Real Life - Clover · Love Quotient....

Post on 28-Jul-2020

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Transcript of Real Life - Clover · Love Quotient....

RReeaall LLiiffeeAAdduulltt BBiibbllee FFeelllloowwsshhiipp AABBFF

Week 2:

� Living in 3D




ng F



Years as a Christian








4 6



Typical American Christian Behavior

Years walking with Christ

The Jesus Plan

Accept grace

Use giftsto serve

Focus on people

Spread graceto others








4 6






Evangelistic StylesConfrontationalIntellectualInterpersonalInvitationalServingTestimonial

Week 2: Living in 3D | slide 5

Develop friendships

Walk-across-the-room people are people who live life in �3D�; they CONSTANTLYlook for ways to:

Week 2: Living in 3D | slide 6

Develop friendships � in order toDiscover stories

Walk-across-the-room people are people who live life in �3D�; they CONSTANTLYlook for ways to:

Week 2: Living in 3D | slide 7

Develop friendshipsDiscover storiesDiscern appropriate next steps

Walk-across-the-room people are people who live life in �3D�; they CONSTANTLYlook for ways to:

Methods for Living in 3DProximityIn stylePracticing commonalitySensitivity

�Spotting potential�Take the risk�Becoming a Resource

Provider�The �be with� factor�Just show up




Serial killer

How do you stack up?

The Morality Ladder

Good Stories Gone BadThe weird factorLong windednessFuzziness�Religionese�Superiority

Real Life Adult Bible Fellowship (ABF) March 3, 2013 – Just Walk Across The Room 2

Discussion Questions

Which life-cycle is truest of your faith journey – the one that †starts strong but fizzles out or the one that continues to reflect an ever-increasing amount of radical inclusiveness of all people, regardless of where they are on their spiritual path?

Is this the life-cycle the one you want to be known for? †What steps can you take to grow more toward the model Christ has given us for spreading His grace to a needy world?

Jesus had an uncanny ability to look past the obvious flaws †in people’s lives and envision who they would become if the power of God were released in their lives. What obvious flaws did you have before coming to Christ?

Think about the people in your life that help point you †toward faith. What potential do you think they spotted in you before you came to know Christ?

You do not have to be any more talented, any richer, any †slimmer, any smarter, any more or less of anything to partner with God. All you have to be as willing to be used by Him in everyday ways. Why do you suppose this is so difficult for most people to believe?

Part of becoming a Resource Provider requires that you †focus your attention on anything a person says that reveals a potential need you could meet. What would it look like for you to stay focused on other people’s needs in conversation?

Questions to Think About at Home

Think about your present sphere of influence – including where you live, where you work, the people in your small group, your friends, your relatives, your acquaintances, and so on. How do you think God expects your specific evangelistic style to impact the lives of these people?

What is one action item you can accomplish this week that will cause you to use your evangelistic style in discovering another person story?

Which area of effectiveness do you practice most in your interactions with people far from God?

Proximity – choosing to traffic where seekers traffic

Staying in style – trusting God to use your natural personality

Practicing commonality – watching for ways to build bridges instead of walls

Being sensitive – remembering that irreligious people will not be very holy when you find them

In your life right now, who are you “being with”? In other words which of your friends or family members would testify that you are in it for the long haul with them – relating with them, knowing them, loving them, consistently pointing them toward faith?

What simple steps might the Holy Spirit be prompting you to take to meet a few needs you see? What will look like for you to “show up” in the world that is spinning all around you?

Homework: Remember to write your own story in 100 words or less. Use the “Before and After” or “Themes” Pattern. Bring it with you next week!

Telling God�s Story

The Bridge: Sin creates a gap between us and God. Christ came to earth to bridge the gap, and whoever crosses that bridge will live with God forever.

Take Away Verse: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23

Us God


Us God


Us God




Us God


Telling God�s Story

The Bridge: Sin creates a gap between us and God. Christ came to earth to bridge the gap, and whoever crosses that bridge will live with God forever.

Take Away Verse: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23

Us God


Us God


Us God




Us God


Telling God�s Story

Do Versus Done: There is nothing you have to Do to earn God�s grace. Jesus has already Done the work to pay for sin and grant eternal access to God.

Take Away Verse:“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9

The Morality Ladder: Gods� standard is perfection, but many people think being �good� is enough to get into heaven. Ask a person to put Mother Theresa or Billy Graham on the ladder. Even the �best� people fall short. The only valid plan is God�s plan, which is why Jesus came. Real freedom is found when you ditch your man-made plans and choose instead to accept the work that Jesus did on the cross.

Take Away Verse: “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” Romans 3:23-24



Serial Killer

Telling God�s Story

Do Versus Done: There is nothing you have to Do to earn God�s grace. Jesus has already Done the work to pay for sin and grant eternal access to God.

Take Away Verse:“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9

The Morality Ladder: Gods� standard is perfection, but many people think being �good� is enough to get into heaven. Ask a person to put Mother Theresa or Billy Graham on the ladder. Even the �best� people fall short. The only valid plan is God�s plan, which is why Jesus came. Real freedom is found when you ditch your man-made plans and choose instead to accept the work that Jesus did on the cross.

Take Away Verse: “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” Romans 3:23-24



Serial Killer

Telling Your StoryShould meet the following criteria:�Brevity (you told your story in the space of 45 to 60 seconds)�Clarity (You stuck to one key plot line)�Simplicity (You avoided �religionese�)�Humility (You told your story without a pious or haughty attitude)


















Telling Your StoryShould meet the following criteria:�Brevity (you told your story in the space of 45 to 60 seconds)�Clarity (You stuck to one key plot line)�Simplicity (You avoided �religionese�)�Humility (You told your story without a pious or haughty attitude)
















