Report of the Joint Inspection Team on their inspection ... - November, 2014.pdf · Sikkim state...

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Transcript of Report of the Joint Inspection Team on their inspection ... - November, 2014.pdf · Sikkim state...


Report of the Joint Inspection Team on their inspection visit to East district and West districts of Sikkim field activities of MIDH, during November 2014 (2nd to 8th November, 2014).

National Horticulture Mission Department of Agriculture and Cooperation (DAC),

Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi



Sl. No. Contents Page No.

1 Committee Report 3-4

2 Financial statement 5-7

3. State profile 8-35

4. East Sikkim district 36-73

5. South Sikkim district 73-98

6. Status report of Bamboo in Sikkim 98-105

7. Observations 106-107


Report of the Joint Inspection Team on their inspection visit to East and South Districts of Sikkim to review progress of Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH), OFWM, RKVY,NBM during Nov.2014 (02nd Nov–8th Nov., 2014).

The Joint Inspection Team (JIT) comprising of the following members visited Sikkim during 02nd Nov–08th Nov., 2014 to review the progress under the central and centrally sponsored particularly Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH), On Farm Water Management (OFWM),NBM and RKVY. JIT team members joined at Gangtok for on spot monitoring and verification of NHM and RKVY activities in the districts of East and Sultanpur. The detailed report is given below as per visit of JIT in the respective West districts. Joint Inspection Team (JIT) comprising following members, verified the fields and visited East and West Sikkim to assess scheme progress under centrally sponsored programmes i.e OFWM, MIDH, NVIUC etc.

1. Dr. R.C. Upadhyaya, Chief consultant (MIDH), DAC, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi.

2. Dr.D.Barman, Director I/C &Principal Scientist/Dr. Sailo, Scientist NRC for orchids,

Pakyong, Sikkim.

3. Dr. Asish Yadav, Senior Scientist (Hort.) ICAR Research complex for NEH Region

Sikkim center,Tadong ,Sikkim.

4. Sri P.Bhutia, Director, Department of Horticulture, Govt. of Sikkim, , Gangtok

5. Shri K.B Panth, Additional Director, Plasticulture, Hort. Deptt.,Gangtok

6. Shri D.K Bhandari, Additional Director, Floriculture, Hort. Deptt.,Gangtok

7. Shri D.B Tamang, Additional Director, Micro Irrigation, Hort. Deptt.,Gangtok


8. Shri K.T Bhutia,Additional Director, Vegetables, Hort. Deptt.,Gangtok

9. Shri T Pintso Bhutia, Additional Director, Spices, Hort. Deptt.,Gangtok

10. Shri H.C Pradhan, Additional Director, Fruits, Hort. Deptt.,Gangtok

11. Shri D.L Chettri, Additional Director, N/E (District), Hort. Deptt.,Gangtok

12. Mrs. Dawa Lhamu, Additional Director, Mushroom, Hort. Deptt.,Gangtok

13. Shri S.T Bhutia, Joint Director, (East), Hort. Deptt.,Gangtok

14. Shri Padam Subba, Joint Director, P.M.E , Hort. Deptt.,Gangtok

15. Smt.Anita Thapa Joint Director, (Floriculture)(N/E), Hort. Deptt.,Gangtok

16. Miss Kessang Lachungpa, H.D.O Floriculture, East, Hort. Deptt.,Gangtok

. 17. Shri D.K Rai, H.D.O Gangtok, Hort. Deptt.,Gangtok

18. Shri. B.B.Sharma H.D.O Pakyong, Hort. Deptt.,Gangtok


Components of MIDH, RKVY, OFWM, and other programme:

Crop specific cluster at district level.

protected conditions.

On Farm Water Management (OFWM).

Financial and budget Statement:

Sl. No. Year Opening



earned on





Total U.C.




1 2001-02 - - 615.27 615.27 615.27 -

2 2002-03 - - 855.00 855.00 855.00 -

3 2003-04 - - 1,000.00 1,000.00 957.34 42.66

4 2004-05 42.66 - 1,150.00 1,192.66 1092.85 99.81

5 2005-06 99.81 - 1800.00 1899.91 1762.92 136.89

6 2006-07 136.89 - 2331.00 2467.89 1831.00 636.89

7 2007-08 636.89 - 3110.00 3746.89 3699.14 47.75

8 2008-09 47.75 - 3315.00 3363.35 2471.32 892.03

9 2009-10 892.03 - 2210.00 3102.03 2185.55 916.48

10 2010-11 1,770.01 81.35 2455.00 4306.36 3895.04 411.32

11 2011-12 411.32 78.73 4400.50 4890.55 4249.02 641.53

12 2012-13 641.53 138.96 4150.04 4930.53 4805.72 124.81

13 2013-14 124.81 98.94 4936.04 5159.79 5032.24 127.55

14 2014-15 127.55 2450.00 2577.55 335.00 2242.55

Closing Balance is including interest accrued as on data.


Details of Non-Tax Revenue raised during 2008-09 to 2014-15



Head of


2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 0401.104.02 0.2246 0.2495 0.2798 0.3022 0.2100 1.2800 0.6000

2 0401.105.02 0.0450 0.0220 0.0103 0.0215 0.1949 0.035 0.0300

Total 0.2696 0.2715 0.2901 0.3237 0.4049 1.315 0.6300



Component Target



Financial (Rs in


GoI share (50%) State share (10%)

A. Horticulture/Non

horticulture crop

1.Drip in Greenhouse 787.23 828.00 414.00 84.00

Sprinkler irrigation 144.00 162.00 81.00 16.00

Demonstration 60.84 115.00 89.00 00.00

Administrative cost (1%) - 6.00 6.00 -

Transfer of technology - 13.00 13.00 -

Total: 992.07 1128.00 600.00 100.00

All the above targets were fully achieved both Physical and Financial in all respects

Vegetable Initiatives:

Integrated Pack House

Cold room


Cold Room

TC Lab

Primary Coll. Centre


Cold room


Cold Storage





Cold Storage


Cold room


Integrated pack House

Cold Room

TC Lab


Cold Room

Primary Collection Centre


Primary Collection Centre


Primary Collect Centre


Primary Collection Centre


Primary Collection Centre



Sl.No Activity/Programme Unit Rate Target Achievement

Physical Financial Physical Financial

1 Vegetable cultivation in open condition Ha 940 285.75 700 203.175

2 HRD Training of farmers (100%) No 1500/2day


1200 18.00 595 8.925

3 Vegetable seedling production in

Public Sector (100%)

Ha 104


06 06.24 2 2.88

Total 350.00 - 214.98

Off season tomato and cabbage cultivation in south

Kharif vegetables cultivation

under VIUCDrumstick cultivation in South


Vegetable seedling production

in public sector





Name of Project Project based/ Scale of

Finance Proposed Assistance


Phy. Fin.

1 Vegetable


Rs. 50,000.00/ha as per

MIDH guidelines 50% of cost 2070 517.50

2 Water harvesting Rs. 1.80 lakh/unit 50 % of the cost . 40 36.00

3 Promotion of


Rs. 4000/ha 30% of the cost 830 9.96

4 Power Machines

including power


Rs. 1.20/- lakh per set As per HMNEHS

guidelines. 50 60.00

5 Pack House Rs. 4 lakh/unit with size of


50% of the capital


3 06.00

6 Training and

Capacity building

of Farmers within

and out side the


Rs. 1000/- and

Rs.100/day per farmer

including transportation. 100% of the cost 4750 47.50


7 Seed production of



Rs.0.35 lakh/ha As per RKVY


55 9.62

8 Vegetable seedling




lakh/ha -----------do---------------- 10 10.40

9 Protected cultivation of

naturally ventilated


1219.00/ As per HMNEHS


9150 55.77

10 Collection Centers 8.00 lakh/unit 50% of the total


6 24.00

11 Exposure visit of

farmers outside India





8 32.00

12 Training /study tour of

Technical staff

Rs.300/farmer 100% the total


4000 12.00

TOTAL 820.75


Sikkim is located of the foothills of Eastern Himalayas between latitude of 27degree 49” and

28 degree 10” north and the longitudes of 88 degree 28” and 88 degree 55” East. Sikkim is

the 22nd state of India came into existence with effect from 16th May, 1975. Sikkim is a very

small hilly state in the Eastern Himalayas with total geographical 7096 sq. Km. and

Total Population of Sikkim is 6.11 Lakh as per census. State extending approximately 115

Km from north to south and 65 Km from east to west, surrounded by vast stretches of

Tibetan Plateau in the North, Chumbi Valley of Tibet and the kingdom of Bhutan in the east,

Darjeeling district of West Bengal in the south and the kingdom in Nepal in the west. The

state being a part of inner ranges of the mountains of Himalayas has no open valley and no

plains but carried elevations ranging from 300 to 8583 mtrs above mean sea level consisting

of lower hill, middle and higher hills, alpine zones and snow bound land, the highest

elevation 8583 meter , being the top of the Mt. Kangchendzonga itself. Sikkim has been

divided into four districts and each district has further been bifurcated into two sub-divisions

for administrative purpose except the East district which has four sub-divisions. Sikkim state

being a part of inner mountain ranges of Himalayas is hilly having varied elevation ranging

from 300 to 8540 meters. But the habitable areas are only up to the altitude of 2100 Meter.

Constituting only 20% of the total area of the state. The highest portion of Sikkim lies in its

north west direction. A large number of mountains having altitudes of about seven thousand

meters stands here with -Kanchenjunga (8598 m.), The third highest peak in the world. The

high serrated, snow capped spurs and peaks of Kanchenjunga look attractive consisting of

Kumbha Karna (7711 m.), Pendem (6706 m.), Narsingh (5825 m.), Kabru Dome (6545 m.),


etc. A number of glaciers descends from eastern slopes of Kanchenjunga into Sikkim where

snow clad line is found above 5300 mtrs. The biggest of them is Zemu, from whose snout

above Lachen monastery raises the river Teesta. Teesta is the main river and its main

tributaries are Zemu, 3 Lachung, Rangyong, Dikchu, Rongli, Rangpo and Rangit which form

the main channel of drainage from the north to the south. It boasts of the great mount

Kanchendzonga as its crown. Ethnically Sikkim has mainly three groups of people viz.

Nepalis, Bhutias, Lepchas.

Sikkim is a multi-ethnic state. Broadly, the population can be divided into tribal and non-tribal

groups. Lepchas, Bhutias, Sherpas are categorized as Scheduled Tribes. The Lepchas are

the original inhabitants of the state. Compared to other ethnic groups, the Lepchas still

maintain many of their traditional ways. The Bhutias comprise, the Sikkimese Bhutia and

Bhutia from Bhutan and Tibet. The Sherpas are a marginal ethnic group in the state. Over

70% population consists of Nepalese. They are dominant ethnic group in the state.

At higher altitudes, monsoon mist cling to huge tracts of lichen covered forest, where every

conceivable species of Rhododendron and giant magnolia trees, conifers and beautiful

flowering plants as Primulas, Gentians, Blue poppies, Wild strawberry, Raspberry. All over

Sikkim forest and wilderness areas are inhabited by the Snow- Leopard, Thar, Yaks, wild

Ass in the Tibetan pleatue, Bharal or Blue Sheep, Shapi and the symbol of Sikkim- the

endangered Red Panda.

Agro- Climatic Region: Eastern Himalayas Region.

NARP Zone Crop Information

AZ50-Sub Tropical Hill PINEAPPLE ,


Humid Temperate Sub-Alpine Zone


Agro Climatic Features of the Sub Regions

Sub Region Rainfall(in

mm) Climate Soil Crop

Himalayan Hills 2441 Per humid to

humid Brown Hills

Rice, maize, Ragi, potato

North-East Hills 3528 Per humid to

humid Red sandy

laterite Rice,




Upper Brahmaputra 2809 Humid to per

humid Alluvial, red


Rice, jute, rapeseed, wheat

Southern Hills 2052 Per humid to

humid Acidic soils

Rice, maize, sesame, sugarcane

Lower Brahmaputra 1840 Per humid to


Alluvial, red loamy, tarai soils

Rice, rapeseed, wheat, jute, potato

Climate and Soil:

TheClimate of the state has been roughly divided into the tropical, temperature and alphine zones. For most of the period in a a year, the climate is cold and humid as rainfall occurs in each month. The area experiences a heavy rainfall due to its proximity to the Bay of Bengal. The rainfall in north district is comparatively less than of the other districts. The general trend of decrease in temperature with increase in altitude holds good everywhere. Pre-monsoon rain occurs in April-May and monsoon (south-west) operates normally from the month of May and continues up to early October.

Temperature: The mean temperature in the lower altitudinal zone, it varies from 1.5 degree centigrade to 9.5 degree centigrade. Temperature varies with altitude and slope. The maximum temperature is recorded usually during July and August, and minimum during December & January. Fog is a common feature in the entire state from May to September. Biting cold is experienced at high altitude places in the winter months and snowfall is also not uncommon during this period.


An examination of availble rainfall date shows that the mean annual rainfall is minimum at

Thangu (82 mm.) and maximum at Gangtok (3494 mm.) . An isohyatal analysis of these data

reveals that there are two maximum rainfall areas (i) South-East quadrant, including including

Mangan, Singhik, Dikchu, Gangtok, Rongli etc. (ii) South-West corner including Hilley . In

between these two regions, there is a low rainfall region e.g. Namchi. Rainfall in this area is

about half of that in the former areas. There is an area in the North-West Sikkim which gets

very little rainfall (even less than 4.9 mm.). This area is having mainly snow -covered

mountains. Rainfall is heavy and well distributed during the months from May to early

October. July is the wettest month in most of the places. The intensity of rainfall during

South-West monsoon season decreases from south to North, while the ditribution of winter


rainfall is in the opposite order. The highest annual rainfall for the individual station may

exceed 5000 mm. and average number of rainy days ( days with rain of 2.5 mm. or more)

ranges from 100 at Thangu to 184 at Gangtok.

Sikkim encompasses the lesser Himalaya, Central Himalaya, and the Tethys Himalaya. It is

essentially a mountainous state without flate piece of land of any extent anywhere. The

mountains rise in elevation northward. The northern portion of the state is deeply cut into

steep escarpments, and except in the Lachen and Lachung valleys, is not populated.

Southern Sikkim is lower, more open, and fairly well cultivated. This configuration of the State

is partly due to the direction of the main drainage which is southern. The physical

configuration of Sikkim is also partly due to geological struture. Major portion od state is

covered by Precambrian rock and is much younger in age. The Northern, Eastern and

Western portion of the state are constituted of hard massive gneissose rocks capable of

resisting denudation. The central and southern portion is formed of comparatively soft, thin,

slaty and half-schistore rocks which denudes very easily. The trend of the mountain system

is in a general east-west direction. However, chief ridges run in a more or less north south

direction. The Rangeet and the Tista which form the main channels of drainage, run nearly

north-south. The valleys cut by these rivers and their chief feeders are very deep. The valleys

are rather open towards the top, but usually attain a steep gorge like structure as we

approach the bed of the rivers. There are 180 perennial lakes of different altutudes. Many hot

water springs i.e. Phur-Cha, Ralang Sachu, Yumthang, Momay are also found in the state.

The Perpetual snow line in Sikkim may be approx. at 16,000 ft.

Economic Profile:

Approx. 11% of the total geographical area is under agriculture. This is an important aspect if the hill economy, as productivity is low and hence all the able-bodied people are employed in agriculture and other activities.. The past one and half decade has witnessed a tremendous upward swing in various development programme giving a new thrust to the Sikkim economy.

Status of Horticulture : Nurseries: Private Sector Nursery:

Sl. No.

