Refining Your Reading Workshop Session #7 – Conferencing.

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Transcript of Refining Your Reading Workshop Session #7 – Conferencing.

Refining Your Reading

WorkshopSession #7 – Conferencing

AgendaO Finish strategy groups (slide 17)

O Conferencing – the What and the Why

O Types of conferences and logistics

O Using conferencing to inform your instruction

O Conferencing records/notebooks

O Conferencing Tips

One on one meetings are the ultimate confidence builders for students. They are especially effective as follow up to instruction, when students practice a strategy. Your undivided attention to each child makes them feel that you care about their learning and will try to help them improve and understand. (Robb, 1998 7-7)

Conferencing is……….Assessing Before Teaching

O The prescriptive cookbooknature of many readingprograms create the illusionthat we can teach withoutassessing for ourselves whateach of our students needand then plan instruction tomeet those needs.

O We need to realize that teaching must be based onmore than a generic, one-size-fits-all program.

The What’s and the Why’s of Conferencing

What is an independent reading conference?

O teacher works one-on-one with a studentto teach the reader what s/he needs to learnabout reading.O The teacher assesses (researches) what thestudent needs to learn, decides what to teachthe student and then teaches the reader.O Some people think of an Independent reading

conference as a “private lesson.”

Dual role of reading conferences

O Reading Surgery - Teach the reader, not the text

O Support Curriculum - Coach student to apply strategy taught inMini-Lessons

What is essential?O Conversational tone∂ Consistency∂ Motivation- develop identity as a

reader∂ Research, Decide, Teach (RDT,R)

and record

O Teach the reader, not the book

Conference goals for the teacher

O To coach the student to think activelyO To assess what the student knows

andneeds to learnO To teach the readerO To motivate the student to read more

andto apply the strategies taught

Conferencing goals for the student

O To apply reading strategies.O To develop metacognitive skillsO To talk about books in a variety of

ways, (e.g. author’s craft, character development, preferences).

Four Part Conference Structure

Research- What does the student know?- What does the student need to learn?

Decide- Select 1-2 things the student is ready to learn next.

Teach- Explain and model the strategy

And Record- Record what you taught and expect student topractice for follow-up at next conference.

Research, Decide, Teach and recordDate/Title/

LevelWhat does thestudent know?

What does thestudent need tolearn?

How can I teachthis?

Jackal’s Flying Lesson

Reads well. Reads well and comprehends

Read with questions in mind


Research, Decide, Teach and record


What does thestudent know?

What does thestudent need tolearn?

How can I teachthis?

10/17 Dan the Flying Man (C )

How to look at the first letter and the picture.

Find parts in words – an – at

Magnetic letters – make and break. Find words in text with – an & - at

10/22 Tracks ( C)

Enjoying books – Reading for meaning. Still relying on first letter cue. Used parts when prompted.

More work on parts of words – and, it, is. Is student looking at the last letter?

More practice with books so students can practice using parts in words.

10/24 At the Ball Park (D )

Reading for meaning. Used parts of words independently

Make sure she is rereading so that she gets the flow of the text.

Strategy group on how to reread when you have stopped to figure out an unfamiliar word.

Conferring with Early Readers

Conferring With Early Readers

Early readers have an independent/instructional level between Level A and Level F. (Gr.K-1)

Early readers:

•rely heavily on picture cues

• rely on pattern

• developing high frequency words

Starting a book.What does the student know about self as areader?

O Tell me how you chose this book.O Have you read any ____ books before?O How do you know this is a “just right” book?O What kinds of books do you like to read?O What do you do before you read a book?

Middle of the book.Is the student actively engaged and applyingstrategies as needed?

O Read a bit of the story to me.O Do a quick running record to analyze

strategy use.O What is happening in the story so far?O What do you think might happen next?O Tell me about the characters.

End of the book.Is the student thinking beyond the text?

O What do you think about the story?O What was your favorite part? Why?O Did you make any connections to the

story?O Retell what happened in the story.O What strategies did you use as a reader?O What was your favorite part of the story?O What will you read next?

Video of primary

Joy of Conferring- Preston – fluency and rereading

- Jack – Decoding and sight words

Conferring with Transitional Readers

Conferring with Transitional Readers

Transitional Readers havean instructional readinglevels J-M. (Gr. 1-2)

Transitional readers areO beginning to integrate cueing systems.O Developing understandingof plot, characters, simpleliterary elements.

