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I 2017-0341


11 1



!Julian Tarver 11 03/271201 7


Logs of correspondence that record letters between NRC and Congress, date range of January 1, 2015-present.

PART I. - INFORMATION RELEASED You have the right to seek assistance from the NRC's FOIA Public Liaison. Contact information for the NRC's FOIA Public Liaison is available at htl;ps://www.nrc_,£J_ov/reading-rm/foia/contact-foia.b1ml .

D 0 D D 0

Agency records subject to the request are already available on the Public NRC Website, in Public ADAMS or on microfiche in the NRC Public Document Room.

Agency records subject to the request are enclosed.

Records subject to the request that contain information originated by or of interest to another Federal agency have been referred to that agency (see comments section) for a disclosure determination and direct response to you.

We are continuing to process your request.

See Comments.


II ii D D D

You will be billed by NRC for the amount listed.

You will receive a refund for the amount listed. 0 D

Minimum fee threshold not met.

Due to our delayed response, you will not be charged fees. "See Comments for details Fees waived.

D 0 D


We did not locate any agency records responsive to your request. Note: Agencies may treat three discrete categories of law enforcement and national security records as not subject to the FOIA ("exclusions"). 5 U.S.C. 552(c). This is a standard notification given to all requesters; it should not be taken to mean that any excluded records do, or do not, exist.

We have withheld certain information pursuant to the FOIA exemptions described, and for the reasons stated, in Part II.

Because this is an interim response to your request, you may not appeal at this time. We will notify you of your right to appeal any of the responses we have issued in response to your request when we issue our final determination.

You may appeal this final determination within 90 calendar days of the date of this response by sending a letter or e-mail to the FOIA Officer, at U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555-0001, or.£.PIA.R?sourc~@nri:;_,_g_Q_IL Please be sure to include on your letter or email that it is a "FOIA Appeal." You have the right to seek dispute resolution services from the NRC's Public Liaison, or the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS). Contact information for OGIS is available at https://ogis.archives.qov/about-ogis/contact-information.htm

PART l.C COMMENTS ( Use attached Comments continuation page if required)

With the exception of a single redaction of an individual's name in the 2017 log, we have removed from the logs only those entries reflecting correspondence between the NRC and individuals or entities other than Congress. These non­congressional entries are "non-responsive records".

Signature - Freedom of lnformatiQnJ\ct Otficer or Designee

NRC Form 464 Part I (03-2017) I Ad{_c;bntinuation page J I , Beiete Continuation'Page Page 2 of 2


NRC FORM 464 Part II (03-2017)





I 2017-0341


.1 03/27/2017

Records subject to the request are being withheld in their entirety or in part under the FOIA exemption(s) as indicated below (5 U.S.C. 552(b)).

D Exemption 1: The withheld information is properly classified pursuant to an Executive Order protecting national security information.

D Exemption 2: The withheld information relates solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of NRC.

D Exemption 3: The withheld information is specifically exempted from public disclosure by the statute indicated.

D Sectio~s 141-145 of the Atomic Energy Act, which prohibits the disclosure of Restricted Data or Formerly Restricted Data (42 U.S.C. 2161-2165).

D Section 147 of the Atomic Energy Act, which prohibits the disclosure of Unclassified Safeguards Information (42 U.S.C. 2167). I D 41 U.S.C. 4702(b), which prohibits the disclosure of contractor proposals, except when incorporated into the contract between the agency and the

submitter of the proposal.

D Exemption 4:. The withheld information is a trade secret or confidential commercial or financial information that is being withheld for the reason(s) indicated.


The information is considered to be proprietary because it concerns a licensee's or applicant's physical protection or material control and accounting program for special nuclear material pursuant to 1 O CFR 2.390(d)(1 ).

The information is considered to be another type or confidential business (proprietary) information.

The information was submitted by a foreign source and received in confidence pursuant to 10 CFR 2.390(d)(2).

D Exemption 5: The withheld information consists of interagency or intraagency records that are normally privileged in civil litigation.

D Deliberative process privilege. -

D Attorney work product privilege.

D Attorney-client privilege.

1/1 Exemption 6: The withheld information from a personnel, medical, or similar file, is exempted from public disclosure because its disclosure would result ~ in a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.

D Exemption 7: The withheld information consists of records compiled for law enforcement purposes and is being withheld for the reason(s) indicated.

D (A) Disclosure could reasonably be expected to interfere with an open enforcement proceeding.

D (C) Disclosure could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.

D (D) The information consists of names and other information the disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to reveal identities of confidential sources.

D (E) Disclosure would reveal techniques and procedures for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions, or guidelines that could reasonably be expected to risk circumvention of the law.

D (F) Disclosure could reasonably be expected to endanger the life or physical safety of an individual.

[{] Other I As noted in Part I, entries that do not pertain to NRC-Congress correspondence are non-responsive records.


In accordance with 10 CFR 9.25(g) and 9.25(h) of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission regulations, the official(s) listed below have made the determination to withhold certain information responsive to your request



I Rochelle Bavol 11 Exec Asst to the Secretary to the Commission I I PT!: non-responsive records I D 0 i



11 I D 11 11 I D

Appeals must be made in writing within 90 calendar days of the date of this response by sending a letter or email to the FOIA Officer, at U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555-0001, or Please be sure to include on your letter or email that it is a "FOIA Appeal."


NRC Form 464 Part II (03-2017) Page 1 of 1



Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

Non-Responsive Record

-01/14/15 01/22/15 Chrm EDO S-0002 - Letter to REPs Fred Upton, John Chairman 01/23/15 Chrm, OCA, CORR-15-0002

Shimkus, Ed Whitfield, Harold Rogers, Mike Burns EDO, PShea, Commission Simpson, SENs James lnhofe, Shelley Moore 01/23/15 RF, Public Correspondence Capito, Lamar Alexander provides the December (date to be 201300142 monthly status report on the NRC's activities and released ML i4364A236 use of unobligated carryover funds appropriated 01 /30/15) from the Nuclear Waste Fund

Non-Responsive Record

01/28/15 01 /28/15 Chrm CFO S-0004 - Letter lo Congress (Capito, Biden, Chairman 01/29/15 Chrm, Cmrs, CORR-15-0004 Boehner, lnhofe, Upton, Whitfield. Shimkus. Burns OCA, CFO, Chairman Alexander. Johnson, Mccaul, Enzi, Price, Cochran. 01/29/15 EDO .PShea, Correspondence Rogers, Corker, Royce. Murkowski, Chaffetz, RF. Public COMSECY-15-Donovan) provides the NRC's Fiscal Year 2016 (released to 0001 Congressional Budget Justification public ML 15028A042

02/05/15) 12/16/14 02/09/15 Chnn EDO S-0005 - Leiter to REPs Fred Upton. John Chairman 02/10/15 Chrm, OCA. · CORR-15-0005

Shimkus, Ed Whilfield, Harold Rogers, Mike Burns EDO, RF, Commission Simpson, SENs James lnhofe, Shelley Capito, 02/10/15 non-Public Correspondence Lamar Alexar1der provides NRC's response to Hie L TR-14-0715

~~ GAO recommendation in GA0-15-98, "NRC Needs ML 14351A082 to Improve its Cost Estimates by Incorporating More

Ji Best Practices" c



Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed Pl{G To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

Non-Responsive Record

.. -02/12/15 02/23/15 Chrm EDO S-0007 - Letter to REPs Fred Upton, John Shimkus, Chairman 02/27/15 Chrm, OCA, CORR-15-0007

Ed Whitfield, Harold Rogers, Mike Simpson, SENs Burns EDO, PShea, Commission James lnhofe, Shelley Moore Capito, Lamar 02/27/15 RF, Public Correspondence Alexander provides the January monthly status (release to 201300142 report on the NRC's activities and use of the public on ML I 5022A 149 unobligated carryover funds appropriated from the 03/06/15) Nuclear Waste Fund - - - ...