District Private Sector Nursery

Major crops

Name of Owner Status of the nursery

1 East Amanath Poduyal Nursery farm Zingl Masha sang,

Orange Amanath Poduyal

Accreditation under process

2 East Sapkota Pvt Nursery At & Post L/Samdong

Orange Hari Prasad Sapkota

Accreditation under process


3 East Limboo Nursery Farm At & Chhota Singtam

Orange Phip Raj Limboo Accreditation under process

4 East Dronacharya Sapkkota Nuusery, At & Sazong

Orange Dronacharya Sapkkota & Smt. Sushila Nursery Sapkota

Accreditation under process

5 East Tripple Horticulture Nursery, At & Sang Trikuram

Orange Sherap Tshering Bhutia

Accreditation under process

6 East Koirala Pvt. Nursery At & Singbel

Orange Ganga Prasad Koirala

Accreditation under process

7 East Savitri Sharma Horticulture Nursery VPO Padamshey

Orange Tara Prashad Sharma

Accreditation under process

8 East Gurung Horticulture Nursery VPO East Pendem

Orange Tek Bahadur Gurung

Accreditation under process

9 East Ujwaldeep Nursery, At & Post Loshing Busty

Orange Tika Datta Accreditation under process

10 East Trikutal Horticulture Nusery Farm, At & Post Trikutam Taluka Sang

Orange Handy Lhendup Bhutia

Accreditation under process

11 East Luttel Nursery Farm, At & Post Taza, Taluka Pakyoung

Orange Indra Lal Luttel Accreditation under process

12 North Choden Lepcha Nursery farm, VPO-Lingthem, Taluka Passangdong, Mangan

Orange Choden Lepcha under process

13 North Ongbu Lepcha Nursery Farm, VPO Tingvong, Taluka Passangdong mangan

Orange Ongbu Lepcha under process

14 North Nung nursery farm, Sy. no. 148, Mouza hee Gyathang Taluka

Orange Ugen Tshering Lepcha

under process

15 North Thir Bhadur Rai Nursery Sy. No., 381, Mouza Poklok Taluka Namchi

Orange Thir Bahadur Rai under process


16 West sikkim

Orange nursery farm, village Pakigaon, Malbasey

Orange Jai Bahadur Nursery recognized by NHB

17 West sikkim

Subash orange nursery village yangthang karthak timburbong

Orange Subash Pradhan Nursery recognized by NHB

18 West sikkim

Subedi orange nursery village karthok, timburbong

Orange Kul.psd Sharma Nursery recognized by NHB

19 West sikkim

Devendra thapa orange nursery, village middle Geyzing Geyzing Bazar

Orange Bhim Bahadur Chettri

Nursery recognized by NHB

20 West sikkim

Paras Pvt. Nursery village middle Geyzing, geyzing bazaar

Orange Ram Chandra Nursery recognized by NHB

21 West sikkim

Keshar singh orange nursery village kyongsa Geyzing Bazar

Orange Keshar singh Nursery recognized by NHB

22 West sikkim

Bishnu Lal orange Nursery village timburbong

Orange Bishnu lal Nursery recognized by NHB

23 West sikkim

Ram bahadur orange nursery village L/Yangtay geyzing

Orange Ram bahadur chettri

Nursery recognized by NHB

Detail reports on status of nurseries at public and private sector.

Public Sector Nurseries:

Sl. No.

District Public sector nursery

Major crops

Total area

Planting material produce

Status of the nursery

1 East Govt. farm Nazitam mandarin nursery

Orange 0.5 25000 Nursery recognized by NHB

2 East Govt. farm mazitar

Orange, Guava grafted, Litchi

2.0 Orange-500000, Guava grafted-21000,

Nursery recognized by NHB



3 East Govt. farm L/Samdong

Orange 1.0 50000 Nursery recognized by NHB

4 North Govt. farm goan samdong

Orange 1.0 50000 Nursery recognized by NHB

5 West Govt. farm, birding kamling suldong

Orange, Litchi

2.0 50000 Nursery recognized by NHB

6 South Govt. farm bermiok

Guava, Orange

2.0 50000 Nursery recognized by NHB

7 South Govt. farm kitam

Guava, Orange

0.5 25000 Nursery recognized by NHB

8 South Govt. farm, melli dara

Guava 0.5 20000 Nursery recognized by NHB

Orange Private Sector Nursery


Sl. No.


Name Address No. of Seedling


1 Gangtok D.W. Bhutia Tirkutam 5000 Accreditation under process

2 Gangtok Yanten Chondup

Tirkutam 15000 Accreditation under process

3 Gangtok Emnath Poudhyal

Pattim 2000 Accreditation under process

4 Gangtok Phip Raj Subba Chota Singtam

21000 Accreditation under process

5 Gangtok B.B Lopchand Sanglakha 15000 Accreditation under process


Sl. No.


Name Address No. of Seedling


1 Pakyong Angi Doma Lashithang 2000 Accreditation under process

2 Pakyong I.L Luitel Lashithang 4000 Accreditation under process

3 Pakyong Tek Bdr Gurung

Padamchey 6000 Accreditation under process

4 Pakyong Rabina Subba Bashilakha 2000 Accreditation under process

5 Pakyong Bidhya Psd Sharma


20000 Accreditation under process


6 Pakyong Narbada Sharma

Pacheykhani 4000 Accreditation under process

7 Pakyong Savitri Sharma Padamchey 3000 Accreditation under process

8 Pakyong Deepak Basnett

Padamchey 4000 Accreditation under process

9 Pakyong D.N. Sapkota Aho 2000 Accreditation under process

10 Pakyong Ambika Sharma

Bengthang 2000 Accreditation under process

11 Pakyong Thakur Psd Pyakuel

Pacheykhani 5000 Accreditation under process

12 Pakyong Gopal Sharma Pacheykhani 5000 Accreditation under process

13 Pakyong Gopal Sharma Bengthang 10000 Accreditation under process


Sl. No.

Sub-division Name Address No. of Seedling


1 Mazitar Dilip Rai Sauney 6000 Accreditation under process

2 Mazitar Bhurung Nursery Bhurung 30000 Accreditation under process

3 Mazitar Bir Bdr Rai Kamerey 3000 Accreditation under process

4 Mazitar Fanda Singh L/Pachey 5000 Accreditation under process


Sl. No.

Sub-division Name Address No. of Seedling


1 Rongli

Vidhya Psd Sharma

Chuzachen 10000 Accreditation under process


Sl. No.


Name Address No. of Seedling


1 Samdong Hari Psd Sapkota L/Samdong 25000 Accreditation under process

2 Samdong Lila Ram Koirala L/Tumin 10000 Accreditation


under process

3 Samdong Ganga Psd Koirala Singbel 6000 Accreditation under process

Private Sector Nurseries: South District.

Sl. No.

District Crop Name of nursery men

No. of Seedling


1 South Orange Palmu Bhutia, Pabong

20,000 Accreditation under process

2 South Orange Neru Psd Sharma, Nandu Gaon

30,000 Accreditation under process

3 South Orange Shivanath Chapagai

30,000 Accreditation under process

4 South Orange P.B. Gurung.I/ Gagyoung

4000 Accreditation under process

5 South Orange Partuman Rai, Turuk

5000 Accreditation under process

6 South Orange Chandra Prakash Rai Melli

4000 Accreditation under process


The important fruits grown in the State include Sikkim mandarin, pear, guava and kiwi.

Technological intervention has played a crucial role in checking citrus decline leading to

increased production of Sikkim mandarin. The highlight in fruit development strategy is the

production of quality planting materials through two high-tech lower valleys with banana and

papaya as filler crops has worked successfully as a crop diversification strategy. Facilities

and nurseries under private and public sector. Plantation of guava and litchi.


Passion Fruit


Central Pandam

Turuk Sumbuk



Nia Mangzing









Fruit Clusters








The State has many success stories in off-season vegetables. Widespread cultivation of

tomato in open in the rain shadow areas of South and West Sikkim has become

an established practice. More than 10 clusters, each cluster comprising more than 10

villages.cultivate tomato. Each farmer grows on an average between 3000 to 10000 plants

with the average income of each household from tomato cultivation ranging between Rs

20000/- to 30000/- per annum.Summer vegetable cultivation which was earlier confined to

kitchen gardens as backyard activity has now developed into a commercial venture.A highly

innovative initiative to boost vegetable cultivation is the concept of Minimum Support Price

(MSP) on selected few vegetables supported by 50% transport subsidy launched in 2008-09

under state plan.







Production in

Average Yield



000 Tonnes / Lakh Nos.





Estimates for 2008-

09 Estimates for 2009-10 Estimates for 2010-11





Yield Area




Yield * Area




Yield *

North 0.072 0.105 1,458 0.090 0.129

2,580 0.100 0.141 2820

East 2.598 4.755 1,830 3.246 4.602

2,613 3.430 5.250 3035

South 1.002 1.901 1,897 1.252 2.027

2,896 1.320 2.325 3160

West 2.626 3.718 1,416 3.282 6.378

2,449 3.470 6.674 2855

State 6.298 10.479 1,664 7.870 13.136

3,013 8.320 14.390 3300


North 0.038 0.008 210 0.039 0.008 208

East 0.560 0.105 187 0.564 0.106 188

South 0.297 0.069 232 0.300 0.069 230

West 0.550 0.107 194 0.562 0.110 196

State 1.445 0.289 200 1.465 0.293 200

North 0.103 0.105 1,019 0.119 0.162

2,655 0.194 0.183 943

East 0.862 1.837 2,131 0.883 1.586

3,153 1.410 1.778 1260

South 0.703 1.247 1,773 0.740 1.214

3,050 1.181 1.360 1151

West 1.087 1.714 1,577 1.113 2.114

3,077 1.775 2.369 1334

State 2.755 4.903 1,779 2.855 5.076

3,078 4.560 5.690 1247

North 0.213 0.218 1,023 0.248 0.299

1,993 0.294 0.324 1998

East 4.020 6.697 1,665 4.693 6.294

2,225 4.840 7.028 2290

South 2.002 3.217 1,606 2.292 3.310

2,368 2.501 3.685 2385

West 4.263 5.539 1,299 4.957 8.602

2,776 5.245 9.043 2795

State 10.498 15.671 1,493 12.190 18.505

2,476 12.880 20.080 3089

North 0.497 1.987 3,997 0.533 2.343

4,396 0.553 2.444 4419

East 1.053 5.139 4,800 1.125 5.994

5,328 1.167 6.249 5354

South 1.059 5.165 4,877 1.132 6.238

5,511 1.173 6.503 5543

West 1.030 4.688 4,551 1.100 5.557

5,052 1.140 5.795 5543

State 3.639 16.979 4,666 3.890 20.132

5,175 4.033 20.991 5205

North 0.300 1.312 4,373 0.318 1.502

4,723 0.343 1.637 4772

East 1.395 6.203 4,446 1.477 7.152

4,842 1.593 7.798 4895

South 1.482 6.584 4,442 1.570 7.811

4,975 1.693 8.515 5029

West 1.110 4.986 4,492 1.175 5.806

4,941 1.268 6.330 4992

State 4.287 19.085 4,452 4.540 22.271

4,905 4.897 24.280 4958




Production in

Average Yield



000 Tonnes / Lakh Nos.





Estimates for 2008-


Estimates for 2009-

10 Estimates for 2010-11





Yield Area Prodn.


Yield Area


n. Av. Yield

North 0.470 2.142 4,557 0.507 2.542

5,013 0.529 2.675 5057

East 1.322 6.278 4,749 1.426 7.516

5,271 1.487 7.905 5316

South 1.746 8.744 5,008 1.884 10.756

5,709 1.965 11.318 5760

West 1.626 6.258 4,719 1.433 7.641

5,332 1.494 8.031 5375

State 4.864 23.422 4,815 5.250 28.455

5,420 5.475 29.929 5466

North 1.267 5.441 4,294 1.358 6.387

4,703 1.425 6.756 4741

East 3.770 17.620 4,673 4.028 20.662

5,129 4.247 21.952 5169

South 4.287 20.493 4,780 4.586 24.805

5,409 4.831 26.336 5451

West 3.466 15.932 4,596 3.708 19.004

5,125 3.902 20.156 5165

State 12.790 59.486 4,651 13.680 70.858

5,180 14.405 75.200 5220

North 0.345 1.323 3,835 0.409 1.788

4,372 0.422 1.846 4374

East 0.795 3.465 4,358 0.943 4.521

4,794 0.972 4.665 4800

South 0.896 3.762 4,198 1.066 4.923

4,618 1.099 5.080 4622

West 2.009 8.287 4,125 2.382 10.569

4,437 2.457 10.907 4439

State 4.045 16.837 4,162 4.800 21.801

4,162 4.950 22.498 4545

North 0.103 0.425 4,126 0.112 0.504

4,497 0.116 0.521 4491

East 1.404 6.794 4,839 1.517 8.222

5,420 1.564 8.485 5425

South 1.084 5.291 4,881 1.171 6.230

5,320 1.207 6.430 5327

West 1.435 6.342 4,419 1.550 7.535

4,861 1.598 7.776 4866

State 4.026 18.852 4,682 4.350 22.491

5,170 4.485 23.212 5175

North 0.448 1.748 3,902 0.521 2.292

4,399 0.538 2.367 4400

East 2.199 10.259 4,665 2.460 12.743

5,180 2.536 13.150 5185

South 1.980 9.053 4,572 2.237 11.153

4,985 2.306 11.510 4991

West 3.444 14.629 4,278 3.932 18.104

4,604 4.055 18.683 4607


State 8.071 35.689 4,422 9.150 44.292

4,840 9.435 45.710 4845

North 0.049 0.222 4,531 0.051 0.252

4,939 0.053 0.262 4943

East 0.186 0.849 4,564 0.193 0.978

5,066 0.200 1.018 5090

South 0.210 0.967 4,604 0.218 1.134

5,202 0.227 1.179 5194

West 0.181 0.826 4,563 0.188 0.952

5,065 0.195 0.991 5082

State 0.626 2.864 4,575 0.650 3.316

5,101 0.675 3.450 5111

North 0.497 1.970 3,964 0.572 2.544

4,447 0.591 2.629 4448

East 2.385 11.108 4,657 2.653 13.721

5,172 2.736 14.168 5178

South 2.190 10.020 4,575 2.455 12.287

5,005 2.533 12.689 5009

West 3.625 15.455 4,263 4.120 19.056

4,625 4.250 19.674 4629

State 8.697 38.553 4,433 9.800 47.608

4,858 10.110 49.160 4862



Production in

Average Yield



000 Tonnes / Lakh Nos.





Estimates for 2008-


Estimates for 2009-

10 Estimates for 2010-11





Yield Area




Yield Area


n. Av. Yield

North 4.206 0.894 212 4.625 1.008

218 4.783 1.042 218

East 3.805 0.884 232 4.186 1.025

245 4.330 1.059 244

South 2.622 0.599 228 2.883 0.685

237 2.982 0.708 237

West 2.571 0.593 231 2.827 0.678

240 2.925 0.701 239

State 13.204 2.970 225 14.521 3.396

234 15.020 3.510 233

North 0.296 1.572 5,311 0.313 1.665

5,319 0.334 1.769 5296

East 2.424 12.663 5,224 2.570 13.470

5,241 2.730 14.312 5242

South 2.575 14.308 5,556 2.730 15.210

5,571 2.900 16.161 5572

West 2.262 12.098 5,348 2.397 12.845

5,359 2.546 13.648 5360

State 7.557 40.641 5,378 8.010 43.190

5,392 8.510 45.890 5392

North 0.043 0.142 3,302 0.045 0.150

3,333 0.046 0.156 3391

East 0.206 0.722 3,505 0.216 0.760

3,518 0.222 0.790 3558

South 0.284 0.982 0.298 1.033 0.305 1.073 3518


3,458 3,466

West 0.258 0.819 3,174 0.271 0.915

3,376 0.277 0.951 3433

State 0.791 2.665 3,369 0.830 2.858

3,443 0.850 2.970 3494

North 4.545 2.608 574



566 5.163 2.967 575

East 6.435 14.269 2,217



2,188 7.282 16.161 2219

South 5.481 15.889 2,899



2,864 6.187 17.942 2900

West 5.091 13.510 2,654



2,627 5.748 15.300 2661

State 21.552 46.276 2,147 23.361 49.444

2,117 24.380 52.370 2148

North 0.003 0.955 _ 0.004 2.905 _ 0.005 3.000 _

East 0.031 15.450 _ 0.036 47.002 _ 0.041 46.000 _

South 0.030 14.606 _ 0.035 44.434 _ 0.040 44.000 _

West 0.007 4.379 _ 0.007 13.322 _ 0.008 13.000 _

State 0.071 35.390 _ 0.082 107.663 _ 0.094 106.00

0 _

North 0.006 2.302 _ 0.007 7.003 _ 0.008 9.000 _

East 0.026 9.521 _ 0.030 28.964 _ 0.034 39.000 _

South 0.033 11.606 _ 0.038 35.308 _ 0.043 47.000 _

West 0.015 6.923 _ 0.018 21.062 _ 0.021 29.000 _

State 0.080 30.352 _ 0.093 92.337 _ 0.106 124.00

0 _

North 0.009 3.257 _ 0.011 9.908 _ 0.013 12.000 _

East 0.057 24.971 _ 0.066 75.966 _ 0.075 85.000 _

South 0.063 26.212 _ 0.073 79.742 _ 0.083 91.000 _

West 0.022 11.302 _ 0.025 34.384 _ 0.029 42.000 _

State 0.151 65.742 _ 0.175 200.000 _ 0.188 212.50

0 _



Production in

Average Yield



000 Tonnes / Lakh Nos.





Estimates for 2008-


Estimates for 2009-

10 Estimates for 2010-11





Yield Area Prodn.


