report on bharti axa

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Transcript of report on bharti axa

  • 8/9/2019 report on bharti axa





    (July 1-2010 to august 15- 2010)

    Submitted by:

    Tabish Iqbal


    Soldevanahalli, BANGALORE-90


  • 8/9/2019 report on bharti axa













    Life in Bharti Axa

    Other activities


  • 8/9/2019 report on bharti axa



    I am thank full to mr. dilip manepalliwho gave me theopportunity to work with Bharti Axa as a trainee. I am also

    thank full to miss latato guide us in different waysregarding understanding the products etc.

    I really thank god to provide me good health during my

    training period which actually helped me to complete my

    internship programme specially to achieve the sales targetand to complete this report successfully in time.

  • 8/9/2019 report on bharti axa



    Definition Of Insurance

    Insurance is a contractual-type financial intermediary that

    offers the public protection against the financial costs associated with

    the loss of life, health, or property in exchange for premiums.

    An agreement that guarantees the payment of a stated amount

    of monetary benefits upon the death of the insured. Risk insurance

    intended as protection against the financial consequences of the

    death of the insured person, which takes the form of payment of a

    previously agreed lump sum or pension to a beneficiary, if the insured

    person dies during the term of insurance. In the case of pure life

    insurance, without any endowment insurance component, no

    payments are due if the insured person survives the term of


    Insurance is that which provides protection against the

    economic loss caused by the death of the person insured.

    Insurance is a federal subject in India. The insurance sector

    has gone through a number of phases and changes. Since 1999,when the government opened up the insurance sector by allowing

    private companies to solicit insurance and also allowing FDI up to

    26%, the insurance sector has been a booming market. However, the

    largest life-insurance company in India is still owned by the


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    HistoryInsurance in India has its history dating back until 1818, when

    Oriental Life Insurance Company was started by Anita Bhavsar in

    Kolkata to cater to the needs of European community. The pre-

    independent era in India saw discrimination among the life of

    foreigners and Indians with higher premiums being charged for the

    latter. In 1870, Bombay Mutual Life Assurance Society became the

    first Indian insurance company covering Indian lives at normal rates.

    At the dawn of the twentieth century, many insurance companies

    were founded. In the year 1912, the Life Insurance Companies Act

    and the Provident Fund Act were passed to regulate the insurance

    business. The Life Insurance Companies Act, 1912 made it

    necessary that the premium-rate tables and periodical valuations of

    companies should be certified by an actuary. However, the disparage

    still existed as discrimination between Indian and foreign companies.

    The oldest existing insurance company in India is the NationalInsurance Company Ltd., which was founded in 1906. It is in

    business. Before that, the industry consisted of only two state

    insurers: Life Insurers (Life Insurance Corporation of India, LIC) and

    General Insurers (General Insurance Corporation of India, GIC). GIC

    had four subsidiary companies.

    With effect from December 2000, these subsidiaries have been de-

    linked from the parent company and were set up as independent

    insurance companies: Oriental Insurance Company Limited, New

    India Assurance Company Limited, National Insurance Company

    Limited and United India Insurance Company Limited.

    Currently, in India only two million people (0.2 % of the total

    population of 1 billion) are covered under Mediclaim, whereas in

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    developed nations like USA about 75 % of the total population are

    covered under some insurance scheme. With more and more private

    companies in the sector, the situation may change soon.


    The insurance sector went through a full circle of phases from being

    unregulated to completely regulated and then currently being partly

    deregulated. It is governed by a number of acts.

    The Insurance Act of 1938[1] was the first legislation governing all

    forms of insurance to provide strict state control over insurance


    Life insurance in India was completely nationalized on January 19,

    1956, through the Life Insurance Corporation Act. All 245 insuance

    companies operating in the country were merged into one entity, the

    Life Insurance Corporation of India.[2]

    The General Insurance Business Act of 1972 was enacted to

    nationalise the about 100 general insurance companies and

    subsequently merging them into four companies. All the companies

    were amalgamated into National Insurance, New India Assurance,

    Oriental Insurance and United India Insurance, which wereheadquartered in each of the four metropolitan cities.[3]

    Until 1999, there were not any private insurance companies in India.

    The government then introduced the Insurance Regulatory and

    Development Authority Act in 1999, thereby de-regulating the

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    insurance sector and allowing private companies. Furthermore,

    foreign investment was also allowed and capped at 26% holding in

    the Indian insurance companies.

