Responsibilities In MIS

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Prepared for Dirt Bikes USA. Responsibilities In MIS. A presentation by Marquis Whitaker, Jessica Wasik and Marcy Zitz for Professor Klingaman. Business Continuity Plan. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Responsibilities In MIS

Prepared for Dirt Bikes USA

A presentation by Marquis Whitaker, Jessica Wasik and Marcy Zitz for Professor Klingaman

Business Continuity Plan A complete and comprehensive audit of

the business operations as well as procedures are necessary due to the wide variety of variables that could prevent the business from operating at a fully functional pace or worse cause its demise.

Procedures must be in place for swift actions to be taken in response to a catastrophic event.


Business Continuity Plan, cont. An excellent starting point for creating a

disaster recovery plan is through initiating a comprehensive business audit or having a business consultation and evaluation performed.

During the assessment, risks should be assessed to anticipate the different forms of disasters that may occur and their potential impacts.

Threats to Business Continuity Power Outage Vandalism Telecommunications Disruption Theft/Burglary

Before Disaster Strikes

Business Interruption insurance to reduce loss of income

Loss insurance Disaster Recovery Team should be in

place before disaster strike

Power Outages Backup generators

Prewired into the main electrical boxEmergency flood lights Battery operated lighted exit signs

Backup FacilityStorage for parts, old assembly line and old

operational equipment.Telecommuting to facilitate back office functions.House portable phone operations (VOIP) with

remote access points.

Power Outages, cont.

Emergency Notification SystemsContact employees, management and


Virtual phone systems, call forwarding


Facilities should be outfitted with dark colors – easier to cover graffiti

Locks, gates, fences, landscaping, security theft deterrent signs

Plexiglas windows Vandalism warning signs Maintenance plan

Computer Security

Prevention is keyFirewallsVirus protectionSpam filtersSecure passwordsTrain employees on security issuesLimit employee use of Internet

Natural Disasters

Evacuation plan Fire prevention and planning

Offsite storageFireproof materials

Earthquake preparation First aid equipment and training

Telecommunications Disruptions Assure communications systems will be

available under most circumstances Alternate forms for in-house

communication, such as two-way radios or walkie talkies

Mobile services like mobile internet access, laptop computers and cell phones

Telecommunications Disruptions, cont.

Use of free services such as Skype or Yahoo for voice, video, and webcam when conferencing and collaborating

Data recovery and backup service offsite

Theft Protecting company assets should be a

major priority Security systems to monitor theft, fire,

smoke, carbon monoxide detection and water system monitoring

RFID chips to track bikes and parts, shipping progress

Camera security systems Paper shredding Security procedures – locking schedules

Privacy Policy

Each state has laws regarding the use of customer information obtained through an organization’s website or through transactions.

A privacy policy regarding customer-supplied information should be developed.

Privacy Policy, cont.

Several resources are available to assist in

Any Dirt Bikes USA webpage requesting customer information should have a link to the policy.

Customers should have access to the formal policy in hard copy, if requested.

Equal Employment Policy Create a formal written policy to protect

against any claims by current/former employees.

Check current insurance coverage for the proper amount of employment practices coverage and litigation expense coverage.

Legal Matters Sarbanes Oxley (SOX) applies to publicly

traded companies.Dirt Bikes USA is privately-held; therefore SOX

is not currently applicable.However, security of information in databases is

essential. Legally, Dirt Bikes USA is required to produce

data in the event of a discovery request.Should Dirt Bikes USA decide to go public, new

financial practices may need to be implemented regarding disclosures in the financial statements and management responsibilities.

Legal Matters, cont. Patriot Act allows government agencies

unprecedented access to business recordsPassed in 2001 as a part of the war on

terrorism.Regardless of opinion on Constitutionality,

accurate customer and financial records must be maintained.

If a reasonable request for information is made under the Patriot Act, cooperation is advised.

If an unreasonable request for information is made under the Patriot Act, consult legal experts before releasing information.

Green ComputingMore Than A Buzz Word

Save MoneyUse less energy to power computers

○ Less kilowatts = less moneyLower cooling costs for rooms with

equipmentLonger equipment life

Not Expensive to Implement When selecting new equipment,

consider the energy efficient model Select the least computing power

needed or use thin clients Reduce printing by re-thinking

convenient printer locations Automatically power down equipment

when not being usedOvernight, weekends, holidays

Implementation, cont.

Increase air flow to cool equipment Teleconference to save transportation

costs Telecommuting for certain employees to

reduce needed office space IT controlled lighting, heating, and

cooling for facilities

Good For The Environment Equipment lasts longer so there is less

in the landfills Less use of electricity, so less harmful

emissions Less cooling energy costs

Use As A Marketing Tool

Showcase your green initiatives Counteract negative impacts caused by

our products

Works Cited Brodkin, Jon. "Economy driving green IT initiatives." Network World 25.49 (2008): 16. Business

Source Complete. EBSCO. Web. 29 Mar. 2010. Herrick, Dan R., Mark R. Ritschard. “Greening your computing technology, the near and far

perspectives”. Proceedings of the ACM SIGUCCS fall conference on User services conference. October 14, 2009: 297-304. 29 Mar. 2010.

Thibodeau, Patrick. "Environmental Impact: IT Sees the Light on Green Computing." Computerworld 42.27 (2008): 10-11. Business Source Complete. EBSCO. Web. 29 Mar. 2010.

(n.d.). Retrieved March 28, 2010, from SOX-online: The Vendor-Neutral Sarbanes-Oxley Site:

Bill of Rights Defense Committee, Inc. (2009, January). The USA PATRIOT Act and American Business. Retrieved March 28, 2010, from

California Civil Code. (n.d.). Retrieved March 28, 2010, from

USA Today,. "Protecting against physical disaster - Business - disaster recovery planning - Brief Article." Bnet The place to go for management (April 2002): n. pag. Web. 26 Mar 2010. <;col1.

McGillicuddy, Shamus. "A 13-hour power outage puts disaster recovery plan to the test." Technology management strategies for the enterprise CIO (21 Nov 2006): n. pag. Web. 26 Mar 2010. <,289142,sid182_gci1230842,00.html>.