Raul Portillo Criminal Complaint

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Raul Portillo Criminal Complaint

Transcript of Raul Portillo Criminal Complaint

  • Case 4:11-cr-03047-JAS-CRP Document 1 Filed 10/18/06 Page 1 of 4CRIMINAL COMPLAINT United States District Court D1SfRlCT of ARIZONA .


    RAUL F. PORTILLO DOB: 10/20/1972 U.S. Citizen


    Complaint for violation of Title 18 United Stat" Code 371


    From in or about January 2002, and continuing at least through in or about December 2003, in the District of Arizona and elsewhere, defendant

    RAUL F. PORTILLO did knowingly and wilfully combine, conspire, and agree with others to commit offenses against the United States, to wit: (I) being a public official, directly and indirectly did corruptly demand, seek, receive, accept, and agree to receive and accept a thing of value personally and for other persons and entities, in return for being influenced in the performance of an official act, and being induced to do and omit to do any act in violation of his official duties, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 201 (b)(2)(A) & (C), and (2) knowingly, willfully and unlawfully obstructing, delaying, and affecting commerce by extortion, that is, obtaining property from another, with his consent, under color of official right, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1951.

    BASIS OF COMPLAINANT'S CHARGE AGAINST TIlE ACCUSED: Please see attached affidavit of FBI Special Agent Adam Radtke, which is incorporated herein.


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    DETENTION EEQ!%:S'f~ll:: '>'" SIGNATURE OF COMPLAINANT (official title) .:/~-,-,--~ -"''' ~''-.'''- .. - ... : ... ". r -:' . - ~~~ Being duly s\tdrn;'1 declare that the fo~QJ..JJ.g i!;', true and Cotfec3 to tbe best. 'OfJny Imowlel!ge:""...... ~-' OFFICIAL TITLE

    .= --- -: , Y - ':.: . -, - FBI Special Agent ::: ~-.



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    Sworn to Iii!rore

  • Case 4:11-cr-03047-JAS-CRP Document 1 Filed 10/18/06 Page 2 of 4


    3 United States of America,

    4 Plaintiff,

    5 v.

    6 Raul F. Portillo,

    7 Defendant.



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    06- 06778M '-

    UNDER SEAL ----------------------) 8

    9 I, Adam Radtke, being dnly sworn, state the following is true and correct to the best of my

    10 knowledge and belief:

    11 I. Your Complainant, Adam Radtke, is a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of

    12 Investigation ("FBI"). Your Complainant' s responsibilities include the investigation of possible J3 criminal violations of Tide 18 of the United States Code.

    14 2. I have been a Special Agent with the FBI for over four (4) years. Prior to that, I was 15 a support employee for the FBI for over five (5) years. I have personally conducted or assisted in 16 investigations of alleged criminal violations of the laws of the United States, including bribery and

    17 extortion. I am familiar with the facts and circumstances set forth below based upon my

    18 participation in Operation Lively Green ("the investigation"), which includes but is not limited to 19 my review of evidence recorded by audio and video tape, my review of documentary evidence, and

    20 my interviews of more than forty (40) of the fifty-four (54) defendants who have entered guilty pleas 21 as a result of the investigation. I am further familiar with the facts and circumstances set forth below

    22 based upon conversations with other law enforcement agents, in particular other Special Agents of

    23 the FBI. This Complaint is being submitted for the limited purpose of establishing probable cause

    24 to believe that RAUL F. PORTILLO ("PORTILLO") has knowingly violated the criminal laws of 25 the United States, namely, conspiracy to commit bribery and extortion in violation of Title 18,

    26 United States Code, Section 371. Therefore, I have not included the details of every aspect of this

  • Case 4:11-cr-03047-JAS-CRP Document 1 Filed 10/18/06 Page 3 of 4

    06 - 0677 8M-1 investigation, but only those facts to support pro bable cause. Where conversations or statements are

    2 related herein, they are related in substance and in part only unless otherwise indicated.

    3 3. PORTILLO was a Sergeant in'the Arizona Army National Guard ("AANG"). After 4 the terrorist attacks of September 11,2001, the AANG has been deployed pursuant to a Presidential

    5 Executive Order to assist various federal departments and agencies, including the Department of

    6 Defense and the United States Border Patrol, to support drug interdiction and other counter narcotics

    7 activities.

    8 , 4. From in or about January 2002, and continuing at least through in or about December

    91 2003, in the District of Arizona and elsewhere, PORTILLO and other public officials including other 10 members of the AANG, members of various branches ofthe United States military, police officers,

    11 corrections officers, and employees of various federal departments and agencies, agreed to enrich

    12 themselves by obtaining money from persons who represented themselves to be narcotics traffickers

    13 ("the narcotics traffickers"), but who were in fact Special Agents of the FBI, in return for the 14 defendant and his co-conspirators using their official positions to assist, protect and participate in

    15 the activities of what was represented to be an illegal narcotics trafficking organization

    16 ("Organization") engaged in the business of transporting and distributing cocaine and other drugs 17 from Arizona to other locations in the southwestern United States.

    18 5. In or about January 2002, PORTILLO told an individual who represented himselfto

    19 be a member of the Organization that he had been involved in narcotics trafficking in the past.

    20 PORTILLO then offered to transport narcotics for the Organization.

    21 6. On or about February 27, 2002, PORTILLO and five (5) other public officials 22 transported a total of 30 kilograms of cocaine for the Organization from Tucson, Arizona, to Las

    23 Vegas, Nevada. In order to protect the cocaine from police stops, searches, and seizures, PORTILLO

    24 and the other public officials wore their official uniforms, carried their official forms of

    25 identification, and transported the cocaine in official vehicles. Thereafter, PORTILLO accepted

    26 $6,000 in cash from the narcotics traffickers.


  • Case 4:11-cr-03047-JAS-CRP Document 1 Filed 10/18/06 Page 4 of 4

    06-06778M 7. On or about April 16,2002, PORTILLO and three (3) other public officials

    2 transported a total of20 kilograms of cocaine for the Organization from Nogales, Arizona to Tucson,

    3 Arizona. In order to protect the cocaine from police stops, searches, and seizures, PORTILLO and

    4 the other public officials wore their official uniforms, carried their official forms of identification,

    5: and transported the cocaine in official vehicles. TIlereafter, PORTILLO accepted $6,000 in cash

    6 from the narcotics traffickers.

    7 8. In or about April 2002, PORTILLO accepted $2,000 in cash in return for recruiting

    8 another public official.

    9 9. Based upon your Complainant's experience, I believe that the conduct described

    10 above constitutes conspiracy to commit bribery and extortion, a violation of Title 18, United States

    11 Code, Section 371.










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    Adam Radtke