Yield Area


n. Av. Yield

North 6.522 10.237 1,570 7.161 12.053

1,706 7.473 12.676 1727

East 16.610 49.694 2,992 18.346 55.932

3,394 19.105 59.309 3421

South 13.960 49.619 3,554 15.244 57.330

3,995 16.052 60.652 4017

West 16.445 50.436 3,067 18.280 61.100

3,721 19.145 64.173 4107

State 53.537 159.986 2,988 59.031 186.415

3,432 61.775

196.810 3553


* Average yield of fruits pertains to only Bearing Trees. The Area, Production and Average Yield of Passion Fruit for 2010-11 have been incorporated in Other Fruits.

District-wise and Season-wise data furnished above. Out of the total under Vegetable, the Area, Production & Average Yield of Onion duirng 2010-11 are as under:

Area 285 hectares

Production 1,600 mt

Av. Yield 5614 kg/ha

Season Rabi






Average Yield



000 Tonnes / Lakh








Estimates for 2008-


Estimates for


Estimates for

2010-11 (P)





Yield Area





d Area





Kharif Vegetables North 0.497 1.987

3,997 0.533 2.343

4,396 0.553 2.444 4419

East 1.053 5.139 4,800 1.125 5.994

5,328 1.167 6.249 5354

South 1.059 5.165 4,877 1.132 6.238

5,511 1.173 6.503 5543

West 1.030 4.688 4,551 1.100 5.557

5,052 1.140 5.795 5543

State 3.639 16.979 4,666 3.890 20.132

5,175 4.033 20.991 5205

Rabi Vegetables North 0.300 1.312

4,373 0.318 1.502

4,723 0.343 1.637 4772

East 1.395 6.203 4,446 1.477 7.152

4,842 1.593 7.798 4895

South 1.482 6.584 4,442 1.570 7.811

4,975 1.693 8.515 5029

West 1.110 4.986 4,492 1.175 5.806

4,941 1.268 6.330 4992

State 4.287 19.085 4,452 4.540 22.271

4,905 4.897 24.280 4958

Off-season North 0.470 2.142 0.507 2.542 0.529 2.675 5057


4,557 5,013

Vegetables East 1.322 6.278 4,749 1.426 7.516

5,271 1.487 7.905 5316

South 1.746 8.744 5,008 1.884 10.756

5,709 1.965 11.318 5760

West 1.626 6.258 4,719 1.433 7.641

5,332 1.494 8.031 5375

State 4.864 23.422 4,815 5.250 28.455

5,420 5.475 29.929 5466

TOTAL North 1.267 5.441 4,294 1.358 6.387

4,703 1.425 6.756 4741

VEGETABLES East 3.770 17.620

4,673 4.028 20.662

5,129 4.247 21.952 5169

South 4.287 20.493 4,780 4.586 24.805

5,409 4.831 26.336 5451

West 3.466 15.932 4,596 3.708 19.004

5,125 3.902 20.156 5165

State 12.790 59.486 4,651 13.680 70.858

5,180 14.405 75.200 5220

Khaif Potato North 0.345 1.323 3,835 0.409 1.788

4,372 0.422 1.846 4374

East 0.795 3.465 4,358 0.943 4.521

4,794 0.972 4.665 4800

South 0.896 3.762 4,198 1.066 4.923

4,618 1.099 5.080 4622

West 2.009 8.287 4,125 2.382 10.569

4,437 2.457 10.907 4439

State 4.045 16.837 4,162 4.800 21.801

4,162 4.950 22.498 4545

Rabi Potato North 0.103 0.425 4,126 0.112 0.504

4,497 0.116 0.521 4491

East 1.404 6.794 4,839 1.517 8.222

5,420 1.564 8.485 5425

South 1.084 5.291 4,881 1.171 6.230

5,320 1.207 6.430 5327

West 1.435 6.342 4,419 1.550 7.535

4,861 1.598 7.776 4866

State 4.026 18.852 4,682 4.350 22.491

5,170 4.485 23.212 5175

TOTAL POTATO North 0.448 1.748

3,902 0.521 2.292

4,399 0.538 2.367 4400

East 2.199 10.259 4,665 2.460 12.743

5,180 2.536 13.150 5185

South 1.980 9.053 4,572 2.237 11.153

4,985 2.306 11.510 4991

West 3.444 14.629 4,278 3.932 18.104

4,604 4.055 18.683 4607

State 8.071 35.689 4,422 9.150 44.292

4,840 9.435 45.710 4845

Other Root & North 0.049 0.222

4,531 0.051 0.252

4,939 0.053 0.262 4943

Tuber Crops East 0.186 0.849 4,564 0.193 0.978

5,066 0.200 1.018 5090

South 0.210 0.967 4,604 0.218 1.134

5,202 0.227 1.179 5194

West 0.181 0.826 4,563 0.188 0.952

5,065 0.195 0.991 5082

State 0.626 2.864 4,575 0.650 3.316

5,101 0.675 3.450 5111

TOTAL North 0.497 1.970 0.572 2.544 0.591 2.629 4448


ROOT & 3,964 4,447

TUBER CROPS East 2.385 11.108

4,657 2.653 13.721

5,172 2.736 14.168 5178

South 2.190 10.020 4,575 2.455 12.287

5,005 2.533 12.689 5009

West 3.625 15.455 4,263 4.120 19.056

4,625 4.250 19.674 4629

State 8.697 38.553 4,433 9.800 47.608

4,858 10.110 49.160 4862



Production in





000 Tonnes / Lakh








Estimates for 2008-


Estimates for


Estimates for

2010-11 (P)






d Area Prodn.



d Area





Khaif Potato North 0.345 1.323 3,835 0.409 1.788

4,372 0.422 1.846 4374

East 0.795 3.465 4,358 0.943 4.521

4,794 0.972 4.665 4800

South 0.896 3.762 4,198 1.066 4.923

4,618 1.099 5.080 4622

West 2.009 8.287 4,125 2.382 10.569

4,437 2.457 10.907 4439

State 4.045 16.837 4,162 4.800 21.801

4,162 4.950 22.498 4545

Rabi Potato North 0.103 0.425 4,126 0.112 0.504

4,497 0.116 0.521 4491

East 1.404 6.794 4,839 1.517 8.222

5,420 1.564 8.485 5425

South 1.084 5.291 4,881 1.171 6.230

5,320 1.207 6.430 5327

West 1.435 6.342 4,419 1.550 7.535

4,861 1.598 7.776 4866

State 4.026 18.852 4,682 4.350 22.491

5,170 4.485 23.212 5175

TOTAL POTATO North 0.448 1.748

3,902 0.521 2.292

4,399 0.538 2.367 4400

East 2.199 10.259 4,665 2.460 12.743

5,180 2.536 13.150 5185

South 1.980 9.053 4,572 2.237 11.153

4,985 2.306 11.510 4991

West 3.444 14.629 4,278 3.932 18.104

4,604 4.055 18.683 4607

Ginger North 0.296 1.572 5,311 0.313 1.665

5,319 0.334 1.769 5296

East 2.424 12.663 5,224 2.570 13.470

5,241 2.730 14.312 5242

South 2.575 14.308 2.730 15.210 2.900 16.161 5572


5,556 5,571

West 2.262 12.098 5,348 2.397 12.845

5,359 2.546 13.648 5360

State 7.557 40.641 5,378 8.010 43.190

5,392 8.510 45.890 5392


Area in

000 ha.

C R O P District Estimates for 2008-09

Area Prodn. Av. Yield

Kharif Vegetables North 0.497 1.987 3,997

East 1.053 5.139 4,800

South 1.059 5.165 4,877

West 1.030 4.688 4,551

State 3.639 16.979 4,666

Rabi Vegetables North 0.300 1.312 4,373

East 1.395 6.203 4,446

South 1.482 6.584 4,442

West 1.110 4.986 4,492

State 4.287 19.085 4,452

Off-season North 0.470 2.142 4,557

Vegetables East 1.322 6.278 4,749

South 1.746 8.744 5,008

West 1.626 6.258 4,719

State 4.864 23.422 4,815

TOTAL North 1.267 5.441 4,294

VEGETABLES East 3.770 17.620 4,673

South 4.287 20.493 4,780

West 3.466 15.932 4,596

State 12.790 59.486 4,651

Khaif Potato North 0.345 1.323 3,835

East 0.795 3.465 4,358

South 0.896 3.762 4,198

West 2.009 8.287 4,125

State 4.045 16.837 4,162

Rabi Potato North 0.103 0.425 4,126

East 1.404 6.794 4,839

South 1.084 5.291 4,881

West 1.435 6.342 4,419

State 4.026 18.852 4,682


TOTAL POTATO North 0.448 1.748 3,902

East 2.199 10.259 4,665

South 1.980 9.053 4,572

West 3.444 14.629 4,278

State 8.071 35.689 4,422

Other Root & North 0.049 0.222 4,531

Tuber Crops East 0.186 0.849 4,564

South 0.210 0.967 4,604

West 0.181 0.826 4,563

State 0.626 2.864 4,575

TOTAL ROOT & North 0.497 1.970 3,964

TUBER CROPS East 2.385 11.108 4,657

South 2.190 10.020 4,575

West 3.625 15.455 4,263

State 8.697 38.553 4,433



Area in

Production in

Average Yield

000 ha.

000 Tonnes / Lakh Nos.

in Kg/Ha.

C R O P District Estimates for 2011-12 Estimates for 2012-13 Estimates for 2013-14

Area Prodn. Av.

Yield Area Prodn. Av.

Yield Area Prod

n. Av.


Sikkim Mandarin North 0.160 0.170 2825 0.178 0.182 3500 0.194 0.182 3508

Orange East 3.480 5.750 3040 3.826 6.151 3190 4.158 6.153 3200

South 1.360 2.580 3170 1.495 2.763 3250 1.630 2.763 3256

West 3.600 7.250 2860 3.958 7.754 3310 4.300 7.757 3313

State 8.600 15.750 3200 9.457 16.850 3290 10.282 16.85

5 3305

Other Fruits North 0.205 0.209 1019 0.224 0.230 1026 0.247 0.262 1035

East 1.480 2.027 1369 1.603 2.239 1396 1.771 2.558 1405

South 1.250 1.554 1243 1.354 1.719 1269 1.496 1.964 1276

West 1.860 2.700 1451 2.015 2.982 1480 2.228 3.407 1492

State 4.795 6.490 1353 5.196 7.170 1380 5.742 8.191 1385

TOTAL FRUITS North 0.365 0.379 2018 0.402 0.412 3250 0.441 0.444 3255

East 4.960 7.777 2308 5.429 8.390 3100 5.929 8.711 3125

South 2.610 4.134 2405 2.849 4.482 3205 3.126 4.727 3219

West 5.460 9.950 2785 5.973 10.736 3165 6.528 11.16

4 3176

State 13.395 22.240 3097 14.65

3 24.020 3115 16.024 25.04

6 3127

Kharif North 0.560 2.502 4467 0.568 2.582 4545 0.581 2.615 4501



East 1.170 6.394 5465 1.187 6.598 5558 1.215 6.660 5481

South 1.178 6.658 5651 1.197 6.870 5739 1.225 6.945 5669

West 1.173 5.940 5063 1.190 6.130 5151 1.218 6.223 5109

State 4.081 21.494 5266 4.142 22.180 5355 4.239 22.44

3 5294

Rabi Vegetables North 0.349 1.684 4825 0.355 1.743 4909 0.363 1.759 4846

East 1.615 8.016 4963 1.639 8.287 5056 1.677 8.385 5000

South 1.716 8.753 5100 1.742 9.049 5194 1.783 9.157 5136

West 1.285 6.508 5064 1.304 6.728 5159 1.334 6.811 5106

State 4.965 24.961 5027 5.040 25.807 5120 5.157 26.11

2 5063

C R O P District

Estimates for 2011-12

Estimates for 2012-13

Estimates for 2013-14

Area Prodn


Av. Yield

* Area Prodn


Av. Yield

* Area Prodn

. Av.

