Review The adrenergic stress response in ï¬sh: control of

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Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 120 (1998) 1–27


The adrenergic stress response in fish: control of catecholamine storageand release

Stephen G. Reid *, Nicholas J. Bernier, Steve F. Perry

Department of Biology, Uni6ersity of Ottawa, 30 Marie Curie, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5, Canada

Received 8 August 1997; received in revised form 23 December 1997; accepted 20 January 1998

Communicated by Dr. P. W. Hochachka, Editor


In fish, the catecholamine hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline are released into the circulation, from chromaffin cells,during numerous ‘stressful’ situations. The physiological and biochemical actions of these hormones (the efferent adrenergicresponse) have been the focus of numerous investigations over the past several decades. However, until recently, few studies haveexamined aspects involved in controlling/modulating catecholamine storage and release in fish. This review provides a detailedaccount of the afferent limb of the adrenergic response in fish, from the biosynthesis of catecholamines to the exocytotic releaseof these hormones from the chromaffin cells. The emphasis is on three particular topics: (1) catecholamine biosynthesis andstorage within the chromaffin cells including the different types of chromaffin cells and their varying arrangement amongst species;(2) situations eliciting the secretion of catecholamines (e.g. hypoxia, hypercapnia, chasing); (3) cholinergic and non-cholinergic (i.e.serotonin, adrenocorticotropic hormone, angiotensin, adenosine) control of catecholamine secretion. As such, this review willdemonstrate that the control of catecholamine storage and release in fish chromaffin cells is a complex processes involvingregulation via numerous hormones, neurotransmitters and second messenger systems. © 1998 Elsevier Science Inc. All rightsreserved.

Keywords: Adrenaline; Catecholamines; Cholinergic release; Chromaffin cells; Fish; Non-cholinergic release; Noradrenaline; Stress

1. Introduction

The catecholamine hormones, adrenaline and nora-drenaline, are released from chromaffin cells, into thecirculation of fish, during exposure to a wide range ofinternal and environmental stressors [176,201,202,251].Once in the circulation, these hormones function todiminish the plethora of detrimental consequences oftenassociated with stressful situations. In particular, one ofthe primary roles of plasma catecholamines is to modu-late cardiovascular and respiratory function in order tomaintain adequate levels of oxygen in the blood and,therefore, a sufficient supply to the tissues. In addition,

these biogenic amines serve to mobilize energy stores toprovide for the increased energy demands that oftenaccompany stress [231,235]. Given the multitude ofeffects exerted by these hormones, both the physiologi-cal and biochemical consequences of an elevation ofplasma catecholamines have formed an extensive fieldof investigation by fish physiologists and biochemistsover the past several decades. However, equally impor-tant to the general understanding of the physiology ofcatecholamines are the mechanisms underlying theirrelease from the chromaffin cells into the circulation. Incomparison with the literature regarding the conse-quences of catecholamine release, little is known aboutthe release process of these hormones in fish. On theother hand, the control of catecholamine release is anarea of extensive study in mammalian physiology (seereviews from the Symposium on the Adrenal Gland;

* Corresponding author. Present address: Department of Biology,McMaster University, 1280 Main St. W., Hamilton, Ontario, L8S4K1, Canada. Tel.: +1 905 5259140, ext. 27412; fax: +1 9055226066; e-mail:

0742-8413/98/$19.00 © 1998 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.PII S0742-8413(98)00037-1

S.G. Reid et al. / Comparati6e Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C 120 (1998) 1–272

[39,75,144,167,217,250,254,273,277,293]). Indeed, inmammals, the chromaffin cell is an important modelused in the study of secretion and exocytosis. As such,the goals of this review are to provide a detailedaccount of the afferent limb of the adrenergic stressresponse from catecholamine biosynthesis and storagethrough events culminating in the secretion of cate-cholamines from the chromaffin cells, into thecirculation.

2. Storage of catecholamines

2.1. Catecholamine biosynthesis

Catecholamines, adrenaline and noradrenaline, aresynthesized, within the chromaffin cell, via the Blaschkopathway beginning with the amino acid precursor ty-rosine [30,122]. Both the catecholamine biosyntheticpathway and the metabolic processes resulting in theirdegradation, in fish, have recently been reviewed [235].In this current paper, a general account of cate-cholamine biosynthesis is discussed in addition to avariety of factors that have been implicated in modulat-ing biosynthesis in various vertebrate species. The ini-tial step in biosynthesis is the hydroxylation of tyrosineby the enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) to form L-di-hydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA) in the rate-limitingstep in the synthesis of noradrenaline. Tyrosine hydrox-ylase has an absolute requirement for both Fe2+ andmolecular oxygen while tetrahydropteridine serves as acofactor. In the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), the pHand temperature optima of this enzyme are 6.0 and30–35°C, respectively [136].

A variety of factors are capable of regulating theactivity of TH in various vertebrate species [131]. First,TH activity is subject to end-product inhibition bydopamine and noradrenaline suggesting a rapid andspecific control of the rate of catecholamine biosynthe-sis in vivo [255]. Additionally, a variety of neuronal andhormonal factors are capable of increasing the activityof TH. Some of these include, increased nervous stimu-lation of the chromaffin cells [185,186,264,265], adreno-corticotropic hormone (ACTH) within the blood [187],nicotine [119,258] and glucocorticoids [258]. Addition-ally, a variety of neuropeptides including vasoactiveintestinal polypeptide (VIP), pituitary adenylyl cyclaseactivating polypeptide (PACAP), secretin and an-giotensin [285,290,308] have all been demonstrated toinfluence TH activity.

The second step in catecholamine biosynthesis in-volves the enzyme L-aromatic amino acid decarboxylase(AADC, or DOPA decarboxylase) which decarboxy-lates L-DOPA to form dopamine. This enzyme has abroad substrate affinity and specificity and is present insufficient quantities that L-DOPA does not accumulate

to any substantial extent [122]. AADC requires pyri-doxal-5-phosphate as a cofactor and can be inhibitedby compounds structurally similar to L-DOPA, such asa-methyldopa and N-methylmelaimide [179].

The hydroxylation and decarboxylation reactionscatalyzed by TH and AADC, respectively, both occurwithin the cytosol. The end product of the AADCreaction, dopamine, is then transported into secretoryvesicles (granules) where the enzyme dopamine-b-hy-droxylase (DbH) converts it into noradrenaline via aside chain hydroxylation. DbH, a copper-containingtetrameric glycoprotein, requires both molecular oxy-gen and ascorbic acid as cofactors. DbH is present insecretory granules in both a membrane bound form anda soluble form [135], the ratio of which differs amongstspecies [63]. A portion of the soluble fraction of DbHmay be released, together with the catecholamines, ATPand chromogranins, during exocytosis [37]. The temper-ature optima for DbH in the dogfish and Atlantic codare 24.5–32 and 27°C, respectively while the pH optimaare 5.4–6.2 and 5.4, respectively [132,134].

The activity of DbH in fish chromaffin tissue hasbeen documented in numerous studies of a variety offish species including Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua [134],spotted gar, Lepisosteus platyrhincus [6], Africanlungfish, Protopterus aethiopicus [4], two elasmo-branchs, Squalus acanthias and Etmopterus spinax [132]and the Atlantic hagfish, Myxine glutinosa [133]. Mosttissues, in mammals, possess endogenous inhibitors ofDbH, such as sulfhydryl compounds, that form com-plexes with the Cu2+ at the active site of the enzyme.These inhibitors can be inactivated by the addition ofCu2+ or N-ethylmaleimide, a sulfhydryl blocker, anecessary procedure when measuring the in vitro activ-ity of this enzyme [24]. Like tyrosine hydroxylase, DbHin mammals is also subject to neuronal regulationwhere increased nervous stimulation of the chromaffincell results in an increase in DbH activity [55]. Addi-tionally, hormonal regulation of DbH via adrenocorti-cotropic hormone and glucocorticoids also functions tomodulate the activity of this enzyme [289].

In some chromaffin cells (see Section 2.2), nora-drenaline is transported from the secretory vesicle, intothe cytoplasm, where it is methylated to formadrenaline by the enzyme phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase (PNMT). It is not known how nora-drenaline is made available to cytoplasmic PNMT norhow, once synthesized in the cytosol, adrenaline istransported into the storage vesicles. Alternately, oncesynthesized, noradrenaline may remain stored withinthe secretory granules. PNMT activity has also beenmeasured in a variety of fish species including theAtlantic hagfish, M. glutinosa [133], the spotted gar, L.platyrhincus [6], the African lungfish, Rotopterusaethiopicus [4], the rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss[175,241], the Atlantic cod, G. morhua [3,7] and the

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dogfish, S. acanthias [2]. A comparison of optimalactivities of TH, DbH and PNMT suggests that theconversion of noradrenaline to adrenaline (PNMT reac-tion) is the rate-limiting step in adrenaline formation[131].

PNMT is inhibited by its end product adrenaline, andto a lesser extent by noradrenaline [95–97]. Further-more, the inhibition occurs at concentrations ofadrenaline and/or noradrenaline normally present inadrenal medullary chromaffin cells suggesting a specificphysiological role, particularly for adrenaline, in regulat-ing PNMT activity. As with TH and DbH, both nervous(cholinergic) stimulation of chromaffin cells [84] andglucocorticoids [248,291,300,301] have been demon-strated to influence PNMT activity in mammals. How-ever, modulation of PNMT activity by glucocorticoidsdoes not appear to occur in fish or other lower verte-brates (see Section 2.5).

2.2. Arrangement of chromaffin cells

Chromaffin cells originate embryologically from theneural crest [58,62,160], and derive their name from thegranulated brownish-yellow appearance, produced bythe oxidation of intracellular catechols or indolamines,following staining with chromate and/or dichromate[58,147]. The arrangement of the catecholamine-contain-ing chromaffin cells differs across the entire vertebratelineage. In mammals, chromaffin cells are found withinthe adrenal gland, specifically the adrenal medulla,surrounded by the adrenal cortex that contains thesteroidogenic interrenal cells [60,62,201]. In birds, chro-maffin cells are also located within the adrenal gland but,in avian species, there is no division into medulla orcortex and the chromaffin and interrenal cells are inter-mingled [58,114]. Chromaffin cells in reptiles form asimilar arrangement to those in birds [298,299]. Inurodele amphibians, chromaffin cells are located withinsegmented bodies associated with sympathetic nerves onthe ventral side of the kidney whilst, in anurans, chro-maffin cells form a distinct mass on the surface of thekidney [8–13,58,60,108,109].