Non-Responsive Record

-02/13/15 02/27/15 Chrm EDO S-0009 - Letter to Senator Shelley Capito, et al., Chairman 03/02/15 Chrm, OCA, CORR-15-0009

provides the summary of actions taken by the NRC Burns EDO, PShea, Commission in response to recommendations contained in 03/02/15 RF. Public Correspondence various GAO reports that address NRC activities (release to 200500075

the public on ML 15036A420 03/09/15)

Non-Responsive Record

C" ~


---------------- ------ - ------------------


Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

Non-Responsive Record

03/16/15 03/25/15 Ch rm EDO S-0014 - Letter to REPs Fred Upton, John Chairman 03/25/"15 Chrm, OCA, CORR-15-0015 Shimkus, Ed Whitfield. Harold Rogers, Mike Burns EDO, PShea, Commission Simpson, SENs James lnhofe, Shelley Moore 03/25/15 RF, Public Correspondence Capito. Lamar Alexander provides the (date lo be· 201300142 February monthly status report on the NRC's released ML 15062A453 activities and use of unobligated carryover 04/01/'15) funds appropriated from the Nuclear Waste Fund



Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) - By/Date Sent

Non-Responsive Record

03/24/15 03/30/15 Ch rm EDO S-0016 - Letter to John Boehner, Joseph Biden, Chairman 03/31/15 Chrm, Comrs CORR-15-0018 Orrin Hatch, SENS Ron Johnson, James lnhofe, Burns OCA, EDO, Chairman REPs Fred Upton, Jason Chaffetz, Jenny Yang, 03/31/15 PShea, RF Correspondence EEOC, Eric Holder, DOJ, and Katherine Archuleta, Public (date 200700073 OPM, provides the NRC's FY 2014 Annual Report to be ML 15065A239 on the Notification and Federal Employee released Antidiscrimination and Retaliation (No FEAR) Act of 04/07/15) 2002

03/04/15 04/02/15 Ch rm EDO S-0017 - Letter to Senator James lnhofe, David Chairman 04/03/15 Chrm, OCA, CORR-15-0020 Vitter, .John Barrasso, Shelley Moore Capito, Mike Burns EDO, RF, Commission Crapo. John Boozman, Jeff Sessions, Mike Rounds 04/02/15 Public (date Correspondence responds to his letter urging the NRC to integrate lo be LTR-15-0117 the remaining post-Fukushima issues into the r·eleased ML"l 5068A243 agency's ongoing work (04/09/15)

03/13/15 04/03/15 Ch rm EDO S-0018 - Letter to Representative Joseph J. Heck, Chairman 04/03/15 Chrm. OCA, CORR-15-0021 responds to his letter regarding barriers to patient Burns EDO, RF. Commission access to radiolabeled products and the shortage of 04/03/15 Public (date Correspondence Authorized Users able to administer therapeutic to be LTR-15-0131 radiopharrnaceuticals released ML 15072A359

04/10/15) . -

Non-Responsive Record





Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

03/30/15 04/07/15 Ch rm EDO S-0020 - Letter to Senators James lnhofe and Chairman 04/07/15 Chrm, OCA, CORR-15-0022 St1elley Moore Capito responds to their letter Burns EDO, RF, Commission seeking information in advance of the NRC's 04/07/15 Public (date Correspondence appearance before their Committee and their to be L TR-15--0157 concern of the current size of the agency released ML 15083A407

; 04i14/15 --Non-Responsive Record






Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

04/14/15 04/22/15 Ch rm EDO S-0025 -Letter to REPs Fred Upton. John Shimkus. Chairman 04/23/15 Chrm. OCA. CORR-15-0026 Ed Whitfield, Harold Rogers, Mike Simpson, SENS Burns EDO, RF, Commission James lnhofe, Shelley Moore Capito. Lamar . 04/22/15 PubliG (date Correspondence Alexander provides the March monthly status report to be 201300142 on the NRC's activities ancl use of unobligated released ML 15092A383 carryover funds appropriated from the Nuclear 04/29/15) Waste Fund

04/28/15 04/29/15 Ch rm CFO S-0026 - Letter to Representative Harold Rogers Chairman 04/29/15 Chrrn, Cmrs, CORR-15-0032 responds to the Congressional deliberations to Burns OCA, OCFO, Cor:nmission decrease the NRC's funding. 04/29/15 EDO, RF-no Correspondence

Non-Public ML 15117A525 04/29/15 04/3015 Ch rm EDO S-0027 - Letter to Congress, John Boehner, Joseph Chairman 05/21/15 Chrm, Cmrs, CORR-15-0033

Biden, REPs Fred Upton, John Shimkus, Ed Burns OCA, EDO, SRM Whitfield, Mike Simpson, SENs James lnhofe, 05/21/15 P.Shea, RF SECY-15-0029 Shelley Moore Capito, Lamar Alexander, provides (Report was Public (date Chairman the Report to Congress on Abnormal Occurrences: received on to be Correspondence Fiscal Year 2014 05/21/15) r·eleased ML 15098A129

05/29/15) Non-Responsive Record



Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

04/27/15 05/01/13 Ch rm EDO S-0030 - Letter to Senator Thad Cochran and Chairman 05/01/15 Chrm. OCA, CORR-15-0025-Representative Harold Rogers, Appropriations Burns EDO, RF Revised Committees, responds to the Joint Explanatory 05/01/15 Public(date to Commission Statement of ways the NRC can reduce its be released Correspondence corporate support requirements ancl improve the 05/08/15) ML 151 OOA363 efficiency of the Commission's internal processes.

Non-Responsive Record

04/22/15 05/13/15 Ch rm EDO S-0032 - Letter to Senator Shelley Moore Capito, Chairman 05/15/15 Chrm, OCA, CORR-15-0030 et al., submits the NRC's semiannual report on the Burns EDO, RF, Commission status of our licensing and other regulatory 05/15/15 Public Correspondence activities from October 2014 through March 2015 (release to SRM-OGC050808

the public ML 15107A476 05/22/15)

05/13/15 05/18/15 Ch rm EDO S-0033 - Letter to REPs Fred Upton, John Chairman 05/20/15 Chrm, OCA, CORR-15-0036 Shimkus, Ed Whitfield, Harold Rogers, Mike Burns EDO, PShea, Commission Simpson, SENs James lnhofe, Shelley Moore 05/19/15 RF, Public Correspondence Capito, Lamar Alexander provides the April (release to 201300142 monthly status report on the NRC's activities and the public ML 15119A205 use of unobligaled carryover funds appropriated 05/27/15) from the Nuclear Waste Fund



Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

Non-Responsive Record

05/22/15 05/22/15 Ch rm EDO S-0034 -;Letter to SENs David Vitter, James Chairman 05/29/15 Chrm, OCA, CORR-15-0038 lnhofe, Shelley Moore Capito, REPs Steve Chabot, · Burns EDO, RF, Chairman Fred Upton, Ed Whitfield, John Shimkus provides 05/29/15 Public Correspondence the status of the NRC's Small Entity Compliance (release to ML 15117A628 Guides the public

06/05/15) Non-Responsive Record




Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Dale Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

Non-Responsive Record

05/13/15 06/05/15 Ch rm EDO S-0038- Letter to Congresswoman Nita Lowey Chairman 06/17/15 Chrm, OCA, CORR-15-0041 responds to her letter regarding nuclear safety at Burns EDO, RF, Commission the Indian Point Energy Center following a 06/16/15 Docket File, Correspondence transformer fire on May 9, 2015. Public L TR-i 5-0270

(release to ML 15134A079 public on 06/23/15)

06/12/15 06/16/15 Ch rm EDO S-0039 -Letter to REPS Jason Chaffetz, Elijah Chairman 06/22/15 Chrm, OCA, CORR-15-0047 Cummings, Jim Jordan responds to his letter Burns EDO RF, Chairman regarding assessment and collection of fines and 06/22/15 Public Correspondence penalties at the NRG (release to L TR-·15-0324

public o ML 15163A259 06/29/15)

05/20/15 06/18/15 Chrrn EDO S-0040 - Letter to Congresswoman Nita Lowey Chairman 06/25/15 Chrm, OCA, CORR-15-0044 responds to her letter to build a new natural gas Burns EDO, RF, Commission pipeline about one-quarter mile from the Indian 06/24/"15 Docket File, Correspondence Point Energy Center Unit 2 and 3 reactors Public L TR-15-0276

