Reflecting Together Kim M. Henning SUNDAY WORSHIP … · were divided - some heard a clear Laurel,...

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Transcript of Reflecting Together Kim M. Henning SUNDAY WORSHIP … · were divided - some heard a clear Laurel,...


The Trustees would like to sit down and talk with

our church family after both services on January

14th. They wish to update us on the decisions they

are making that impact all of us.

“Unplug and Recharge”

“Lord, let me know…. what is the measure of my days; let me know how fleeting my life is.”

In fall, we provide a retreat to Moon Beach for a weekend of rest, togetherness, and worship. From Friday,

Sept. 21 to Sunday, Sept, 23 you are offered an opportunity to be with others who love God, church, and nature. In

July’s newsletter, you will find a registration form.

As leaders, we promise to provide an atmosphere that will carefully lift up the wonder and beauty of our faith in

God. If you are interested in helping, our next planning meeting will be on Monday, July 9 at 3:30 p.m. If you need

to budget, we anticipate these costs: adults, $110; 12-18, $85; 4-11, $54; birth to 3, $15. (about $40 less than actual

cost). Finally, if you would like to sponsor a partial or full scholarship, please let us know by June 15.

Notice the theme: “Unplug and Recharge.” That is counter-intuitive. Typically we re-charge by plugging-in.

Throughout this retreat we invite you to unplug the electronics, the responsibilities, and the monotony, and recharge

with God’s spirit of hospitality, kindness, and trust.

Read testimonials of people you know that have been there.

“Amazingly tranquil; Beautiful surroundings; Community Fellowship” Ginny Matthews

“Moon Beach is a chance to connect and engage in so many different, fun, humbling, exhilarating and Spiritual

ways with your Church family.” Holly Pietenpol

“Moon Beach is where we getaway to be more fully present with one another— breathing deeply while

remembering we are human beings, not human’s doing.” Nicole Herda

“Thank you God for the beautiful creation gift of Moon Beach, we are grateful.” Donna Fehrman

“They have the best hot chocolate in the world at Moon Beach” Jacob Herda

“Our children loved our weeks at Moon Beach and still talk about it after.40 years.” Anita and Ed Rappe

“Moon Beach is an opportunity for a fun weekend focusing on God, nature and family shared with our

Grandchildren and friends of Grace.” Jerry Holschbach

“Moon Beach promotes feelings of peace and tranquility; nature is where I feel close to God.” Gina Rohr

“Moon Beach is where our children connected with God.” Sarah Gallagher

“Never boring; Always exciting!” Doug Charles

Reflecting Together Kim M. Henning

Reflecting Together Kim M. Henning





8:00 & 10:30 AM



Church Email:

Pastor Kim Email:

Pastor Colie Email:

JUNE 2018

Testimonials Continued

“Moon Beach is a special place for me and my daughter. Our time there is treasured. Our memories include the

bog, tetherball, the trails, the labyrinth, Vesper Point, and restful cabins. Most of all we treasure the unconditional

love shown by all who have joined us there.” Maren Slickman

“Moon Beach is a ‘mind freeing’ experience.” “The natural beauty of Moon Beach is the best.” Dean and

Laura Hayes-Stoeger

“Moon Beach is where faith, family and friends gather as one!” Pam Wargin

“Moon Beach is a fun place to get away with friends and family.” Brett Marx

“Moon Beach gave me a connection to God that I had never experienced before.” Anton Pietenpol

“Moon beach was the perfect retreat because it allowed me to connect deeper with God and myself. Being

surrounded by God’ beauty and the sounds of nature is refreshing. The laughter of children makes a happy heart.”

Debbie Spindler

“Moon Beach allows me is to unplug, recharge and spend valuable time with those I love and care

about.” Mandy Moolenaar

“Moon Beach weekend provides a great way to get to know people better and build community in the church.”

Don DeBruyn

“I would trade any day in the real world for a minute at Moon Beach.” Chris Blimel.



Why Are We Afraid? The Winds and Waves of Race and Privilege: Annual Meeting 2018

June 8-10, 2018

Green Lake Conference Center

Come join friends and colleagues from around the Wisconsin Conference for our 2018 Annual Meeting, Why

Are We Afraid? The Winds and Waves of Race and Privilege. The dynamic Rev. Traci Blackmon will be our special

keynote speaker.

