in sagittal direction (the M 2 vahe of the

pump beam was 1.1). For 2.5 W signal power, the M2 value increasedto 2.5 in

tangential direction and 2.2 in sagittal direction. There might be a si;nificant


contribution to Ws beam quality degradation arising from thermally induced

bulging of various non-optimized substrates (mirrors M~ M, and the filter)

which are heated by idler absorption.

The duration of the signal pulses was measured by intensity autocor­

relation. For all poled channels and pump powers, the pulse duration (FWHM)

is typically around 700-900 fs assuming an ideal sech2 pulse shape. The spectral

width is around 3 - 4 nm (FWHM), leading to a time-bandwidth product of

0.36 - 0.53. For 2.5 W signal power at 1429 nm (grating period 28.3 11m), we ob­

tain 870-fs pulses with a spectral width of 2.8 run, leading to a time-bandwidth

product of 0.36 (see Figure 5.5), which is not far from the transform limit.

~ ~ 0 2

Delay time, (ps)


1420 1430 1440

Wavelength, (nm)


Figure 5.5: Intensity autocorrelation trace (a) and optical spectrum (b) 01 the signal wave

(1429 nm) with 2.5 W average power. The FWHM pulse duration 01 870ls was determined

by assuming a sech' pulse shape (dolted curve: Htting funclion). The time-bandwidth prod­

uct is 0.36.

Despite the short pulse duration, the adjustment of the fiber-feedback

OPO cavi:y length is not critical because of the high parametric gain. For exam­

pie, even if only the leading edge of a signal pulse is temporally overlapped

with the pump pulse in the crystal, the high parametric gain still allows for effi­

cient energy extraction (see Ref. [111]). Also note that nonlinear effects in the fi­

ber can Ifad to a substantial temporal broadening of the seed pulses. The op­

eration of the fiber-feedback OPO system is stable over hours, and no signs of

crystal damage were observed during all experiments.


Note that the signal pulse energy in the fiber is about two orders of

magnitude higher than the soliton energy. Therefore, we expect the temporal

and spectral shape of the pulses after the fiber to be significantly distorted.

Nevertheless, we obtained near bandwidth-limited output signal pulses be­

cause the short pump pulses create only a narrow time window for gain and

the output spectral width is limited by the phase-matching bandwidth.

Chapter 6

Conclusion and Outlook

In this thesis, we have described ways towards diode-pumped passively mode­

locked lasers with high average powers and discussed the main challenges to be

met on this route. In particular, we have shown that the performance of a high­

power laser critically depends on the pump and cavity design, as it directly in­

fluences the magnitude of thermal effects and the sensitivity against them. In

addition, we have demonstrated that the strong tendency of femtosecond lasers

towards Q-switched mode locking requires a careful optimization of such la­

sers. An important finding is that semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors

(SESAMs) are suitable for operation at very high average power levels, pro­

vided that certain design guidelines (which not only involve properties of the

saturable absorber but also of the laser head) are taken into account. Therefore,

SESAMs will remain the first choice even for lasers with much higher average

output powers than demonstrated so far.