Amongst different classes of fish, the arrangement ofchromaffin cells also exhibits substantial diversity. Inevolutionary terms, the cyclostomes/agnathans (i.e.hagfish and lampreys) represent the most primitivegroup of fish. In these fish, the chromaffin cells aredistributed within the systemic and portal hearts[15,32,33,130,212,213,281] and in large veins and arteries[15,127,128]. Elasmobranchs represent a more advancedevolutionary stage than the cyclostomes and, in thisgroup, the chromaffin cells are associated with paraver-tebral autonomic ganglia [2,170,252,253,281]. The axil-lary bodies, comprising chromaffin cells in associationwith the gastric ganglia, are the primary source ofcirculating catecholamines in these fish [201,202]. In

dipnoans (e.g. Lepidosiren and Protopterus) chromaffincells are distributed in the intercostal arteries [121], theleft posterior cardinal vein [19,105] and the atrium[4,19,53,249,250].

The most evolutionary advanced fish are representedby the teleosts. Initial descriptions of the chromaffin cell,in teleosts, as the homologue of the adrenal gland, weredocumented in the early 20th century ([103,104,106,107],also see review [58]). In teleost fish, the chromaffin cellsare located within the walls of the posterior cardinal vein(PCV) and in close association with the lymphoid tissueof the kidneys, particularly in the anterior region of thekidney (‘head kidney’) ([100,115,172,173,201,202,238,239,305]; Fig. 1A, B). In general, chromaffin cells areoften observed either singly or clustered into groups ofseveral cells. The association of chromaffin cells with thesteroidogenic interrenal cells may vary amongst differentteleost species [58,189].

2.3. Different chromaffin cell types

The primary circulating catecholamines in fish areadrenaline and noradrenaline with only a few studieshaving measured levels of circulating dopamine[42,78,79,115]. A variety of studies have demonstratedthat adrenaline and noradrenaline are stored, at least inpart, in separate populations of chromaffin cells.

The presence of both noradrenaline- and adrenaline-containing chromaffin cells within the posterior cardinalvein and head kidney has been demonstrated in thefreshwater cyprinid, Scardinius erythrophthlamus [172].The two different cell types were distinguished on thebasis of light microscopy studies and of morphologicalcharacteristics at the electron microscope level. Nora-drenaline-containing cells had strongly electron-densesecretory granules [59,61] that were generally spherical inshape. The enhanced electron density of noradrenalinecontaining granules arises from the precipitation ofnoradrenaline following fixation with glutaraldehyde.Adrenaline, on the other hand, remains soluble follow-ing glutaraldehyde fixation such that, following post-fixation staining with dichromate, noradrenaline-containing cells appear more electron dense thanadrenaline-containing cells. Granules within the nora-drenaline-containing cells were spherical in appearance(average diameter 200 nm) and distributed evenlythroughout the cell with the exception of the region ofthe nucleus. In the adrenaline-containing cells, granuleswere spherical or elongated (diameter 30 nm), and alsowere distributed homogeneously throughout the cell[172]. Other cell types were observed which had a densitymidway between the noradrenaline- and adrenaline-con-taining cells and in some cells the granules appearedempty. These later cell types may represent a differentstage of chromaffin cell development or contain aminesother than the catecholamines.

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Fig. 1. The location, appearance and pharmacological properties of teleost fish chromaffin cells. (A) Chromaffin cells in teleost fish (a rainbowtrout in the schematic) are located in the head kidney region within the walls of the posterior cardinal vein as it runs through the kidney to theheart. (B) A sagittal section through the head kidney/posterior cardinal vein in the Atlantic cod, G. morhua (magnification×90). An asterisk (*)denotes the lumen of the PCV. Chromaffin cells are labeled (white) with a fluorescent antibody raised against dopamine-b-hydroxylase, theenzyme that converts dopamine into noradrenaline. (C) A phase contrast view of an individual chromaffin cell (magnification×2000). Note thegranular appearance of the cell indicative of secretory granules. (D) Labeling of nicotinic cholinoceptors on a single chromaffin cell withfluorescently-tagged a-bungarotoxin (magnification×2000). E) The temporal changes in intracellular Ca2+ concentration [Ca2+] in a singlerainbow trout chromaffin cell after the addition of nicotine (at the vertical line). (F) The release of adrenaline, in situ, in response to the mixedmuscarinic/nicotinic agonist carbachol carbamylcholine is abolished in Ca2+-free media (data from rainbow trout). Open bars indicate perfusateadrenaline levels prior to the addition of carbachol; solid bars represent values after carbachol addition. (G) Pre-treatment with the ganglionicblocker hexamethonium, to block nicotinic receptors, also eliminates carbachol-evoked catecholamine release (data from the American eel, see textfor eel-trout differences). Open bars indicate perfusate adrenaline levels prior to the addition of carbachol; solid bars represent values aftercarbachol addition.

The presence of these two cell types has also beendemonstrated in the head kidney of the stickleback,Gasterosteus aculeatus [100] and the carp, Cyprinuscarpia [174]. In the Holostean fish, Amia cal6a, [307]only one population of secretory granules was observedbased on electron-density, and as such, it was notpossible to distinguish between adrenaline- and nora-drenaline-containing cells in this species.

Utilizing light and electron microscopy, the presenceof both noradrenaline- and adrenaline-containing chro-maffin cells has been demonstrated in the rainbow trout[173]. Additionally, other immunohistochemical studieshave revealed the presence of separate noradrenaline

and dopamine containing cells in the sea bass, Dicen-trarchus labrax (L.) [1] and the American eel, Anguillarostrata [117]. Recently, positive labeling reactions forantisera raised against tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) anddopamine-b-hydroxylase (DbH) have been observed inthe rainbow trout, Atlantic cod (Fig. 1B) and Europeaneel chromaffin cell [237]. Of these TH- and DbH-posi-tive cells, a sub-population also exhibited a positivelabeling reaction for PNMT, the enzyme which cataly-ses the methylation of noradrenaline into adrenaline.This sub-population of PNMT-positive cells were con-sidered to be adrenaline-containing cells whereas thosewhich exhibited a positive labeling reaction for TH and

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Table 1The levels of adrenaline and noradrenaline (mg g−1 tissue weight) stored within the chromaffin tissue of various species of fish (cyclostomes,dipnoans, elasmobrachs, ganoids and teleosts).

Species Storage Site Adrenaline Noradrenaline Reference

CyclostomesM. glutinosa B0.04Kidney/great veins 22 [281]

8 18Systemic heart (atria) [281]M. glutinosaPortal heartM. glutinosa 3 51 [281]Systemic heartM. glutinosa 59 7 [281]

20 20Systemic heart [220]M. glutinosa2 50M. glutinosa [220]PCV

90 3.4Systemic atrium [175]P. marinusSystemic ventricleP. marinus 17 0.7 [175]

Dipnoans4 71Heart [4]P. aethiopicus

216 94P. aethiopicus [4]Intercostal arteries

ElasmobranchsS. acanthias Sympathetic chain/axillary body 445 2139 [2]

Sympathetic chain/axillary bodyS. acanthias 3100 6700 [281]3780 9300Axillary bodies [232]C. monstrosa

Ganoids48 22Cardinal veins [200]L. Platyrhincus

Cardinal veinsH. huso 20 5 [20]

Teleosts4.7 4.5Head kidney [188]O. mykiss

PCVO. mykiss 110 30 [239]O. mykiss Kidney tissue 7 4 [239]

84 42Anterior kidney [115]A. rostrataAnterior PCVA. rostrata 20 5 [239]Head kidneyG. callarius 45 Undetectable [281]

38 14Cardinal veins [7]G. morhuaHead kidneyC. carassius �0.05 0.16 [197]

�0.05 0.84 [257]Head kidneyC. carpio

The particular region of tissue storage site (examined in each study reference) is indicated in the table. PCV, posterior cardinal vein. See text foradditional details.

DbH, but not PNMT, were considered to be nora-drenaline containing cells. Anecdotally, this phe-nomenon was more pronounced in cod and trout thenin the eel [237].

Also in the rainbow trout, the differential release ofadrenaline, over noradrenaline, in response to stimula-tion with a cholinergic agonist has been demonstratedutilizing an in situ saline-perfused posterior cardinalvein preparation [239]. In this preparation, perfusionwith 60 mmol l−1 K+, a non-specific depolarizingstimuli, caused the exocytotic release of catecholaminesby directly altering membrane potential without theintervention of receptors or receptor-coupled secondmessenger systems [37]. Perfusion with 60 mmol l−1

K+ did not alter the adrenaline:noradrenaline ratio inthe perfusate, compared with ratio prior to stimulation.However, the application of the acetylcholine agonist,carbamylcholine (carbachol, 10−8–2×10−7 mol)caused the adrenaline:noradrenaline ratio to increasefrom approximately 1 to 4–8. This preferential releaseof adrenaline over noradrenaline in response to carba-

chol, but not 60 mmol l−1 K+, is consistent with thepresence of both noradrenaline- and adrenaline-con-taining cells with the adrenaline-containing cells havinga greater sensitivity to cholinergic stimulation than thenoradrenaline-containing cells. Similar trends were ob-served in the American eel.

2.4. Differences in storage le6els

Both the concentration of catecholamines within thechromaffin tissue of various species as well as theprevalence of one catecholamine over the other candiffer to a large extent within, and between, differentclasses of fish (Table 1) [235]. This is evident from anearly study [281] that reports storage levels ofadrenaline and noradrenaline in various organs from acyclostome (M. glutinosa), an elasmobranch (S.acanthias) and a teleost (G. callarius).

An early study on Myxine, [281] reported substan-tially greater levels of noradrenaline than adrenaline inthe kidney-great veins, the atria of the systemic heart

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and in the entire portal heart whereas in the ventricle ofthe systemic heart, adrenaline was the primary cate-cholamine. A recent study, [220] reports equivalentlevels of both catecholamines in the systemic heart ofMyxine yet, in the posterior cardinal vein noradrenalinewas dominant. In another cyclostome, Petromyzonmarinus [175] the concentration of adrenaline wasgreater than noradrenaline in both the systemic atriumand ventricle. In the dipnoan (Protopterus aethiopicus),noradrenaline is predominant in the heart whileadrenaline is the primary catecholamine stored in theintercostal arteries [4].