Yield *

Off-season North 0.537 2.741 5104 0.546 2.841 5203 0.559 2.874 5141

Vegetables East 1.504 8.093 5380 1.527 8.389 5493 1.568 8.510 5427

South 1.988

11.588 5828 2.018

12.012 5952 2.063

12.115 5873

West 1.511 8.223 5442 1.533 8.526 5561 1.572 8.922 5676

State 5.540 30.64

5 5531 5.624 31.76

8 5648 5.762 32.42

1 5627

TOTAL North 1.446 6.927 4790 1.469 7.166 4878 1.503 7.248 4822


22.503 5246 4.353

23.274 5346 4.460

23.555 5281

South 4.882

26.999 5530 4.957

27.931 5634 5.071

28.217 5564

West 3.969 20.67

1 5208 4.027 21.38

4 5310 4.124 21.95

6 5324

State 14.586 77.10

0 5285 14.806 79.75

5 5387 15.158 80.97

6 5342

Khaif Potato North 0.440 1.893 4302 0.452 1.969 4356 0.462 1.985 4297

East 1.010 4.782 4734 1.041 4.972 4776 1.061 5.010 4722

South 1.143 5.207 4555 1.177 5.416 4601 1.198 5.467 4563

West 2.555 11.18

0 4375 2.630 11.62

5 4420 2.679 11.74

8 4385

State 5.148 23.06

2 4479 5.300 23.98

2 4525 5.400 24.21

0 4483

Rabi Potato North 0.120 0.541 4508 0.123 0.566 4601 0.125 0.595 4760

East 1.611 8.783 5452 1.658 9.195 5545 1.689 9.425 5580

South 1.243 6.656 5354 1.279 6.967 5447 1.300 7.115 5473

West 1.646 8.049 4890 1.695 8.425 4970 1.726 8.515 4933


State 4.620 24.02

9 5201 4.755 25.15

3 5289 4.840 25.65

0 5300

TOTAL POTATO North 0.560 2.434 4346 0.575 2.535 4408 0.587 2.580 4395

East 2.621 13.56

5 5175 2.699 14.16

7 5248 2.750 14.43

5 5249

South 2.386

11.863 4972 2.456

12.383 5041 2.498

12.582 5037

West 4.201 19.22

9 4577 4.325 20.05

0 4635 4.405 20.26

3 4600

State 9.768 47.09

1 4821 10.055 49.13

5 4886 10.240 49.86

0 4869

Other Root & North 0.053 0.264 4981 0.057 0.276 4842 0.058 0.285 4914

Tuber Crops East 0.200 1.021 5105 0.207 1.068 5159 0.211 1.089 5161

South 0.228 1.182 5184 0.236 1.237 5141 0.241 1.259 5224

West 0.195 0.994 5097 0.200 1.041 5205 0.204 1.057 5181

State 0.676 3.461 5119 0.700 3.622 5174 0.714 3.690 5168

TOTAL ROOT & North 0.613 2.698 4401 0.632 2.811 4447 0.645 2.865 4442

TUBER CROPS East 2.821

14.586 5170 2.906

15.235 5242 2.961

15.524 5243

South 2.614

13.045 4990 2.692

13.620 5059 2.739

13.841 5053

West 4.396 20.22

3 4600 4.525 21.09

1 4660 4.609 21.32

0 4626

State 10.444 50.55

2 4840 10.755 52.75

7 4905 10.954 53.55

0 4889

C R O P District

Estimates for 2011-12

Estimates for 2012-13

Estimates for 2013-14

Area Prodn


Av. Yield

* Area Prodn


Av. Yield

* Area Prodn


Av. Yield *

Large Cardamom North 4.968 1.093 220 5.098 1.140 223 5.262 1.145 218

East 4.497 1.110 246 4.614 1.158 250 4.760 1.165 245

South 3.097 0.742 239 3.178 0.774 243 3.279 0.777 237

West 3.038 0.736 242 3.120 0.770 246 3.219 0.773 240

State 15.600 3.681 235 16.010 3.842 240 16.520 3.860 234

Ginger North 0.350 1.910 5457 0.363 1.989 5479 0.366 2.009 5489

East 2.855 15.43

7 5407 2.968 16.08

2 5418 2.984 16.25

1 5446

South 3.032

17.432 5749 3.152

18.162 5762 3.169

18.354 5792

West 2.663 14.72

1 5527 2.767 15.33

5 5542 2.781 15.49

6 5572

State 8.900 49.50 5561 9.250 51.56 5575 9.300 52.11 5603


0 8 0

Turmeric North 0.054 0.185 3425 0.070 0.247 3528 0.091 0.260 2857

East 0.261 0.931 3567 0.340 1.242 3652 0.444 1.312 2955

South 0.359 1.264 3520 0.467 1.695 3629 0.610 1.792 2938

West 0.326 1.120 3435 0.423 1.496 3536 0.555 1.581 2849

State 1.000 3.500 3500 1.300 4.680 3600 1.700 4.945 2909

TOTAL SPICES North 5.372 3.188 593 5.531 3.376 815 5.719 3.414 597

CROPS East 7.613 17.47

8 2295 7.922 18.48

2 2308 8.188 18.72

8 2287

South 6.488

19.438 2995 6.797

20.631 2995 7.058

20.923 2964

West 6.027 16.57

7 2750 6.310 17.60

1 2750 6.555 17.85

0 2723

State 25.500 56.68

1 2222 26.560 60.09

0 2222 27.520 60.91

5 2213

Cut/Pot Flowers North 0.005 3.405 _ 0.005 3.405 _ 0.005 3.530 _

(in lakh Nos.) East 0.043

55.249 _ 0.045

56.890 _ 0.048

59.088 _

South 0.041

52.277 _ 0.044

53.000 _ 0.047

55.048 _

West 0.009 15.72

6 _ 0.01 16.25

5 _ 0.011 16.88

3 _

State 0.098 126.6

57 _ 0.104 129.5

50 _ 0.111 134.5

49 _

Plants/Bulbs North 0.009 8.205 _ 0.009 8.205 _ 0.010 8.522 _

(in lakh Nos.) East 0.035

34.062 _ 0.037

35.462 _ 0.039

36.832 _

South 0.045

41.388 _ 0.048

42.505 _ 0.051

44.148 _

West 0.023 24.68

8 _ 0.024 24.87

8 _ 0.025 25.84

0 _

State 0.112 108.3

43 _ 0.118 111.0

50 _ 0.125 115.3

42 _


11.610 _ 0.014

11.610 _ 0.015

12.052 _

East 0.078 89.31

1 _ 0.082 92.35

2 _ 0.087 95.92 _

South 0.086

93.665 _ 0.092

95.505 _ 0.098

99.196 _

West 0.032 40.41

4 _ 0.034 41.13

3 _ 0.036 42.72

3 _

State 0.210 235.0

00 _ 0.222 240.6

00 _ 0.236 249.8

91 _


C R O P District

Estimates for 2011-12

Estimates for 2012-13

Estimates for 2013-14 (P)

Area Prodn

. Area Prodn


Av. Yield

* Area Prodn


Av. Yield *





North 7.796 13.19

2 8.034 13.76

5 1888 8.308 13.971 1892

East 19.683 62.34

4 20.610 65.38

1 3026 21.538 66.518 3038

South 16.594 63.61

6 17.295 66.66

4 3556 17.994 67.708 3561

West 19.852 67.42

1 20.835 70.81

2 3237 21.816 72.290 3246

State 63.925 206.5 66.774 216.62 3041 69.656 220.48 3051



Ginger is a cash crop for small and marginal farmers and hence draws particular attention.

An integrated ginger processing unit has been operationalised which is expected to be

a major turning point to take ginger cultivation to further heights. Other spice crops of

importance are turmeric and cherry pepper for the development of which, the department has

lined up effective programme.


Floriculture :

Flowers are perishable and need special arrangements for transport and marketing as the

consumer centers are located in far off places. The state does not have quality planting

materials for large scale production. There is no check on outflow of planting materials, and

much of the quality materials produced in the state find their way to West Bengal and north

eastern states. Multiplication through conventional method is very slow due to limited

resources, and tissue culture laboratories in both public and private sectors are still unable

to meet the requirements. Floriculture has a tremendous potential but the state has yet to

see break through. During the IXth Plan, the activity was limited to introduction of

commercial varieties of flowers and multiplication in Government farms and farmers field.

The scheme envisages to address introuction of commercial flowers, multiplication,

cooperative marketing through wholesale markets and export through formation of Agri-

Export Zones in Sikkim. For this two entrepreneurs for Agri-Export Zone formation have

been identified for Cymbidium and Carnation. They have initiated the work at Pakyong. The

priority flowers are m order of cymbidium orchids, Carnation, Anthuriurn, Gladioli, Lillium,

tropical orchids etc. Production Technology up-gradation through demonstration for cut

flower production, providing technology of pre and post harvest and providing working

facility to the field workers in the districts is essential and has been proposed in this Plan.

The tenth plan target of cut flower production and Plants/Bulbs has been fixed to 15 lakh

and 18 lakh, and Annual Target was 11 lakh and 13.2 lakh respectively, which has been

anticipated to achieve. Annual Target for 2003-04 for cut flower production and planting

material has been proposed to 12.1 lakh and 14.5 lakh respectively.

Floriculture is one area which has recorded unprecedented growth in terms of area and

production. Introduction of different kinds of flowers non-existent earlier and development of

flower specific clusters are the important achievements in this sub-sector.Floriculture have

played a key role in improving the economy of many farmers. Floriculture has added glamour

to horticulture and has enhanced the image of this profession which is believed to be a

profession of toil, drudgery and hardship. Area identification and selection are most critical to

cluster development which is done through an intensive process of survey, discussion at

various levels, cross-examination, data collection & analysis and resource mapping



Perhaps the first of its kind, two joint venture units, one on cymbidium orchids and another on anthurium have been set up by dovetailing resources from APEDA, State Plan and Technology Mission to take floriculture to the level of export. Protected Cultivation: This has evolved as one of the flagship programmes of the Department. This concept has

brought about a major breakthrough in vegetable cultivation and floriculture. The concept of

low cost prototype greenhouse designed to fit in hilly landscape has become very

popular. So far, 10,360 numbers of low cost polyhouses and 850 nos. of tubular structures

have been constructed.


An integrated mushroom unit has been set up in the State to promote mushroom cultivation.

The activities lined up include mushroom cultivation for demonstration, production of compost

(casing) and spawn for subsidized sale to growers for oyster, button and shitake mushroom.

Bee Keeping:

Bee keeping has developed into a popular diversification in Sikkim. Interventions in the form

of modern & scientific technology and inputs like bee boxes, bee colonies and equipments

have brought about great transformation to the traditional bee keeping practices. Till now,

8000 bee boxes have been distributed covering 4000 households all over the State.

Water Management:

Water is a major issue in the State. There is acute shortage of water during rabi season. To

mitigate water stress, 100 nos. of large community water tanks have been constructed.

Flexible type of Genap tanks have been set up in many areas using imported Israeli and

Holland technology. Dug out sunken ponds and roof water harvesting structures have been

constructed in different vegetable fields and fruit orchards.

Infrastructure Development:

To support production, processing and marketing, many important infrastructures have been

developed by dovetailing resources from HMNEH, RKVY, State Plan and other sources.

Cymbidium Development Centre :

For promoting cultivation of cymbidium orchid to a level of industry, a centre has been


established with the objectives of varietal screening, technology validation, imparting training

and skill development of farmers.

Model Floriculture Centre :

In addition to strengthening the existing Model Floriculture Centre in East Sikkim, another one

has been established to coordinate floriculture activities for South and West Sikkim.

Ginger Processing Unit :

One ginger processing unit has been operationalized through RKVY funding. This has

provided impetus to farmers of the region to enhance area and production under organic

ginger crop, in view of assured marketability and prospects of

export of the commodity.

Automated Greenhouse :

Two numbers of automated greenhouses (1500 sq m each) have been constructed through

RKVY funding for production of disease free, high quality planting materials of Sikkim


Tissue Culture Laboratories :

Four laboratories under private sector and two under public sector have been set up for

production of cymbidium clones, large cardamom, banana and other ornamentals.

Integrated Pack House :

One Integrated Pack House has been set up for collection, grading, treatment and storage of

fresh cut flowers with support of APEDA.

Cold Storage Facilities :

Four numbers of cold storage facilities in private sector have been established over and

above two already existing. This would maintain the freshness and quality of the cut flowers

for marketing outside the state and export.


Wholesale cum retail outlet :

In view of the tremendous demand for Sikkim organic products a state of the art whole sale

cum retail outlet has been established in New Delhi for boosting marketing.

Rose Demonstration Unit :

An integrated rose demo unit covering 5000 sq mtrs area has been set up at the Rose Valley

of Daramdin, West Sikkim to impart training and coordinate activities related to quality rose

production and marketing.

Production and productivity for the whole state (Estimates for 2010-11)

Crop Area in(000

ha) Production (000

tonnes/lakh nos) Avg. yield in


Sikkim mandarin 8.320 14.390 3300

Other fruits 4.560 5.690 1247

Total fruits 12.880 20.080 3089

Vegetables 14.405 75.200 5220

Roots & Tubers including potato

10.110 49.160 4862

Large cardamom 15.020 3.510 233

Total spice (including ginger & turmeric)

24.380 52.370 2148

Total Flowers 0.200 230.000 -

Source: Department of Horticulture, Government of Sikkim

The impact of horticulture on the livelihoods of people has, therefore, been substantial,

although concerns about sustainability of development of horticulture shall be addressed in

realistic manner taking cognizance of the prevailing eco-system of the state.


Honey bees are known for honey as well as an effective pollinizer of crops and are known to

increase crop production. Most of the horticultural crops such as large cardamom, many

kinds of vegetables are cross, pollinated crops. In such crops pollination is done by the

bees. Under this scheme, nucleus beekeeping centre will be established in one Government

farm and improved bee species will be introduced for colony multiplication and distribution to

the horticulture crop growers.


East Sikkim district:

East Sikkim is situated in the south-east corner of the state and located at 88˚27’ to

88˚56’E longitude and 27˚9’ to 27˚25’ N latitude with an altitude range of 300-500 m

above MSL.The district occupies an area of 964 km².According to the 2011 census East

Sikkim district has a population of 281, 293,

District Profile:

Agro-climatic Zone : Sub tropical humid to temperate alpine

gro-ecological situation. : Hotspot of Bio-diversity

Av. temp. : 17-30˚c in summer and 5-20˚c in winter

Avg. annual rainfall : 3894 mm (mostly during May - Sept.)

Soil type : Inceptisol (42.84 %), Entisol (42.52 %) Mollisol (14.64 %)

Land type : Steep Terrain

Major Crops : Rice, Maize, Finger millet, Pulses, Mustard, Soyabean

Major fruits : Sikkim Mandarine (Orange)

Vegetables : Seasonal and Off season vegetables

Spices : Large cardamom, Ginger, Turmeric

Livestocks : Cattle, Goat, Sheep and Pig (both indigen. & crossbred), Yak, Poultry (Desi & improved)

East Sikkim is one of the four administrative districts of Sikkim

Area : 954 sq. km

Population : 2,44, 790 (2001 Census)

The HQ of East Sikkim is Gangtok, which is the state capital.

It is the hub of all administrative activity in the state.

The district has 3 sub-division, 4 major towns, 120 revenue blockS, 14 forest blocks, 273 panchyat ward and 50 panchayat unit.

Nepali is the predominant language in the region besides Bhutia and Lepcha


Major farming systems existing in the district:

No Farming systems identified

1 Maize based farming system :- Maize (main crop ) followed by rice, finger millet,

urd, soybean, field pea, cluster beans, mustard, vegetables, ginger, turmeric etc.

2 Rice based farming system :- Paddy (main crop) followed by maize, mustard, field

pea, potato, wheat, vegetables as secondary crops .

3 Mandarin based farming system :- Mandarin plantation (Main crop) intercropping

with ginger, maize, wheat, buck wheat, mustard, field pea, vegetables etc.

4 Large cardamom based farming system :- Large cardamom is planted in shady

area under shades of various tree species ( Covering 40% of cultivated land)

5 Agro-forestry based farming system :- The agro-forestry plants and the fodder

plants are the major crop along with spices crops like large cardamom, fruit crops

like pine apple etc. The Himalayan alder (Alnus nepalensis) is the most prevalent

fodder species adopted in this system


Description of Agro-climatic Zone (based on soil and topography)

No Agro-climatic Zone Characteristics

1 Tropical Below 610 m MSL

2 Sub-tropical 610 to 1524 m MSL

3 Temperate 1524 to 2743 m MSL

Description of major agro ecological situations (based on soil and topography)

No Agro ecological situation Characteristics

1 AES - I High altitude (1501-6500 m MSL), Low temperature (0-10ºC), Rainfed

2 AES –II Medium altitude (801-1500 m MSL), medium temperature (10-20ºC), Spring channel +Rainfed

3 AES - III Low altitude (300 - 800 m MSL), high temperature (12-28ºC), Channel irrigation + Rainfed

Soil types

No Soil type Characteristics Area in ha

1 Haplum brepts and Pachic Haplum brepts.

Soils developed on ridges of 30% slope are deep, somewhat excessively drained, fine loamy surfaces having slight stoniness and moderate erosion. The soil types are predominantly under forest, paddy, and maize to limited extent, soils are acidic and prone to erosion.


2 Typic Hapudolls and Umbric Dystrochripts.

Soils on ridges on 15-30% are deep excessively drained, coarse loamy to fine loamy surface with slight stoniness and moderate erosion. Soils are moderately acidic and rich in humus contain. These areas are also predominantly under forest, paddy and maize.


3 Cumilic Haplum brepts and Pachic Haplum brepts.

Soils less than 15% slopes are deep well drained, fine loamy soils with loamy surface, slight stoniness and moderate erosion. These areas are under paddy cultivation and some under temperate forest.


4 Haplodolls, Cumilic Haplodolls, typic

The soils on ridges of steeply sloppy hill sides (30-50%) slopes are moderately shallow to deep, well drained, silty to fine loamy soils with slight stoniness



Dystrochrepts Cumilic Dystrochrepts Typic Haplun brepts etc.

and moderate erosion. The soil is acidic and stony surface. They are largely under temperate forest. Alpine forest and some are under cultivation of cereal crops.

5 Typic Haplo Dystrovchrepts, Entice Haplodolls, Typic Haplum brepts etc.

Soils on ridges of more than 50% slope are moderately deep developed on steep sloppy hills, excessively drained, coarse loamy to fine loamy soil with slight stoniness and moderate erosion. Soils are moderately acidic, dark brown to dark yellows and rich in humus. Unterraced lands are susceptible to severe erosions. These are largely under temperate forest covers and some maize.


