Religion and warfare

Post on 27-May-2015

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Transcript of Religion and warfare

  • 1. Tradition Mythology History

2. War in HeavenNow war arose in heaven, Michael andhis angels fighting against the dragon; and thedragon and his angels fought, but they weredefeated and there was no longer any place forthem in heaven. And the great dragon was throwndown, that ancient serpent, who is called the Deviland Satan, the deceiver of the whole world - he wasthrown down to the earth, and his angels werethrown down with him. Book of Revelation. Rev. 12:7-12 3. The Fall of LuciferReason:PrideDesire To Be GodWanted The Power of God and Christ 4. The Temptation of Eve 5. The Christian Struggle 6. The First Crusade (10961099)Launched in 1095by Pope Urban IIJerusalem captured inJuly 1099.A Christian response toMuslin conquests. 7. The Second Crusade (11451149) Response to thefall of the Countyof Edessa. First of thecrusades to beled by Europeankings. Defeated bythe Seljuk Turks. A failure for thecrusaders and agreat victory forthe Muslims. 8. The 3rd 8 th Crusades The Third Crusade was largely successful but did not result in the recapture of Jerusalem. Knights of the fourth crusade conquered Constantinople instead. The Fifth Crusade was largely unsuccessful. The Sixth Crusade started in 1228 resulted in Christian control of Jerusalem for a short period. The seventh and eigth crusades were largely unsuccessful. 9. Hinduism and Ancient India 10. Ksatriya Warrior Caste 11. The Mahabharata 12. The Mahabharata 13. Krishna in Mahabharata 14. Notable Military Achievements 15. Overlying Themes 16. Works CitedThe English Standard Version Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments with Apocrypha. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2009. Print. 2009 "Survey of Bible Doctrine: Angels, Satan, Demons."bible., 1995-2001. Web. 15 Apr 2011.. MacArthur, John. "John MacArthur Collections." The Fall of Satan. John MacArthur, n.d. Web. 15 Apr2011. . "War in Ancient India." Hindu Wisdom. John MacArthu, 28 Oct 2008. Web. 15 Apr 2011.. B.A. Robinson, . "Hinduism: The worlds third largest religion." Religious Tolerance. ReligiousTolerance, n.d. Web. 15 Apr 2011. . "" Aztec Warfare. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Apr 2011.