research chitosan in indonesia

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Transcript of research chitosan in indonesia

  • 1. RECENT ACTIVITY OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMMENT OF NATURAL POLYMER (POLYSACCHARIDE) BY IRRADIATION TECHNIQUE IN INDONESIAGatot Trimulyadi ReksoCentre for Application of Isotopes and Radiation Technology NATIONAL NUCLEAR ENERGY AGENCY Jl. Cinere ,Ps Jumat, PO Box 7002 JKSKL, Jakarta 12070Fax: 021-7513270, E-mail: gatot28 @ batan.go.idINDONESIAABSTRACTThe research activities on natural polymer in Indonesia, especially chitosan as growthpromoters and carrageen for hydro gel are summarized . The present paper point out theapplication of radiation process for the modification of chitosan and carrageen for growthpromoter and hydrogen. Chitosan with 80, 5 % degree of deacetylation was irradiated indry solid, wet and aqueous solution at a dose of 50 kGy by gamma ray from Co-60source. The irradiated chitosan were dissolved in water and 300 mL of water that containsconcentration of 50 ppm chitosan was sprayed to red chili plant three times a week foreach plant. The result showed that irradiation of chitosan in an aqueous solutions give thehighest decreasing of molecule weight from 1, 5740 104 become 1, 1050 104 . Irradiationof chitosan in dry solid conditions gives the highest degree of height growth of plant to50,2 % and the degree of growth promotion to 92,6 %. The field data of using irradiatedchitosan for red chili plant shows of the increase in production yield was around 60 %higher than without using irradiated chitosan. In the purpose to increase the added valueof the quality marine natural polymer, modification of kappa carrageen (KC) has beencarried out by copolymerization radiation with poly(vinyl) pirrolidone (PVP) to prepare anew material. KC with the concentrations ranged of 0-2 wt % was mixed and thenhomogenized with poly(vinyl ) pirrolidone (PVP) in the concentration of 0-2 % wt % indistilled water at temperature of 80 0C, respectively and then homogenized. Afterevaluation, it was found that the physical, mechanical and showed that the best conditionfor copolymerization ofKG with PVP was that in the composition of 2/2 (g/g) andthe other compositions relatively did not good (fragile). The swelling of hydro gel andtensile strength of hydro gel decreased with increasing irradiation dose, while the gelcontents increases with increasing irradiation dose. The hydro gel PVP-KC proposed canbe used as a matrix for immobilization of bioactive materials or as wound dressingINTRODUCTION Indonesia is the worlds largest archipelago with around 13,000 islands, of which6.000 are inhabited, and occupies a 5,100-km stretch from the Indian to the PacificOcean. With a total land area of almost 195 million hectares, it is the largest member 1

2. country of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the most importantcountry in Asia regarding of ocean and lands those rich of natural polymer material.Shell seafood waste such as prawn shell, crabs shells are abundantly found in Indonesia.Utilization of the fishery waste mentioned above to be useful product is suggested notonly to recycle the fishery waste but also to reduce the environmental pollution and toimprove the economic situation such as to preparing of the field employee occupation, tobring socio-economic benefit.. The remarkable rapid and successful expansion of prawnprocessing industry in Indonesia suggests the possibility of utilizing prawn-processingwaste as raw material for the manufacture of many valuable products such as chitin andchitosan for industrial and health care product.The last news about production shrimps in Indonesia an official of the DirectorateGeneral of Fishery affairs, M. Rahmat Ibrahim said in Semarang, Central Java, August31, 2006 (ANTARA News) - Indonesias shrimp production in 2006 had been projectedat 350,000 tons, consisting of 110,000 tons of tiger prawn and 240 thousand tons of"vaname" shrimps. The shrimp producing areas are located in 27 provinces, Some150,500 hectares of land, comprising 93,500 hectares for tiger prawn and 57,000 hectaresfor "vaname" shrimps were needed to reach the projected shrimps production, Rahmatsaid, adding that the shrimp business would absorb some 194,316 workers.Chitosan is a linier polysaccharide derived from chitin, a mayor component of the shell ofthe crustacean organisms and the second most abundant biopolymer in nature next tocellulose. In the last year chitosan has proved to be valuable product for using in differentapplication such as seed coating, chelating and growth promoters etc. Chitosan reportedto have various biological functions, for instance , antimicrobial activity, growth inhibitorof some pathogens..Radiation processing can modify the molecules weight, hydrophilic and mechanicalproperties of chitosan resulting in enhanced properties. Radiation processing alsoprovides a simple and fast method for degradation of chitosan for a specific application.Radiation-degraded chitosan can induce various kinds of bioactivities such as growthpromotion of plant, suppression of heavy metal stress in plant, anti microbial activities. 