Within the axillary bodies/sympathetic chain gangliain elasmobranchs, noradrenaline appears to be the pre-dominant catecholamine. In the spiny dogfish, S.acanthias, several studies [2,281] observed greater quan-tities of noradrenaline than adrenaline in the sympa-thetic chain/axillary bodies [2,281]. Within the axillarybodies of another elasmobranch, Chimarea monstrosa,the concentration of noradrenaline was approximately2.5 times that of adrenaline [232]. The concentration ofstored catecholamines in elasmobranchs thus appears tobe substantially larger than in other fish species. How-ever, these enhanced storage levels do not appear to bemanifested as larger levels of circulating catecholaminesobserved during stress. Indeed, during various stressfulsituations, levels of circulating catecholamines inteleosts appear, in general, to be greater than those inelasmobranchs [43,42,267]. Adrenaline is the predomi-nant catecholamine within the cardinal veins in twospecies of ganoids L. platyrhincus [200] and Huso huso[20].

In teleost species there also exist various differencesin the levels of stored catecholamines amongst speciesand even amongst the same species examined by differ-ent investigators. The extent to which these differences,within the same species, are due to differences in exper-imental approach is unknown. Unlike elasombranchswhere noradrenaline is the predominant catecholamineand cyclostomes where the prevalence of one cate-cholamine over the other is tissue specific, in teleost fishadrenaline is the primary stored catecholamine in mostspecies studied to date. In rainbow trout, O. mykiss,one study [188] observed approximately equivalent lev-els of noradrenaline and adrenaline in the head kidney.However, other investigators [239] observed greater lev-els of adrenaline than noradrenaline in regions of themain branch of the posterior cardinal vein and inregions of kidney tissue. It is evident from these studiesthat the anterior two thirds of the posterior cardinalvein is the primary storage site for catecholamines withlittle contribution from the kidney tissue itself. As withthe rainbow trout, the primary storage site for cate-cholamines in the American eel (Anguilla rostrata) isalso the anterior region of the posterior cardinal veinand adrenaline is predominant over noradrenaline.

Again, differences in absolute levels of these hormoneare found between studies and the tissue regions studied[115,239]. The reason for the differences between thesetwo studies is unknown but it is evident that theconcentration of stored adrenaline is two to four timesgreater than stored noradrenaline.

In the common cod (G. callarius), adrenaline is theexclusive catecholamine within the head kidney withvirtually undetectable levels of noradrenaline [281]. Inthe Atlantic cod (G. morhua), [7] adrenaline is alsofound in greater quantities than noradrenaline in thecardinal veins. In C. carassius [197] and C. carpio [257]the levels of stored catecholamines are substantiallyreduced compared to the other teleost species reported.

It is evident that within fish species there is substan-tial variability in the absolute values of stored cate-cholamines and the ratio of adrenaline to noradrenalineas well as differences within the same species reportedby various investigators. It would appear that in thecyclostomes and elasmobranchs, noradrenaline is thepredominant catecholamine whilst in the teleosts (withthe exception of the carp), adrenaline is predominant. Itis possible that, in teleosts, the prevalence of adrenalineover noradrenaline represents an evolutionary alter-ation/up-regulation in the enzymatic processes requiredto synthesize adrenaline. It is plausible that in teleosts,compared with cyclostomes and elasmobranchs,(PNMT) has a greater activity/substrate affinity or ismore resistant to degradation.

2.5. Modulation of storage le6els

The acute adrenergic response in fish can be substan-tially modified by the prior history of the fish as well asenvironmental factors. Indeed, as mentioned above, avariety of factors (hormonal and neuronal) are capableof regulating and modulating the activity of the en-zymes involved in biosynthesis. However, these hor-monal and neuronal modulatory influences aregenerally ‘expressed’ only upon exposure of the animal(fish or otherwise) to various internal or external condi-tions which either stress the animal or necessitate analteration in the capacity to express the adrenergicstress response. In fish, a variety of conditions such asanoxia, pollution, nutritive stress, physical stress andhormonal influences can all modify the levels of storedcatecholamines in fish chromaffin tissue.

Recently, it was demonstrated that long-term expo-sure (76–160 h) of crucian carp, C. carassius L. toanoxic conditions produced a substantial decrease instored noradrenaline levels within the head kidney[196]. Moreover, re-establishment of normoxic condi-tions resulted in a return to pre-anoxia storage levelsafter only 40 min suggesting an efficient synthesis path-way given the availability of molecular oxygen. Con-versely, exposure of this same species to 17 days of

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anoxia [197] produced a 92% decrease in stored nora-drenaline levels which, upon re-exposure to normoxia,did not recover to pre-anoxia levels. In both studies[196,197], there were no effects of anoxia on storedadrenaline levels. It is possible [197] that the differencesin the recovery of storage levels from anoxia in the twostudies may reflect inactivation of DbH given its re-quirement for molecular oxygen as a cofactor. It re-mains to be seen whether storage levels would recover ifthe animals were maintained under normoxic condi-tions for longer periods of time following the anoxicexposure. Presumably de novo synthesis of biosyntheticenzymes would permit the synthesis of catecholamines,given the necessary substrates, and recovery of storagelevels.

Another environmental perturbation that can dimin-ish levels of stored catecholamines in chromaffin tissueis exposure to various organic pollutants. Several indus-trial complexing agents, diethyldithiocarbamate (DOC)and amylxanthate (AX) form complexes with heavymetals, increasing their availability to fish and compro-mising the animals health [31,275]. Exposure of rain-bow trout to DOC for a period of 24 h caused adecrease in both adrenaline and noradrenaline storagelevels whereas exposure to AX for 24 h resulted in adecrease in stored noradrenaline, but not adrenaline[198]. It was hypothesized [198] that the decrease instorage levels, following these treatments, is due to aninhibition of DbH arising as a result of these agentscomplexing Cu2+ ions which are essential for normalDbH function.

In addition to environmental perturbations such asanoxia and pollution, the nutritional status of the ani-mal may also influence the levels of stored cate-cholamines. Depriving rainbow trout of food for aperiod of 2 months produced a decrease in the totalcontent of catecholamines (mg of catecholamines)stored within the kidney and posterior cardinal vein,compared with normally fed fish [238]. The lower cate-cholamine content in these tissues is consistent with thediminished tissue weight of the kidney and PCV follow-ing food deprivation. Contrary to the decrease in totalcatecholamine content, the concentration of cate-cholamines (mg catecholamine g−1 tissue weight) withinthese tissues was unaffected by the starvation regimen.Tyrosine, the amino acid precursor of catecholamines,is obtained both from dietary intake and existingprotein stores. The maintenance of catecholamine con-centrations, during starving, suggests that existingstores were able to provide adequate tyrosine, and anyother nutrients required, for catecholamine biosynthe-sis. However, if during the fasting period the fish en-countered an acute stress which necessitated anelevation of plasma catecholamines, then nutrient de-privation may compromise the ability of the chromaffincells to synthesize additional catecholamines and main-tain storage levels.

A possible chronic or frequent stress that a fish mayencounter is chasing by larger fish. In rainbow trout, anexperimental protocol of twice daily chasing to exhaus-tion for a period of 5 days, markedly elevates plasmacatecholamine levels [297]. Presumably, constant releaseof catecholamines during chasing would deplete, inpart, the levels of catecholamines within the chromaffincells. The sympathetic nervous stimulation of the chro-maffin cells, in conjunction with adrenaline release andelevated plasma cortisol levels following chasing [71],would presumably stimulate the biosynthesis of cate-cholamines by increasing the activity of TH, DbH andPNMT (see above). Such a chasing protocol however,[238] did not alter the levels of catecholamines storedwithin the kidney and posterior cardinal vein suggestingthat catecholamine biosynthesis is able to regulate andmaintain the normal levels of catecholamines within thechromaffin cells. The ability of trout to maintain storedcatecholamines at a ‘normal’ level, despite repeatedrelease due to chasing, ensures that sufficient quantitiesare available to allow for an elevation of plasma cate-cholamines should another acute stress be encountered.

The aforementioned modulating effects on cate-cholamine storage levels discussed above have focusedon conditions imposed by the environment, includingmanipulation by investigators (i.e. anoxia, pollution,food deprivation and chasing). However, internal hor-monal factors are also capable of influencing the levelsof stored catecholamines. The effects of corticosteroids,produced by steroidogenic interrenal cells (i.e. theadrenal cortex or its homologue), on catecholaminebiosynthesis in mammalian species has received sub-stantial attention over the past decade. In particular,corticosteroids, such as cortisol, can increase levels ofstored adrenaline in the mammalian adrenal gland byincreasing the activity of PNMT [29,84,129,300,301].Corticosteroids, in mammalian species, can cause anincrease in PNMT activity by influencing gene tran-scription, messenger RNA stability, translation, andenzyme activity and stability [303]. However, few stud-ies have investigated possible interactions between cor-ticosteroids and catecholamine biosynthesis in fish andit appears as if, unlike in mammals, cortisol does notincrease in vitro PNMT activity in rainbow trout[137,175].

Treatment of rainbow trout with an intraperitonealimplant of cortisol suspended in coconut oil results in achronic elevation of plasma cortisol levels [227,279] ascortisol is slowly released, from the implant, into thebody fluid over a long period of time. Cortisol treat-ment for 1 day had no affect on the level of storedcatecholamines in the kidney and posterior cardinalvein whereas following 3 and 7 days of treatment, levelsof stored noradrenaline and adrenaline were elevatedover control levels [241]. This increase in stored cate-cholamines was not accompanied by an increase in

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PNMT activity, measured in vitro, on either day [241].Thus, it is likely that the effect of cortisol treatment onthe enhanced level of catecholamine storage was occur-ring prior to the conversion of noradrenaline toadrenaline. Chronic cortisol treatment can increase theactivity of DbH in rainbow trout, suggesting thatcortisol may function by decreasing the degradation ofthis enzyme [137]. Thus, whilst cortisol in higher verte-brates appears to enhance the activity of PNMT, inlower vertebrates, including fish, cortisol may exerteffects on other enzymes of the Blaschko pathway.

