Real Life Oracle Mobile Application Framework -...

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Transcript of Real Life Oracle Mobile Application Framework -...

Things that you don't get from the developer guide

Oracle Open World, San Francisco, September 28th 2014

Real Life Oracle Mobile Application Framework

Who Am I

•  Luc Bors

•  Principal Consultant

•  AMIS, Netherlands

•  Friends of Oracle & Java

•  Oracle Partner

•  Oracle Specialized Partner of the year 2014

Middleware - EMEA

Before we start

•  Let’s look at some basic terms related to MAF and Mobile

–  Springboard –  Gestures –  Feature –  Push Notifications

MAF Architecture Overview

Device  Native  Container

SQLite  Database

Java  VM

Configuration  Server

Business  Logic



Apache  CordovaSQLite

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Web  View

Server  HTML

HTML5  and  Javascript  Presentation

AMX  View

Local  HTML


Push  Handler

Server  Generated  HTML

APN/GCM  Push  Services

SOAP  and  REST  Services

Device  Services

App  Config

Credential  Managem


 and  Access  Control

Todays Topics

•  Navigation and Application Control

•  Device Interaction

•  Gestures

•  Push Notifications

Springboard & navigationbar

•  Springboard configuration in maf-application.xml

The Default Springboard

The Custom SpringBoard

Springboard Toggle

•  Default button on bottom left

•  Custom button such as Top Right •  Create this yourself

•  Note: No show / hide available •  Note: No “isSpringboard” visible property available. •  You need to create this yourself

<amx:commandLink actionListener="#{bindings.gotoSpringboard.execute}" id="cl1” styleClass="custom-springboard-link”> <amx:image inlineStyle="width:30px;height:30px” source="/images/springboard.png" id="i1"/> </amx:commandLink>

Feature Archives

•  Feature Archives can be reused •  Deploy MAF app as FAR

•  Add to ‘Consumer’ •  Use features from FAR in other apps

Features  can  be  taskflows

•  Can contain multiple activities

•  Navigation between activities is possible

•  Information exchange is possible

List to Detail

•  Navigate from List to Detail

•  If List and Detail use the same iterator, correct details will show up automatically

List View 1 Name….. 2 Name….. 3 Name….. 4 Name…..

Detail View #3. Name State Country

Example: If you select List item #3, and that will become the current item in the iterator the list is based on.


•  Declarative Navigation –  Button/Link/ListItem

<amx:listItem id="li1" action="detail" showLinkIcon="true” selectedRowKeys="#{Collection.collectionModel.selectedRow}”" selectionListener="#{Collection.collectionModel.makeCurrent}"" …."…">"

List to Detail (+)

•  What if you don’t want to GET all detail data for every List item ?

•  Simply use an (extra) service call to get the detail Data

Service call

List View 1 Name….. 2 Name….. 3 Name….. 4 Name…..

Detail View #3. Name State Country Image:

Example: If you select List item #3, and that will become the current item in the iterator the list is based on. You can use the Identifier of that list item to call the service


•  Declarative Navigation –  Button/Link/ListItem

<amx:listItem id="li1" action="detail" showLinkIcon="true">" <amx:setPropertyListener id="x" from="#{row.rowKey}” to="#{pageFlowScope.myBean.currentStadium}" " type="action"/>"

Programmatic Navigation

•  Programmatic Navigation –  JavaCode

AdfmfContainerUtilities.invokeContainerJavaScriptFunction(" AdfmfJavaUtilities.getFeatureName(), " "", " new Object[] { ”detail" });     } "

Programmatic Navigation

•  Drawback –  No access to setPropertyListener

•  Solution if you need that functionality: –  Set the value in java Code

ValueExpression ve =" AdfmfJavaUtilities.getValueExpression(" "#{pageFlowScope.myBean.currentStadium}”" , String.class);""ve.setValue(AdfmfJavaUtilities.getAdfELContext()" , getCurrentStadium());"

Todays Topics

•  Navigation and Application Control

•  Device Interaction

•  Gestures

•  Push Notifications

All day example

•  Twitter or Whatsapp and images

•  What if you embed an image in a message ?

•  Two options: •  Use exisiting image from gallery or •  Create a new one with camera.

•  Where is the catch ?

Device Interaction (Declarative)

•  The Device Datacontrol

•  Drag n Drop support

•  Attributes as fields

•  Operations as buttons

Camera interaction (from Java)

•  Take a picture ……………

•  …… or get one from the Library

import oracle.adf.model.datacontrols.device; DeviceManagerFactory.getDeviceManager().getPicture( 100, DeviceManager.CAMERA_DESTINATIONTYPE_FILE_URI, DeviceManager.CAMERA_SOURCETYPE_CAMERA, false, DeviceManager.CAMERA_ENCODINGTYPE_PNG, 200, 200);


Smart Camera Interaction

•  Or how to prevent your app from crashing …

•  DESTINATIONTYPE_DATA_URL you will get the image as base64 encoded string

•  Camera’s are very good and picture quality is amazing. –  Encoding such images as base64 causes memory issues

•  Don’t blow up your app. –  iOS you should set quality parameter to a value less then 50 to avoid memory

issues –  On Android out-of-memory can be caused with default image settings. Make

image smaller by setting targetWidth and targetHeight

•  Small sized images can be uploaded using web services.

