Recycling ores

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Transcript of Recycling ores

Sameenah Ahmed H/W

Wednesday 13 th January 2016

Advantages and Disadvantages of Recycling Metal Compared to extracting

Metal ores are obtained by mining Most ores are mined have to be concentrated before the metal is extracted and purified. This often results in lots of waste material that must be dealt withThe rock must contain enough of the metal compound, to be worth exploiting the ore

ADVANTAGES OF RECYCLING: Recycling helps to limit the amount of metals that must be

produced. This will end with less rubbish in landfills because it's being reused.

Adds jobs to the economy

Decreases the use of natural resources

Promotes scientific advancements in recyclable and biodegradable materials.

Process of recycling metals usually creates (much) less pollutants and greenhouse gases than extracting that metal from its ore.

Uses less energy therefore less fossil fuels are being burnt.

DISADVANTAGES: Recycling metal creates fewer jobs compared to extracting the natural resource

ADVANTAGES OF EXTRACTINGIt creates jobs to quarry the ores from the ground and transport it; this will boost the local economy. This will also start an increase in facilities such as hospitals, transport systems, etc. near mines.


Sameenah Ahmed H/W

Extracting metal harms the environment. It causes soil, water, air pollution AND noise pollution. Extracting metal also deplete natural resources which means that the natural resources are being used up.