(release to ML15140A711 public on

a 07/0"1115)



Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To from Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

06/12/15 06/22/15 Ch rm EDO S-0041 - Letter to SENs James lnhofe, Shelley Chairman 06/23/15 Chrm, OCA, CORR-15-0045 Moore Capito, REPs Fred Upton, Ed Whitfield, Burns EDO, RF, Commission John Shimkus provides the 2014 Report to 06/23/'15 P.Shea, Correspondence Congress on Security Inspection Program for Public Ur and 200500377 Commercial Power Reactor and Category I Fuel enclosure 1 ML 15086A088 Cycle Facilities: Results and Status Update" only (release ENCLOSURE 2 IS SAFEGUARDS to public on

06/30/15) 06/12/15 06/23/15 Ch rm EDO S-0042 - Letter to REPs Fred Upton, John Chairman 06/24/15 Chrm, OCA, CORR-15-0046

Shimkus, Ed Whitfield, Harold Rogers, Mike Burns EDO, PSh~a, Commission Simpson, SENs James lnhofe, Shelley Moore 06/24/15 RF, Public Correspondence Capito, Lamar Alexander provides the May monthly (release to 201300142 status report on the NRC's activities and use of public on ML 15149A015 unobligated carryover funds appropriated from the 07/01/15) Nuclear Waste Fund

Non-Responsive Record

c ""'




Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

06/08/15 07/09/15 Ch rm EDO S-0046 - Letter to Senator Kirsten Gillibrand Chairman 07/13/15 Chrm. OCA, CORR-15-0050 responds to her letter regarding transformer fires at Burns EDO, RF, Commission the Indian Point Energy Center 07/10/15 Public Correspondence

(release lo LTR-15-0310 public on ML 15160A662 07/17/15)

Non-Responsive Record


07/13/15 07/20/15 Ch rm EDO S-0048 -Letter to REPs Fred Upton, John Shimkus, Chairman 07/22/21 Chrm, OCA, CORR-15-0053 Ed Whitfield, Harold Rogers, Mike Simpson, SENs Burns EDO, PShea, Commission James lnhofe, Shelley Moore Capito, Lamar 07/21/15 RF, Public Correspondence Alexander provides the June monthly status report (dale to be ML 15177A025 on the NRC's activities and use of unobligated released carryover funds appropriated from the Nuclear 07/28/15) Waste Fund

Non-Responsive Record




Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

' use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date} By/Date Sent

Non-Responsive Record

08/12/15 08/20/15 Ch rm EDO S-0051 -Letter to REPs Fred Upton, John Shimkus, Chairman 08/21/15 Chrm, OCA, CORR-15-0060 Ed Whitfield, Harold Rogers, Mike Simpson, SENs Burns EDO, PShea, Commission James lnhofe, Shelley Moore Capito, Lamar 08/21 /15 RF, Public Correspondence Alexander provides the July monthly status report (date to be ML 15209A649 on the NRC's activities and use of unobligated released on carryover funds appropriated from the Nuclear 08/28/15) Waste f(md



Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

Non-Responsive Record ..,

09/09/15 09/09/15 Ch rm Ch rm S-0053 - Letter to Senator Barbara Boxer provides Chairman 09/11/15 Chrrn, OCA, CORR-15-0068 a status of the NRC's actions based on the lessons Burns (held for 1 EDO Chairman learned from the March 2011 accident at the 09/09/15 day OCM RF Public Cmrespondence Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant in Japan review) (date to be ML 15258A450

released 09/16/15)

Non-Responsive Record

07/16/15 09/10/15 Ch rm EDO S-0055 -Letter to Senator James lnhofe. et al.. Chairman 09/11 /15 Chrm. OCA, CO R R-15-0056 responds to his letter which discusses concerns Burns EDO, RF. Revised regarding the use of qualitative factors lo justify 09/11/15 Public (dale Commission new regulatory requirements that are not cost- to be Correspondence justified under the Backfit Rule released LTR-15-0380

CV) 09/'18/15) ML 15198A 188

't'""'~ ') .,



Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

08/13/15 09/10/15 Ch rm EDO S-0056 - Letter to Senator James lnhofe responds Chairman 09/11 /15 Chrm, OCA, CORR-15-0066 to his letter urging the Commission to retain the Burns EDO, RF, Commission agency's current practice of not providing local 09111115 Public letter Correspondence area network access to individuals participating in only (dale lo L TR-15-0423 the Agency's Foreign Assignee Program release ML 15225A443

09/-18/15) 08/17/15 09/11/15 Ch rm EDO S-0057 - Letter to Representative's Fred Upton and Chairman 09/11/15 Chrm, OCA, CORR-15-0065

Ed Whitfield, responds lo their letter regarding Burns EDO, RF, Commission NRC's Qualitative Factors in the Development of 09/11115 Public (ctale Correspondence Cost-Benefit Analysis for Regulatory Decisions to release L TR-15-0428

09/18/15) ML 15230A038 08/11/15 09/14/15 Ch rm OCA S-0058 - Letter to Senator James lnhofe responds Chairman 09/18/15 Chrm, Cmrs, CORR-15-0059

to his request made during a meeting for additional Burns OCA, EDO, Commission information on the NRC's research activities and 09/17/15 no RF, Non- Correspondence the current fiscal year 2016 workload assumption Public ML 15246A430 for Office of New Reactors

09/15/15 09/22/15 Ch rm EDO S-0059 - Letter to REPs Fred Upton. John Chairman 09/23/15 Chrm, OCA, CORR-15-0070 Shimkus, Ed Whitfield, Harold Rogers, Mike Burns EDO, PShea. Commission Simpson. SENs James lnhofe, Shelley Moore 09/23/15 RF, Public Correspondence Capito, Lamar Alexander provides the August (date to 20"1300142 monthly status report on the NRC's activities and release ML 15245A32·1 use of unobligated carryover funds appropriated 09/30/15) from the Nuclear Waste Fund

Non-Responsive Record


"" ~ '




Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

Non-Responsive Record

09/25/15 10/16/15 Ch rm EDO S-0066 - Letter to the SENs Shelley Moore Capito, Chairman 10/21 /15 Chrm, Cmrs, CORR-15-0077 James lnhofe. Lamar Alexander. REPS Fred Bums OCA. EDO, Chairman Upton. Ed Wtiitfield, John Shimkus, Harold Rogers. 10/20/15 PShea. RF, Correspondence Mike Simpson, provides NRC's Final Report to Public (elate SRM-S15-0100-1 Congress on the Health, Safety, and Environmental lo be ML 15289A281 Conditions at the Gaseous Diffusion Plants located released Near Paducah KY and Portsmouth OH '10/27/'15)

l.f Non-Responsive Record





Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

10/16/15 10/22/15 Ch rm EDO S-0068 - Letter to REPs Fred Upton, John Chairman 10/27/15 Chrm. OCA, CORR-15-0078 Shimkus. Ed Whitfield, Harold Rogers, Mike Burns EDO, PShea Commission Simpson, SENs James lnhofe, Shelley Moore 10/27/15 RF, Public Correspondence Capito, Lamar Alexander provides the September (dale lo be 201300142 monthly status report on the NRC's activities and released ML 15272A046 use of unobligated carryover funds appropriated '11/03/15) from the Nuclear Waste Fund

Non-Responsive Record

11/04/15 11/05/15 Ch rm EDO S-0071 - Letter to the Honorable Shelley Moore Chairman 11/10/15 Chrm, OCA, CORR-15-0081 Capito, et al., submits the NRC's Semiannual Burns EDO, RF, Commission Report on the Status of our Licensing and other 11/09/15 Public (date Correspondence Regulatory Activities from April through September to be SRM-OGC981013 2015 released ML 15289A294

11/17/1!1i Non-Responsive Record

11/09/15 11/09/15 Chrm CFO S-0073 - Letter to the President and Congress Chairman 11/16/15 Chrm, Cmrs. SRM-provides the NRC's Fiscal Year 2015 Performance Burns OCA, CFO, OMB910910B