# Source : Strategic Research and Extension plan of East Sikkim, 2006

Land use pattern of east Sikkim

Total geographical area : 95,400 ha

Total forest area : 72,668 ha

Net sown area : 18,122 ha

Fallow land : 7,849 ha

Land put on non- agricultural use

: 4,871 ha

Cultivable land : 10,500 ha

Pasture and grass land : 1652.96ha

Gross cropped area : 31900 ha

Cropping intensity : 150%

Total geographical area : 95,400 ha

Total forest area : 72,668 ha

Net sown area : 18,122 ha

Fallow land : 7,849 ha

Area, Production and Productivity of major crops cultivated in the district (Enter data strictly in ha, qtl and qtl/ha respectively)

No Crop Area (ha)* Production (qtl)*

Productivity (qtl /ha)*


1 Rice 5500 85000 15.47

2 Wheat 1430 28100 19.65

3 Maize 8760 137300 15.67

4 Finger-Millet 1000 8600 8.60


5 Barley 420 4500 10.71

6 Buckwheat 650 5800 8.92

7 Other cereals 17760 269300 15.16

Food Grain 19600 286900 14.64


1 Urd 390 2800 7.18

2 Other pulses 2230 20400 16.74

Oil seeds

1 Rapeseed & Mustard

1920 13900 7.24

2 Soybean 790 7400 9.37

3 Other oilseeds 2710 21300 7.86


1 Orange 2250 41700 18.55

2 Other fruits 4120 72300 38.05


1 Rabi 1200 55200 45.82

2 Kharif 900 43800 48.76

3 Off season vegetables

890 47500 53.44


1 Rabi 1300 63900 49.21

2 Kharif 750 33300 44.40

3 Other roots & Tuber

120 5800 47.00


1 Cardamom 3600 8300 2.31

2 Ginger 2210 116900 53.14

3 Turmeric 130 4500 34.62

4 Other spices 5940 129700 21.82

* Source : Sikkim, A Statistical Profile - 2006-07

Weather data

Month Rainfall (mm) Temperature 0 C

Relative Humidity (%)

Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum

September, 2007 595.50 26.20 18.79 89.93 66.36

October, 2007 122.50 25.10 16.86 89.06 58.74

November, 2007 37.90 21.44 11.93 87.00 49.00

December , 2007 0.00 17.20 8.90 86.19 47.70

January, 2008 9.80 15.6 7.6 85.4 50.12

February, 2008 05.20 17.72 7.23 83.41 41.58

March, 2008 4.50 22.81 12.28 84.06 45.5

April , 2008 335.9 25.00 14.9 87.2 49.8


May , 2008 185.4 26.4 16.5 87.5 50.0

June , 2008 699.3 26.2 24.6 89.6 68.3

July , 2008 517.4 26.0 19.9 90.0 71.6

August, 2008 608.8 26.9 20.18 89.4 67.12

Source: Meteorological Observatory, ICAR Sikkim Centre, Tadong, Gangtok – 737 102



1 Name & address of beneficiary whose field visited

Shri Jeewan Subba, Basilaka Busty

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha)


3 Crop Cluster under which covered Orange

4 Name & Variety of Crop planted Orange (SIKKIM MANDARIN)

5 Source of planting material H & C.C Dev Deptt

6 Number of plants material 200 plants

7 Number of plants planted/ rejuvenated 200 plants

8 Date of plants which Survived (also indicate percentage survival)


9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the beneficiary as (‘)

45,000/-(in kind)

10 Amount paid and date of payment Kind

11 Mode of payment

12 Source of irrigation Water (Bore well/tube well/Canal)

Spring Water

13 Whether Drip/Sprinkle system in use NO

14 Other inputs provided Organic Manure

15 Whether assistance available for organic farming

3 Ha

16 If so, area covered Yes

17 Assistance available -----


18 Available marketing facility for the crop Local Market

19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity

Fruit preservation factory Singtam

20 General upkeep of the plot; Very good/Good/Average/Poor


21 Any other relevant observation by the JIT

Also used low cost bamboo shade net



1 Name & address of beneficiary whose field visited

Shri Phipraj Subba,

Basilaka Busty

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha)

3 Ha

3 Crop Cluster under which covered Orange

4 Name & Variety of Crop planted Orange (SIKKIM MANDERIN)

5 Source of planting material H & C.C Dev Deptt

6 Number of plants material 700 Plants

7 Number of plants planted/ rejuvenated 700 Plants

8 Date of plants which Survived (also indicate percentage survival)


9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the beneficiary as (‘)

4500/(in kind)

10 Amount paid and date of payment 2/01/2013

11 Mode of payment Kind

12 Source of irrigation Water (Bore well/tube well/Canal)

Spring Water

13 Whether Drip/Sprinkle system in use Yes

14 Other inputs provided Organic Manure/Pesticide

15 Whether assistance available for Yes


organic farming

16 If so, area covered 3 Ha

17 Assistance available Yes

18 Available marketing facility for the crop Local Market

19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity

Fruit Preservation Factory ,Singtam

20 General upkeep of the plot; Very good/Good/Average/Poor





1 Name & address of beneficiary whose field visited

Chandra Psd Chettri,S/O B.P Chettri, Kamarey East/Sikkim

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha)


3 Crop Cluster under which covered 1.5 Ha

4 Name & Variety of Crop planted G Nine Banana

5 Source of planting material HCCDD Tissue Culture

6 Number of plants material 2500

7 Number of plants planted/ rejuvenated 2500

8 Date of plants which Survived (also indicate percentage survival)


9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the beneficiary as (‘)


10 Amount paid and date of payment In Kind

11 Mode of payment In Kind

12 Source of irrigation Water (Bore well/tube well/Canal)

Perennial Spring

13 Whether Drip/Sprinkle system in use Drip

14 Other inputs provided Organic Manure Polypipe Organic



15 Whether assistance available for organic farming


16 If so, area covered 1.5Ha

17 Assistance available ------------

18 Available marketing facility for the crop Local Market

19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity

20 General upkeep of the plot; Very good/Good/Average/Poor

Very Good




1 Name & address of Beneficiary whose field


Karma Dichen Bhutia , Sajong

East Sikkim

2 Total land available with the beneficiary


4 Hac

3 Type of Protected cultivation activity (Hi-

tech/Normal GH, Shade net, Plastic


Tabular (Normal GH)

4 Year of establishment 2014

5 Size of Structure (Sqm) 150 Sq meter

6 Total Cost

7 Agency involved in fabrication and HCCDD



8 Total Subsidy paid and date of payment 70,125(in Kind)

9 Crop being grown Tomato inter cropped with

leafy vegetables

10 Condition of structure Good

11 Condition of crop Very Good

12 Tie up with Market Local Market

13 Upkeep (Very good/Good/Average/Poor) Very Good

14 Any other relevant observation by JIT



1 Name & address of Beneficiary whose field


Nirmala Chettri,

W/O Dilli Ram Chettri,

Budung East Sikkim

2 Total land available with the beneficiary



3 Type of Protected cultivation activity (Hi-

tech/Normal GH, Shade net, Plastic


Tubular Structure

4 Year of establishment 2012-13


5 Size of Structure (Sq.m) 150 Sq Meter

6 Total Cost 1,40,250/- (In kind)

7 Agency involved in fabrication and



8 Total Subsidy paid and date of payment 70,125/-

9 Crop being grown High Value Vegetables

10 Condition of structure Satisfactory

11 Condition of crop Satisfactory

12 Tie up with Market Local Market

13 Upkeep (Very good/Good/Average/Poor) Good

14 Any other relevant observation by JIT -----------

Model Horticulture Farm, Majhitar


1 Name & address of Beneficiary whose field Visited

Model Horticulture Farm, Majhitar.

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha)


3 Type of Protected cultivation activity (Hi-tech/Normal GH, Shade net, Plastic



4 Year of establishment 2008

5 Size of Structure (Sq.m) 2.500 Sq Meter

6 Total Cost 7150 Lakhs (In kind)

7 Agency involved in fabrication and HCCDD



8 Total Subsidy paid and date of payment --------

9 Crop being grown Orange Seedling

10 Condition of structure Good

11 Condition of crop Good

12 Tie up with Market ---------

13 Upkeep (Very good/Good/Average/Poor) ----------

14 Any other relevant observation by JIT ----------



1 Name of the Project Public Sector Nursery (BIG)

2 Year of Implementation 2008-09

3 Project Period

4 Name of Implementation Agency HCCDD

5 Location of project Mazitar

6 Total Project Cost 12.50 lakhs (In kind)

7 Amount Released by DAC ------------

8 Expenditure incurred ------------

9 Status of Project Complete

Name of Nursery and crop for which plants are produced

Orange Nursery

Name of crops for which seeds produced


Quantity Produced 50,000

Quantity Sold 50,000

Rate 20/-

Amount realized through sale 10,00,000

Whether NHM logo displayed ----------------




1 Name & address of Beneficiary whose field Visited

Puran Sherpa

S/o D.S Sherpa,

Budang East Sikkim

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha)

2.0 ha

3 Type of Pretected cultivation activity (Hi-tech/Normal GH, Shade net, Plastic Tunnel…….)

Tubular Structure

4 Year of establishment 2011-12

5 Size of Structure (Sq.m) 150 sq meter

6 Total Cost 1,40,250

7 Agency involved in fabrication and installment


8 Total Subsidy paid and date of payment 70,125

9 Crop being grown High Value Vegetables

10 Condition of structure Satisfactory

11 Condition of crop Satisfactory

12 Tie up with Market Local Market

13 Upkeep (Very good/Good/Average/Poor) Good

14 Any other relevant observation by JIT ----------




1. Name of the Project Vegetable seedling production in Pro tray

2. Year of Implementation 2014

3. Project Period 1 year

4. Name of Implementing Agency HCCD Deptt.

5. Location of project Budang ,East-Sikkim

6. Total Project Cost 150sqmx 935/sqm=1,40,250.00

7. Amount Released by DAC In Kind

8. Expenditure incurred In Kind

9. Status of Project

Name of Nursery and crop for which plants are produced

Cole Crops

Name of crops for which seeds produced


Quantity Produced 1,80,000 nos

Quantity Sold 1,000,00 nos


Rate 0.20/plant

Amount realized through sale ` 20,000.00

Whether NHM logo displayed yes



1 Name & address of beneficiary whose filed visited.

Mr.Budhilal Subba S/o Lt.Karna Bdr.Subba

Basi elakha

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha).

3 Ha

3 Crop Cluster under which covered. Gerbera (Year of Plantation 2013-14)

4 Name & Variety of crop planted. W103, PUR114, OR108, RED101, PINK110, 111, YELLOW105, (Pressmen Gerbera)

5 Source of planting material. Sheel Biotech

6 Number of plants planting material. 800 nos of tissue cultured seedlings

7 Number of plants planted/rejuvenated.

800 nos.

8 Date of plants which survived (also indicate percentage survival).

100 % survival

9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the beneficiary as (`).

Planting material `.32x 800=` 25600 .00

10 Amount paid and date of payment. In kind

11 Mode of payment. In kind


12 Source of Irrigation water (Bore well/tube well/Canal).

Stream water

13 Whether Drip/Sprinkle system in use. NO

14 Other inputs provided. Capacity Building,Spray Machine 5 ltrs. (Hand compressor)

15 Whether assistance available for organic farming


16 If so, area covered. 150sqm.

17 Assistance available. Organic Manure: Neem care, Vermi Compose, Neemozyme

Organic Fungicide: Fungi freez ,Jas-sulpho,Sulfex Gold,Colombia Bordo, Rich

Kelwin,Rich Agri-Guard. Organic Pesticides: Rich help

Guard,I,II,IV,VII,Neem excel ,Jusverti.

18 Available marketing facility for the crop.

Self & SIMFED Govt. Agency

19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity.


20 General upkeep of the plot; Very good/Good/Average/Poor.

Very Good

21 Any other relevant observation by the JIT.




1 Name & address of beneficiary whose filed visited.

Mrs.Gangi Subba W/o Non Bdr.Subba

Basi elakha

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha).

2 Ha

3 Crop Cluster under which covered. Gerbera (Year of Plantation 2011-12)

4 Name & Variety of crop planted. Ice-queen ,P-Intezz, stanza,Jaffana,Lion

5 Source of planting material. Sheel Biotech

6 Number of plants planting material. 800 nos of tissue cultured seedlings

7 Number of plants planted/rejuvenated.

800 nos.

8 Date of plants which survived (also indicate percentage survival).

100 % survival

9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the beneficiary as (`).

Planting material `.32x 800=` 25600 .00

10 Amount paid and date of payment. In kind

11 Mode of payment. In kind

12 Source of Irrigation water (Bore well/tube well/Canal).

Stream water

13 Whether Drip/Sprinkle system in use. Drip Irrigation


14 Other inputs provided. Capacity Building, Spray Machine 5 ltrs. (Hand compressor)

15 Whether assistance available for organic farming


16 If so, area covered. 150sqm.

17 Assistance available. Organic Manure: Neem care, Vermi Compose, Neemozyme Organic Fungicide: Fungi freez ,Jas-sulpho,Sulfex Gold,Colombia Bordo, Rich Kelwin,Rich Agri-Guard. Organic Pesticides: Rich help Guard,I,II,IV,VII,Neem excel ,Jusverti.

18 Available marketing facility for the crop.

Self & SIMFED Govt. Agency

19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity.

20 General upkeep of the plot; Very good/Good/Average/Poor.

Very Good

21 Any other relevant observation by the JIT.



1 Name & address of beneficiary whose filed visited.

Mrs.Gangi Subba

W/o Non Bdr.Subba Basi elakha

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha).

2 Ha

3 Type of MI system availed Drip/Sprinkler.

Drip Irrigation

4 Crop (s) covered.


5 Total area covered (ha).


6 Crop spacing (for drip).

30x45 cm


7 Year of establishment.


8 Name of manufacturer/supplier.


9 Total-subsidy paid & date of payment. In-Kind

10 Mode of payment. In-Kind

11 Status of crop. Very Good

12 General upkeep (Very good/Good/Average/Poor).

13 Any other relevant observation by JIT.



1 Name & address of beneficiary whose filed visited.

Mr.Patrush Subba s/o B.S.Subba

Basi elakha

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha).

3 Ha


3 Crop Cluster under which covered. Gerbera (Year of Plantation 2011-12)

4 Name & Variety of crop planted. Ice-queen ,P-Intezz, stanza,Jaffana,Lion

5 Source of planting material. Sheel Biotech

6 Number of plants planting material. 800 nos of tissue cultured seedlings

7 Number of plants planted/rejuvenated.

800 nos.

8 Date of plants which survived (also indicate percentage survival).

100 % survival

9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the beneficiary as (`).

Planting material `.32x 800=` 25600 .00

10 Amount paid and date of payment. In kind

11 Mode of payment. In kind

12 Source of Irrigation water (Bore well/tube well/Canal).

Stream water

13 Whether Drip/Sprinkle system in use. Drip Irrigation

14 Other inputs provided. Capacity Building, Spray Machine 5 ltrs. (Hand compressor)

15 Whether assistance available for organic farming


16 If so, area covered. 150sqm.

17 Assistance available. Organic Manure: Neem care, Vermi Compose, Neemozyme Organic Fungicide: Fungi freez ,Jas-sulpho,Sulfex Gold,Colombia Bordo, Rich Kelwin,Rich Agri-Guard. Organic Pesticides: Rich help Guard,I,II,IV,VII,Neem excel ,Jusverti.

18 Available marketing facility for the crop.

Self & SIMFED Govt. Agency

19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity.

20 General upkeep of the plot; Very good/Good/Average/Poor.

Very Good

21 Any other relevant observation by the JIT.


12 General upkeep (Very good/Good/Average/Poor).

Very Good

13 Any other relevant observation by JIT.



1 Name & address of beneficiary whose filed visited.

Mr.Nagendra Subba s/o Mon Bdr.Subba

Basi elakha

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha).

3 Ha

3 Crop Cluster under which covered. Gerbera (Year of Plantation 2013-14)

4 Name & Variety of crop planted. W103, PUR114, OR108, RED101, PINK110, 111, YELLOW105, (Pressmen


5 Source of planting material. Sheel Biotech

6 Number of plants planting material. 800 nos of tissue cultured seedlings

7 Number of plants planted/rejuvenated.

800 nos.

