Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944

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Transcript of Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 1/56



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8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 2/56

,- n or ColoM1 C. s . rrna. aDd s tan . ..r-p0nr7 Dut.T ~ __ 31 Oa\obar 1944•

! b a " , p e n 1 . _p a r e d \0 ...ord tar_t ,1Al I l oIIot.a'_ at.U la ftri_ a\opa _. \0 t\IrD1ah or .1lI'PlT. t on_p o n a U &lid probl,•• \ 0 ", p en acUOIl t . a b a \ 0_ , aandiUcea to_ aDd N- l lT . \0 __ to .0 \1. . .



• j .. aa--l O. P. 101101&~ Chi.t or S t a nA.-4. I I . u r _

1Ir1C. 00u0n1 Iaar1a ___C h i d or S t a n . IX.ur_

L """R gr I I lC

1 Doel•..pan.


C.s. Dl'fn.,C o l ~ . l l r Corpa.

C hiar. W D1Y1ai. . . . IIllr_.arn-. Il'./IJJ• • \ a z U l • a a r n - .

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 3/56

l J1 l11

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,.. .

"Ill" "- .t1 I I&I . "- 1artaaa8•••••••••••••••••••••••




" ' ! t P l ~ "v bn 11• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • If

III .ad ! .

•••' m ~ T.B••••••••••••••

rmm, "1 ' " _nt.o, Calltorn1a ..

z r l ~ ' l r I ·U"llt ..







0.""., C&lUOftia•••QIIll.

. . .tm JlR(.Il :BiIJBi8....

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 4/56

ucrIOII 0.

!M tolloriDc ftClc U wl-UOIUI " " ' .... with rete...".,. tohl1"' . tac • .utMwrteel. S U ~ . TftDllpartatlOD, htll1DC,"W1JI& aDd TftIDtng j robl .eu ot tI>e U I BoMber C_ncI .

1. ! l a t a . . . . lmDdred o.ncI \weot;}' (120) da,. nook l e f t l01 YJa and to ' " euppUee be _thar1.Md tar the Ur Depot a tQou and thet the Air Depot a t _ be autharisM to requ1a1Uon

t.brooIP PlIMC 4u . . t to cOD\rol and apeoLall . . . . depot. tar bothe' s or 1. . . . and ,m """pliea.

2 . ! l a t one luMlriid aDd aUt, . to ot Il7 t.o IsiailIre4 too\

(160' " 200') ..0 ..... be IZ'<'Y1decI tar the Air Depot a t OUU.

) . ! l a t the ~ r _ l r equ1 re_ ot the U r Depot a t OUU_ . - 1 - . 1 with a n .. _ tI>e author1aaUOD ot ausb add '_tl_' ~ r _ l tar euPF17 and . - t awu_ lUll! ....wit'_, , . ._1 sa are required to ~ o r s _ t l lDcU o t aCIlIsOitLl Air Depot and AfttT Air 1Is_.

4. ! l a t eul ' t1olnt a ir tzoaDeport be placed UDder the controlat ti le A ir Depot and _ I I I . ._ C_ ... to ""..-it a p iD '••

of t.o (2) da1l;r t r l ~ __ the U r Depot and a"l'J>17 act1T1 t.1M. , Tta iM .. SalJIID.

5. ! l I s t . . . rn .s - t _t tzoaDepartat.1<m be pis ... UDdar tbe_tnl at _ A ir Depo\ and the nx _ e. .... to pers1t

taUT t r l ~ betal ls Q ou and anwlT aet1Y1t.1ea on n a i aD and Saipan.

.. !M t a ir pr1ar1t;}' _trol tor a ir a h 1 _ t ot euppllAefw u.. m Cu Del be p l a ~ " d1reou,. UDdar tile au_

91". of Depat;r Chiet ot s t a t t to r SuwlT lUll! ..1Dw, ,_ .III . . . . . Cam p ' ,

.. fta\'" Deplt,. Chiet or S\att t " , SuwlT and .. ~ 01 . . . . m I _r C. 1M! _ au\horbed to \ rEo-U ... .- atoot



8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 5/56


._,. . . p a r t ot Col. . . .l C. S. !:r'I1DeSecrt.1oa o• • I . , o w ndatl0D8

I.ftl aDd C....-pUOII data """"lIb ti le 41r De p o and ~ h . rehanDela or com_nd d 1 r e c ~ ~ o tbe Com'ndlng ael>8raJ., 41rfM}m1a l s . m . Co ne t tar }Ot"OO. , plenn'nc_

9. ! ! I a ~ tile tu l l faoiUt1e. ot tile 32Dd S t a ~ b U c a l Control1 I l I 1 ~ ....ta wUh ~ h U I ' '*-r Co ad tor n o ool.T tac o u . . , u " g aDd pre_nUng data 00 o u p p ~ 1 1 . end ooos\l8PUoa,_ &1.. JlNJ8ft al.rcrst 't eag1De and accessory operaUnc u.sand ~ h e r .. _ a ~ 1 & 1 oparaUoaal and pl.rm1ng data.

10. ! ! I a ~ tile s t a u . t l . a a l . .-quill nnu ot tile 41r D e l l t

_ be _lad br per'lOOllMi and e q u l . ~ a ~ t r . . ""not. aDd tile

111I1_ M a u •• w 1 tile . . . .1stan.,. ot tile 32Dd S.C.D. tor peU:

loads ool.T.

U . ! ! I a ~ tbe Serriee centera ot tbe I I I _r Co nd beaut.llor18d aiDta1D _I I : l . . .u at euppl1e. aDd obta1a

and e q u 1 ~ a t e u t t 1 e i . a ~ _bUsh tilee q u 1 ~ ot 0 .1a'aac - . . p o ~ tor MOh 1I1ag 011 saeh Islanl l .

12. ! ! I a ~ a eriU.&1 . . n . . be _ ot the s u p p ~ ~ o l c 1. . . .10.

t o . ~ e q u 1 ~ . - tate_ and r s j a l r e q u 1 ~ a t aow outhorlMdtor tbe Sernos _pe or tile I I I 'Cllber C. . . . . . .d in the Ught ortbe _i._ that . . . . _ p i n e d in tile ..t a b U . _ a t ot the

."... 1I!IIct aDd tllet tile Table. ot K q u 1 ~ n t ot tbe serrtce aroupe

or _. . . .

lorl I lnp be ' . . . n .d in 00_ w 1 the

torarning.1 ) . !!Iat . tepe be _0 0_. tile 1nell18iOll in ti le

1a1ti&1 Tabl.. ot l q u 1 ~ t tor _ aroupe and I l e ~ QI'oupeor aU _ i t_ t'arn1ehe4 in the p u t br _r Ares and Soft'1c...SIll! tat \los e h 1 ~ t aDd deli.. ...,. ot _h _ t e r i e l be _ 41r

. . . . . . . Coataool.

14. !!Iat \los requ1s1U tor both 1_e pecuUar to the 1-29SIll! &1.. oue . . U ... be wor and _ b7 ool.T__7.!!Iat . . .147 be f b i l l . a r 1 _ and equ1pped with _- s * s . . " t a . prOOID. I " t data aDd _raJ . operaUoaal requirsoantator YI& a1rsI&ft.

15. !!Iat tbe 1 . - - ot part.s U . U , technical orders and_!w, ..1 I.a8WMUzss 0111-29 a1.rcratt be thoroDcN7 _SIll! _ , , _ and O4Ioq..te b-.... or lIUCh tbe U I

.,.... CI . . . . ~ i n t 1 e . " orit1cal1T reno_ b7 42lIC oach - 'h.

. ., ..., o f · - e . -

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 6/56


l ab j . " p o r l or ColOllOl C. S. IftiDe" U o a O. - _, . . . .u_

16. That .pare. l"aqU1.nd rar tha a1Dta. . . . . . or a l l tonand Id.ada or _po r t a ,Uoo . crOWld "' ' ' ' ' l In, aDd M1.ntananoee l l u 1 ~ n t be ahlppad 1mdar tba oupanla1on or tho llr Depot totba using actl 'f1t1eo or the XII Boober CO"""nd.

17. !bat a _toot lef t l o t ...1n1.". ot one m.l1th'. requtr.Mat . or oer ' f1.-blo "'3350 -.cI1MO be a1IIta1Decl ror each -!.Dcor tbe XII -.. 00 . . . . in odd.1t11Xl to ~ u 1 r o _ n t a or_blo .nd . ..palrablo anglno. ln tbe p 1 ~ l 1 n o .nl'P1T.

18. ! ! a t lobar aDd . . . . . truotloD

__1 be.......... to tbe opaftt1.. , _tro. in -.- of tho cro- ODd

a i r ..baloBo in _ to .U"-ta tho __ lV ror the u . t iGa or toobDl- . l pa.- - . .o l for ._ lobor.

19. ! ! a t tbe _ 'u !1 l I or l I W 1 ~ t o r o 1.Il botIo - .s ....konl",eqIl1...- .. .d tbe _ .r ellul_t _b .. API ODd LaraD

e l l l l 1 ~ be upl lAod and r e n . o4 .

20 . ! ! a t tbe t n l n l l l ( or pUot . and be . . . . ._pu • • • • p a r t l a v . l o r ~ 1:; _ '_7 In". ' " ODd in tbe _

III • FE lS IU7 r. . . . . ope:ra\1..c.1M.

21. ! l a t tbe WWl. l lc ODd -1u1"I or . . . . . . pr io r to atoCS._ ""'ng f ina l l taging I t th e S ta ging Fiol '" be _, . . , ...

... . . , u r l ed to include more thorough !IoreeD1Dc of 1Dd1ft.dDal___ bers before dep8.rture.

:zz. That ..oh VIR. S t . a & ~ V..W be elllll.pped with pacDmMl

_ ~ l u . . tor tbe o ~ t a .... '1111 ot Mob . . . . n_ """hat tMo ens rdl" , om.. or tbe s trel"1 r1eld be . . to....... tor turtbsr _,"IDI U l ' . . . . . ..r _

2 ) . !Iia\ A!C t'wiT1nc _s aJAo be •__ bT tbe _ . . . . .

e _ , .t_ "I I I tIl O l . a .

24. .t

._tloaeort ho

_ps4!_a t a Plald """

Ca ll ton1a " "" that awCS. ot __ than r_ . . " u .DS waf t a t IIatW n . ld be dae ts-d.

a,.•t _ 1 \ 1 _ 1 be at l l laja l .,._ t a t be to uo ma_ Pleld to 0IlpP1 III JI5I'k1sc• • • • , a.

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 7/56

_ ' " ~ lIeport ot Colonel C. 5. Irr1JIlI8eGUoa O. - R_as Inc'etto.

26. !ba t tac1Ut1eo tor o VU; alnl'&1't be a rU ' . J lTrer ined , with a v a . t .ard. -z1-. PN.1bl.e 1a}a"09. . . . t smt1 tawlTor _...,t neldo ODd the po. ' !>la 1It1l1at1<Ja ot eolltborn . . . . . . .

27. tbot the VUl Stq1llg fu lde be a ~ t b o r ~ dIIr1IIg the __ ther ~ O I l t h o to diopatoh 'U ; a1raratt a t IUJ¥ hoW' ot the doT ar

Digllt. .bon the . ..thar ODd tora1nal t ac il 1t .1N a re ou1tablo, al_ta P(S or tntemldl. t . po1Ata •.

28. !bot A!9C aaod _n-od SllpplJ' XU_toro \lIrouPS " p " , .\nu, to PQt.SC, Iktbor n.u. ZaID , _ j o l A ' ••

1&1. . . aDd __ - . I I _til to aMok 8Ilppi,y l.roBU aDd pplJ' , -

qa18!.-t1nat DC Jl l"ooedl l lJ'U.

29. f t a \ a f t Ja" I I iDta t1 : " or the XXI . . . . Ca Ind be

l e d to po....d .1 th e ftIn7 rout. aDd to A29C tar.-eJ ' a.lIDd 81IP""",..lI • .rer -ala aaat.Il.

)0 . t I l a t . drut10 to l l _up be _ or del1ftl '1M ot~ tooU tor a1na t t &lid _ p1aIn. a1A_'",

)1 . !llat ful l aathorl.v far a P i ' * ~ _ po• • I .t or....'·1 a.1ftI'a.ft a1At-aec s l too.1JI &lid r e ~ ' t N _ 1 . } . , •

. . cl- to the _k P M ~

Il1naon. or .UlIC. talat the al lz ' . - t1<Ja _ apPr-J. or .urDI: MDt be ~ )2 . tbot 1lIIJ*'h1__... _ a . . . to _ .. .,_ ' . h a W U - tar beau at ""M.D. ilia, . . lid, . . .ar1V . . . ., .u.. lie zoe'· « \0 . . . . . .'

requ101tsmt,,, or ftqII1re4 tU _ te r io l aDd - . J . - ' 18 to'- a . . . to pon i t the arI<1IIIl aDd oIdpplac or _ a t a r1a l ... . . ._t 1Jl tala e l a r 1Jl w's . to ....u t h e " . t • , ..18.' ra. .- .........

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 8/56


I m r I ~ I . I.IR IlIlPOT U QIII.lI, nlIl IWlUIIlI

(14 November 1944)


. . n.. _1D _ o ~ \ e d With t iDal ope r a t i _ DM r -

1Dc. viet-ion on ebouldlen and approaoble to t h e ~ . r1 n

(5) _tarm aro aotuall;;r o..-plota, wlth apprazUateq . . . . .ntrn ... (75 ) o thero in nr ioua . t . qo . ot t roo b1\1Opr1Dt to per t ia l

~ t 1 . . . . Aot\l&l terr.1D ooad1tiono woro toUDd to bo lMtt .ronttrwa \lie or111Dol plon. Ivo..,. ef tor t wil l bo _do to tako 04Yanto&eef . . . .n . b l a terra in to r tho oo..t.ruotlon of ton (10) or oddiU __ •


• • !'be com.rol tower hal bMn . ~ l e t e d . How..., no perMo

_ l1& iIIOt.allation hao boon _do • • lOt . I. one ODd oneI lal t " '11on (1,500,000) .. _ otorac. hao boon prodded, n tht a r (4) _n t T \ h _D l I (20,000> la l lon roadT _. QuollDo

wi l l bo oord_ to tho o1rp1. . . tv truok. It appearo to bo \he

Inu •• of op1a10D of operatlnc per.oonel that wbile truck10 o - . t _ ro dit t1ou1t and o 1 _ r \han lnlUt-1a pipe

. , ._ to , it 10 - . . do.1roblo. It appooro tha t

t i t f1Rl\7 hao boon uporlo_ n th oollooUon o t __ 1a

pri s• plp1nc 070- w1110h oro god on1T 1DtolWittentl7 to r

1M1.u-' a1rpluoo •

.. !W (I> .ur Dopot. ba. . . arrl_ aDd tholr peroomelad e q u , . n t ualoodod. It 10 . . - o tooc ! tha t th i rd lrouP 10i l l ..' t ' • • • at . Pm.!7 the Il1PrMllon bu p.1Md. orMilnoe\110, pe\1aI t . . . . . . ( ,) o1r dopot. croupo t . . . .thor __ a DonorolAU I Iopf t and Air _. Proot.loa1l7, th10 10 ..,. ta r t roa _.1 \ 10 1oIoeroU. . . , ba t __ ldoroUon bo 11 n to tho t ao t \ l ie,\be Urtlopot. a t llMII w1l1 boo_ in \he aU t tflft .._ tho _ ,

u t 1 " , .. . tho _ t ~ t a n ' ao.-ra l Air Dopot ln tbo ~ o 1 t 1 0IIIM_. 1lle _ 1 1 o n Air Dopot 10 tar thor troo tho 1Jar 1a

\ban Jlattoroon r lo ld 10 t . . . . tho War in lur'opo.

JJo tI110 _oUoo, tba _ 1 1&n Air Ilopot. _ t bo 1.-....... aDd .... in tho l1&ht o t I'OJ.SC and USC ~ o o r t o r o a t.-a,,-,_ rs. . ld. IJ l other wOl"d8, it eho 14 beCo. • planni"a and

t i8\r11NUan oontro1 ao th i tT n th r o l a t hoq l lm.tod peroonnolad NlaU"1T l1.II1t.c1 nPP1T aoUdt1oo . I. thoroaeb otUllT ot, o n s1 roq.uro-nu a t lIuaa _ t bo _do wi th a 'I'1fIft w aN _1dJ..Dc

" ..,.; .'/ ,. , , ",; I' ! .... l. ; ' Q 1 · 1 ~ - ; . 5 . , ; ,. . . ' ,- .".,...•..

, ••. ,' ; l . ~ · ' ,.1 ; '.:• ;' , • . , 1.· ' , '. .

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 9/56

SubJ. " p o n at Colanal C. S. Irr lDe5ecUan t . - 0 . - .

"'*Iu&te _ o""rating ""reoonel, 1ncluding suff ic ient ......neegroup p e r 8 ~ l to handle f1 .n t and • • c:>Dd. eo.belon or aaintenance

tor W"ana1ent. tr&n8port and tact ical a1rcra.Ct , and sufficient""....,.....1 to r iU&rd, labor end cowotrucUOIl dut ie . (colored troopecou.l.d. be u.ed here) . Top-eide .dw1n1atra t lT8 pereoanel for theadw1nt-traUOI1 or Oftra l l depot aDd. b u . actiT1.t1et and top-e1dee u p ~ ""re_l to r BUPPl7 pleonlng end dietrlbution act i r t t1e •... t be prvri.cIecI.


a . rb . (5 ) hangere be.. . b . . , cc.pleted ..Uh tw r (4 ) otherein proal• • of I t wUl be oeC:eaMr'y too ut1l.1ae the..hangera (which 1ntended to r .hop t ac i l l t1e . ) r.....p p handling tor quj.te 8b i l e unti l .... thing ITf8r on. _ (100)_ucr auPP17 b aS Id ia p h aft been conatructed. Ptreormel are boued10 t tnt8 a t the pre . tn t t1ae under caodlt1.00a whioh are pl'1Jd.tlTe, butl1Y&blc.

5. S1lPPLY

a . Tbe _rial wb1ch ... &hipped to r the two (2) Depot Gronpebaa _ w l .....ed . Our ""re_1 . . . . . . \Ul&ble to obtain an 1IIll -ing _ d1etr1lNUall area Dear the d_ t rca the le land Co r_ it . .. theretore '_.ible to r»r r f out the original . . .load-1n& plaa . Tbi. plan , . . _ 1n the Sta te . , .. to unload _ Mar

p t e _t .er1al lrT u - .. . a t a d1e""raal po1nt near the doc.. . . I t . . . .' - - p l_ to fltr ther • •_g a t e the _ t e r t . l by c lu


cl ..... 1n the Depot area. A c t . u a ~ it . . . . _ • •&IT tor . . . to fu r

n1ah the - . lo r t ty o t tranaportat1an and pere......l to r both llIl1oed1Dgand . . . ."n&. In the cu.. where leland tranaportatlca ... ut i l i sed ,

1t. _ nH•••·17 tor Depot Ccl mrt'r to place one or our per.omwl.. _ t nck to noW th . cc.pleta 1... o t . nU r . truck loeda o t


be Tbe t1nal ...sult. ... the d1aperaal alone the edge o t appr<Jl<1-_ - a1le o t -,. Jun&le road or thouanda ot bCllte. ot both "QQ"_ -JIl' ~ _ t . . u . . . .-.It o t the _ ...... o t dock ""raannal top t . _t .er1al pnl__ a__ n- the dock .ida, ... bed the s u _t .e r ia l tor _ (2) . . alone the .ida o t a road ~ u g b thaJ-cla with a b a o l u t e ~ no c lu . i t 1caUan or 1dant1!'1caUcn.


