Resist - Then Become A Scribe

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Transcript of Resist - Then Become A Scribe

  • 8/2/2019 Resist - Then Become A Scribe


    Resist - Then Become A Scribe

    Knowledge and understand are delusions of an information technology world

    that makes you think you are smarter than you really are.

    By Quinn V. McMurtry

    You are not as smart or as technologically advanced as you think you are.

    Chances are, if you are reading this now, you have been deluded into thinking

    that you are technologically savvy and that as technology advances your

    intelligence advance as well. The truth is it does not. We are all just one

    disaster away from being unplugged from our Matrix-like world, where we

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    believe ourselves to be educated, aware, advanced, evolved, enlightened, and


    Unless you are a computer engineer or a Wall Street investment banker, the

    chances are you probably less knowledgeable than someone from the turn of the

    century. Take away the message-delivery technology and then what? Just

    because you can Google it, doesnt mean you know it.

    Its a tough realization to swallow, but ask yourself this: As you glide your finger

    across your I-phone, click-send your Gmail or select your prepackaged mutual

    fund, do you really now how these processes work? Chances are you dont. I

    dont. And the more attached and dependent upon technology we become, the

    larger the chasm grows between those who know and those who dont.

    Even now, as we see the debate rage between the elites, the progressives, the

    conservatives and the 99 percenters, the argument is too often framed as a debate

    of ownership or possession between those who have and those who do not.

    However, this is often a ruse, a red herring, because the debate is not properly

    framed to reflect the truth - its framed by those who control the flow of

    information and the access to power.

    Ancient Scribes

    For centuries knowledge was written and kept by those who knew how to

    communicate information. The scribes were the intelligentsia, the purveyors of

    what was known, and the regulators of what was revealed. Like the computer

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    designers and investment bankers of today, the ancient scribes were literate and

    possessed the exclusive knowledge of how to place a split reed in wet clay and

    then form a symbolic impression. Cuneiform was the coding of the ancient world

    and the ticket to prosperity, security, and exclusivity in a despotic world.

    Compared with most other ancient Egyptians, scribes had a good life. A

    blacksmith would have fingers like the claws of a crocodile and stink

    more than fish roe after work. A potter would grub in the mud more than

    a pig, in order to fire his pots. But a scribe never suffered, never lacked

    reward for his workand never had to pay taxes. (link)

    I first learned about the exclusivity of being a scribe, when I was working on a

    documentary about ancient Babylon. Prior, I just considered scribes to be monk-

    like transcribers of contemporary and past knowledge. But the life of a scribe was

    much more than just making impressions into wet clay or painting hieroglyphics

    on a tomb. In reality scribes were the elite of their day, people who traveled the

    ancient world from kingdom to kingdom and were members of an exclusive caste

    system spanning time and kingdoms.

    Modern Day Scribes

    Who are they? Visit Apple or Google or Goldman Sachs; inside you will find the

    modern day scribe, their ancient Cuneiform now a string of computer coding and

    statistical data or credit-default-swaps. They are the creators of the illusion of
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    knowledge - conjurors of a mass delusion of technological and financial mastery.

    Now, I am not implying that modern day scribes and their rulers meet and

    conspire together to dominate and maintain their power; what I am implying is

    that the mechanisms of government and industry are so monolithic and pervasive

    that these entities host the scribes and crown the rulers.

    According to Michel Foucault, power emanates from societys mechanisms. Our

    governments and industries effectively create a process or a structure whereby

    scribes are groomed and recruited and what emerges is a system that fosters and

    enhances its own exclusivity. Foucault calls this the machine of power. In

    essence, our modern day scribes rule from inside the entities of power

    mechanisms whereby the control of individuals, groups, businesses and

    governments are strategically maintained.

    Unquestionably people today are more prosperous and have more freedom than

    ever before. That is not what I am questioning. What I am questioning is our

    blind acceptance and adherence to governments and economies that create and

    foster an elite intelligentsia ruling from within the mechanism of power. To resist

    this, people need to question the answers that are given, doubt more and seek a

    higher level of understanding and strive for a deeper knowledge.