8 Date of plants which survived (also indicate percentage survival).

100 % survival


9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the beneficiary as (`).

Planting material `.32x 800=` 25600 .00

10 Amount paid and date of payment. In kind

11 Mode of payment. In kind

12 Source of Irrigation water (Bore well/tube well/Canal).

Stream water

13 Whether Drip/Sprinkle system in use. No

14 Other inputs provided. Capacity Building, Spray Machine 5 ltrs. (Hand compressor)

15 Whether assistance available for organic farming


16 If so, area covered. 150sqm.

17 Assistance available. Organic Manure: Neem care, Vermi Compose, Neemozyme Organic Fungicide: Fungi freez ,Jas-sulpho,Sulfex Gold,Colombia Bordo, Rich Kelwin,Rich Agri-Guard. Organic Pesticides: Rich help Guard,I,II,IV,VII,Neem excel ,Jas verti.

18 Available marketing facility for the crop.

Self & SIMFED Govt. Agency

19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity.


20 General upkeep of the plot; Very good/Good/Average/Poor.

Very Good

21 Any other relevant observation by the JIT.




1 Name & address of beneficiary whose filed visited.

Mr.Mon Bdr.Subba s/o Lt.P.M.Subba


2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha).

7 Ha

3 Crop Cluster under which covered. Gerbera (Year of Plantation 2011-12)

4 Name & Variety of crop planted. Ice-queen ,P-Intezz, stanza,Jaffana,Lion

5 Source of planting material. Sheel Biotech

6 Number of plants planting material. 800 nos of tissue cultured seedlings

7 Number of plants planted/rejuvenated.

800 nos.

8 Date of plants which survived (also indicate percentage survival).

100 % survival

9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the beneficiary as (`).

Planting material `.32x 800=` 25600 .00

10 Amount paid and date of payment. In kind

11 Mode of payment. In kind

12 Source of Irrigation water (Bore well/tube well/Canal).

Stream water

13 Whether Drip/Sprinkle system in use. Drip Irrigation

14 Other inputs provided. Capacity Building, Spray Machine 5 ltrs. (Hand compressor)


15 Whether assistance available for organic farming


16 If so, area covered. 150sqm.

17 Assistance available. Organic Manure: Neem care, Vermi Compose, Neemozyme Organic Fungicide: Fungi freez ,Jas-sulpho,Sulfex Gold,Colombia Bordo, Rich Kelwin,Rich Agri-Guard. Organic Pesticides: Rich help Guard,I,II,IV,VII,Neem excel ,Jas verti.

18 Available marketing facility for the crop.

Self & SIMFED Govt. Agency

19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity.

20 General upkeep of the plot; Very good/Good/Average/Poor.

Very Good

21 Any other relevant observation by the JIT.



1 Name & address of beneficiary whose filed visited.

Mr.Mon Bdr.Subba s/o Lt.P.M.Subba


2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha).


3 Type of protected cultivation activity (Hi-tech/Normal GH, Shade net, Plastic tunnel…….).

Normal GH(Fabricated)

4 Year of establishment. 2011-12

5 Size of structure (sq. m). 150sqm.

6 Total Cost. Rate of Construction ` 935/sqm.

50% by MIDH ` 70,125.00 Total Cost of Green House =` 1,40,250.00

7 Agency involved in fabrication and installation.

Local fabrication agency by tender

processed through SIMFED Govt. of Sikkim undertaking


8 Total subsidy paid and date of payment.

In Kind

9 Crop being grown. Gerbera

10 Condition of structure. Very Good

11 Condition of crop. Very Good

12 Tie up with market. Self & SIMFED Govt. of Sikkim undertaking.

13 General upkeep (very good/Good/Average/Poor).

Very Good

14 Any other relevant observation by JIT.



1 Name & address of beneficiary whose filed visited.

Mr.Mon Bdr.Subba s/o Lt.P.M.Subba


2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha).

7 Ha

3 Crop Cluster under which covered. Gerbera

Low cost bamboo structure 134 sqm. Year of Construction 2009-10

Year of Plantation 2010-11


4 Name & Variety of crop planted. Ice-queen ,P-Intezz, stanza,Jaffana,Lion

5 Source of planting material. Sheel Biotech

6 Number of plants planting material. 600 nos of tissue cultured seedlings

7 Number of plants planted/rejuvenated.

600 nos.

8 Date of plants which survived (also indicate percentage survival).

100 % survival

9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the beneficiary as (`).

Planting material `.32x 600=` 19200 .00

10 Amount paid and date of payment. In kind

11 Mode of payment. In kind

12 Source of Irrigation water (Bore well/tube well/Canal).

Stream water

13 Whether Drip/Sprinkle system in use. No

14 Other inputs provided. Capacity Building, Spray Machine 5 ltrs. (Hand compressor)

15 Whether assistance available for organic farming


16 If so, area covered. 134 sqm.

17 Assistance available. Organic Manure: Neem care, Vermi Compose, Neemozyme Organic Fungicide: Fungi freez ,Jas-sulpho,Sulfex Gold,Colombia Bordo, Rich Kelwin,Rich Agri-Guard. Organic Pesticides: Rich help Guard,I,II,IV,VII,Neem excel ,Jusverti.

18 Available marketing facility for the crop.

Self & SIMFED Govt. Agency

19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity.

20 General upkeep of the plot; Very good/Good/Average/Poor.

Very Good

21 Any other relevant observation by the JIT.




1 Name & address of beneficiary whose filed visited.

Mr.Bishnu Rai s/o Lt.Shri Bdr.Subba

Chuba Radang

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha).

0.9 Ha

3 Crop Cluster under which covered. Gerbera

Low cost bamboo structure 134 sqm. Year of Construction 2013-14

Year of Plantation 2013-14

4 Name & Variety of crop planted. Y105,P110,112,w103

5 Source of planting material. Sheel Biotech

6 Number of plants planting material. 600 nos of tissue cultured seedlings

7 Number of plants planted/rejuvenated.

600 nos.

8 Date of plants which survived (also indicate percentage survival).

100 % survival

9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the beneficiary as (`).

Planting material `.32x 600=` 19200 .00

10 Amount paid and date of payment. In kind

11 Mode of payment. In kind

12 Source of Irrigation water (Bore well/tube well/Canal).

Stream water

13 Whether Drip/Sprinkle system in use. No

14 Other inputs provided. Capacity Building, Spray Machine 5 ltrs. (Hand compressor)

15 Whether assistance available for organic farming



16 If so, area covered. 134 sqm.

17 Assistance available. Organic Manure: Neem care, Vermi Compose, Neemozyme Organic Fungicide: Fungi freez ,Jas-sulpho,Sulfex Gold,Colombia Bordo, Rich Kelwin,Rich Agri-Guard. Organic Pesticides: Rich help Guard,I,II,IV,VII,Neem excel ,Jusverti.

18 Available marketing facility for the crop.

Self & SIMFED Govt. Agency

19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity.


20 General upkeep of the plot; Very good/Good/Average/Poor.

Very Good

21 Any other relevant observation by the JIT.



1 Name & address of beneficiary whose filed visited.

Mr.Bishnu Rai s/o Lt.Shri Bdr.Subba

Chuba Radang

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha).

0.9 Ha

3 Type of protected cultivation activity (Hi-tech/Normal GH, Shade net, Plastic tunnel…….).

Low Cost Bamboo structure 134sqm.

4 Year of establishment. 2013-14

5 Size of structure (sq. m). 134sqm.

6 Total Cost. Rate of Construction ` 375/sqm. 50% by MIDH ` 25,125.00

Total Cost of Green House =` 50,250.00

7 Agency involved in fabrication and installation.

Local fabrication agency by tender processed

through SIMFED Govt. of Sikkim undertaking

8 Total subsidy paid and date of In Kind



9 Crop being grown. Gerbera

10 Condition of structure. Very Good

11 Condition of crop. Very Good

12 Tie up with market. Self & SIMFED Govt. of Sikkim undertaking.

13 General upkeep (very good/Good/Average/Poor).

Very Good

14 Any other relevant observation by JIT.



1 Name & address of beneficiary whose filed visited.

Mr.Bishnu Rai s/o Lt.Shri Bdr.Subba

Chuba Radang

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha).

0.9 Ha

3 Crop Cluster under which covered. Rose (Year of Plantation 2007-08)

4 Name & Variety of crop planted. Rose Passion,High Magic ,Bianka,Gold Stike

5 Source of planting material. Preesmen Pune


6 Number of plants planting material. 4000nos of Grafted seedlings

7 Number of plants planted/rejuvenated.

4000 nos.

8 Date of plants which survived (also indicate percentage survival).

100 % survival

9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the beneficiary as (`).

Planting material `.25x 4000=` 100,000 .00

10 Amount paid and date of payment. In kind

11 Mode of payment. In kind

12 Source of Irrigation water (Bore well/tube well/Canal).

Stream water

13 Whether Drip/Sprinkle system in use. Drip Irrigation

14 Other inputs provided. 1 year Oraganic Inputs ,Capacity building at HTC Pune(Tallay Goan)

MHS for a period of 1week

15 Whether assistance available for organic farming


16 If so, area covered. 750sqm.

17 Assistance available. Organic Manure: Neem care, Vermi Compose, Neemozyme Organic Fungicide: Fungi freez ,Jas-sulpho,Sulfex Gold,Colombia Bordo, Rich Kelwin,Rich Agri-Guard. Organic Pesticides: Rich help Guard,I,II,IV,VII,Neem excel ,Jas verti.

18 Available marketing facility for the crop.

Self & SIMFED Govt. Agency

19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity.

20 General upkeep of the plot; Very good/Good/Average/Poor.

Very Good

21 Any other relevant observation by the JIT.




1 Name & address of beneficiary whose filed visited.

Mr.Bishnu Rai s/o Lt.Shri Bdr.Subba

Chuba Radang

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha).

0.9 Ha

3 Type of protected cultivation activity (Hi-tech/Normal GH, Shade net, Plastic tunnel…….).

Normal GH(Fabricated)

4 Year of establishment. 2007-08

5 Size of structure (sq. m). 750sqm.

6 Total Cost. Rate of Construction ` 935/sqm.

50% by MIDH,GOI ` 3,50,625.00 Total Cost of Green House =` 7,01,250.00

7 Agency involved in fabrication and installation.

Local fabrication agency by tender

processed through SIMFED Govt. of Sikkim undertaking

8 Total subsidy paid and date of payment.

In Kind

9 Crop being grown. Rose

10 Condition of structure. Very Good

11 Condition of crop. Very Good

12 Tie up with market. Self & SIMFED Govt. of Sikkim undertaking.

13 General upkeep (very good/Good/Average/Poor).

Very Good

14 Any other relevant observation by JIT.




1 Name & address of beneficiary whose filed visited.

Mr.Bishnu Rai s/o Lt.Shri Bdr.Subba

Chuba Radang

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha).

0.9 Ha

3 Type of MI system availed Drip/Sprinkler.

Drip Irrigation

4 Crop (s) covered.


5 Total area covered (ha).


6 Crop spacing (for drip).

Single Row system,8 plants per sqm

7 Year of establishment.


8 Name of manufacturer/supplier. Netafim

9 Total-subsidy paid & date of payment.


10 Mode of payment.


11 Status of crop. Very Good

12 General upkeep (Very good/Good/Average/Poor).

13 Any other relevant observation by JIT.




1 Name & address of beneficiary whose filed visited.

Mr.Bishnu Rai s/o Lt.Shri Bdr.Subba

Chuba Radang

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha).

0.9 Ha

3 Crop Cluster under which covered. Anthurium (Year of Plantation 2013-14)

4 Name & Variety of crop planted. Tropical

5 Source of planting material. Anthura Varieties from Florence flora

6 Number of plants planting material. 1350nos of Grafted seedlings

7 Number of plants planted/rejuvenated.

1350 nos.

8 Date of plants which survived (also indicate percentage survival).

100 % survival

9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the beneficiary as (`).

Planting material `.105x 1350=` 1,41,750 .00

10 Amount paid and date of payment. In kind

11 Mode of payment. In kind

12 Source of Irrigation water (Bore well/tube well/Canal).

Stream water

13 Whether Drip/Sprinkle system in use. Drip Irrigation

14 Other inputs provided. 1 year Oraganic Inputs ,Capacity building at HTC Pune(Tallay Goan)

MHS for a period of 1week


15 Whether assistance available for organic farming


16 If so, area covered. 150sqm.

17 Assistance available. Soil Less Media: Coco chips.coco pit,Bricks Organic Fungicide: Fungi freez ,Jas-sulpho,Sulfex Gold,Colombia Bordo, Rich Kelwin,Rich Agri-Guard. Organic Pesticides: Rich help Guard,I,II,IV,VII,Neem excel ,Jas verti.

18 Available marketing facility for the crop.

Self & SIMFED Govt. Agency

19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity.


20 General upkeep of the plot; Very good/Good/Average/Poor.

Very Good

21 Any other relevant observation by the JIT.

East Sikkim photographs





South Sikkim district:

This district is located at the latitude 27 0 10’ N and longitude 88 0 22’ E. The total

geographical area of the district is 750 Sq. km and lies at an altitude between 400m to

2000m. This district is surrounded by East District, West District, North district and

Darjeeling district of West Bengal in east, west, north and south respectivelySouth Sikkim

lies at an altitude of 400 to 2000 metres and hence enjoys a temperate climate for most of

the year. Major urban centres include Namchi, Ravangla, Jorethang Bazaar and Melli.

According to the 2011 census South Sikkim district has a population of 146,742,


Climate and Soil:

The climate in the district is in general cool throughout the year. It is very cold during winter

months. Summer starts at the end of March and lasts up to middle of May, when the

atmospheric temperature rises to about 20˚C. Monsoon generally sets at the end of June

and continuing upto October. Maximum rainfall takes place during the month of June to

September. The average annual rainfall is 3496 mm.The South District of Sikkim is

mountainous forming part of Eastern Himalayas. It is characterized by Himalayan

topography with a series of crisscross ridges and ravines. The altitude varies from 230 to

7000 m above MSL.

The soils of the district in general have derived from parent rocks such as Sandstone,

Phyllite, Schist, gneisses and colluvial materials. Soils are generally acidic to very acidic in

reaction having soil pH between 5.00 and 6.0.

Major Soil Types:

Mountain meadow, brown-red & yellow soil and lateritic soil.



Max : 17 - 27 degree C Min : 02 - 21 degree C

Annual Rainfall 162.5 cms

Seasonal Clothing

Summer - Light cotton Winter - Woollen Rainy - Warm light cotton

Summer Season April to June

Rainy Season July to September

Winter Season October to March

Horticlture Status:

South District has two big farms, namely;-Rabong which is situated at an altitude of 6600ft MSL and Bermiok at 3500ft MSL farms, four small farms, namely;-Namthang, Kewzing, Mellidara and Kitam farms. Besides, it has two small demonstration farms namely: - Tarku, Chuba,Wok and Perbing. These farms are engaged for production of seeds, seedlings and other planting materials. Horticulture Development Officer is posted in big farms and Horticulture Inspectors are posted in small farms. Crops like ginger, potatoes and oranges are also grown. One of the chief cash

crops of the State is large cardamom.

Area, Number of Sub-division, Towns, Revenue Block and Villages

Area, Number of Sub-division, Towns, Revenue Block and Villages:




No of



No. of


Revenue block



GVA/BDO Panchayat




Total Revenue





2 2 145 135 10

08 265 47


Agriculture Details

Land use Statistics, 2005-06 (as on 30.06.2007):(Area in Hect.)