3. Situations eliciting catecholamine secretion

Catecholamines are mobilized into the circulation offish during a variety of stressful situations [235] whichin general either require modulation of cardiorespira-tory function or mobilization of energy reserves. Themagnitude of the elevation in plasma catecholaminelevels can vary depending upon the type of stressimposed, the severity of the stress and the species.Various levels of plasma catecholamines in five teleostspecies (O. mykiss, Salmo fario, G. morhua, C. carpioand Platichthys stellatus) in response to various stres-sors (external hypoxia, hypercapnia, exhaustive andviolent exercise, air exposure, acid infusion or anaemia)are reviewed in reference [267]. Additionally, anaesthe-sia during experimental manipulation also produces atransient elevation of plasma catecholamine levels [126].It is evident from the studies compiled in the aforemen-tioned review that there are marked differences in thelevels of plasma catecholamines observed in differentspecies in response to different types of stress. Thedominance of either adrenaline or noradrenaline in thecirculation during a stressful period is not only depen-dent upon storage levels [25,28,41,42,66,220] but alsoon the rate of metabolic degradation [56,191,192], accu-mulation of catecholamines into tissues [40,190,191,271,272] and the ‘ability’ of chromaffin cells to secretecatecholamines [239].

In mammals, plasma catecholamines can originatenot only from the adrenal chromaffin cells but alsofrom sympathetic neurons. However, in fish (Atlanticcod, [219] overflow from peripheral adrenergic nerveterminals does not significantly contribute to the eleva-tion of plasma catecholamine levels.

3.1. Catecholamine release during hypoxia

One of the more prevalent environmental/experimen-tal conditions eliciting an elevation of plasma cate-cholamine levels is external hypoxia [14,28,36,41,89,92,138,140,177,219,225,226,231,235,239,246,268]. Addi-tionally, plasma catecholamine levels are also elevatedduring air exposure [94,203]. The release of cate-

cholamines into the circulation during hypoxia can beinfluenced by the severity of the hypoxic exposure. Inthe Atlantic cod, a gradual decrease in water PO2

caused an elevation of plasma adrenaline levels whereasa rapid decrease in water PO2

caused a simultaneouselevation of both adrenaline and noradrenaline [219].Also in the cod, during the imposition of a hypoxicstress, noradrenaline appears in the blood prior toadrenaline [91].

Depending upon the severity of environmental hy-poxia, either the partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2

) inthe arterial blood or both the PaO2

and the arterialoxygen content may decrease. Given the sigmoidal na-ture of the oxygen equilibrium curve and the obligaterelationship between PaO2

and oxygen content[287,288], it has proven difficult to distinguish betweenthe effects of these two variables on promoting cate-cholamine release during hypoxia. A linkage betweenblood oxygen content/haemoglobin-O2 saturation andplasma catecholamine levels has been suggested byseveral studies. First, anemic fish release catecholaminesinto the circulation [125,222] even under hyperoxicconditions [222]. In anemic fish, haemoglobin-O2 satu-ration is not lowered, suggesting a specific role in thelowering of blood oxygen content in causing release.Second, catecholamine release during hypercapnicacidosis in trout is a result of the associated hypoxemia(owing to the Root effect) rather than the acidosis itself([222]; see below). Third, one study [89] reported thatthe PaO2

threshold for release was substantially loweredafter repeated episodes of acute hypoxia suggesting thathaemoglobin-O2 affinity was raised after the initialepisode of hypoxia (a result, at least in part, of cate-cholamine release [193] and thus led to the lowering ofthe PaO2

threshold).In order to elucidate the proximate stimulus (a de-

pression of PaO2or arterial oxygen content) for the

release of catecholamines during hypoxia, rainbowtrout and American eels were exposed to varying de-grees of acute (30 min) hypoxia (90–35 torr water PO2

)[225]. Based on in vivo oxygen equilibrium curves, theP50 values (the PaO2

at which the oxygen content of theblood is 50% of its maximal value) in the rainbowtrout, and American eel were 23 and 11 torr, respec-tively. Thus the affinity of the oxygen-haemoglobinbinding reaction is substantially enhanced in the eelover the trout. During hypoxic exposure, defined PaO2

and oxygen content thresholds for the release of cate-cholamines were determined. While the PaO2

thresholdsdiffered in the two species, in accordance with thedifferent haemoglobin-O2 binding affinities, the oxygencontent thresholds were almost identical, correspondingto approximately 45–60% haemoglobin-O2 saturation.The similar oxygen content thresholds for release implythat a depression of blood oxygen content, rather thanPaO2

, is the proximate stimulus for catecholamine re-lease during hypoxia.

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However, the aforementioned study [225] could notexclude the possibility that a depression of PaO2

is theproximate stimulus for release with trout and eel pos-sessing intrinsically different PaO2

thresholds. In orderto differentiate between these two possibilities, rainbowtrout were acclimated [226] to either 5 or 15°C for aperiod of 2 months in order to manipulate the intrinsicproperties of haemoglobin-oxygen binding and to as-sess the impact on the dynamics of catecholamine re-lease during hypoxia. Temperature acclimation led toan enhanced haemoglobin-O2 binding affinity at thelower temperature with P50 values of 14 and 27 torr inthe 5 and 15°C fish, respectively. During exposure toacute hypoxia, the PaO2

threshold at which cate-cholamines were released into the circulation was lowerin the 5°C fish (24 torr) than in the 15°C fish (35 torr).However, in agreement with reference [225], releasethresholds calculated on the basis of arterial bloodoxygen content were similar at both temperatures.Thus, the results of these aforementioned studies[89,125,222,225,226] provide compelling evidence that adepression of blood oxygen content is the modalitywhich triggers the mobilization of catecholamines intothe circulation rather than a depression of PaO2.

3.2. Catecholamine release during hypercapnia/acidosis

One of the primary roles of circulating cate-cholamines in fish is to maintain or elevate bloodoxygen levels under conditions that depress blood oxy-gen content. The hydration of CO2 into protons andbicarbonate ions (CO2+H2OlHCO3

− +H+) oftenresults in a respiratory acidosis accompanying hyper-capnic exposure (an increase in CO2 within the water).Given the detrimental effects of H+ and CO2 onhaemoglobin-oxygen binding, it is not surprising thatplasma catecholamine levels are often elevated duringexposure to environmental hypercapnia [123,221,222,224]. Additionally, the introduction of acid into thewater [304] and conditions of metabolic acidosis [14,35]are also associated with elevated plasma catecholamineconcentrations.

Various studies have reported a correlation/relation-ship between blood pH and plasma catecholamine lev-els [35,225,263]. However, given the relationshipbetween blood oxygen content and acid-base status inteleost fish, particularly rainbow trout [221,231,266,267]and the promotion of hypoxemia during acidosis viaRoot and Bohr effects, it is difficult to determine if adecrease in blood pH is sufficient, in the absence ofhypoxemia, to cause the secretion of catecholamines.However, several studies [14,222] demonstrated thatacidosis does not promote catecholamine secretion inthe absence of blood hypoxemia suggesting no directrole for acidosis in catecholamine secretion.

An additional complicating factor in assessing therole of acidic conditions in promoting catecholaminerelease is the difficulty in distinguishing the cause ofrelease from the consequences of catecholamine release.In teleosts, circulating catecholamines can activate aNa+/H+ antiporter on the red blood cell that extrudesprotons from the red cell in exchange for plasmasodium ions causing acidification of the plasma andalkalization of the erythrocyte [184,194,195,267]. Thesubsequent increase in red blood cell intracellular pHcan promote an increase in blood oxygen contentthrough Bohr and Root effects [85,120,193,195,231,247]. Given red blood cell Na+/H+ exchange, anelevation of plasma catecholamines is often accompa-nied by a decrease in plasma pH and therefore it isdifficult to separate the cause of catecholamine secre-tion from the effects of release. It would appear thatduring exposure to hypercapnic conditions, the mobi-lization of catecholamines into the circulation is a resultof a lowering of blood oxygen content due to Bohrand Root effects rather than a direct effect of pH perse.

3.3. Catecholamine release during exercise

Fish exposed to a variety of regimens of exhaustiveor violent exercise release catecholamines into the circu-lation in varying quantities [18,43,44,101,169,178,188,208,210,228,234,245,263,274,292,294–297]. During ex-ercise, catecholamines will exert energy mobilizing ef-fects and thus increase the blood borne energy suppliesvia activation of liver glycogenolysis and gluconeogene-sis along with an inhibition of glycolysis [180–182,214,215]. Additionally, the catecholamine-inducedenhancement of gas transfer across the gills, and oxy-gen transport in the blood, will prove beneficial duringexercise.

Contrary to the catecholamine-mobilising effect ofexercise in many fish species, this form of perturbationdoes not cause an elevation of circulating cate-cholamine levels in notothenioids (i.e. two nototheniids,N. coriiceps, N. rossii and an icefish, C. aceratus) [77].Additionally, handling stress also fails to initiate themobilisation of catecholamines in these fish [67,76]. Theauthors of these studies [67,77] suggest that the lowlevels of circulating catecholamines may reflect agreater propensity of the autonomic cholinergic system,rather than blood-borne catecholamines, to regulatecertain aspects of the stress response in these species.

3.4. The effects of softwater on catecholamine release

Diminished resting levels of circulating cate-cholamines were observed in rainbow trout followingthree weeks of acclimation to ion-poor water (softwater[229]). Exposure of freshwater rainbow trout

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[16,110,111,155–157,223,230,256] and other teleosts[164] to softwater induces a proliferation of gill chlo-ride cells which thicken and cover the respiratory(pavement) cells. The resulting thickening of theblood to water diffusion distance can subsequentlyimpair gas transfer leading to a decreased arterialPaO2

and an increased PaCO2[110]. Given the benefi-

cial effects of catecholamines on both gas transportacross the gills and transfer within the blood[231,235,267], it is likely that circulating cate-cholamine levels are elevated during the early stagesof softwater acclimation in order to compensatefor the detrimental effects of a thickening in theblood to water diffusion distance. Given the chronicimposition of this stress (softwater exposure), it islikely that a continual release of catecholamines mayoccur which ultimately results in a depletion of stor-age levels and/or desensitization of the releaseprocess. Both of these factors could lead to anattenuation of plasma catecholamine levels follow-ing the 3 weeks of acclimation to softwater condi-tions.