    What is life Insurance?

    Life Insurance is a contract providing for payment of a sum ofmoney to the person assured or, to the person entitled to receive the

    same, on the happening of a certain event.

    The Insurance Institute of America defines insurance as three

    things. First, insurance is a transfer technique whereby the insured

    transfers the risk of financial loss to another party, the insurance

    company or insurer. Second, it is a contract between the policyholder

    and the insurer that states what financial consequences of loss are

    transferred and expresses the insurer's promise to pay for those

    consequences. Third, insurance is a business and, as such, needs to

    be conducted in a way that earns a reasonable profit for its owners.

    The money a policyholder pays an insurer is small compared to

    the potential for loss. If a family's house were to burn down, they

    probably could not afford to replace it without insurance. The

    insurance system enables someone to transfer the financial

    consequences of this loss to an insurance company. The insurancecompany, in turn, pays for covered losses and distributes the costs

    among all of its policyholders. In that way, your fellow policyholders

    share the cost of your loss, as you share in theirs.

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    A family is dependent for its food, clothing and shelter on the

    income brought by the family's breadwinner. The family is secure so

    long as this breadwinner is alive and is capable of earning. A sudden

    death (or disability) may leave the family in a financially difficult

    situation. Uncertainty of death is inherent in human life and thisuncertainty makes it necessary to have some protection against the

    financial loss arising from untimely death. Life insurance offers this


    The Greeks and Romans started the earliest type of life

    insurance. Contributions were made by all surviving members for the

    burial cost of a member. In case of the death of a member the cost ofburial was made out of the contributed fund.

    In the 17th century, the Tontine Annuity system was introduced

    where associations of individuals were formed without any reference

    to age, and a fund was created by equal contributions from each

    member. The sum collected was invested, and at the end of each

    year the interest was divided among the survivors. The last remainingsurvivor received both the year's interest and the entire amount of the


    The first organized life insurance company was founded in

    1759 in Philadelphia, in North America. Subsequently, over the past

    three centuries, numerous life insurance

    Companies sprung up, making life insurance a popular tool forprotection coupled with investment.

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    Why do we need Life Insurance?

    We need Life Insurance because typically the need for income

    continues for those who are financially dependent on you, but there is

    no guarantee of your ability to earn consistently and for the rest of

    your life. Life insurance can help you safeguard the financial needs of

    your family.

    This need has become even more important due to steady

    disintegration of the prevalent joint family system, and emergence of

    nuclear families. The need to protect your family's ever growing

    needs is why you need Life Insurance.

    Replacement of Income

    Life insurance products can provide support to the family and

    take care of the family's financial requirements. It provides a lump

    sum or periodic payments to help replace the income stream, in case

    of an unfortunate event or an untimely demise of the breadwinner.

    Lifestyle Maintenance

    Life insurance products can help you build a corpus to protectand maintain your lifestyle against fluctuations in your future income.

    Costs of Education

    You need to support your child with a sound educational

    background, to help your child achieve his/her dreams. Life insurance

    products can help you fulfill these needs, whether you are there or


    Retirement Expenses

    Retirement is an age when an individual has fulfilled almost all

    his responsibilities and looks forward to relaxing. Life insurance

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    products can help you lead a secure and tension free retired life by

    ensuring that you get guaranteed pension.

    Mortgage and Debt protection

    With increasing consumerism and ever-rising demands, loans

    and debts are now part of life. Life insurance products help you

    ensure that your family is not unduly burdened with their repayments,

    in case of an unfortunate event or an untimely demise of the


    Hardships Protection

    Life insurance provides a sense of security to the income

    earner and to his/her family. Buying life insurance frees the individual

    from various unnecessary financial burdens that can otherwise make

    one spend sleepless nights.

    Life Insurance V/S Other Investments

    Most investment options make your money work harder, but

    there are no substitutes to life insurance. Because only a lifeinsurance policy gives you both - risk cover against your life, as

    well as returns on your money invested.

    Life insurance allows long tem savings to be made in a

    relatively painless manner because of the low and convenient

    investments made through premiums. Moreover, it encourages

    'forced thrift' which means the insured is made to pay premiums

    and save money, which he/she may not do in the regularcourse of life.

