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Research approaches to the regulation of academic writing: the state of the question

Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 8(3), 1253-1282. 2010 (nº 22). ISSN: 1696-2095. - 1253 -

Research approaches to the regulation of

academic writing: the state of the question

Montserrat Castelló 1, Gerardo Bañales


Norma Alicia Vega 2

1 Faculty of Psychology, Ramon Llull University, Barcelona

2 Multidisciplinary Academic Unit of Sciences, Education and Humanities,

Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas, Mexico

Spain / Mexico

Correspondence: Montserrat Catelló. C/Císter 34, 08022. Barcelona. Spain. E-mail:

© Education & Psychology I+D+i and Editorial EOS (Spain)

Montserrat Castelló et al.

- 1254 - Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 8(3), 1253-1282. 2010 (nº 22). ISSN: 1696-2095.


Effective composition of academic and/or professional texts is a complex task that requires the

use of regulation processes. In recent years these processes have been studied from four research

approaches: cognitive, sociocognitive, sociocultural and socially shared. This study analyzes

their principal theoretical premises as well as the empirical studies realized from each approach,

and reflections are offered on the current state of knowledge in the field of writing regulation. In

conclusion, we delimit unresolved issues that should guide future research.

Keywords: writing processes, self-regulation, co-regulation, shared regulation, writing research.

Received: 05/25/10 Initial Acceptance: 05/25/10 Final Acceptance: 07/08/10

Enfoques en la investigación de la regulación de escritura

académica: Estado de la cuestión


La composición efectiva de textos académicos y/o profesionales es una tarea compleja que

requiere el uso de procesos de regulación. En los últimos años, estos procesos han sido

estudiados preferentemente desde cuatro enfoques teóricos diferentes: cognitivo, sociocognitivo,

sociocultural y socialmente compartido. En este trabajo se analizan las principales premisas

teóricas y los estudios empíricos realizados desde cada enfoque y se reflexiona sobre el estado

del conocimiento actual en el área de la regulación de la escritura. A modo de conclusión se

delimitan aquellos problemas no resueltos que deberían orientar el futuro de la investigación.

Palabras Clave: procesos de escritura, autorregulación, co-regulación, regulación compartida,

investigación de la escritura.

Recibido: 25/05/10 Aceptación Inicial: 25/05/10 Aceptación Definitiva: 08/07/10

Research approaches to the regulation of academic writing: the state of the question

Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 8(3), 1253-1282. 2010 (nº 22). ISSN: 1696-2095. - 1255 -


Teaching how to write effectively is a current need in both educational (Castelló, 2007)

and professional contexts (Quinlan & Alamargot, 2007), and research has dealt with this issue

extensively in recent decades. One of the conclusions from this research, expressed repeatedly

and under diverse conditions, is that effective text production that meets the communication

demands of a situation requires the use of composition strategies and processes that regulate

written composition (Castelló, 2009; Graham & Harris, 2000; Zimmerman & Riesemberg,

1997). Research on academic writing strategies and regulation processes in higher education –

both in terms of how they are conceptualized and how they are taught – is the topic that concerns

us in this article.

In the last thirty years, writing regulation processes in academic contexts have been

studied from at least four different theroretical-methodological approaches. These are

differentiated by their preferential adherence to assumptions of a cognitive, sociocognitive or

sociocultural nature. Additionally, in recent years it is possible to distinguish an emerging

perspective, albeit closely linked to the sociocultural approach, that considers regulation to be an

individual process that at the same time is shared socially. All four perspectives will be

considered here. At the theoretical level, these approaches have a different understanding of

writing regulation processes, and consequently, they assign different roles to the metacognitive,

motivational and contextual factors involved therein. At the methodological level, the data

collection and analysis procedures that are emphasized in each case can be placed along a

continuum that goes from individual-centered (e.g. cognitive approach) to those that prefer to

analyze interaction in collaborative writing situations (e.g. socially shared approach).

The objective of this article is to review these approaches and offer an updated analysis of

the state of the question in how writing regulation processes are being studied. To do so, we first

analyze the theoretical premises and methodological options defended by each. Second, we

review empirical studies from each approach that have made significant contributions regarding

regulation processes, also indicating in each case what aspects remain to be investigated. This

review is limited particularly to research carried out in the context of higher education. Third, we

Montserrat Castelló et al.

- 1256 - Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 8(3), 1253-1282. 2010 (nº 22). ISSN: 1696-2095.

will make a comparative synthesis of the theoretical notions and methodological approaches that

are prototypes of each perspective. Finally, by way of conclusion, we establish prospects for

future lines of research in the area of academic writing regulation, based on the problems that

this sphere of research is presently encountering.

Writing regulation from the cognitive perspective

Most authors concur in pointing to the decade of the eighties and the Hayes and Flower

formulation (Hayes & Flower, 1980) as the starting point for the study of composition processes

from the cognitive point of view, and along with that, the first explanations relating to

metacognitive control (regulation) of these processes. Ever since this model was initially

formulated by these authors, text composition has been understood as a problem to be solved

through complex cognitive activities of planning, translating and reviewing, which the writer

must control (regulate) in a recursive, coordinated fashion through a process of monitoring

(Hayes & Flower, 1980).