The dynamics of catecholamine release during ex-posure to acute hypoxia can also be modified bysoftwater acclimation. Upon exposure to graded lev-els of environmental hypoxia, softwater-acclimatedrainbow trout mobilize catecholamines into their cir-culation at a significantly higher PwO2

than troutmaintained under normal ionic conditions [229]. Un-der softwater and control conditions, defined arterialPO2

thresholds for catecholamine release were 24 and40 torr in control and softwater-acclimated trout,respectively. The elevated release threshold in thesoftwater acclimated fish arises from the downwarddisplacement of the PaO2

–PwO2relationship in

combination with a left shifted oxygen equilibriumcurve. The elevated release threshold in softwater ac-climated fish affords the fish with the physiologicalbenefits of an elevation of plasma catecholamine lev-els [231] at a time when gas transfer/transportmay be compromised by the increased diffusion dis-tance.

In addition to reduced resting plasma cate-cholamine levels and an increased PaO2

threshold forthe release of catecholamines during hypoxia, the ab-solute magnitude of plasma catecholamine levels,during severe hypoxia (PwO2

=30–35 torr), was di-minished in softwater acclimated rainbow trout [229].As mentioned above, either a depletion of storagelevels or desensitization of the release process maylead to diminished plasma levels during stress, in-cluding hypoxia (see also modulation of cholinergic-induced catecholamine release below). Alternately,depleted plasma levels may also reflect changes inthe rates of catecholamines synthesis and/or degrada-tion.

4. Mechanisms and modulation of catecholaminerelease

4.1. Cholinergic control of catecholamine release

4.1.1. Chromaffin cell cholinoceptor pharmacologyUndoubtedly the primary mechanism leading to the

secretion of catecholamines from the chromaffin cells inteleost and elasmobranch fish is stimulation of thesecells by the sympathetic nervous system [2,116,199,201,202,219]. More precisely, chromaffin cells are inner-vated by pre-ganglionic sympathetic fibers which re-lease the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (Ach) (andpossibly others; [112,237,284]) onto the chromaffin cellswhere it interacts, with cholinergic receptors (choli-noceptors), to initiate the secretion of catecholaminesvia exocytosis ([37]; Fig. 2). In the majority of verte-brate species studied to date, including fish, it appearsas if the nicotinic receptor is the predominant choli-noceptor present on chromaffin cells (see below).

Stimulation of nicotinic cholinoceptors ultimatelyleads to the opening of calcium channels and the entryof Ca2+ ions into the cell from the extracellular fluid([37–39,99,270]; see Fig. 1). The ensuing elevation ofintracellular calcium levels triggers a series of events,including rearrangement of the cytoskeleton, which al-lows the catecholamine-containing secretory granules tomove towards and fuse with the plasma membranethereby releasing their contents into the extracellularspace via exocytosis (Fig. 2). The process of exocytosisinvolves multiple stages and substances which mediatethe movement of secretory vesicles to the plasma mem-brane, the docking of the vesicles to the plasma mem-brane, fusion of granule and plasma membranes toallow release of the contents and the ultimate recoveryof the granule membrane via endocytosis [37].

The nicotinic nature of the cholinergic-induced cate-cholamine secretory response from fish chromaffin cellshas been demonstrated in several studies. In the At-lantic cod, G. morhua, either electrical stimulation ofthe sympathetic nerves which innervate the head kid-ney, or application of acetylcholine to the head kidney,caused catecholamine release from in situ perfusedpreparations [2,203,219,282]. The secretion of cate-cholamines in response to either of these stimuli can beprevented by treatment of the preparation with theganglionic blocker, hexamethonium, that inhibits nico-tinic cholinoceptors.

Although stimulation of the nicotinic cholinoceptor,and the ensuing signal transduction events followingreceptor activation, is the primary mediator of choliner-gic-induced catecholamine secretion, the involvement ofmuscarinic cholinoceptors in this process is also com-mon across various vertebrate phyla (Fig. 2). Indeed innon-fish vertebrate species, stimulation of chromaffincells with muscarinic agonists can enhance nicotinic-

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Fig. 2. A schematic diagram of the cholinergic pathway of catecholamine secretion from fish chromaffin cells. Acetylcholine released fromsympathetic nerve fibers will stimulate the chromaffin cells by interacting with nicotinic [1] or possibly muscarinic [6] cholinoceptors. Stimulationof the nicotinic receptor ultimately leads to the opening of a calcium channel and the entry into the cell of Ca2+ ions [2]. Muscarinic receptoractivation leads to the release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores [7] such as the endoplasmic reticulum. The involvement of these two receptor typesin the cholinergic control of catecholamine secretion can vary amongst fish species (see text). The ensuing rise of intracellular Ca2+ levels [3] canlead to a series of intracellular events, including rearrangement of the cytoskeleton [37], facilitating the movement of secretory granules to theplasma membrane [4] where they release their contents via exocytosis [5]. The catecholamine hormones can then diffuse into the blood where theycirculate until reaching the appropriate target organs and initiate the efferent limb of the adrenergic response. The corticosteroid cortisol canenhance catecholamine storage levels possibly by up-regulating enzymes within the biosynthetic pathway (see text). Also, cortisol may influencethe number/affinity of cholinoceptors on the chromaffin cell membrane, sensitising the release process to sympathetic nerve stimulation.

evoked release [90], inhibit nicotinic-evoked release[49,70,262], stimulate secretion in the absence of nico-tinic agonists [21,143,159,269] or exert no effect oncatecholamine secretion [166]. Thus, amongst non-fishvertebrate species so far studied, cholinoceptor-inducedsecretion of catecholamines from chromaffin cells iscertainly not confined to a series of nicotinic receptor-evoked events.

As with other vertebrate species, it would appear as ifthe presence of muscarinic receptors on chromaffin cellsin fish might also exhibit substantial variability. Inrainbow trout, O. mykiss, the release of catecholaminesin situ can be stimulated by treatment with the mixednicotinic/muscarinic agonist carbachol (carbamyl-choline; [93,238–241]) an analogue of the endogenousneurotransmitter acetylcholine which exhibits enhancedresistance, compared with acetylcholine, to degradationby endogenous cholinesterases. Treatment of the rain-bow trout perfusion preparation with hexamethonium

inhibited the release of noradrenaline and attenuatedthe release of adrenaline in response to carbachol [93],suggesting a role for the muscarinic receptor in thecholinergic release of catecholamines in this species.The incomplete inhibition of carbachol-evokedadrenaline release with hexamethonium implies a rolefor muscarinic receptors in the secretion of adrenaline,but not noradrenaline, suggesting a possible differentialdistribution of muscarinic cholinoceptors on the differ-ent types of chromaffin cells (adrenaline- and nora-drenaline-containing cells, see above).

In another teleost species, the American eel (A. ros-trata), the muscarinic cholinoceptor does not appear tomediate the secretion of catecholamines from chro-maffin cells. Administration of carbachol to an in situperfused posterior cardinal vein preparation in thisspecies also stimulated both adrenaline and nora-drenaline secretion which was abolished with hexam-ethonium (Fig. 1G) yet unaffected by the classical

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antimuscarinic, atropine [240]. Additionally, cate-cholamine secretion in this species was also evoked, insitu, by application of the nicotinic receptor agonist1,1-dimethyl-4-phenylpiperazinium iodide (DMPP) butnot by the muscarinic agonist, pilocarpine. Secretion inresponse to DMPP was, like carbachol-evoked release,abolished by pre-treatment with hexamethonium. Giventhese results [93,240] it appears as if a muscarinicreceptor is involved in catecholamine, particularlyadrenaline, secretion in rainbow trout, but not in Amer-ican eel. Therefore, as with non-fish vertebrates, thetype of cholinoceptor mediating the cholinergic secre-tion of catecholamines in fish may also exhibit speciesto species variability.

Although stimulation of chromaffin cells by the sym-pathetic nervous system is undoubtedly the primarystimulus evoking the secretion of catecholamines fromchromaffin cells in most fish species, it is clearly not theexclusive pathway of release. The presence of othermechanisms leading to catecholamine secretion inteleost fish is evident from experiments in which thesympathetic fibers innervating the chromaffin cells aresectioned in order to eliminate sympathetic stimulationof these cells. Bilateral sectioning of spinal nerves 1–4innervating the head kidney in the Atlantic cod attenu-ated but did not abolish the elevation of plasma cate-cholamines during air exposure [283], after exhaustiveexercise [44] or during environmental hypoxia [219]. Itis apparent therefore, that mechanisms other thancholinergic pathways are involved in the process ofcatecholamine secretion in this species. Non-cholinergiccontrol of release is discussed in the final section of thisreview.

4.1.2. Differential secretion of catecholamines inresponse to cholinergic stimulation

In addition to differences in the nature of cholinocep-tor pharmacology on the chromaffin cells of rainbowtrout and American eels, there are also apparent differ-ences in the nature of the secretory response in thesetwo species with respect to the quantity of cate-cholamines released. Exposure of rainbow trout andAmerican eels to severe environmental hypoxia(PwO2

=30–35 torr; [225,226]) results in a substantialelevation of plasma catecholamines in the rainbowtrout (100–300 nmol l−1) yet very moderate increasesin the eel (2–5 nmol l−1). These widely differentplasma catecholamine levels cannot be ascribed to thedifferences in oxygen-haemoglobin binding and releasethresholds (see above). Additionally the 4-fold differ-ence in levels of stored catecholamines in these twospecies (see above) cannot account for the approxi-mately 100-fold difference in the plasma values ob-served during severe hypoxia.

In an attempt to elucidate the mechanism(s) underly-ing these differences in plasma catecholamine levels, the

‘ability’ (i.e. efficacy/efficiency) of the chromaffin cellsin these two species to release catecholamines, in situ, inresponse to stimulation with carbachol was examined[239]. In response to this stimulus, rainbow trout chro-maffin cells secreted substantially greater quantities ofcatecholamines than eel chromaffin cells. The affinity ofthe secretory process, for carbachol, was equivalent inboth species suggesting that chromaffin cells in rainbowtrout possess greater numbers of cholinergic receptorsthan those in the eel or that one or more post-receptorevents is amplified in the trout compared to the eel.Also, these differences may be explained if there are agreater number of chromaffin cells in the trout, how-ever, to date this has not been demonstrated. Addition-ally, it is possible that eel chromaffin cells are lessdensely innervated by cholinergic fibers than those inthe trout, although this would account for the in vivobut not the in situ differences. This differential abilityto respond to cholinergic stimulation may explain theinterspecific differences observed in plasma cate-cholamine levels during exposure to environmentalhypoxia.