    Should you require loans, say for building a house, it can be

    easily obtained against a life insurance policy. Amongst the

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    most known benefits of Life Insurance is the savings on your

    income taxes.

    Life insurance cannot be compared with any other form ofinvestment as life insurance gives you a life long benefit and

    returns on your money when it is most required.

    Insurance premiums are linked to age of the life insured and the

    earlier you buy, the lower are the premium requirements.

    Besides, the money stays invested for a longer time and

    thereby maximizing your returns through the power of rupee

    compounding. So, a life insurance policy is an ideal tool to gainsecurity and ensure savings.

    Most importantly it provides you with that unique sense of

    security and peace of mind that no other form of investment


    The Life Insurance Sector At A Glance


    Economic growth in the emerging markets has time and again

    outpaced the developed and industrialised countries. Alongside the

    rising importance of emerging economies, their life insurance sectors

    are also drawing more attention. Its been four years since the lifeinsurance sector was opened up for private players in India. The

    reasons that prompted the government to bring in reform in this

    sector are well known. While the public sector life insurance

    companies made enormous contribution in the spread of awareness

    about insurance, and expanded the market, it was recognised that

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    their reach was still limited, the range of products offered restricted

    and the service to the consumer inadequate. It was also felt that the

    rapid economic growth witnessed in the 90s couldnt be sustained

    without a thriving insurance sector.

    Today, the private sector accounts for nearly 20% of the

    market. The market share of the private players has to be seen in the

    context of this enlarged market. There has been a flurry of private

    players providing a wide range of innovative products, services and

    customised solutions. Emerging marketssuch as China, India,

    Mexico and Russia are home to some 86% of the worlds

    population. Collectively, they account for 23% of world economic

    output. Yet, insurance business is underdeveloped in these markets.

    In fact, India as a country is under-insured. Only 35% of the 250

    million insurable population is insured. Exploiting the growth potential

    of emerging insurance markets India and China are in the

    spotlight. Both the countries currently attract a lot of attention due to

    their size, strong growth performance and favourable regulatory

    changes. To begin with, India and China are the most populouscountries and both have sustained impressive economic growth in the

    last decade. Between 1993 and 2003, annual real GDP growth

    averaged 8.9% in China and 5.9% in India. Interestingly, both

    markets have gone through a similar period of nationalisation of their

    insurance business, although China revoked state monopoly earlier

    than India.

    As the life insurance sector evolves, we will see a lot of

    transparency in products, costs. There will be a lot of value added

    services provided by insurers: financial advice, add-on facilities.

    There will be a revolution in term of the IT used and the level of

    automation. Also, there will be faster query handling and other issues

    relating to policy servicing can be made simpler.

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    The flux of new products is primarily a response to the

    recognition of the latent needs of the consumers. Todays consumer

    goes for pure term insurance and plans, which give him insurance-

    cum-investment as compared to endowment, and money-back plans.

    Financial planning is key to winning a customer today. Whether

    capital generation, retirement planning or pension options, private

    insurers today make these available with options. As to the prospect

    of the emerging insurance market in India, we are cautiously

    optimistic. This optimism is mainly based on the countrys economic

    growth, which is faster than in industrialised nations, and on its

    insurance demand growth, which is tangibly in excess of the

    underlying economic development.

    Competitive pressures have increased and are reshaping the

    Indian insurance landscape, leading to variety in products and

    channels. Unit-linked products (Ulips) are surely the way ahead.

    Compared with them, traditional policies have more to do with the

    long-term financial planning. Traditional policies also offer flexibility in

    broad planning.

    First, one should cover for the financial liabilities and human lifevalue and then graduate to Ulip and participatory plans. Identifying

    that Ulips are the way ahead, we have introduced a unit-linked

    retirement income plan, two safe investment plans, an easy growth

    plan and a flexi plan.

    A key catalyst in the Indian insurance market growth has been

    the entry of foreign players. India has allowed foreign joint ventures to

    obtain national licenses, although there is still a 26% limit on foreign

    stake holding. One of the factors that will influence insurance

    business development in India is; how are we going to manage our

    high natural catastrophe exposures?. Impending reforms of the

    pension systems in India is another key development, which will allow

    private insurers to offer products to bridge the pension gap.