    Litmus Test for the Non-scribe
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    Ask yourself a few questions.

    Do you buy stocks? If so, do you get the IPO (initial public offering) before

    Goldman Sachs traders and their preferred clients or do you get it after these

    insiders, their friends of friends, congressmen and women, hedge funds

    managers or investment bankers?

    Do you know how the coding and hardware work to feel the heat of your finger

    and the directional force applied for the computer interface?

    Do you visit Davos, Switzerland annually?

    Can you truly write computer code?

    Doctors, attorneys, fireman and police officers aside, if youve answered no to

    the questions above, there is a good chance that you are not a modern day scribe.

    And if you are not, but you think that because you can easily operate an I-phone

    or you can blissfully attest to being a savvy multi-tasker, juggling emails, texts

    messages, while choosing your mutual fund account, you might be suffering from

    a form of an illusion of asymmetrical insight.

    Asymmetrical Insight

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    The Illusion ofAsymmetrical Insightis defined as:

    The illusion of asymmetric insightis acognitive biasthat involves

    the fact that people perceive their knowledge of others to surpass other

    people's knowledge of themselves. The source for this bias seems typically

    stems from the fact that observed behaviors of others are more revealing

    than one's own similar behaviors. Relatedly, people seem to believe that

    they know themselves better than their peers know themselves and that

    their social group knows and understands other social groups better than

    other social groups know them.

    In other words we do not truly see our own shortcomings. We naively perceive

    our knowledge to be greater than it truly is. We believe that we are enlightened,

    knowledgeable and fully aware.

    So the first rule is - Do not Google any of this.

    Here is an 8th grade final exam from Salina, Kansas from 1895:

    1. Name the parts of speech and define those that have no modifications.

    2. Define verse, stanza and paragraph.

    3. Name and define the Fundamental Rules of Arithmetic.

    4. A wagon box is 2 ft. deep, 10 feet long, and 3 ft. wide. How many bushels

    of wheat will it hold?

    5. If a load of wheat weighs 3942 lbs., what is it worth at 50cts/bushel,

    deducting 1050 lbs. for tare?
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    6. What is the necessary levy to carry on a school seven months at $50 per

    month, and have $104 for incidentals?

    7. Find the cost of 6720 lbs. coal at $6.00 per ton.

    Another part of the 1895 exam deals with climate. And for those of us who so

    readily accept that Global Warming is real or not, do we even understand what

    climate is instead we allow people to tell us what the problem is?

    Here are more of the 1895 test questions for the 8th Graders in Salina, Kansas

    regarding climate.

    1. What is climate? Upon what does climate depend?

    2. How do you account for the extremes of climate in Kansas?

    3. Of what use are rivers? Of what use is the ocean?

    4. Describe the mountains of North America.

    Today knowledge is merely more accessible, faster and channeled differently. As

    a civilization we do have more knowledge, but as individuals, we truly do not

    know more, and chances are, we probably know less than our predecessors. I

    guess we could teach them how to Google or how to operate a smartphone, but

    the lessons might just end there. Ditch the phone and the Google, they knew

    more then than we know now.

    Global Resistance

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    Global resistance is not about a mob. Its not about a protest. Its not about

    being right or being wrong. Global resistance is about being reflective. Its about

    questioning authority, seeking a deeper understanding and doubting the

    information that is Googled or broadcasted.

    Global resistance is actively seeking the truth and understanding. And if you want

    to resist, first know that you are not as enlightened as you think yourself to be

    and that knowledge is more than just something channeled to you via the

    Internet. When in doubt tell yourself this:

    Anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right

    person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right

    purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody's power and is

    not easy.Aristotle

    And remember - before you choose to resist, think of the scribes of ancient times.

    Remember that the knowledge you seek, the technology that flows so easily

    through your hardware, the financial products you acquire, are written, designed,

    manipulated, controlled, understood and produced by someone else a modern

    day scribe.

    So resist the mob resist the scribes. Rebel against the standard, doubt the

    mechanisms of power that select the scribes, and most of all, seek knowledge and

    understanding and then become more scribe-like.
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