Beyond this initial formulation, current cognitive theories postulate that regulation or

control of writing – as it is more habitually referred to in their studies – is carried out through

processes of planning and reviewing, conceived of as two complex, interactive systems of

metacognitive control (see Alamargot & Chanquoy, 2001 and Roussey & Piolat, 2005 for a

detailed review of the different notions of regulation or control of writing within the cognitive

perspective). From these theories, planning is considered to be a top-down system of regulation

based on a goal setting process (Roussey & Piolat, 2005). Through this process the writer

activates or constructs a network of objectives and sub-objectives (goal network) that allows him

or her to control and coordinate the totality of the textual production, through an outline or

mental model (Flower, Schriver, Carey, Haas & Hayes, 1989; Hayes, 1996). Reviewing, for its

part, is considered to be a bottom-up regulation system, whereby the author uses processes of

problem detection, diagnosis and repair to monitor and control achievement of the established

goal network, using different solution strategies (Hayes, Flower, Schriver, Stratman & Carey,


Research approaches to the regulation of academic writing: the state of the question

Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 8(3), 1253-1282. 2010 (nº 22). ISSN: 1696-2095. - 1257 -

Under the umbrella of this conceptualization, two large lines of research have been

followed to deal with the impact of the two metacognitive control mechanisms – planning and

revising – on the quality of the text. Studies devoted to planning focus on analyzing the writing

goals that writers set, and how these impact text quality (Carey, Flower, Hayes, Schriver & Haas,

1989; Flower & Hayes, 1980; Flower et al., 1989). In a pioneering study, Flower and Hayes

(1980) analyzed the goals used by expert and novice writers (university students) for writing an

expository text. The results indicate that the experts devoted twice as much time to analyzing the

writing requirement, they set more content-related goals and they also set more rhetorical goals

directed toward causing an effect on the reader or toward controlling their image as writers of the

text than did the novice writers. The latter dedicated less time to analyzing the requirement and

set only content and format-related goals, without taking into account the need to set rhetorical or

author image goals.

However, this study does not mention the effects of such goals on text quality, such as are

found in the study by Carey et al. (1989). Results from the latter included the fact that the best

texts were produced by writers who set a greater number of goals when beginning the

composition process and, moreover, they did so in a qualitatively different way, including not

only content, audience and format aspects but also fundamentally rhetorical aspects such as

author image.

In order to further specify the definition of goal quality, Flower et al. (1989) distinguished

between global (text-level) and local (sentence-level) goals. Through analysis of think-aloud

protocols, the authors concluded that expert writers set content goals at the global and local level

in a more integrated fashion, allowing them to produce higher quality texts, unlike the novice

writers who established content goals only at the local level, thus producing texts with a certain

coherence at the paragraph level, but disorganized at the global level. Later research has clarified

that setting content goals at both the global and local levels allows writers to generate and

recover ideas in a more hierarchical, integrated fashion, helping them to produce texts with

greater macro and micro structural coherence (Dansac & Alamargot, 1999).

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- 1258 - Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 8(3), 1253-1282. 2010 (nº 22). ISSN: 1696-2095.

On the other hand, other authors have looked at the type of goals and their specific role in

processes of control and regulation, and they affirm that process goals, as a regulation

mechanism, play a different role than content or audience goals (Flower & Hayes, 1981; Hayes

& Nash, 1996). For these authors, while content goals have to do with defining what the writer

wants to say, and audience goals have to do with defining the desired effect on the reader,

process goals “are essentially the instructions people give themselves about how to carry out the

process of writing (e.g., „Let's doodle a little bit.‟ „So… write an introduction.‟ „I'll go back to

that later.‟)” (Flower & Hayes, 1981). More recently along these lines, Torrance and Galbraith

(2006) state that writers manage to reduce the processing and information management demands

on short and long term memory – with the subsequent improvement in regulation processes –

when they decide to first dedicate themselves exclusively to exploring and organizing ideas

through setting up notes, outlines and/or rough drafts, without worrying about whether they are

writing properly according to rhetorical conditions and formal prose, in other words, before they

formally translate their ideas.

The second line of research that has been developed from the cognitive perspective has to

do with the impact of metacognitive control mechanisms involved in reviewing the text quality

(Flower et al., 1989; Hayes et al., 1987; Midgette, Haria & McArthur, 2008). The pioneer studies

by Hayes et al. (1987) analyzed the problems detected by expert and novice writers (university

students) and the solutions they adopted for solving them, in their review of an expository text

that contained local problems (e.g. spelling) and global problems (e.g. unfulfilled text goals).

Results showed that experts detected 42% of the global problems as compared to 15% detected

by the novices, such that solving these global problems enabled experts to product higher quality

texts (Hayes et al., 1987). According to the authors, these results indicate that the experts showed

greater capacity for carrying out and strategically utilizing three types of differentiated diagnosis

of local and global problems in terms of intentions, rules and principles, and five types of

problem solutions, namely: ignore the problem (ignore), postpone the effort of solving the

problem (delay), search for more information to solve the problem (search), rewrite the text by

drafting or paraphrasing (rewrite) and intentionally revise the text to correct problems according

to information supplied by the diagnosis (revise).