Particulars Area


Irrigated Land 2104.62


Unirrigated Land 15435.74


Non Agri Land 2754.33


Forest/Jungle/Bushes 2519.7


Cardamom Field 4515.0


Grass Land 1209.11


Barren Land 2086.54


Un cultivated Fallow Land 1003.67

Estimated Area And Production of Major Horticulture Crops



Crops Area ‘000


Production in ‘000


Avg Yield



1 Sikkim Mandarin 1.907 2.840 1489.00

3 Other Fruits 0.815 0.998 1224.53

Total Fruits 2.722 3.398 1356.765


4 Kharif Vegetables 0.996 4.840 4859.00

5 Rabi Vegetables 1.421 6.400 4503.00

6 Off- Season Vegetables 1.141 5.080 4452.00

Total Vegetables 3.558 16.32 4604.66



7 Kharif Potato 0.870 3.700 4275.00

8 Rabi Potato 1.050 5.122 4925.00

Total Potato 1.920 8.822 4600.00

9 Other roots & tubers crops 0.221 1.038 4700.00

Total roots & tubers 0.221 1.038 4650.00


10 Large Cardamom 2.310 0.480 201.00

11 Ginger 2.502 13.844 5560.00

12 Turmeric 0.497 1.026 3456.00

Total Spices 5.309 15.35 3072.33


13 Cut/Pot Flowers 0.033 1 lakh 9400 Nos

14 Plants/Bulbs 0.042 50 6533 Nos

Total 0.075

Area Expansion / Rejuvenation

Sr. No.

Details Remarks

1 Name & address of Beneficiary whose field visited.

Rup Narayan Gurung and others, Nizrameng

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha).

3.0 ha

3 Crop Cluster under which covered. Area Expansion Spices

4 Name & variety of crop planted. Cardamom. Sawaney

5 Source of planting material. Certified Nursury

6 Number of planting material. 850 Nos x 20

7 Number of plants planted/ rejuvenated 17000 Nos (5.66)

8 Date of plants which survived (also indicate percentage survival).

17000 Nos

9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the beneficiary as (Rs.)


10 Amount paid and date of payment.

11 Mode of payment. In kind

12 Source of Irrigation Water


(Bore well/ Tube well/ Canel)

13. Whether Drip/ Sprinkle System in use.

14. Other inputs provided. . Biopestcides.

15. Whether assistance available for Organic Farming

16 If so, area covered 3.0 ha

17. Assistance available

18. Available marketing facility for the crop.

19. Other infrastructure available in the vicinity.

20. General upkeep of the plot; Very good/ Good / Average/ Poor.

21. Any other relevant observation by the JIT.

Area Expansion / Rejuvenation

Sr. No.

Details Remarks

1 Name & address of Beneficiary whose field visited.

Dak Bdr Gurung. Tingley

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha).

1.0 ha

3 Crop Cluster under which covered. Area Expansion Spices

4 Name & variety of crop planted. Organic Sikkim Mandarin

5 Source of planting material. Certified Nursery

6 Number of planting material. 80 Nos

7 Number of plants planted/ rejuvenated 80 Nos (0.2 ha)

8 Date of plants which survived (also indicate percentage survival).

80 Nos

9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the beneficiary as (Rs.)


10 Amount paid and date of payment.

11 Mode of payment. In kind

12 Source of Irrigation Water (Bore well/ Tube well/ Canel)

13. Whether Drip/ Sprinkle System in use.

14. Other inputs provided. Organic Manures. Biopestcides. Biofungicides. Prunning Saw Secateurs. Technical support

15. Whether assistance available for Organic Farming


16 If so, area covered 1.0 ha

17. Assistance available

18. Available marketing facility for the crop.

19. Other infrastructure available in the vicinity.

20. General upkeep of the plot; Very good/ Good / Average/ Poor.

21. Any other relevant observation by the JIT.

Area Expansion / Rejuvenation

Sr. No.

Details Remarks

1 Name & address of Beneficiary whose field visited.

Nar Bdr Gurung. Tingley

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha).

1.0 ha

3 Crop Cluster under which covered. Area Expansion Spices

4 Name & variety of crop planted. Organic Sikkim Mandarin

5 Source of planting material. Certified Nursery

6 Number of planting material. 80 Nos

7 Number of plants planted/ rejuvenated 80 Nos (0.2 ha)

8 Date of plants which survived (also indicate percentage survival).

80 Nos

9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the beneficiary as (Rs.)


10 Amount paid and date of payment.

11 Mode of payment. In kind

12 Source of Irrigation Water (Bore well/ Tube well/ Canel)

13. Whether Drip/ Sprinkle System in use.

14. Other inputs provided. Organic Manures. Biopestcides. Biofungicides. Prunning Saw Secateurs. Technical support

15. Whether assistance available for Organic Farming

16 If so, area covered 1.0 ha

17. Assistance available

18. Available marketing facility for the crop.


Area Expansion / Rejuvenation

Sr. No.

Details Remarks

1 Name & address of Beneficiary whose field visited.

Prem Tsh.Lepcha.Tingley

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha).

1.0 ha

3 Crop Cluster under which covered. Rejuvenation

4 Name & variety of crop planted. Organic Sikkim Mandarin

5 Source of planting material.

6 Number of planting material.

7 Number of plants planted/ rejuvenated 0.3 ha

8 Date of plants which survived (also indicate percentage survival).

0.3 ha

9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the beneficiary as (Rs.)


10 Amount paid and date of payment.

11 Mode of payment. In kind

12 Source of Irrigation Water (Bore well/ Tube well/ Canel)

13. Whether Drip/ Sprinkle System in use.

14. Other inputs provided. Organic Manures. Biopestcides. Biofungicides. Prunning Saw Secateurs. Technical support

15. Whether assistance available for Organic Farming

16 If so, area covered 1.0 ha

Area Expansion / Rejuvenation

Sr. No.

Details Remarks

1 Name & address of Beneficiary whose field visited.

Gyan Tsh.Lepcha.Tingley

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha).

1.1 ha

3 Crop Cluster under which covered. Rejuvenation

4 Name & variety of crop planted. Organic Sikkim Mandarin

5 Source of planting material.

6 Number of planting material.

7 Number of plants planted/ rejuvenated 0.3 ha


8 Date of plants which survived (also indicate percentage survival).

0.3 ha

9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the beneficiary as (Rs.)


10 Amount paid and date of payment.

11 Mode of payment. In kind

12 Source of Irrigation Water (Bore well/ Tube well/ Canel)

13. Whether Drip/ Sprinkle System in use.

14. Other inputs provided. Organic Manures. Biopestcides. Biofungicides. Prunning Saw Secateurs. Technical support

15. Whether assistance available for Organic Farming

16 If so, area covered 1.1 ha

17. Assistance available

18. Available marketing facility for the crop.

19. Other infrastructure available in the vicinity.

20. General upkeep of the plot; Very good/ Good / Average/ Poor.

21. Any other relevant observation by the JIT.

Area Expansion / Rejuvenation

Sr. No.

Details Remarks

1 Name & address of Beneficiary whose field visited.

Manita Basnett. Phong

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha).

2.0 ha

3 Crop Cluster under which covered. Area expansion

4 Name & variety of crop planted. Tomato. Romeo

5 Source of planting material. Department

6 Number of planting material. 11000 nos.

7 Number of plants planted/ rejuvenated 11000 nos. (0.5ha)

8 Date of plants which survived (also indicate percentage survival).

11000 nos.

9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the beneficiary as (Rs.)


10 Amount paid and date of payment.

11 Mode of payment. In kind


12 Source of Irrigation Water (Bore well/ Tube well/ Canel)

13. Whether Drip/ Sprinkle System in use.

14. Other inputs provided. Organic Manures. Biopestcides. Biofungicides. Prunning Saw Secateurs. Technical support

15. Whether assistance available for Organic Farming


16 If so, area covered 2.0 ha

17. Assistance available

18. Available marketing facility for the crop. Namchi Bazar

19. Other infrastructure available in the vicinity.

20. General upkeep of the plot; Very good/ Good / Average/ Poor.

21. Any other relevant observation by the JIT.

Area Expansion / Rejuvenation

Sr. No.

Details Remarks

1 Name & address of Beneficiary whose field visited.

Nar Kr Chettri

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha).

2.0 ha

3 Crop Cluster under which covered. AEP Vegetables

4 Name & variety of crop planted. Chayote (Local)

5 Source of planting material. Department

6 Number of planting material. 2000 nos.

7 Number of plants planted/ rejuvenated 2000 nos. (1 ha)

8 Date of plants which survived (also indicate percentage survival).

2000 nos.

9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due 25000


to the beneficiary as (Rs.)

10 Amount paid and date of payment.

11 Mode of payment. In kind

12 Source of Irrigation Water (Bore well/ Tube well/ Canel)

13. Whether Drip/ Sprinkle System in use.

14. Other inputs provided. Organic Manures. Biopestcides. Biofungicides. Prunning Saw Secateurs. Technical support

15. Whether assistance available for Organic Farming


16 If so, area covered 2.0 ha

17. Assistance available

18. Available marketing facility for the crop. Gangtok and Silliguri

19. Other infrastructure available in the vicinity.

20. General upkeep of the plot; Very good/ Good / Average/ Poor.

21. Any other relevant observation by the JIT.

Area Expansion / Rejuvenation

Sr. No.

Details Remarks

1 Name & address of Beneficiary whose field visited.

Hissey Bhutia, Ghurpisey

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha).

1 acre

3 Crop Cluster under which covered. Protected Cultivation

4 Name & variety of crop planted. Tomato. Romeo

5 Source of planting material. Department

6 Number of planting material. 200 nos.

7 Number of plants planted/ rejuvenated 200 (0.009 ha)

8 Date of plants which survived (also indicate percentage survival).

200 (100%)

9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the beneficiary as (Rs.)

225(Tomato) 70125 (Green house) Total 70350

10 Amount paid and date of payment.

11 Mode of payment. In kind

12 Source of Irrigation Water


(Bore well/ Tube well/ Canel)

13. Whether Drip/ Sprinkle System in use.

14. Other inputs provided. Organic Manures. Biopestcides. Biofungicides. Prunning Saw Secateurs. Technical support

15. Whether assistance available for Organic Farming


16 If so, area covered 500 sqm

17. Assistance available

18. Available marketing facility for the crop. Namchi Bazar

19. Other infrastructure available in the vicinity.

20. General upkeep of the plot; Very good/ Good / Average/ Poor.

21. Any other relevant observation by the JIT.

Area Expansion / Rejuvenation

Sr. No.

Details Remarks

1 Name & address of Beneficiary whose field visited.

Dankey Bhutia, Ghurpisey

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha).

1 acre

3 Crop Cluster under which covered. Protected Cultivation

4 Name & variety of crop planted. Tomato. Romeo

5 Source of planting material. Department

6 Number of planting material. 200 nos.

7 Number of plants planted/ rejuvenated 200

8 Date of plants which survived (also indicate percentage survival).

200 (100%)

9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the beneficiary as (Rs.)

225(Tomato) 70125 (Green house)


Total 70350

10 Amount paid and date of payment.

11 Mode of payment. In kind

12 Source of Irrigation Water (Bore well/ Tube well/ Canel)

13. Whether Drip/ Sprinkle System in use. Drip

14. Other inputs provided. Organic Manures. Biopestcides. Biofungicides. Prunning Saw Secateurs. Technical support

15. Whether assistance available for Organic Farming


16 If so, area covered 500 m2

17. Assistance available

18. Available marketing facility for the crop. Namchi Bazar

19. Other infrastructure available in the vicinity.

20. General upkeep of the plot; Very good/ Good / Average/ Poor.

21. Any other relevant observation by the JIT.

Area Expansion / Rejuvenation

Sr. No.

Details Remarks

1 Name & address of Beneficiary whose field visited.

Sonamkee Bhutia, Ghurpisey

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha).

1 acre

3 Crop Cluster under which covered. Protected Cultivation

4 Name & variety of crop planted. Tomato. Romeo

5 Source of planting material. Department

6 Number of planting material. 200


7 Number of plants planted/ rejuvenated 200

8 Date of plants which survived (also indicate percentage survival).

200 (100%)

9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the beneficiary as (Rs.)

225(Tomato) 70125 (Green house) Total 70350

10 Amount paid and date of payment.

11 Mode of payment. In kind

12 Source of Irrigation Water (Bore well/ Tube well/ Canel)

13. Whether Drip/ Sprinkle System in use. Drip

14. Other inputs provided. Organic Manures. Biopestcides. Biofungicides. Prunning Saw Secateurs. Technical support

15. Whether assistance available for Organic Farming


16 If so, area covered 500 m2

17. Assistance available

18. Available marketing facility for the crop. Namchi Bazar

19. Other infrastructure available in the vicinity.

20. General upkeep of the plot; Very good/ Good / Average/ Poor.

21. Any other relevant observation by the JIT.

Area Expansion / Rejuvenation

Sr. No.

Details Remarks

1 Name & address of Beneficiary whose field visited.

Dhan Singh Rai Salley Bong

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha).

2 acre

3 Crop Cluster under which covered. AEP Vegetables

4 Name & variety of crop planted. Cauliflower and Broccoli. White excel and Marathion respectively

5 Source of planting material. Department

6 Number of planting material. 8000

7 Number of plants planted/ rejuvenated 8000 (0.133 ha)

8 Date of plants which survived 7800 (97.5%)


(also indicate percentage survival).

9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the beneficiary as (Rs.)


10 Amount paid and date of payment.

11 Mode of payment. In kind

12 Source of Irrigation Water (Bore well/ Tube well/ Canel)

13. Whether Drip/ Sprinkle System in use. Sprinkler

14. Other inputs provided. Organic Manures. Biopestcides. Biofungicides. Polypipe, Spray machine

15. Whether assistance available for Organic Farming


16 If so, area covered 2 acre

17. Assistance available

18. Available marketing facility for the crop. Namchi Bazar

19. Other infrastructure available in the vicinity.

20. General upkeep of the plot; Very good/ Good / Average/ Poor.

21. Any other relevant observation by the JIT.

Area Expansion / Rejuvenation

Sr. No.

Details Remarks

1 Name & address of Beneficiary whose field visited.

Ratanamaya Rai Salley Bong

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha).

2 acre

3 Crop Cluster under which covered. AEP Vegetables

4 Name & variety of crop planted. Broccoli. Marathion

5 Source of planting material. Department

6 Number of planting material. 3000

7 Number of plants planted/ rejuvenated 3000 (0.05 ha)

8 Date of plants which survived (also indicate percentage survival).

2900 (96.6%)

9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the beneficiary as (Rs.)


10 Amount paid and date of payment.

11 Mode of payment. In kind

12 Source of Irrigation Water (Bore well/ Tube well/ Canel)

13. Whether Drip/ Sprinkle System in use. Sprinkler


14. Other inputs provided. Organic Manures. Biopestcides. Biofungicides. Polypipe, Spray machine

15. Whether assistance available for Organic Farming


16 If so, area covered 2 acre

17. Assistance available

18. Available marketing facility for the crop. Namchi Bazar

19. Other infrastructure available in the vicinity.

20. General upkeep of the plot; Very good/ Good / Average/ Poor.

21. Any other relevant observation by the JIT.

Area Expansion / Rejuvenation

Sr. No.

Details Remarks

1 Name & address of Beneficiary whose field visited.

Sancha Jogi Salley Bong

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha).

2 acre

3 Crop Cluster under which covered. AEP Vegetables

4 Name & variety of crop planted. Cauliflower Cv. White excel

5 Source of planting material. Department

6 Number of planting material. 3000

7 Number of plants planted/ rejuvenated 3000 (0.05 ha)

8 Date of plants which survived (also indicate percentage survival).

2900 (93.3%)

9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the beneficiary as (Rs.)


10 Amount paid and date of payment.

11 Mode of payment. In kind

12 Source of Irrigation Water (Bore well/ Tube well/ Canel)


13. Whether Drip/ Sprinkle System in use. Sprinkler

14. Other inputs provided. Organic Manures. Biopestcides. Biofungicides. Polypipe, Spray machine

15. Whether assistance available for Organic Farming


16 If so, area covered 2 acre

17. Assistance available

18. Available marketing facility for the crop. Namchi Bazar

19. Other infrastructure available in the vicinity.

20. General upkeep of the plot; Very good/ Good / Average/ Poor.

21. Any other relevant observation by the JIT.

Area Expansion / Rejuvenation

Sr. No.

Details Remarks

1 Name & address of Beneficiary whose field visited.

Sita Rai

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha).

