Religion and culture in asia india by Romeo Sychem Retes Manlucot, Silliman University. Soc Stud

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Transcript of Religion and culture in asia india by Romeo Sychem Retes Manlucot, Silliman University. Soc Stud

Religion and Culture in Asia


Mr. Sychem R. Manlucot

BSED I-Soc. Stud

• Can you give some contributions of India that you know.

• How far do you know of India?

• Objectives:1. Embrace and appreciate the contributions of

India.2. To gain a better understanding on India’s

Culture and Values towards humanities.3. Carefully identify the role of the Indian


Sati or Suttee

• One of the Hindu tradition is the sati/suttee-traditional killing practice-this practice is legalized by the British government in 1829-the last sati was 1987

• The primary reason behind is that it cleanse the husband’s sin(s) as well as those of the wife.

• Hence if a wife performs sati(husband-died) they rest already peacefully

• 1987, roop kanwar 18 yrs. Committed sati.- Proves his loyalty to his husband

• The incident shocked many and revived debates on the issue between:

-tradition-modernization• Westerners, Hindu feminists condemned the

glorification of sati.

• On the other hand many Hindus elevated what Kanwar did.

• Those who participate in kanwar’s activity were arrested.

• After nine years the supreme court, issued to legalize sati as part of Hindu tradition

• Hence those who participate wouldNot be penalized.

Motivation• What is the purpose of the sati?• The primary reason behind is that it cleanse

the husband’s sin(s) as well as those of the wife.

• What do you think is the most central factor why the court legalize it?

• The value in central culture in order to preserve it as part of their legacy

Contemporary Asia’s Legacy

• Religious beliefs have influenced the art of literature

-a good example are the:-Mahabharata-Ramayana• Another contribution is:• -Panchatantra- collection of fables

• Most popular Indian writer was

-Rabindranath Tagore- He was the first Asian to receive the fame of

literature.- For his work on the TALE OF GENJI- He used the Bengali and English language.

• Tagore also wrote the national anthem of India and Bangladesh- Bengali Language

• Aside fro him:- Mulk Rajad= “Untouchable”- Kamal Markanday= “Nectar in a Sieve”

• The world most philosophical poem:-Bhagavad Gita

India’s contribution to the world

• Like China, India is a motherland of civilization.• Another fact that she gave the two religions to

the world:• 1.Hinduism- 3rd largest religion in the world• 2. Buddhism- 4th in term

• Did you know that India developed philosophy ahead from Greece and Rome.

• Long ago, Christian era, her thinkers already founded 6 philosophical systems.

• 1. NYAKA- science in reasoning• 2. VAISHESIKA- affirms that universe is

governed by moral law• 3.SAMKHYA-universe is by evolution not by

God’s creation• 4.YOGA- study of disciplining the mind and

body by psychic and spiritual training.

• 5. NIMAMSA- doctrine on polytheism• 6. VEDANTE- the individual soul is a part of the

absolute soul.

• In realm art India, gave the world many architectural wonders:

-Temple of Kailasha in Eleura-Hyderabad,-The Taj Mahal in agra-Mogul Palaces in Delhi-including the gorgeous hall of private audience and its famed peacock throne.

• India also invented the 0 sign in numerals.• Numerals were later adopted by Arabs and

spread to Europe later called “ Arabic Numerals”

• The first book on arithmetic and algebra were written by Indian mathematicians.

• Sanskrit language is another legacy of India.-one of the most finest language in the world-

• Around 700 b.c.e India have it’s university named

• Takshasila- northwestern region of India

• Ayurveda-a principle that is handed to us by early Indians since 3000 b.c.e.

- Derived from the term “ayu” meaning/ life/- “Veda” or /science/ or in combined the

“science of life”

• Not only involves curing illnesses but also complete way of life.

• - life is a combination of senses.• -focuses not only on physical but also spiritual,

mental, and social health.• 245- Asian civil.

• Geometry comes from India word named:

• (gyaamiti- measuring the earth”)

• Before we will proceed:• Do you consider those

contributions important?• Did it affect to mankind? In

what way?• Can you site some examples?

• Trigonometry-- Trilonmiti (measuring triangular form)• Indian’s also calculated the value of pi.-3.141618 which is used to find the circumference/ diameter of the circle.• 3000 bce- app. Value is only 3.• 499 bce, Aryabatha calculated pi up to 4th

decimal places.

• Today we might have difficulty in our lives if we do not have this early concepts

• Aditi-infinite• Kham-zero-are found in vedic literature.• Terms found in rig veda:• Dasa-ten• Sata-hundred• Sahasra-thousand• Ayuta-ten thousand• -ref. page 246-

• Navigation comes from the word -“naviagath”• Meawhile famous Indian structures derived

fro tradition Indian and inspired by Hinduism and Buddhism can be seen in Asia

• -Angkor Wat-Cambodia• -Borobudur in Indonesia• -Bodhisattva of Afghanistan• -khajuraho and Taj Mahal

India also is the:

• Birthplace of the four major religions:• 1.Hinduism• 2.Buddhism• 3.Sikhism• 4.Jainism-pg. 207• - this continued to influence Asian lives and


• In traditional society of India it is compose of:


• Brahmin- kaparian and scholars• Kshatriya-warriors and leaders• Vaishya-farmer, artisan, and trader• Sudra- worker and slave

• Hence Hindus believe in reincarnation or the cycle of birth and rebirth.

• They call their societal system as:• CASTE

• Siddartha Gautama Buddha and Mahavira opposed the caste syst. Because of the existence of priest.

• -pge207 Asian civil.

•Evaluation of the Topic


• Read about the four religion rooted in India• Write some notes• Differentiate them.• India from British colony to Indian republic

End of the Discussion