Reproductive health

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Reproductive health

Is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of infirmity or disease, in all matters relating to the reproductive system and to its functions and processes.

Is defined as the constellation of methods, techniques, and services that contribute to the reproductive health and well-being by preventing and solving reproductive health problems.

People are able to have a satisfying and safe sex life

Have the capability to reproduce

Have the freedom to decide if, when and how often to do so.

To ensure that comprehensive and factual information and a full range of reproductive health care services are accessible, affordable, acceptable and convenient to all users.

To enable and support responsible voluntary decisions about child-bearing and methods of family planning.

To meet changing reproductive health needs over the life cycle and to do in ways sensitive to the diversity

Family planning Counseling Information Education Communication & services Education & services for parental care Prevention & appropriate treatment of infertility Abortion Treatment of reproductive tract infections STD & other reproductive health conditions Human sexuality Responsible parenthood

Fertility – means the actual number of births applied to an individual or to a group while Fecundity – is the biological capacity of a woman (or a couple) to have children in the future.

1. Heredity > the ability to reproduce is relatively influenced by fecundity of one’s ancestor.

Ex. Defects in sex organs affect fecundity and is inherited.

2. Health > if a person is in good, he has the highest possible fecundity.

Ex. There are diseases that adversely affect a person’s reproductive capacity.

3. Age > Reproduction begins at puberty, develops during adolescence and reaches a high point of maturity.

4. Emotional Surroundings > A good environment helps in the proper development of the fetus.

5. Ovulation cycle > Every 28 days, one or more ova are released during ovulation – a process in which the egg cells mature.

6. Lactation > pregnancy is usually impeded as the mammary glands are active.

7. Pregnancy Wastage > This refers to miscarriage or spontaneous abortion or stillbirth. Stillbirth constitutes a longer interruption in pregnancy.

1. Parenthood means fulfillment

Parents often feel that their role as parents is fulfilled the moment they have a child.

2. Machismo

> There is a belief that the proof of man’s virility is to beget children. The more he has, the more manly he believes he is.

3. Perpetuation of the family name

Sons are desired to carry on the family name.

4. Competition with parents

A man says’ “if my parents were able to support many children, why can’t I support more?”. This means that the son wants to compete with his parents and even desires to surpass them

5. More hands

It is a common belief, esp. among farmers, that many children mean more hands to work in the farm. Hence, the need for more chidlren.

6. Bigger Income

> Many hands that earn a living means a bigger income to the family

7. Insurance

> Parents’ beliefs that having many children is an assurance that there will be one or two who will provide for them in their old age.

8. Security

It is a custom of some parents to train their older children and expect them to take care of their younger brothers and sisters even at an early age.

9. God’s Blessings

Children are considered as gifts from God. There is a belief that the large family is in God’s grace or is blessed.

10. Fatalism

Filipinos generally value fate. Fatalism extends even to the number of children families have.