Unlike teleost fish, the chromaffin cells in cy-clostomes/agnathans (i.e. hagfish and lampreys) lackany form of extrinsic innervation [15,127,128]. As such,the primary mechanism of catecholamine secretion seenin other vertebrates (i.e. neuronal stimulation by thesympathetic nervous system) is lacking. Interestinglyhowever, the cholinergic agonist carbachol is capable ofeliciting catecholamine release, in situ, in the Atlantichagfish, M. glutinosa [220]. However, it is unlikely thatstimulation of the chromaffin cells by endogenousacetylcholine is a physiologically relevant stimulationgiven that this neurotransmitter does not circulate inthe blood. It is possible that the presence of cholinergicreceptors on the chromaffin cells in this species repre-sents a fundamental property of these cells reflectingtheir embryological origin (modified post-ganglioniccells derived from neural crest) and is independent ofextrinsic innervation. Alternately, a population of chro-maffin cells in this species (i.e. those in the great veins)might be innervated, and therefore possess cholinocep-tors, while others (i.e. in the hearts, which were thefocus of earlier morphological studies) are not [220].Potential physiological mechanisms causing the in vivomobilization of catecholamines in this species are dis-cussed in the following section (non-cholinergiccontrol).

4.1.3. Modulation of cholinergic control ofcatecholamine release

Just as storage levels of catecholamines can be modu-lated by factors such as anoxia, pollution, nutritivestress, physical stress and hormones, the process ofcholinergic-induced catecholamine secretion can also beinfluenced by the prior history of the animal including

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the aforementioned conditions. Stresses such as physi-cal disturbance (e.g. handling or chasing) [23,188,245,280] and starvation/fasting [23,154,158,168,259,261,280]are encountered frequently in aquaculture and studieson fish physiology and metabolism. Similar stresses arealso undoubtedly encountered in the natural environ-ment.

Chasing rainbow trout to exhaustion once a day foreither 1, 3 or 7 days caused an immediate increase inplasma catecholamine levels that remain elevated for upto 30 min post-exhaustion [228]. However, on the 3rdand 7th days of chasing, plasma catecholamine levelsimmediately post-chasing were significantly depressedcompared with the post-chasing levels seen after only asingle day of chasing. Given that a similar chasingprotocol did not result in a depletion of catecholaminestores in this species [238], the depression of plasmalevels on the 7th day suggests an inhibition/desensitiza-tion of catecholamine release following repeated stress.This attenuation of release is consistent with the desen-sitization of carbachol-evoked catecholamine release, insitu, following 5 days of twice daily chasing to exhaus-tion [238]. Given that the sensitivity of release, in situ,was diminished rather than a decrease in the maximalquantity released, it is likely that the attenuation of insitu release resulted from a decrease in the affinity ofcholinoceptors for carbachol rather than a reduction inreceptor numbers. The reduction in plasma cate-cholamine levels following repeated stress, in vivo,likely functions to prevent an over expression of theefferent adrenergic stress response in accordance withgeneral theories regarding receptor desensitization/down-regulation [57,102,118].

While physical stress (chasing) appears to desensitizecatecholamine release both in vivo and in situ, nutritivestress (fasting for 2 months) attenuates the levels ofstored catecholamines (see above) but does impair theability of the chromaffin cells to secrete catecholamines,in situ, in response to carbachol [238]. During long-term food deprivation, fish become hypometabolic [183]and therefore it is conceivable that under such circum-stances fish would desensitize the process of cate-cholamine release in order to minimize anycatecholamine-induced glycogenolysis. However, a 2-month regimen of fasting did not produce such desensi-tization and indeed perhaps a more appropriateresponse would be to down-regulate the efferent adren-ergic response on hepatocytes and muscles rather thanattenuating the mobilization of catecholamines. In thismanner, during an acute stress, the beneficial effects ofcatecholamines on gas transfer/transport can be main-tained while avoiding undesirable metabolic effects.

The secretion of catecholamines into the circulationis generally considered to be a component of the acutestress response. However, the overall stress response invertebrates also consists of a chronic component that

involves the release, into the circulation, of corticos-teroids [71,101,176,233,280]. Cortisol, the major corti-costeroid produced by the steroidogenic interrenal cellsin fish (which like the chromaffin cells are locatedwithin the head kidney in teleost fish, [189]), is releasedinto the circulation upon stimulation of the interrenalcells by adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) releasedfrom the pituitary gland [17]. In rainbow trout, 7 daysof chronic cortisol treatment enhanced the sensitivity ofin situ catecholamine release in response to stimulationwith carbachol without altering maximal levels of re-lease [241]. It is possible that the enhanced sensitivity ofthe release process following cortisol treatment resultsfrom a cortisol-mediated increase in the affinity ofcholinoceptors for carbachol. Alternately, cortisol mayinduce the de novo synthesis of cholinoceptors whichmay possess a greater affinity for carbachol than recep-tors already present on the chromaffin cell membrane.Additionally, any post-receptor modifications withinthe signal transduction pathway could account for theenhanced ability to release catecholamines. In additionto enhancing cholinergic-induced release of cate-cholamines, cortisol treatment also increased in situbasal adrenaline, but not noradrenaline, secretion, anobservation which may reflect the enhanced levels ofstored catecholamines following cortisol treatment (seeabove; Fig. 2).

Clearly cholinergic control of catecholamine releaseis not a static process but is subject to modification andmodulation by a variety of factors, intrinsic and extrin-sic. Although the cholinergic pathway of release is theprimary mechanism inducing catecholamine release, thepresence of non-cholinergic mechanisms creates the po-tential for a dynamic and diverse secretory responsefrom fish chromaffin cells.

4.2. Non-cholinergic control of catecholamine release

Recent advances in the assessment of the role ofcatecholamines in physiological control have describedmultiple patterns in the activation of catecholaminerelease that vary with the nature and severity of stress[149]. In addition to cholinergic innervation, there isconsiderable evidence that a large number of non-cholinergic neurotransmitters and hormones can alsoevoke or modulate adrenaline and noradrenaline releasein vertebrates [37,167]. Overall, the control of chro-maffin cell activity in mammals involves neural signalsfrom cholinergic and peptidergic nerve fibers, and hu-moral signals of circulatory, paracrine, or autocrineorigin. In fish, a number of recent studies suggest thatthe control of catecholamine release may also involveall of the above mechanisms and that significant speciesdifferences may also exist ([25–27,83,93,142,237,241];Fig. 3). In agnathans (hagfish and lamprey) however,the chromaffin cells are non-innervated ([25,66]) and

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Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of the potential non-cholinergic mediators of catecholamine secretion in a generic fish chromaffin cell. Circulatingangiotensin (II Ang II) and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) can increase (+ ) catecholamine secretion by stimulating their respectivereceptors on the surface of chromaffin cells. Similarly, an increase in K+ or a decrease in oxygen can directly increase catecholamine secretion.The neurotransmitters pituitary adenylyl cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) have been identifiedin chromaffin cells associated-nerve fibers in several fish species, and based on their effects on catecholamine secretion in mammals [54,112], theseneurotransmitters may have stimulatory (+?) effects on catecholamine secretion in fish chromaffin cells. The secretion of serotonin (5-HT) bychromaffin cells, or other cell types in the head kidney, may lead to an increase in catecholamine secretion. Adenosine (ADO), presumably theproduct of ATP breakdown following exocytosis of catecholamines, can either increase or decrease (+/-) catecholamine secretion. In addition tobeing released into the circulation, dopamine (DA), noradrenaline (NA), and adrenaline (AD), may either increase or decrease catecholaminesecretion. There is immunohistochemical evidence for the presence of opiates, chromogranins (Cg), and neuropeptide Y (NPY), in the chromaffincells of some fish species. Based on their effects on catecholamine secretion in mammals [50], the above peptides may decrease (-?) the secretionof catecholamines elicited by cholinergic stimulation. Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) released by chromaffin cells may increase the acetylcholine-stimulated (Ach) catecholamine secretion. Although the secondary messenger signals activated by these various secretagogues are not known, theireffects on catecholamine secretion are most likely mediated by changes in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]) [99]. Solid arrowsrepresent endocrine or neuronal pathways, dashed arrows represent paracrine or autocrine pathways, and dotted arrows represent exocytosis ofsecretory granules.

thus the control of catecholamine release may be en-tirely via non-cholinergic mechanisms. Although severalpotential non-cholinergic secretagogues of cate-cholamines have been identified in fish, their relativecontribution to the control of catecholamine release invivo, and the physiological conditions under which theyact have yet to be characterized.

4.2.1. Non-humoral agents Potassium. Although perfusion of the chro-maffin tissue with supraphysiological doses of K+ re-sults in a non-specific depolarization of the chromaffincell and a marked release of catecholamines in allvertebrate species examined [37,220,239], the role ofphysiological concentrations of K+ in the control of

catecholamine release appears to be species specific.Whereas a moderate increase in perfusion saline [K+]in an in situ preparation of M. glutinosa does not affectcatecholamine release [220], injections of physiologicaldoses of potassium ions does cause a dose-related in-crease in the concentration of circulating cate-cholamines in the dogfish shark, S. acanthias [206]. Inview of the latter results, it was suggested [208] that theincrease in plasma K+ observed during and after exer-cise in S. acanthias may be, at least in part, responsiblefor the release of catecholamines and maintenance ofplasma catecholamine levels in the post-exercise period.Furthermore, the stimulatory effects of K+ in thedogfish are not blocked by pre-treatment with thecholinergic receptor antagonist hexamethonium[209,210], suggesting that the effects of K+ on cate-

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cholamine release are not mediated through the nico-tinic receptor. Oxygen. As mentioned above, a lowering ofblood oxygen content may be one of the principlefactors initiating the release of catecholamines from thechromaffin tissue in teleosts. Therefore, it is significantto note that both neuronal and non-neuronal mecha-nisms may be involved in mediating the control ofcatecholamine release during hypoxia in these fish. Inthe Atlantic cod (G. morhua), while sectioning thespinal nerves supplying the head kidney prevented ahypoxia-induced (PwO2

=40 torr) increase in plasmanoradrenaline, it had no effect on the increase inplasma adrenaline [219]. Moreover, hypoxic blood(PaO2

=23 torr) directly stimulated adrenaline secretionin an in situ head kidney perfusion preparation of G.morhua [219].