8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 10/56

lIubJ' . ._t ot Co l . - l C. S. Irn.De

lIeort.lon I . - ( )Ma.

• • It 10 loIpo"'U.... tbat our tutUN p!&la ta r the a .- U r Depot.....ulon a . . . ,h _ter ouwl7 d1otrlbuUon than tbat """ plannad.,1aDe ta r ouppl,. . . -qul ro.ote obould bo o""orod tul1T. .. . . . t t -el_ nat oool.T ... r,. 1011& ranp __ nt, but alao the Mdl.__

u d I nt, l lgbt b o < s b u _ and tbo fi«btor tTPM tbat r l l l _oonUT

be lIt.lllaod. otoeb ot o_n l te.. ot .upolT tar a l l tTPM

or a1reft t t ..bodulod ta r UOII 10 tho area obould bo broUlbt t......-d10 _p l o t e _\ . - l oad aid_to trOll tho _ U a n liZ" Dopot on ap'aruwd sroduotloD ~ u ra ther t.b&n by order1Dg p1.eo1 ,.1. n .uot ouPP1T pooul lar to the a-29 ...t be a1dppod b,. tho fa . teat a ~ l a b l ._te cIb'oot trOll to _ .

do I_ ot

0_loa . . . that 0&JU>at bo loroucht t . . - rd 10

l a rp q . . . .uU .. troo _U obould bo a1dppod 10 _ t load ~ t i -tl.. cI1rocIt trOll to Ckaa. Tbo _ U a n U r Dopot la booa lng

. . . . . and . . . . . a tw.. , atop to r a1rplaJ>o. onroute to aDd trOll thou t ua l _t a rou . Stock to....l. a t 11I_11 obould be ... .. .._ to tho

t . f t lo ..-qulrod ta r thot _pooo aDd &ll7 .rrart _ to 100""00elt..Mr tor a..29 or oc.on wpplJ ttelU, __ to be r - U . w .

• • It 10 loporaU.... thot a t 1_ '-0 (2) daUT round t r lpe

bT a1r t.rao.part be utlobllahod be'-oon Ckaa and tbe ttoldoa t f lnlan aDd Solpan. It 10 bol1_ thot .Uh ta _ () oootho tho

a1z (6) c-47 ' . _ oot IlP ta r thot purpooo, .U l be .nt1rolT ' ~ t e ._ t - . .pa r taUOl l troo Ckaa to T1n1an aDd Solpan a t tb o _t la_t1oollT """ ·,atont.. Tbo ~ 1 & ' * ! a t th o t too ot M . deparluro,.,. Solpan IIad boon -- .art .ne to r u . - t . \on (10) da.T- to . . . . . . . . .tor tho _to oblpooot or tb1rV ()O) _ ot ODgj. . l>J.1l41p ot.anda

, . , . _ to Solpan. At tho u.. ot departure, DO , . . .u t t . hod boon

. . . ' ... aDd _lAIoraUon .. c 1 . . a la.t. , . . .art to thonLu .Uo a ot \be ropa1r oh1Po tbe R.o-. Luk1n., to r tbe purpoootIC t .nnepar t Iq .net- bull.4llp .tand<I, toaothor al th a n_r ot othor1_ 1Ih10b ooold "" t be . . . . .04 bT a i r troo a .- to Solpan.

t . fto aU11ooUon at tb1. ropalr .h lp to r ard1IarT t f t rwpor \

_loa a'- it. roJ&ir twet l l t lo . and t e . t oqu1poont are 00 !lIod1T".1Iodo la ladetwnalblo. It a u r>a>rod tbat _ 0) III _to..... .._'04 tar a r r t f t l • ....u.. 10 tbe ru t." .. . Positl. . . aoUoa_ be

to_to 1nouro 011O\I&Io

_totroDIIpart&Uon to ueoopUab

. '11_ ot l800t daUT troo Ckaa to tho otbor '-0 lalande. Tbo

1m r ,. and th . d1rootiOll ot tho.. _to t be UDdm" t be oon trolet .1t.Mr tho Depot or \b e In __ C Dd •

. . AmIaIIa

. . " ',f" ' .. • I . • : ' . , . ' ' ' ' ' \ i '%' .

' . . . . .{ .' I" -,."1 .• ,.!!i!$1.. " . ; . . . . .' ':\flt

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 11/56

SubJ, Report. of Colonel C. S. In-1oe

Sect lon I. - Oua.

r.a ch ed b et• • • n Colonel Irvine and ColoMl Carleon tha t no et ten

w o u ~ d be made by the Dtpot. to accorapliah any fourth echelon -.Lln

tena.nee work ot any u.Knitude for a pp roX i_ te ly t ou r (4) . antha .

Part ot the ahop haDiere w11l be U8ad for the tAftiporal7' binnine andd.1.atribut!on of the a.u.l ler and .are c r i t l c a l and. . a r . per iababa

i tA_ of .t.ock unt.1 l auch t i . aa the au l l e r auppl,.. buildinga haT.

been corwtructed. At l . a . t one of the h&ncara 11'111 b . ue.d to r the t e _ponry ho\Winc of 73rd WinK cc.bat pereornel • • a reeult of n igh t

returnll f ro . aue lon l and the u t l l i. . . t ion ot the Depot Field .

b . Tha _ in 't enanca aepec t in Depot r i l l be, of naOMleit,..,

.ubord.1.nat.. to 1te aupplJ act1nt lee . The _ j a r . .1nt.enance &ctlr t ty of iaportanoe r i l l be t.ha overhaul and repair at aceeaaoria. and.

related e q \ . l ~ n t , auch aa 1natrumenta, • t a r t e r . , ca rbure ton , pro-pel lere , genera tONI , _&Mtoa . , apark p l up , hydraullc and.~ u l l . equl_t. TM . . .pal r ohi"" and _intenanoe ohl"" preaont1¥plan:necl to be . t a t loned a t Saipan and T1.n.1an . .-ill be able to per tom

a ll. . . . t doal at tho repalr and "" . rbaul or -DT or the 1 t e a rererredto aboY. and rill be alch "n cODT.nient17 located.


a . IIorMl tranaport t ra t f ic bT .ATC and TAO, u _11 a. t ra lWlent~ n . ,"U l not b . handl.d a t tn. Dopot Uold but "111 b . routedto tho - - rb7 r1o1d a t Apno. Th. Dopot U. l d w111 be woed ntually

b7 uni t . or tho , .10&. In tho _nth., it wil l be wo.d _-

by and •• rll.DOY operltiono at tho 7}rd .10&. Pla...... und.r -7a t tbe n t tor the lIIOVe.nt of the 11th Group ot the Seventh Air

foroe to W . t1e ld for oparat1ona. fb i . f ie ld ha . no • •" i c . croupand 1 t wil l be neca...I7', theretora , to draw on e i ther Dtpot paracnmel

.. pel"8oanel trOll the operat1D& W1.n&a to cO"Yer oparat1n& requ.1..re_nt..and tint and • • aoneS echelon o t _1nt .nance . " l t h e r ot 'the.. a l te r -- . t ,1. . . . are da81rabla.


a . Tbo 1n1t la l plano or tho I I Alr Foroo ollY1010l1ld ln tho xna - ba r C 'ncl, a c ~ l e t e l T 1ntearatad. cc .and, which incOllPUMd

cI1J'e.' OOI>t.rol ""or a l l t a . t l o a l and oupply ....1001 1DOlud1o& tho41r Dopot.

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 12/56

aabJ. I lap«t. or Colo. . .l C.S.Irrtnoleot1on I . - Iluaa

b. .. recen t ca. .and dec1elon haa placed the Air Depot under tb Ioontral of the Theatre Air SeTTle. C o ~ n d . Thi. deci8ion 1_ aO\Uld and re.sonable in Tie_ or the t ac t tha t the Air Depot.t. Ouaa, both DOlI' and in the tuturtl, wU1 be called upon to ••n i c e

other than YLR ai rplane . . Ho-.Tlr, th e • •paration or the Depot

t roc the D I "ber C ~ n d control r equ ir ed Ixt ena lve charlie.1D oOlll&nd oharuwlA and 1n opera t1n& procedure.

e . 1.D. cone. renee bet...n Colorwl IMine, Colonel Ro• •nblat t

and Colarwl caruon , an operatinc procedure . . . . . drawn up to r eOn8laraUon by hl&hlr authority_ Ea••nt ial l , . , the &ar. . . nt t o l l ow. thebroad ouUiDe. or J.J.F C1rculor 2Qo.51. dated A"iWlt 1944. In ordorto al&ril) ' and UPlil7 tbe bu10 or tho procedure outliDed, tho Air

Dapel. a t C ilia and i to C-nd1n l : Orr1c.r cOlIpInod to tho t1rkI>.CitT A ir Dapot and i to Ca.lIndinc Or!1cor with .uppl¥, l l I inte. . .- and tra..portat1oD re.po..1b1Ut1a. . Th. U I lloaber COlllIIIIlldand ito Dapaty Chiar or s torr ro r Suppl¥ and Ilaintonanc. are c to tbe Stlcoad Air Foroo lloadquart4lro a t Coloredo Spr iD&' and i to

D1tputT Chi.r or starr ror Suppl¥ and lIainte. . ._ and Tra..pcrtat1oD.The Stlntoo centero . . . . oporatiD& on Sa1pan, 1ncladinc th .1r 'upj)Gl"t1"1 NpaJr and .1nt.enanc. . . .na , are c_r.d to tho ' ' -poto,or a i r . . . . . . , 1D \be 8100nd Air Foroe.

.. Tbo upon functiona, procodure. and re.pono1b1l1U• •

wUIl ror..._ to SIIPPlT and *intononoo w1U be u ro u ....





All aupplT roqui.1t1ono Cror otb . r than SOS l l to r1a l )

r . . . . t" I I I _r C _ n d -r i l l be prec• • • •d

tho oUr Dapct to I'OASC.

'I'ba U r o-pot wil l en r o l• • aupen1810n arer the

o ' - u l 1 a c and di.tr1but1oo .or 1Dlloadac and cut

i01DI . t o r i a l .

Tho Air D1tpel. wUl . . ro1• • l l. . . . ra l technical

. _ " 1 0 108 Oftr .U pita• • • cr .u pp l¥ in D1tpotand I I I _r C _ n d acUn t1o . . The ab. . . .

tootul1oo1 . _ n t . 1 0D or ,uppl¥ in U I -eo ."nd ac t1n t i l l wUl be oorr1od 00 oalT thrutbe D1tput¥ CIliar or lI""rr ror Supply and 1101 .......n o _ . or h10 Cbior or Suppl¥ in tho I I ! __

e-nd HMdq-.'""'t.en.

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 13/56

lIubj. Il8port oC Colonel C. S. Irr lno

!ect-ion I . - OUU

(d) The Air Depot wi l l col lect coneUlllption data Cram.ach requisitioning activity or XXI Bomber eo._ n d Cor IUPPly planniOl:. l b l 01 B _ e r CCll!lIIlIlDd

w i l l cOrdlolldate dat& on I tock l e v e l . and c o n a ~t ion fo:" u.e i n .upply p lann1na 1n coord.1.natlon

with t a c t i c a l pl&nniOl: oC oporlt iono.

(I) SOS M t o r i l l w i l l ba requil i t ioned b,y 0 1 _Ca-and thru ""ch l i land C _ n d o r and t h o . - tbruAJ,FPOl. •

(f) Tho Deputy Chi .C o f StaCC ·Cor Supply and lI&1ntonanoo of th l 0 1 Coaaanl! w i l l _ r c 1 M

direct luperrlalon o n r a l l ,uPP17 act1T1ti.e.the Ca.bat Groupe, S e n l c . Groupe, SIIrrlce lAn ten

and 5ol"\'ioo Squodrono of t h l D I _bar C_ .

(I) Tho Ibooo lupaM'1aion, inclucl1111l t h l l l t a b U . _ n t

or leneral polloi• • , nIl norMlq be oarr1e4 OIl

thru tbe Deputy Chi.! of S t a r t for SUPP17 and

1Il1lltlllln.. of lach 1'1IlIl. Direct contact ba_tho Deputy Cbilf of S t a t f for SUPP17 and 1Ia1lltlnl.DOlot the D I IoIItMr CO_nd, or the CoG ,nding Ott1ear

of tho Air Depot or t h l i r aoalotanta Cor Supp17 and tbe

" " " 1 7 Chilf of lOeb Sel"\'icI Group and SeMi..

Centeri a

aut!lcrisld Cor rout1no IUPP17. .

t toro. . . .


(b) 501"\'i.. Groupe and SorncI Centlre a r l authort..dto roqu1aitiOD d i r e c t on t b l Air Depot. Supp17

ao't.l",lU • • OIl Sa1pan and TiDieD w1l1 coorc11Date

ltoel< laYall and requ1aitiono with t h l 1..l n t u a l

objlcU Ya oC baT1.n& only ono requ1ai t ioni l1 ll and

reoelY1n& aotlT1ty on .ach


(a) Tho n o r a l obannall Cor technical o r _ r o , data and1 n o t r u a U _ to th o 0 1 _r C..-and wil l be t . .. .. .Ul. &lrDllpot.. ~ r & . D C 1 or arollrvllQi techn1.oal

1DIItruot.lo_, or UlpeJratlft el\l1DHrlnc _ t t . e n

ItClaUIII taaUaal oporotiono -1 ba t r o n o a i t _

direot to D I Beabar Coaaoncl with ioforao tiOD 1.,111to tho Air lJopot.

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 14/56

SubJI he.or t of Colonel C. 3.

Section I . - Oua.

(b) All dec1.ione with reference to act ion on thede. l rabl l t ty of, or neeeaai ty fo r c h & ~ e . , 1..p r o v . ~ n t a , ~ o d i r i c a t i o n a , technical order

compliance, f ield instAllat ion ki t . wi . l be

_d e by the put,.. Chief of S ta l f lo r 3upply

and tta1ntenance of the IXI Bomber Command for

alrplan.. wi thin the coarnand, eubject to

pol ie ie . and direct lve . of hl ,her author l t7 .The above decision. nll be IUd. af te r thorough

conalderation or tactieol plana and requirement.

in consultation with the :»put) ' Chi. l of Stat l

for Operltlona. D l Bo.ber COiDllrd.

(0) Technical "pre .an ta t ive . aeall!CMd to , or work1.ngwith the IXI Bomber C- . . nd wil l be under the

lupervl.1.on of the r»put)' Chi. ! of S'tat! to r

Supply and J.iaintenance and wil l report dirac t ly

to the Chlef of Y.alntenance, I I I Bomber Command

to r ue i i nwn t and lnatruct lonl . Each manufac-

t u r e " "roup wil l appoint a . In ior repr• •antat ivewho w111 act .. a ape ei al a dv il or to the Chief of

Maintenance. Aa.ia:m.nta of individua l rep reMn-tath· .a to Combat Groupe, Service Groupll, &.Dd.

SerT1c. OIInte" wil l be IUd. u ci rcuutance .


(d ) Repeir eh1pe end . . .1ntonance eh1pe fe l l under the

piDlral .uperviaion of th e Air Dlpot, how.ver, thee.

ahipll when docked ad ja ce nt t o I on i c . iToupe and

. l rv1e . centera, r i l l work direct ly with such • • rv1ce

aotlY1tlee, unddr the lu parv1aio n of the Wing and

Co_nd lleputl' Chief 04 Stef f for Supply and 1....tenance.

ell) In , enere l , the Air Depot wil l oxerc1.. di rec t

_in't .enance aupenl110n OTer the ai rcraf t under

Dlipot control and U I Bomber COlmand wil l exe ro l "direot _int .nance luperviaion over a i rcraf t UDdu'can'torol of CoIIbat Groupa. Serna. Groupe <:W' u r_ber C_nd HMdquartere.


j " ' . ' .... : · . r ~ h '.,·f ' 'J' . . .....f • "1 ' ,

, ••• ~ L '._ • • , ' ••••• " ••• , !.

• " • '. , j l ~ '

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 15/56

Subj . It.port. of Colonel C• .j . I n 1 , .

$ect.ion I . - Qua.

( f ) Such variat iona 10 t he p rocedu re a8 ctrculUtarCl!& re -

qu1.J:oe w111 be de bydirec t

agr..:oeat betwsen t.heComrDAnding Officer of the Air Depot and tM neputy

Chief of Staff for and wa,intenance of then l Bomber C o m . ~ · , n d .

(3) A ffiOVAL 01' PRQC<'..Dl,",p;

n"e procedure outl ined .bare ... diacu• • •d wi th and ,

apprond by General Haraon,General ar..,., and

o.... ra l HaMell .

rtrIl[i i"~ ' n ( ,OJ II

, .

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 16/56


(12 N o v e C 1 b ~ r to 22 ~ l o v e . , b e r 1 9 4 1 ~ )

a . The orli1na1 plall!l tor the layo ut of runway'S nnd hardstandIJ

on S&lpan W8re found to be in part impractical becaWie of th e ro l l -

ing and !lountalnou. Mture of the t e r ra in . So_ planned locat ionshad to be abandoned and considerable 1"8,,181008 lI8de 1n those t ha t

were re ta ined.

b. The ata't\l l l o f runways ls 8.l5 f a l l on . The s t r ip a t u l ey NO.21a now in operation and being utU1.&ed by ATC, TAG and Seventh Air

Foroe. Str ip "A" on 1818" No.1 1s now be1nt; \lII8d fo r the t ac t i ca l

operatlorw of the 7 ' rd "fing. Strip "8" 18 I t i l l UDder construct ion.It . tha t itll cOlIplotion datil wi l l be dolaY"d a p p r o x ~ t o : Q "three c,) ...k . as .. resu l t of the n e c . s . 1 t ~ y for conalderably more• • than i n i t i a l ly planned. For ex.ample, it wu found

neceeaary to ra l• • one end of the rumr&l"' about . u (6) fee t aa a r e -

aul t , the taxiway b et ne n S tr ip "4" and Str ip "B" alao ha. to be·r e o ~ t r u c t e d .o. The ata tu. o f h anBtand a .. or 22 NoYellber u • • followw.

Iala, . 110.2 had WI hardotanda, w i t h . pl.nned tuture .chodulo of 5. . . . ..,. 4 cIaya unt i l • to ta l of liO i. reachod. Ido , . NO.1 had 120

hard8toandIl with a pl.nned future .chedule of 60 addit ional in 8 iz_ka.2. BASI FACILlTml

a . .in a i r b u . ora .n i..t ion wa•••t .ab1i.hed a t Salpan under the73rd

"inc.Since t ho la )'Out 1ncloo. . two (2) a i r atr ipo each with

.upporUna bardotan.U. tho .upp:Q" .nd a in ta n anco a ct iT1 ti.. of thoa ir baM • • ro diT1dad into Wo (2) .oparata unita , both phyaical:Q"

and ora:aD1 ..t ionall7. n .•• unite are known a . Strip "A" and Str ip

"ll". Str ip "A" inc loo. . tho 497th and 4911th C_t Groupo,

clud1D& . i r p l a . . . . poroonnol .n d oquipMnt. Strip "A" .100 incl_

tho 65th .nd 9 l a t Son-ice Groupo 1ntoirotod in _ j o r por t undar tho

C ad,. Offic er or Serrloe c.n ter "A". The _ jo r i tT or the tn&1.D-

t ona_ . q u i _ n t of a l l lrindo hu _n int&ir . tod iM-.. .. _U_b l a and tho npp:Q" ac t i ...l t ioa ha.. boon cOllplaaoJ;r 1nt&V.tod.

b . f aU_1 I I tho __ prooodura. tho 49'.1th .nd 500th _ C . r _

and the 30.5rd and 33Ot.h Servic. aroup. are ....e1ed on St""lp "0" with

U . "'0 Sen i ae ~ o u p l l toraiDi servic . c .n ter "B". The Photo F..-ooo_t,• • DOe Squadron i. tellPOl"arUy locatAd 1n the Strip "S" . . . . . .

