Registration ГEA English version

Post on 09-May-2015

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Transcript of Registration ГEA English version


Авторское право защищено. Европейское бюро патентов.


1. Projects for participation in the competition are accepted from the 1st of April 2011 to

the15th of May 2011.

2. The Participation of projects in Competition is paid

3. The price of participation amounts:

3.1. Regardless of the quantity of the submitted works, the participant pays a registration

payment at a rate of 500 UAN without VAT.

3.2. In such nominations:

Best Corporate Event

Best public or outdoor event

Best Traditional event

Best In-House event

Best children holiday

Best business event

Best exhibition

Best MICE or incentive program

Event for the brand

Best marketing strategy

Best PR-strategy

Best use of sponsorship

Best international event

650 UAN without VAT for one competitive project in one competitive nomination at giving

projects till 30.04.2011.

890 UAN without VAT for one competitive project in one competitive nomination at giving

projects till 15.05. 2011.

3.3. In such nominations:

Best use of technology

Best caterer

Best event supplier

Best productions company

Best small locations

Best medium locations

Best large locations

Best unusual locations

Best scheme of event

Best creative use of small budget

Best creative use of small budget

450 UAN without VAT for one competitive project in one competitive nomination at giving

projects till 30.04.2011.

570 UAN without VAT for one competitive project in one competitive nomination at giving

projects till 15.05. 2011.

3.4. In such nominations:

Best social event campaign

Best culture event


Авторское право защищено. Европейское бюро патентов.

Best sport event

Best education event

project are accepted free of charge.

3.5. For subscribers of magazine about the corporate event-industry and business tourism

ADnako! there is a discount of 15 %.

3.6. For participants of Ukrainian Event Awards 2010 there is a discount of 10%.

4. For participation in competition, registration of the competitive application and submitting

the project(s), the participant passes the accreditation on a site of Competition or in Award

Organizing committee.

5. For participation in Competition the projects realized during 2010 are accepted. A necessary

condition is the written presence of the recommendation-permission of the Customer of event to

project representation in the competitive program.

6. The projects that participate in competition, should be developed and realized by the

company that has presented them or be accompanied by the letter from the final organizer on the

consent of submitting the project.

7. The form of submitting works:

7.1. The project should be presented on competition in the form of presentation in a format. ррt

(Power Point). The presentation volume should not exceed 3 Mb. Use of firm symbolic of the

company-organizer of action, logos and so forth is categorically forbidden.

7.2. The description of works should contain the following obligatory blocks of the


7.2.1. Slide 1:

- The name of category in which the project is submitted;

- The name of work;

- The executor (the name of agency, the company, a personal of organizers);

- Contacts (contacts of the Responsible person in agency for the operative solution of arising

questions of organizing committee of Competition and Jury).

7.2.2. Slide 2:

Introduction data:

- The customer (the name of company, product, brand, service);

- The type of event (Conference, anniversary, insentive-round etc.);

- The quantity of people who took part in the event (for a category «the Best children holiday» -

the quantity and age of children-participants);

- The place of holding the event;

- The contractors of the executor who were involved in realization of the project (technical

support, a catering, a location, multimedia filling, the producer center).

- The date of holding the event (for a category «the Best children holiday» - the date of holding

and the duration of the event)

7.2.3. Slide 3:

- The brief (the purposes and tasks of the project, economic conditions in which the project was

realized; what achievements were assumed by event).

7.2.4. Slide 4:


Авторское право защищено. Европейское бюро патентов.

- The offered decision (an idea; what was developed according to the offered tasks and the


7.2.5. Slide 5 (it is not necessary)

The realization of the idea (the description of a planned steps of performance of the event – the

planning of works, the planned schedule in the free form).

7.2.6. Slide 6:

Complications (Specify the basic complications from the solving of which the success of event

depended (there can be one, two - no more), and the ways of their solving - perhaps, any creative

step which allowed to manage the problem)

7.2.7. Slide 7 - 8:

- The realization (description of the event how everything was happening). Slide 9 (The information of this paragraph will not be disclosed in public):

The plan-scheme of the event with indication of points of activity and "working" zones of the

event, movement of a stream of participants on a location etc.

The detailed description of a technical equipment of the event (light, sound, a scene, multimedia


Optional: a substantiation of use of technological elements.

7.2.8. Slide 10:

Efficiency (actual results of the event, efficiency of distribution of the budget, client’s responses,

the responses of mass-media are also desirable).

7.2.9. Slide 11:

The special features (describe distinctive features of this event, what singles out this event at the

level with other events of the same type?).