Studies using cultured bovine chromaffin cells (BCC)have also shown that basal catecholamine release iselevated by anoxic incubation conditions [124]. How-ever, while catecholamine release evoked by supraphys-iological doses of K+ in BCC may be enhanced after10 min of anoxic incubation [124], several studies havealso shown that hypoxia inhibits high-K+ inducedcatecholamine release [124,161,162]. Moreover, anoxicincubation of BCC inhibits catecholamine release elic-ited by nicotine [161] and decreases the affinity of thenicotinic cholinoceptors [163]. Acidosis. While hypoxemia appears to be anessential requirement for catecholamine release follow-ing exposure to hypercapnic and/or acidotic conditionsin vivo, the effect of regional acidosis on catecholaminerelease from the chromaffin tissue of the head kidneyhas yet to be directly assessed in teleosts. In agnathans,despite the observation that prolonged and severe hy-poxic exposure can result in both blood acidosis andcatecholamine release [27,28,220], lowering the pH(from 8.1 to 7.0) of the saline perfusing the principlechromaffin tissue of M. glutinosa did not elicit cate-cholamine secretion [220]. Additionally, although expo-sure of cannulated Petromyzon marinus to CO2 isassociated with a significant increase in plasma cate-cholamines [66], it remains to be seen whether this isdue to a direct effect of blood acidosis on the chro-maffin tissue.

In mammals, the influence of pH on the control ofcatecholamine release from the adrenal medulla is con-troversial. In BCC for example, while noradrenalinesecretion evoked by carbachol was enhanced after adecrease in pHi (7.2–6.8 [139]), acidosis of the incuba-tion buffer (pH 7.4–6.0) was also shown to reducenicotine-induced noradrenaline release and the corre-sponding intracellular Ca2+ transients [148]. In addi-tion, perfusion of isolated rat adrenal glands with an

acidified buffer solution elicited an increase in intracel-lular Ca2+ transients (detectable at pH 7.0 and in-creased until pH �6.4) while stimulating adrenaline,but not noradrenaline, secretion [98].

4.2.2. Humoral agents Serotonin. In addition to catecholamines, thehead kidney region of several fish species also stores thebiogenic amine serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine; [237]).While these serotonin stores have been immunohisto-chemically localized in chromaffin cells of both theAtlantic cod and European eel, within the head kidneyof the rainbow trout, serotonin appears to be stored ina cell-type other than the chromaffin cell [237]. Tissueextracts from the rainbow trout posterior cardinal veincontain large quantities of serotonin (44.6 mg g−1;[93]), a storage level equivalent to that of adrenalineand noradrenaline [239]. Positive immunohistochemicallabeling for antisera raised against serotonin was alsoobserved in both the systemic and portal hearts of theAtlantic hagfish, M. glutinosa [237].

In rainbow trout, intra-arterial injections of sero-tonin (50–250 nmol kg−1) in vivo elicited the dose-de-pendent release of both catecholamines [93]. Similarly,bolus injections of serotonin (250 nmol kg−1) into anin situ saline-perfused PCV preparation of rainbowtrout also resulted in a significant increase in perfusateadrenaline and noradrenaline levels [93]. While the insitu serotonin-induced release of adrenaline in rainbowtrout was abolished by pre-treatment with the sero-tonergic receptor antagonist methysergide, it did notabolish the catecholamine increases in vivo [93]. Sero-tonin (250 nmol kg−1) also stimulated the secretion ofboth catecholamines in an in situ preparation of theAtlantic hagfish [25]. In this species, pre-treatment withmethysergide abolished the serotonin-mediated releaseof both catecholamines [25].

Although serotonin is stored in the vicinity of cate-cholamines and can elicit catecholamine secretion inboth rainbow trout and Atlantic hagfish, the physiolog-ical conditions under which these serotonin stores mayparticipate in the control of catecholamine release haveyet to be established. In situ, the inability of carbachol,a cholinergic agonist, to elicit serotonin release in eitherthe rainbow trout [93] or Atlantic hagfish [25] indicatesthat, at least in these two species, the release of sero-tonin in not under cholinergic control. In the Atlantichagfish, while injections of [Asn1-Val5]-angiotensin IIelicits the release of serotonin in situ [25], the signifi-cance of this observation remains to be confirmed invivo.

A close association between serotonin stores andcatecholamine stores is not a characteristic restricted tofish. In addition to catecholamines, the chromaffin cellsof different anuran [68,69,153] and mammalian (see [88]

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Fig. 4. (A) Perfusate [adrenaline] and (B) [noradrenaline] from in situ head-kidney preparations of O. mykiss given a bolus injection of either 1nmol kg−1 body weight (BW) [Asn1-Val5]-angiotensin II (Ang II), [Asn1-Val5-Asn9]-angiotensin I (Ang I), or [Asn1-Val5-Asn9]-angiotensin I infish pre-perfused with the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor captopril (10−4 mol l−1; Ang I + captopril) [25]. (C) Plasma [adrenaline] and(D) [noradrenaline] from O. mykiss given a bolus injection of [Asn1-Val5]-angiotensin II (N.J. Bernier and S.F. Perry, unpublished observations)in vivo. The open and solid bars of panels A–D represent control and maximum [catecholamine] in nM before and after the injections ofangiotensins, respectively. * Significantly different from the control values for a given treatment. † Significantly different from the responseobtained in the Ang I treatment. (E) Dose response curves of perfusate [adrenaline] and (F) perfusate [noradrenaline] as a function of log[Asn1-Val5]-angiotensin II (solid circle; [25]) and of the cholinergic agonist carbachol (solid square; C. Montpetit and S.F. Perry, unpublishedobservations) in in situ head-kidney preparations of O. mykiss. (G) Enlargement of the dose-response curve of perfusate [noradrenaline] as afunction of log [Asn1-Val5]-angiotensin II.

for references) species also contain serotonin. In mam-mals, several studies have attributed direct peripheralcatecholamine-releasing effects to serotonin[73,74,86,236]. However, although the role of the cen-tral serotonergic system in the control of the sympa-thoadrenal system is well documented [48], thephysiological significance of the adrenal serotonergicstores in the control of catecholamine release has yet tobe elucidated. Angiotensins. There is considerable evidencethat the regulatory peptides of the renin-angiotensinsystem (RAS), angiotensins, may contribute to the reg-ulation of catecholamine secretion from the chromaffintissue of the head kidney. Using a bioactive immunohis-tochemical probe [26], it was demonstrated that thechromaffin tissue of rainbow trout has angiotensin IIbinding sites which can mediate the stimulatory effects

of angiotensin II on catecholamine secretion. However,while bolus injections of the native rainbow trout an-giotensin II ([Asn1,Val5]-AngII) caused a dose-depen-dent release of both catecholamines in situ (Fig. 4 A,B),the effects of angiotensin II are more pronounced onadrenaline than on noradrenaline secretion [26]. An-giotensin I also elicits the release of both cate-cholamines (Fig. 4), however, most of the angiotensinI-elicited catecholamine release is indirect and requiresconversion to angiotensin II [26].

Intravascular injections, in vivo, of human an-giotensin II ([Asp1-Ile5]-AngII) in the lumpfish, Cy-clopterus lumpus [46] and in the dogfish, S. acanthius[207], and of native angiotensin II in rainbow trout(Fig. 4C,D), also elicited an increase in the circulatinglevels of catecholamines. In rainbow trout, angiotensinII, produced either by the systemic renin-angiotensinsystem or by a localized renin-angiotensin system in the

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kidney [26], plays an essential role in mediating cate-cholamine release during hypotensive conditions (N.J.Bernier and S.F. Perry, unpublished observation). Indi-rect evidence also suggests that angiotensin II may elicitcatecholamine release in the bowfin, A. cal6a [45], andin the American eel, A. rostrata [204,216]. In thosespecies, results of adrenoceptor blockade experimentshave shown that the angiotensin II-induced pressorresponses are partially mediated by secondary stimula-tion of the sympathetic nervous system, thereby imply-ing the possible involvement of circulatingcatecholamines. However, although the pressor re-sponse elicited by human angiotensin II in the Atlantichagfish can also be abolished by adrenergic receptorblockade [46], bolus injections of rainbow trout an-giotensin II had no effect on the secretion rate ofnoradrenaline and adrenaline in an in situ preparationfrom the hagfish [26]. Natriuretic peptides. Although several natri-uretic peptides (NP) have been isolated and sequencedfrom several species of fish ([113]), and natriureticpeptides have a variety of different effects on cate-cholamine synthesis and release from the mammalianadrenal medulla [87,150,276], the interactions betweenNP and catecholamine release in fish have only beendirectly assessed in a few species of fish. In C. carpio,there is both immunohistochemical evidence for thepresence of atrial natriuretic peptides (ANP) in theadrenaline-synthesizing cells of the head kidney, andautoradiographic evidence for ANP binding sites in theadrenal tissue [142]. In vitro, perifusion of C. carpiohead kidney slices with rat ANP (10−7 mol l−1) in-creases acetylcholine-evoked adrenaline release [142].These results [142] suggest that ANP may have anautocrine and/or paracrine role in the control of cate-cholamine secretion in C. carpio. In contrast, however,despite the ability of a-adrenergic antagonists to blockthe hypertensive effect of ANP in the rainbow trout[205], in situ perfusion of the chromaffin tissue of troutwith rat ANP (10−9 mol l−1) or trout ventricularnatriuretic peptide (VNP; 10−9 mol l−1) does notsignificantly affect basal or carbachol-elicited cate-cholamine release (J.E. McKendry and S.F. Perry, un-published observations).