Itt la plaruwd t.hat •••oon u the Se'V.nth Air ' o roe &-24 I. are lIIO'ftdoat., 1t. wi l l be located on a • •aond t.ellporary loc!lt1on on Str ip "A",.W .UGh t .1_ • • i ta pirwaJWnt fac i l i t i • • a t th . Air o.pot Field,_ _ .... , . . .q.

-1 -

' , . I ' ' . ' ., "II.' I', 'I,' t1 ""i,"", .,10 ,;,. , ' I ' I ' . . 1 ' , , . ", • ,'I'

, "t ,'" . : . ;, ' •. (. ' ". 'r_, ' , ,:.1 , , • , j . I, "


8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 17/56

Subj , Roport of Coloool C. S.lrTino

Sec:tion I I . - seipen.

o. The four Bomb Group. are houaed in tent l alofli the ehore

liDO weot of Natuten Point , with tho 73rd Wing Hoodquortero am

the temporary XXI Bomber COlIlo1lo!U1d Headquarters per.annel in the


d. The four Service Group'. whU. inte&r&t.ed into two serviceCenten l ~ o r a r .. IUpply lim _intAnance ac t iv i t !• • are concerned..

have retained their or ig inal identi ty U oraaniaatioM and. are

houaed _para te ly in the &rea aban the BoJib Group." bet. .en theGroupe and Str ip "BM.

& . The persoruwl required for the operatj.on of the Air au.hao been dra1m frOll tho Saniee Group Hoadquarters arxI SoM'ioo Group

f ao i l l t i. . Unite. Thi. peroonnel i. inadequate toC&rt7

out thoguard, labor and cOlWtructlon &IXt trarwportatioD requi r . - .n t8 far'

tho _0, in addition to the i r no l ' l l ro .ponoibUi t i. . with tho

s en ioe Groupe. Upon a r rh. .l of the I I I sc.ber C ~ n d unita, itwaa _o e...ry in each 1nI:tance fo r thei r peraonnel to • • t ab l ah

the i r om> liYinll and .oo1n& facUi t io . am to ..olot in tho c . . etruotlon or roada.

b. A cODillderable nu.berof pertlOl'Ulel . e n d1ftrt.ed, t op t he r

with tr&JWport.atlon. to •••ilt in tbII cOnlltructlon of nland road8and fac111t1el, Ia. of which bore DO relat loMh1p to vtK conatruo

t.lon or require_uta. Otbera were d1 ...n..d to auard anet labOl" requ . - n t o of tho 101&00.

o. Tho fu ll f ac il ! t ieo of tho ona1noor OI'lanioatiOD am theiro q u i ~ . . . . . requirod fo r tho conatruction of larxI1l11 otr ipe,

bardat.e.zda and I . land roacM. S a . of the• • 181.00 roacl8 . e re re-quired 1D connection 1f1 th V1Jl a c t i n t i e . , but otharo purolT fvr

the I8larx1 lIoadquartoTO and i to oupport1n& Wlito.

d. No per .onnel .. . available frca .ourae . out..1de ot the nI

_r e-nd for 1M cunotruction of oaintonanoo obop faci l i t100

and ouppq _rehouo . . . Sinoo tho pero_l of tho 8oM'ico

_ ro doplatod - f i ro t , for ~ h proparotion of thoir " '" ' personalhOl.Wlng and •••1"& requi re_nt . , •• com., tor the pure17 leland re-

quire_nt.a, and th i rd , tor the unlQlld1na and aOrUQi or the i rIIUppl.1e. and caL equ1pMJnt, the,.. w r . not • . , . l lable tou.uro tho ~ 1 o o q c_ l o t i o n of the i r _in tonaMe ohop facil i t100and auPPlT _robowo1n& •


. . . , _ . ~ , .'J . :.. ,; .. ~ : ; ~ ••, . .,.\ .', " it.'"" .I' I""+r .t.· ....·, ., 1'1'1, ... ', ' : ' i l l · " l t r . ~ ~ ' l . . ; , ,:,.,• • , • ' 'r , , ' . . " • I" J. f. , I) ' ,'.' " " . t · · " , ,' •.•..• I, '" '• • , •. ',' I, . : ; . ' , " I . l . \ ~

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 18/56

....., . . . ot COl. . . . l C. S. I I"ou..

seau.. I I . - S&1j:aD•

• • U to.. tao ot &TThal ot the U D l l e n o ~ . about -t.7

n . . POre«lt (7") ot al..rp1ADe unl t lICIulpoont had arr lwd and aeoo-1dIIJoah1e requlre . -nt tar wpp.1J' and MinWl\&QQ. ....lpport tar

tbe _ Ck"oupe bad been .0 tabU.bed. !h i . noNal lDlld on tbe

Serrtoe Qroupo lDoreaoed da1l7 oUb the arr iva l of addi t ional aU-

plaaeo. s l t i l the I l f ta ta . t po..lble preosure be1D& brought torth to. t as _ plaaee . . . po_thle \.J1 C.-1loeloo tor tbe t1 rs t . t r i te .

t . rile tollce1D& . _ la .o ton is there to re . .. .. .bed. l .uot\ l r as_1 b eoncemed. Tbe Jroso"n,.. . . . . . . . r ied out tor tbe 73rd

I1Illl a s eot.1rel.7 WlAtlatactOlr7 as e u p ~ aDd Miotananoa pononnal..,. . tor tbe _ t part u t111_ tor oleoat awry other purJlOM than

tba t tor micl l tbe7 aere tre'_. Tberetore. 0_ tile aI..rp1ADeo

vrI._.tbe Serrloe Qroupo _ r e oot reed7 to oupport thea.


. ..w.'o . t t l ng tbe a1.rpl&Me into _ ..1oD 011 a r r l n l OU . . , . t41t t leul t aDd too moh dela,r aU l be expor lanoed \.J1 returll1.nJ tbea1rJ>1- to co · I ..10ll attar e . \ r l l te .

a. Aa e eolat1oD to the tCll"eC01D& probl.... tAo t011..1o«

&1_U... are Jr"eented.

(1) Tbe Ialand and the supporting sas and Kng1nMr erpn1_ should JZ"7rlde sutt1c1eM per.onnel to ·portara

tbe oorMi tunetlo. . . ot JrOY1d1D& ~ U 1 t i e .ouP ' " ~ _ t a r and hODolDa. ll\&rd and 0"

labar .

_ . U tbe r l IC Iu l r _o te r the lD1tlat ioo ot 0 __

bat _ roUono 10 gi... Jr\.J1rlt7 owr l . landl ' eCl .u . .o ta . tho abow -7 be a o 1npan.

(2) U the S - Qroup crpn1aUont l _ t port""" a l l

.po. .U lJm>1_ with tbei>' . . " Iloa.otng. eonatruct1oDo t thei r . .-. IUld the construcUoo or thei>' . . . ._ IUld euppi7 t ao i l lU ••• a. . .U . . . support

Island aotiY1Uo•• tt-.;y !Ol1.t at _.01t7 arr1.. a ttho ._t _ t i o n e approocu.talJ' th ree (3 ) _tlu \.J1

_ or the t l ig l l t .. ~ . l o n o .

(3) In '11._ or tbe ditt1cult,7 '0 tar _ r i e " " e d . th o...1ftbla oolllt ioo ap-" to 1>0 to ..nd to rnrd

labar••onetruoUOIl IUld a i r onginoor battal l lono.__ the . . - l I l t a oontrol o t the llr Foroe 0 J odor.te pre. . . . . DDt 0DlJ' tAo land1Dg otr ip oi tb l ta _

. . . . . . . . bet al8e the . . . . . .hte. 1'OIId8. -ate...... ....

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 19/56

a.b j I lI.port of COlODel C. S. Irr1.I»

5eoUOIl r I . - Saipan.

euPPlT ! a cWUe . for tho enUre e_ t .1Dg.

UK I In "De ra ! . the Serr lc . Group por.onnel ha f t

bod 1DIIutriot.nt tr&1.n1Dg to perfora a l l ot

their t eobntca l tunoUon.. Ilathor than Modt_ to a tbaat.!'e to act ..labor battalion •• it appear. """0 logical tobol l technical per.onnel 10 tro.1ntng 10 theStewe unt i l their operational aoth1.t,y to roadTtar th. . . and use oolored labor battaltOllO forthe tn i t t a l pbue . at the oporaUon. Such o fthe. labor l:attallcma u are nnded. M¥ be Mld. . . .r tor__ tntenano. and guard dutt...

4. :BlPf!.J

a . The Air r.......uppl1e. and ~ w1Uch bad he.n brought 10 bT

and tar the toar Serr10e Qroupe a t Saipan, . . . . . tound to be 10 oa1Tfa i r eandttloD . . . re8Ult ot the jrObl tared b, . the S...n.o.

Oroupo. It t . cIa.ired to polot out that both tho otf icer and theeD1toted per.onnel ot tho Serrlce Groupe haf t ..r torMd a , . . .ut1ceDtand ontetaDd1J>c job. 10 banel ling thei r _ t e r1e l . . . .11 as tho,. baw10 Yi.. at their ClI1lJ' other . . . .pona1bl11tl. . . Under the .upervio1""ot Lt. ColClllOl IIoDcolild. arrange"",nte • •re Clade to have a l l oupp11..anloaded, brought to a cOl1llllon dl.pel'O&1 po1nt and h'o:ll t h i . polotd1etr1buted to tho teo Servloo Contor area. by cla.... and t.rpoo .0that _ l .....rT lnoaU"" ot _ te r1e l could he ado to r 1.._ • •

b. Tho job of _1*1"1n. bln card. and a t i r s t ;aontblT !JrnInto17bod he_. The undoroign04 the _o l u t e De....1V o f . .

poditl.Dc tint, the oollp1otlOD o f .u1tabla boua1Dg or c"" '.... ot

IIlJ,ppls••• -.coDd, the completion or bin carda, th i rd , the t aQl1 .UOl l

ot _ t e r i . l 10_ to r _ 10 oo. . . . . .pt1on date, tourtbo tba 0'

plet toa a t tba . . . .11o.t _t ' "" . U- o f a I 'I \7010al !JrnIntor,. and

t'ltt.b, tho _ l * r aU" " ot . tock reeord __ an that tho .tock reo....10 s t r ip could ho cOlll!>1ned 10 a central supply technical controlto r tho t .o . t r1pe.

e . "t U . s:re. .nt t t . - , tbe p-el'.'IW". pl•• 'n g tor 'two dr i . -.. to retain tho.. teo arpnbat iona as completely ' .I*roto e n t i• • tnaotar u requ101t loning and rec . lp t of .uppUes trom tho De"'"are oonoel"l*1. In conterencea with General Harmn on the ~ n e r a . l_ " e o t ot nPl'1,T and a l. . .1t.b Co l _ l carlaon a t t ho Depot, it ...

...Ell tIlat it a u illpm'aUw to hoft a atnele teo"", oal euPPlT

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 20/56

SubJ. II8pcrt of Co l - . l C. IS. l r r tne_u ... I I . - Sa1pan. to ._ requia1tlon1.l>&, r_lpt, foUoo_p and dl.tr1butlonnf _ YIJl and o_n .upp l le . fa r .a ch le la nd .

.. It b u a l n aq b e o _ .pparent that tha nook l le ..

oot up for tha _ Qroupo oro 1nadequato. Th1a l.. .soq y bu

.-. up .. ~ a YIJl l t o_ . . . .re tho oonouapUon cIurlnc f . r ry

1Jac and 'd"·l opera"om bad been Maher than . , t t_ ted . Tb1ab u _ part .1nlar17 true CD it... thot aro • par t of, or oro

af f_ bT, ro• •otl7 1notl tu ted .cd1!lca tlono , pa rt lcu la r17 thOM

pa_ I ta r to tha 7 WUc. Ou.r .upply _teo frna tho boc1JuWllfill tho YIJl I '" 'Craa b u toto1l7 f.11&d to r . . . . .n1... in t t . arqaAllUv, the r w p l a ~ D t _ te r1e l ... in connection with ~ - o d : 1 t 1 o a \ 1 ~ . POI · ·" ' Iple, there • • re DO O",u-o'f'er tubea, ctuctadbaftle., or __ t _too bal l Jointo .....11&bl. for r o p l e _ n t .

• • Tbo oooond - Ja r 1Da4oquaq of the aupplla. al lo t ted to tho101t.1al oqu l _ n t for tho Serrloe QroUl'" .. 0_ i t_ of .uppl7._ I t_ I n o l " not CDl7 1_ 00_ to a l l a1rnraf t , but aleo

the 0 OIl it,_ nllded tor , eneral utll.1satloo.. ro r eZUlple, al..-ul fill - . . . , . ~ n > 1 ' na11& n r e a t a C tor p r u 1 _ on tha

laland n f S01p&o than • handrul nf rublea could ha been. I t o .. . . . noroal17 _ted to 110 tl1rnUbod bT :sos . .r. in the _ ine 1 DOt _ .Hehle .

t . It 18 . . .". , . .nt in thlo theat ro tho t it .n .L1r F01"0018 to . . . .reto . . . . . .r proper oond1 t l_ With &<Ie<iuato . llppll00, it

.110"101_ .

ln1t1allJ ' lnDl_ in l to Tabla. of i q u i _ o t a l l thOM1_ nf..,r, that . . . . tl1rnUbod frca, or proovod bT, otllor _and Ionl_. oInot prior to tho d.parture of the undore1Jnod f ro .

sotpa... ftperU ware r_1YWC1 to the . t r . o t that ....ooot opareo for. . . . . . ., , l i .r Foroe yeblale. and C'C NI p i . . . . of tran8partation,_ t h . . . . - for "l¥l". . . . . . not b eln J reoolYed bT tha _00

OIl.. . . . _ 1_ n f _ 110101 approprtated bT the

01 th a lelen d _ l e a_d 10 _cla.- With h l . 1cIau nf the 0'IU'&l1" " fill leland.

I . It 10 ~ r e t 1 .... thot .0 r i t i oa l reY10w 110 _cia within the_ t.Id.rtir _ _ of the .u pp l7 r . . ra l . 101t1aliT by the

tab l- fill Iqu,.ot for. n.a sernoo Oroup, 10 onIor thot

p_~ _ 811)' 110 _do io tha OrO\lPO Wlioh hay. not .. ~ doparted 11111\0. 101\1&1 requi.l t lona ha f t a l . . . .c17 boon _.. \M _ 101"1'100 Ocoton Oft SOipan fo r add1tlonal _ t o r i . l . tho

.... t .. whi '" b u a1roadT doftlopecl . The.. roqu101tiono . . . . . 101ua_ .t tbe d1rooU_ of th e undoroiJOOd.

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 21/56

; ' -.. ;. . ' .. ~ .' - : . - •• ' :d' tt" -, i • • • • • ~ ~ ' , ....: ; •. •••••• ;. . •" . ! ' ~ ; '1/;:,/::,:;1"'/,,. : ; ~ ; : : . , ! : 1 I I l r f t ! ' : f l i : i = ! I J ~ " , i > 'f;,. - . . . ' ., . t ..t ; ~ · . . j ~ 1'1:, 'I.···••• . • .•••• . j •• , • • • • • • • • • . • ,

" ... .,. ' .. ;. " ~

Subj. Raport at Colonel C. S. I r r t n oseat10n I I . - S&1pan

h. 'lbe R-"50 all&1.- aupP17 aUuat10n 10 .cWqllate. en 10____

• there ware 269 apara a!lll1ne. on hand,at

. ,1ch 260 wareaarrt_la. Th1a 10 . p p r o x ~ t a 1 7 one .onth 'a wPP17. In rt_

at tIlB t . o t that the majori tT at the eng1na. ha....pproxi.ta17100 1l0Dl'll tl71ll& ti_ .t the bei1lal1ll& at tac t ica l oparat1ona, it

a _ _ to tW'tunate that the.. lnal .nl l are on hand. Incidentally,~ l ha l t ot the• • lna1nel arr1Ted .1 p1D-upe. A. nnbrwa . took l e w l

o f one math '. IU p p l y 11 abeolute1¥ nece•• • r y in tJ11. th..t re . I tr i l l , therefore, be l11poellble to d1a:contlnue plo-upe at l a u t to r

tIlB unit equip_nt at tuture .1nca, unla•••u!!1c1ant . . . . . .! ' l i1.- . . . .

aft11abla in tIlB Ull1tad Stataa to p.na1t - .k in i . . . .U.blo e to r_ a M _ n t 10 t1ae to . (1) _in ta1n one .onth '. aUPP17 to r uIl1Y

_ 10 the theatre. (2) he.. aft11abl•• t loaat t i t tT paroant or one

aaDth ' . IUppl.7 at tot. t ot uri....l of eaoh JWW Group.


a. The .c»lt • • r ioua detlc1eng;r in the Int ire picture on

SalP"" .. th e 1 n a ~ u a O T at the repair and t a . t t .oU1 t1a. ot the

..un-- . .otion 10 the serv10a oroupa. Th1a 1 ~ u a c T . . . ._ _ a abr toua 10 rt_ at the or1t1oal ahortaia or -n ; r ita. or~ panloular17 ace•• •ory . . - ,1 . . -n t tha t wa. not carried. onth e fablaa to r the Samoa oroupa. ' lbe.a 1 ta_ weuld norMllT

!laTa been t u rn1a_ in tIlB Tablaa ot SUPP17 to r tile Depot. bad i tbaeD in plaoa and in operetion on achadula.

h . !bere ara 1101_ it 10 daa1ra bl. to t ea t betore

a. tal1at, loa, ef ta 11 tJwT are r e . l n d nIW t r.. the _nutact1ll"U'.1_ or thlo tTpa are oarburatore, _ and n1&ht 1nat....nY .

t.IIe.. da1'1a1aDOi.. in aqu1pant w1ll be a d a up in par t bTth e repair ahip. it .. _ 1 d a r a d 1aparetha tha t __ 1 te_ be

'1 '74. be , . »• • ot the tn - of e q u 1 ~ n t conalderwd " .1 rab le . a n.. t a U _ .

_uretor now Bench - Fuel and J l1draul1c ru-p ro . t llano_lne t. . . . .nt TraUar__11 Toeter

loci. . I I u U d _ - a _ l a t e with oowl1ll&a an d .11 a a _ o r 1 e aRadar 1l00k-up and tea t aquip-.ntPropeller Balanoer - propeller loyemor t • • t stand

rahr10 .0rll111l1 Iqu ip_nt

lI1aaallanaoua abeat _ t a l and _china .hop 1t_

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 22/56

S j. Relort of t ; o l o n ~ J 1 .: .