'-!:~ and Accountable Report 11/16/15 EDO, PShea, Chairman

~~ RF. Public Correspondence

i~ (date to be ML 15310A095

6 released (11/23/15)



Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

Non-Responsive Record


10/15/15 11/19/15 Ch rm EDO S-0076 - Letters to Senators Edward Markey, Chairman 11/30/15 Chrm, OCA, CORR-15-0086 Elizabeth Warren, Representatives William Burns EDO. RF, Commission Keating, James McGovern, Niki Tsongas, 11 /30/15/ Public (date Correspondence Katherine Clark, Stephen Lynch, Joseph Kennedy, to be L TR-15-0519 Mict1ael Capuano, Seth Moulton an Richard Neal released ML 15289A 146 responds to their letter seeking assurance 1ha1 12/07/15) decommissioning of Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station will be in compliance with NRC requlations

11/13/15 11/19/15 Ch rm EDO S-0077 - Letter to Honorable Fred Upton. et a .. Chairman 11/23/15 Chrm, OCA. CORR-15-0090 provides the October monthly status report on the Burns EDO, PShea, Commission

I:'-- NRC's activities and use of the unobligated 11/23/15 RF, Public Correspondence

"'""i carryover funds appropriated from the Nuclear (date lo be ML'f 5302A290

~ Waste Fund. released on

12/01 /15)



Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

10/14/15 11/19/15 Ch rm EDO S-0078 - Letter to Representative Peter Welch Chairman 11/30/15 Chrm. OCA, CORR-15-0087 responds to his letter raising concerns regarding Burns EDO, RF, Commission decommissioning at Entergy's Vermont Yankee 11 f30f15 Public (date Correspondence Nuclear Power Plant lo be L TR-15-0516

released ML 15288A500 12/07/15 L_

11109/15 11/20/15 Ch rm EDO S-0079 - Letter to Representatives Jason Chaffetz, Chairman 11123/15 Chrm, Cmrs, CORR-15-0093 Elijah Cummings, Will Hurd, Robin Kelly responds_ Burns OCA, EDO, Chairman to letter regarding NRC's use, if any, of cell-site 11/23/15 RF, Public Correspondence simulation technology (date to be L TR-15-0564

released on ML 15313A449 12/01/15)

Non-Responsive Record

10/21/15 11/25/15 Ch rm EDO 8-0082 - Letter to the Honorable Nita Lowey and Chairman 12/01/15 Chrrn, OCA, CORR-15-0091 Eliot Engel, responds to their letter to FERC and Burns EDO, RF, Commission NRC concerning Spectra Energy Partner's 11/30/15 Public (dale Correspondence proposed pipeline project in the vicinity of the to be L TR-15-0531

co Indian Point Energy Center released ML 15295A062

~' 12/07/15)



Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) ByJDate Sent

Non-Responsive Record


10/26/15 12/03/15 Ch rm EDO S-0085 - Letter to Senator l<irsten E. Gillibrand, Chairman 12/04/15 Chrm, OCA, CORR-15-0092 responds to questions as follow-up to the October Burns EDO, RF, Commission 7, Senate Environment and Public Works 12/04/15 Public (date Correspondence Committee hearing to be L TR--15-0542

released ML 15300A081 12/11/15)

Non-Responsive Record

10/19/15 12/08/15 Ch rm EDO S-0088 - Letter to the Honorable Edward Markey Chairman 12/11/15 Chrm, OCA, CORR-15-0096 responds to his letter for information on extreme Burns EDO RF, Commission c:r, weather and other events al nuclear power plants 12/10/15 Public (date Correspondence

ri over the past decade to be L TR-15-0527

!P released ML 15293A344 ,. 12/17/15)



Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To from Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

10/30/15 12/11/15 Ch rm EDO S-0089 - Letter to the Honorable Harry Reid and Chairman 12/11/15 Chrm. OCA, CORR-15-0097 Dean Heller responds to their letter seeking Burns EDO,RAS Commission information on the recently published draft 12/11/15 RF, Public Correspondence supplement lo the environmental impact statement (dale to be L TR-15-0548 for the proposed Yucca Mountain geologic released ML 15303A492 repository 12/18/15)

12/14/15 12/17/15 Ch rm EDO S-0090 - Letter to the Honorable Fred Upton, el Chairman 12/22/15 Chrm, OCA, CORR-15-0099 al., provides the November 2015 monthly status Burns EDO, PShea, Commission report on the NRC's activities and use of 12/18/15 RF Public Correspondence unobligated carryover funds appropriated from the (date to be 201300142 nuclear waste fund released ML 15334A311

12/28/15) Non-Responsive Record

12/09/15 12/29/15 Ch rm EDO S-0092 -Letter to Senator Bernard Sanders et al.. Chairman 12/30/15 Chrm, OCA, CORR-15-010·! responds to his letter requesting additional public Burns EDO, RF, Commission meetings and an extensionof the comment period 12/29/15 Public (date Correspondence for the advanced notice of proposed rulemaking on to be L TR-15-0602 decommissioning of nuclear power plants. released ML 15343A370

01/06/16) Non-Responsive Record

c '~ ,r



Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

Non-Responsive Record



Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

12/11/15 01/05/16 Ch rm EDO S-0001 - Letter to Congresswoman Nita Lowey Chairman 01/08/16 Chrm. OCA, CORR-15-0103 responds to her letter of having an independent Burns EDO, RF, Commission risk assessment conducted on the proposed gas 01/07/16 Public (dale Correspondence pipeline project in the vicinity of the Indian Point to be LTR-15-0610 Energy Center released ML 15345A272

01/14/16) Non-Responsive Record

10/30/15 01/07/16 Ch rm EDO S-0003 - Letter to Senators Harry Reid and Dean Chairman 01/11/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-15-0105 Heller provides remainder of the responses to Burns EDO, RF, Commission their questions on transportation packages for 01/08/16 Public {elate Correspondence spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste lo be L TR-15-0548

released ML 15322A222 01/15/16).

Non-Responsive Record

01 /08/16 01/14/16 Ch rm EDO S-0005 - Letter to the Honorable Harold Rogers, Chairman 01/15/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0001 et al., responds to the request in the Joint Burns EDO, PShea. Commission Explanatory Statement to submit a report on the 01/15/16 RF. Public Correspondence status of proposed rules pending before the (date to be SRM-PL 114-113-4 Commission. released ML 15363A353

01/25/16) Non-Responsive Record --

"'"""' ! CORLOG2016.DOCX


Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a /

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

01/19/16 01/27/16 Ch rm EDO S-0007 - Letter to REPs Fred Upton, John Chairman 01/28/16 Cl1rm, OCA, CORR-16-0003 Shimkus, Ed Whitfield, Harold Rogers, Mike Burns EDO, PShea, Commission Simpson, SENs James lnhofe, Shelley Moore 01 /28/16 RF, Public Correspondence Capito, Lamar Alexander submits the December (date to be 201300142 2015 monthly status report on 1he NRC's activities released ML 15357A017 and use of unobligated carryover funds 02/04/16) appropriated from the Nuclear Waste Fund

01/19/16 01/29/16 Ch rm CFO S-0008 - Letter to Congress (Capito, lnhofe, Chairman 02/09/16 Chrm, Cmrs COMSECY-16-Upton, Whitfield, Shimkus, Simpson, Alexander, Burns OCA, OCFO, 0002 Johnson, Mccaul, Enzi, Price, Cochran, Rogers, 02/09/16 EDO, PShea, Chairman Royce, Murkowski, Chaffetz, Ryan, Donovan, and RF, Public Correspondence Bid en) submits the N RC's Fiscal Year 2017 (date to be ML 16022A 163 · Congressional Budget Justification rel ea sect

02/17/16) 01/20/16 02/01 /16 Ch rm OCA S-0009 - Letter to the Honorable Ron Johnson Chairman 02/02/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0006

expresses concerns with S. 1607, the Burns EDO. RF, Commission "Independent Agency Regulatory Analysis Act of 02/01/16 non-Public Correspondence 2015" ' ML 16034A480