Research approaches to the regulation of academic writing: the state of the question

Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 8(3), 1253-1282. 2010 (nº 22). ISSN: 1696-2095. - 1259 -

Recent research indicates that these processes of detection and problem solving often

used by expert writers may be owing to a greater mastery of different “control modes” such as

the control of automatisms, rules, and knowledge (Roussey & Piolat, 2005). Along these lines,

recent intervention studies confirm the importance of greater mastery of these control modes.

Students who had received training in detecting text problems based on content goals (for

example, adding information) or audience goals (for example, modifying content in order to

persuade) were able to produce higher quality argumentative essays, unlike students who had

only received general assistance or did not receive any assistance (Midgette, Haria & McArthur,


As a whole, studies from the cognitive perspective about setting goals or

detecting/solving problems during planning and reviewing processes have been key to a better

understanding of the impact of metacognitive control processes on text quality. Moreover, in

recent years, in an attempt to overcome limitations regarding a lack of contextualized results

from this perspective, some studies have taken a functional, dynamic approach to written

composition processes (Rijlaarsdam & van den Bergh, 2006). Results from these and other

studies (e.g. van den Bergh & Rijlaarsdam, 2007) reveal the possible multifunctionality of

metacognitive control activities according to their activation at different moments of the

composition process, and also analyze their differential impact on final text quality (Olive &

Piolat, 2003; Roussey & Piolat, 2005).

In the sense of emphasizing the dynamic, recursive nature of composition processes,

Galbraith and Torrance (2004) also established that reviewing activities have at least two

different functions depending on the type of planning that the writers used. Thus, when writers

initially used an outlining procedure, they used reviewing to detect and solve various problems

so as to meet the rhetorical objectives present in their outline; by contrast, when an interactive,

exploratory method was used to generate content through preparing partial drafts of text, writers

used reviewing to identify and select possible ideas and objectives to guide the creation of

additional drafts. Since most writers use both procedures for planning content, the authors

concluded that what matters is understanding the functions of the different types of reviewing

and planning, and how the two relate to other activities in the writing process.

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Despite the importance of these contributions, we still know little about the role of both

topic knowledge and genre knowledge in processes of metacognitive regulation of writing (see

McCutchen, 2000 and Torrance & Galbraith, 2006 for a review of the role played by both types

of knowledge in composition processes). Elsewhere, several recent authors who are positioned

near the sociocognitive approach (Zimmerman & Riesemberg, 1997; Zito, Adkins, Gavins,

Harris & Graham, 2007) have indicated a need to explain not only metacognitive control

processes in themselves, but also to explain and study regulation processes in relation to

motivational, behavioral and contextual aspects. These aspects are present to a greater or lesser

extent in every written composition activity and must be studied in order to fully understand the

impact of regulation on writing performance. We turn to these topics in the following section.

Writing regulation from the sociocognitive perspective

In the decade of the nineties, Zimmerman and Riesemberg (1997) disseminated a new

conception of writing which we know by the term sociocognitive, according to which “Writing is

more than a literary expression of cognitive skill: It is a social cognitive process wherein writers

… use a variety of behavioral as well as cognitive methods to garner and sustain affective

experiences and motivation” (Zimmerman & Riesemberg, 1997).

With regard to writing, these authors postulated that self-regulation can be understood as

the “self-initiated thoughts, feelings and actions that writers use to attain various literary goals,

including improving their writing skills as well as enhancing the quality of the text they create”

(Zimmerman & Riesemberg, 1997).

Under these premises, the initial theory by Zimmerman and Riesemberg (1997) proposes

that writing regulation is carried out through a “triadic system of self-regulatory processes”

comprising environmental, behavioral and personal self-regulatory processes. However, the

authors have recently reconceptualized this initial formulation of self-regulation of writing as a

triadic system (Zimmerman & Kitsantas, 2007), and propose a cyclical model of self-regulatory

writing composed of three phases of writing regulation: the forethought phase, the performance

phase and the self-reflection phase. The elements that comprise each of the three phases of the

Research approaches to the regulation of academic writing: the state of the question

Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 8(3), 1253-1282. 2010 (nº 22). ISSN: 1696-2095. - 1261 -

model are based on research in self-regulation from diverse academic, athletic and professional

spheres (see Zimmerman, 1998 and Zimmerman & Kitsantas, 2007 for a detailed review of this


From the methodological point of view, most studies developed from the sociocognitive

perspective take the form of experimental or quasi-experimental intervention designs, for the

most part with student populations from secondary education and to a lesser extent from


Two main lines of research oriented to the teaching and learning of writing strategies can

be distinguished: the first is headed by intervention studies from Zimmerman and collaborators,

where their model of regulatory skill acquisition is put to the test (Zimmerman, 2000) and the

second is represented by Graham and Harris (2009), who also deal with the development and

acquisition of self-regulatory strategies through their proposal called Self-Regulated Strategy

Development (SRSD).

The first of these two lines of research (Zimmerman, 2000) proposes that the best way for

students to learn new writing skills is through a teaching-learning process of four sequential

levels: observation, emulation, self-control and self-regulation. In the observation level, through

modeling, the student acquires a clear picture of how writing regulation strategies should be

executed. At this level the student learns by observing actions and listening to descriptions of

models, and motivation comes through the recognition that the modeler offers to the learner. For

example, the use of mind mapping as a technique for hierarchical and sequential organization of

the content of an expository text can be modeled; at this level the student is limited to observing

and listening to explanations about the use of this technique.