7.2.10. Slide 12:

The additional information (here you can add any other information about your project that, in

your opinion, will help Jury to estimate the project presented on their consideration on


Slide 12а:

It is filled in only by nominees in a category « Best creative use of small budget». It is necessary

to give the provisional expenses according to various stages of event.

7.2.11. Slide 13:

Additional materials (specify the list of materials applied on the competitive project).

7.3. It is necessary to indicate the budget of the event for projects that are submitted into the

nomination « Best creative use of small budget». At the submitting into the other nominations

the indication of the budget is advisable.

7.4. Contractors and providers of services for events at the submitting of the company into a

nomination represent the information on not less, than 5 executed contracts in their field of

activity (technology, a catering etc.) during 2010, being guided by above offered scheme of the


7.5. The form of submitting the projects for location:

7.5.1. Slide 1: The name

7.5.2. Slide 2: Traffic intersection, the availability of parking etc.


Авторское право защищено. Европейское бюро патентов.

7.5.3. Slide 3: The spaciousness (halls, a cloakroom, the record of variants of the seating of


залы, гардероб, учет вариантов рассадки гостей). The plan of scheme of halls and subsidiary

premises, possible for use during the holding of the event.

7.5.4. Slide 4: The list of own equipment (sound, light, plasma, etc.)

7.5.5. Slide 5: The quantity of staff. Kitchen.

7.5.6. Slide 6: The brief information about the chief cook.

7.5.7. Slide 7: Additional possibilities that are given by a platform.

7.5.8. Slide 8: The appendix to the project: not less than 5 recommendations from the clients

who organised events on a location in 2010. The general number of the accepted and served

corporate orders in 2010.

7.6. There should be letters of recommendation from the Customer of this event in which the

client estimates the level of work of agency, the professionalism of its command, the aiming at

result and the use of innovative technologies in work, the ability to predict results of event, to

provide possible complications in the realization of projects etc.

7.6.1. In case of absence of letters of recommendation, the agency can give the information

about the contact person of the Customer (Surname, name, a post, telephone numbers: mobile

and work, e-mail), who was authorized to give the comment about the quality of the executed

works. The Award organizing committee will specify the necessary information on its own and

give comments to judges.

7.7. The language of the description of the project: the agency submits the presentation, the first

part of which is in Russian, and the second (identical) is in English. The nominee can co-ordinate

questions of translation with Award Organizing committee.

7.8. To the text description of the project it is attached:

7.8.1. It is necessary to give 5 photos with the high resolution (300 dpi in JPEG or EPS format,

to 10 Mb) - are obligatory;

7.8.2. Video materials in format MPEG 4 or QuickTime Movie, that last not more than 1,5

minutes, and also to give additionally a video material in HD-quality to Award Organizing

committee on CD (DVD) disk.

7.8.3. Press materials, originals or copies of publications in an original language, certificates,

thankful letters, etc., total amount no more than 5 Mb.

8. Exceeding the volume, incorrectly issued works will be automatically excluded by jury.

9. One participant of Competition can nominate unlimited quantity of projects.

10. Giving of one project into two and more nominations is considered as two and more

participating projects. One project is limited by giving in 3 (three) nominations.

11. Descriptions of projects can be used for the publication in mass-media in order to make the

industry of event service and an exchange of experience more popular. It is not allowed to use

the information concerning a slide 9 of the presentation.


Авторское право защищено. Европейское бюро патентов.

12. The participant of Competition bears full responsibility for the given information and

accompanying materials.

13. The projects that are received on Competition are not returned.

14. The Organizing committee of Competition does not return the means transfered for projects

presented on competition, in case of non-participation.

15. The sending, delivery of projects and other correspondence is realized at the expense of the

participant. The organizing committee of Competition does not bear responsibility for the

materials lost at sending.

16. In case of occurrence of technical problems with project loading on the Competition site, it

is necessary to submit the statement in Competition Organizing committee.

17. The scale and place of holding the projects presented on competition, have no value. The

jury will estimate both scale projects, and local actions with identical attention.

18. The award is awarded to authors of the most interesting works according to the decision of

Jury upon a correspondence estimation and their public protection. In each nomination the

diploma and a figurine - a gold key is handed over to winners. The Grand prix is awarded by the

majority of voices of Jury.

19. Prize winner projects will be published in magazine about the corporate event-industry and

business tourism ADnako!, on the Award site, and also are reported in a post materials about

winners in mass-media. All projects submitted to a nomination, will be published in the Award

catalogue (1/1 strip) with the appendix of video materials.