02/02/16 02/02/16 Ch rm EDO $-0010 - Letter to the Representatives Jason Chairman 02/05/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0008 Chaffetz, Elijah Cummings, Will Hurd, Robin Kelly, Burns EDO, RF, Chairman Blake Farenthold, Ted Lieu and Paul Gosar 02/05/16 Public (dale Correspond e nee responds to their request for documents on to be L TR-16-0041 whether the NRC uses Juniper ScreenOS released ML 16022A064 platforms. 02/'12/16)

1.2/23/15 02/04/16 Ch rm EDO S-0011 - Letter to Representatives Jason Chairman 02/08/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0007 Chaffetz. Mark Meadows, Gerald Connolly, Will Burns EDO. RF, Commission Hurd, Robin Kelly and Senators Ron Johnson, 02/05/16 Non-Public Correspondence Thomas Carper, Jerry Moran, Torn Udall responds LTR-15-0643 to their letter regarding Lile NRC's use of legacy ML 15358A081 information technoloqv



Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

Non-Responsive Record

02/05/16 02/11/16 Ch rm EDO S-0014 - Letter to the Honorable Thad Cochran Chairman 02/16/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0009 and Harold Rogers submits the NRC's print Burns EDO, P.Shea Commission strategy in response to a request in the Senate 02/16/16 RF, Public Correspondence Appropriations Committee's Report (date to be SRM PL 114-113-7

released ML 16035A306 02/23/-16)

02/17/16 02/19/16 Ch rm EDO S-0015 - Letter to the Honorable Harold Rogers Chairman 02/23/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0010 and Thad Cochran submits additional information Burns EDO. RF, Revised on the NRC rulemaking activities in response to a 02/22/16 Public (dale Chairman request in the Joint Explanatory Statement to be Correspondence

released SRM-PL 114-113-4 02/29/16) ML 16036A335

02/17/16 02/23/16 Ch rm EDO S-0016 - Letter to REPs Fred Upton, John Chairman 02/25/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0014 Shimkus. Ed Whitfield, Harold Rogers, Mike Burns EDO. PShea, Commission Simpson, SENs Jarnes lntiofe. Shelley Moore 02/24/16 RF. Pl1blic Correspondence Capito, Lamar Alexander submits the January (date to be 201300142 2016 montt1ly status report on the NRC's activities released ML 16033A348 and use of unobligated carryover funds 03/02/16) appropriated from the Nuclear Waste Fund

Non-Responsive Record

~ C1l



Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

02/16/16 02/26/16 Ch rm EDO S-0018 - Letter to the Honorable Shelley Moore Chairman 02/29/16 Chrm, OCA. CORR-16-0012 Capito, Ed Whitfield, John Shimkus, Mike Bums EDO, Pshea, Commission Simpson, Lamar Alexander, Jason Chaffetz, 02129/16 RF, Public Correspondence James lnhofe, Fred Upton, Harold Rogers, Tt1ad (dale to be 200500075 Cochran, Ron Johnson, Gene Dodaro, and Shaun released ML 16033A088 Donovan, provides the summary of actions taken 03/07/16) by the NRC in response to recommendations contained in various GAO reports that address NRC activities

02/12/16 02/26/16 Ch rm EDO S-0019 - Letter to the Honorable Jason Chaffetz, Chairman 02/29/16 Chrm, Cmrs, CORR-16-0015 Mark Meadows, Jody Hice, responds to his Burns OCA, EDO, Commission request for information regarding NRC employees 02/26/16 no-RF, non- Correspondence who perform a representational function on behalf public L TR-16-0068 of a labor union and agency space used for labor ML 16043A409 union-related activities

02/17/16 02/29/16 Ch rm EDO S-0020 - Letter to the Honorable Thad Cochran Chairman 03/01/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0013 and Harold Rogers provides quarterly reports on Burns EDO, PShea. Commission the NRC's progress on certain licensing actions 03/01116 RF, Public Correspondence and right-sizing commitments (date to be SRM-PL 114-113-5

released ML 15363A393 03/08/16)

02/22/16 02/29/16 Ch rm EDO S-0021 - Letter to the Honorable Harold Rogers Chairman 03/01/16 Chrm. OCA. CORR-16-0016 and Thad Cochran responds to the directive in the Burns EDO, RF, Commission Joint Explanatory Statement for NRC 1o submit a 03/01/16 PShea, Correspondence plan for making changes to the agency's Public (date SRM-PL 114-113-3 rulemaking process to be ML'l 6040AO 11

releasecl 03/08/16)

02/08/16 03/07/16 Ch rm EDO S-0022 - Letter to the Honorable Nita Lowey Chairman 03/10/1 /6 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0019 responds to her letter regarding 1he recent tritium Burns EDO,RF Commission leak at the Indian Point Energy Center 03/10/16 Public (dale



Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

to be Correspondence released LTR-16-0061 03/17/16) ML 16055A474

03/07/16 03/11/16 Ch rm Ch rm S-0023 - Letter to the Honorable Barbara Boxer Chairman 03/11/16 Chrm. OCA, CORR-16-0020 informing her on the status of Diablo Canyon's Burns EDO, RF, Chairman compliance with the NRC's actions based on the 03/11/16 Public (date Correspondence lessons learned from the accident at the to be ML 16069A328 Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant released

03/18/16L_ 03/09/16 03/15/16 Ch rm EDO S-0024 - Letter to the Honorable Harold Rogers Chairman 03/15/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-002-1

ancj Thad Cochran responds to a request in the Burns EDO, PShea, Commission Joint Explanatory Statement lo submit a plan and 03/15/16 RF, Public Correspondence timetable for completing the remaining activities (date to be SRM-PL 114-113-6 for subsequent license renewal released ML 15363A381

03/22/16) 03/14/16 03/16/16 Ch rm EDO S-0025 - Letter to REPs Fred Upton, John Chairman 03/17/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0022

Shimkus, Ed Whitfield, Harold Rogers, Mike Burns EDO, PShea, Commission Simpson, SENs .James lnhofe, Shelley Moore 03/17/16 RF, Public Correspondence Capito, Lamar Alexander submits the February (date to be 201300142 2016 monthly status report on the NRC's activities released ML 16061A370 and use of unobligated carryover funds 03/24/16) appropriated from the Nuclear Waste Fund



Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy lo Reference

date) By/Date Sent

Non-Responsive Record

03/22/16 03/22/16 Chrrn OCFO S-0030 - Lelter to The Honorable Lamar Alexander Chairman 03/22/16 Ch rm, SRM/COMSGB-16-and Mike Simpson provides the NRC's revised Burns Cornrs, OCA, 0002 Fiscal Year (FY) Baseline Budget 03/22/16 CFO, EDO, Chairman

SECY/OPS, Correspondence NON-public ML 16089A 195



Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

Non-Responsive Record

02/18/16 03/28/16 Chrm EDO S-0033 - Letter to Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Chairman 03/30/29 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0026 responds to letter regarding the recent accidental Burns EDO,RF Commission release of radioactive material into the groundwater 03/29/16 Public (dale Correspondence at the Indian Point Energy Center to be L TR-16-0086

released ML 16050A434 04/05/16)

03/23/16 03/29/16 Chrm EDO S-0034 - Letter to the Honorable Paul Ryan, et al., Chairman 03/31/16 Chrm, Cmrs., CORR-16-0028 Speaker of the House of Representatives submits Burns OCA. EDO, Chairman the NRC's Fiscal Year 2015 Annual Report on the 03/30/16 PShea, RF, Correspondence Notification on Federal Employee Antidiscrimination Public (date 200700073 and Retaliation (NO FEAR} Act of 2002 to be ML 16067A319

- released 04/06/16)

Non-Responsive Record

& {1j



Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

Non-Responsive Record



Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

04/12/16 04/19/16 Chrm EDO S-0041 - Letter to REPs Fred Upton. John Shimkus. Chairman 04/21/16 Chrm. OCA, CORR-16-0039 Ed Whitfield, Harold Rogers, Mike Simpson, SENs Burns EDO, Commission James lnhofe, Shelley Moore Capito, Lamar 04/21/16 PShea, RF, Correspondence Alexander submits lhe March 2016 monthly status Public (date 201300142 report on the NRC's activities and use of to be ML 16095A131 unobligated carryover funds appropriated from the released Nuclear Waste Fund 04/28/16)