:)ection I I . - S&ipau.

o. In . eneral , th e 51-orUiSeS a:, ' be cryatallzed 1n thes!J:l le stat.e1'lent tha t each S ~ r v i c e Center tlUst be a cO:l:lplet.elye q u i p ~ d l!Iub-depot fo r the proper a\.lpport of tac t ica l operation.I t is not considered desirable to attempt the major overhaul of

instru:ll8nta or accessories in the Service Center type of sub-depot,

but oertainl) ' the necessary tools and tes t equipment C1ust be ava ihbleto detera1ne the 8erviceabi l i ty of acceBsory equipment, or ins trumenta,and to MJe.e a.1nor repairs . Ful.1 and complete equipltl8nt anat be available f or p rope ll er , .n.cine and nacelle cowling handlilli and ror the

teatlnb anc! minor repair of landing g . en . FacUities :mJst be

ava.1lable for the replacement. of engine cylinder &luemblies. ':'he

pre..nt facil i t . ies for th e of bomb. is to.:> 8110.... am wu t e -

f'uJ. of both tl_ and 'D&npowor.. I .natal lat lon of th e new c-6 Boat>

Hoa t and related power equipm8nt, wil l .olve this proble• •

d. 'n1e _Jor i ty of the b&.rdat&nd. were coneiderec:. inadequate

to r the proper \1118 of Jac.k1r1i rac l l i t i e l , and 1 t was further bel ieved that jack1l\i a B-29 without a .u i table windbreak, ..... dangeroua

in view of the t ropical . t o ~ . E v e l ) ~ e t to r t i s now bell1i made to

accelarate th e completion of .t leas t one windbreak for e .ch &r ip .

Stepe suet be taken to insure the completion of additional wtndbrealc8

lor land1n& gear retraetion te l te , concurrently with the completion

o f ot. 'wr au i . . , and related hardl tandl no. under cOll8tructlon.

e. fac i l i t i e . tor the tee t aoo repair of Radar equip..nt . . .,. .DOt oonaidered. adequate. ' ac i l i t i ea .ere not aYailable for the

t e . t ~ of the . tandard R-l Qer»rator for the 8-29 alrplarw and

it s.. queat10nable whlthllr the.e faci l i t ies " i l l be ayanable in

A ir Dlpot . tock••

r. Ali lWUal, aurr iclent electr ic power aourc.s not aTai l abU to r the _ t i n ; : ot tho electr ica l equip-.nt in th o»ratlon i.e being l iven to the re-working or cletrae t r ac ton

tv the ~ O f t l or the Winch and the inatal lat ion or t ...o R-l pneratora ,

' -P ther with a auitable control panel , such a . baa been dOn i a-

in the S-cond Air Forc e. The r» t , . . .u l t of this ahortaceof eleotr ic _r wil l in....itab1;y ahow up bT haY1n& the _Jori t ;y of

• . a l l . electr ic ~ unite out of ca.m1• •1on.

a. 'l'be naUabi l i ty of ~ e t t hut .- I1Nded lo r both s t o ~ .abap taon U,1• • h u been t . ld back for ..eke by the . h o r t a ~ . ofI 11& f t ' a I \ in l IUlfic1.nt quant it i e . lo r the baa• • of the.e huta.


8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 23/56

Subj. Heport of Colonol C. S. lrvineSection I I . - $ti1pan.

Group Conwnandors expressed a doe1re tor t ....o(2) BL.tler warehouse.

(or pro-fabricated buildings Lo' x gor) fo r e a c ~ Service Center tobe used to r sheet _ t a l shope and propeller shops, particularly' .In t h l . connection, i t must be poin ted out tha t even in the drj.

S88.800, it rains moat of the time. .

h. S\lbject to further checking, i t app8ars that a cODlpleto"bU8t" has been attained by our 8uppl)r people in the matter ofel"l.biJ1fl too l ki te and airplane spare parts ki te : The airpla.:w .ptr.n'ki ts were ori.1na.lly l e f t out of the airplane a t a t . e . g l ~ as • re .u l t

or OCt.:Rt. deeire to cut down n1Ght . Some 450 pounds were aaved

wi th t.he underetandlJl& tha t th e spares included therein ..ould be

.pot ted W1ht e t l e u t five le ta each a t the r er r:; atopa and the

balanc. or the apares included in the service Group lh1pllltnta.

Tho t i t a lAid dawn a t tile tarry .topo ....... 1nc""l'1.t.e . . .hipped.and W!'Te fur ther lneuft lcient 1n that no engine hand11.n& equip_rr tIUch 31 a l ina ' were included. The .nt1ne too l ki te were wen or i -

ginal ly Ihipped, 001 n th each elliine, h an appannt ly been e lbdra ted ,

but the neoeelal')' toele were not .hipped to the terry I tops, nOE'

........ t lw) ' 1nclwlad with th o SOlrt1ce Group t o o a .

1. It wu touncl t ha t t p1.n-up .1lIl1ne. . . r .ce i .....d hod notbean prq>erl) ' protect .d . They ha<! not be.n shipped 141 t a l l ) ' 14

pl lo t i l a ba i l and no bap were available to put thea in on arriY& th a ruah ot other work, the ene1ne15 Deilonc1ni to one Serrt.oe

O< bad not be.n proper17 ra."icltlacl on a r r h a l and . .. ... .raJ. at,

thM hacI becun to .haw. ~ n a

at ruat on the i na ide C)' ll oo .r . u r l. . . .In S&lpaD cU.ate , it 11 d e rw:ce•• ary to inspect the conta1nlln,the aU10a Jfll and ~ . 1 b 1 ¥ re-pickle el1i1nea every t." weed •

•1- The _ j o r ..1ntenance dil ' t icult,1••• 0 ta r aper ienced are. . t oUon .


c.) C)'l100.r t a i lu r . . . Four 0. . . . at t a i l . . . . at NO.2C711llcler Mad a t point at atta_nt to C7l1nder

barre l l were obIened. One fai lure ... obeerYed

on Mo.12 C)'l100.r Mad. Tho.. t a i lu rM ""."".. . . .

be_n .nd U , bOllMl tl111lC t ~ (b) I lNr ..ction t .Uura at . tat iOlar7 p r _ l l o r

,ear .print:: ret.aJ.ner, af ter 90 boura.

·4 .• j •••• : •• • /, .ll '/;. ,if '· ', , ; I, :,.' ;, "'" '; '!!"; "'I'; ,,,,,Ill! 1 ~ ~ " f . 1 1

. , . , , •• f f \ . . " l ,r HI.l•• _- •.• ,.... , ' , r . , . :_ ' ; "

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 24/56

S"bJ. Report o f Colonel C.S. ! n i n e

Section II. - S&1pan.

(c) Pi.ton f a i l u r e . TWo case. were cb.erY.d. TheM

failure8 were typical detonation rai lure. in

which a hola bad been burned in the pia ton head.

The r . U u r o a i n a l l probabi l i ty were brought onby operation a t exc• • • ive power in auto lean, ca-

by operation with one spark pIu&: out. It 1 .

poe"lble t h a t cylinder head f a i l u r e s may haTe been

cau.ed by tne 88me t)-pe or operation.

(dJ L1nIc Rod ... . . " b ~ f a i l u r e . Thi. f a i l u r e appeared

to have bean c&UIIed by the loas o f th e knuckle

pin 1n tho . . . . t e r rod. Thi. i tom .hould be f o l l ~ dup to - . k . oertain that l i n k rod knuckle pine aretn. tal lad with the proper t i t a t tactor i•••

Ca) Oeneral. Tha engine f a i l u r e . experi enced during

the ",""".ent of the H r d Wing .nd i n i t a i n i t i a l

operationa, have been rel . t- few conalde.r1.n&

tha nWlbar of ene1nea 1n operation. However.i t 18 L.peratlva that a thorough inv• • t isationbe _ d e i n • •db cu. in order t h a t the d e r l c l . ~c1N both 1n s t e r l e l an::t operatin& techniqUli

.y b . oorrect .d . The d U f i c u l t i e . experienced

. . re &&V'SYated by the tac t that none of the a i r

c r a f t a r r i " . d a t thlo ba.. aquipped with an eng1Jw

tool k i t . For examplar The Wr1&ht repr..e n t a t i..

...ported tha t only four cylindor hold-dOlm cap

1c:J"en wrencbN and t h r.. intake pipe wrenchea

ware a . . .i l a b l a in the 5aipan area. It the

..t t . . onl7 two Wriaht repreMntath'• • are a 1.1able

for th e 73rd Wing. Supo . . . . be1n& taken to n Wr1&ht r e p r . e n t a t l v e . a t Xwajala1n and Honolulu.

At aut .1& Wrl&ht r epre .en ta tlYe . a re rweded tor

the 73rd W1ne. one fo r each or th e tour Boab G r o u ~ .OM to O O f t r the two service Group. and one f a r

W1. HMdcpl.lrt.en. the.e addi t ional repre• • n t a t 1 T "

baTe been reque.ted.

(2 J PROI'&LLIIlll

(aJ I. r o l a t 1 v o ~ . . . .11

..auotof propollar

dUn-cult.1e. h a n been uper ienced . How.Yer, the..

haye ~ e _ " r e n t e d by the lAck of balano1na r a c U i t i e . , . u i t ab le enc loau re ' to cUa

.... labl. and work on p r o p e l l . r rDechan1.aa, lack

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 25/56

Subj. Report ot Colonel C. S. IrT1ne

sect10n I I . - S&lpan.

o r p rope lle r aanrnor te . t rac i l l t l e •• lack ot

.pare propeller iavernore BOO ccapl et e la ck ot

apare propeller governor .pr ing. or the 2800

RPIl type.

(b) Tb. cOOlblnot10n propel l . r wrencho. o1.tb wh1cb

the un1to. are equipped are not de.iined tore.,..ryda,y u.intenance work: arti . r e not adequate.

- ' I)" duty propel l . r lnatollotlO1l toelo inolud

l.n& dome r . t o l ~ nut wrench, 11-646, propellerretaining nut wrwnch. lI-667••nd. YU'1'e hou.1Drcwrench, 11-649, are required 011 tIto ba1110 ot aa 1 of one .. t per Bcab Squadron. ard c- .

Nt ,.r Sen1.oe Group. OIW ~ t 1 c te . t _taDd.

1a requ1red per S . r v l ~ center. Spare Parte t .elect r ia &OYernor hea<ta and otJ'ler a . l 1 propeu..rand iovemor par\a .e re cona1dered inadequate and.requu1t10a. prepared to cO"'er.


(a) App.....u.atal;y ....n ty percen t ot tho APIequipoent 10 ~ r a b l o .. a ro .u l t .or tIto _

plata look ot .par•• to r n_ta and API uaita.1lto _ jo r i t y ot noYiption pera .......l . t roa..4tIto claalrabUity ot b..,l.n& th l . o q u ~ n t I I I

operation 4ur1nl1 lnd1.,I4ual tU&bta ouch..

apboto ra.-1o_o n1&bt and to r tanoation

loa4ora on boobilli 04..10... In Yi.. or t!w ab.0'- ot o!wok point . In th o broa4 l l loitl0.

(b ) 0Itl;y 0.. Pi_r tachnical reprooontoU . . _

a.,.1loblo. I t 10 l apora th . tha t a t l o u t 011&

ad41tlonal ro_ntatl.,. bo _40 a.,.1loblo tor

tIto 7:5r4 "l.n& .. won a . ad41tional t ra l..4 FOUIIl!peroonnol. Apparontl;y t!w troin1fl1 at our croUllll

. c h e l o ~ on t.h1.8 equip.-nt h.u been entire17 1 . . . . . .

quat.. 'rtw tra1n1ne or our nAY1&.t.ora 1n tJw UN

ot tho API and in tho accc .p l loa .n t ot o4nor

_lnt4nance. auch • • the l oca t. ion and l .. t.allat.1ODot U . tu.. . . . . t be 1JIproftd.

NOTIr The additloJWl Pioneer repreMntatl.,.. hu

already boon requa.tad by tIto un:IorallP*!

and . t e ~ taken to fabricate local17 ~ k upa and bonch t • • t1ni . q u 1 _ n t tor UN by

_1nt.nanoe per.onne!. S t e ~ . . . . alao be l . . ta.ken

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 26/56

3ubJ. " po r t at Colo.. l C. S. I r r lno

Sootion I I . - Saipan

to .. t.&bliah c ~ TOIl•• in ordltr tha to ~ . e a_ , . be c1 ...en

ton.accurate adJuet . -nt needed to r 10na rallie na:Y1&atlon.

(c) Wo r a l 1otor_t ion 1nd1oat.. tbot tile Table 3 f . . .t l\ ll l&ate cocpa.. and API for 58 &1rple..o for 90~ inc1ud.. o threo (}) coaplete ca.puo and

ropaayr un1te "itl l no ind1Tidual API porto. Hoor

ridiocloue tIllo 10 -:r be broU&ht out by tile p o 1 D ~tha t airplane ba. thr ach ot the _bOTe UII1ta1notallecl in i t . Tho on1¥ on tho _Jor i ty of tile

oqu1_n t 10 o t i l l 1D oporoUon 10 tho fac t th at tho

t.cM.1oal repre..nta:\l.... brou&bt alona • .cxIeetot .pare••


(a) A _t cIolal of di f f iculV hoo been _ n e n o e d al_

tbe t e r '7 route and a t S&ipan with ta i lu. .. of t&llr1.

on ttw fabric QO'Nnd eurtace. , part icularly the rudlIIlr.

!h1 . di t t icc l ty hoe been ~ u o e d oompl.tely by WllAts. -taotory 101t i a l tabnoa t ion by the anu tac t.....r . Aoull&1 la.peot!OI1 . hon that lDltutt lo1ent nintoro1Dctepa we _d and tho poo..-ot aort at dopa teohnique

_101"C!. 11 tiler tho dopa ... ot poor quali ty . or 1 t

we .Uoored to a i" and thioken betore appl1cat1 . . . . !h1e

_ t be toll_ r1&bt back to tile - nu f ao t.....r ot the. .... u1e•• Sparu in . took u ..11 u porto 1D

a1:tplaMe .till 1n t ile 1Jn1tec1 s t e t . . _ t be i_o-"

(5) run uu.1llIFIIl PI1IIRI( . ) A _r at .U...... ot tho oarbon Tein type tue l vane-

Ter p_ baTe ooourrecl botll &1_ tba te r ry route ODd

a t Soipan. It belioTecl that tile _Jor i ty o t _taU.. . . . . • . . . oauecl b;r t i le _ t,ype ot dittioo>l.Vt bo t ooCNJ'l'Od durinc tho 58th W1D& . . , . . _ n ~ . tile . . . . .

le.neao or l ~ n o e at tile ai l l l lone . . . . . . . III

t i le oarilon Te1D type fuel t ra..t.r _. tho n i nobreak ott it operated .C&1JWt a olc.ed Tal. . . . or 1Ib_

a ir fro- an e""ty tonk. Subetitution of noe l_ wil l not cure tIlie di t t ioc l ty . oinoe tile o tMl

P1OIP. _n not lubnoatecl by .uo11no n"", rlll ..1M.! l le 1notollot1on o t tuel tloor in dic ato " o t tile e" l '_r 'epoeition .booUd u . l o t in tb••olution of thio dJ.tt101ilty.1Doa it wUl _ be umooo.oar.r tor _ at the 0 . - to ..

0 1 l ~ ot h1. _t ODd look a t • fuel "U P to do__ a

the to .... i. ~ y I t 10 ~ r o t i T e tbat tho "&'_ .nd

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 27/56

SubJ, R e p o r ~ of Colonol C.S. Irl1no

seCUOD I I . - S&lpan•

• t le • • t one other . a b e r or the cr.w be properq briefeda t ata , lna in the operation ot the B-29 fuel aywwlI be-tore they are al.lowed to dAlp&rt.


<a> L 1 ~ U . d1ft1oult¥ ba••0 for bo.n oxperloncod nU l C7C

equip_nt . inee operat io, . haT. not l"'IIa1.l.T belUDe Tbet e . t e q u 1 ~ n t on hand appel" to be ~ . o n a b 1 T ada-Q.U&te. HCJIW'IVlr, tIM QuanMtt huta are not part loulu' lTlul t&bl . fo r re pa ir .crk on thu equip .n t , • •pea1&1lTin caao of ~ h a o 0 1 l l p U ~ n . Th. l a r p n b. , . , .1&/It.Yaut , i f aod1t 1ed by relllov1nc cer ta in IqulpMl'It,

would be au1t&ble tor cOllpUtor Npa i r . em. per s.rn.Group 10 nlqu1nd. The part.o 110u for C7C . qu i _a t .a n inadequate and. obliol.te. Tbi. uJ<:• • the requial t leninc of .uppl1•• "'rr d 1 ! ! 1 c u l ~ . Tho ~ t die -

tr lbut10n of part.o 11ot, T()-1l-7Qo..A-' 1 . nocouuy .

(b> Acld1t1onol Qonoral lUootrlo taohn1oal r . p n ..a t .&U_

"1""8 NquUted . A r e qu l " _n t . . . . . tabll11lwd. o f 0.

technical l"'IIpre_ntatift per Bcab Group .. one per SUT1.oecenter and. 0,. to ocrr lr the Wlna headquarter-. and.

Repair Shop. Th1. 10 • to ta l " * I u i r _ a t of ....a (7)NO per .1D1_



<a> lIev.rol a1rp1anoa ba. . . bo.n out of o__ o1on far pane

due to I:lurMd out 11eotr loal w1r1.n& and aeee.lor1ee.In each _ wODi polarl ty , or poor vol t&ti:., o f . . . . .nol aua1liary _r o q u 1 _ t baa _n tho ....- .

epenUDi pononnol "TO advia.d u t.o tho no_a i t . y

of p . . . . . . .talWimUon o f correot polari ty a'!'! . . . l np l a t i o a oa DC oqu i _n t and vol t ap -and t roq-ClT

of AC oqu1j.ont.. Auo:lliuy _ar aqu1_nt . 1 . a t i l lDOt. ava1labl. in ouf! q u a n t i t . ~


<a> to.. ~ " " . . - l . . . ,unt o f fa l lu ru ho. . ooCOlrndon _. 1_ . -. . .r, teat. oquiJlMnt ... not. ava1l

able to ohook C1uuUonable ita.. A opoo101 . . . . , .u1-

Uoa .. pr ...... wh10h iDoluded .peo1&1 '-to equ1p

_a t ~ bonch ohocIr IJrO h.orloon 1nd1oatora anddino t ioaa l 1__ 0. To.t aqui-" to ohack . a la

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 28/56

-.,. b p o r t oJ Colen»l C. S. In1Do

Seou"" I I . - 5a1pan.

p a r , nOlle wheel. t lap, bOllb--bay door and a t a r t e r

. a w n _roe ~ u 1 J I l t loned. A. p n e r a t o r tut benoh

h&T1.a& .pprCll<i_teJ;y 18hp capaoitT wi. t.h ••peed " " l l e

01 l ro . 4000 t o l2000 RAI l o r oh.ck1n& R-l • •naratora..a requ1altiolllld.


(.) 0n1T aiDOr d i l t i . u l U e . he. . boon axpariencocl Wi t.hrubber _ t . e r i . l i n .aneral . HCJqIver, a t the t i . . -

at t h u lDlipectlon by the u.nden1aned, there . .re.. ,..t no tu.l o e l h or r e p a i r _teri.l .....U -

able .

