Research - Conventions of a film opening

Post on 21-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Research - Conventions of a film opening

Research – Conventions of a film opening

I found a film opening of Scott Pilgrim vs The World which portrays some of the conventions of films that you expect to see in the opening and generally see in film openings as a whole.

For example, we are immediately introduced to the production company which is ‘universal’ at the very beginning of the sequence. This is accompanied by the traditional universal motif but however has been altered so that it sounds like a video game.

It is then presented again when the credits actually begin. Already we have seen a few of the convention expectations have been met, which is the ident of the production company and the use of credits.

We are then presented with a series of credits, informing the audience in cast members, producers, directors etc. They all almost have a psychedelic background to them which is very fast paced and includes images such as hearts and skateboards which reinforces the theme of young people being wild and things that are associated with in their lives. This corresponds with the fact that this film is based on teens. The background music is a rock song which again highlights the idea of a young audience.

Then it shows the film title, which is another aspect that we expect to see in a film opening.