Non-Responsive Record

03/16/16 04/21/16 Chrm EDO S-0043 - Letter to the Honorable Brian Higgins, Chairman 04/25/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0038 responds to his letter on DOE's proposed transport Burns EDO, RF, Commission of liquid nuclear waste through his district in western 04/25/16 Public (date Correspondence New York to be L TR-16-0142

released ML16076A301 Ofi/O?i1R)

Non-Responsive Record

03/24/16 04/26/16 Chrm EDO S-0045 - Letter lo the Honorable Thomas Carper Chairman 04/29/16 Chrm. OCA, CORR-16-0041 responds to his letter for additional information Burns EDO. RF. Commission regarding the NRC's work on advanced nuclear 04/28/16 Public (date Correspondence reactors to be L TR-16-0163

released ML 16084A893 05/05/16)



Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd {If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

Non-Responsive Record

05/02/16 05/03/16 Chrm EDO S-0047 - Letter to the Honorable Paui Ryan, et al., Chairman 05/26/16 Chrm, Cmrs, SRM-SECY-16-provides the NRC's Report to Congress on Burns OCA, EDO, 0022 Abnormal Occurrences for Fiscal Year 2015 05/25/16 PShea, RF, Chairman

Public (date Correspondence to be ML16119A099 released 06//02/16)

04/26/16 05/10/16 Chrm EDO S-0048 - Letter to the Honorable Shelley Moore Chairman 05/20/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0045 Capito, et al., submits the NRC's semiannual report Burns EDO, PShea Commission on the status of licensing and other regulatory 05/17/16 RF, Public Correspondence activities from October 2015 through March 2016 (date to be MLrn·111B097

released 05/24/16)

05/03/16 05/11/16 Chrm EDO S-0049 - Letter to the Honorable Thad Cochran et Chairman 05/17/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0046 al., provides the second quarterly report related to Burns EDO. Shea, Commission the NRC's processes on certain licensing actions 05/16/16 RF Public Correspondence and rigt1t-sizing commitments (date to be ML 16104A133

released 05/23/16)

04/27/16 05/12/16 Chrm EDO S-0050 - Letter to the Honorable Harold Rogers and Chairman 05/17/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0037 -Thad Cocl1ran. provides tl1e NRC's report on lhe Burns EDO, Shea,, Revised Integrated University Program in response 1o the 05/16/16 RF, Public Commission request in the Joint Explanatory Sta1ement (date to be · Correspondence accompanying the Consolidated and Further released ML 16019A303 Continuino Aoorooriations Act, 2015 05/23/16)



Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To· From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

05/13/16 05/13/16 Chrm Chrm S-0051 - Letter to the Honorable James lnhofe Chairman 05/16/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0048 clarifying a recent article in a 1rade press publica1ion Burns EDO,RF Chairman reporting on the Chairman's speech given to the 05/16/16 non-public Correspondence U.S. Enerql' Association ML16141B305

04/06/16 05/16/16 Chrm EDO S-0052 - Letter to the Honorable Mark Warner ·Chairman 05/20/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0047 responds to his letter seeking information regarding Burns EDO, RF, Commission the agency's implementation of the Digital 05/17 /16 non-public Correspondence Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014 L TR-16-0189

ML 16098A420 Non-Responsive Record

05/17/1/6 05/23/16 Chrm EDO S-0054 - Letter to REPs Fred Upton, John Shimkus, Chairman 05/24/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0051 Ed Whitfield, Harold Rogers, Mike Simpson, SENs Burns EDO, PShea Commission James lnhofe, Shelley Moore Capito, Lamar 05/23/16 RF, Public Correspondence Alexander, submits the April 2016 monthly status (date to be 201300142 report on the NRC's activities and use of released ML 16"124A881 unobligated carryover funds appropriated from the 05/31/16) Nuclear Waste Fund

05/17/16 05/23/16 Chrm EDO S-0055 - Letter to the Honorable David Vitter et al., Chairman 05/24/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0050 provides the status of the NRC's provisions of Burns EDO, RF, Commission "Compliance Guides" to small entities for rules that 05/24/16 Public (dale Correspondence affect them. to be ML 16099A 150

released 06/01/16)



Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

05/20/16 06/03/16 Chrm EDO S-0056 - Letter to Senator Barbara Boxer, et al., Chairman 06/03/16 Chrm. OCA, CORR-16-0052 responds to letter regarding degraded baffle former Burns EDO, RF, Commission bolts at Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant, Salem 06/03/16 Public (date Correspondence Nuclear Plants and rnablo Canyon Power Plant to be L TR-16-0285

released ML16145A073 06/10/16) ,

05/10/16 06/03/16 Chrrn EDO S-0057 - Letter to Senator l<irsten Gillibrand, Cl1airrnan 06/03/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0053 responds to letter regarding restart of Indian Point Burns EDO, RF, Commission Energy Center Unit 2 and inspection of Indian Point 06/03/16 Public (date Correspondence Unit 3 in light of failed baffle-former bolts in Unit 2 to b'e L TR-16-0268

released ML'l6132A368 06/10/16)

Non-Responsive Record

10/15/15 06/16/16 Chrm EDO S-0060 - Letter to the Honorable Edward Markey Chairman 06/29/16 Chrm, Cmrs., CORR-16-0054 -responds to his letter seeking additional information Burns OCA, EDO, Commission regarding a "job shadow" program that involved 06/29/16 Non-Public Correspondence Chinese nationals visiting U.S. nuclear power plants L TR-15-0522

ML 15289A603



Incoming LTR's LOG Dale

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

06/13/16 06/20/16 Chrm EDO S-0061 - Letter to REPs Fred Upton, John Shimkus, Chairman 06/21/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0059 Ed Whitfield, Harold Rogers, Mike Simpson, SENs Burns EDO, Commission James lnhofe, Shelley Moore Capito, Lamar 06/21/16 PShea,RF, Correspondence Alexander, submits the May 2016 monthly status Public (dale 201300142 report on the NRC's activities and use of lo be ML16153A312 unobligated carryover funds appropriated from the released Nuclear Waste Fund 06/28/16)

06/07/16 06121/16 Chrm EDO S-0062 -Letter to the Honorable James lnhofe, Chairman 06/23/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0056 Shelley Moore Capito, Fred Upton, Ed Whitfield, Burns EDO, RF, Commission John Shimkus, submits the NRC's Report to 06/23/16 PShea, Correspondence Congress on the Security Inspection Program for Public [Ur 200500377 Commercial Power Reactors and Category I Fuel and ML 16081A374 Cycle Facilities: Results and Status Update for 2015 Enclosure 1

only] (dale lo be released 06130/16)

05/09/16 06/28/16 Chrm EDO S-0063 - Letter to Senator Ron Wyden, et al., Chairman 06/29/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0057 responds to letter regarding SECY-15-0149 - Role Burns EDO, RF, Commission of Third Party Arbitrators in Access Authorization 06/29/16 Public (date Correspondence and Fitness-For-Duty Determination Reviews at to be LT R-16-0280 Nuclear Power Plants released ML 16160A324

07/07/16) 05/09/16 06/28/16 Chrm EDO S-0064 - Letter to Representative Robert Brady, et Chairman 06/29/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0058

al., responds to letter regarding SECY-15-0149, Burns EDO, RF, Commission requests that the Commission limit the scope of 06/29/16 Public (date Correspondence third party review of employer decisions revoking to be L TR-16-0264 employee unescorted access released ML 16160A324





Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) : By/Date Sent

07/15/16 07/21/16 Chrm EDO S-0065 - Letter to REPs Fred Upton, John Shimkus, Chairman - 07/22/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0064 Ed Whitfield, Harold Roge~s, Mike Simpson, SENs Burns EDO, Commission James lnhofe, Shelley Moore Capito, Lamar 07/22/16 PShea, RF, Correspondence

• I Public (dale ML 16180A275 Alexander, submits the Jurne 2016 monthly status

report on the NRC's activities and use of to be unobligated carryover fund;s appropriated from the released Nuclear Waste Fund i 07/29/16)

