Re do pp location notes

Post on 26-Dec-2014

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Location Notes

Transcript of Re do pp location notes


For my AS level film studies coursework, I will be doing a locationreport based on my textual analysis which was analysing a horror of two films which were The Woman in Black and Fright Night in which I have explored fear and isolation and will be doing the same in my location report.

For my first scene I will use this location showing my two protagonists walking out of school and having a conversation. To do this I will use a DSLR camera because it has a higher resolution, better quality and a great flexibility. When filming I am going to be using different cinematography angles/shots such as close up shots showing every detail of the characters expression, a medium shot showing the surroundings of the characters allowing the audience to identify where they are. While the girls are having a conversation I aim to use a shot reverse shot showing dialogue and expressions of what is being said. Also using a low angle shot on one of the protagonists called Anna who is shown to be confident and upfront showing her authority and power over Wendy who is the other protagonist, shown to be vulnerable and weak, this will done through a high angle shot. Lastly I will be using score music which will be calm as dialogue is going on between both characters.

Following up from the first scene, this pathway is directly outside Oaks Park High School allowing the characters to take a left turn towards the pathway. I will use a shot reverse shot showing the conversation between the two characters allowing the audience to understand what is going on and what is being said. Also and an establishing shot showing the setting of the scene following up from the school gates. I will then use close up shots showing the expression on both characters however I will mainly be focusing on Wendy’s expression as she is the one who is negative about this whole idea of taking a short cut but Anna is adamant that she is right and knows what she is doing. For sound I will use a slow build up on non – diegetic music which will be used to create slight tension for the audience allowing them to think about what could happen.

Here is where both characters come to a two way pathway Anna Is unsure of what pathway she takes. Eventually she takes a decision on what pathway to take. This will allow the audience to undermine Anna’s decision. For cinematography I will use a long shot which will lead them up to the middle of this two way showing Wendy thinking about this decision however Wendy still head high still showing she knows the way. Whereas Wendy who was against this idea from the start is more frustrated at the fact she is in the middle of nowhere. I will show Wendy’s facial reaction through an extreme close up showing fear and isolation allowing the audience to see the themes being explored. A shot reverse shot showing a disagreement happening between the two characters and lastly fast paced non – diegetic music which will contrast the dialogue and having an intense build up having an impact on the audience. The pathway looks to be a dead end however Anna drags Wendy unwillingly which will show through a medium wide shot showing allowing the audience to see the power Anna has over Wendy.

This derelict horse stable has a horror look to it which will allow the audience to recognise that something is likely to happen to both characters as it looks nothing like a short cut. For cinematography I aim to use a quick mid shot showing the girls walking around in confusion as they have no idea where they are. Non-diegetic music will be added on which will be fast paced music and rapid breathing of the protagonist. Wendy will be portrayed as scared, which links in with the themes of isolation and fear being explored. The lighting for this scene will be low key connoting to the audience that something is about to happen also creating tension throughout. Same again creating an enigma, this will keep the audience interested in what is going to happen to both girls.

When Anna goes to check further I will get close ups of her expression showing the audience that she is becoming tense and the confidence she had, has now gone which will connote to the audience that Anna is now scared and frustrated. Alongside Wendy who is waiting patiently for her to return is isolated and scared without her friend by her side I will show this through a close up. The close ups will connote to the audience that something is going to happen due to the sound having a more tensed effect , enabling the audience to also feel sympathetic for the both protagonists.