We have used different broadband gain media and pump approaches

to find the most promising solution for a diode-pumped femtosecond high­

power laser. These lasers strongly depend on the development and improve­

ment of high-power laser diodes. Whereas high-brightness laser diodes are so

far restricted to power levels in the watt regime (due to catastrophic optical

damage, see e.g. Ref. [43]),60 W and even more are commercially available from

low-brightness laser diodes. The characteristics of these laser diodes directly

influence the choke of the pump set-up (together with the choke of the laser

gain medium). In this thesis, three different pump geometries have been tested

- 91-

with respect to their suitability as high-power pump sourees. By using high­

brightness laser diodes in combination with the new laser material Yb:KGW

[57, 58], we have obtained average output powers of up to 1.1 W in pulses as

short as 176 fs duration. The corresponding peak power is 64 kW. These results

have become possible due to the favorable properties of Yb:KGW, which com­

bines a good thermal conductivity with a relatively large emission cross-section

(see Chapter The biggest advantage of this approach is the simplicity of

the pump set-up. However, this approach is restricted to the watt regime due to

the limited pump power available from high-brightness diodes so far. In addi­

tion, this pumping scheme is not suitable for laser materials with a low thermal

conductivity (such as e.g. glass) because of the high pump intensities achieved

inside the gain medium, which can lead to thermal fracture ultimately. Such

media need a special pump approach. The eUiptical pump concept (see Chap­

ter 3.4.2) helps to cope with the thermal problems of such gain media. This ap­

proach makes use of the highly asymmetrie spatial profile of commercially

available high-power low-brightness laser diodes. Therefore, no special beam

shaper [80] (which symmetrizes the beam qualities in both directions of the di­

ode) is required to generate a circular pump focus. Due to the highly elliptical

pump beam, very thin gain media (of only 1 mm thickness or less) can be used,

which allows for very efficient cooling from the top and bottom side (see Chap­

ter 3.3.2), and therefore limits the maximum temperature rise. This is particu­

larly beneficial for quasi-three level gain media such as Yb:YAG, which are less

efficient at elevated temperatures. In addition, this approach has the potential

to reach the ten-watt regime due to the availability of high-power laser diodes

of up to 60 Wand due to its scalability (see Chapter 3.4.2). However, in order to

minimize thermallensing and thermal aberration, one normally has to operate

the system with laser modes inside the gain medium that (in tangential direc­

tion) are smaller than the pump beam (see Chapter 3.3.4), leading to a decrease

in efficiency of the whole laser system. The large laser mode in tangential di­

rection also makes great demands on the cavity design (see Chapter 3.5). Nev­

ertheless, we have demonstrated average output powers as high as 8.1 W (and

peak powers of up to 74 kW) in the picosecond and up to 1.4 W (with 61 kW

peak power) in the femtosecond regime by applying the highly elliptical pump

approach (see Chapters 4.2.1 and 4.2.2, respectively).

CHAPTER6 - 92-


Although the peak and average powers obtained with the elliptical

pump approach are quite respectable, this concept can not compete with the

thin-disk approach in terms of average output power. So far, the thin-disk con­

cept is the most promising approach towards the goal of diode-pumped high­

power femtosecond lasers. The crucial advantage of this pumping scheme is its

power scalability (see Chapter 3.4.3). In the near future, this will allow for a

drastic increase in output power, without decreasing the efficiency, increasing

thermal problems or the tendency towards Q-switching instabilities. In a pre­

liminary experiment, we have obtained average output powers of more than

16 W in pulses of 730 fs duration. The corresponding pulse energy and peak

power have been as high as 0.5 flJ and 0.56 MW, respectively. This is by far the

highest reported average output power for a femtosecond laser (status: Oetober


By applying the thin disk laser as pump, we were able to demonstrate

tunable high-power femtosecond sources in the wavelength regime around

1.5 flm, which is e.g. the wavelength regime of choice in telecommunications.

We have demonstrated the first optical parametrie generator (OPG) directly

pumped with a mode-locked laser at the full laser repetition rate. This OPG

scheme is significantly simpler than previous femtosecond parametrie genera­

tors. We have obtained up to 0.5 W of average power in 270 fs pulses at 35 MHz

repetition rate in the signal wavelength range 1.38 - 1.56 flm. Up to 2.7 W (in

pulses as short as 700 fs) in the wavelength range trom 1429 nrn to 1473 nrn was

generated by demonstrating the first synchronously purnped optical parametrie

oscillator (OPa) with feedback through a singly-mode fiber. The big advantage

of this fiber-feedback opa is the very compact set-up, since most of the reso­

nator feedback path consists of a standard telecom fiber. The high average

power, short pulse durations and broad tunability make these sources very in­

teresting for applications e.g. in spectroscopy or in the field of laser projection.