Caring for Common Ground: Ecological Restoration Training

Holy Wisdom Monastery

4200 Cty Hwy M, Middleton

Friday, June 22 - Sunday, June 24

Holy Wisdom Monastery is developing an interfaith ecological restoration education program - people of

diverse faith/spiritual backgrounds and environmental affiliations are invited to participate! Sunday Workshop topics

will include hands-on training in the process of ecological restoration, activities for engaging others in restoration, and

dialogue around intersections of faith, ethics, and land care. There are no requirements for participation, other than a

willingness to share and learn about different faith perspectives and to commit to some form of restoration practice

after the workshop. There is no cost to participate in this pilot program.


Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,

there is a field. I will meet you there.


A few weeks ago, the internet exploded with what seemed like a simple question: listen to a recording of just a

single word - is it “Laurel” or “Yanny”?

Though looking at these two words written out, most would not think that they sound very similar. And yet, people

were divided - some heard a clear Laurel, others that it was Yanni. I heard a few people say that they could hear both,

depending on circumstances. Though I believe it was done in a spirit of light-heartedness, some people planted themselves

firmly in one camp or the other, arguing staunchly for their side and only their side. I am right and you are wrong.

A couple of years ago, there was a similar debate that spun ‘round the internet, this time with a picture of a

particular dress, asking: Is it blue with black lace or white with gold? People were equally divided - and equally firmly

planted - about what color the dress was.

(No idea what I’m talking about?…. Stop by my office sometime and I would be glad to play you the Laurel/Yanny

audio clip or show you a picture of the dress)

These are both silly examples, but they illustrate how so much in our world today seems to be divided among these

types of lines - it’s only one or the other; I’m right and you’re wrong; us vs. them. Black and white. True or false. We

have to choose a side.

I am writing this letter to you from the campus of Lancaster Theological Seminary, in Lancaster, PA. I am here for

one week taking classes for the Doctor of Ministry degree I am working on. And just this morning, in one of my classes,

we discussed this idea of binary logic. In what we call “Western society” (the world we live in, as North Americans), we

think in terms of binary, or two options. True or false. Right or wrong. Male or female. Young or old. On or off. Our

brains seem programed this way, and we have even built our computers to think this way too.

But today in my class, we talked about how this isn’t the only option. To us, it seems “only natural”, yet other

cultures have other ways of viewing the world and understanding logic. For example, Chinese culture understands not two

options, but five, which can be summed up as: True, False, Maybe, Sort of, and Who-the-heck-cares.

In the silly examples mentioned above, it really is that both are true, depending on your perspective. Both Laurel

and Yanny can be heard at different times. It has to do with the sound wavelength and how it hits our ears; speakers that

are better or worse quality are more likely to produce one sound or the other, and people who are older or younger are

more likely to hear one or the other, depending on how the sound registers with their ears. Similar things can be said about

the dress. Both options are true. Our eyes can see color differently; our brains can interpret what we are seeing differently

from one another.

When we are looking for solutions and answers in the world and in our own lives, It doesn’t have to be just

either/or. There are times where it is both/and. And maybe also times where the categories don’t fit; when we need to

throw out the way we had been thinking about a problem, and look at it fresh or from a totally different perspective. We

can no longer entrench ourselves in thinking that our perspective is the only right way and that anyone else is simply


SUNDAY SCHOOL The Board of Christian Education would like to offer a big thank you to all our Sunday School teachers.

You have put great time and effort into caring for our children, helping them grow and develop along their faith

journey. We depend upon volunteers like you to make this church and community what it is. Thank you to: Lori Brandt, Alanna Duvall, Emily Duvall, Linda Edinger, Randy Edinger, Zoe Edinger, Rose Hoyt,

Heather Krueger, Mandy Moolenaar, Adrianne Peterson, Clare Schuette, Heidi Springstube, Brian Van Ells, and

Ginger Van Ells.



Meeting Jesus: The ones who met him & how he changed their lives

July 30-August 2, 4pm-7:30pm AND Saturday August 4, 9-11am at the Manitowoc Family Aquatic Center

Children age 3 and up are invited to join us for Vacation Bible School!

Youth 6th grade and older are encouraged to sign up as helpers.

Our theme this year is "Meeting Jesus". We will learn about the people who met Jesus, how God

changed their lives, and how God can change our lives too!

