Refrigeration Expt 3

Post on 07-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Refrigeration Expt 3

  • 8/3/2019 Refrigeration Expt 3



    Course No.: IVIE 40,4Course Title: Power Plant Engineering Sessional

    Experiment No.: 3Nane ofthe Experiment:Study and Performance Test of a Refrigeration Unit

    Date of Perfomrance9lwl20tt Nams Aashique Alam RezwanStndentNo.:06 tO 012Date of Submission23/rcn0tt Section:'A' I Group: A*Ilepfi Mechanical Engineering

  • 8/3/2019 Refrigeration Expt 3



    9>ud6and Pqf orman@ T*b of afue;frigerabiorr UnlivOBOECTIVES:Tho obilqDive's of bh)s ufzr^\menv of,o os foll oul-

    l.'To sh"cdUi" de"ails a relrigeraVion uniTt2.To shrrd6 vho diffe renD @rnPonentu of o-re-frigeraAion unib3 To obeerve performAnce @> p+ 2here+rigerabion wiv4.To saA6 bho perforrnail@ be-sb dam-

    SPECIFICATIONS:l. Model R^P-3000F2.rbpe of R,ef rigeranbs tu|23. Pouer Inpub AC-4OOY, SOHz ' SPhaY4. Compre-saor rgide Max-. Pressztr 7.o5 tqPA.5" g u&ion Sida M'ni m?,Lm Presure o.t5 MPqG"Tryce of Tia.nsd ucer T-Agpo Tfrernoauple7. Umpra^ssor 1?, t?,eaVrou"binAO.Subwoli Availabili V Ye^s9. ..Sr,p e.r HAblng 4 vait abili b Yeg

  • 8/3/2019 Refrigeration Expt 3









  • 8/3/2019 Refrigeration Expt 3




    4 -' |'. Ls;obhe.r mal Heabl dd) t'aoa| - ( | Slupe'r hen?ing ol Refr)6e'a'rlL Z-. Lsenffoflc nnPressiozrz-3zTso Uharmal Heab Reienkonb - Zi : 9 ub cootirgof Perrigemntg - Al -t'sen Ah al P\a- exPartsio n

    NoofCoTpra-z6s or


    CondAtrl.,lat Evq)tlbldfenp.Tt('c)

    FlonR-areofR ef.(t;q)L/a,,1

    %olinaNo7qa g,rine- I.ez%nCc)


    Strchbrrt^--^.- 54gDi.otlTanpeta7,,(")v4.Yql4-ccrrn zTem?T"e9


  • 8/3/2019 Refrigeration Expt 3


    TABLE IP oinb Tenpuabure(.c) Prex.sure(Mpa) Envhatpy(^a/kd22.7 362to e576.O 3963.4 3'54-4 35t



    24.6 o.2t 36e^t2.o7.3 o.2 e62o.t8 ?54-9.1-26165

    o-,6 36^C^o.t5 352I oa8l.o2 3AA64 t-o5 o3565 l.ot 386G2 t.04 "44

    ^34 I zUt35.4 Lo2 235g4.e t.o5 235o5 t. ot 2?534.+ t. 04 235

    c28 I 223oo t.o2 230o? t.05l,ol[.Aj

    zO3?9 __e4 229234+ o-21 224o-2o-tBo.t6

    23-czgZ229^a-rc 2s4

  • 8/3/2019 Refrigeration Expt 3


    TABLE 2

    TABLE 3

    AloolobsR'olr\g;zranb Naver


    Flow tuabe $ucbon9pedricVolame(na/r2)FIattR.aE(l,ds)

    Te,rrrperaAureCQ(L/ rnin) (4/s.r) InlaV OuvleD

    I l2eo o.75 5V.6 o.o83 0.28 20 2t.b2 1273 o.g 6AA4 o.o9l o-28 20.3 25.9? t276 o.a 5s.59 o. I o28 22.3 24.94 I2V5 o.75 57.O8 o.t 25 o-28 2g.Z 26-t5 t276 o.a 61.25 o.t25 o.28 23 27-6



  • 8/3/2019 Refrigeration Expt 3


    S4UPLE CALCULATIONObeervaDiort No. : 4

    ntr: o'75 +^nt nL rni rt l,

  • 8/3/2019 Refrigeration Expt 3


    Volumobric Ef+ic;(encty of bha ComprexorWt1" X Vyo Lv 6o"*W uJhere, rltr: Flon ra'be ofPpsigero.rv(qh)57. gBx O. 125 Vr *.9p VoZ-rrne o f6Ox5lOx2-57xt d4 R.efrigeranv tr/td

    (a) Based on heo"b ryfrrac-vod btd c.on densercoolin{ uaver

    " g t.27"

    Ac: cuvrn (e -Tr) ^hero,: \. I B7 x o. 2E ^ (za.t'-29 -4:3.40k1A

    Oc: g7,3ax(3l6-*5)36002.41 kt^)

    rL: @fnPre'goYsPoed (rP^)Vp: dlsp lacemenfsvolurne Of aho4(inde.r @")

    etJ: Sp. hea7 of Utarer(kil/ kA ,4lYlN: F(oNTave of c-oolingbatur (wkg/s)


  • 8/3/2019 Refrigeration Expt 3


    Refrigerafrion Effezb^ (e6o -zzO)360oCo eff ic.texV of Perf orma,nce.

