R12 Oracle SCM Features

Post on 06-Jan-2016

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Transcript of R12 Oracle SCM Features

7/17/2019 R12 Oracle SCM Features

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Release12 introduces a better user e!erience" resultin#in increased !roducti$it% and reduced trainin# andsu!!ort

Eam!les o& a better user e!erience include'

1)Reduced !o!-u!s and du!licate screens

2)Re-desi#ned and streamlined entire *or+ ,o*s

)Reduced t.e number o& ste!s to com!lete +e% tas+s

/)Im!ro$ed loo+ 0 &eel and $isual st%le

)Increased !ersonaliation ca!abilities

3)4o*er Costs

5)Fe*er errors and

6)Stron#er Internal Controls

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Multi-Organization Access Control (MOAC) - Multi-Org Access

Control enables uses to access multiple operating units data fromsingle responsibility. Users can access reports , Concurrent programs, all setup screens of multiple operating units from singleresponsibility witout switcing responsibilities.

  Uni"ed #n$entory - %&' merges Oracle rocess ManufacturingOM #n$entory and Oracle #n$entory applications into a single$ersion.

  #n$entory $aluation %eports -ere are a signi"cant number ofreports wic a$e been enanced in te area of #n$entory *alue%eporting

  #n$entory +enealogy - nanced genealogy tracing witsimpli"ed, complete access at te component le$el to critical lotand serial information for material trougout production.

 R12 Features and di7erences *it. 11i 8 In$entor%

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#n$entory parameter

R12 11i

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Cild ot Control


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Ad$anced ot Control

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  R12 Features and di7erences *it. 11i 8 Ad$anced 9rocurement Suite

 rofessional /uyer0s 1or Center 2 o speed up buyers0 daily purcasing ta$iew 3 act upon re4uisition demand, create 3 manage orders and agreemenegotiation e$ents, manage supplier information.

 5reigt and Miscellaneous Carges 2 6ew page for $iewing ac4uisition cost

freigt 3 miscellaneous deli$ery cost components wile recei$ing. Actual dcosts are traced during in$oice matcing.

 Uni"ed #n$entory 2 7upport for te con$erged in$entory between Oracle rManufacturing 2 OM #n$entory 3 Oracle #n$entory.

8ocument ublising nancements 2 7upport for %5 3 85 layouts and pcontracts using user speci"ed layouts

 7upport for Contractor urcasing Users 2 7upport for contingent worers t3 maintain re4uisitions, conduct negotiations, and purcase orders.

ot and 7erial Controlled Assembly2 ot controlled 9ob can now be associateserial numbers to trac and trace serialized lot:item during sop ;oor transas well as post manufacturing and beyond

  nanced /OM to Capture #n$erse Usage 2 Users can now capture te in$component usage troug te new in$erse usage "eld in /OM

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/uyers 1or Center

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 R12 Features and differences with 11i – EAM

Home page: can able to view Work request and Check out Asset

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Mass Meter %eadings<

Meters are de"ned and associated wit Asset 6umbers tomeasure an asset or rebuild able item=s usage. >amplesinclude odometers or counters. Meters are used inre$enti$e Maintenance 7ceduling to scedule andgenerate re$enti$e Maintenance 1or Orders

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1or order

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&.>press 1or

#t=s an integrated way of "nising te emergency wor 4uicly wit allte details lie labor, carge time, material issued entered in single page.

'.Crew scedule ?ou can perform a compreensi$e $iew of employee scedules bydepartment or resource. lanners can determine teir crews= worloaddetails. lanners may also modify and cange teir employees=worloads.

@.Mass ime ntry%esource transactions de"ne te time an assembly spends at anoperation and te cost you incur for an operation. ere are two types ofresources< person and macine. ?ou can transact bot person andmacine resources. A resource is an employee, piece of e4uipment, orcontractor ser$ice, used to perform an operation. ?ou can cargeresources to a speci"c wor order

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/OM #n$erse Usage

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  /udget 5orecast

 ?ou can e>tract wor order cost information from nterprise asset

management to a 7pread seet .?ou can use te results as a basefor creating organization budgets and 5orecasts .you can e>tractistorical costs for past accounting periods , or estimated cost offuture periods ,based on re$enti$e maintenance rules. A forecastcontains criteria, along wit "lter option ,based on wor order,assets and costing information

Construction Units is feature is pro$ided under te Maintenance 7uper Userresponsibility in OA5. e acti$ities carried out on repetiti$e 9obslie commissioning of owers, lectric ines, ower plantconstruction etc., can be eecti$ely estimated and planned usingConstruction units.

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