Reports of automation all problems one solution

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Reports of automation all problems one solution

By: Arjun Abhesheke


Unveiling the story of

Reports of Automation : All problems, One Solution

Its story of every

automation tester &

complications faced by them.

The story begins with…

That moment when you think you are a champ!!!!Because you are done with testing…

And then you see results stacking up.. one after another!!!Yes!! You now have unending results to analyze..

So your work has now started….You need to analyze those 100 results & get to the root cause of failure in a systematic way!!

And this demonstration Is to help exactly there..At this very pain point ;)

To build a custom tool which will handle automation report across multiple platforms!!!!

Always hitting the key problem & finding the solution is a win-win situation!

And When your boss screws you up to find one, you have to

And then for IT world …

Solutions always come up with comparisons… But here comparison of test reports only was the biggest problem!!!

For solution technologies keep on dancing & tempt you….Select me! Select Me! So its important to know the correct technologies used to build solution.

Correct approach decides the

perfect end!!

So, Approach for designing

automation test cases is a must!!


Checklist is a must…

So, Things to be considered for Reports

To save yourself from scorching sun, last but not least..

Analyzing trends & tracing footprints (Backward Traceability) is a must!!!

Moral of the story is..

To rule the topsy turvy world of automation ( sit on money actually ;) ) you need to have this custom tool for yourself!!

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