Red Deer Presentation

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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An overview of the book "Red Deer Hunting: A Complete Guide", advising how to 'Think like a deer', introduces a Glossary of Terms, explains the three Distinct Seasons that red deer live by, provides Vital Statitics and Seven Rules of Skilled Hunting along with a Local Knowledge Test for you to fill out.

Transcript of Red Deer Presentation

Red Deer


A Complete Guide


Paul Rattray

“Skilled red deer hunting includes the ability of the hunter to visualise themselves as the animal and think of how the animal is likely to behave in this given situation, season and encounter. Skilled hunting is about respecting the animal you are hunting, the land you are hunting on and the local people who own and use the land. None of these skills come without practice, observation, documentation and review of your hunting and shooting techniques, interaction and friendships with locals and your ability to harvest and utilise your prey in the most sustainable way.” (Paul Rattray)