In other vertebrate species ANP has either an in-hibitory effect on catecholamine release or no effect atall. In the amphibian Xenopus lae6is, basal or Ach-evoked noradrenaline and adrenaline release was notaffected by the addition of rat ANP in vitro, and theinjection of rat ANP in vivo had no effect on thecirculating catecholamine levels [141]. In the rat adrenalmedulla, ANP inhibits spontaneous as well as mem-brane depolarization- (with KCl) evoked noradrenalinerelease [276]. Similarly, in the perfused bovine adrenalmedulla, ANP inhibits the release of catecholamines

induced by KCl-depolarizing solutions, Ach, and an-giotensin II [87]. Adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol. Acti-vation of the hypothalamo-pituitary axis and release ofadrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) into the circula-tion by the pituitary is an integral part of the primarystress response of fish [22,71,260]. ACTH, in additionto stimulating corticosteroid release from the interrenalcells of the head kidney, has also been recently impli-cated in the control of catecholamine secretion in boththe rainbow trout [241] and the Atlantic hagfish[25,220]. In rainbow trout, in situ administration of anative pituitary extract elicited the release of adrenaline,but not noradrenaline while porcine ACTH elicited adose-dependent release of adrenaline and a smaller, nondose-dependent, release of noradrenaline. This ACTH-elicited secretion of catecholamines in the trout wasunaffected by pre-treatment with the cholinergic recep-tor antagonist, hexamethonium, or the serotonergicreceptor antagonist, methysergide, but was abolished incalcium-free media. Also, cortisol administration in situdoes not evoke catecholamine release, suggesting thatACTH is acting directly on receptors on the chromaffincell membrane to initiate catecholamine release [241].Additionally, in rainbow trout, intra-arterial injectionsof porcine ACTH in vivo caused an elevation of plasmaadrenaline but not noradrenaline levels [241].

In the Atlantic hagfish, in situ administration ofeither an extract of Atlantic cod pituitary [220] orporcine ACTH [25] elicited the release of both cate-cholamines which was unaffected by pre-treatment witheither hexamethonium or methysergide [25]. In contrastto the effects of ACTH in the hagfish and rainbowtrout, perifusion of C. carpio head kidney slices withACTH stimulated cortisol secretion but did not affectthe release of catecholamines [142].

In rainbow trout, although cortisol does not directlystimulate catecholamine secretion in situ, it has beendemonstrated to modulate the cholinergic control ofcatecholamine release [241]. In trout a chronic elevationof plasma cortisol levels increased the responsiveness ofthe catecholamine release process in situ to low doses ofthe cholinoceptor agonist carbachol [241]. In contrast,however, the chromaffin cells of rainbow trout chasedtwice daily to exhaustion for 5 days, exhibited a de-crease in responsiveness to carbachol in situ [238].Therefore, while cortisol alone may sensitise the respon-siveness of the catecholamine release process [241],under conditions of repeated physical stress [238] theeffects of cortisol may be marked by other modulatorsof catecholamine release. Opioid peptides and other bioacti6e peptides. Thepresence of opioid peptides in fish chromaffin cells wasfirst demonstrated, using immunohistochemical tech-

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niques, in the posterior cardinal vein and the headkidney of the American eel, A. rostrata [117]. Thisinitial survey revealed methionine-enkephalin, leucine-enkephalin, and morphine-like immunoreactivity in thechromaffin tissue [117]. Further experiments with peri-fused head kidney pieces in this species revealed that, inaddition to catecholamines, the chromaffin tissuesecretes morphine and its precursor codeine [82]. Whileboth of these endogenous opiates appear to modulatecatecholamine secretion in the eel in vitro, the complex-ity of these interactions and the multiplicity of potentialchromaffin cell opiate receptors does not allow for oneto draw definitive conclusions regarding a possible au-tocrine function for these peptides [83].

Enkephalins are also present within the chromaffincells of several amphibian (see [242] for references), andmammalian (see [75] for references) species. In additionto co-localization with catecholamines, enkephalins arealso co-secreted in response to various stimuli (see [64]for references). Opioid binding sites are located onmammalian chromaffin cells, and while several studieshave demonstrated that opioids can inhibit nicotinic-evoked catecholamine release from the adrenal gland[50,152], other studies have found no role for adrenalopioid peptides in modulating catecholamine secretion(see [171] for references).

In contrast to the aforementioned study [117], an-other study [237] did not detect any enkephalins (met-enkephalin, met-enkephalin-arg6-phe7, met-enkephalin-arg6-gly7-leu8) associated with the chromaffin tissue ineither the rainbow trout, Atlantic cod, European eel,spiny dogfish or Atlantic hagfish. Indeed, with theexception of immunohistochemical evidence for thepresence of neuropeptide Y (NPY) and peptide YY(PYY) in the European eel, the chromaffin cells of thethree teleost species did not exhibit a positive labelingreaction for LPLRFamide, FMRFamide, galanin, sub-stance P, somatostatin, or chromogranins [237]. Sinceseveral of these bioactive peptides (and others notinvestigated in this study [237]) are present in thechromaffin cells of different mammalian and amphibianspecies (see [211] and [237] for references) but absentfrom a number of fish species, it appears that thecontent of fish chromaffin cells may be less complexthan those found in other vertebrates [237]. However,evidence for the presence of chromogranins in thechromaffin cells of C. carpio and M. scorpius has beenreported [243,244]. Thus, in fish, as in other vertebrates,there appears to be significant species differences in theoccurrence and distribution of chromaffin cell associ-ated peptides. Adenosine. In the adrenal medulla of mammals,ATP co-released with catecholamines from chromaffincells during exocytosis, is degraded to adenosine withinthe extracellular space [72]. Through an autocrine or

paracrine pathway, adenosine, or adenosine agonists,can suppress catecholamine secretion from the adrenalmedulla [51,52,151] via specific adenosine receptors onthe surface of chromaffin cell [47]. Consequently,adenosine receptor blockade enhances the secretoryresponse elicited by acetylcholine [151].

Although the presence of ATP in fish chromaffincells, its co-release with catecholamines and breakdownto adenosine in the extracellular space remain to beinvestigated, there is mounting evidence that adenosineis involved in the control of catecholamine release[25,27]. In both O. mykiss and E. stouti, pre-treatmentwith intravascular injections of the adenosine receptorantagonist theophylline, significantly increased the con-centration of circulating adrenaline following a hypoxicchallenge [27]. In M. glutinosa, in situ perfusion of thesystemic heart and PCV with the adenosine receptoragonist NECA, or the antagonist DPSPX, modified thecatecholamine secretory responses elicited by ACTH,serotonin, and carbachol [25]. Overall, these experi-ments in M. glutinosa suggest that adenosine may in-hibit the release of catecholamines elicited by eitherserotonin or carbachol, while stimulating those elicitedby ACTH [25]. Both the in vivo [27] and in situ [25]results suggest that the modulatory effects of adenosinemay be occurring primarily on the adrenaline-storingcells. Histamine. Histamine can elicit a substantialsecretory response from the adrenal medulla in severalmammalian species [34,37]. Indeed, histamine may bethe most potent non-cholinergic secretagogue of cate-cholamines from the isolated bovine adrenal chromaffincell [37]. To our knowledge, the potential effect ofhistamine on catecholamine release has yet to be inves-tigated in either teleosts or elasmobranchs. In the At-lantic hagfish, M. glutinosa, perfusion of the chromaffintissue with histamine concentrations ranging from 0.3to 300 mM did not elicit catecholamine secretion [25]. Catecholamines. In the Atlantic cod, G. morhua,the addition of high levels of a particular catecholamine(adrenaline or noradrenaline; �200 nM) into the infl-owing perfusion fluid of an in situ preparation inhibitedthe Ach-elicited release of that particular catecholamine[219]. Thus it appears as if each circulating cate-cholamine in the Atlantic cod may ‘auto-inhibit’ itsown release from the head kidney through a negativefeedback control mechanism [219]. In contrast, in thelamprey, P. marinus [65] and the American eel, A.rostrata [79], there is in vivo evidence that cate-cholamines are catecholaminotropic (i.e. can initiatecatecholamine release). While only adrenaline caused adose-related increase of plasma dopamine and nora-drenaline in the lamprey [65], each of the three cate-cholamines stimulated the release of the respective

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other two in A. rostrata [79]. In the eel, these cate-cholaminotropic effects were unaffected by denerva-tion of the chromaffin tissue in the head kidney [116].In rainbow trout, continuous infusion of adrenalinedoes not effect the circulating levels of noradrenaline[218]. Also, while adrenaline and dopamine, but notnoradrenaline, may be catecholaminotropic in the rat[80], catecholamines do not have such a property inhumans [81]. As such, there appear to be complex,and species specific, interactions between circulatingcatecholamines and the further release of cate-cholamines from chromaffin tissue.

4.3. Non-cholinergic neuronal agents

In addition to acetylcholine, several non-cholinergicneurotransmitters and/or neuromodulators have beenidentified as potential secretagogues of catecholaminesfrom the chromaffin tissue in vertebrates (see [167] forreview). In fish, nerves fibers displaying vasoactive in-testinal polypeptide (VIP) and pituitary adenylyl cy-clase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) immunore-activity have been identified in the chromaffin tissue ofG. morhua, O. mykiss, A. anguilla, and S. acanthias[237]. In the axillary bodies of the elasmobranch S.acanthias, there are also nerve fibers exhibiting sub-stance P-like and galanin-like immunoreactivity [237].Although the physiological significance of these obser-vations remains speculative, in both mammals and am-phibians there is increasing evidence that VIP,PACAP, and tachykinins (the family of peptides whichincludes substance P) may have the ability to stimulateand/or modulate catecholamine release under physio-logical conditions [54,112,145,146,165,167,278,286,302,306].

5. Conclusion

This review has provided a detailed account of theafferent limb of the adrenergic stress response in fish.The control of catecholamine secretion from chro-maffin cells in fish involves a multitude of neurotrans-mitters, hormones, chemical factors and secondmessenger systems. The presence of numerous cholin-ergic and non-cholinergic pathways of release suggeststhat the chromaffin cell in fish is a complex endocrine/paracrine cell with the potential for a dynamic andflexible process of secretion capable of responding tonumerous environmental or physiological perturba-tions. Although many of the complexities of the mam-malian chromaffin cell have yet to be revealed in fish,clearly there are many similarities in the afferent limbof the adrenergic stress response across the vertebratelineage.


Financial assistance was provided by NSERC ofCanada in the form of scientific and operating grants toSFP. SGR was the recipient of NSERC post-graduatescholarships and a postdoctoral fellowship. NJB wasthe recipient of an NSERC post-graduate scholarship.Marosh Furimsky provided data from Fig. 1 (C,D,E).


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