Starting a book.What does the student know about self as areader?

O Tell me how you chose this book.O Have you read any other books by this

author, series?O How do you know this is a “just right” book?O What kinds of books and topics do you like

to read?O What do you do before you read a book?

Middle of a book.Is the student engaged in purposeful reading? Is the student monitoring for meaning and using a variety of strategies?

O How did you get back into the story from yesterday?

O What is happening in the story now? Earlier?O Tell me about the character. Did the character

change?O Take me to that part of the story.O Was there a part of the story that was confusing? O What did you do to help yourself as a reader?

End of the book.Is the student thinking beyond the text?

O What do you think about the book?O Was it what you expected? Did you want it to beO different?O Did you make any connections?O What did you learn about yourself as a reader?O Would you recommend this book? To whom?O What do you plan to read next?O What goals do you have for yourself as a reader?

What Does Retelling Involve?

O The teacher asks the child to tell about what he or she has read.

O Children who are new to retelling may attempt to retell the entire text.

O The teacher needs to explain that they needn’t tell the whole story, just the main things that happened.

Difficulty in the Retelling Process

O The book may be too hard.O It may have taken too many days to

complete.O They may need to learn more

comprehension strategies to handle longer text.

OR -- they may need a clearer explanation of your expectations.

Retellings Can Provide Both General

and Specific InformationO Understanding of the story elements:– Setting– Characters– Main events– Problem– ResolutionO Specific detailsO References to the textO Connections with the text

What Does Retelling Involve?

O The teacher asks the child to tell about what he or she has read.

O Children who are new to retelling may attempt to retell the entire text.

O The teacher needs to explain that they needn’t tell the whole story, just the main things that happened.

Page by Page RecountsO Sometimes less secure readers

“can’t see the forest for the trees.”

O They recount what happened page by page because they never really put it all together in their minds.

Video – Intermediate

Teaching for Comprehending and FluencyO Rosa Parks – Comprehension

O Junie B. Jones – Book choices

Conference Discussion

O What structures do the four conferences you watched have in common?

O What components did you like about the conferences you saw that you plan to implement?

O What would you change about the conferences?

Types of conferences and Logistics

Types of ConferencesA Learning about the Reading Process


A “Getting to know you ” Conference

A “Content or Comprehension” Conference

A “Genre and Text Structure Format” Conference

A “Reading Process – Strategic Actions” Conference

An “Assessment” Conference

How long should a conference last?

O Conference length can vary – depending on what you are noticing with a student.

O Some students may only need a quick reminder of a skill to use.

O Others you may feel it is important to spend a little more time with.

O In general – they last between 3 -5 minutes for most students.

How often should I conference with students?

O If you are only doing conferences during the work time, you should be able to see 4-5 students a day.

O This would allow you to meet with each student once a week.

O If you are doing conferences AFTER small group instruction, you will probably see only 1-2 students each day.

O This would allow you to see each student approximately once a month.

Conferring or Assessing?

O Conference frequently with students.O Use a balanced approach for assessing.O Don’t use a “formal” assessment toolat every conference.O Some conferences should be discussionsbetween two readers: you and the child.O As needed, use a running record or otherassessment tool to monitor students’ readingprocess and progress.

Conferring Tips

Conferring TipsO Keep a nurturing toneO Give students time to thinkO Follow up with more questions not

answersO Listen carefully for distress signalsO Set goalsO Keep simple recordsO Keep the student’s needs driving the


Tip #1 – Talk about what you see the student doing in the moment.

O I see you are laughing. What’s so funny?

O I see you have lots of sticky notes in your book. WhatO are you writing?

O I see you’re reading the back of the book. Tell me about that--what kind of information does it give you?

O I see you have selected many nonfiction text. What do

you like about nonfiction?

#2 – Talk about what you discussed at the last conference.

O Last time we met, we talked about finding “just right”books. Share with me the books you selected. How do you know they are “just right?”

O Last time we met, we worked on reading fluently andpaying attention to the punctuation marks. Read thispart aloud so I can hear how you’re doing…

O Last time we worked on what you can do when youcome to a word you don’t know. What can you do tofigure out that word?

#3 – Talk about the day’s focus lesson topic or unit of study

O In the focus lesson we practiced creating sensory images. Show me a place in the book where you could create a strong image.