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    At every stage of life, a different plan may be required to cater

    to changing financial needs and liabilities. However, the basic

    premise of life insurance is coverage for life. Globally, mortality

    protection accounts for roughly 80% of total risk premiums. In most

    markets, there has been a trend of unbundling of savings and pureterm products, and term insurance has grown strongly over the past

    few years.

    In developed markets, like the US, UK and Australia, the term

    products are widely sold and the penetration is higher. Following the

    world-wide trends, Indian companies are also looking at introducing

    innovative products. One such segment that they are in the process

    of catering to is smokers and tobacco users. Our company, for

    instance, has a preferred term plan for non-smokers and women.

    The Banc assurance model is another successful distribution

    strategy being adopted by many Indian companies, although variety

    of distribution channels exist e.g. the traditional life-agency force,

    insurance brokers, worksite marketing, corporate agents as well as a

    proprietary sales force. Each channel has its own utility.

    The Indian industry is at a nascent stage as far as insurancebrokers are concerned, and with development of the markets,

    insurance broking will pay an important role in insurance distribution.

    Another move in the life insurance industry has been that of full-

    time advisors. The old mutual sales model runs on only full time life

    advisors, none of them are working on a part time basis. A large

    number of our life advisors are lawyers, advocates, teachers,

    accountants, engineers or government employees. We are

    witnessing a demographic change in the country, and the younger

    generation which is exposed to the outside world, demands products

    and services which are at par with what is available in the advanced

    countries. This is the biggest challenge.

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    Insurance Companies in IndiaIn India, Insurance is a national matter, in which life and general

    insurance is yet a booming sector with huge possibilities for different

    global companies, as life insurance premiums account to 2.5% andgeneral insurance premiums account to 0.65% of India's GDP. The

    Indian Insurance sector has gone through several phases and

    changes, especially after 1999, when the Govt. of India opened up

    the insurance sector for private companies to solicit insurance,

    allowing FDI up to 26%. Since then, the Insurance sector in India is

    considered as a flourishing market amongst global insurance

    companies. However, the largest life insurance company in India is

    still owned by the government.

    The history of Insurance in India dates back to 1818, when Oriental

    Life Insurance Company was established by Europeans in Kolkata to

    cater to their requirements. Nevertheless, there was discrimination

    among the life of foreigners and Indians, as higher premiums were

    charged from the latter. In 1870, Indians took a sigh of relief when

    Bombay Mutual Life Assurance Society, the first Indian insurance

    company covered Indian lives at normal rates. Onset of the 20th

    century brought a drastic change in the Insurance sector.

    In 1912, the Govt. of India passed two acts - the Life Insurance

    Companies Act, and the Provident Fund Act - to regulate the

    insurance business. National Insurance Company Ltd, founded in

    1906, is the oldest existing insurance company in India. Earlier, the

    Insurance sector had only two state insurers - Life Insurers i.e. Life

    Insurance Corporation of India (LIC), and General Insurers i.e.

    General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC). In December 2000,these subsidiaries were de-linked from parent company and were

    declared independent insurance companies: Oriental Insurance

    Company Limited, New India Assurance Company Limited, National

    Insurance Company Limited and United India Insurance Company


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    Insurance Companies In India

    y Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Limited

    y Birla Sun Life Insurance Co. Ltdy HDFC Standard life Insurance Co. Ltd

    y ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd.

    y ING Vysya Life Insurance Company Ltd.

    y Life Insurance Corporation of India

    y Max New York Life Insurance Co. Ltd

    y Met Life India Insurance Company Ltd.

    y Kotak Mahindra Old Mutual Life Insurance Limited

    y SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd

    y Tata AIG Life Insurance Company Limited

    y Reliance Life Insurance Company Limited.

    y Aviva Life Insurance Co. India Pvt. Ltd.

    y Shriram Life Insurance Co, Ltd.

    y Sahara India Life Insurance

    y Bharti AXA Life Insurance

    y Future Generali Life Insurance


    IDBI Fortis Life Insurancey Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance

    y Religare Life Insurance

    y DLF Pramerica Life Insurance

    y Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance

    y Agriculture Insurance Company of India

    y Apollo DKV Insurance

    y Cholamandalam MS General Insurance

    y HDFC Ergo General Insurance Company

    y ICICI Lombard General Insurance

    y IFFCO Tokio General Insurance

    y National Insurance Company Ltd

    y New India Assurance

    y Oriental Insurance Company

    y Reliance General Insurance

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    y Royal Sundaram Alliance Insurance

    y Shriram General Insurance Company Limited

    y Tata AIG General Insurance

    y United India Insurance

    y Universal Sompo General Insurance Co. Ltd

    Corporate Profile of BHARTI AXA

    Bharti AXA Life Insurance is a joint venture between Bharti, one of

    Indias leading business groups with interests in telecom, agri

    business and retail, and AXA, world leader in financial protection and

    wealth management. The joint venture company has a 74% stake

    from Bharti and 26% stake of AXA.

