Rebuilding finance, meaning and leadership

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Transcript of Rebuilding finance, meaning and leadership

Rebuilding leadership and business for the 21st century- Leadership DNA for the 21st century

November 3rd, 2011

Sofus Midtgaard, Managing Partner LeaderLab & Rebuild21

The shift from west to east...étente

“Destroy to build”Mao Zedong

Is it really a financial crisis we are facing?

I think what we face is far more serious...

I think we are facing a social, moral and institutional...


“There are two superpowers of the world today. The US president. And Moodys Credit Rating. And believe me it’s not allways clear who is more powerfull”

Thomas Friedman 1996

What was Lehman Brothers credit rating the week up

until the bankruptcy Semptember 15th 2008?

Moody Scale: (A3, A2, A1, Baa, Ba, B, Caa, Ca, C )


How many in here have an MBA?

“Don’t get an MBA - get angry!“

Anita Roddick, Founder The Body Shop

Too much of our management thinking is still rooted in the

industrial revolution

Grand 21st century challenges should be at the core of our




Oil dependence

Lack of clean water...

The Meaning Organization

“The need for information crosses all borders…”

Whats the higher meaning/purpose of your organization?

Radical innovation come from unexpected places

Nobody knew these guys back in 1998

What business are you in?

Tapping into the global brain...

From the genious of the few...

To the wisdom of the crowds...

Starbucks has recieved more than 100.000 ideas for business innovation from customers 2011

More than 35% of P&G’s new products come from customer and partner networks

Source: Former CEO A.G Lafley, HBS


How open, networked and responsive are your


Score: 1-10 (10 highest)

Marketing is not a department!

From Chief Marketing Officer to...

Chief Listening Officer...

Paid Owned Earned

Print, Television, Radio, Magazines, Cinema, Outdoor, Banners, Direct mail, SEM/Paid Search, in-store media

Brochure, retail stores, company website, Microsite, community, Facebook Fanpage, Mobile apps etc.

Word of mouth, Facebook, Google+ Twitter, Digg, Youtube, Flickr, blogs, forums

Strangers Customers Fans

How likely are you to recommend your

organizations or it’s main product to a friend or


Score: 1-10 (10 highest)

Leaderlab unites leaders, innovators, thinkers and politicians around a strong belief that we have to rethink and rebuild business, organizations and politics for the 21st century.

A more open, transparent and global world challenge us to rethink the way we do business, the way we organize and the way we lead.

We believe successful businesses and organizations of the 21st century will be more open, social, engaging and sustainable.

We help leaders and companies rediscover and organize around meaning. We help leaders involve and energize employees through open leadership. We help companies engage in co-creation and open innovation and transform customers into promoters.

In LeaderLab we help organizations and leaders experiment with more open and engaging leadership-, business- and organizational designs for the 21st century. In short we help build business of the the 21st century.

LeaderLabSofus Midtgaard, Managing Partner

We unite leaders to rebuild leadership, business and organizations for the 21st century.

Male 50%Female 50%

Nickie Spile, Vice President, Global R&D, Novozymes

Conny Kalcher, Vice President, LEGO Group

Lars Kolind, Chairman, Grundfos Group

Stig Ørskov, Executive VP, JP/Politiken

Anne Skare Nielsen, Partner, Future Navigator

Kenneth Egelund Schmidt, Global CIO, Carlsberg

LEADERLAB Advisory Board


Next years conference: June 13th and 14th 2012

r e b u i l d 2 1 . o r g

21st century business and constructive growth