(10) OIL COOl,IIIS AND I ~ S l ! l ! ! ! l I .( . ) Be Nr10u.0 dit t icult .1e. he. . boon e:r:paranee4 .. TOt.

Ho.M, teat equlpM:nt for t ..tlni 011 cooler . andiat.e. .-oolero .....ll .. t h e i r n . p .ctuat.1D&_ohAni.. 1 . not av&.1labl.e. rn.truotlorw w r e 1aalMd

to ....... the local tabr1cation oJ t e a t equip_at. l e r

t.he &bon 1. . . . . , . . . .11 • • the a.biD. preNure r ep la t .cw l .

!he oupp1T oJ .pare porto . . . . not .onaiderocl ocIaquateand a441t.1onal i t_ . . . ro roqv.1oiUonod.

(U ) run QUJ.JlfITf QlUau

( . ) 5er1 ..... d i t t i c u l t , r a . t 1 l l bei" l upu1eDOocl Wit.hl u e l _. It a b e l a . . .d thet • portion or

the \rouble a aouaocl b)o l . u l t T Jaintenanaa. Tho

iMt.ruot.1Cl1>O . f t 1 l o b l e '"' not .dequate l e r thopropar _inte_ and ropair 01 tlI10 e q u i _ a t . . : t -a t.1 en» . . . . . loouocl repr41n& tho requ1a1 t.101l1Jllor tho _... . , . _ter1Atl l o r "tho 1_1 amar. . . . . .of tho --"17 t e a t . . . . repair e q ~ n t . It 10conaiderocl ... . . . u a l t h e t en» . d d i t i o n a l te.hn1oal

rop....n t e t i. . . be ordarocl to tho t_tro . . . . t b a t hoba aupp11oc1 b,r tho 1• • tol7 . 1 t h t a o t a q u 1 _ n t and

apare parte. r o r the t1JlO 01 aiaa10n noon b,r t.h1o00 . . . . it 10 ~ t 1 . , . thet t.h. 1..1 _a be i n

operable condition, or we nIl 10M too mAJV ai.rpl.a,. . .11' naw _ t e r o can pooa1blT ho abte1nocl. thaT ahoul4

be proourocl in a u r t i o a n t quantitT to equip tho 7""'"

ftJtc ADd a h o 8••edina W1np.

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 29/56

hb3. .pon of Coloool C. S. IrrlooS.OUOII I I . - S&ipao.


(a) _ d i t f l c u l t J 18 be1nj;; oxperlon0e4 wlth burnoclpl8tono. It 18 oorwldarod ~ r o p e r for USC to n-

_nd to tho 7}rd 1110& t h a t tlwT conduot _te o f

h1&b p"""r a uto lo an cruia1nj;; 1Ib1lo t1.71D1 WIll..oOllbat conditiem. on -* '.. ranee a i..10n l . tJnl••our 1n&1noor10& Il1Y1alon a t 1lI'1&ht Fiold 18 ablo to b7 thoir DIm t.eoto """ ther a ratlo& i a

propor or not, thoy ohould qui t tolldD& about it 10

reporto and oortoinlT ohould not aok an aperaUncor&&nlu.tlon to run teat . for thea. There appean tobe to o D1ch queoUon 10 tho od.nda of toO.IV p i l o t e

about RPII and lIaD1to!d Proooura oollblnaUolW. It 1a-

l U l l the tondency of too _ of thoI pilote to roduco RPII to the opt.1&1a IOtU,,& fOIl' lone . . . . . .

fl1&ht. I t 10 l _ r a t l y o t h a t t u rt b e r OduooUOII ofbot.h p i l o t . and enaimera be oarrltH1 out i n thU CaD

MoUon. The pre.ent t .chn1oel 1M\ruct1oDII . w t be

~ r o Y o d and ~ l 1 t l l d .( l ' ) AIIlClW'T Q&NEIUL

Ca) A r e l o t h a l y _lJ AlOOUI1t of bello a1rplana a1n te

D&nM trouble hu: been encountel'*1. BCliW...r . t.ta._ BooiD& rop. . . . .otoUYM . . . . l iable a t Salpao and

tbe othor two _ n """ belD1 o . . -. . .d 10 troa X - j a l o i a

and Qahu, b a n been 1Dnluablo. Additlonal BooiD& r e p r . . - n t a t i y.. Day. been NqUMted _tho b u i a of OlIO OoIWral S I m c o _ n fOIl' oaob _

Group, OIW I l o o t r i o a l Spoclal iat , OlIO S_I s..cs-.nd OIW Sloior Rop. . . lOntetho f o:r oaob WiD&.

.. T!lo Co ·MiD1 Oonoral, U I _r Co hal arranpcl thot

tho DoJ111t7 Cb10f of IJ\atf fo r SVpply and ..loto , or hia . . . . . IIn. a t a l l _t briofiD& of cron prior t o oaob o_ t od.a.l .....and dlIJ1.a& \be plomiD& for oach od.ao1011. Dlia _ t _ i r o b l e p___ t e __ Plann1.a& of aa l_ work ond _0 datoredMUca

of NCju1n_nto with tho u l t t . t o objooU.. t h a t tho ..1__ .. of a u o r a t t _ , . be _ . . .a1loblo for oach 01111100. It aloo por-

G t e \be proper one1nooriD& luporv10101l and lIWtrucUOII of _t l l ..-

i a a S p ' " , _ o r••



~ . = . _ " ' . - " " m q " ' " ' ' ' ' " ! O ( , . , - . . " " ,.. ~ ~ > : :

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 30/56

Subj: Report ot Colonal C.S.lrvin.SacUon I I . -

7. SRl T H . ~ 01' FE; Y ';RL"S

& . l'xperlenoa gained alol1€ the terry rO.Jt.e indicated t.hat there

1 . a co.rini t.ft nNid for a lGore t h o r o ~ h brief1ng of cr..... a t t.he St.ai1l1f: arear; and a t najor :U!lp-ott points . Brie fin g i n radio alld eoa

.Wl1cat .. c:lII aat.a in general hOis been insurf ic ien t a.'ld. on ... ther both alool t.he terr-r route and in bor:abar CO-Nodoperatlor,s ~ . ::>een insu.tC1c1ent. This 1s primar11y due too the exporienced ...thftT porsormel.

b. The t:"ainL"1g of Creft pr ior to staging and. during the st.aa1..nlperiod 1n . .IU"len07 and ditching procedures bave e1 the" been inco:npletA.

or the cr... have not boen sur1 '1oi enUy int . . rested t: " l - . rn .

o. were JUde to the AcUna: Chiet at StaEt, n .I

Ba l . C o ~ d Ul.t steps be taken to pertorm A ·shak.....clown· br le t -ine ot a l l oe.17 arrived. or... a t the nI &c:.ber COEWld bu... Ar ep r . en t a t i ve ot Operationa and at Suppl ,. and "a1ot.-l&nce ot the l ine

Ibo 'l ld be pre• .,t 1n order to d isc us s a l l phu • • ot t.he t r ip tram the. \ lg ing bao. to tho = _c.r Wing b . . . . B7 tollow1nc tb1. proceduro.a eontinuoUlt check .., be _ de by the Bomber Co.-and on the brie/in&:

ot O ~ u well . . . .r r iee and maintclance work alona: theterry route .In Ut1. aanDS- an:t de t ic1mci_ 0&7 ba brcueht to the att.eot1on othiah. . authori ty for oorrectlon.


a . .. a r _ u l t of data received local ly trom the Shell Oil Ce:-_. a . .1cht ot approxiuto1, 5.7 poWldJl per la1)OI> hu b . . , ..o.d to r

wtch ' oaloulat1o.... the• • 1 . a t "U I l I on tJ>e pan o t Il&J11 pUotat . b A ~ \be b..10 weip" oaloulat1ona to r th e a ir pla ne i t . e l l are in er ror .~ o r e . 1ft o ~ e r to aoouratel , . d . t eMne w18bt and balanoe ot oe:.

bat loaded ai rcraf t , 1 t l s 1mperatiYe tha t eleatr io . ca l e . be prooured.

... s...UIId on the b u t . of one s . t per OOibat croUP.


a. !he Air IMpMlt.or ' . orrani•• t1on 1n Cor.ur.aDd Headqua..n..r.,

W1DI H and OI"oup. bae no.

beenapproYed under a ne . T.O.!be 499'" Group 1 . t .h. on11 orwan1aat1on wh10h no. bu an Air In_tor' •

• tatt. lb . 499t.b Group 1 . aloo tho on11 IroUP in '* lob 1nopootlon 1a. .m. .d Ollt. 1A the proper I t 1 . 1aperattYe tbat aD adequateI s ....\1 _ Q8'- be _MbUahad 1n th e r -w atn tn l l ID , . . ot tbe 7'"1I1Jw. _ t . h e r tb . t ..bnloal 1nopooUon o t a1rorat, 10 oarrled 0'"__ " '" oUr Inopeotor to r tho C-.and or UDder tJ>e !lop"'1 Chi&! o t

I tat t t.., l l an4 I I & ~ . 10 ..uaponaat.. 1Io....r . l ' 1••••••U7 \ba' . . . . . . .te t -M i o a l iMpeo t1 aa b e e. \PUabecl .

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 31/56

labJ I " p a r t o r Coloael C. S. IJ-r1l10leotiOll U . - Saipuo.

10. WI!!!!!, UDUCIIOI

a . A MeU.Dg . a s held at the Ccwund:1 ng Ot't icers ot the Bo5b&J+._ l i t Qroupo end t.beir onctnoenng orricol"ll and engiMoring Llld 0_100w p o r - . n o l t'roa the W1Dg and C _ n d Beodquortol"ll ror tho pur

PO" or tho itemo whleh oight he ,....,Wli by tho 13rd WtDcr o r n l g h t reduetiOll. ODd tor the purpose o r dloeuos1Dg an:T otherchaDgoa. \ .ap'. . . .lllOOto or _ U i e o t l o " " considered to he toet ical lTdeo1l"llble.

b. Io p n o r a l . it .. . the a t t i t u d e or a l l poroonnol _ a e n tt h a t the7 did Dot wiab to -.lee an,. reooms n d . t lons oonring change. 1Dthe airplano. port leularlT with reprd to the r e or . . . . . . . . . t .

UDtU they had. :run • r w m • • ions. I t ... the ot op1n1oat h a t a l l aft1lablo naTigaU.on equipoont wu aheolutolT eoaent1ol 1.0 t.b1a~ t l " l I . h r t l o u l a r _pbul0 f t O plAced OIl m. 8-3 DrU't _re end

Larao o q u i ~ .o . rho 7) rd airplaooo oro equipped. with Loran. bu t oolT .,...__ o t o t i e baa boon tn.t .olled a t Saipuo. ....U.on woe token by Wlllere1".oo to npodI .t o t ho C0D8t.ructilXl or a _oDd ototilXl OIlflo1AD. It wll1 he _e_..,. to _ n _111 t h a t a quolU104

t _ m i c a l Npn_ ll 't .a tl vw , sa ..11 . a .. ~ o a a b l • .-took ot a}:ar"eporto tar Loran o q u i _ t arrl.. . . 10 the ~ 10 the near 1\1turo.

4 . rho oporat1CXlo ODd ongl.nooring poroormol or the 13rd WtDc

_tol l on the return or the _ e i g M C i . thaT would be pre-

parocI to tI1rn1.h oore dotlol to roe....ndation. on the . n t i r o weight

raduation and - .gI.noonng 10"_. Copioo or tho ..lsbt BeductilXl

Io&rd pra •••d ' n p. . . _ll . a the W Dl ...1.1011 d1reoU... at 12 October_ 26 Ootobor. wro iurntobod t o a l l ooncerned ror t h e i r 1or. . . . .tilXl

aDd IU1ck"•••

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 32/56


(16 N o v . ~ b . r 1144)


•• .... at 16 N'o...ber , the Island eo.aander . t . tad that ooaplet l00ot the f i r s t two n orth fie ld VLH s t r ipe , haro.etand" and othPr atn1JlnDl

""" ..t iona l t aeU1U• • by the datas glvan by CINCPOA. depended .n t1 ..J,Jupon thft .rrl....1 of eni:lnHT torces and ftquipnlent not available a t thatt1l"le. A portion of these (orces were on :tn,lwetoc a t that time iUld it

w• • planned to ca l l thee. to""urd In a CClnYOY on 19 Nover:abel"'.

b. In a dd itio n to the lWilalndAr 01" T1tal fIII'lglnttenng personnelIU'ld Aqulpr.ent which hwd not ye t Mrri'Y9Cl 1n the Forward Area, t l lere

1s : I t ! l l oth·'l'" equlp11ent which 1 . eSlIent1al such aft ~ i p e l ! n t 8 of pl1-lilt; am othur Moten!!l for hnmar develofl"f!nt. Ttl_ creat ion o f the

now harbor and wharf 1s already bAhlnd sch ....lulfll and it 1s toared tha t

tht> Vl.'t prot.:ram cannot be 8upport.Hd with the pl"f'iftent hRT'hor . f a c i l i t i e s .

D1scuslIlon at the problelll. with 0",n8r&1 Hltle And General namon 1001cat.ell t J l f ~ ~ r a t 1 v e nee.ual ty o f ordftTlng 1n At. IMSt. two c ~ p l e t e ort :an iu t lon8 of auph1blO\l:11, OT ducks, to he utled tn r unlOfldlnu fl"Otlbonts 1n the harbor Wid the haulago of equlr-ent and supplies :mm theboots onto the bench to d1apel"'l'll81 polnt8.

c. The '58th and ,59th Sel"'Y1ce Squadrons wil l be 11ou89() 1n tbeAc:on ~ canp-.1te and it .u . ,Uc lP8 ted that scme of th e ol \ j ;anlut10nal t ac i l i t i• • and convenienc"8 wil l b . l e t t ....hen. the Ha-.y uni tsdepart . The Island Coaunder reo1s tha t nothing can be dont! withrespect. t.o t.he canp. to r t;,he 325th Sianal CcaJ*l7 Willi and otherYl..R . l _an t . . scheduled to r ar r1n. l in Dec_ber ...d January.

d. It th e coaplet1on dates fo r th e vtR e t r ip . are . ~ e n approached,it. w1ll r.qu1l"'1t the c o n c f l ( ) t ~ t 1 o n of n I l pOtu,lhle enttlnflter force. on

t.hft . t r i pe .nd. r . la t .d taxi..,.., Mnhltande, etc . Conetnlctlon 'o t

. . . . . ~ o u d l l l d.pende on ~ b arn.l ot ..t a r t . l and the .va1leb111tJ'

o t pe,..oMttl fJ"f/rl A1 r 1'orce Un! t.••

2. r-;;Ic;QWH'G.

a . 1bot l le rne . OI'OUP c· ."".... tor the tour (4) ' l ' ~ b s ame .o UYO alT1..:! and haw.- be.... g1ftn t.M b8'nen' ot experience..- lD t i l . QD1oadl"1l and .>tabUsloa 'n \ ot \he 15Jd 1ft,..

b . 'lIM "1" " carl')'lns the ,511tll and ,59\h Some . Oroup" and the) l5t1l II16nal C__ W108 ...... \ ! !nl_tee on 19_r. Th. XlI

IM k .. C* . e e I , . ~ \ e d t ha t v . •• un ly be cal led torUt t.o .rT1'9'.

a \ ftn1aII on :a6 _bar. TM Tsland C. . . .mer d... oot t..l t h . t.... ant'" _ c ~ . n e . dl.cbarvl"1l .\ unUl .pproxi..taJ,J- 4... , ... or ]a\ar . I \ 10 !>allaYacI t he \ i f _ (2) uph1b10\111 unlte


8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 33/56

llab.l. I lopo'" at COlanel C.· 5. In1J>e

BeaU"" nI. - fla' .D •

. . . . . pl'M1dad. tI>A\ tile Senice Q1'OIlpe could b . celled to"""" . \

OD_ and o o ~ c . unloadS. at an . . .rl1' daw. In r l .. . of tM a l-

..., _letA leck ot ..e1e\enoe ""icb tI>A S.n iae Q1'OIlpe wil l o \A1n In ..\eblillh1nK \he i r hcu.ll l l l . _a ine ..d _ou e1n& t . c i l i -

U ... 1 \ ie Sapere\ i_ tI>A\ VI.,. be eo\\eD In\o pceitl"" OD \he

lelaDd • • 80Gb . . poe.ible.


, ' , . , ;" , ' , •• ;•• '... . 1" •

,'·1 '.,:. : ~ ~ . "'." - , ~ ? •••.,:il!..•./•., .


.# • f i . , = ~ •., · . ; : : . : . d f ~ . . [ . : # ~ l ~ : ; l ~ : ~ ; ~ ; ~ ' · : ~ ! ; ; ' : ~ : ~ l.' J ~ ~ . . : : ' : , .. . • . ' . • . ' , ' , . ~ ~ , . 'To'l,' ".·.·.;.1· "

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 34/56

Sg;cTTON n. AJAt..'n:N I Til ~ I I J . . ~ · ! W . L . , )( 11-1.. 1-1"" ·r \ al .' . t ·r 1 1/.1,)

1 . li4,.';d I ' A C I I . I T I ~ ; S

& . Th1. h .. an ft)"'cllIlleut. c o r . l land11\U . t . r i p OYer

6000 t • • t 1 o ~ . running to the . a t e r l • edi:e 10 boUl dlrQoUon••

Adequat.e r .c111t1e•• re ayal1 .bl" tor hoodnK anl1 proCfUla1lltl: ' nUle-

l e n t peraonnel. Add1 1. ,nn1 t r e r a f t Ittrkll\ .... ~ r 6 t \ 1.. n8fultllu,

b. DupUcaUon • • • obllu,.ed 1n th e .. rehou.l!"lG and ua .. . Dt

IItock • • t.he ATe .uppl,y ot r tcer was tr) lnt:; to h.u.1l . U-29 I p a r e .

along nU l othpr Ate r e q u 1 ~ . n t • • e n t 1 ~ l ) r S . p I l . . . \ f ro . t.he

IWaJa l. ln oub-d .po t.


e. Seftn (1) a-:,,5O efli:ln•••e , . i n . tock, aoIM of whlnn " Ie ,. .

not adequately pn>wcted. A ...n t l weN _d. t.o .-hip .urplu . enG1ne. to Sa1pan and t.o obt.a1n prot.4tcUv.. plinf11J1 coYOrl. d U e . J e l ,

e\e . for t h . bal&ooe. PfOrllK)nnel requosted qulck-chal'\i:8 81l"ln••nunt..,

howey.r. 1n new or the Ua1t.ed "WiDer of .1.:ln8::1 to bfl cha",Wed a t at1rT7 " 'Ute . top, .uch a l th i If 1 t 11 not con.1doNd n.c• • • • ry.Mouot1n& an 8f\&1,. OD \.he quick-chan,. unl t. . .Ir• • 1 to "_ry rll t t tcult .to proYidl PJ"OwcUon rn- c o ~ l o n . rtw .... fo . . . . thaft. uulld-upiIhaald n o t be u U U ' " 1n t r o p i c a l 011. .1.8. e.xl'ept 1n locnUonlwhere there 18 e:e:m.1derable tum-o..r •

b. I t 11 int.e. . . .t1na to not. t h a t t i d . ol"'.,..1\1..Uoa haud on

haN! Mch Spout< 1'1. . . . fbr ~ n 5 0 _"1"". a\ u.. a u . lit . . .\ b a t I . r ioue l Ihor .1 1n the _e plUj: "1"8 oblerYed at , S&1pan.