    The company launched national operations in December 2006.

    Today, we have over 8000 employees across over 12 states in the

    country and a national footprint of distributors trained to provide

    quality financial advice and insurance solutions to the large Indian

    customer base.

    As we further expand our presence across the country with a large

    network of distributors, we continue to provide innovative product and

    service offerings to cater to specific insurance and wealth

    management needs of customers. Whatever your plans in life, you

    can be confident that Bharti AXA Life will offer the right financial

    solutions to help you achieve them.

    The vision of Bharti AXA Life Insurance Company Limited is tobecome the preferred life insurance company in India. This vision

    extends to our recruitment philosophy as well. Both the Bharti Group

    in India and AXA globally enjoy the status of being a very employee

    focused organization.

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    At Bharti AXA Life Insurance, we are determined to achieve our

    vision through talent who are empowered, focused on customer

    service, and champions of strategic and operational excellence.

    The guiding Human Resources principles at Bharti AXAare:

    y Clearly define scope of responsibilities and empower people to


    y Provide people with the means to develop their competencies

    y Consider individual training and development a priority



    Build organizations that are conducive to teamwork and thatinvolve everyone

    y Promote ongoing dialogue between managers and the people

    who report to them

    y Make cultural difference a key source of strength


    To be a leader and the preferred company for financial protection andwealth management in India


    y Professionalism

    y Innovation

    y Team Spirit

    y Pragmatism

    y Integrity


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    y To achieve a top 5 market position in India through a multi-

    distribution, multi-product platform

    y To adapt AXA's best practice blueprints as a sound platform for

    profitable growth

    y To leverage Bharti's local knowledge, infrastructure andcustomer base

    y To deliver high levels of shareholder return

    y To build long term value with our business partners by

    enhancing the proposition to their customers

    y To be the employer of choice to attract and retain the best

    talent in India

    y To be recognised as being close and qualified by our


    Strategic differentiators

    y Strong partner Bharti - provides access to customer base of

    more than 20 million

    y Multi channel execution capability

    y Current Asia product range which is a strong match to products

    sold to the mass and mass affluenty Global scale providing cost effective and speedy re-use of

    systems, products and business capability

    Bharti AXA Life Bright Stars

    A Unit Linked Child product.

    Bharti AXA Life Bright Stars provides a launch pad for your childs

    bright future. What else, You also have Jumpstart benefit which is

    paid out at maturity along with Policy Fund Value, which enables your

    child to explore more career options.

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    Bharti AXA Life Bright Stars provides a launch pad for your childs

    bright future. What else, You also have Jumpstart benefit which is

    paid out at maturity along with Policy Fund Value, which enables your

    child to explore more career options.

    Key Benefits:

    y Get 360` protection in securing your childs future.

    o Payment of sum assured immediately on death;

    o Payment of future premiums by the company till maturity;

    o Get Policy Fund Value along with Jumpstart benefit at


    y A Jumpstart benefit to boost your maturity proceeds.

    y A flexible Policy which adjusts to your financial needs by giving

    you various options like top ups, choice of investment funds,

    switch, withdrawals, cover continuance option, decrease in

    premium and more.

    y Choice of 5 policy terms to match your financial goals.

    y Get tax benefits on the premiums paid and benefits received as

    per the prevailing tax laws.

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    Bharti AXA Life WealthConfident

    A unit-linked investment cum protection policy.

    Your wealth, your status ensures that you get preferential status

    wherever you go. So why shouldn't your money get the same?

    Your wealth, your status ensures that you get preferential status

    wherever you go. So why shouldn't your money get the same?

    WealthConfident, a unit-linked investment cum protection product,

    with its limited period premium payment facility of 5 years, premium

    payment flexibility, higher allocation of your premium for investment,

    unique special additions and life insurance benefit, not only makes

    your money grow but also provides your investment the special

    treatment that it deserves.