07/08/16 07122/16 Chrm Chrm S-0066 - Letter to Senato~ Barbara Boxer, provides Chairman 07/22/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0061 the status of the NRC actiqns based on the lesson Burns EDO, RF, Commission learned from the March 20111 accident at the 07/22/16 Public (dale Correspondence Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant in Japan lo be ML 16200A385

released 07/29/16)

Non-Responsive Record ' I

i :

I I i



~ I




Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

07/29/16 07/29/16 Ch rm CFO S-0070 - Letter to SEN Lamar Alexander and REP Chairman 08/01/16 Chrm. Cmrs. CORR-16-0067 Mike Simpson submitting the NRC's June 2016 and Burns OCA, CFO, Chairman revised May Monthly Congressional Status Report 08/01/16 EDO, RF, Correspondence

public ML 1620'1A182 (changed lo public on 09/27/16)

Non-Responsive Record

~ C1l



Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Seni

Non-Responsive Record

07/27/16 08108116 Chrm EDO S-0076 - Letter to the Honorable Jason Chaffetz Chairman 08/09/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0071 responds to his document request regarding NRC Burns EDO,RF Chairman implementation of lhe Federal Cybersecurity 08/09/16 Public (Ur, Correspondence Enhancement Act of 2015 and the Federal enclosure, L TR-16-0398 Information Security Management Act public docs)- ML 16209A541

(date to be released .. 08/16/16)

Non-Responsive Record

- -·



Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

Non-Responsive Record

08/12/16 08/12/16 Chrm CFO S-0082 - - Letter to SEN Lamar Alexander and REP Chairman 08/18/16 Chrm, Cmrs, CORR-16-0081 Mike Simpson submitting the NRC's July 2016 Burns OCA, CFO, Chairman Monthly Congressional Status Report 08/18/16 EDO, RF, Correspondence

Public ML 16221A241 (changed to public on 09/27/16

07/13/16 08/15/16 Chrm EDO S-0083 - Letter to the Honorable Sean Patrick Chairman 08/16/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0072 Maloney responds to his letter with concerns Burns EDO, RF, Commission regarding the restart of Indian Point Energy Center 08/15/16 Public -(date Correspondence Unit 2 and the need for a safety review of Unit 3 to be L TR-16-0374

released ML 16196A367 08/22/16)

Non-Responsive Record


--- -------------


Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

08/04/16 08/15/16 Chrm EDO S-0085 - Letter to SEN Thad Cochran and REP Chairman 08/18/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0069 Harold Rogers provides the third quarterly report on Burns EDO, RF, Revised the NRC's progress on certain licensing actions and 08/17/16 PShea, Commission right-sizing commitments Public -(date Correspondence

to be ML 16201A082 released 08/24/16 )

06/30/16 08/23/16 Ch rm EDO S-0086 - Letter to the Honorable Edward Markey Chairman 08/23/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0065 response to his letter regarding the recent study Burns EDO, RF, Corn mission from the National Academy of Sciences entitled, 08/23/16 Public (ltr, Correspondence "Lessons Learned from the Fukushima Nuclear enclosure & L TR-16-0344 Accident for Improving Safety and Security of U.S. 1 CD) -(date ML 16183A253 Nuclear Plants, Phase 2" to be

released 08/30/16)

08/17/16 08/26/16 Chrm EDO S-0087 - Letter to REPs Fred Upton, John Chairman 08/29/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0082 Shimkus, Ed Whitfield, Harold Rogers, Mike Burns EDO, Commission Simpson, SENs James lnhofe, Shelley Moore 08/29/16 PShea, RF, Correspondence Capito, Lamar Alexander. provides the July 2016 Public (elate 201300142 monthly status report on the NRC's activities and to be ML 16215A281 use of unobligated carryover funds appropriated released frorn the niirl"'"'r "'"'d"' f1 md O!=l/061161

Non-Responsive Record

~ Cll



Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

Non-Responsive Record


08/23/16 09/16/16 Chrm EDO S-0093 - Letter to the Honorable James lnhofe and Chairman 09/20/16 Chrm. OCA, CORR-16-0087 Shelley Moore Capito, responds to their letter Burns EDO, RF, Revised seeking additional information on tM NRC's 09/19/16 Public (date Commission capability to support successful closure of to be Correspondence inspections, tests, analyses, and acceptance criteria released LT R-16-0430 for new reactors construction in Georgia and South 09/26/16) ML 16237A190 Carolina

Non-Responsive Record



0 N

Q) bO ell


Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature processed PKG


09/22/16 09/22/16

09/23/16 09/23116

09/15/16 09/26/16

Non-Responsive Record

08/23/16 10/03/16


To From

Chrm CFO

Chrm Chrm

Chrm EDO

Ch rm EDO



CORR Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

By/Date Sent

S-0095 - Letter to the Honorable Lamar Alexander Chairman 10/03/16 Chrm, Cmrs. CORR-16-0094 and Mike Simpson submits the NRC's August 2016 Burns OCA, CFO, Chairman Monthly Congressional Status Report 10/03/16 EDO, RF, Correspondence

Public (dale ML 16258A37 4 to be released 10/11/16)

S-0096 - Letter to the Honorable James lnhofe, Chairman 09/26/16 Chrm, Cmrs, CORR-16-0095 provides follow-up to the Committee on Burns OCA, EDO, Chairman Environment and Public Works Hearing, to hold a 09/26/16 RF, Public Correspondence stakeholder meeting and report on the outcome (date to be ML 16270A584

released 10/03/16)

S-0097 - Letter to REPs Fred Upton, John Shimkus, Chairman 09/28/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0092 Ed Whitfield, Harold Rogers, Mike Simpson, SENs Burns EDO, Commission James lnhofe, Shelley Moore Capito, Lamar 09/27/16 PShea, RF, Correspondence Alexander, submits the August 2016 monthly status Public (date 201300142 report on the NRC's activities and use of to be ML 16245A 102 unobligated carryover funds appropriated from the released Nuclear Waste Fund 10/04/16)

S-0099 - Letter to the Honorable Edward Markey Chairman 10/11/16 Chrm. OCA, CORR-16-0090 provides remaining responses to his letter regarding Burns EDO, RF, Commission lhe recent study from the NAS entitled, "Lessons 10/07/16 PShea. Correspondence Learned from the Fukushima Nuclear Accident for Public (dale SRM-SGB 160823 Improving Safety and Security of U.S. Nuclear to be L TR-16-0344 Plants, Phase 2" released ML16183A253



Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed -no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

08/22/16 10/07/16 Chrm EDO S-0100 - Letter to the Honorable Dianne Feinstein Chairman 10/11/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0091 responds to her letter regarding the security of Burns EDO, RF, Commission radioactive material licensed by the NRC 10/07 /16 Public (date Correspondence

to be L TR-16-0428 released ML 16236A 160 ·10/17/16)

09/16/16 10/11116 Chrm EDO S-0101 - Letter to the Honorable Mark Warner Chairman 10/11/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0096 responds to his letter requesting a copy of the Burns EDO, RF, Commission NRC's updated implementation plan for the Digital 10/11/16 Public (elate Correspondence Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014 to be L TR-16-0456

released ML 16263A 194 10/18/16)

09/16/16 10/17/16 Chrm EDO S-0102 - Letter to the Honorable John Katko Chairman 10/18/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0099 responds to his letter urging the Commission to Burns EDO, RF, Commission promptly consider the application to transfer 10/17/16 Public (date Correspondence ownership of the James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear to be L TR-16-0455 Power Plant released ML 16260A408

10/24/16) 09/19/16 10/17/16 Chrm EDO S-0103 - Letter to the Honorable Peter Welch et al., Chairman 10/18/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0098

responds to comments on the NRG's rulemaking Burns EDO, RF, Commission activity entitled Regulatory Improvements for Power 10/18/16 Public (date Correspondence Reactors Transitioning to Decommissioning lo be L TR-16-0459

released ML 16263A406 10/25/16)