At the emulation level, students learn to regulate their writing by emulating the execution

of the model. A student is considered to have reached this level when he or she can execute the

modeled skill on their own, and when the learner‟s source of motivation is based on improving

their performance thanks to behavioral and social feedback processes. Continuing with the

Montserrat Castelló et al.

- 1262 - Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 8(3), 1253-1282. 2010 (nº 22). ISSN: 1696-2095.

example, at this level the student would practice the technique of mind mapping according to the

criteria and standards indicated under the teacher‟s direction.

At the self-control level, the student works on improving and automating the learned

writing skill or technique through self-initiated and self-directed practice. At this level the learner

compares his or her level of performance with the standards for regulating a given learned skill

or technique learned previously from the model, and their motivation is based on self-satisfaction

arising from the fulfillment or surpassing of these standards. For example, the student can

compare the mind map that he or she has prepared for a new topic with mapping models.

Finally, at the self-regulation level, the student learns to adapt learned skills and

techniques to writing tasks with different conditions. At this level, the students‟ main challenge is

to transfer what he or she learned through modeled processes to diverse situations where the

results from using a determined technique must be anticipated. For example, supposing that the

student had learned not only the mind mapping technique, but also the technique of comparing

and contrasting as a tool for organizing the ideas of a text, the challenge for the student could be

to decide which technique to use in order to organize the content of a new text in question.

In summary, Zimmerman (2000) proposes that these four sequential levels allow for

progressive development of regulation skill, where the student passes from being controlled and

motivated socially to being self-controlled and self-motivated. The central premise of this model

is that “the observation and emulation levels (1 and 2) represent social learning experiences that

prepare learners to achieve competence at the self-control and self-regulation levels (3 and 4)”

(Zimmerman & Kitsantas, 2002).

In recent years, the authors have carried out several intervention studies to study the

impact that these four levels of instruction have on the acquisition of different writing skills and

on different motivational factors such as the perception of self-efficacy as a writer (Zimmerman

& Kitsantas, 1999; 2002). Generally speaking, their results indicate the effectiveness of the

intervention model, since they confirm the idea of sequential, multilevel development in the

acquisition of writing regulation skills and their impact on different motivational factors.

Research approaches to the regulation of academic writing: the state of the question

Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 8(3), 1253-1282. 2010 (nº 22). ISSN: 1696-2095. - 1263 -

However, as these authors acknowledge, these results were obtained in highly formalized,

structured writing tasks, clearly making them different (probably less complex) than academic

writing tasks in contexts of higher education. The latter are often open-ended, with many

possible realizations, and are more complex to revise.

The second line of research in this perspective was initiated in the nineties, when Harris

and Graham (1992) revealed their Self-Regulated Strategy Development model (SRSD). In the

SRSD model, writing (and its development) is understood as a complex process based on four

factors: strategies, transcription skills, knowledge and motivation (Graham & Harris, 2009).

Strategies are understood as self-regulation skills such as goal setting, self-monitoring,

self-instructions, self-assessment and self-reinforcement, allowing the writer to actively direct

and control the composition process. These are referred to as high-level skills and involve a high

cognitive demand. Transcription skills are low-level skills (low cognitive demand), referring

primarily to handwriting and spelling, allowing the writer to transform the words he or she wants

to say into written symbols on a page. Knowledge refers to different types of knowledge

involved in writing, such as knowledge of the topic, of the audience, of the genre, language

knowledge, etc. Finally, motivation takes into account several motivational constructs such as

self-efficacy, positive and negative attitudes toward writing, and so on.

The SRSD model assumes a sociocognitive conception of writing regulation, understood

as “the process by which students activate and sustain cognitions, behaviors, and affects

systematically oriented toward the attainment of goals” (Zito et al., 2007). The SRSD model is a

direct method of teaching writing regulation strategies, based on 6 instructional stages:

1) developing and activating background knowledge, 2) discussing the strategy, 3) modeling,

4) memorization, 5) support and guidance in using the strategy 6) independent performance (see

Graham & Harris, 2009 for a detailed explanation of each stage.

In the last 30 years, Graham, Harris and collaborators have used experimental and quasi-

experimental designs to research the impact of the SRSD intervention model on writing

Montserrat Castelló et al.

- 1264 - Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 8(3), 1253-1282. 2010 (nº 22). ISSN: 1696-2095.

regulation strategies, on transcription skills, on writing-related knowledge and on various

motivational factors (De la Paz & Graham, 2002; Graham, Harris & Mason, 2005; see Graham,

2006 for an exhaustive review of studies that have analyzed the impact of the SRSD model on

learning writing). Generally speaking, the results reveal the effectiveness of the SRSD model for

improving performance in expository writing, especially of students in early stages of

development, and also in students with learning disabilities in writing.

