Rampage across land –burning and massacring –left destruction and poverty.

Post on 27-Mar-2015

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Transcript of Rampage across land –burning and massacring –left destruction and poverty.

17th century:Oliver Cromwell, English Prime Minister, set

out to convert Catholics to Protestantism.

Rampage across land –burning and massacring –left destruction and poverty.

Penal Laws enforced:

Catholics are not permitted to…own landvotemarry a Protestantjoin the armed forcesbare armsbe educated abroad

Irish Catholics reduced to impotent servants

18th century:

English landlords owned much of Ireland’s property.They charged outrageous rentEngland imposed high taxes on IrelandEnglish had negative attitude toward Roman Catholics

Irish harvest had been poor for years

Farmers couldn’t pay rent demanded by English landlords

Beggars and starving children filled the streets

As you listen…

Record answer to the following in your Log:

1. What is the Problem?

2. What is the proposed Solution?

3. What is your reaction?


MODEST= conservative, simple,

PROPOSAL= suggestion, plan, idea

Explain the relationship between the title and the content of this essay.

*a literary device used to ridicule or make fun of human vice or weakness, often with the intent of correcting, or changing, the subject of the satiric attackIrony permeates satire:

•Verbal Irony•Exaggeration•Understatement•Faulty Logic

Verbal Irony To use words that are the opposite of those one might expect to read

Exaggeration: To enlarge, increase, or represent something beyond normal bounds so that it becomes ridiculous and its faults can be seen.

Understatement: To downplay event/situation to make it seem less important/serious than it is

Faulty Logic: To misuse logic to arrive at the conclusion author/narrator prefers rather than one of sound basis

Swift’s proposal to end poverty in Ireland, though satiric, employs strong persuasive elements:

Ethos~ appeal based on the character of the speaker. An ethos-driven document relies on the reputation of the author


Persuasive Techniques~

Logos~ appeal based on logic or reason


Persuasive Techniques~

Pathos~ appeal to emotions

