Rider University Meetings that Matter

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Rider University Meetings that Matter

Meetings that MatterLearning Laboratory

Brought to you by: Organizational Leadership Program

© Organizational Leadership Program

Agenda for Learning Lab1)How shall we work together? (10 minutes)

a) Introductions at each tableb) Normsc) Use of the Parking Lot

2)Patterns of communication (30 minutes)a) Idea generation (5 minutes)b) Tables discuss and reach a decision (8 minutes)c) Observers report (15 minutes)

3)Decision rules in meetings (5 minutes)4)Disagreement that isn’t painful (10 minutes)5)Final discussion and action items (10 minutes)

© Organizational Leadership Program

© Organizational Leadership Program

Learning Lab NormsWe will have respect for one anotherWe will ask questions when in doubtSe a time limitWe will allow no interruptions, including taking calls or doing other workWe will use a ‘Parking Lot’ to ensure ideas and issues are not ignoredOne person speak at a time.Value all suggestions and new ideas.No ‘sidebars’Its a safe space - no fear or judgements,Others?

© Organizational Leadership Program

Patterns of communication➔ Each table is going to discuss a ‘character’ in a meeting.

➔ Each person write down 3 ideas on how to address the individual character’s behavior (5 minutes)

➔ Discuss the ideas among your table. As a group, decide on which is the best idea discussed (8 minutes)

Goal: Each group will need to make a decision as to which is the best idea

Observers will report on what they saw and heard (15 minutes)

© Organizational Leadership Program

Decision rulesAgree in advance what you will use:

Formal (Robert’s Rules) Influences decision procedures Can prevent tangles Can be very complicated so be sure someone really loves and understands their use

Polling 5 fingers for strongly yes, 3 fingers for so/so, 1 finger for barely yes, fist for blocking

Voting by ballot/hands There is a winning side and a losing side. Someone loses.

Consensus Come to full agreement Not always necessary Takes time

If buy-in isn’t needed, and all information is in hand, just make a decision and move on.

© Organizational Leadership Program

How to disagree without it being painful●Disagreements happen in meetings. You can address such

disagreements in a way that is respectful and allows for further clarification

●The verbal pattern to use:

○ “It looks like we disagree on X. Do you see that differently?”

●Meetings go wrong because of negative emotions and people shutting down and/or clamming up

●This approach doesn’t shut things down

What we’ve learned....

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Organizational Leadership Program at Rider