Even smarter…

•  Determine network connection

•  Always be aware of the other side….. –  Does the recipient have the same Connectivity….

#{hardware.networkStatus} Combined with #{device.os} To tweak size and quality parameters based on connectivity

Todays Topics

•  Navigation and Application Control

•  Device Interaction

•  Gestures

•  Push Notifications

Gestures ( and UX )

•  Gestures can be used from:

–  Buttons –  Links –  List Item

<amx:showPopupBehavior popupid="pop1" type="tapHold“ />

Gesture Abuse

•  .. Or how to confuse your app user…

<amx:showPopupBehavior popupid="pop1" type=”swipeLeft“ />

<amx:actionListener binding="#{mybean.deleteRow}" type=”swipeDown"/>

What Apple did (iOS6 à iOS7)

•  I rest my case……

•  Make sure to be aware of the right standard: –  For Device –  For OS –  For version

•  They changed delete swipe from right to left…….

This is helpfull

Use case example


•  A (Web) service and datacontrol •  A Page with Listview •  An ActionListener with type

SwipeDown •  Smart Java Code to call service


<amx:listView var="row”" value="#{bindings.allLocations.collectionModel}" " fetchSize="#{bindings.allLocations.rangeSize}”" id="lv1"> " <amx:listItem id="li1"> " <amx:actionListener type="swipeDown” " binding="#{pageFlowScope.locationsBackingBean.checkForUpdates}”>" "


Todays Topics

•  Navigation and Application Control

•  Device Interaction

•  Gestures

•  Push Notifications

Push Notifications

•  Subscribe to GCM •  Receive token •  Register with Enterprise app •  Enterprise app Pushes message to

GCM •  GCM delegates message to


Working with Payload

•  “Pusher” knows the mobile app

•  “Pusher” knows how app can respond

•  App knows “ Pusher”

•  App knows what to expect from “Pusher”

•  “Pusher” pushes info to determine the Feature and optionally a Key

•  App Navigates to correct Feature based on this information and calls Service with the key to fetch information

Server side message

•  Example:

private Message createMessage(String msg) { String sound = "default"; Message message = new Message.Builder() .delayWhileIdle(true) .addData("alert", msg) .addData("sound",sound) .addData("FeatureName", "Sessions") .addData("SessionId", "12") .build(); return message; }

In the MAF App

onMessage Deserialize Payload

PushNotification Listener

Call Feature

When Notified (onMessage)

•  Application Push Notification Listener •  onMessage(Event event) •  Deserialize Payload and work with it

PayloadServiceResponse serviceResponse = (PayloadServiceResponse)jsonHelper.fromJSON( PayloadServiceResponse.class, event.getPayload()); ValueExpression notificationPayloadBinding = AdfmfJavaUtilities.getValueExpression( "#{applicationScope.notificationSessionId}", String.class); notificationPayloadBinding.setValue( AdfmfJavaUtilities.getAdfELContext(), serviceResponse.getSessionId()); ValueExpression ve = AdfmfJavaUtilities.getValueExpression( "#{applicationScope.notified}", Boolean.class); ve.setValue(AdfmfJavaUtilities.getAdfELContext(), Boolean.TRUE);

…. Finally …

•  Change badge and go to the Feature.

// also, lets decrease the application icon badge by one int currentBadge = AdfmfContainerUtilities.getApplicationIconBadgeNumber(); if (currentBadge > 0) { AdfmfContainerUtilities.setApplicationIconBadgeNumber( currentBadge - 1); } AdfmfContainerUtilities.gotoFeature( "");

In the MAF Feature


FeatureLifeCycle Listener

Do Something


In the Feature

•  Feature LifeCycle Listener –  In the onActivate() method respond to notification

if(notified.booleanValue()){ AdfmfContainerUtilities.invokeContainerJavaScriptFunction( AdfmfJavaUtilities.getFeatureName() ,"” ,new Object[] { "featureActivated" }); }

The taskflow behind the scenes

•  Wildcard activity –  featureActivated

•  To Router –  Determine if Notified

–  If so, handle the Notification

•  HandleNotification –  Call Service to get info, or do

whatever is needed to handle the notification


•  Don’t take anything for granted •  Start simple, renew fast. •  (Re-) Consider default behavior •  Users First !!!! •  Think about proper Use cases for every thing you do

•  Use the wiki: –

•  Tip: Read a good MAF book and go to many session during #oow14

Book launch

ISBN no’s: 0071830855 / 9780071830850 Regular price: $60 Oracle OpenWorld Bookstore: Moscone South, Upper Lobby. 20% discount for OOW visitors Meet the author: Meet me in the Oracle

OpenWorld bookstore on Monday from 1 to 1:30 p.m.

More mobile at OOW14

•  Monday

•  Tuesday

More mobile at OOW14

•  Wednesday

More mobile at OOW14

•  Thursday

•  Don’t miss the HOL

Luc Bors, AMIS, The Netherlands Follow me on : @lucb_