VBS includes supper each night, crafts, games, music, and other activities and lessons. There is no cost to


Also join us on Saturday morning, Aug 4, at the Manitowoc Family Aquatic Center! Anyone involved

with or attending VBS, and their families, are invited. Our church is renting the Center from 9am-11am just for

our group.

And the celebration of Vacation Bible School continues! Sunday, August 5, we will feature our VBS

children during the 10:30am worship service.

Children from our wider community, neighbors, friends, and extended family are welcome to join us. To

sign up a child, contact the church office for a registration form or pick one up at church or register online at

We are also looking for youth (6th grade and older) and adults as helpers, to serve in many different

roles: family group leaders, classroom teachers, actors, storytellers, game leaders, kitchen crew, craft helpers,

and safety monitors. For more information, pick up a form at the church or see Pastor Colie.

Stewardship Corner for Grace Congregational United Church of Christ:

Total 2017 Expected Expenses for Grace Congregational UCC: $409,385 Amount of pledged income needed each month to balance our budget: $32,221 Pledged Income Received in April: $35,809 Please Note: Our constitution prohibits us from using any proceeds from our Endowment Fund to support our day to day ministry at Grace Congregational Church. Members are expected to support this ministry as an act of faithfulness to God. We had a good month financially. Thank you for expressing your love for God in part through your gifts to the church. You are kind. As you observe outside our church building two projects are being worked on: the sealing and some corrections on our parking lot; and some landscaping close to the church building where water entered last winter. We offer a word of thanks to volunteers who helped with our church clean-up day on May 12. Thank you for caring for Christ’s church.

Notable Expenses Paid at our May Trustee Meeting: Morija School of Theology in Lesotho: $2056 (your Lenten offering!)

The Haven: $2056 (your Lenten offering!) Hope House $677 (your gifts)

Church Mutual Insurance $3495 Snow Removal: $1643

Vans Fire and Safe $838 (Sprinkler Inspection) Bulletin Covers: $213


Moderator, Don DeBruyn Treasurer, Linda Justema Clerk, Rein Elias

Financial Sec, Chris Blimel Trustee Chair, Todd Moolenaar

Diaconate Chair, Brian VanElls Board of Christian Ed Chair, Kelly Ruhbusch

Mission & Outreach Chair, Doug Charles Pastor Kim-Pastor/Parish Chair, Jeff Harding

Pastor Colie-Pastor/Parish Chair, Jim Miller

United Church Camps, Incorporated CAMPital Campaign

Grace Congregational Church has been invited to contribute $300,000 towards a major capital fund campaign for the upkeep and improvement of our two church camps, Moon Beach and Pilgrim Center. We are grateful to individuals who voluntarily contribute to this campaign. Through December of 2016, our records show that individuals have made contributions totaling $72,490.

Contributions Made in 2018: $820 Thank you for caring for our church camps in Wisconsin! One gift at a time…..we are one-quarter of the way towards our goal!


A committee has been formed to review and revise the church’s constitution. Our first meeting was on May 10

and we also met on May 24. Members of this committee are Renee Anderson, Don DeBruyn, Mary Elias, Sarah

Gallagher, Pastor Kim Henning and Larry Peterson. We have copies of the constitution or bylaws of other UCC churches

to use as resources, and aim to clarify some areas in our current document, as well as make it more consistent with current

practice. I am grateful for these people willing to work on this project and hope we will produce something the

congregation will approve.

Members serving on the church’s boards and committees, as well as our officers, delegates and church staff, are

invited to a picnic on June 14 at the home of Barry and Diane Grimmer. We appreciate their invitation to again allow us

to enjoy their country property and campfire. It is a good opportunity for us to become better acquainted and will help us

better work together in the coming year. Remember to let your committee chairperson or me know by June 10 if you will

be attending.

The Cabinet will not meet in June, unless we have some urgent business to attend to. Our next scheduled meeting

will be in September.


For the past two years I have been enrolled in our United Church of Christ Lay Academy program. This

educational opportunity opened my heart and mind in ways I hadn’t expected.

Five times a year, United Church of Christ adults came to DeForest having prepared for class by reading

recommended books and bible passages. Our speakers came from different seminaries, college and interfaith


We studied the Old and New Testament, Theology, Christian history, prayer, interfaith leadership, and other topics

that broadened our understanding of our faith. What resonated with me was how each of us come to the table of faith

through life experiences which shape our interpretations. Some of the scriptures we studied I have read throughout my

life; but studying with a group of people and professors opened my understanding to the larger picture.

