Rakhine extremists, myanmar politics and democracy

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Transcript of Rakhine extremists, myanmar politics and democracy

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#Rakhine #Extremists, #Myanmar #politics and #DemocracyModern Man As every event on Earth resembles a pen that records human actions, no criminal can erase their evil deeds in human history. We all are diverse in all aspects; have different conceptions and approaches towards reality. Human heart has two central points like two poles of a battery; one receives angelic inspiration and other susceptible to evil suggestion. Modern technology makes us more and more impatient, arrogant, irresponsible and hard hearted. Modern politics make us more and more materialistic and ethically weak persons.

Myanmar Dictators

Myanmar was under totalitarianism from 1962 to 1988. After nation-wide protest against the dictator in 1988 military junta took power and had been deceiving the world as if they were approaching towards democracy till 2010. Military junta had planned to exercise authoritative control; drew road-map towards democracy, 2008 constitution and election associated with many restrictions for their opposition.

As Thein Sein Government announced reform International community showed appreciation to President Thein Sein. In reality, Thein Sein government took advantage of the term democracy and practice from a positive fraud. In 2012, the essence of reform appeared as a horrible violence. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi thought Thein Sein Government is lying." http://www.mmtimes.com/index.php/national-news/10432-constitution-based-on-a-lie-daw-suu.html

Rising of Rakhine Extremists Military Junta formed Dhamma-yun, the Buddhists propaganda unit to get majority support and a foundation to control power, everywhere in Burma. Building Dhamma-yun everywhere became a golden chance for Rakhine Buddhists because 70% of Buddhists monks in Myanmar are Rakhine. There were 300000 monks before 1988, the number of monks increased more than 600000 after 1988. Rakhine extremist use military Juntas Buddhist propaganda effectively. Rakhine Buddhists of the Chittagonian Hill Tract become powerful economically as well as politically in Bangladesh and formed UPDF for a future plan. http://thirdculture.com/jpa/ne&cht/cht.html

Rakhine migrated from Bangldesh whom used to call Awakyuntha by native Rakhine of Arakan, became strong economically as well politically with help of ALP both in Bangladesh and in Myanmar; their main business is drug smuggling Myanmar to Bangladesh.

Rakhine in Arakan State of Burma formed Arakan Liberation in 1967; http://www.arakanalp.com/ and Arakan Liberation Army in 1969; http://www.warsintheworld.com/index.php/2011/12/12/burma-myanmar-arakan-liberation-army-ala-and-burmese-army-clashed-in-paletwa/

Purpose of ALP and ALA is to establish independence Arakan State. ALP had agreed with Rohingya Organizations on 11th June 1989 that Rohingya are native of Arakan equally sharing land and rights of Arakan. http://www.rvisiontv.com/360-md-noor-rohingya-genocide-connecting-hidden-dots-part-1/ As Rohingya have no armed force, Rakhine betrayed Rohingya and started genocidal plan with the help of Myanmar regime.

In recently Rakhine National Conference, all Rakhine political, social, and armed parties decided to complete Rohingya Genocide demanded Myanmar Government official Rakhine security forces to protect border, very soon Rakhine militant started attacking Myanmar security forces as if Rohingya RSO are attacking, all media of Burma mentioned about Rohingya terrorist attack. In reality, there is no single armed Rohingya in the border, Rakhine disguised as Rohingya rebellion to accuse Rohingya.

Rakhine Extremists formed 969 groups everywhere in Burma, they have been organizing monks and armed Rakhine terrorists systematically. Myanmar dictators and Rakhine extremists are rivals in Burma, both of them have plan to eliminate Rohingya, Rakhine extremists are supported by Bangladesh and India while Myanmar dictators are fully supported by China. Myanmar dictators have given killing license to Rakhine extremists to kill Rohingya using Rakhine States law in order to remove Rakhine protesters against Golden Gas.

Democracy or Reform or Totalitarianism Thein Sein Government has been deceiving the World in the name of democracy reform; State has been implementing dictators policies and laws, even worse than dictators because Dictator Ne Win couldnt kill the numbers of innocent people like Thein Sein government.Did Thein Sein government get power in democratic way?Who wrote 2008 constitution? Does Thein Sein Government have intention to change it?Who wrote 1982 citizenship law, why is Thein Sein Government very eager to implement it when Dictator Ne Win failed to do so?Who keeps 1million Rohingya under genocidal blockage since June 2012? Why does Thein Sein Government have no intention to punish 969 terrorists?

Information and evidence regarding Rohingya Genocide is more than needed to sue, why is it still unsolved? If Rohingya had armed forces, neither Rakhine nor Myanmar authority would persecute them. World leaders have been trying to save Rohingya since June 2012, but Rohingya are still under genocidal blocks, Thein Sein Government said it is impact of democracy process, Rakhine accused Rohingya for the crimes they committed, OIC wanted to help, diplomatic and peaceful method failed to solve Rohingya issue. Why dont you try use another way; training 20000 Rohingya to fight against terrorism in Myanmar?

Rakhine becomes dual citizens, both in Bangladesh and Myanmar and forced Rohingya to be Stateless http://networkedblogs.com/PlLsu Extremist Monks Hold Talks Throughout Strife-Torn Arakan State: http://www.irrawaddy.org/burma/extremist-monks-hold-talks-throughout-strife-torn-arakan-state.html Rakhine Extremists and their Recent Movements: How and Why?: http://www.rohingyablogger.com/2013/01/rakhine-extremists-and-their-recent.html#sthash.UMveBs8y.dpuf Rising Buddhist extremism in Burma: https://www.dvb.no/dvb-video/rising-buddhist-extremism-in-burma/31621 Myanmar Anti-Muslim Violence Fueled By 969 Radical Buddhist Movement: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/05/31/myanmar-anti-muslim-violence-969-movement_n_3366863.html#slide=250889 The 969 Movement and Burmese Anti-Muslim Nationalism in Context: http://www.buddhistpeacefellowship.org/the-969-movement-and-burmese-anti-muslim-nationalism-in-context/