Students with learning disabilities in primary and secondary education have been a

research priority for these authors, particularly in the analysis of teaching writing strategies and

regulation skills to them (Graham, 2006; Graham, Harris & Mason; 2005). Their results with this

group of students show the model‟s strength in at least five aspects of writing performance in

these students: a) improvement in learning and using writing regulation strategies both in

planning and reviewing different types of texts, b) learning basic writing knowledge, c) writing

quality, d) attitude toward writing, e) self-efficacy. However, they also reveal the difficulty of

measuring perceptions of self-efficacy with primary students and the need to clarify the role of

peer assistance in the effectiveness of teaching strategies and knowledge through the SRSD


In summary, the sociocognitive models by Zimmerman (2000) and Graham and Harris

(2009) offer a theoretical explanation of writing regulation that, unlike cognitive models,

emphasizes the importance of several cognitive, behavioral, affective-motivational and

environmental factors that intervene in any writing activity and should be regulated in order to

achieve specific writing goals. In a broad sense, sociocognitive studies show evidence for the

effectiveness of both instructional models in improving students‟ writing performance on a

variety of text types. Nonetheless, according to recent research on motivation in writing (see, for

example, Hidi & Boscolo, 2007 for the state of the question), there are other factors not included

in these models, such as interest in the topic and the task, that also appear to influence the

regulation of writing (Boscolo, Favero & Borghetto, 2007). Thus, little is known about the

impact of these models on the learning and use of strategies for regulating motivation during the

writing process, as something different from the usual strategies for regulating the cognitive

process of writing (Wolters, 2003, p. 192). On the other hand, as we already mentioned, almost

Research approaches to the regulation of academic writing: the state of the question

Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 8(3), 1253-1282. 2010 (nº 22). ISSN: 1696-2095. - 1265 -

all instructional effects obtained from both models have been positive in primary and secondary

education, but it is difficult to extrapolate their results to university contexts with quite complex

expository and/or argumentative writing tasks (Andriessen & Coirier, 1999).

Unlike the sociocognitive perspective that studies writers‟ individual processes for

regulating writing at the cognitive, motivational, behavioral and contextual levels, and the impact

of these regulation processes on text quality, the sociocultural perspective focuses mainly on

explaining and studying co-regulation processes in writing. In the next section, we present the

premises and empirical studies carried out in this regard.

Writing regulation from the sociocultural perspective

From the sociocultural view, text composition is considered to be a discursive, dialogic

and situated practice, developed by members of a community within a determined social, cultural

and historical context (Castelló, 2007; Prior, 2006). Novice community members learn to write

and to regulate composition through their participation in genuine discursive practices and

through social interaction with more expert or advanced members (Englert, Mariage &

Dunsmore, 2006).

If we think about school contexts, teachers (and some students), in their role as advanced

members, offer various types of guided, adapted scaffolding or assistance in terms of knowledge,

procedures, and other cultural tools. The ultimate purpose is for the student in his or her role of

learner to appropriate these and use them autonomously and independently (Englert et al., 2006).

Along these lines, teachers and students are immersed together in the activity of writing; they are

involved in furthering a discursive interaction that allows them to construct knowledge and share

situated meanings about plans, goals, processes and important decisions within a common

regulation space. Through these complex mechanisms of scaffolding and intersubjectivity,

teachers exercise powerful social mediation that allows the transferral or gradual transition of

teacher-directed regulation to writing regulated by the student himself (student-directed

regulation) (Hadwin, Oshige, Gress & Winne, 2010). Thus, in accordance with Vygotsky's notion

of the "zone of proximal development” (ZPD), teachers help the student, through processes of

Montserrat Castelló et al.

- 1266 - Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 8(3), 1253-1282. 2010 (nº 22). ISSN: 1696-2095.

transfer and release of control, to appropriate knowledge that allows them to self-regulate and

handle complex writing tasks on their own, for which they previously needed external regulation

and help. The mechanism that allows the transfer of control from external regulation to self-

regulation is conceptualized from this perspective as a co-regulation activity (McCaslin &

Hickey, 2001).

Furthermore, the activity of co-regulation extends beyond face-to-face interaction

processes and mediates students‟ individual writing regulation activity without the physical

presence of another person from the community (McCaslin & Hickey, 2001; Pressley, 1995).

Thus, the activity of writing regulation, even when it is carried out alone, on an

intrapsychological plane, is always mediated by the writer‟s dialogue with other voices in an

interpsychological space or plane, and by internalized cultural tools and aids that allow the writer

to make more or less strategic decisions (Castelló, 2007; Flower, 1994; Monereo, 2007; Pressley,

1995). In this dialogue, which takes place between the inter- and intra-psychological planes, the

writer constructs a context of the communicative situation, where, between the writer‟s own

voice and other voices, he or she negotiates meanings that pertain to the purpose, content and

form of a given text (Flower, 1994; Prior, 2001). From the sociocultural perspective, it is

assumed that individual writing regulation processes at the cognitive-affective level are always

situated in and mediated by the social, cultural and historical context wherein they are taking

place, and are linked to the identity adopted by the writer (Castelló, 2007; Prior, 2006).

Based on these premises, several studies on co-regulation processes in writing have been

carried out. One first group of studies is devoted to analyzing the processes of co-regulation

among university students in collaborative text planning situations (Burnett, 1994; Higgins,

Flower & Petraglia, 1992). For example, Higgins and collaborators (1992) inquired into the role

of peer assistance or scaffolding in text planning. Their study involved 22 undergraduate students

grouped into pairs, where one student had the role of tutor and the other of writer. The pairs had

to plan their texts using four types of prompts: 1) purpose or main points of the text, 2) audience,

3) text conventions and 4) content of the topic.

