Reflection Paper in Language and Culture

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7/17/2019 Reflection Paper in Language and Culture 1/2


Refection Paper in Language and Culture

Since the very start o this course, I have been hal skeptical and hal 

optimistic o whether I can learn something rom this course or will it be

another wasted! course and time "lled with clich#s about Philippine

language and literature$ %ortunately, I have been blessed since this course

indulged us entirely in the di&erent local languages o the Philippines namelythe Chavacano, 'aray, Cebuano, (iniray)a, etc, and their varying culture

that their people possess$

*iewing the whole course rom a student who is already on the verge

o "nishing it, I can say that this course should be one o those that are paid

much more attention and given more time, as this enhances our knowledge

about the local language s o the Philippines, which, inevitably, we would be

dealing with perhaps in the near uture$ I given more time or hours, we

could!ve studied more local languages, as there is a great number o dialects

in the Philippines branching rom di&erent +sian languages$ +lso, wecould!ve been taught the basics o the dialects that we have already tackled,

or this part, the application o our knowledge, has been overlooked and

should be paid much more attention in this course$ I this can be addressed,

we can better relate to the real! and eperiential! culture o the people who

are actually speaking these languages i we are using their language also$

-evertheless, the course has unailingly delivered and ul"lled everything it

has to o&er as stated in its syllabus, and we have actually learned a lot rom

taking it up$ Surely, we could have hoped or more time studying the

languages we could only hear and read through the television and bookswhich are really within the grasp o someone living in the same country as

they are being spoken and used$

'ith these being said, I can only conclude that I have genuinely

learned more as an +.)/nglish student 0ust by seriously taking up this course

and studying everything it has taught us$ 1his, in one way or another, made

me a better %ilipino as it made my knowledge o the local %ilipino languages

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increase and it has brought me nearer to the people which may be

geographically distant, but, 0ust by the use o their language, can be grasped

and relate to$