Rememberance day 2015

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Rememberance day 2015

Seventh-Day Adventist & World War I

A Matter Of Conscience

We Will Remember Them.

Montage of the Adventist men of WWI

The story of Seventh-day Adventist Conscientious Objectors during World War I

Visit the Church website and

Cambridge - A. F. Bird

There are a number of Adventist who served in the Great War. Here is a

photograph of M. J. Nicholls!with his unit, the Herefordshire Light


Conscientious Objectors: Adventist conscripts of World War I, photographed in 1917 France. Back row: J. McGeachey, W. Coppock, W. W. Armstrong (for several years British Union

President), A. Penson, Jesse Clifford (missionary to West Africa.) Middle row: S. Williams, D. Berm, A. F. Bird, H. W. Lowe (British Union President for several years before, and during World War II), F. Archer. Front row: G. Norris (Manager of Granose Foods, and pioneer factory builder

in S. America), H. Archer, W. Till (missionary for many years in West Africa).

Adventist Prisoners of war (POW) in France 1917

Those who were consciences objectors for what ever reasons, were ridiculed by the media for been conscientious objectors to the War…

Suddenly producing a large white feather, she jabbed it

into his waistcoat. Then in a tone, fierce and scornful, she add: …”Yes coward! Why

don’t you enlist?”

The White Feather of Cowardice

…and by the general public.

We Should Remember Them.

The sacrifices of Seventh-day Adventist on both sides should never be forgotten by the congregations of today.