!be oh0rWc0 o t Satpan ... p r a o r U ~ duo to " ' . ~ c t h . t s o n i o . Groupepaf ta tad In clu ded t he . t , 'pe - the 1.5-86. A:"''nU\I. . . .nt.. WON.... too \ a r w t o r -aJor port.101'1 o f the LS-d8 plU&1 rro. lWajal .ln\ 0 aa1pao ........ Vt.,. _re ne_ed.

~ The huldl1.nG bT POASC end othor alPPlT o c U d U o . of tho N-

.,.s..-t of on o l e t - nacoU. C""U"ll for 0 gl'Ollnllod B-29 o1!l'lanea' laJolo1D . . . . beautiJ'Ul _ 1 ' 1 0 oL tho vp . o f "'1nll " ' a t I a .

In'fitod . . . . aorlf.od c r 1 t i c l . of our a lpplT oyo tea -OIlY t t a o . in tho

JIUI". fa DftC1n w i t h , our perU lbt tor 8-29 ai" , lane . 1 . a . ob.o111M .. \.h. Wr1.4h\ Bro• • f1T1nc _ d l l n e . In th e I.c on d place, the

_tatMaaaoe peraonnel .t bajale1..D. with the as.1stance and a d d c eo f &II u:pertllDOld IIOe1rI& $em_ . " o ~ e r e c l a COIIPl.te . e t or ."liDo oWl1nll. TIMQ' __ t th . , . noodod ..d ukod t o r it. It

"'JIII." \ h a ' t I l . part. _r " ' ' ' ' Inc:atod i n 1tl . obool . '" parto I f . t.. . m' Mlnald. ,,1\1> tho . . . . t . -..... on t h . U . t ut1l lMd bT tb o

a1erll a \ JlOA5C o t Oakland, .0 for nUo (9) dqo P<V.SC a'llued

.Lt l l laJolo1D about . . . .t ~ 1""t.Md of IhlPP1nll o . roquo."'d_ pl_ c - u a . . for. Il-29 aacol l..... plq1nc with tho . . - b e r o


8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 35/56

8ubJ. 1 t l r I ~ o r t ot Colonel C. s. Irr lneSection IV. - K".jalein •

•.ne....rd.. A•• r ea l l t , the . i rp lane • • t a t 1".Ja le in tor about

three . . , . . . . 'fWo w.,oln at th i s U .e . .y be cha'l:ed di rect ly t.ob w w : U ~ . I t carulOt bo pointed out too .trona:},y that. the p u ~ .ot our lIuPP17 eys te . 18 to eetT1ce airplanes 1n the n.eld and cer -

t.ainl1 when a part , or allee.bly, il l reque.ted by the th ea tre , g iv 1ne the . e r i a l nubHr ot the airplane, no tur tber 1ntonaaUon lIhould

be nec• • • • ry ir our .uppl,y people . r e worthy or the ra • • •

2 . tlAIHTJ!IlANC3

a. Fa1lure ot th e weld in an exhaust collftctor ri l l& c.ueed the

b llm lnc out at an 8ni :l ,. . cowl1nc on one at the B-29 t . r ry .h1p11.Stepe ahould be tK . a to in.ure r igid inepoct.1on at col lec tor rin&..ld••

b. I t baa been ..e.... ..,.nadcHrw at .....era! . i rp lane••a&aIIh1p b1 the a&nutac\w"er.

to repa1r or repl .ee t ~ r 1 c on th .

Inspectlon 1.Ddlcated In t . r io r work-

c . A • .-t d .a l DC dUncul ty . . . . been ce""ed bY tai l... ortuel t . . . . .Cer _ . . . . ' " b1pl'OpOr operaUoa.

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 36/56

SEmON V. JO:m !IlllG£RS. T.H.

(10 : ; o v e ~ b c r &nd 23-24 :1"".",ber. 1944)



n r . - . : U 1 t l e ~ a t this fle1l1 .Nt ent . i re ly *CJequate tor clay

a ~ day or -1gb t t a y ~ t r • •b. .a • result ot dl t t '1cul t laa exporlencod with the l lndine ot

six (6) 8-29 airplanes during bad . e a t ~ e r at night, the tollow1nCc<*Mnta were • "at tohe underelgned 1.n comeetlan with the dlapatch-inn ot VHB a1..rcr&tt !ra'"l .at.her into f ie ld tor night. ",

(1) In addition belng a stranee field, t ~ r 8 1 . theadded ha• • reI ot • oultl tudo or 11ght.e on and around

the r le ld. For 8':UO;1U" the eeapl&nol} land1nt ar. . .

h epprox1!'Mtely )00 yard. to tho r igh t or and paral le l

to the runwuye tho very hoavy a i rcraf t wil l n o ~ l l Tuee

tor l . n d l n ~ .To th., l e t t ana

. p r r n J t 1 1 1 V i ~ l y000( l ) al le ."1' 1 . m l al'108t paral le l run .. .y on IUokam

Yield. Further to t.he l e t t 1 . an eddl t lonal paral le lrunway on Yord Is land. In add'ltl?n to th . conrualon

rOlult ing f ro . nWDerOWl paral le l run_ytI aro t,.h, ~ l l l -ht l ot the ci ty ot Honolulu lind t.he "1:1.11 tary 1nI t . l l a t i ~ lurround1ng t.nt, luat lon.




(S )

The landing f1.eld a t th1e stat10n 1a I tU l undftr conI t ruc t ion , not yet hay!n!:: been cOIIpl.t.N. Conl.Qulnt

ly , there 1 . consider.hle holvy e q u 1 ~ n t on Nod

arourn:t the rtftld .h1ch conl t1 tuwI • oonelduralJlftbeaard, lhould an airplane Poll. o f f the run .y .

Since the t1eld 11 devoloped f r c . cor"l d l · . d ~ i i i d upout of the ocean, tl'Wtre are onl,. certain ar.a••hichI re prwpared to hold . 1 rc r . t t at tnl1 • • Con

IttqUentlr, i t ' a very h• • 'fY ai rcraf t Eet. on toO IporUon ot the f ield not properly prwpllret1, t,oore i.egr... dane:er tha t it .111 11nk 1nt.o F)'ound.

I t an airplane lur rer- a accident on landinK atnlght , there 1a no , q u 1 ~ n t avallalll , tor o l . - & r l n ~the runway Cor t.he reaa1nlnc airplane. in the r l l ~ tor tor other 11rp lan". Irrlv1ne a t te r .uch .n accident.I t would there tore become nec• • la ry for any l a t e r

a r r l v a a to change th eir n 1g ht plAn to 1I0Wt al tern" te

a1rror t , " l ch aight or . i f h t not be equlPI...d to re

eeiYe and ..n l c e t ~ ~ th.1.a pr¥.rtlcular tLAe of tho )'tujr, th e ru,1.n1' GUuon

18 b1iinninK_ Conaequentl,. J t.Jie M,JLri t ) ' or nightn1ghta tor n u t r•• aontha would arrive 1.n In -

et ru-ent weather.


8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 37/56

Subjl Report or Colonel C. S. IrvineSection V. John Rodgers, T••

I t should be noted that the six (6) airplane15

ar r iv ing the night ut 8 No\'ember 194h encountered

ins t ruaent weather a t and in the vic ini ty of the

f ie ld and i t required approx1Jultely three (J ) hoursto land. It e:hould .further be taken in to considerat ion that a l t e r a crew has flown the entire t r ip andarrive in a f at igued cond i ti on , they are not in top

shape tor doing an estiaate letdown or for ny ing

three ( ) addit ional hours at tempting to loc ate the

f iold or awa1 t ing t l :eir tum to land.

(6) I - .ed ia te ly adjacer. t ' to John Rodgers Yield i s a cha::lnof mountains which, a t nigh t are very b lack s in ce t ~ a re usually covered with a claud cap and more f requent l ) than not , with rain showers. This const i tutes an

added hazardfe r

newly arr ived pi lo t . unfaa11iar withthe surrounding terrain .

(7) lI'hen a i r c r a f t arr ive durin!: midday, the maintenance

crews are enabled. to locate any t roub le e: exist ingand plan the ClB.1ntenance work for the time the ai r -

planes are scheduled to rellA1n. This Ta .u l ta in an

appreciable increase in the t iae avai lable for aa1n

tenance work. I t i. estiJated tha t th is increase i.equivalent to 12 to 24 hours o f time. In case of a i r

c ra f t ar r iv ing af te r dark, it 18 alc08t apo . s ib le to8st iJute a l l defecta on the a i t c ra f t during th e hours

o f rlarknc8s with the 11m1tell fac i l i t i e l ' avai lable.

I t can, tnAre!oTe, easi ly cost an extra day in the

dispatching o f uny a i rc ra f t , i f t hey con tinue t.o arr ive

during the hOUTS o f darkness. I(8) There i8 not ono 8ingle advantAge to be gained in n&T-

10& very heaT)" a i rc ra f t arr ive a t th is s ta tio n during

the hour. o t darkne•••

c . CCl'Ulider1og cU,_ t i c conditione, fac i l i t i es fo r houaine; and.M1Iltenance appear reasonably adequate.


a . TbR spa r . parte k i t . furnished were inca-plete and inadequate

in . ca . "apec ta . In genoral, the p.1Tts ordored tor grounded aircraft_n being recel ...ed in approx:1utely olle (1) • •ek. However, t.he parts

0I'dlIred t.1l replace at.ock., or t.hat previoua coneWlpt. ion dat.a indicated &8

neoe- r ' J ' , we,.. not. beini: handled . . . _11 . SQIUI i t e.. "l"8 ob.ervedloh had not been THcuivl,d within a . an th ' . t a o ar ta r havine been

O" 'nc I . Tho l1a t or delayud l t e.. 1nelud,.ed Type B-3 Undine laape,

~ t . l o n Villrat.on, Propel ler ~ o v e r n o T .heeaabliee. Thant appeared t.o

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 38/56

S\lbJI JoIeport o t Colonel C. S. Irv1neSect1.OC'I V. Jotm Rodgers, T.B.

be ••• r loua lack o f normal 8-29 .paree to r 5 0 1.aport..allt a st.opp1.f1Gpoint .


a . Entinu toole and handling oquiP'lont arc lnndequate. Con-

eiderable u1n·.enanca and raplaciiC.snt. i6 required on ~ 4 ; h t 1.nstrw:l.enta,teaperat.ure pue e - and pre. s ure g au ee .. os t invariably, automaticpUot.a are aa. l-runcUoning. Maintonance problolilB ou'e aggravated by the

dela7 in receiY1ng 8lllerl!8ncy TCqucsts to r stock replacenent.s.

b . kn exces.ive aaount of fuel t r ~ S r e J ' pUDp trouble was 1'e-portAd. Both puape were replaced on oac 0:" three () airplanes.D ~ r i c u l t y 18 beiCV' expcriEmced wi ~ l the fai lure o f r a ~ r i c on rudder

near t ra i l ing odsto on several s ips . Exhaust and intake valves wereround burned 1n one eng.1na due t.o the lack of cloara.nce. 'two (2)

ql.1ndor t . . .s rai lure. occurrod. A. bunled platen due to detonation... found em one (1) engin. . T.0.8 and 1.nIItbuctions wore found tobe ob.oJlL,e ar.d out or date .

4. BRIF7ING O C ~ a . At 1)00 on the day Arter arr ival a l l crew IBSIlbers -ea t .

At t . t1ao an ope.ratlofl8 off icer 1..Mtructe crows on route to be

follc.wd and p repa ra tion ror l ight including fur ther uriering scheduleand peraonal . t r a i r s . After th is le ctu re , the P'light Surgeon ifl8tructacrew 1D t.ropical preT8ntative Ded1cine out the d iaeues li.1cely

toO b . M\cowatared. All crew t l l ~ r a temperatures taken. Short lectureon Fl rs t . l id. All but.. the pi lo t . co-pilot , navigator and rad io ope ra to rthen eT...cueed. The radio operator Coes to a radio briefing r o to be

1Datr'Ucted in uae of cod... schedul• • lJf cal i s trom a ir to ground and

_thoda or cal le peculiar to UJ. Paei fi c a re a .

b . Pilot , co-pilot and navigator are then instructed in the use

o r the John lodgers to Salpan route guide arxt i ta cC*ponent par t s , af te r

wh1cn the pne r a l route briefing i s held. in deta i l covering approacheato check p....1.D";,a. ten- inal and a lt arnat e a irpo rt 8. W e a t ~ r briefing i s

t.Mn bald. COf t r 1 n6 condiUcoa uaually encountered en route. but nott1nal _ t . b e r to be expected. At this time a lIot1C111 pictuN o f th e. n t i n t rout.e troc. John Rodgere to 5a1pan 18 8 hawn with diagrUllJ am

actual pictu.rea cOftrinc approach• • to - . l l ter lRinalJl and alternates, withc. antary or f ield ccni i t lona and warnings or how a l l airporta must be

appI"OKhed to . yo1d ene .; r act ion. After th i l f ' l ~ the route briefing 1s


c . At 0600 the .omine ot departure. & f ina l briefing i s heldt. pllot.. co-pUot . nangator and radio operator . Clearance and weight

... heJanc:e to. . . . are prMen ted by tllpt control o rric er to r p i lo t ' s

et , san . Ixpect..d _ route . a t h e r 1.8 t.hen r eTi" ' " with instruct ion.


8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 39/56

lubJ. " p o r t ot Colo..l C. S . I r r t -seaUoD ,_ John Rod&:en, T.8 .

QI1 uae ot ..ather folder b,.. wu.ther off icer . Br1.et1n& Officer g i...t.bI f inal rou t . b rl .t 1n& with recapitula t ion ot oheck pointa, al ter -

a t e and. tAra1..l a lrporU, . held terr i tory and. approe.oh todut iDat lon , ba j a l . e i n . Oper.: t iona officer then aiT• • take-orr and

_1 u.truot10oe.

.. Crwn a n then ready tor a 07 30 departure unl••••ohan:1-.l.

or l a a t cau.te ..ather cUtttftl:t.7 p n..nt. the take-ott .

• • The br1.t1Jlc procedure a t JOM Rod&.ra 1. the boat tOUDd

alGIIII the entire telT7 route.


8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 40/56

-----------.., - --g

u a

8ICTIO. VI. ILl. . IUII.lIR DEPCIf - AAFPOJ.(10 November and 23-24 fJovember, 1944)

1 . SOP loY

a . R a o ~ n d , l l t l o n . .a. I U d . the t a cOllplete ee t of B-29cowl1n&. plua yariou••mall items luch .1 doors, etc . , togetherwith B-O!9 Urc r a f t c l r a w i n p b••hipped to the Ha. . i lon Air Dopot.

Th1.. recea-.nda t icn wao 1n par t inspired. by t.he aerlou8 delay enoou.utered 10 , lttll\& ••• t ot cowling to the ground.ed a1rplarw. t . lwa.jaleln. Pereonnel a t HAD had not heard of t hi a p a rt ic u la r

cl1.Itloult1. or aa .a ot the athere being encountered. Appaftnt1¥,

Ate had not drawn on the t . c i l i t i e . · o t t h i . l o re . depot.

b . While it 18 not C0J181dered nBc• •aary o r de.1 rabl e to • • teb1 !ah l ar&1 r lpUc...nt . t oco a t HAD, it doe. . . . . Tita l ly 1 .

portant to a k . certain t h a t . varied ueor t_n t of lpare parte in

:u.l.t.cI quan t i t i u be . . . . .i lobl•• tOfl .t her wi th cc.plote airplane~ Q i a 10 that r .a1Il t i•• of th e Dlpot may b l ut1l1••d ta r100al anuraoture or perU whereTlr po.aibla .

o. I t . . UJlderatood tha t ATC 1 rU planninc to • • t up • aub_ p o t , to r "29 tarry route lparel . Thi. . . . . urmeoe...ry and un

dNi rab l . wh.n the per.onnel and warehoUll1rt& of the Ha_i ian .urn.pot . . . . on1,y ..._It mI• •wo,y.

d . eont.rene• • • • re h. ld w i t h the St&t l . t ica l Control ot t1 .

&lid p o n o n n e l or the SupplT . n d Tr&llaport&tion Divioi<>nll ot l l F PQ laDd KlD O Il .a , n t or ..t e r i e l , h and lin e o f forward Area r equ i . l

Uorw and aupp17 and torarwportation prooedU1"'e in i ... rali. Copl• •or ~ t t . e r a O D n.ld dota1led and i temaed reporta COftrine thel telU at e qu l . - n t fo r .ach v:m W.1ng: and IIlOYement ot _ t e r t . l , _ re


• • The pre• •nt plan • • tabu . .h ls the retilu1ll1tlonit1i trOlj Ouaad i n e t to tho s te tea tOl' pocu11or B-O!9 i t . eu , an d thrD"ih IW l on

a CD 1teM. th1 . prooecture u exc elle nt l n the017. Howner, i t10 _dbla t ha t MEl . . . . delO¥1l . . , . be .nc" '!"tered 011 c - . o n i t .eu

tor the F o n a r d A. . . . which IW l doe. not ha. . . .

t . I t appea..n . .ch .ore cleeirabl. to t.l'aDllt.r in bulk .h1p_ntet . . . . HAD to Ouaa, thc» . it.•• o f oOlllDOn 1• • ue whlch are r equ ind .

1D .p1te ot "he obrtoua de. ire ot HAD personnel t.o be cooperatl ,"

&lid &1'" b1&h prior i tT to B-O!9 i t e _ . it i. obvious that DO i t e _

wIli. . . . . . . a t a l l or i t ioa l . the .......rr unl oadi "i . nd t r ana-eh iP_nt_ i lwri tabl , r __ dol 'T. If the it_ ore th . , . . on which there

U 7 5'1. app1¥, thea then 1 . no l"'8"OD to r not -kine 1&1"&. lb.1J-nte.

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 41/56


(4 )

Subj I bpo r t or Colo.. l C. S. I r v i n e

lleot.1on VI. - fW ) - .uFPaA

&_ Some discussion . . . . had on the su bjec t o f ie t t1ni a l l &-29IUPPly in to normal channel . . The undersigned a i ree . that thl1 1 .highly d•• irable. Ho• •ver, th e definit ion of "normal channel." &0

oordil'l{; to th e Irvine p8YcholoGYJ meana direct requi . l t lonine, once b y o n l J ~ tho•• qual i f ied to do '0, coupled lf 1 th COtlt'"

plllte and iC"CUrate cOnlUllptlon data. It normal channels _ an

prooe.,1nc a requia i t lon from IX I Bomber COllmllnd throuih the Quam A irc-pot then throua:h HAD and throU6h FOASC to Patterson Field, thence to4ontrol depot s and .pee l . l i .ad depot8, wi t h Icreening by personnelunr••111ar W1th the &-29 airplane and 1 ta: r equ i r e_n t . in a l l thevarloua , tap. , then we . . .y be very certein the. t the .o-oal led norwal.upply c.'>anno1o wi l l fon co",!,let.oly and a1rplanea wil l be kept in

ca.m1allon b y -&ir 11ft - AGP type".

h. A t t e r thorouih oonaiderat lon of th is en t i re problem, i t Uconaluded tha t the proper and normal handling of .U 1 of luppl;rtor the IXI Bomber Cc:.maDd. Ihould be • • fa l lon I

(1 ) Prior to in i t ia t ion or a roquie1tlon t.o t.ho Guaa.Air

Depot by a Service Center on one of the th r.. Ialanda~ o • •d, other lir Forc. ac t iv i t i e . on the Ia1&D:l

will be con ta ct ed t o ava i l .b i l i ty oru t e r i . l required.