    @P: h'-L4/"t- /rt'3o4- zzg&oa-360


    t, t., t - NaYb meber rr4rdina^uu/aon Ref riTeraDion elfecb in vont.552.o9x g.5t6

    : O-2t

    kN / bon

  • 8/3/2019 Refrigeration Expt 3


    oUEST/ONS & ANSI,VERSo) Nhab is Fhe t Apn of @ndensor Pn"":. tho cofnpra\ssor r-re ed 'tn Vhe- reJrige,ratrion zloiTsis of a- roctprocabing, open byn cnwp,ress6,lb) nv,ay is a- so{anoid valvo arrd uh\ )s ) ? tr,sedz4^t A solerroid va(ve is &n e(ecvrornechanicaf ualvefor &ae nitth |qUid or Aa*. 'rhe Vafue-is cnnUroltadbg an elec7ric cwrenz vhrott{t a solerp)d " In

    PhA Calse of a, Ubo-porj ualve, sirn\lar Vo bhe.relriryercxAion UnjZ Ahe, fb4 is sz,rr'i Vc.hod on oroff.Solenoid Value. is ased \n ahe relrigeraVlon,Un\A Uo blrck vhe v>)rrVera.nb Flou from evaPorabbtuo czmpraesor 6yr\n/ pouJer ehwb dozln

    e) tnhaz is vhe purpoce c-l nE sigha gto.s"s 2Ans: Te sidr Sless has been z-csed bo VisUallt4irwpenb vhe retr(AeraD'ron flou and ? aS s'epdib)orJ'

  • 8/3/2019 Refrigeration Expt 3


    a) nr^6 liqluid bo srrcFio71 Ba-s heqU exehanry2r is z.tse-d24ns: Liquid Vo srcAion Ba hoav qchan8e-r is r-rcedoo c;ubcnoled bho tiq//td leaving vhe cortdarserand auperheab nho r/apoau ralrige,ranaleairng Vho ovaporaflor, Super haaD andeubcoo(in3 occt Lp?d qpiae. small ,4-cHioTls ofAhe diaEram , buU bhe6 uer74 imporfunbfor fuie e:PfocAive nortztng of Vhe a6s@rr"- Superhonb eneltres A'zab no l;qluid qrive'Sab ahe enm7re\s{ or uL'rAh vho vaPour usYtere

    iV coutt\ damage bho c'DmPre&sor btadO-gUbcootingonsaras U,av liwui$ onlt4 fLousfriroug,h Ohe t'rne from bhe ebndenser Do tzhe

    cayl7rol or expqy'1S)on vAtve, If sornO VaPouJrPrQ^-\enb hete, i A Can QyL.-, ex-C.e-&s i're PrQ: esurdrop and reducvion in perlormcr@ of ahe9r4sben.

    e) nhab aro bhetlhab A6Ve of f unc.vions of an e2

  • 8/3/2019 Refrigeration Expt 3


    (t) bo ffiober Uhe liqti d rof rigeranb trorn bheliqNd lina 'ttrrVo bhe evaPora-Var ab a- ra@comrnengurave uivh Phe ra-Pe ab uhiohvapofizav)on of Vhe pqyuid )s oee)]rr)rrg inbhe laver univ

    (2) a" man,rlva'rn a presaure difference- bezuleenbhe high-and - (aut Pre-ssLLre.sida"S of Ahe-sbs v; irr order vo perm'rb ahe refrige-rQnD3o vaporize under Pho da.sirad loa PrelsE u(-in vhe a/dpora^or dhi(e ap ahe amo srmQconderrs)"8 aD a mvh PrA-SS tL(e '(Yt vhe- (]andenser

    -The exp}neion VaUe r-rrsed )n Ufie refr'tgQ'raa'(onuni/ ruas o- bhermo'sva-vic vb?er) b'thg brine Aank is inseda.vaA?Ans.. m2. insU167-Aion aro^nd Vhe brine UanA proaeeDaha heov ex_c,hal,ge bebuteen ahe rrr.slda of flie

    Aank and ohe surrou-nding e-nv\ronmertD'g) nhA hiyh prass ure & lon sz,tli Uehes areused in rqfr'tVerazion sa*ve-m?

