REFERENCE: Accompagnatore turistico Author: Giorgio Castoldi Ed.: Hoepli Tecnica Turistica Author:...

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Transcript of REFERENCE: Accompagnatore turistico Author: Giorgio Castoldi Ed.: Hoepli Tecnica Turistica Author:...

REFERENCE: Accompagnatore turistico Author: Giorgio Castoldi Ed.: HoepliTecnica Turistica Author: A. Di Carlo – C. Savina Ed.: Calderini


TARGET: 4th class- Tecnico dei Servizi Turistici

EVALUATION: Test - Creating itineraries –


to be able to organize all the movements at the airport, in the hotel, in the museum and on the coach.

to be able to keep the group together. to provide a series of practical information. to be ready to act. to be able to speak at least in one foregn language.


The regional law The tourist jobs Role and competences of a tour leader


Title: Andare a quel paese – Press: Feltrinelli – Author: Duccio Canestrini

Pubblicazioni scientifiche - Articoli e saggi

Formato file: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Versione HTML


BROKER. CULTURALE in Aa Vv, Verso il Giubileo del 2000. La figura della

guida tra ...

Pagine simili

A tourist guide is someone who as part of his job accompanies individuals or groups in their visits to works of art, museums, art galleries and archaelogical sites. He also illustrates their historical artistic, monumental, landscape and natural aspects.

Besides the competences that a Tourist guide has as for the landscape and the natural beuties, a naturalistic guide is someone who illustrates the natural and environmental aspects and the evolution of the eco-systems and expecially of the regional natural preotected areas.

A tour leader or courier is someone who accompanies individuals or groups of tourists in the national territory or abroad, following tourist programs already prepared by organizers and providing assistance and tourist information on the way, out of the competences that belong to tourist guides. Each Region fixes requirements and rules to work as a tour leader.

Take care of documents (Passports, visas, sanitary certificates, rooming lists, tickets and vouchers)

Kowledge of local currencies and to be informed on the exchange rates.

Knowledge of the local customs.Good knowledge of the insurance clauses.

Illustrate the historical, geographical and artistic aspects of the places they are going to visit

To have an appropriate behaviour in every circumnstances.

To be able to understand the clients’ needs in the scrupulus respect of the fixed program

To have positive relations with the group.

At the airport

Giving assistance and coordinate the arrival or departure of a group. Arranging boarding (check-in, sending laggages,

passport control)

On the coach

Providing useful information on the place to be visited (Shop and bank openeng times, transport) Arranging with the coach driver details of the itenerary

At the railway station

to be able to identify the reserved carriage. to keep the group tickets

On the ship

Providing boarding assistance Assigning seats and cabins Cooperating with the staff to satisfy clients’needs

In the hotel

Contacting the reception to accommodate the group and give the voucher. Checking service at meals time and communicating any

variation of menu in case of specific needs. Writing down a short bullettin in order to give information on

the next day itinerary.• Collecting the fiscal receipt when leaving and remind the group to pay for their personal extras and to take all their personal belongings.

During the visits to towns and trips.

Checking that the guide service is adequate to clients’ expectations.

Problems during the journey

Providing first aid in case of accident. Informing immediately the Travel agency in order to get

instructions to follow. 

Final Report

Write down a final report.

Elements of tourist geography, of communication and of transport.

Tecnique and tourist organization.

Tourist legislation.

First aid knowlege

Foreign language.


Third age






EVALUATION TESTThe activity of the tour leader is fixed :

a) Only by national legislation

b) Only by Regional legislation

c) Both by national and regional legislation.

The difference between a Tour leader and a tourist guide is that the first one……

a) can work locally while the second one works all over the world.

b) can work all over the world and the second one only locally

c) is paid more than the second one.

An itinerary is

a) The route of a journey

b) All the services provided during a journey

c) Both a and b

A tariff with the clause “Sunday Role” obliges you to:

a) Travel on Sunday.

b) Travel every day except on Sunday.

c) Come back not before Sunday.


You have been asked to accompany a group of foreign people to visit The national reserve of Torre Guaceto.

Create an itinerary with the indications you think are necessary to provide before starting the visit.