ReadySetSewTN Instructions for 15 Minute Mask …...© Ready Set Sew 3 • Melanie’s Wool Pressing...

Post on 09-May-2020

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Transcript of ReadySetSewTN Instructions for 15 Minute Mask …...© Ready Set Sew 3 • Melanie’s Wool Pressing...

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- “FolderFastener,BasesOnly,2inchCapacity,2.75inchBase,Boxof100”- ORyoucanusetwistties-triplelayeritandtwisttogether.Thisbrandisgreat:


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INSTRUCTIONS: 1. From 44/45” wide cotton fabric (I used Batik), Cut an 8.5” strip across the fabric for the body of mask. The second strip will be cut at 2.5”. which will be used for casings.

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2. From the selvage edge of the 8.5” strip, measure 15.5 inches and cut. From the 2.5” strip cut two 4.5” lengths.

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3. Because fabric was double thickness from yardage, You will have (2) 8.5“ X 15.5“ pieces for the mask, and (4) 2.5” X 4.5”. (If you only want to make one mask, use a fat quarter which is a single layer of fabric.)

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4. Fold raw edge on short side over 1/4 of an inch and press. If you have a Serger, do not fold over, just serge raw edge.

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5. Stitch folded edge down close to fold.

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6. Place the raw edge side even with the folded(or serged) edge side.

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7. Sew a 5/8 “ seam 1.5 inches long at top and bottom, back stitch for reinforcement. (This leaves an opening for the pocket.)

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8. You now have a tube with an opening for a pocket on the seamed edge side.

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9. Roll the tube until the seam is facing you in the middle.

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10. Finger press the seam open.

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11. Press with iron for a crisp edge.

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12. Now you can see the opening you’ve created.

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13. Before turning the tube right side out, (seam will be against the machine), top stitch the folded edge/ serged side 1/8” from fold.

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14. Reach in and turn tube right side out.

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15. One side of seam will have topstitching.

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16. Roll the tube until the non top stitched side measures 3/4” from edge.

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17. Press for crisp edge to be top stitched.

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18. Top stitch the other side of the seam. (This closes the top section, allowing you to put a bendable piece of metal in to bend and conform to your nose.)

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19. The bottom section is now the opening or pocket to place additional filter in.

20. Both sides of the seam are now top stitched. The top is a casing for nose piece, the bottom is a pocket.

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21. Flip sewn piece over, with pocket side facing down. Using a clover brand felt ruler, (which you can press on). OR (a piece of thin cardboard that you mark with a one inch and 1/2 inch line) measure 1” from bottom

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22. With ruler laying one inch from bottom, flip fabric over the ruler to press a fold one inch from bottom.

23. Press for crisp pleat.

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24. Lift fabric, without moving ruler, and fold back at the 1/2 inch line.

25. Press for crisp pleat.

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26. Remove ruler

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27. Lay ruler 1” from the fold you just created.

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28. Flip fabric down to edge of ruler underneath, to create second pleat.

29. Press crisp edge

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30. Roll fabric back to 1/2 inch mark.

31. Press crisp edge for second pleat

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32. Remove ruler

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33. Place ruler 1” from folded edge of second pleat

34. Fold fabric down to edge of ruler which is underneath.

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35. Press crisp edge for third pleat.

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36. Roll fabric back to the 1/2 inch line.

37. Press crisp edge to complete third and final pleat.

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38. Remove ruler.

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CASINGS: 39. Turn short edges of 4.5” strip up 1/2”, leaving a 3.5 inch finished piece. Do this for both pieces.

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40. Press

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41. Remove ruler

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42. With edges turned under, fold in half long ways and press.

43. Repeat for second casing.

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44. You will have main mask piece with pleats and two casing pieces.

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45. With the area for the metal piece at the top, and pocket side against machine, match 3.5” raw edges of casing with 3.5” raw edges of mask.

46. Align edges top and bottom. Stitch 1/4 inch seam back stitching at top and bottom to secure.

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47. Pivot fabric to add second casing. Align edges to match. Stitch part way and stop.

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48. Make sure your bendable metal nose piece will clear your seams. (Don’t want a broken needle!).

49. You can use a fastener (from office supply store) OR 3 strands of twist tie to equal 7.5 in length.

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50. Insert bendable metal piece into the 3/4 inch space you created. Pushing in far enough to clear seam.

51. Continue stitching 1/4 inch seam, back stitching to secure.

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52. Your casings are attached!!!

53. Press casings away from mask.

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TIES: 54. Cut crosswise of fabric, (2) 1” strips of interlocking knit OR T-Shirt knit. Interlocking knit curls to the right side when pulled. Cut length is minimum 22”, depending on how much stretch.

55. Tie knots at ends of ties.

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*If wanting to use elastic, cut (2) 9.5” pieces (2 pieces per mask) 56. Fold tie in half to determine midway point for placement in casing. Lay next to or under 1/4 inch seam allowance.

57. Fold casing in half covering 1/4 inch stitching line.

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58. Stitch close to edge.

59. Fold second casing in half covering 1/4 inch seam line.

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60. Stitch close to edge.

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You have completed the mask! Bendable metal section goes over the nose to bend for custom fit. Pocket side of mask goes against the face and pleats should be facing down on outside of mask.

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DISCLAIMER •Please follow CDC guidelines for cloth masks and ages. • It is tough to determine size for children since there are many size variations. It is best to measure from outside edges of eyes for width, and for length measure from bridge of nose to one inch below chin X 2. Casing should be 2.5, so adjust pleats to fit casing. •Todisinfectyoucansoakinhydrogenperoxideand/oruseasteamirononacottonsetting.•ImportantmessagefromaRegisteredNurse:“YoucannotputanN95maskinsideit.TheN95protectsagainstairbornepathogenswhilethesurgicalmask(theoneinthisvideo)protectsagainstdroplets.InorderfortheN95tobeusedagainstairborneprecautionsitneedstohaveapropersealtotheface.IntheERweare“fitted”forN95maskseachyeartomakesureitgivesapropersealandistrulyprotectingus.IfyouputanN95maskinsidethepocketoftheoneyoumadeitwillrenderinuseless.Itwillnotbeabletomakethenecessaryseal.IunderstandwearehavingashortageofmaskswhichisputtingusinthispredicamentandsomemedicalprofessionalsarehavingtoreusetheirN95masks.WhatpeoplearedoingiswearingtheN95sealedtotheirfaceandthenwearingthehomemademasksoverthat.ThetheoryisthatifweweartheclothmaskovertheN95itcankeepitcleananddryextendingtheuseoftheN95.Wearealsorunningoutofsurgicalmaskswhichwewouldthenhavetoweartheclothmasks.Thishelpsinmultipleways.Ifwesomehowgetthevirusonourhands,usingthemaskwillpreventusfromtouchingournoseandmouthwhichcouldcauseustogetinfected.Ifwesneezeorcoughitwilllimittheamountofparticlesthatcansprayontosurfacescausingcontamination.Ifforsomereasonweareacarrierofthevirusbutdonothavesymptomsbywearingamaskwecanprotectourpatients.Alsoifpatientswearthemaskittoowillprotectus.Iftheycoughorsneezetheirsecretionswillnotgetontous.Thereisalotoffalseinformationoutthererightnowwhichiscausingchaosanduncertainty.Ijustwantedyoutobeinformedandsotheproperinformationcanbeaccessed.”•Ifgivingthesemaskstootherspleasebesuretoletthemknowtowash/disinfectbeforeusing.Thankyou.Besafe!