2 3. Carrageen is the name to a family of linier sulfated polysaccharide obtained from the redseaweed . Product of seaweed in Indonesia on the Asian country is not so much comparewith Philippine or Thailand. Fig 1. Product of seaweed in Asian CountryThe research activity in the development and application of polysaccharides polymer inIndonesia are irradiated chitosan for growth promoter and carragenan modification byirradiation for hydro gel .APPLICATION OF IRRADIATED CHITOSAN FOR GROWTH PROMOTORSIsolation of chitinChitin extracted from prawn shell (Penaeus Monodon), it was got from Desa Gebang ,Cirebon. The were initially washed by water then dried on the sun shine.. Crab shellShrimp shell Fig.2. Source of chitin 3 4. In the beginning of our research work was involved in making on the researchadvisability of the natural of resource for chitin and chitosan such as various kind ofprawn and crab shell. The survey was done in side beach of north Java Island. We foundthat prawn and crabs shells are easily collected from the frozen prawn processing plant.Shell was ground using a blender. Then served to obtain particle size of (- 40 + 60 ) mesh.The schematic diagram of isolation chitin is shown in figure 3. Dried shrimps shells Grinding 1 N NaOH Deprotenizationwaste WashingFor fertilizer 1 N HClDe mineralization waste WashingDryingChitinFigure 3. Flow diagram of the isolation of chitinThe average yield of isolation chitin from shrimps shell is shown in Table 1 the dataobtained shows that the number of extraction affected the yield of chitin . It was reportedthat the number of stage of extraction affected the mineral removal significantly. 4 5. Table 1 the yield of chitin at various number of extractionParameter Number of extraction SingleDoubleTripleYield ( %)28,724,8 23,2Visual appliance- ColorBrown -light whitewhite- Odor Weak No NoFrom the Table it was seen that by single stage extraction . The average yield of chitinwas 28,7 % and the solids obtained were brown-light and still have a weak odor. Thisunexpected color and odor was caused by the presence of some protein mineral andpigment such as carotene. The double one gave an average 24,8 percent and no odor, thecolor was white. So it is obvious that the number of extraction affected the protein andmineral removal. However for three times extraction yield of the solid was not givingsignificantly different compare with double extraction. It was meaning that double stageextraction was enough for isolation of chitin from shrimps shell.This method for isolation of chitin already transfer to the fishery for developing of ruralpeople in North and South sea side Java Island , which that area rich with shell shrimp orcrab waste.We introduce and teach them how to make chitin from that waste after that they canmake by themselves and sells the product to private company and use the waste from thatprocess for fertilizer.LecturesParticipants5 6. ExperimentsFig 4. Training of isolation chitin for a fishery and farmerPreparation of chitosanThe conversion of chitin to chitosan was achieved by extracting chitin in 50 percentsodium hydroxide with solid liquid ratio = 1 : 20 at temperature of 100 0C for 120, 240,and 300 minutes.NaOH 50 % Fig 5. The conversion of chitin to chitosanThe data obtained gave an average yield of chitosan from chitin were 78,4 %, 75,6 % and72,6 %.The degree of deacetylation was determined by means of FTIRspectrophotometer. It is determined by the base line method shown in Table 2. 6 7. Table 2. The degree of deacetylation at various time of reactionParameter Time of deacetylation ( minutes) 120 240300 Yield of chitosan from chitin78,475,6 72,6 Degree of deacetylation65,478,2 79,8 It can be seen in Table 2. That the deacetylation time gave significant effect ofdeacetylation. After 120 minutes degree of deacetylation reaches 78,2 % , it is graduallyincreased as the time increased. The highest degree of the deacetylation was achieved for300 minutes.Irradiated chitosan as growth promotersPreparation of irradiated chitosanThe irradiation of chitosan was carried out in a Co-60- Gamma irradiation source. Theconditions of chitosan for irradiation were solid state, wet and liquid (5% chitosan in 1% acetic acid) the irradiation dose used was 50 kGy with a dose rate of 5,1 kGy/hr andparameters measured were molecular weight and solubilityThe effect of irradiated chitosan on the growth of the red