O We are learning about nonfiction. How do you read this page? What part do you read first?

O We have been practicing retelling. Retell what you have read so far in the book.

#4 Ask one or more open ended questions

O How’s your reading going?

O Tell me about this book…what’s it about? What’s

happening so far in the story?

O Tell me about the character in the story?

O Why did you select this book?

O Can I help you with anything in your reading?

#5 – Try an over the shoulder read.

O I want you to silently read the rest of this page, and I’m going to sit here beside you and read it silently to myself.

O When you’re done, let’s talk about what you’re thinking.

Things to Notice• Silent Reading Rate—How long does it take forthe student to finish reading that section silently?• Comprehension—Does the student understandthe selection? What strategies does the studentuse?• Oral Reading (optional)--# of errors, fluency &phrasing

# 6 – Leave them with a focus.

O At the end of the conference – be sure to set a goal for the student.

O Give them something specific to work on or try .

Discussion pointsO How are you currently conferencing

with your students?O Weekly? Daily?O How many students a day? Week?O How long are your conferences?O How are you keeping records?O How are you using that information?

Using your conferencing

information for instruction

Planning for Strategy Instruction

What strategies do my students need to use?

How many students need to learn that

strategy? What component of the literacy model will I

teach through?

What does the focus of the

lesson look like?

What text will I use?

What are the strategies

strong readers use?

Ongoing Assessments

Running RecordsConferencing Observations

Conferences as the source of information to organize small


Partner WorkO Think about students at your grade

levelO What are typical patterns of need

you find in your students?O Identify patterns for strategy groups.

Sample Yearlong Unit of Study for _____Unit of Study Focus Lesson Possible

Conference Questions

Launching Readers’ Workshop

• We are all readers (building community)• Procedures and Routines for Indep.

Reading• Review Just Right Books and Genres

Reading is Thinking

• Reading is Thinking: Readers monitor their inner conversations

• Readers think in different ways• Readers create sensory images• Thinking changes as you gather more

information• Readers use text to support their thinking• Readers talk to develop their thinking

Making Connections

• We all have schema• We use our schema to make connections• We connect to how characters feel• We connect to understand a situation

Folktales • Definition of genre• Characteristic of folktales• Noting characteristics in text• Making connections between folktales• Folktales are stories that reflect cultures• Inferring theme• Reading like a writer – structure/language• Talking with an expert about a genre with

a partner• Reading a folktale like an expert to an


Sample Yearlong Unit of Study for _____

Month Unit of Study Focus Lesson Possible Conference Questions

January Non-Fiction Strategies




April Author Studies


Small Group ActionO Record Units of Study you currently

teach on the curriculum mapO List lesson topicsO Brainstorm conference questions

that would encourage student application of the mini -lesson

Conferencing Notes

Ways to Organize Conference Notes

O User friendly; doesn’t have to be complicated

O Record and Reflect over time

O Way to keep track of who to confer with

O Space to record information you need

Sample Reading Conference Notes:

Date/Book Title/Level

What does the student know?

What does the student need to learn?

How can I teach this?

1/17 Zach Files (L)

Knows someone is speaking not always sure who.

Follow dialogue through sensory images and inferring.

Short text full of dialogue without references after characters are introduced initially. Who’s talking?

1/22 Stopping only sometimes to decode unknown words. Is keeping pretty good track of details.

Wonder when you don’t get something. Stop when meaning is unclear and question.

Think aloud using short text-model stop and think – say huh?

1/24 Excited to finish. Eagerly takes out a book. Stopped at “individual” got the meaning. Chunked. In-di-vid “oh individual” laughs at appropriate spots.

Choppy.Notice end marks vs. question marks vs. !

Monologues: (a short text that holds its own) poetry

1/25 Time for Kids

Predicts when asked.

How to use non-fiction features to help set him up to read;Read with expression

Use a non-fiction article or section of a book and have students generate text features they notice.

Student Response

Research Decide 1-2 things the student is ready to learn next.

TeachExplain and model the strategy

What does the student know?

What does the student need to learn?

How can I teach this?

Share your notebooksO Gather ideas from other teachers

about ways to organize their information.

Reflection and take away

O 3 - Write down three things you felt were important about conferencing.

O 2 – Write down two new ideas you will try with conferencing

O 1 - Write down one question that you still have.