Dr. Karl Kuhn spent two class sessions teaching us to read the bible. We worked on interpreting passages in their

historical context. This gave us a more realistic understanding of a time in history much different than ours. We always

left wanting to learn more. Rev. Dr. Ben Sanders III is a professor from Eden Theological Seminary. He walked with us

through “The Cross and the Lynching Tree”, as we discussed issues of race. Carolyn Pressler came to us from United

Seminary in Minnesota. Her two classes focused on Old Testament interpretation.

On Friday evening after class, discussions continued as students shared experiences from their home congregations.

I made some important friendships as we went through two years of study together.

The United Church of Christ Lay Academy is a wonderful opportunity for Sunday school teachers and others who desire

to deepen their roots of faith. I am grateful that Grace Congregational United Church of Christ encourages participation

by offering scholarship assistance. If you have any questions— please talk to me! Thank you for the opportunity to grow

through lay academy, I am grateful. Nicole Herda


Our high school and adult volunteers with the Appalachia Service Project (ASP) invite you to join us for a send-off

at Woodland Dunes on Sunday, June 17 at our 10:30 worship service! After worship we will provide snacks and

hospitality. Thank you for your support!

This will be the 22nd trip to the Appalachian Mountains. Thirty-two of us will depart on June 23 at 5:30 a.m. and

return on June 30. How can you participate? In the near future, you will learn about an opportunity to serve as 'prayer

partners.' A second avenue of service would be to assist the Women of Grace with their cookie campaign (we'd like to

send 30+ ice cream buckets).


Generation G is our church's ministry offered to high school youth every Wednesday of the year between September

and May.

Our weekly meetings are completed, but summer will bring different opportunities for us to come together.

*On Tuesday, June 19, we will be going to the Manitowoc AMC theater to see the movie, Incredibles 2. Following

the movie we will gather for custard at Culver's and talk about the film. (info will be on our facebook page as it’s too

early for times yet)

*On Wednesday, July 11th, high school youth will have an opportunity to tube and swim at Wilke Lake. We will

leave at 10 a.m. and be back by 5 p.m. Permission slips are at the information desk. Fiends are welcome but we need

signed permission/insurance slips from each participant. $5 covers the cost of gasoline. Bring a bag lunch and something

to share.

*On Friday, July 27, our high school youth will be walking in the Relay for Life event at Two Rivers High

School. The walk begins at 6 p.m. and concludes at 11 p.m. We have 2 youth who are survivors of cancer, and would

appreciate financial support from our church members. Interested in contributing/ Contact me at !

Thank you for an amazing year— Nicole Herda


Andrea and Beverly are looking for individuals or groups that are willing to provide special music for our summer

services. This is for people of all ages! If you are taking piano lessons and would like to share a song with the

congregation, let us know. If you play a musical instrument and are willing to play a song, let us know. If you have a

favorite hymn that you want to share, let us know. If you want to get a group of people together and share your talents, let

us know. There are many possibilities! Andrea Allington


The Women Of Grace has decided to donate $1000.00 to the Heifer International Project. This donation will

include: $365.00 to help a woman start her own business to provide for her family. $275.00 to send a girl to school so

she can earn a decent living and provide for her family. We also are providing the following animals to help families be

sufficient on their own: $360.00 for 1 Alpaca, 1 group of Rabbits, 2 hives of honey bees, 3 flocks of chickens, and 2

flocks of ducks.

We have also decided to give $1000.00 to Grace Congregational Church to help the church out

financially. We are a supportive arm of Grace Congregational UCC and our main goal is fundraising. We are so very

thankful to God for providing us with a wonderful church!!

We are taking a day trip to Door County on Saturday, June 9th. We will be visiting the North Water Bakery in

Algoma, the Hands On Art Studio in Fish Creek and the Door County Winery. If you didn't sign up yet, please

do! Everyone is invited to come along!

We are asking the congregation to bake cookies and put them in an ice cream bucket w/lid and bring to

the kitchen by June 21st @ 1:30pm. Please label the cookies and if they have nuts in them. This is for ASP trip

group. There are 33 people from our church going to ASP this year from June 23rd - 30th. Please help us bake

cookies and give the ASP group a great big send off! We are also collecting ice buckets w/lids for this project. If you

have some, please drop them off in the church kitchen.