chili plantFive series with 2 replicated each were done, the experiment was carried out in 10 plots,the area of the plots was 10 m2 (10 plants). The irradiated chitosan were dissolved inwater and 300 mL of water that contains concentration of 50 ppm chitosan was sprayed tored chili plant three times a week for each plant. Fig 6. Preparation of the plots for the experiment of red chili plants on the field 7 8. The growth promotion degree of the plant was calculated as follow :Height of the treated oneGrowth of height of the plant degree (%) = x 100 % Height of the untreated one Evaluation dry weight of the treated one Growth promotion degree (%) = x100%Evaluation dry weight of untreated oneEffect of irradiation condition of chitosan on the molecular weight and the solubility.Gamma-irradiated chitosan showed a rapid decrease in molecular weight with aconcomitant increase of the solubility of the chitosan in 1 % acetic acid.Results concerning the effect of irradiation conditions of chitosan on the averagemolecule weight are presented in Table 3.Table 3. The effect of different condition of irradiation on the average molecular weight of chitosanIrradiation doses Average molecular weight ( 104) No(kGy)Condition of irradiation of chitosanDryWetLiquid 1 0 1,57401,5740 1,5740 2 501,10500,9210 0,7450It was found that upon irradiation, chitosan is actually degradation of any polymer bymeans of irradiation causes the chain length of chitosan to become shooter with theformation of shooter fragment the molecular size, depend on the condition of chitosanused during irradiation. Chitosan in the liquid phase give a lowest molecular weight thansolid and wet conditions. It was because the radiolysis of water occurs during irradiation H2O e-, H, OH, H2, H2O2, H3OFurthermore, radical produced by irradiation of water could benefit to depolymerizationof chain of chitosan .Table 4. The effect of different condition of irradiation chitosan on the solubility properties (in 1% acetic acid) 8 9. NoSolubility (gr/mL)Condition of irradiation ofIrradiation doses chitosan (kGy) DryWet 00,0450,045 50 0,1200,144 It can be seen in Table 4. That the condition of chitosan during irradiation gave asignificant effect on the solubility of chitosan.The wet chitosan give a higher ofsolubility value than dry chitosan . This would tend that low molecular weight ofchitosan give a better solubility.Irradiated chitosan as growth promoter of red chili plantTable 5 illustrated the effect of irradiated chitosan at different condition of chitosanduring irradiation on red chili plant growth . Table 5. Effect of condition of chitosan when irradiated on height of red chili plantsafter 3 monthConditionHeight of plants (cm) AverageGrowth ofof chitosanheight of theNo Plant number height ofwhen plant degree irradiatedplants (cm) (%)at 50 kGy1234 5 67 8 910 1Non 34 36 35 37 33 34 353934 3435,1 1,34 18,2 irradiated Dry 250 56 58 60 52 53 525552 5354,1 2,72 82,1 Wet42 48 50 56 57 58 555259 4051,7 5,96 74,0 3Liquid48 42 44 50 42 43 444042 4043,5 2,40 46,4 4Control (withoutchitosan )32 28 33 29 27 29 292832 3029,7 1,120The data shows in Table 5 clearly demonstrated that the irradiated chitosan caneffectively help developing of height of the plants faster than that of without irradiation (09 10. kGy) and control (without chitosan). In this experiment, chitosan with condition of drysolid state when irradiated was the most effective as red chili plant growth compare withwet and liquid chitosan. It was because when chitosan irradiated in liquid or wet stateradical occurs from radiolysis of water damaged the active side of chitosan .Table 6. Illustrated the effect of different condition of chitosan when irradiated asgrowth promoter for red chili plants .Table 6. Growth promotion degree of irradiation chitosan on red chili plants No Condition of chitosanAverage dry weight of chiliGrowth promotionwhen irradiated at 50plants (g) degree (%)kGy 1non irradiated21,269,6 2dry 30,8146,4 3wet 27,2117,6 4 liquid 24,596,0 Control (without chitosan): 12,50,0Results in table 6. Showed the remarkable effect of the growth promotion of the irradiatedchitosan on red chili plants. In the dry condition of chitosan when irradiated attained thehighest increase of growth promotion degree (146,4%). The marked lower of growthpromotion degree of chitosan when irradiated in liquid or wet state compare with drycondition, because the radicals form from radiolysis of water damaged the site active offunctional group chitosan.The effect of growth promotion for plants in fieldResults in Table 7 showed the remarkable average effect of the growth promotion of theirradiated of dry chitosan on red chili plants 40 days age.Table 7. Growth promotion effect of the irradiated of dry chitosan10 11. Average ofWith out Using irradiated