The present thesis shows that diode-pumped femtosecond lasers are

now approaching a power regime where additional arnplification stages, which

usually rely on complicated multi-pass arrangements (especially in the femtG-

CHAPTER6 - 94-

second regime), are no longer needed23. Trus leads to compact high-powtr hser

sourees, which allow e.g. for very efficient wavelength conversion by sirgle­

pass interactions with nonlinear crystals. In the near future, new high'pcwer

mode-Iock.ed lasers based on the thin-disk concept will reach the 100 W Iwel,

opening up new fields of laser applications such as e.g. laser projection.

" It has to be noted that the additional use of amplification stages can still lead to much high'" ou:putpowers.

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Curriculum Vita;

Personal Data


Date of birth:


School Education





Military Service







Jürg Aus der Au

February 9th, 1970


Primarschule Islikon

Sekundarschule Frauenfeld

Kantonsschule Frauenfeld, Typus C


Rekrutenschule, Übermittlung

Studies in physics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Tech­nology in Zürich (ETH Zürich), Switzerland

Diploma, Swiss Federal Institute of TechnologyDiploma thesis title: "Diodengepumpte sub-IOD fs Nd:Glas­Lasersysteme" (Ultrafast Laser Physics, Institute of Quan­tum Electronics)

Ph.D. studies at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technologyin Zürich (ETH Zürich), SwitzerlandDoctoral thesis title: "Towards High-Power Diode-PumpedFemtosecond All-Solid-State Lasers" (Ultrafast Laser Physics,Institute of Quantum Electronics)

Research stay at Laser Zentrum Hannover (LZH) in Stutt­gart, Germany


Bei allen Freunden und Kollegen, die zum Erfolg dieser Doktorarbeit

beigetragen haben, möchte ich mich an dieser Stelle herzlich bedanken. Ohne

ihre tatkräftige Unterstützung wäre die vorliegende Arbeit nicht möglich

gewesen. Im besonderen gilt mein Dank:

Frau Prof. Dr. Ursula Keller, welche es mir ermöglicht hat, in dem fas­

zinierenden Gebiet der Ultrakurzzeit-Laserphysik tätig zu sein. Ihre stete Un­

terstützung und ihr Enthusiasmus für die Physik haben diese Arbeit entschei­

dend mitgeprägt.

Herrn Prof. Dr. Markus Sigrist für seine Bereitschaft, das Koreferat für diese

Arbeit zu übernehmen.

Herrn Dr. Rüdiger Paschotta für seine gute Betreuung. Sein Wissen und seine

schnelle Auffassungsgabe haben die vorliegende Arbeit wesentlich

vorangetrieben. Zudem konnten seine ausgeklügelten Computerprogramme

oftmals Licht ins Dunkel bringen und neue Lösungsansätze aufzeigen.

Gabriel Spühler für seine Kameradschaft und seine unermüdliche Unter­

stützung sowie viele hilfreiche Diskussionen, nicht nur fachlicher Art. Insbe­

sondere möchte ich ihm dafür danken, dass ich nun endlich "Die Liste" nicht

mehr nachführen muss. ;-)

Lukas Krainer für seine lockere Art, Dinge anzugehen (ich sage nur: "wir brau­

chen noch einen neuen Spiegelhalter!") und seinen Enthusiasmus für neue Mac-

Produkte. Auch möchte ich auf keinen Fall die gemeinsamen Gleitschirm­

Wochenenden missen ("you are flying in a totally wrang direction !!!").

Rosmarie Ehrsam, dem ruhenden Pol und guten Geist unserer Gruppe, für Ihre

Hilfe (nicht nur) in administrativen Dingen sowie die aufmunternden Worte,

welche Sie stets bereitgehabt hat. Nicht vergessen werden sollte in diesem

Zusammenhang Django, der Wächter des Sekretariats: Auch ihm gebührt Dank

für seine vielen Kunststückchen, welche er gerne bereit gewesen ist

vorzuführen (vorausgesetzt natürlich, dass man ihm zur Belohnung ein paar

Katzenbiscuits versprochen hat).

