Redband trout ( Onchorhynchus mykiss gairdneri )

Post on 19-Feb-2016

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Redband trout ( Onchorhynchus mykiss gairdneri ). Hangman Creek Fisheries Enhancement BPA Project 2001-032-00 & Hangman Restoration Project: Wildlife BPA Project 2001-033-00. 2001-033 Project Objectives. Objectives - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Redband trout ( Onchorhynchus mykiss gairdneri )

Redband trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss gairdneri)

Hangman Creek Fisheries EnhancementBPA Project 2001-032-00

&Hangman Restoration Project: Wildlife

BPA Project 2001-033-00

ObjectivesDecrease rate of floodplain

groundwater depletion through the dry season

Increase baseflows in Project Area streams

Involve students in the process

2001-033 Project Objectives

Project Area Priority Habitats

Fish Bearing Reaches

Potential Connecting Reaches

Fisheries Priority Habitats (2001-032-00)

Wildlife Priority Habitats (2001-033-00)

Hydrologic Priority Area:Low Gradient Floodplain

Sheep Creek Realignment

2001-032 Project Objectives Improve Stream Habitats

Increase frequency of over-bank flows to insure stream/riparian connection

Treat streams to meet wood loading criteria Increase Canopy cover in tributaries and

mainstem Decrease stream temperature

Track Trend and Status of Redband Trout Demographics & Pop Structure

Evaluate Effectiveness of Restoration actions

Stream reachHangman mainstem 19.3 0.07 1.84

Mission creekLower 1.8 0.15 1.54Upper 98.0 7.35 1.09

Sheep creekLower 31.8 2.31 1.92Upper 94.0 3.07 1.00

Nehchen creekLower 73.0 0.48 1.18Upper 85.3 0.43 0.79

Indian creekLower 96.3 0.62 1.05Upper 89.3 9.68 0.65

Canopy density


LWD density


Mean residual

pool depth (ft)

Initial Restoration DirectivesPrioritization Plan

Northern Watershed (Rock Creek) eliminated based on cumulative impacts

Conserve core fish-bearing reaches Restore Connective Habitat Remove migration barriers IFIM Report directives

Increase Canopy on mainstem habitats

Increase pool depths in tributaries

Initial Restoration: Riparian & LWD

X-Vein at Indian Creek

Restoration Proposed: Herrera


- LWD: Heavy Equipment- LWD: By Hand- Riparian Enhancement- Beaver Clippings- Fish Ladders installed

RME Elements Pit tagging program to accompany

summer electroshocking Summer abundance estimates Continuous Temperature Monitoring Discharge Habitat Surveys.

Conclusions Restoration will closely follow a clear

progression of priority habitats Beaver will be used as a cost effective

means to agrade channels Riparian enhancements will follow

channel work Long term goals of the project are met

by efforts of the Project 2001-033 Short term goals are met by efforts of

Project 2001-032