1.5 ha

3 Crop Cluster under which covered. AEP under NBM

4 Name & variety of crop planted. B.nutans

5 Source of planting material. Department

6 Number of planting material. 157

7 Number of plants planted/ rejuvenated 157 (1 ha)

8 Date of plants which survived (also indicate percentage survival).

141 (90%)

9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the beneficiary as (Rs.)


10 Amount paid and date of payment.

11 Mode of payment. In kind and cash

12 Source of Irrigation Water (Bore well/ Tube well/ Canel)

13. Whether Drip/ Sprinkle System in use.

14. Other inputs provided. Tools and Organic Manures

15. Whether assistance available for Organic Farming

16 If so, area covered 1.5 ha

17. Assistance available


18. Available marketing facility for the crop.

19. Other infrastructure available in the vicinity.

20. General upkeep of the plot; Very good/ Good / Average/ Poor.

21. Any other relevant observation by the JIT.

Area Expansion / Rejuvenation

Sr. No.

Details Remarks

1 Name & address of Beneficiary whose field visited.

Passing Temba Sherpa and others, Mungram

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha).

31 ha

3 Crop Cluster under which covered. AEP Vegetables

4 Name & variety of crop planted. Pea (Azad)

5 Source of planting material. Department

6 Number of planting material. 500 kgs

7 Number of plants planted/ rejuvenated 500kgs (8.3 ha)

8 Date of plants which survived (also indicate percentage survival).

500kgs (8.3 ha)

9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the beneficiary as (Rs.)


10 Amount paid and date of payment.

11 Mode of payment. In kind

12 Source of Irrigation Water (Bore well/ Tube well/ Canel)

13. Whether Drip/ Sprinkle System in use.

14. Other inputs provided. Organic Manures. Biopestcides. Biofungicides. Polypipe, Spray machine, Watering can

15. Whether assistance available for Organic Farming



16 If so, area covered 31 ha

17. Assistance available

18. Available marketing facility for the crop. Jorethang, Meli

19. Other infrastructure available in the vicinity.

20. General upkeep of the plot; Very good/ Good / Average/ Poor.

21. Any other relevant observation by the JIT.

Production of Planting Material


Sr. No. Details Remarks

1 Name of the project Private Sector Cardamom

small Nursery

2 Year of Implementation 2013-14

3 Project Period 01 year

4 Name of Implementing Agency H & CCDD

5 Location of Project Bul

6 Total Project Cost 150000

7 Amount Released by DAC 150000

8 Expenditure incurred 150000

9 Status of Project

Name of Nursery and crop for

which plants are produced

Cardamom Seedlings

Name of crops for which seeds



Quantity produced 50000

Quantity sold


Amount realized through sale

Whether NHM logo displayed Yes

Area Expansion / Rejuvenation

Sr. No.

Details Remarks

1 Name & address of Beneficiary whose field visited.

K.B. Pradhan and Others

2 Total land available with the beneficiary 61 ha (in group)



3 Crop Cluster under which covered. AEP Spices

4 Name & variety of crop planted. Turmeric (Lakardang)

5 Source of planting material. Department

6 Number of planting material. 6000 kgs

7 Number of plants planted/ rejuvenated 6000 kgs (15 ha)

8 Date of plants which survived (also indicate percentage survival).

6000 kgs (100%)

9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the beneficiary as (Rs.)


10 Amount paid and date of payment.

11 Mode of payment. In kind

12 Source of Irrigation Water (Bore well/ Tube well/ Canel)

13. Whether Drip/ Sprinkle System in use.

14. Other inputs provided. Organic Manures, Biopesticides

15. Whether assistance available for Organic Farming


16 If so, area covered 61 ha

17. Assistance available

18. Available marketing facility for the crop.

19. Other infrastructure available in the vicinity.

20. General upkeep of the plot; Very good/ Good / Average/ Poor.

21. Any other relevant observation by the JIT.

Area Expansion / Rejuvenation

Sr. No.

Details Remarks

1 Name & address of Beneficiary whose field visited.

Organic farmers Club Turuk

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha).

39 ha


3 Crop Cluster under which covered. AEP Vegetables

4 Name & variety of crop planted. Tomato (Romeo)

5 Source of planting material. Department

6 Number of planting material. 330000 Nos

7 Number of plants planted/ rejuvenated 330000 Nos (15 ha)

8 Date of plants which survived (also indicate percentage survival).

330000 Nos (100%)

9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the beneficiary as (Rs.)


10 Amount paid and date of payment.

11 Mode of payment. In kind

12 Source of Irrigation Water (Bore well/ Tube well/ Canel)

13. Whether Drip/ Sprinkle System in use.

14. Other inputs provided. Organic Manures. Biopestcides. Biofungicides. Polypipe, Tools

15. Whether assistance available for Organic Farming


16 If so, area covered 39 ha

17. Assistance available

18. Available marketing facility for the crop. Meli and Gangtok

19. Other infrastructure available in the vicinity.

20. General upkeep of the plot; Very good/ Good / Average/ Poor.

21. Any other relevant observation by the JIT.

Area Expansion / Rejuvenation

Sr. No.

Details Remarks

1 Name & address of Beneficiary whose field visited.

Phul Maya Pradhan, Melli-Paiyong


2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha).

0.95 ha

3 Crop Cluster under which covered. AEP Fruits

4 Name & variety of crop planted. Guava (L-49) HD

5 Source of planting material. Department

6 Number of planting material. 270 Nos

7 Number of plants planted/ rejuvenated 270 Nos (0.24)

8 Date of plants which survived (also indicate percentage survival).

270 Nos (0.24)

9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the beneficiary as (Rs.)


10 Amount paid and date of payment.

11 Mode of payment. In kind

12 Source of Irrigation Water (Bore well/ Tube well/ Canel)

13. Whether Drip/ Sprinkle System in use.

14. Other inputs provided. Organic Manures. Biopestcides. Biofungicides. Polypipe, Tools

15. Whether assistance available for Organic Farming


16 If so, area covered 0.95 ha

17. Assistance available

18. Available marketing facility for the crop. Meli and Gangtok

19. Other infrastructure available in the vicinity.

20. General upkeep of the plot; Very good/ Good / Average/ Poor.

21. Any other relevant observation by the JIT.


South District Photographs





Bamboos are usually found in the low hill slopes, along the streams, moist deciduous

forest, wet temperate forests and sub-alpine coniferous forest areas of Sikkim. The main

genus found in the state is Arundinaria sp, Sinarundinaria sp, Phyllostachys sp, Bambusa

sp, Dendrocalamus sp and Schizostachyum sp. The genus Arundinaria sp. and

Sinarundinaria sp., are mainly distributed in the northern part of Sikkim and Phyllostachys

sp, and Bambusa sp are distributed in lower hills forest.

As per the report on Identification of bamboos in Sikkim Himalayas using Remote Sensing

and GIS Technique (2012-2013), submitted by the Sikkim State Remote Sensing Centre

under Sikkim State Council of Science and Technology, the bamboo covered area of

Sikkim is about 21496.21 ha which is about 3.03% of the total geographical area of the

Sikkim and 6.23% of the total forest cover area of Sikkim. West district among the four

district of Sikkim comprises of maximum quantity (14.41%) of bamboo. Most of the

bamboos in this district are found in South-west regions including Hilley and Barshey area.

This is followed by the east district of Sikkim (8.76%) bamboo covers Northern and South-

eastern region of this district. South district comprising the central region comes to third

position (8.37%) in terms of bamboo availability and North district (1.42%) comprising the

south-eastern region comes to forth position. Summary of bamboo available in Sikkim is

given in table below:

Sl.No. District Total bamboo covered area


Percentage Covered (%)

1 West 9856.40 14.41

2 East 5592.27 8.76

3 South 3651.90 8.37

4 North 2395.64 1.42


Total 21496.21 32.96

East District

Year Location Area (in Ha)

2007-08 (220 ha) Chotta Singtam, Soureny,



Bering, Basilakha & Senti 52

Saku 33

Sudunglakha & Chujachen 85


2008-09 (242ha ) Bering 40

Aho 20

Naitam 10

Tintek 32

Phadamchen 40

Rumtek 25

Raley 20

Regu 35

Ankuching 20

2009-10 (500 ha) Chagey, Yangthang &



Nomok, , Resay, Pabing 75

Samdong, Raley 75

Rongali, Lamaten, 50

Chujachen , Dalapchen 50

Pakyong 40

Raksey,Tintek, Patuk 60

Patim Chinzey 30

UpperMartam, Lower



2010-11 (186 ha) Sumin-Lingzey 35

Bhasmey-Taza 30

Lingdok 25

Nazitam 20

Raksey-Khamdong 36

Regu-Tarpin 40

2011-12 (350 ha) Kameray 25


Ankuching 40

Mamjay 35

Kaiyung 20

Samdong-Kambal 55




Namong 45

Rey-Lingdum 55

2012-13 (20 ha) Singlaybong 15

Samdong 5

2013-14 (85 ha) Singleybong 7.8

Patim Chinzey 10

Chotta Singtam 10

Rongali 20

Raksey, Raley, Tintek 20

Manjey, Rai Gaon 17.2

South District

Year Location Area (in Ha)

2007-08 (200 ha) Kerabari 40

Namchi (Maniram 30

Ramabong 30

Pakjor 40

Mellidara 40

Pabong 20


2008-09 (500ha) Belbotay 50




Salghari-Doreap 70

Kerabari 40

Bool 65

Pekluk-Rolok 70

Tatung 85

Sadam 40

2009-10 (400) Sumbuk 65

Pallum 60

Lingbo 40

Rabong (Polak) 50

Salghari (Dorap) 55

Namchi (Maniram) 60

Kharnigoan 35

Singtam 35

2010-11 (249 ha) Kerabari 20

Pakjor 25

Wok 15

Mellidara 15

Kamrang 34

Sadam 15

Maneydara 10

Lower Polok/ Borong 30

Dozok (Ben) 25

Lingi 15


Lingmoo 20

Yangang 25

2011-12 (320 ha) Borong 70

Namphing 75

Kitam 35

Pakzor 65

Ranguthang 75

2012-13 (20 ha) Subuk 10

Salleybong 10

2013-14 ( 85 ha) Lungchok/ Kamarey 20

Turuk Ramabong 15

Salleybong 15

Pabong 15

Sanganath 20


Bamboo has been termed as Green gold a name aptly coined due to its immense potential

to generate economy besides providing ecological and livelihood security to the people.

Bamboo Products worth US$ 4.5 to 10 billion are traded annually in the international

markets. Bamboo is used in over 300 ways in the Sikkimese society from cradle to the

coffin, from water containers to decorative items, from construction material to furniture etc.

For economic and ecological exploitation of the vast untapped potential of bamboo, a

scheme called National Bamboo Mission was launched during the year 2006-07 by the

Department of Agriculture and Co-Operation, Ministry of agriculture, Government of India.

The Horticulture & Cash Crops Development Department has been designated as the

Nodal Department to implement this program in Sikkim. The Mission Director of this

department oversees the implementation of the bamboo project in State.


The Horticulture & Cash Crops Development Department has assigned some

components to Forest, Env. & W/L Management Department and Directorate of Handicrafts

and Handloom, Government of Sikkim.

Progress made during 2014-15

During the year 2014-15, Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture,

Govt. of India had given a sanction conveyed of Rs. 301.455 lakhs to the State of Sikkim

under National Bamboo Mission.

The following physical targets were achieved under NBM from 1st April 2014- October


A. Establishment of Small Nurseries in Public Sector: Two bamboo nurseries in

Public Sector were set up at Horticulture Government Farm Tadong, East Sikkim

and another at Horticulture Government Farm, Tokal Bermiok, South Sikkim.

B. Bamboo Plantation: Under the Bamboo plantation component, a target of 500 ha

was allocated under Non-Forest area during 2014-15. Out of which 500 ha was

achieved. A total number of 55300 seedlings and 23700 number of rhizomes of

different species of bamboos such as Bambusa nutans (Mal Bans), Bambusa tulda

(Singaray bans) and Dendrocalamus hamiltonii (Choyan bans) were planted at

different cluster, during the month of May-June 2014.

The district-wise achievement is as under




Cluster Area

Physical (Ha.)

Target Achievement

1 North Tanek, Blutumbok, Tingbong, Sangtok

& Shipgyer.

75 75

2 East Rabdang, Chisopani, Rey Mindu,

Naitam, Chotta-Singtam, Khamdong,

Aho, Amba, Beering, Singlebong,

Chujachen, Sudunglakha, Salghari,

Rolap, Tintek.

150 150

3 South Tarku, Kerabari, North Lungchok, Tinik,

Wok, Yangang.

135 135


4 West Middle Geyzing, Kabirthang,

Leythang-Dosthang, Rungdu,

Chingthang, Malabasey, Timburbung,

Lungchok-Salangdang, Soreng, Nesur


140 140

Total 500 500

C. Training & Exposure tour: Training and capacity building is an integral part of our

mission. Therefore training was organized on regular basis for nursery management,

plantation under area expansion and improvement of existing stock, covering around

160 farmers.

D. Participation in Domestic Trade: During July 2014, 10th International Agri Horti

Expo 2014 was organized at New Delhi. A team of 6 delegates, comprising of two

officials and four artisans participated in this programme.



1. Sikkim has adopted cluster approach for production of floricultural crops, organic

vegetable crops and large cardamom and deserves special mention.The entire

production cluster needs to be linked with PHM & marketing infrastructures. All the

clusters of horticultural crops may also be provided with drip/sprinkler & irrigation


2. Production of planting material in poly bags for fruit crops and in portrays for vegetable

crops, to be taken up.

3. Location specific varieties of tomato and capsicum may be evaluated and

recommended to be grown under protected conditions as yield from present variety

has not proved satisfactory.

4. Tissue Culture labs established in public sector, especially Rumtek is doing good work

and producing of orchid seedlings on a large scale, with revenue earnings of more

than a crore annually. Mazitar Tissue Culture Lab needs to be strengthened with virus

indexing facilities.

5. Tissue culture lab established at private sector, Singtam have all the infrastructural

facilities, but production of tissue culture plantlets has not yet commenced. Therefore,

SHM may ensure that unit may be made functional at the earliest, failing which

subsidy released will be required to be refunded.

6. Majority of the Greenhouse structure were of single span covering area of less than

250 sqm. It was observed that a minimum 500 sqm poly house for protected

cultivation would help make the units commercially viable. The double door entry

rooms need to be provided in greenhouses to protect direct entry of insect, pest and


7. Insect proof nets of 40 mesh size need to be used in all the vents of structure (side &

top went) instead of shade net with 50% shade factor. Use of plastic mulch and poly

tunnels need to be promoted.

8. SHM needs to constitute a State Level Technical Committee for having field

verification of components before payments are released to the beneficiaries.

9. There is a need to empanel Greenhouse/Shadenet house company/firms for quality

construction of Greenhouse as per NCPAH technical specifications. As per MIDH

Guideline components used in construction of Greenhouse/Shadenet house/Plastic

tunnel must confirm to Indian Standards for quality assurance for availing subsidy.

10. SHM needs to scale up establishment of infrastructural facilities for Post Harvest

Management and Marketing. Efforts should be made for setting up pack houses, cold

storages, refrigerated vans, ripening chambers for end to end value claim.


11 There has been increase in coverage under protected cultivation in recent years in the

State. There is need for training to field Staff and farmers on all aspects of protected


12. Sikkim has been declared as an organic State and needs to provide priority for vermi

compost production either by private entrepreneurship or farmers for nutritional

support for organically grown vegetables and spice crops.

13. Cymbidium orchids produced under protected conditions are flowering once in a year.

Orchid growers may be provided supportive crops such as Oriental or Asiatic lilies to

provide regular financial support to the growers.

14. There is a need to promote small scale turmeric processing in the area of production

and branding such produce. .

15. Priority should be given to produce button mushrooms with the support from

Mushroom Development Center, Mazitar.

16. Hornet need to be operationalised in all the districts and web site may be created for

horticulture activities immediately.

17. Financial progress of MIDH is very slow and efforts should be made to expedite the

utilization of budget and submit UC by December. Monthly posting of physical and

financial progress under HMNEH sub scheme of MIDH to be completed at the earliest.