Den restlichen Mitgliedern (ehemalig und aktuell) unserer Arbeitsgruppe für

das angenehme Arbeitsklima und die ausgezeichnete Zusammenarbeit

während der gesamten Dissertation. Dies sind (in alphabetischer Reihenfolge):

Marc Achermann (der aus dem "tiefsten" Osten kommt)

Sebastian Arlt (auch Great-Pep genannt)

Alex Aschwanden (einer, der mutwillig SESAMs "zerstört")

Bernd Braun (das "Ländle" ist ihm nicht unbekannt)

Felix Brunner (ein würdiger Nachfolger von Gabriel, nicht nur fachlich)

Regula F1uck (...breakfast at Tiffany's)

Henry Frick (unser Elektronikspezialist)

Tobias Fritz (das jüngste Mitglied unserer Gruppe)

Lukas Gallmann (Hol mal den Wagen, Harry)

Reto Häring (für ihn gibt es nur Audis)

Markus Haiml (ein Gruss an unsere österreichischen Freunde)

Florian Helbing (Krass ...)

Clemens Hönninger (Est-ce que tu parles fran~ais ?)

Daniel Jubin (auch DJ genannt)

Isabella Jung (unsere ehemalige Femtosekunden-Queen)

Franz Kärtner (unser ehemaliger genialer Theoretiker)

Daniel Kopf (das passt schoh ... )

Jens Kunde (ik bin ain Börliner)

Frieder Loesel (TGIF, only two more days to work this week)

Nicolai Matuschek (ein Schwabe wie er im Buche steht)

Fran~ois Morier-Genoud (unser MBE-Virtuose)

Bettina Nechay (unsere ehemalige SNOM Expertin)

Arti Prasad (eine fantastische Köchin indischer Spezialitäten)

Thomas Rupp (folgt dem Ruf der Wirtschaft)

Birgit Schenkel (Queen of Bruchsal)

Silke Schön (Berliner "Weisse" mit Schuss)

Wolfgang Schüsslbauer (Schüsseln baut er keine, aber Laser)

Uwe Siegner (unser Halbleiterspezialist)

Günter Steinrneyer (Herr über den 2-Zyklenbereich)

Dirk Sutter (DER Igor-Experte)

Thomas Südmeyer (Linear oder nicht linear, das ist hier die Frage)

Kurt Weingarten (CEO von Time-Bandwidth Products)

Michael Moser und Rainer Hövel vom CSEM Zürich für das Wachsen der

MOCVD-Halblei terstrukturen.

Peter Brühwiler, Harald Hediger und Ihren Mitarbeitern in der Mechanik­

werkstatt für die vielen Ratschläge in technischen Fragen und die schnelle und

zuverlässige Ausführung unserer Aufträge.

Den Studenten Edith Innerhofer und Samuel Schär, welche in Ihren Di­

plomarbeiten tatkräftig am Hochleistungslaser-Projekt mitgea.rbeitet haben.

Den Kollegen, die im Rahmen von externen Zusammenarbeiten zu dieser Ar­

beit beigetragen haben:

SteHen Erhard, Martin Karszewski und Adolf Giesen (Universität Stuttgart,


Alexander A. Lagatsky, Amin Abdolvand und Nikolai Kuleshov (Interna­

tional Laser Center, Minsk, Belarus)

Stefan Nolte und Carsten Fallnich (Laser Zentrum Hannover, Germany)

Joseph S. Hayden und Robert J. Scheller (Schott Glass Technologies Inc,Duryea, USA)

Norbert Lichtenstein, Stefan Weiss und Chris Harder (JDS Uniphase AG,


... und alle, welche ich jetzt vergessen habe. Glaubt mir, es ist nicht böse ge­


Ganz besonderen Dank gebührt Claudia und meiner Familie für llire liebevolle

Unterstützung und llir grosses Verständnis, welches sie meiner Arbeit ent­


Zürich, November 2000

/~~Oürg Aus der Au)