Reproductive Male Diseases Premature Ejaculation PharmaPedia PharmaGates

Post on 18-Apr-2015

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Transcript of Reproductive Male Diseases Premature Ejaculation PharmaPedia PharmaGates


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Premature ejaculation

القذف سرعة أو المبكر القذف

Definition & Symptoms:

Premature ejaculation occurs when a man ejaculates sooner during sexual intercourse than they or their partner would like. As long as it happens infrequently, it's not cause for concern. However, if you regularly ejaculate sooner than you and your partner wish — such as before intercourse begins or shortly afterward it can be considered premature ejaculation.

الرجل ان هى القذف سرعة له او يقذق لو مقلقة غير وهى لشريكته تاتى ان قبل الجماع هزة تأتيين او مرة حصلت سلبي كتير بشكل اتكررت لو لكن اتن تؤثر الجماع على فإنها عملية

Causes :

1. Psychological causes● Erectile dysfunction. Men who are anxious about obtaining or maintaining their erection during sexual

intercourse may form a pattern of rushing to ejaculate, which can be difficult to change.دة اإلنتصاب على يحافظ ميقدرش ممكن انوا دماغوا فى حاطت او وخايف االنتصاب فى مشكلة عندوا الراجل يكون لما هنا

الجماع طوال● Anxiety. Many men with premature ejaculation also have problems with anxiety — either specifically about

sexual performance or related to other issues.دماغ فى ده الموضوع حاطت بيكون او مبكر قذف معاه يحصل ان خايف بيكون بردوا ههنا

● Relationship problems. If you have had satisfying sexual relationships with other partners in which premature ejaculation happened infrequently or not at all, it's likely that interpersonal issues between you and your current partner are contributing to the problem.

2. Biological causes:● Abnormal hormone levels● Abnormal levels of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters واالمفيتامين السيريتونين الموضوع فى وهمهم● Abnormal reflex activity of the ejaculatory system● Certain thyroid problems● Inflammation and infection of the prostate or urethra البولى الجهاز فى عدوى وجود او البروستاتا فى التهاب● Inherited traits موروثة صفاتRarely, premature ejaculation is caused by:● Nervous system damage resulting from surgery or trauma● Withdrawal from certain medications used to treat mental health problems

Complications● Relationship strains. الزوجين بين مشاكل


*this material is free to be used in any educational procedure, downloaded , copied or shared once used without any content modification.*● Fertility problems البويضة وتخصيب االنجاب فى مشكلة


There usually are no abnormal findings with the condition. Physician may order blood tests to check the male hormone (testosterone) levels.


A) Behavioral methods:

1. the start-and-stop methodyou or your partner will stimulate your penis until you feel like you are about to have an orgasm. Then the stimulation stops for about 30 seconds. Once you regain control of your response, stimulation begins again. This process is repeated 3 or 4 times before you allow yourself to have an orgasm

2. The squeeze method● Step 1. Begin sexual activity as usual, including stimulation of the penis, until you feel almost ready to

ejaculate.● Step 2. Have your partner squeeze the end of your penis, at the point where the head (glans) joins the

shaft, and maintain the squeeze for several seconds, until the urge to ejaculate passes.● Step 3. After the squeeze is released, wait for about 30 seconds, then go back to foreplay. You may notice

that squeezing the penis causes it to become less erect, but when sexual stimulation is resumed, it soon regains full erection.

● Step 4. If you again feel you're about to ejaculate, have your partner repeat the squeeze process.By repeating this as many times as necessary, you can reach the point of entering your partner without ejaculating. After a few practice sessions, the feeling of knowing how to delay ejaculation may become a habit that no longer requires the squeeze technique.

B) Medications

A) Antidepressants (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) / tricyclic

antidepressant)الدكاترة لكن القذف لسرعة كعالج االستخدام فى العالمية الصحة منظمة من عليها الموافقة يتم لم

القذف بتاخر انها ليها الجانبية االثار من بيستفيدواselective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)ب أبنبد

بنستخدم - مجبتشنتيجة لو tricyclic antidepressantلكناالعراض لتحسين بساعتين الجماع قبل تستخدم لكن مستمرة بصفة استخدامهم يجب وال

وغثيان وقىء البول واحتباسفى الفم جفاف هى سيكلك التراى لي الشهيرة الجانبية االعراض ومنليهم الن antimuscarinic effectوامساك

الجلوكوما وال البروستاتا لمريض استخدامهم يتم ال وبالتالى


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Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)M.O.A:SSRIs block the reabsorption (reuptake) of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain. Changing the balance of serotonin seems to help brain cells send and receive chemical messages, which in turn boosts mood. SSRIs are called selective because they seem to primarily affect serotonin, not other neurotransmitters

بتعمل القذف تاخير بجانب انها ميكتبوهاش الدكاترة تخلى ممكن هنا جانبيه اعراض وفى● Reduced sexual desire or difficulty reaching orgasm● Inability to maintain an erection (erectile dysfunction)


Depreban Durazac Fluoxetine

Flutin Octozac Philozac


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Ceropram Cipram Cipramax


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Citalo Depram Ramdeep

Sedopram Talopram



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Cipralex Cipra-pro Escita



Paroxetine Seroxat Xandol


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Deprestat Lustral Moodapex

Serlift Serpass Sertral


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Seserine Sirto


its SNRI...serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor


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Efexor Idixor

Tricyclic antidepressantsM.O.A:


*this material is free to be used in any educational procedure, downloaded , copied or shared once used without any content modification.*Act by inhibiting uptake of the biogenic amines noradrenaline and 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin).




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Anafranil* most commonly used

Anapramine Supranil

B) Topical anesthetic creamsTopical anesthetic creams containing lidocaine or prilocaine dull the sensation on the penis to help delay ejaculation. Applied a short time before intercourse, these creams are wiped off when your penis has lost enough sensation to help you delay ejaculation.

ال تخدير يتم ال حتى الجملع قبل الزكرى العضو غسل مهبليجب

Some men using topical anesthetic creams report reduced sexual pleasure because of lessened sensitivity. Although the cream is wiped off before intercourse, in some studies female partners reported that it also reduced their genital sensitivity and sexual pleasure. In rare cases lidocaine or prilocaine can cause an allergic reaction


http :// www . mayoclinic . com

http :// health . nytimes . com


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