
Post on 25-Oct-2015

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Transcript of Readme

Installing DataStage components on the mainframe ================================================== On the DataStage CD, you will find these files in a directory named "MFComps". This directory contains the mainfram components for DataStage. You will find these files in this directory: ArdtMsg1.cob ArdtMsg2.cob ArdtUBgn.COB ArdtUCod.COB ArdtUDat.COB ArdtUEnd.COB ArdtUFct.COB ArdtUFdf.COB ArdtRTL.JCL Readme.txt RTLMsgs.cob ArdtIMSg.cob A Cobol copy library file. A Cobol copy library file. A Cobol copy library file. A Cobol copy library file. A Cobol copy library file. A Cobol copy library file. A Cobol copy library file. A Cobol copy library file. The Run-Time Library in FTP format. Sample JCL to install the Run-Time Library. This file. A Cobol copy library file. A Cobol copy library file.

Installing the copylib members -------------------------------These members must be added to your mainframe copy library. The files which must be transferred to the copy library and member names to be used are: ArdtMsg1.cob ArdtMsg2.cob ArdtUBgn.COB ArdtUCod.COB ArdtUDat.COB ArdtUEnd.COB ArdtUFct.COB ArdtUFdf.COB RTLMsgs.cob ArdtIMSg.cob should should should should should should should should should should be be be be be be be be be be added added added added added added added added added added to to to to to to to to to to copylib copylib copylib copylib copylib copylib copylib copylib copylib copylib as as as as as as as as as as member member member member member member member member member member name name name name name name name name name name ARDTMSG1 ARDTMSG2 ARDTUBGN ARDTUCOD ARDTUDAT ARDTUEND ARDTUFCT ARDTUFDF RTLMSGS ARDTIMSG

In the DataStage Manager, edit the JCL templates for CompileLink and DB2CompileLinkBind. In the COBCOMP step, make sure that the copy library you used above is in the concatenation of libraries for the SYSLIB DD statement.

Installing the Run-Time Library (RTL) -------------------------------------Allocate an RTL data file on the mainframe -------------------------------------------Before you actually transfer the data file, you must log on to your mainframe and pre-allocate the dataset to which the data file will be sent. An easy way to do this is to use ISPF function 3.2 ("Data Set Utility"). Request the "Allocate a new dataset" function and enter a dataset name (we'll use the name YOUR.ARDTRTL.DATA in ou r examples). On the subsequent ISPF screen, enter the following data:

Space units . . . Primary quantity . Secondary quantity Directory blocks . Record format . . Record length . . Block size . . . .

. . . . . . .

TRACK (or TRKS) 10 10 0 FB 80 3120

Transfer the RTL data file to the mainframe --------------------------------------------The RTL data file must be transfered to the data file on the mainframe using FTP. From your workstation, invoke FTP: Connect and signon to your mainframe. Enter the "BIN" command to specify binary transfer mode. Perform the "PUT" command to send file to the mainframe dataset above (YOUR.ARDTRTL.DATA).

Run the TSO "RECEIVE" command ------------------------------Log on to TSO on your mainframe. Execute the following RECEIVE command: RECEIVE INDA('YOUR.ARDTRTL.DATA') This command will prompt you: Enter restore parameters or 'DELETE' or 'END' + Reply as follows: DA('YOUR.ARDTRTL.RECVFILE') where YOUR.ARDTRTL.RECVFILE is a file name or your choosing. This file will be created by the RECEIVE command.

Transfer the IEBCOPY JCL to the mainframe ------------------------------------------The IEBCOPY JCL file must be transfered to a file on the mainframe using FTP. From your workstation, invoke FTP: Connect and signon to your mainframe. Perform the "PUT" command to send file ArdtRTL.jcl to mainframe dataset above (YOUR.ARDTRTL.JCL).

Run the IEBCOPY job --------------------Edit YOUR.ARDTRTL.JCL to customize the JCL for your site:

* Change the JOB card per you site standards. * Change the DSN on the SEQ1 card to be the name of the dataset which was created by the RECEIVE command (ie, YOUR.ARDTRTL.RECVFILE above). * Change the DSN on the PDS2 card to be the name of a link library which will be used to contain the run-time library module. * Submit the job.

Edit the JCL Templates -----------------------In the DataStage Manager, edit the JCL templates for CompileLink and DB2CompileLinkBind. In the LKED step, change the DSN to be the dataset name you used on the PDS2 card in the previous step.