    "Be confident ofproviding your investments the right mix of growth,

    flexibility and loyalty benefits. Live confident with WealthConfident."

    Key Benefits:

    y Pay premium for five years, while your policy continues for ten


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    y Higher allocation of your premium up to 88% for investment.

    y Special additions of units added every year from 6th Year for

    incremental wealth creation.

    y Choose from four different investment funds to meet your

    financial objectives.y Five times the life cover of your annual premium.

    y Tax benefit under 80C and 10(10D).

    Why should you buy this plan?

    WealthConfident is a suitable product for you, if your key objective is

    to potentially maximize your wealth to fulfill your future financialobjectives such as child's higher education, building a retirement kitty,

    asset creation, etc.

    The limited premium payment term of 5 years for a 10 year policy,

    also suits your requirements of premium payment flexibility.

    Being a unit-linked plan, it also suits your requirement of earning

    potentially higher returns by assuming the appropriate risks.

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    About Bharti Foundation

    As a first step towards fulfilling the vision of the Government and the leadership of

    country, Bharti has kick-started its voluntary and affirmative action in making signific

    contribution to provide education to the weaker sections of the society, so as to m

    them employable. We need to ensure that our children and young people have acc

    to quality education. Through Bharti Foundation we are determined to make

    substantial impact in this area.

    Mr. Sunil Bharti Mittal, Founder, Chairman & Group CEO, Bharti Enterprises

    As a responsible corporate citizen, we have decided to substantially scale up

    existing programs in the area of education, in order to support the aspirations of undprivileged in the country.

    Mr. Rakesh Bharti Mittal, Vice Chairman, Bharti Enterprises while unveiling Bh

    Foundations roadmap ahead

    Bharti Foundation was set up in the year 2000 with the vision, To h

    underprivileged children and young people of our country realize their potent

    In order to realize this vision, we have been creating and supporting programs that b

    about sustainable changes, predominantly in the field of education.

    We have adopted a two-pronged strategy to impact the quality of education in scho

    On one hand, we are adopting government schools, in order to create a positive imp

    on the quality of education being delivered to underprivileged children. On the ot

    hand, we are in the process of setting up pre-primary, primary and se

    secondary level schools under our Satya Bharti School Program. This prog

    launched in 2006, supports our search for excellence and sets benchmarks for qua


    Under the Satya Bharti Schools program, we aim, to set up 500 pre-primary and prim

    schools and 50 senior secondary schools in public-private partensrhip model which

    deliver high quality education to underprivileged children in the deepest rural pocket

    the country. By setting up a chain of Satya Bharti Schools across the country, we

    not only learn to operate at scale, in diverse cultures and languages but also deal w

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    Key Milestones

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    y Bharti Foundation was awarded the Asian CSR Award for Support

    Improvement in Education for the year 2008 ( November 21, 2008).

    y Bharti Foundation was awarded the Social and Corporate Governance AwardBest Corporate Social Responsibility Practice (CSR) for the year 2008 ( Febru

    5, 2009).

    y Bharti Foundation was awarded the Indian NGO Award ( Joint Regional Winn

    North) for the year 2008 ( March 30, 2009).


    School Improvement Program (SIP) formally launched with the signing o

    Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Bharti Foundation and s

    Government of Rajasthan to adopt

    50 government schools in Rajasthan. (August 23, 2007)

    Bharti Foundation was awarded the Golden Peacock Award for Corporate So

    Responsibility (CSR) for the year 2006 in the NGO category. (January 12, 2007


    The first Satya Bharti School started with 55 children in Ladhowal village

    Punjab. ( August 7, 2006)

    Bharti Scholarship Scheme re-launched to provide financial assistance to stude

    on a merit-cum-means basis to facilitate higher education. ( July 2006)

    Satya Bharti School program launched with an aim to establish 1000 village-ba

    primary schools across the country for poor and underprivileged children. ( Ma2006)

    The Promoters of Bharti Enterprises and their Associates committed an in

    endowment of Rs 200 Crores to Bharti Foundation to support its work. ( Ma


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    A Governing Board comprising of several prominent personalities formed to gu

    the programs of Bharti Foundation. ( May 2, 2006)

    Honble Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh, formally inaugurated

    campus of Bharti School of Telecommunication Technology and ManagemenIIT, Delhi (March 20, 2006).