The Women Of Grace would like to thank Kim Steckmesser for all the work you have done for us the past 28

1/2 years! Whenever we needed something done, you were always right there helping us! We're going to miss

you. Congratulations on your retirement, Kim! We love you!!

Remember, all women members of Grace Congregational Church are members of Women Of Grace.

Yours In Christ, Amy LeGreve and Pamela VanEss


Rein and I are proud to introduce the Lewellens

Ellen grew up in Ohio as the daughter of a Presbyterian minister. Don was raised in Michigan and Ohio. His Dad was a

General Motors executive. They met at Duke University in Durham, N.C. in Biology Class. They have been married for

41 years!! Have 3 children and 3 grand-children, between 5 months and 9 years old. Their children live in Pittsburg,

Huntsville, Alabama, and San Francisco.


Was a Personnel Manager before the children.

Has been a Volunteer Teacher and Naturalist for Woodland dunes for 25 years.

Is President of the Ladies of the Round-Table.

Is passionate about sewing and quilting.

Loves biking and hiking and traveling with Don.


Went to college at Duke University, Medical School in Cleveland.

Has specialty. Ophthalmology training in Ann Arbor.

Joined the Eye Clinic in Manitowoc in 1985 and practiced there until he retired almost three years


Sings up and down the Lakeshore with the Clipper City Chordsmen and loves to entertain groups

as the baritone of the Lake Effect Quartet.

Loves tandem biking with Ellen and enjoys woodworking, fly fishing and cooking.

They are both very much looking forward to becoming part of this vibrant church, so, please welcome Ellen and

Don, who are a really very fun couple.


I am pleased to introduce you to Gail Trenholm. I met Gail when she first started coming to church here in

November. Gail weathered Hurricane Irma in September in Key West, Florida where she lived only to move here to

Wisconsin to weather our snow storm Evelyn in April. Gail found Key West too expensive and touristy and decided to

move north. She had lived in Green Bay at one time and used to come to our beach, so chose Two Rivers to move to.

Gail has one daughter, Carolyn who is widowed and lives in Bowling Grove, Illinois. She has six grandchildren and will

be going to the wedding of her grandson next weekend.

In Florida, Gail was a member of Metropolitan Community Church for 17 years and sang in their choir for 10

years. Her pastor there recommended a UCC church as being similar, which brought Gail to us. She likes to do acrylic

painting and likes singing and hopes to join the choir in fall. She has two cats and wants to start a pet sitting service like

she had in Florida. Please help me Chris Blimel welcome Gail to our congregation.


We are very excited to introduce you to Lucas Dewitt. We had the privilege of meeting Lucas shortly

after him and our daughter/granddaughter Kacie started dating a little over a year ago.

Lucas was born November 27th

, 1992 in Wisconsin Rapids, moving to Green Bay with his family at age

2, where he still lives today. Lucas has 4 sisters and 1 brother and works in the Produce Dept at Festival Foods,

where him and Kacie met.

He is an avid runner who is a member of My Team Triumph as an Angel for the Bellin 10k, which he

has done for the past two years and is currently training for his 3rd Bellin Run.

Lucas is a huge fan of the Green Bay Packers, Wisconsin Badgers and Milwaukee Bucks.

His first time coming to Grace Church was when he attended the sunrise service with Kacie and

Marlene. He felt like this is where he wanted to grow in his faith, alongside Kacie. Lucas is very excited to

begin his faith journey here at Grace and become part of our church community.

Please help us welcome Lucas! Katina & Brian Shallue and Marlene Behrendt


We would like to introduce Nicole and Chris Drew. We met Nicole the first year Cheryl and I went to ASP. She

was in college at UW Lacrosse at the time, which is where she and Chris met. After they both graduated from Lacrosse,

Nicole went on to persue her masters in Missouri, and Chris went alone to give her his support. They were married last

September. Nicole now works as a physical therapist at Holy Family Memorial Hospital and Chris works in the loan

department at Bank First.

Nicole grew up in Two Rivers and Chris is originally from Wausau. They recently purchased a house in

Manitowoc. They both enjoy the outdoors. They enjoy hiking, biking, camping, kayaking, cross country skiing and

walking their dog Bently.