    High Pra\sgura a-ncj low lI e> \L -' c' \>r *rr uvt IsJAho AoJO Edeh6dev\ce' a-cad)n vho relr'tVe-ravlon

    ra\SglULr4- a-nd lotu Preesure s/di fches areAns:eUAVern -rnoy aro aWachd Uo Aha CorrtPreaaor

  • 8/3/2019 Refrigeration Expt 3


    Tr Zha .sac Uion press ure becomo boo (ou Vhelow praseure saJl vc)1 Ar\p off he eomprS..xsorard if bhe, disch ar8r* Pres u-re be.corrro boohigh ahe high Pres ure sari bch ar\p oF] vhe'eo1npressot ahu* mainaa'trt'mg a H vnessTl-(ran4e in vhe 68 tu)n

    /r) tntnau is Ahe specd o+ Ut,e moAar and uhav ie ahe-number of Po{es ol Fhe motror?Ans.. \percA of hhe floAor is l/17orpm ard bho nz'rmberaf pote ls 4-

    ar1 Air Ha-r'rdlinfl Un)?i) Nvtav(nuu) are bho funcV] ons ofand a Fan Coil UniV (rcu)2An6:,fir Hc.ndlin} \'Lnib'Cen?ra( Air Ha-andl irZUniA Prorzidas atl flte ccndipiczieda'tr ShaD )s c)rcrtto'ved round bho building ' Thesarnoarr is vhen brouVhb back bo trhe a\r handling ztnio'Alo addi aional eooting is rqru\ral czD vha z-onlQFo-r1 Cajl &nibA fcrn coil unittuh'.h uJ&ver is consisD of

    c- henD ezr-hanae' inarc.ulaar-ld a-rd a fam asse/'/1 bl'At

    incorporabmg 0, fil*er and G- sirn Pll conArols' %e-ehi1ed wcx?er is fed uo a ntLmber of ai' hand{fngUnin t,there- phe Con divion s bhrot ghou7 Aha zone Canbe sa2isfied by VhO ouA(oD a-'rr lron frta u-niD'

  • 8/3/2019 Refrigeration Expt 3


    D|SCUSSlOtrl :Ln bhis *penmenb ue have been sauAied o- va?o?)rcomyress)on tefr'rTeraVion Ltn'tz and exryeirmenD o-petforrnaAce be8D w\vh ahe refirTzrabiort- utn\V. -TherofriTeren7 utseA in Fhis expsx^'ttrnenD a is t?)2.'Qecompressor u'sed is a- reciprocabin %pn o?enoompreasor. 7Ee Comgrexton cide, rrUx\rn?/rn yresytre,ls t"ooMPa'And Fhe sucD)on sid e m'tn'tftiHftt prasurQis aboub o.lOMPa-. A hiTh pre6 Ne srri Vch and alou pre.sure sutich ls z.tsed uivh flte @TnprXsorbo Dr^ip of bhe- gofnpressor In ca\se> of prarssurebo rasbricD bhebhe pouOr ehutbq-ones oub of' ranTe A .golenoicl ualve has been twedbac.kftou of reJAVeanb

    dousn .the refr'rgr5anioru s?ace, is kepv insid ea brineeoLupion 7he brine eolu_pion,tr1 bhis rofr)ged^epionuni7 ser/ed Aato pzcrpoee&. *ee metAn/ po\nD olbrlno sorybion is bu)er bhan Dha ubbr. Tus, lWeotuuion remam irt liq1rud {orm atre.r pho itnperLl/ts been tro

  • 8/3/2019 Refrigeration Expt 3


    unib ha< a(so Dhe avAilabiuag Ao irqAa@ zhQ' br)noSolubion76ere is ate o a- henV exc)anry6,t^ ' befrueen bh e liqluVdbo sUcbiort gars hm7 erz-chang -Mis trrclLres Dhabno liquid dro ppleVs presertU in Dhe L/o-Pou-r inevhaD enbers inao ahe @mpre.s{ or.In bhis refriVetqblon unib bhe r.efilVe.rqnb Ptou)ConUrol is done bg A- vhermOstubic ex-pansion dat,icQ-,Ib meaaare ahe de4ree o+ ?r-Per heab bo conbrolbhe *lon of refr)got611p .

    REFERENCES:l. Arnren, A, ,6 Wlrigera aon and Air Cr,ndipioningl.',20062. Dossa-b, &,dr " Pr', of pqfriEzrabiort'), /gg73. Hund6, G. .,F , T:roDD, A-, &., l,,Jolchr-C rC.r"'fue-f r'tgetaaiortand Air CondiDion'rr2r'), FowDh Edi Dion, Za@