(2 ) Th . requial t10n wil l then be proc• • • •d throuah t.ho Gua.

Air Dopot. 1C the QuaIIl Air 'lopot ho. info ..... t ion that.the a t e r i e l requ i red ' " a t H.waU and can b••hippedexptdi t ioualy, i t should then be ordered directlIna11.

(3 ) Quaa Air Depot .hould be . u thon .ed too roqu1.1t.1on

direct t h r O U & - ~ POASC to r a l l required _ter1 .1 ot

whatever nature to the lpec1&lised arxl control depOY.with 1ntolWlit.ion copl• • on comaon i t eu to the HAD.

TM . c . . . . n111& ord/or l1a1taUon or roquia1Uono r r o .Ouaa _ t not, and cannot, b . l la1ted in tt. or quaD

t l qy POASC, _ith th e p re sent organization.

1. TbII queet.ion of a ir p rl or lt i f. and ut i l i s a t ion ot the Air Wt

of 100 t.- per -onth alloco t4d to th . nl Bollbor C.. l id 1r1np WU-.,.. . .0111I01 or th e UfPaA r .. l thot th.T .hould bandl.o tha.u_U. . . of th ia a ir pr1or1t i . . . I t 1 . di f f i cu l t to ... how &rI)'

iIId1YUMl a t _11 wi l l be 01>10 to d.t.ora1.. th o 1_ tha t are o f. . . . . . . .t. pr1..-1t.¥ .nd Uportanc. to th o nI _ber eo -and ._ ~ 5 0 0. U M ~ . I t i. the poeltive op1n1on of the undenl.&ned that ttw




8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 42/56

~ u b J J Report of Colonel ~ S . I r ~ n eSection VI. - HAD - lAFPOA

tac t ica l and operat ional req re ..eut.8 or Mch individual Wina

.-1th1.n e Bomber Co-mand sha.ld ut.&hlish the order of 1.a-j)orta.lce of 1.\. a at sup!"!ly tor a i r tranaport.a.t.ion. The r eponaib i l i t) · rMi t.8 upon tne Veputy Chief o f St.&.tf fo r Supply

and "'aint..enanCl!l of ths OC):'Iber So--.nd ( t o . e t h e r with h i .t.ransnorUi.t1.on aud supply personnel) to work wi t.h th e Oeputy

Cr.1e! at Start tor Operat.ions on a l l a i r priori t ies probl..e.

J. Durlna 1nveatleatlon of rac i l iU .. at Saipan, i t wasapparent t ha t a large n ~ e r ot C1gine. would have to b . chanied


t.her conditions where absolut8 l r00

protecUoo . . . .a.&11&ole to the man doing the work. IntornatioD ns received

t re . Nary persoMel a t O\l&l1 ~ th e Navy IlI1ght pOlslbly have

lome nose banlera avai lable a t Hawaii. Upon a r r iva l a t Hawaii,

Kavy per .onnel contacted. and t.he aoet delight.t 'ul and.

magn1.ticent oooperation obtained. I - . c l 1a t . water ehlpmct

... arran&e<1 tor tllO banCers for uae a t Supan. In add.! t icD,

instruct lona H r . i8sued for tile ehipment ot tour hanaen to be

uaed a t Quam and

k . An investiga.tion \ 'Iill be made of the poss ib i l i ty ofob lnin:; staooard 160' x 230

'haneers f or the Air Depot a t

Guam s1..nce th e p re se nt n ers are too 5"!18.11 t ) properly handle

fourth echelon work )n 8-29 a i rcraf t .

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 43/56

S ~ I O K VII - IUTHU 'UUl , CALIl'ORJlU(?-P ' j')"J .,hfor !l:"d 27 ~ o -:bt>T, t 11.4)


a. On the t r ip out, the attent.ion at higher authori ty wubroU&ht to the t ac t that prQ6trc811 ot cOrultroction a t hJ r t l . l d ADd

)lat.her •• not on IIchedule.

!be tollaw1.n& c ~ e Q t . . are turnlahed on t le ld.1 . W.ther a t thft prellant. t1JM on Nturn t r ip .


SuperY1IOI7 perllOMal a t ttl1, bu . a,.. or the o p ion tha t \his worlc MT a l l bo coaplo\ed b7 1 J8I1va. ,. .The or1clnal contl ll at caU .s tor ce:-plet .lon aa 1Dec_ber, with th4i Itlpu1At.lon included tha t one

add1tional d q bo adl\od fo r _ch d q o f rein _

counteNd dur1nc the con1.Net per iod. To date, . pradM te1;r two ...k l ot 1I1cl_ent , weather hay.o1rMdT _ exporioncod.

eonat.nac\1on work baa Nlv I ted 1n the tollowltli r

Ca) Haaardil \0 \adl". duo \0 o""O'NotiOll equip

"'\ , 1••• , ba l ldoMn, t ~ c U , et.e.Cb) Haaardil duo to oloaor porlc1". o f airo ..n _

...... ltillll cone_tion.(c ) De lq 1D .Un t .unae aDd r e t u . u . . pro aI ~

due \0 tile t ac t t I I a ' ~ " ' " _ t be dri_ toth_ e n . - _ o f ~ b o . . - p in 0_ to croe_' 1IDder COIW\NCUoa.


1 tlJnhar.- '"

" ' " ' 01""" '"opo..U_ W1ll _oub \ edq _th on in ....1'11 toett101enq upon capleUon of tbe enUre GOI'Ietruo-Uon _ Joo \ . til.,. .... ot _ ep1D101l tIIa, _ lMa

tbe now of t ana l en \ ai rcraf t iac. . . . . .t. • coo-

o1derabq c_tor tban tba ' be .. _1"1810.a t pre . . . .,. aU , ..m c aan be adequatalT laDdlad.

(1) A portion or tho parkinS . . . .p opprox1notoq 200 toot

wido ODd oxtond1n& tho ont1ro 1 0 n ~ h 10 s t i l l inc. . . .plat . and under conatruct1on.

(2) In addition to th1. area, conltnaetlon worlc aDd. aur!'ac1n& 11 pmpoeed and/or under .q •• tollOWll' Partr:-ina Apron. Ilanaor Aroo. lui str ip (Hast end) ODd

Apron llxtono1oD (Wost ond).



8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 44/56


Subj, lIoport. ot Co l _ l C. S. I r r t n .

Sect.1on VII. - Mather n.ld.

o. The co._enw &J"'8 tumt.hed on t 1 e ~ oonstnJct.lon.t 'JlIlrt1eld., Wltbr7l1&.

(1) ~ \ e b l l l a e d .hould.ra on a l l rurorq. b e 1 n ~ oo'"Pletfodt h i . date (27 J o y _ . r 1944).

(2) ,"our n _ taxi....,. in Y4l ' iOUI . ta les of cmltnactlon.TWo cc.plet.ed, with exeept10n 01 . tab l11Hd lIIb.ouldel'l.

One exCAf t t ed . . ~ Uled AI • road, and .1 •Nau l t wi l l b . the lA. t oollpleted.

n) AD "L" .hape peridng . . -p 1nald. th e "'-7. 10 .tpna . a t d...loped to t i le en . n t tha t the sa•• Ope.. .

U . . . . Otfic . r 10 o f th e opln1ll11 tha t 1 Jon"".,. wil l

_ r t l i t . caplat ion .

(4) At pre.ant lt 10 noc....., . to . . . . the llaet-ll• • t rw>-

'tlai7 tor peJ"k1Aa purpo••• a t in ter...ale to a o c ~ o d a t . efb . O"W'lrfiw ot al rcrs t t .

(5) b l e l _ o t . . .thor he. de lqed the c ~ l . U o n ot thloproject . N. t . c to r cen be el1Jdneted llII1T b7 1""C

. . . . . . plem10c 10 ..... rd to f i . ld . 10 thla .rea b7ut1Ualll l tobe d". ._ r .outh8 tor t h1 . VJMI attort .

(6) ~ l e t l o n ot thla project wil l alleY1ate """C• • tionand rad.litatoe fa.wr ••mo in e and. . ~ . D t at .ir-

craf t , a l thoup a t pre...t DONa l op8l"'.tlo.... aN 1n

P"'C . . . .••

d . TIle t o _l i t •• r . _ d . ln connection with .to4I1n&..pod. a t 1Ie_,

(1) At pre .an t Il-29 _ 8-25 a i r c " f t . r e boilnC .l.oj:ed a t

l letbar n . l d . 1INnt)--a.nn 11-250 han been e t apd a t

w •• tat ioa o1nc. 1 Dc_ . r 1944. 8up.....101n& peraonnel exJ ' "1•• keen d."t,. . to b . JlWll• ..s. of u.dutr ot . t a . l " . 11-25 aircraft . . In tact it •• ax-p. . . . .ed Ulat Ula proced. . . . 10 oo_t l1 1..lca l • • u.. no. . . .1 oour• • U t '.-.. McClellan \0

..tllor to fa l r f i . ld tor d.port... . . . ApperentlT th i .procedure 1 . u t i l i s . s to take 80_ lOAd. t ,.1 .....f i . ld .

(2) 1I1t.h the peraOlVlll1 now in tn1.n1na: to r - t aC I . dutt• • ,1 \ 1a baU" , " , in \he opln1on at ba• • 8uperrta01'7 ,

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 45/56


Subj I *Por \ or Colon.l C. S. IrrlDe

s eoUon VII . - 1Ie\h.r n . l d

per.onnol. _ t twen . W B-29w can b . banclledda& nee."ul l . --

(3 ) III l i l . _t \bet o1reratt other tban 1l-29w . . . . to

be .Wj;ed a t th i . f i . ld . 1t 10 . . . . . . . -nded thet

on,q alrcN,1't ot au:t '1el . , t cro1atnc ndlua to

aat lahctor l lT the over Y a t e r hop, u.m.n.W . t1 a ld ro r f inal doper\u... . be routed tilrollllhUti•• tat lon. Inaeuc.h • • nm.-.;r faoi l i t ie . , etc . ,

aN adequate to r h a - . y ai rcraf t , the WI,Nt-lon 1 .

orr._ tbat t o u r 1rlIin' a1rplan.. on:Q' b . ~ e he . . . .

.(4 ) I I I onl . r t o inc .......tac1.. he111U.I on tho W .t

Ca..t , 1 t t . " ~ e n d e d . t t l a t •• t ot th e t ono . .

lna t i l lde be _d . . (a) llepe AU CWI.t or Fai ....t i l ld ) . (b ) _r 1I1.ld. l'reeno. calUbm1e.


a . Il-29 hrr-r routo . toek. I•• to be _d I e d eaU.hotorl.:Q'.a ~ r , .tocdr l nw h ftN W17 low e1d COIIPlatel1' oat. on entb_qto o _ per\a. 9_ I n . l A I a t a l l r .rr-r rout.. . tope abould be

. . . ., . . . . . . . . . t..:Q' <:beaked. _nUo,," peraOlllM1. N. nan oal.T

be done • he'liJlll .xper101l_ pe...onnel choc:k oapp:Q' l lAI b1-

_ ~ !bI.. peroonno1 ..auld _ trea I I I BC. I ' 0 4 ~ C d ..n .....loa n.ld.


a o _ Utt1Cl1l1'" boo "- ' _11 .__ a . a raoult 01 ..._.t..

b7 c . . . . . tor \1>0 r epe l r . r OIIJu • ...,t . t _ r equ J . _ t . !bI.oo t .qu1_t ..ou1d bo Oboalred ou t 111 __ I I condition betor .

UaY1Dc \h . .toc1JlI area. I t 10 no t bell_ po.alblAl tic bow ....nobla .t _oh .toc1lll .top. _._1 qualified \0 .. .pe l r -.. Iqu l....._0

It. D1tt1cul"' . . _r1.. eecI CUI .......... t 1. . . 01 _111 . 011 _(2) alrplanaa. It 10 pooalbl. t i l . t til10 trouble WOO o. . . .ed b7 1»p_r oartNrator • • tt1ll&. or by l o p ~ r _ ..Uon or tbo _1 nape •••••r, che too the 1 n ~ r t e n o e of _1D\.eDance s-r lannel a t " \ he r ,\1>0 r _ c. . . . . . . . . . . . . l e n opea on .n rour 0 I l 1U- o t _ ohlp

_ a I t . _ . . bloom 1IIta \be -,1011.'" or \1>0 rooker __ •

Do .i.. o t tbo t . c t tbot t i l . o1rplaDa bad alraotlF _ •• riou:Q'

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 46/56


Subj: Report or Colonel C. ~ IrTine

S.ct1on in. - '-I.atoher Field

delayed and UlO J ' l . ~ n t 8 l 1 a n C f l pereonnel a t IiLather appea red unabl e too

80lve th("1 r probl_ _ , the airplane order back to QriclahOQ&

Ci t , . 'ntis airplane tllnce departed Cr"OGl ,Jklahoea City and landed

at. Albuq erque due too engine t a i lu re . ha under31gnlld requested

t ha t an l'lXper1.enced t . . ~ t pi lo t fro..' u"lnoma Clt ' l Depot be ordered

to Albuquerque WI. til • .,1 . .. towards going a t l eas t a.a t a r .u o the r

with the combat cr.., and if possible, to go aU the way to the

cc.b& t a rM. Due to the WlU8Ual amount of t rouble experienced wi tb

t h i . ~ r p l a n •• it i . probable t ~ ~ t there is either loc_thing in -

herflr. tly wrong with the ship , or that lh e o pe ra tin g techniQ.ue or the

pi lo t or eng109er i . taul ty .

c. Wather F1.1d 1s scheduled to rocelve apprnx1aatelr 100 addit iona l t ra ined mechani ca , and bel i eve th i s addi t iona l t rained per

sonnel wil l help 80lve .om. of the maintenance delay. that have beeo

COOWlt.ered wit.h ai rp lanes e.xperiencing t.rouble 1.n the f ro .

tobe .-t.aging area.


a . P.oute brie!1nc. Mot10n picture of rou te exoe ll en t, bo_ver .cOUlent&ry by Briefing (}if1cer inaanuch as oonce rn . radio raoi11-u . . . . . yery poor . inoe there 1 . an error in route 1'll&Dual whiob ...

DOt corrected. !hie error ..... on t.h. radio facl11101 .. tor the

1Iaw.11&n I . lande paa . in t.h. Route~ a n u a l .


.....t loual b..con

.. 11.ted 1u t ead ot the COlTect ~ n c . treq.a enc7. 1tad:1o brlet1nc ...fur ther 1nad.equate becau . ttwre R8 not inclwied 1n the Route uanual

a -"olnt Aza7 . a Na..,. 'ac111ty ChArt" which would. b . the mo.t & 0 -

CUJ"at.e and c1. . - "7 to fiod r&D&e and. beacon trequeucl. . . All other- I_graphed aQI\ poulb lo a lTOr produoing t .cU1l.7 aharta aQI\ pa l "

abauld b . do. . . a 1I1t.h. "Joln t Ara1 aQI\ HaY)' Rad.10 Yacll1t1 Chart"

ot t .h. Pac1.tic arM .poulO b•• u ~ 1 0 1 1 o u 1 . e d . nu. cnance oan M t be

; ' ' ' 1&ad too . t robcl7. SaYaral U ... dur11l1 Rout. llrlat1D& b>' . . . .or \he o tCla .n , 110 ... ..n.< that the ort ioer ... 0010 too .u n of

h1a t. . . . . . Th1a 1nd1oatad lack ot upar iano. on t h . tl1&ht troaIIatber P1ald to Jahn Roclj;ar. a1rport. I t 10 tur lhar r a_aQI \ad

t .ba" a'" l . - t one Bri. t in: Otfioer b . on the f l igb t in qUNt.lon a t

1_" 0D0lI a weak ao tnat cha lg . oan b . plcked up am i adequatelar1et1aI: • t.apa t.a.I<an.

b. a- l io Br1et1q 1 IU good. ho••ver, WU'-' .:rate. ot ...\her 1•.....,. oootuiD& to -oat operatora and for h . .xperi_oed rad10 opera

. . . . a1_ t aU t.h. t1&. in t l1&bt 10 &pe t in .1pbarinl - " '"e1pbw1ac t id . node. Stro1ll1, r_nd a1 \bar a po. lUon raport1D&

. . . . . .v report.1na .;yet.. 1n the o l..r . or a _tapl. cocA. that ~ u l dM pod oaQ' ta r 011& c1q. or dll'l'1nc the period ot t l1p t .

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 47/56

SubJ, JIoport o f Colonel C. s. Imn .Sect.ion 'n. - Mather P'1eld

c . Marte-tori. Briet1Ac . . . . excel lent . lID camaent. Pilot. and

Co-p11ot bri . l1ng •• fa i r . At t h i . t1Jle ....dio f ac i l i t i e . should

na• • b e e dlac:u• • ect in de ta i l .

d. Med.1eal Briet11l£ Te17 eood. HCJIt'syar,. t d i ned "'l"BenCT

e q u 1 ~ n t ot t icer ebould a l • • a l l lec ture . on .8 ot the . ~ l J - 8 J 1 tmd It. locat ion on VKB type ai rcraf t . D 1 t c h 1 ~ procedures • • ,. . 111

edequatelT d1.""""ed b) ' tho P l ~ h t Surgoon, which indicated lUrtberthe ..eel to r a F'1...14:ht Eae1\tenc188 Orticer•

•• l '1nel b riot I.Dl f a i r . An "!'J>Ort.un1.1i7 one. 100 . . to p" .OI l tNd1a tao111\1• • • _. .the I' 10 d.pondant . . . auc _ the . . .port ..

pree_ .t _thor briotI.Dl _0 found St"" ' l1¥ OllIlo. t\he beat in expe.r1..ced ...ther anal;ralete b . atat10ned at . ltaUwr topNpare enrout.e tor depart.1n& c . . . . . rtu.. wil l 1naur . aeC1lftt4 rwportli -.tdch wi l l not b . depend.-at on OATC a t san !'r&D.ciacoto r tntomau.on •

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 48/56

SICfxe- YIIL PllUC. QlC,lIlD. C l L ~ I U(27 . . . ._1944)

1. - . . . \b o n aU ot U . . . .1pecI \0 Sa1pan aDd tbo~ u . . a thereor or Serr1o. C.nt".. euppl;r .\OOk 1ne l e and. . . , • e q u 1 ~ I I t •• tAbJl_Uoo wae - .de or the add!Uonal l p aN •

..quired aDd eddlUo..1 .aintenance and \ e n e q u 1 ~ n \ tba \ ...n• • W .