They both grew up Catholic and Nicole's family joined Grace about 10 years ago. What Nicole and Chris like about

Grace is that the people are so welcoming. They also like the inclusiveness and community that Grace offers.

Please welcome Nicole and Chris Drew.


I have the honor of welcoming my Aunt Joyce Marcelo to Grace Congregational. She is also my son Chad’s


Joyce lives in Two Rrivers, has 3 kids, 4 grandkids and 4 great grandchildren who she loves spending a lot of time

with. She also loves doing crafts. I know she will fit in great with the Women of Grace. The reason she is joining Grace is

when she came to my kids weddings she felt very comfortable here and also enjoys Pastors Kim and Colie’s sermons. She

also enjoys how we come together at the end of church where we hold hands. Please help me welcome Joyce to our

church family. Shelby & Jim Bohman.


A native of the Philadelphia area, Beverly and her family moved to our small city of Two Rivers 17 years ago and

would gladly stay here until the end of her time. She has three children: Sarah 25 in Stevens Point, Daniel 23 in

Madison and Emma 21 in Manitowoc. She is also doggie mom to Klaus and Nora!

Beverly is an independent piano teacher, active accompanist and organist. She has been teaching students

young and old for over 20 years, helping them develop their own relationship with music through the study of the piano’s

many voices and its wide repertoire. (this year her studio age ranged from age 2 to age 78!) She enjoys accompanying

choirs in her community and working with soloists on collaborative projects. She considers herself blessed to have her

profession as something she truly loves, and genuinely looks forward to working with students, choirs, soloists and solo

efforts each week.

Beverly enjoys spending time outside cycling, running, swimming and hiking with the dogs. She is looking

forward to camping season and hopes to someday backpack through some mountains somewhere. She enjoys the

challenge of gardening in Two Rivers and loves identifying and learning the calls of birds that visit the feeders and

frequent the lakeshore.

Beverly loves living at the dead-end of a road, on the edge of the woods with her best friend Sue, the dogs, and

the visiting children! She is grateful that she found this church and congregation and is thankful for the teaching and the

balanced worship musicality contained herein!


I would like to thank all the people who put together the new member meal. Thank you so much for Joan Schmid,

Pastor Kim & Pastor Colie who was in charge because it takes a great planner. Also thank you to other people who help

set-up, clean-up and donate food. Kathy Tolksdorf, Alex & Amy LeGreeve, Joan Schmid, Mary Wallace, Emily Duvall,

Jim Miller, Taybee Pauly, Mickey Veleke, Rein Elias, Mary Bergene, Chris Blimel, Linda J, Kim, Fay Henning, Don &

Brenda Debruyn, Jeff Harding, Nicole Herda, Doug Charles and Josh Willis. And all the sponsors. You are all amazing

for welcoming our new members. Shelly Bohman


Lakeland University has started a new Ulrich Scholars program in honor of the late Rev. Dr. Reinhard

Ulrich. This program offers $20,000 scholarships per year for up to ten new freshmen and transfer

students entering Lakeland. These scholarships are available for students who 1) are eager to explore the

intersection of faith, reason, and justice; 2) declare a major or minor in religion; and 3) agree to participate in

programming of the Ulrich Center for Philosophy, Ethics and Christian Thought at Lakeland. There are still

scholarships available for Fall 2018 admission. More details may be found


Meeting held May 21, Pastor shared that we would have Tony Campola as a speaker on Rally Day. He will be a

very dynamic and interesting addition to this special day. Pastor felt very thankful for the work of individuals from

the Church on the recent Texas Mission Trip and Earth Care Day.Pastor is planning and considering what materials to

use for the Fall Adult Education Class.

Our next meeting will be October 1st.