Research approaches to the regulation of academic writing: the state of the question

Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 8(3), 1253-1282. 2010 (nº 22). ISSN: 1696-2095. - 1267 -

The results identified two patterns of collaborative planning: a list-based pattern and an

interactive pattern. In the former, students in the tutor role used the prompts (purpose, audience,

etc.) as lists of questions to ask the student in the writer role, helping them to verbalize their

plans, but not encouraging their reflection about these or about the rhetorical purpose. By

contrast, in the interactive pattern, the student in the tutor role used questions or inquiries that

required his or her partner to make goals and purposes explicit, to think of alternative solutions

in the case of difficulty, and to justify the choice of such plans. Unfortunately, the study does not

provide data regarding how these patterns influenced final text quality, nor does it specify the

questions or different verbal movements of the two patterns.

In a later analysis of the same data, Burnett (1994) pointed out that the pairs that used

interactive patterns characteristically used scaffolding processes based on four types of verbal

movements: giving prompts, giving content information, challenging and directing the writer.

Burnett‟s observations (1994) indicate that successful, committed collaborators were

characterized by diversified, frequent use of the four verbal movements, and particularly by their

strategic use of each, depending on the need and the moment of the planning process. By

contrast, inexpert collaborators adopted an authoritarian role, criticizing their classmate‟s plans,

offering most of the important ideas, or making the classmate‟s text their own, confusing their

role as collaborator.

Burnett (1994) indicates that in addition to these verbal movements, other affective

factors may have influenced how the committed collaborators proceeded, such as greater

awareness of the social context of the task, a positive self-image as writers and greater

motivation, responsibility and receptivity toward the collaborative planning activity. Despite the

empirical importance of these results for understanding scaffolding and co-regulation processes

in writing, few studies have continued to analyze verbal movements and affective factors that

give rise to interactive patterns or other types of collaborative planning situations in the

university context.

A second group of studies analyzes co-regulation processes between university students

in reviewing situations (Castelló, Iñesta & Monereo, 2009; Castelló, González & Iñesta, 2010;

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Cho, Schunn, & Charney, 2006). Castelló and collaborators (2010) analyzed the problems that

postgraduate students perceived, and the changes that they made in order to fix them, in

collaborative, pair-work revision of three successive versions of a chapter of their thesis project,

after they attended an academic writing workshop.

Results show that some pairs, over the course of the three review sessions, focused

primarily on solving coherency problems at the sentence and paragraph level, on improving the

clarity of ideas at the syntactic and structural level, and on solving problems of inappropriate

terminology through the use of modals and by including additional information. Other pairs did

not define the problems specifically, thus hindering their resolution and the subsequent

improvement of the text. Again, this study did not indicate the impact of the two patterns on the

quality of the texts produced by the pairs, nor does it analyze students‟ discourse during the

collaborative revision sessions.

In this respect, Cho and collaborators (2006) studied the types of comments that

university students (undergraduate and graduate) and teachers make about other students‟ texts,

and they analyzed the usefulness of these comments as perceived by the authors of the texts.

Both reviewers evaluated the texts according to 3 dimensions: fluency of prose, argumentation

and insight. One notable result was the fact that the teachers, in their role as experts, made

greater use of directive comments regarding the dimension of fluency of prose and of

argumentation. The undergraduate students, in their reviews, used both directive comments and

praise in the three dimensions evaluated, while the postgraduates combined the expert and the

undergraduate patterns. Although the students did not differentiate between the comments

offered by experts and those offered by peers, they did differentiate between directive comments

and praise.

A third group of students focused on studying the role of “procedural aids” that teachers

offer their students to help them with planning and reviewing their texts (Allal, 2008; Wallace,

1994). In a recent study, Allal (2008) analyzed the impact of whole-class discussions on students‟

revisions. The sample was made up of three different classrooms, and even though the three

teachers had the same didactic sequence, Allal found differences in how they helped students to

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elaborate the content, to construct a guide for drafting an autobiography and to revise the texts.

Thus, when the teachers facilitated discussion and participation in the construction of categories

for the guide, and when they offered multiple examples of thinking (modeling) and interpreting

the review process, students made a greater proportion of revisions at the organizational and

semantic levels of the text, and produced better texts.

While most of the sociocultural studies reviewed above focused on studying co-

regulation processes between teachers and students or between students, recently a new group of

studies is emerging that focuses on exploring individual regulation processes carried out by

expert writers in authentic tasks – while recognizing their situated, dialogic and socially

mediated nature (Iñesta, 2009; Iñesta & Castelló, in press). We may classify these studies as the

fourth and final group within this perspective. Along these lines, Iñesta (2009) compared the

regulation processes of two expert writers during composition of a scientific article in two

languages. In this case the units of analysis were the regulation episodes, considered to be the

action sequences strategically implemented by the authors in order to solve a difficulty identified

in the composition process (Iñesta & Castelló, in press).