2 . Up ' " l f t l ot \l>c _'''-<1 .\ PllUC on 27 I""..ber.iD t....u. .a 1_ \0 th•• t t ec \ \ha\ \be .pec1&l URa ora d d iU - 1 _ p p ! I . aDd l I < j U l ~ n \ bod not ;re\ be . , ....1_ b:rPllUC. A tolloa-lIP ••• p . . . . .n \ \0 \bo 011. In -.. C. . . .

wl\1> iDt . . - -U oopl.aa \0 .urPQl. A!SC aDd .. in "'h1Dg\cm. t t\h1a 18 an pte ot tba aor\ ot upedl .W euppl;r ecu. .a U . I I I. . . . . CI DC ' U to I " a M l ~ , then i t oerl41n 'T 10Gb u t.hc:augb wwil l bow \0 ..\ up • d1rec\ ooo .- cUon _CeD u . Dei"\:r Chict orS\e t t tar SI1ppl;r aDd .1Dtet.Dc40 ot U . I I I _ b e r C_ aDd \110

Cc nell". QlDWI'al or A2SC. n.yton. n boa . . , \ _n do\el 'lliDod d\b1a \1M wbe\ber \be dola;r boa __ uU ot ndl.o _ troa -. tIIroagh • ..,. cbaDDe1 wbother the l lR 18

'-iDe ear.. .. by the _11an Air DePG'.

) . ID • . . . tVe.. , . wUh _rat __ aDd 8Uppl;r or

1Wl, \110 iaJlr au ...1_ t h . \ pe..-1 or PlIASC ... uo\ 8111'-t ias. . t . l ;r tut U ar wi \I> U . auppl;r prob lu iD U . .....1t1a. !h1ap roba . ... diao_ wi\h ColoM1 8orloIl .\ PllUC aDd bo __

• - .u . \0 _ .\ l e u \ \eo (2) • • .tlwre or h i . na t t al_ \110tMi) . . . . \0 -. ID rlaw ot tba fac\ tba \ QlDei'al __ bod

&pSld \0 \110 do.1rabUU:r ot lNlIh a t u t ll a r iM U "Vi, . a r e q _ tor _u ... iDUiaW b:r \110 ~ n to r \be

_ . . .1 or a \ l aa f t u.... ca\ ot \110 to.... ott1cwn . . . . . - lIir-.4. Ia tba ot .....1t1c . . . . . _ppl;r JIrObl•• w1\1>

....._1 or 1'Il&SC, U . . \110 c__ ot oplnl . . \110\ \110 ah1p

-' or a l l nppU.e., 1Do111ll1Dg ~ .. 1_ .hould be _ d1rect

to ....

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 49/56

lubj . . . ot Colaol C. S. In1ltese .U.. YIII. - 1'OiSC, Oath'"', eautoru1&•

.7. Tho _ra l . apnaa l "" pined .t both B'''' 'nd lQISC 10 tJat

.nUrel,T too _h U>ougIIt 10 heing 1 1 - to n th • n . .toevd ...ton>t and l lsdtBU"" ot 1.." . , ..t.her than do1nc • . - ljob ot _1l.c1U1ng the tllUnc ot r.qu1e1U... and the t o l l_up or01"'7 a and e h 1 ~ a . A_ t cleal ot eoepl.a1nt bee _ ....111_tJat """" . . . . not _ trOll the ,_ 4.- bT proJl8l ' _otatuN and

_k1lUIIbor. n 10 __ Ulat .hen the Serw10e

Ceatsrw .t II81pan, ftIl1an and _ . . . .,T ..t. up andOpwr1lUnc tJat the 1 _7 or detailscl r.qu1e1Uon1nc.m he t.opr0w4.

8. too auoh de lq ... been aper i . . . - l 1D ab\t1n1n, • repl'• •_t. eg i a e .owl u . . h tor an .t. laJeJ.eill due to •~ t ......... -slature. ! Id. _ ~ l l p ...... •

. . . . J a r req1I1aUlaD 1'I'.. le1pan. n _.ight. (I) . . . , . to pt the

n.....,.,. """" .. the lIT air . ill . - _ and _ (17)

. . . , . ill tbe otller. 0lIl l _ . pp s a rw to he ot J r i - ....tJat. 10 to ._..... to eh1p wupplUa d1reot. 1'I'ca I ' lS to _ ill._ , ~ _ ...... _pplUa ..... he ""'._ at. S81pan and

r1tdaD it r.qu1recl tJare. n 10 dse1rebla to_ta

_ thea r i g l - ' requ1Biu... 1'I'ca _ .bere the aJlP1Ue . . . . tor.

9. 0lIl ot UIe . a j. . . _a or deleT bee _ the JlOC'I' ehanaeJor • " oeU_ t.IIrua&ll tbe n.d1o.__ Tbo r .qu1e1U_ -_ IQ1l1ecI and dela7..t u ...,h .. t o v r " ' . . . tJat. t.IIe___U- . . . . '""'u. _lacIp, __ulcI he abla to_

A ir ..... eben-teo Tbo 'I._U- ot ~ t . T _u lc I be . U e t__

and ~ .. g l. . . . . to a l l wuppl,T _ i ew to _ eh1_" ' "

la t.IIe el.r to _ U. and . . .o1cI t.IIe 1_ or or1Uoal e q u 1 - ' -

10. I l l . ' u.., It. 10 _ orpnt t.hat • orI.Uoal rww1ew be... 1IIr .... _t. _Jl8I'l_scI _ppl,T . . ._1 or UIe aupp1,T ehe_ ta

or I II _ C nd and the _ Air Depot.. Tbo DeP1t.7 Chlate l l t a t t t ... 1Iappl,T and a . 1 I l t e _ ot UIe U I _ .. C lud_ jirO I I · ••h1oIl wil l . . . . . . . . t.IIe JIBU*P' and _ora te

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 50/56

I""J . ao - ' of Co t - 1 C. 9. I rnae_ U o n ' f I l l . - 1'tIASC, Ooklond. Cel1tornle

~ t l _ ot ouPI>1J' l I . 10 oooh 80",1.00 Contor on4 .-hI. tbo

___u -.J.auloUoaot

oo ptlO1l do to bT C.- . . t Groupo, W1J>g. on4tor tho on t i " Co· nd. Tbi. 1nto. . . .t1oD . 1 l l be 1'1'0000- throu&I>tbo llr Depot to tbo bigbor .hanDo1. ot ouPI>1J' outborit.T tor tho

par...... or ......," Dg wPJl17 .h1s-nt.. and p ' aM' "C . . .ppl.,r powuI!e-.\.

U . It 10 i apo ra tl ft t bo t a . took 1 _ 1 of a t t-ot 1.20 .".bo prorldM tor _ llr Depo t and tst tho . . . . . . . .'. of _t.nq_U- be .._pUobocl 0Il1T bT """ aotlY1t7 .h1nb 10 _ _ IT_ _ Wd bT • . -uapt1aD doto, proe1D',nsnt dato and adeq1ato a irODd __ ab1pp1nc p1AM ODd cl1reot i_ .

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 51/56

3. 0Da or tile _ . .n.... band"apa attMUac tba tl1gIlt. ..-

. • ' tba 41tI'oInn _ t b o d ot br1at1Dc a ...h t a t - 1 ' t polDt. tba_ 1 0 dak . . . . . ._ 10 a l l r-, ftr71nc t'r<lII tba MCI radio.......1 - ' tor tile _ (which 10 OIl a par wlt.b _ U. S.......1 - " 1 ! ~ ....... ) t.o . . . . -s . . . . . . . _. whlall 10 _Gal

__ ' -d ..I \ 1M . e data, &lid 1a OD e 1.D8t.aDDe, • YfW7 __ , f t rbal_10 t..__ .. 11-. li1 n .. ..t tba tact t I l e ~ YBB opa r aU10 ClII aDd 10 tba _1 t1o _ ..... -.. _ 10 a l l ......j l&f t I .

1t. 1.a bel..tArftd tbat. 1t. 1 . U. M d1snrd .our1t.T I" '"whi__ t.o ariPlll- _ ......Ung o t _ aDd __ tba U_or _ nJcb' __ 1.

4. I I I n . . o t tile t_tac. i t 10 _1_ t b a ~ tba tol l__inc . . ,,"I. _ o l d he _ t.o tho t 1 a l o t . . __

t.o tbal r da",,- tar _ . . . . . . .

a . enw. t.o he tul1,T iDa__ loT a _ ,_ s ...

i 17 om - 10 tile t . a ~ l a D 0': a l l__ a q u l . ~ 10 tba11029 aDd lk p>e1U_ aDd ait.o 10 tba _ or... I . . . . . . . . .lteM lawnnc tba a1ra'aft 10 fl1&II'o aDd_

_ ' . , ' • .aRT t .. _ , _ p l a ~ dlkhlnc dr1l l taladlDi . . . .or _ aDd . . . . . aDd t b a ~ a l l hn he _ a -U -

U » -'-1ila- __ftl _ , _ oo......U_ •

• • Czwa t.o _ . . . .a

~ ...- llr1at1JIct.o

n.-l~ tal......... radio ~ U l ~ . ~ ..... a l l p > orbtn .... I . . . . ' . . . aDd a l__ , ... o t __ I . __YipU,. .1

a1dII _t.o aDd a l l a..n.b l . _UOIl p Ik " _ or ~ h _ral •

ass!t1.catlon cance 19if

nOD D r R ~ C T T V E No. 5200.9, e ~ f e o t r V 9


th on l l l b ~

or tile~ r . t . . , . . s

and nio . t a f f t'r<lIItile . . . . . . alaag t i l . terry t.o S&lPU. p& rt1cular at-_laD .. paid t.o th o or .. . . . - , a .on p>!Jot.

! . D f t . " - " ~ 1 ........ _ ot tile . k tw l or _lnlng orare.. i l l . ·Fr....T n.t..ebt and dit.ehiJl« JrCI3c1U:rM, 1Ita.. or_tal . . . ot _?1&at.ora aDd radio opa..t.ora 10 tblI . . . . ot__

aDd p > e 1 ~ .. ooda•• 10 - .s lron'ng _ ~ ~ . aDd u... . . . or _ ~ U m a l aDd radio aida 10 p ra l .

S l l C T I ~ I I - SfMIIIQ fIlcx:&WUS ,. c ~ l J t ) raa! cu.s

2 . I a p n e...l, aone]D_!_ . . I no ' " t.b&t. . . ,Ja_ ~ r 1 a 1 ..__ 10 a _ ~ t . . at u.. ~ b a ~ it ..tapo.mbl.e tor toM faber. ot n..tPt. Cd'W to • ••'·'·W aDdbe. . . fM11tar w i t h a l l tM WVUoUoa. etftll t hN .

•• t b a ~ _ " " _ l o . . . . . ._ t . o h e ~ 1 . . _ . ._) "a r % I '\ . , . ,• • &lid 11M u.. _ . \_ nJcb' . . , . .u. , __ .... p>e1U01l t.o a p_ &taUOll t •."""

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 52/56

."J. ..""", of c o l ~ c. s. IrtiDeDet,t.aa I I . - step., PJ'cumz.-

·an "

cI. S1M. u.o IU -.. co-.TV! uporl_ bao a.h-ea4ro b _ tbf , \ Darlp\oro bow DOt. boon odoquatol,y _'nod 10 _

roCCD'a;r _r tpUOll . U 10 aporoU.. \1>0\ . \ 1_ . \ """ long doo4root&1ac fi1cb\ 1>0 ado b,. _cb _ r t p \ o r ~ \1>0 I01porvll11onot on a. t ruo \or ..... O&D _ 011 \be t ••"1'0"-" 111 \D1a

t;rpo of _ ~ U O D o q l I 1 ~ D \ .• • tb&\ " " " &\O_reI route _,.,.1 1>0 poe_ntoCl \0 \1>0

••,..lbltooar,.. of . . . . . .\ \1>0 o\oc1Dc ...... u\1110'. .. • bu i l l \be.....reI 11. S. bdl.o ho iU\ i l I . boolt. o u 1>1 u.o .ucs ro4ioboot t'or \1>0 1'ooU'10 . . . . . .

t. tlIa\ lr1ot1llc 12'-""" . \ \1>0 hr r ; r 0\01'0 _ to be__ 011 tIIo .\ondarcI _od ..... ial.•.l aUT .- .\ tho at.og1IIc . . . . . .

aDd _ in P'1lIor1lT of • roriow o t u.o 1.IIf'orDaU. .

t - ....... ~ l , y ._ • •1og u.o

_\bar.lADd1.Dc tio14 aDd~ \ ' _ J P ' ob1_ 1Jm>lftd 10 tho non ~

.. QIalU'1od tl1&b\ and ong1Door p o ~ l _ be _U . . . .a \ _ &\oct-c &roO tor \b& jlW _ o t oboolth, p11a\. oopl.1o\ """-r! . . 111 _ . . . ."11 0_\1og __ . . and 111 to . _ .......

with " " " . 10 011 tlIo1 oporoUOll and _ " " \ ~ (111 VII. . * d N d . . . . . . . . ) ttttr laar r oDp t1T1IIc-

5. 1\ 10 1oporaUw\ tl.ialI\ ur. . . DOt. be ro loa_ i t -10 __oUOD &bou\ \ha i r oooplote _&\0..... of tJlol.r por\1.-

a l a r Joll 111 &1rpa.. It _ i l l UIT _ abaa\ \be quo1J..

t1oaUoao of &DT tIIo C. !!due ot t ia . r or tho &\or!1IIfto14 . . . . .ld bow tharU,. \0 return \ha \ . . . . . _bar tor

"_ , _,as.c. or lauiftMUOIl.

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 53/56

IICTIlW L - xu.rv, . or TeapararT IlntT bT ColoDol C. S.IrrlDoo, 1 _ to )0 ._ 1944.


COIltoronco a t 0Ir'"_ CIty OIl 1.nIotallatiOll or dotl-oot1"C

It1tlo and c-6 boob boh t IOOd1fiaatloD Ir1t JrOdw>t1OIl.

~ l t ~ e l f l c a t l o n cancellea bylllCl!lll'!ber ooD DIRECTIVE No. 5200.9. effective l1fJ _ ••

Dep.rtecl Bolllng ne ld , D. C•

.lrr1.ftd II>'1ght ne l d , OhioCOIl1'eNlDCe. with . tatt per.onnel ot .ur Teclml.eol SenioeC.,...ncl on 11-29 production, lIOdlll.eaUon, .-1nt&nanoe and

ouPPlT probl.,...

-1 -

COIlt_ a t Colorado S!Z'ing., Colorado with c. lleaODd Air """"0 and th o DeputT Chiet or Starrtfllt .1JIteno_ OIl . -1nt__ p r a b u . in tho SeaODd .urr_.Co1A:wwla S!Z', ColAlndo

1Irr1...... 0 " 1 0 _ CitT, lJ<la_

Deputed II>'1ght ne l d , Cilio. lrr1.ftd .1._ CitT, otle_

ConhNlnco. with Co Dding ott1oer and Chiat a tn o _ ot CitT .ur Teobnlce.l s . r r tae C_d OIl

tho o tr ipp1ng ot 11-29 ai.....n to r _ ' n i n g and on tho


a1rc'af 't to r tho 58th, 7)rd and....

Md1Dc wingo.

Deported <a:lah.- CitT, lJ<'"_irr1n4 Ber1.Dgton, Jan-.eont......... with tho C_ nd ing Officer and Ilng1JOMr1DIorn-r o t -.r1DgtaI1 ArwtT .ur _ OI l teaha1aol W1Ier

a . -p l l ann , t10ld 1.JUtallaUOIl ot It1tlo and ll"..raJ.

otae1DIt probr-.

J Imab«

2 1!0,...


8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 54/56

"'J. '.pw\ or Co1oDe1 C. S. rrnl en t . . I. - f t1Mreq.

' ' ' ' '=D e (lt le_ CiV. Ql r ; l e_

&n1._ ..t.l>er n . ld ceutOll'lllaccmt...o..s . 1 the C,..ncunc otttoer, o,.raUoae....s Rr1at1ac ort1..... Inp. . . .uc and Suppq otnooro.41r _ C. n4.

Coato...._ 1f1'" t.I>e Co neI ' " , OUi.or . one! nart or. . . .1t1o Of . . • 41r -.. C. ad.

7h, , , ,

1" ' 7> '

DeparW " " 'o r no1d. cel1tWD1a&n1._ lolln n . l d . T.L

C. , . I with C· adhac otn.o.r, 3a.pp1.T Qtt loR,

Opo...., " - and Brt.otac ort1. . . . . 41r rnn.par\C_.~ . n u . wltA the C. . .nding Qf't1oer, Ide DeJU\7 aDIl

t.I>e Cb10t ot IIL1Dt. . . - tor t.I>e _"on 41r DopD\.

e . t 'C .11 wlt.b Qllwral k l e , CleMral. . . . . .

...... ODd _ nar t

__1 . . AArPlll l I oodq_ ro .

J In ,=

J4l-' '.DeparW lolln . . . . . . . . . nold . T.'._ _ _ Jol.1a• . . . .-u I .

C-r.••••• lU l t.M c· "1JIc ott1oer, 8 a ot f l...UIII apa.,,,- o r t ~ . Air _pw\ C, ad ODd t.I>eC

ed,,,, OU1ocot


I I I "" , .

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 55/56

.....j. - - - ' o t Co l _ l C. S. I r Y ~. . .u. %. - 1UIleftr7.

Ji . ,p.r

U h, >r

Des-ted 5&1_

----_ witll tbe C. nelS. Qtt1o.... h l ! ~Oft1oer aDd S om.... ot .ur Depo' aDd o1t1ltIloo C· r " " ' " , ot t iov &Il4 OJ* 'aU '" ot t iov . Ikwl

.u.r _.

14., , . to 21 hi p '"

.11&1_.Coafere. . . . lUli

CIIaDIlNl -nee11, CO, I I I . . - . r C· DII

ea. - r . l 0'Dcnw1 1• CO. 73ft fiIICI I . .&1 1a..7


", CO, S&1pu bland C. eel

o.e a&1~

AAJ'PQl 1"Wps.Wt&U. . .O . III 1It.1e. Opwra , t - l C' neI- . IIA .. _ (CIIClQl)

_. CO. A&nQl

C+7 nelS. Qt t 1o e n . '""nO r 1DI aDd S"IlP17 om 497UIo 49ftho 499Ua. aDd '00Ul__PW.

aDd 9Jn. .3Qbod and .3.30Ua Sen10w (ft_C pc " " , ott1cer. &a " . 1 . S a i _DeI"RT C...S"P!':b" aDd 1k1J>Oew_. 73ft W1"I'C' nelS", llttl.c:. . . . .__ aDd S om -

lIftn.oe c... 'vw irA" .......

18 ' '''' C . . . . . f lnfeD

C "" ' ' I I Ott1oera or tour SerY1_ -..•.3l.3t1l wtac. f I D' ••

.... Do _ """"" ... toll_ GO tbe zoe""'" t.r1p ..W ••" • tIlII od .. bwaM t1J&b' aDd 1D tIlII _ pw.... "..... , tw ta . . . . . . . . t4 t ~ l r c Up fa t.IIIl OGDt••' l I."U • tIlII t!J&b'. III adtiu... _tna)nlll_ Un ~ aDd Vaupor t aU. or tIloo JU ......

C. neI .. tIlII .u.r De"" n . . . . . . . . 00_" 1D dMaU.

8/8/2019 Report of Visit to XXI Bomber Command, November 1944 56/56

• atl la.. ftelil

-.,.rw atllal' ftelil

. I r r l_ Ok l e " CUT, CJr l e "


laltj. . . o f Col . - I C. S• .Irr1De

a..u. . l. - l's.-rr

i2 lu t=

16 · i p=

M ·i . .11-"

i I . . . .( I I r 1 e " Clt;r

Af t i_ ftelil, CIdo

i t . Im8E_ fteli\

. . . . . . . . . . ~ f t e l i \

. I r r l_ Ie""'II D. C.