Reporting Verbs

Post on 14-Feb-2016

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Transcript of Reporting Verbs

REPORTING VERBS Form Verbs Examples 1 Verb + that+ S+ V

Verb+object+that Verb+to+object+that

insist(insistir) explain (explicar) declare (declarar) Suggest (sugerir) advise (aconsejar) promise(prometer) accept(aceptar) admit (admitir) agree (acordar) announce (anunciar) complain (quejarse) insist (insistir) predict (predecir) recommend (recomendar) reply ( responder) reveal (revelar) say (decir) suggest (sugerir) warn (avisar) tell, advice, warn explain, admit,insist, recommend, say, suggest.

“I repeat. You must be more polite”, she said.= She insisted that I have/ had to be more polite. “The connectors are useful to organize the writing”he said.= He explained that the connectors are useful to organize the writing. “He is guilty”, they said= They said that he is/was guilty. Why don´t we stay at home?”, he said.= He suggested that we stay/stayed at home. “You ought to sleep more hours”, she said.= She advised that I ought to sleep more hours. “I´ll phone you” he said.= He promised that he´ll phone me/he would phone me.

2 Verb+ gerund apologize (for) (pedir disculpas por) suggest (sugerir) recommend

“I´m sorry for being late”= He apologized for being late. “Let´s meet at the café at 8 o´clock”, she said.= She suggested meeting at the café at 8 o´clock. “Study 3 hours a day”, she said.= She recommended studying 3 hours a day.

3 Verb+object+to+infinitive Invite (inviter) Beg (rogar) Advise (aconsejar) Warn (advertir) ask (pedir) order (ordenar) remind( recorder) tell (decir)

“Would you like to go to the premiere with me”,he said.= He invited me to go to the premiere with him. “Please, don´t tell me more lies”, she told Ben.= She begged Tom not to tell her more lies. “You should go to the doctor”, my mother said.= My mother advised me to go to the doctor. “Don´t drive so fast”, she said.= She warned me not to drive so fast.

4 Verb+to+infinitive agree offer promise refuse

“OK. We´ll stay in that hotel”, he said.= He agreed to stay in that hotel. “I´ll do the washing-up today”, he said.= He offered to do the washing up that day. “I´ll tidy up my room”, she said.= She promised to tidy her room. “I won´t give up”,he said.= He refused to give up.


Verb+that+S+should+INF Suggest recommend

“ Why don´t we meet later”, he said.= He suggested that we should meet later. “Don´t eat so much fast food”, he said.= He recommended that I shouldn´t eat so much fast food.