Results indicate that it is possible to differentiate between explicit and implicit regulation

episodes. In the former, writers intentionally regulate their performance when consciously facing

challenges or problems in writing. In the latter, the writer is not able to identify or formulate any

specific problem, despite the fact that his or her performance reveals intense regulation activity,

evidenced by records of writing activity, including many varied actions involving deletions,

reiterated modifications of words and phrases, several attempts at composing a sentence or a

paragraph, etc. Moreover, on some occasions regulation episodes are resolved during a single

working session (intra-session), while in other cases, although less frequently, the episodes are

readdressed in several sessions. This might indicate that for some aspects of writing, ongoing,

open regulation processes are required, spanning the entire composition process.

Finally, some data from this study also show that explicit and implicit regulation

processes used autonomously by expert writers in authentic writing tasks, despite being produced

in apparently individual writing situations, are always co-regulated, that is, they are socially

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mediated and scaffolded by the quality norms and criteria of the research communities which the

authors are addressing.

In summary, sociocultural studies on writing co-regulation processes have generated

important contributions to the teaching of writing regulation in the last two decades (see, for

example, Englert et al., 2006 for a review of several proposals with a sociocultural orientation

for teaching writing). These focus fundamentally on an understanding of the complex processes

of scaffolding and intersubjectivity which writers and collaborators are involved in when

performing authentic writing activities within discursive communities that are socially, culturally

and historically situated (Burnett, 1994; Castelló, et al., 2010; Chon, et al., 2006; Iñesta, 2009).

However, we still know relatively little, not only about the usefulness of scaffolding types that

seek to facilitate the acquisition of writing regulation procedures, but also about how teachers

and students use them, including how certain external aids (for example, computer programs)

can facilitate acquisition of declarative, procedural and metacognitive knowledge in a specific

writing situation (Azevedo & Hadwin, 2005). In recent years particularly, certain studies on

socially shared regulation processes (Hadwin, et al., 2010) take the interaction between

individual and collective regulation in collaborative learning situations as their unit of analysis,

and these may be an interesting contribution to help overcome some of the limitations of studies

carried out to date. The following section presents the premises of this perspective and its related


Writing regulation from the socially shared perspective

As we affirmed at the beginning of this article, in recent years it is possible to identify an

emerging perspective in the study of regulation, which, while sharing the basic assumptions of

sociocultural perspectives, understands regulation as the set of activities whereby individuals

regulate both their own individual activity as well as the collective activity in which they are

participating (Hadwin, et al., 2010). From this perspective, referred to as situated, socially

shared regulation, these activities allow the co-construction of a mutual understanding of the

tasks, with shared activities for goal setting and planning, execution and evaluation that students

carry out as a group in order to jointly resolve a task (Hadwin, et al., 2010). In this sense, it can

Research approaches to the regulation of academic writing: the state of the question

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be stated that socially shared regulation is a collective or common regulation where regulation

processes and products are distributed among the group, and at the same time are the

responsibility of each one of the individual subjects that make up this group (Jackson, McKenzie,

& Hobfoll, 2000).

Research carried out from this perspective seeks to analyze both the shared regulation

processes executed by a group and the individual regulation processes that the members of the

group make use of to regulate other members or the entire group. As in the sociocultural studies,

discourse analysis and analysis of trace data are the principal sources for analyzing regulation

processes (see Hadwin, et al, 2010 for a methodological comparison).

These shared regulation processes have been investigated primarily in problem solving,

either within Computer Supported Collaborative Learning situations (CSCL) (Vauras, Iiskala,

Kajamies, Kinnunen & Lehtinen, 2003), or in face-to-face learning situations (Volet, Summers &

Thurman, 2009), but there are practically no studies that focus exclusively on writing. Toward

this end, it may be useful to establish channels of theoretical and methodological dialogue

between these studies and those that deal with analysis of collaborative writing regulation

whether in face-to-face contexts (Lowry, Curtis & Lowry, 2004) or with computer support

(Erkens, Jaspers, Prangsma & Kanselaar, 2005). In particular, some of the new platforms

designed to favor computer-supported collaborative writing (Clark, Sampson, Weinberger &

Erkens, 2007) may make it possible to analyze shared regulation processes carried out by

students when they write collaboratively, examining the division of roles, use of tools, the

sharing of emotions and knowledge and the patterns of discursive interaction that they make use

of in order to plan, write and review a text within a socially shared virtual space. Undoubtedly, in

the immediate future, the link between the two fields can be an important area where research

can explore the complex relationships between individual and shared regulation in the group

production of authentic texts.

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Synthesis and conclusion

Processes of regulating written composition have been studied in recent decades from at

least four large theoretical-methodological approaches: cognitive, sociocognitive, sociocultural

and shared social (See Table 1 for a comparative synthesis). The cognitive perspective has

primarily dealt with the study of metacognitive control processes as they pertain to either the

planning process – particularly to goal-setting – or the reviewing process, specifically with

activities that detect and resolve text problems. Designs used from this perspective tend to

differentiate the action of expert writers from that of novices, and they approach writing as

fundamentally an individual activity. The texts usually address specific, closed requirements and

are developed during brief, predetermined time periods. From the methodological point of view,

they tend to use analysis of think-aloud protocols, and correlational, experimental designs.

Research from the sociocognitive perspective, on the other hand, has been devoted

fundamentally to discerning the impact of teaching different self-regulation procedures, due in

part to its orientation toward analyzing the contexts of actual practice. These procedures are

organized in models that involve both cognitive and affective-attitudinal regulation strategies.