chitosan of dry chitosanNo Plant characteristic 1Height of the plant (cm)712 2Amount of root819 3 Length of root (cm)3 8 4 Amount of leaves 47As can be seen in Table 7. The irradiated of dry solid chitosan showed strong effect of thegrowth promotion on red chili plant at all and roots and leaves were found to develop at afaster rate than that of without chitosan. Results of field test showed that by sprayingwater contents of dry state irradiated chitosan made the productivity increase around of60 %. Control + chitosan Control+ chitosan Fig 6. Field test of irradiated dry solid chitosan on yield of red chiliAPPLICATION OF CARRAGEENAN AS HYDROGEL MATERIAL11 12. The Eucheuma seaweed , which produced carrageen is grown in cultivation farms locatedmostly in North Java and in South Celebes .Fig 7. Source of CarrageenThe carrageen family has three main branches named Kappa, Iota and Lambda which arewell differentiated in term of their gelling properties and proteinreactivity. Kappacarrageen produces strong rigid gel s while those made with Iota products are flaccid andcompliant. Fig 8. Molecular structure of carrageenAlthough Lambda carrageen do not gel in water, the interact strongly with protein tostabilize a while range of dairy products. With the end in view of developing non food12 13. application of carrageen several studies were undertaken to investigate the properties ofcarrageen polymer hydro gel prepare by irradiation technique and its application aswound dressing.In the purpose to increase the added value of the quality marine natural polymer,modification of kappa carrageen (KC) has been carried out by copolymerization radiationwith poly(vinyl) pirrolidone (PVP) to prepare a new material. KC with the concentrationsranged of 0-2 wt % was mixed and then homogenized with poly(vinyl ) pirrolidone (PVP)in the concentration of 0-2 % wt % in distilled water at temperature of 80 0C, respectivelyand then homogenized. The samples were packed in the polypropylene (PP) plastic filmthen irradiated by electron beam machine at the doses of 10 kGy/pass (Erizal, et al).Effect of the composition of PVP and KCTable 8. Shows of the physical appearance of the hydro gel which was made by thevarious concentration of PVP and KC.Table 8. Physical appearance of hydro gel PVC-KC by various concentrationOf PVC and KC .No. Composition of Irradiation Dose(kGy) Physical appearancePVP: KG (w/w) 1.0,5 :0,510,20,30,40 Soft and Brittle 0,5 :1,010,20,30,40 Soft and Brittle 0,5 :1,510,20,30,40 Soft and Brittle 0,5 ;2,010,20,30,40 Soft and Brittle 2.1 :110,20,30,40 Soft and Brittle 1 :1,510,20,30,40 Soft and Brittle 1 :210,20,30,40 Soft and Brittle 3.2 :0,5 10,20,30,40Soft and Brittle 2 :1,0 10,20,30,40Soft and Brittle 2 :2 10,20,30, 40 Tough, Brittle 2 :3 10,20,30,40Tough, Brittle 3 :3 10,20,30,40Tough, Brittle13 14. Fig 9. Appearance of PVC and KC hydro gelThe gel content of PVP and KC hydro gelThe gel content of the hydro gel was measured by extraction in hot distillated water at 500 C for 72 hr. The effect of irradiation on the percentage of gel content is presented inTable 10.100 80 Gel Content (%) 60 40 20 00 10203040Dose (kGy) Fig 9. Relation between gel content and irradiation doseIt can be seen that the percentage of the gel content increases by increasing of total dose,its mean more cross linking occurs.The tensile strength of hydro gelThe relationship between total dose and tensile strength of hydro gel shows in Figure 10.14 15. 2 Tensile strength (kG/cm2) 1,51 0,50 0 1020 30 40Dose(kGy)Fig 10. Relation between tensile strength and irradiation doseCOOPERATIONFor promoting the application of chitosan irradiated to the farmer as the users, wecooperate with local government in West Java and Center Java . Also we promote byposter in some exhibition.15 16. Fig 11. Sample of the poster for exhibition16 17. Also we do cooperation with Unibraw University for trial of irradiated chitosan to thefarmer land and compare the results by treatments that the usually use.CONCLUSIONS 17 18. 1. It is clear irradiation treatment was applicable on modification of chitosan for growth promoters and carrageen for hydro gel.2. Irradiation of chitosan in dry solid conditions gives the highest degree of height growth of plant to 50, 2 % and the degree of growth promotion to 92, 6 %.3. The field data of using irradiated chitosan for red chili plant shows of the increase in production yield was around 60 % higher than without using irradiated chitosan4. The best condition for copolymerization of KG with PVP was that in the composition of 2/2 (g/g) and the other compositions relatively did not good (fragile). The gel content hydro gel and tensile strength of hydro gel increases with increasing irradiation dose,REFERENCES1. 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