Repel Times September Issue

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Transcript of Repel Times September Issue

As we draw close to redeployment our hearts are filled with joy and anticipation but also with grief and loss. Our deployment has been an overwhelming success in many ways. Every Repel Paratrooper has gone above and beyond accomplishing the mission with absolute professionalism. We have every reason to be proud of what we have accomplished over the past year. Our families back home have been more than supportive, strong and have persevered giving us the freedom to focus on our mission. It brings tears to my eyes even now thinking of the Soldiers and Families of TF Repel, their character and strength what we have gone through together this year.

But our hearts are also heavy and the joy is clouded by the loss of four of our Brothers on August 31, SSG Vinson B. Adkinson III, SGT Raymond C. Alcaraz Jr., SPC Matthew E. George and SPC James A. Page. These four paratroopers were each vital members of our team, TF Repel, Wildcard, Lifeline and Assassin Families. They were each leaders, battle buddies and friends that helped form the very personality of our formation. We will miss them terribly.

Most often when we lose those who are close to us we struggle with the question “why.” The problem with “why” is that even if we answer it with precise accuracy it does not take away the pain nor does it bring our brothers back. I wanted to encourage you in this time to ask two equally important questions; who can we lean on and what do we do now.” In regards to the question who can we turn to, the ultimate one we can turn to is the Lord. In the 46th Psalm it says,

"God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble. The Lord Almighty is with us, the God of Jacob is our fortress. Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted in the earth. The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress."

The pain we feel is real and cuts down to the core of our soul but God is also real and God lives in our soul. Knowing that we can turn to Him even in our anger and disappointment is an anchor for our lives. God is big enough to take it, carry us, heal us and love us unconditionally.

In times like these we can not only turn to God, we can also turn to each other. The Soldiers of TF Repel aresome of the greatest people I have ever known. Their focus, dedication and discipline continues to astound me day after day. But one thing that always amazes me is how much we truly care about one another. The key to our getting through this time is one another. There are no magic words to take away the pain. Just being there to lean on one another when we are hurting is the greatest counsel we can get. Together we are strong.

In addition to the question of who can we turn to, there is also the question “what”? What is left for us nowthat our Brothers have passed from this life? What is left is the challenge to live lives worthy of their sacrifice, to honor them with who we are and what we continue to accomplish. I’m sure that most of you have seen the movie “Saving Private Ryan”, the story of CPT John Miller and his squad of Rangers moving through enemy territory to save a young Private by the name of James Ryan. Three of PVT Ryan’s brothers had been killed and CPT Miller and his men were sent to find him and safely remove him from the battle field and bring him safely home to his mother.

During one of the last scenes of the movie CPT Miller is dying on a bridge, he grabs Ryan by the collar and whispers in his ear, “Earn this.” From there the scene dissolves to the military cemetery in Normandy where PVT Ryan is now an old man, and he looks at the headstone of CPT Miller and says these words, “Everyday I think about what you said to me on the bridge. I’ve tried to live my life the best I could, I hope that was enough. I hope I have earned what all of you have done for me.” Ryan then looks to his wife and asks her, “Tell me I’ve lead a good life, tell me I’m a good man?”

In a sense the death of our brothers is a challenge to live and to continue fight in a manner worthy of their sacrifice. No, we can never measure up to their sacrifice but their death still stands as a challenge for us to live stronger, to be better, better men, better women, better Soldiers every day, in order to honor their life and sacrifice!

My friends, as TF Repel returns home, I encourage each of us to lean on God and one another, to love stronger, forgive more often, smile and laugh harder and live our lives to the absolute fullest in order honor the sacrifice of our fallen heroes. May the grace of God be with you all. We will see you soon!!

Repel 11 CH (CPT) Michael Turpin

September 2010 Vol.1 Issue 9