    CII-Bharti Woman Exemplar Award instituted with an aim to promote wome

    empowerment at the grassroots level. ( May 3, 2005)

    Bharti Library Centres program initiated in rural and semi-urban areas with an

    to instill reading habits in underprivileged children. ( March 29, 2005)

    Support given to the Fellowship Program in IIM, Lucknow to develop compe

    managers and conduct research and training initiatives. ( January 11, 2005)


    Bharti Computer Centres introduced across schools to enhance and stimu

    childrens interest in education and bridge the digital divide. ( November 1, 2004

    Going to School book launched with the actress, Sushmita Sen as the CGuest. ( January 31, 2004)


    State-of-the-art kitchen facility set up in Vrindavan with Akshay Patra Founda

    to provide mid-day meals to students from underprivileged backgrounds, study

    in the local government schools. ( August 2003)


    Bharti Centre for Entrepreneurial Initiatives (BCEI) established in partnership w

    Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDI) to promote entrepreneu

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    skills among youth. ( June 28, 2002)


    The project Going to School was launched to bring alive the reality of vari

    education initiatives and schools in India. ( October 15, 2001)

    Agreement concluded with IIT Delhi to set up Bharti Schoo

    Telecommunications, Technology and Management with an objective to deve

    telecom leaders at the campus of IIT, Delhi.

    Bharti Foundation launched to give shape and scale to the philanthropic activ

    of the Bharti group of companies. (August 7, 2000)

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    Golden Peacock Award for Corporate Social


    Bharti Foundation was awarded the prestigious

    Golden Peacock Award for Corporate Social

    Responsibility (CSR) for the year 2006 in the NGO

    category. The winner for the award was chosen by

    an eminent jury panel chaired by Justice P. N.

    Bhagwati, former Chief Justice of India and Member,

    United Nations Human Rights Commission.

    The Golden Peacock award has been instituted to

    encourage Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives

    by the Centre for Social Responsibility supported by

    the Institute of Directors (IOD), Centre for Corporate

    Governance (CFCG) and the World Council for

    Corporate Governance (WCFCG), UK.

    The award recognizes the initiatives undertaken by

    Bharti Foundation, primarily in the area of education.

    The Satya Bharti School program which provides

    quality primary education to underprivileged

    children; Bharti Computer Centres (BCC) and Bharti

    Library & Activity Centres (BLAC) programs to

    improve the learning levels of children; Bharti

    Scholarships for higher education and Bharti School

    of Telecommunication Technology and Management

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    at IIT-Delhi to develop young Telecom Leaders were

    some of the initiatives considered by the eminent


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    Life in bharti axa

    45 days in bharti axa have tought us a lot. It had given me an opportunity to learn abcorporate world and an overall exposure of a firm.

    We were given training in all the fields of business like marketing, finance and HR.


    I was being given a target to sale minimum of two policies for that we were being gi

    a proper training which really helped me to achieve my targets successfully. We w

    aupposed to sale one product bright star plus.

    Doing sales was really fun and challenging.i really enjoyed it. It gave me the opportu

    to come in contact wid new people. During this I learn various things like how

    convince people and how to contact them. I think marketing is more an art tha


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    Other activitiesPresentations :

    We gave presentation on our marketing plan. It was a great experience which g

    us platform to present ourself in corporate level.


    Group discussion was conducted on world wide burning topics

    europion crisisand oil market. one topic was scheduled for 1 a

    half hr.

    It was really appreciating and knowledgeable.

    Thus I can say these things were really help full to me in know

    the various fileds and expects of business and a firm.


    I was being the task to make an analytical tool on wealth confident

    Marketing Strategy in excel :

    Even we represented our marketing plan in excel sheet.

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    FUNThe most memorable moment in bharti axa was the outing conducted. It was a wh

    day outing we did lots of fun. But here also I learn various things. I think it actu

    taught us about how to behave in a social gathering or meeting out side your w

    place. It helped us to learn because we going to be a responsible manager in the fut

    and these things definitely goin to happen in the future. But I m really thankfull to bh

    axa to give me such an opportunity.

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    Last but not the least bharti axa has given us lot of things which I always will cherisam sure this only going to help me through out my life. Though it was my first busin

    or corporate exposer I am sure It was beyond my expectations.

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