The research designs used from this perspective are fundamentally quasi-experimental, and

involve the analysis of specific interventions on the writing performance of students in different

contexts. Although the interventions have occasionally been applied in natural contexts, it is

customary for such interventions to be implemented in controlled fashion, according to the

methodological demands of controlling variables.

Elsewhere, studies carried out from sociocultural perspectives have preferred to work

from natural educational contexts, with the objective of studying how aids and scaffolding from

both teachers and more advanced peers are internalized, in other words, how the appropriation of

regulatory activity for written composition is facilitated, through the study of co-regulation

processes. Methodologically speaking, the most frequent design is that of case studies, both

individual and multiple, with the data for analysis coming from the discourse in interactive

situations, normally recorded through techniques of video-recording, audio-recording and/or

Research approaches to the regulation of academic writing: the state of the question

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computer screen captures, and complemented with supplementary information from diaries, self-

reports and documents.

Finally, the shared regulation studies, despite their theoretical affinity with sociocultural

studies, are distinguished methodologically by their interest in the study of processes by which

multiple persons regulate a collaborative discursive activity. In this sense, they analyze joint

regulation processes that students carry out as a group in order to solve collaborative writing

tasks, normally with computer support. For this end, case studies are generally the

methodological design, where data is collected from group activities through computer trace

data, in addition to other procedures mentioned in the sociocultural perspective. These studies

also share the same analysis systems of the sociocultural perspective, although they seek to

reduce the information such that it is possible to establish relationships and patterns in both

individual regulation activity and group activity, as well as relationships between the two.

In conclusion, we wish to make note of two current challenges that relate to research on

the processes of regulating written composition, which we feel are forthcoming from the review

given here. The first is a theoretical challenge, and has to do with the importance of making an

effort to integrate the concepts and premises established by the different perspectives, taking into

account current debates and recent theoretical-conceptual advances in certain variables that have

been identified as key to the study of regulation, particularly in the realm of studies on

motivation in writing (Hidi & Boscolo, 2007). Second, it would be beneficial at the empirical

level to move toward the use of more molar regulation measurements that also include the time

dimension (Castelló, 2007; van der Bergh & Rijlaarsdam, 2007). This is implied, for example, by

the regulation episodes proposed by Iñesta (2009), making it possible to study regulation

processes in a more multifunctional, dynamic and integrated fashion, preferably in authentic

writing tasks. In order to face this challenge, future research will undoubtedly find it essential to

make combined use of online and offline instruments for assessment of regulation processes

involved in written composition (see Fidalgo & Nicasio, 2009 for a broader review). Addressing

both challenges will help us advance in both theoretical development and in research design, as

well as strengthen certain educational practices in the area of academic writing.

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Table 1. A comparative synthesis of research approaches that investigate writing regulation processes

Cognitive Sociocognitive Sociocultural Socially shared

Notion of


Cognitive processes of planning, translating and revision.

Complex cognitive, motivational and behavioral activity in interaction with the

social and physical environment

The writer‟s discursive activity, which is mediated, dialogic and situated within a discursive community

and located within a determined social, historical

and cultural context

A discursive activity shared among members of a discursive community and located within a certain

social, historical and cultural context

Notion of


Metacognitive systems used by the

writer in order to control text production:

Planning: goal setting

Revision: problem detection, diagnosis

and solution

Self-initiated thoughts, feelings and actions

that writers use to achieve certain writing goals, such as improving their writing skills or

improving the quality of the text they have


Process of transfer from external (expert) regulation

to internal (learner) self-regulation of the knowledge that makes it possible to regulate a certain

discursive activity.

Socially co-regulated self-regulation process, based

on the internalization and situated use of different

aids and cultural tools during realization of a certain discursive activity.

Processes by which multiple persons regulate a

collaborative discursive activity

Processes for co-construction of a mutual

understanding of the task, shared goal setting and shared planning, execution and evaluation

activities that students carry out as a group in

order to jointly solve a collaborative writing task

Unit of


Metacognitive processes of planning and revision

Self-regulation process of cognitive activities, and motivational, behavioral and

environmental factors involved in text


Face-to-face co-regulation processes between pairs in planning or in reciprocal revision of an individual


Co-regulation processes between teacher and

students at the whole-class level or with tutors

Individual self-regulation processes, socially co-

regulated through diverse mediators (e.g. dialogue

with other voices, text production conditions, etc.)

Shared regulation processes performed by a group, and individual regulation processes used by

members of the group in order to regulate other

members or the whole group during an authentic collaborative writing task

Examines the contributions, roles, evolution of ideas and the way that groups collectively set

goals, monitor, evaluate and regulate their socially

shared space during an authentic collaborative writing task



Protocols Protocols ; Self-reports Interviews: Questionnaires

Interviews : Diaries Dialogues;

Video-audio-screen recordings (e.g. Camtasia)

Documents (e.g. drafts)

Computerized recordings of shared and individual activity




Experimental Correlations

Quasi-experimental studies

Case studies

Classroom investigations Intervention studies

Discourse analysis

Content analysis

Case studies

Trace data analysis Discourse analysis

Content analysis

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