1 - Andrea Wichlacz

Laurel Castro

Lisa Yanda

3 - Sheri Wagner

5 - Josh Rysticken

Shelby Gulseth

6 - Keith Barneson

Brittney Hillmer

Koral Rose Curkeet

7 - Elizabeth Schiman

8 – Laura Rozmarynoski

9 - Sue Kurtz

10 - Victoria Edinger

Reba Gamble

Scott DeRosier

12 – Brynn Hampton-


Greyson Hampton-


14 - Kim Henning

15 - Dennis McCullough

16 - Debbie Timm

Sue DeKok

17 - Kendall Brey

18 - Bonnie Burmeister

Kathy Nichols

Jason Wargin

19 - Joy Schramm

20 – Caden O’Connor

21 - Jeanne Brey

Jessica Christensen

Brian LaFleur

Rein Elias

22 - Marcia Donlon

Chuck Griffin

23 - Joel Brey

24 - Jean Machut

Bracken Tadych

Michelle Taylor

25 – Tina Babino

Randy Edinger

Lauren Wargin

26 – Bill Freiberg

28 - Lisa Onderbeke

Owen Moore

29 - Marlene Markowski

Joshua Heise

Parker Heimerl

Eric Kimmes

30 - Doris Swoboda

Gavin Stradal


1 - Jim Konitzer and Linda


2 - Troy and Krystle Zich

3 - Bill and Carol


Robert and Laura


5 - Keith and Pamela Van


7 - Ron and Joan Meissner

8 - Richard and Helen


10 - Dan and Connie


Karl and Stephanie


Josh and Stephanie


11 - Wayne and Jean


Bob and Sue Brull

Gary and Jennisa


12 - Rick and Colleen Inman

13 - David and Sarah


Richard and Mary


14 - Chad and Mindy


15 - John and Mary Wallace

17 - Larry and Kathy


Joseph and Michelle


19 - Jason and Alanna


21 – Richard and Joan


Randy and Linda


Mike and Debbie Timm

22 – Collin and Sheri


Paul and Wendy Smith

23 – Craig and Sara Schuh

26 - Dave and Amy Loomis

Matthew and Kelly





Hope House is looking for

a few good men/women to

reassemble the backyard swing

set that was brought over from

the old site. Date to be

determined by volunteers.

Would you like to help

Hope House but the present

volunteer duties and schedule

don't appeal to you? How about

being an on call handyman?

Join the list of those willing

to be called to address repair

issues around the house. How it

works: you may be called to ask

if you can assess an issue and fix

or advise that professional help is

needed. If you can help in either

area please let Mickey

or Betty know or call Hope

House at 686 1436.




Donna Anderson has been released from Holy

Family Memorial Hospital and continues her recovery

at her home.

Averick Peterson was a patient at Children’s

Hospital in Milwaukee.

Robert Schuette is a patient at Aurora Medical



Elsie Jane Mulhaney was born on Tuesday, May

15 to Brian and Laura Mulhaney. Elsie has a brother,

Jack and a sister, Kate. Grandparents are Bradd and

Kim Steckmesser.


We offer our sympathy to the friends and family

of Carol Pribek who gathered for a memorial service at

Pfeffer Funeral Home in Manitowoc.

We offer our sympathy to Mary Wiegert and her

family as they grieve the death of her beloved husband,

Roger.A funeral service was held on Monday, May 7th.

We offer our sympathy to the friends and family

of Karen Webster who was called to her heavenly

home May 19th. A service was held at Grace

Congregational May 23rd



Bryan and Cassandra (Onderbeke) Jeanty

exchanged their marriage vows at Bethlehem United

Church of Christ


The Women Of Grace need your help baking cookies

for our ASP group sendoff! Any kind of cookies will

do. Please label your cookies and if they have any kind of

nuts in them due to allergies. We need 33+ ice cream

buckets of cookies to send with them. Our church is well

known for our cookie buckets and the work ethics of our

ASP group. You may drop off your cookies the week of

June 17th in the church kitchen and we will pack up the

cookies on Thursday, June 21st @ 1:30pm. We are still

collecting empty ice cream buckets and lids for this

event. Please sign up at the Information desk today! Please

and Thank you!!


We would like to invite ALL women of the church

to our Women’s Luncheon Group.

Announcements are usually in the bulletin and in the

newsletter. If you need a ride we can usually provide it.

June 19th we are going to be at Kurtz’s in Two Rivers

at 11:30 a.m. Contact Chris Blimel at 793-2204 or Sandy

Monka at 553-2047 if you will be going.


We had our last luncheon-bingo

get together for the summer in May.

Thank you everyone who came to our outings, brought food,

and provided bingo prizes.(The bingo fairies)

Blessings to all of You

See you in the fall Marsha Heuer

Thank you from Eden Seminary-- Your financial

support makes it possible for us to offer affordable

tuition and much needed scholarship assistance.

Sincerely Sandi Lafata