09/22/16 10/19/16 Chrm OGC S-0104 - Letter to the Honorable Edward J. Markey Chairman 10/20/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0101 et al., responds to his letter urging the Commission Burns OGG, EDO, Chairman to reject a request from Entergy Nuclear Opera1ions, 10/20/16 RAS, RF, Correspondence Inc. for an extension of time to comply with NRG Public (date L TR-16-0469 order EA-13-109 to be ML 16266A067

released 10/27 /16)



Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

Non-Responsive Record

10/20/16 10/25/16 Chrm EDO S-0107 - Letter to REPs Fred Upton, John Chairman 10/27/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0102 Shimkus, Pete Olson, Harold Rogers, Mike Burns EDO, Commission Simpson, SENs James lnhofe, Shelley Moore 10/26/-16 PShea, RF, Co rres po ndence Capito, Lamar Alexander submits the September Public (date 201300142 2016 monthly status report on NRC's activities and to be ML 16278A 128 use of unobligated carryover funds appropriated released from the nuclear waste fund 11/02i16)

10/26/16 10/26/16 Ch rm CFO S-0108 - Letter to the Honorable Lamar Alexander Chairman 10/31/16 Chrm, Cmrs, CORR-16-0106 and Mike Simpson submits the NRC's September Burns OCA. CFO, Chairman 2016 Monthly Congressional Status Report 10/31/16 EDO, RF. Correspondence

Public (dale ML 16288A521 to be released 11/07/16)

10/03/16 11/01/16 Chrm EDO S-0109 - Letter to the Honorable Charles Schumer Chairman 11/02/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0105 responds to his letter urging the NRC lo revise the Burns EDO, RF, Cornrnission process of issuing Category 3 radioactive materials 11/02/16 Public (date Correspondence license to be L TR-16-0484

released ML 16278A 151 11/09/16)



Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Rel'erence

date) By/Date Sent

Non-Responsive Record

11/09/16 11/09/16 Chrm CFO S-0111 - Letter to the President and Congress Chairman 11/16/16 Chrm, Cmrs, SRM-submits the NRC's Fiscal Year 2016 Performance Burns OCA, OCFO, OMB910910B-1 and Accountability Report 11/15/16 PShea, Chairman

EDO, RF, Correspondence Public (dale ML 16312A059 to be released 11/22/16)

10/24/16 11/10/16 Chrm EDO S-0112 - Letter to the Honorable Shelley Moore Chairman 11/15/16 Chrm, OCA, CORR-16-0104 Capito, et al., submits the NRC's Semiannual Status Burns EDO. Commission Report on the Licensing Activities an Regulatory 11/15/16 PShea, RF, Correspondence Duties (April - September 2016) Public (date ML 'I 6294A066

to be released 11 /22/16)

11/03/16 11/14/16 Chrm EDO S-0113 - Letter to Senator Thad Cod1ran and Chairman 11/16/16 Chrm. OCA, CORR-16-0108 Congressman Harold Rogers provides the fourth Burns EDO, Commission quarterly report on the NRC's progress on certain 11/15/16 PShea, Correspondence licensing actions and right-sizing commitments Public (date ML16293A119

to be released 11122/16)



Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

11/15/16 11/25/16 Ch rm EDO S-0114 - Letter to REPs Fred Upton, John Shimkus, Chairman 11/28/16 Chrm. OCA, CORR-16-0110 Pete Olson, Harold Rogers, Mike Simpson, SENs Burns EDO, PShea Commission James lnhofe, Shelley Moore Capito, Lamar 11/28/16 RF, Public Correspondence Alexander submits lhe October 2016 monthly status (dale to be 201300142 report on NRC's activities and use of unobligated released ML 16305A250 carryover funds appropriated from the nuclear waste '12/05/16) fund

11/30/16 11 /30/16 Chrm OCA S-0115 - Letter to SENs Barbara Boxer, Barbara Chairman 12/01/16 Chrm, Cmrs, CORR-16-0112 Mikulski, David Vitter, Harry Reid, REPs Joe Pitts Burns Senator OCA, no RF, Chairman and Reid Ribble wishing them well on the occasion 12/01/16 Boxer's ltr non-public Correspondence of their retirement from the United States Congress resigned on ML16347A649

12/12/16 Non-Responsive Record

l ~ Cll



Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

Non-Responsive Record

12/14/16 12/14/16 Chrm EDO S-0120 - Letter to Senator Thad Cochran and Chairman 12/15/16 Chrm. Cmrs. SRM-OGC150123 Congressman Harold Rogers responding to Section Burns OCA. EDO, SRM-16-0113 403, "Securing Radiological Material," Public Law 12/14/16 PShea, RF, Chairman 113-235, Consolidated and Further Continuing Public (dale Correspondence Appropriations Act, 2015 by providing a report to be entitled "Effectiveness of Part 37 of Title 10 of the released ML 16348A230

Code of Federal Reaulation" 12/21/16) Non-Responsive Record

12/15/16 12/16/16 Chrm EDO S-0122 - Letter to REPs Fred Upton, John Shimkus, Chairman 12/19/16 Chrm. OCA, CORR-16-0115 Pete Olson. Harold Rogers, Mike Simpson. SENs Burns EDO, PShea Commission James lnhofe, Shelley Moore Capito, Lamar 12/19/16 RF, Public Correspondence Alexander submits the November 2016 monthly (elate to be ML 16336A004 status report on NRC's activities and use of released unobligated carryover funds appropriated from the 12/27/16) nuclear waste fund


\.0 N

c:u bO rel


Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature processed PKG


Non-Responsive Record



CORR To Fram Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

By/Date Sent


Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

12/19/16 01/03/17 Ch rm EDO S-0001- Letter to Honorable REPs Mac Chairman 01/09/17 Chrm. OCA. CORR-16-0118 Thornberry, Michael McCaul, Jason Chaffetz, Burns EDO, RF, Commission Devin Nunes, SENs John McCain, John Thune, 01 /06/'17 Public (dale Correspondence Ron Johnson and Richard Burr provides agency's to be SRM- PL114-113-8 Baseline Assessment of the Agency's Existing released ML'l6336A335 Cvbersecuritv Workforce 01/13/17)

12/30/16 01/03/17 Ch rm OCA S-0002 - Letters to United States Senators and Chairman 01/10/17 Chrm, Cmrs, CORR-17-0001 Representatives congratulating them on their Burns OCA, no- Chairman elections to Congress and/or on their selections as 01/09/17 RF, Public Correspondence Chairman and Ranking Member to the Committee (date to be ML17017A346 on Environment and Public Works, and Chairman released to the Committee on Energy and Commerce 01/17/17)

Non-Responsive Record

01/13/17 01/23/17 Ch rm EDO S-0004 - Letter to the Honorable Greg Walden, Chairman 01/25/17 Chrm, OCA, CORR-17-0004 John Shimkus, John Barrasso, Shelley Moore Bums EDO, PShea. Commission Capito, Fred Upton. Rodney Frelinghuysen, Mike 01/24/17 RF, Public Correspondence Simpson and Lamar Alexander, submits the (date to be 201300142 December 2016 monthly status report of the released ML 16363A263 NRC's activities and use of unobligated carryover 01/31/17) funds aoorooriated from the Nuclear Waste Fund

Non-Responsive Record

~ <il



Incoming LTR's LOG Date

Date CORR was Rec'd (If Processed no LTR, as a

use CORR Signature CORR processed PKG To From Subject Signed Date Copy To Reference

date) By/Date Sent

12/22/16 01/24/17 Ch rm EDO S-0006 - Letter to Senator Edward Markey Chairman 01/25/17 Chrm. OCA, CORR-17-0005 responds to his letter regarding replacement of Burns EDO, RF, Commission N RC-conducted force-on-force exercises with 01f24/17 Public (dale Correspondence exercises conducted by licensees lo be LTR-16-0612

released ML 16357A643 01/31/17)

01/18/17 01/26/17 Ch rm EDO S-0007 - Letter to Senator Thad Cochran, Chairman 02/15/17 Chrm, Cmrs, CORR-17-0008 responds to letter regarding reguest for the Svinicki OCA, OGC, Chairman temporary detail o~(b)(6) Ito 02/14/17 EDO, no RF, Correspondence the U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations 11011-Public L TR-17 -0025

ML 17023A010


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