Quotes - Amazon S3...Quotes: 03 Vi 06 Gerri 19 Betty G. Paul & Dorothy John About The West and...

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Transcript of Quotes - Amazon S3...Quotes: 03 Vi 06 Gerri 19 Betty G. Paul & Dorothy John About The West and...

B efore I jump into April I want to be sure to catch you up on some of the fun

had in March that didn’t make the last newsletter! First of all, Esther turned 101! I just can’t believe it—she is truly amazing! We celebrated by recognizing her during our birth-day party of the month as well as on her actual birthday. Pictured at right are Kay, Mary F., & Dorothy who joined Esther during our Scrabble marathon on her 101st birthday!

We also had lots of laughs coloring Easter eggs in preparation for Easter, and our annual Easter Egg Hunt was certainly a hit with the kids who had the opportunity to get up close with Jungle Terry’s animals before making quick work of uncovering all the eggs we hid. A big thank-you goes out to the residents who helped fill eggs and all the staff that came to-gether to make it a huge success!

We started April with a few fun April Fool’s jokes and a celebration of the Cleveland Indians home opener with music by Rosemary Mead, puppets, and pop-corn. We kicked back and enjoyed some Carol Burnett Show reruns by resident request, scored some great bargains on our thrift store shopping trips, took in some beautiful spring views on our scenic rides, and enjoyed a music performance by students from the South Ridge Christian Academy. We had a lot of fun playing Rummikub as part of our math games theme. I don’t have a chance to report on our fairytale tea, Earth Day and Arbor Day hero commemorations, or our virtual travels to Crater Lake because they haven’t happened as of this writing. (Be sure to tune in next month for a recount and photos!)

May Birthdays

The Villa Welcomes:


03 Vi

06 Gerri

19 Betty G.

Paul & Dorothy


About The West and Alaska:

“Those roads provided breath-taking views. There's something special about an empty road going on and on and on to the horizon where the sun burns the world away into a dancing, shimmering heat haze that reflects the crystal blue sky, lit-erally blurring the line between heaven and earth.” ― Dave Gorman “For West is where we all plan to go some day. It is where you go when the land gives out and the old-field pines en-croach. It is where you go when you get the letter saying: Flee, all is discovered . . . . It is where you go when you hear that ‘thar's gold in them-thar hills.’ It is where you go to grow up with the country. It is where you go to spend your old age. Or it is just where you go.”

― Robert Penn Warren

“John Muir, the famous naturalist, wrote in his journal that you should never go to Alaska as a young man because you'll never be satisfied with any other place as long as you live. And there's a lot of truth to that.” ― Tom Bodett “To the lover of wilderness, Alaska is one of the most wonderful countries in the world.” ― John Muir

Resident Spotlight: JOY Our resident spotlight this month focuses on Joy D. Although Joy was

born in Baltic, Michigan, in the upper peninsula area, she then moved to

Conneaut at age three when her father sought out dock work as a com-

mercial fisherman. You may remember Joy from her work as a secretary

at the former Chestnut School (now Lakeshore) where she began her

career at the age of 50 after raising her five girls. Joy’s family has since

grown to 20 grandchildren, 40 great-grandchildren, and three great-great

grandchildren with the newest addition expected in September. Joy has

enjoyed spending much of her time at the lake through the years, and

some of her favorite memories are all the time she spent camping with

her husband and children in Letchworth State Park and the St. Lawrence area in New York.

Children get a chance to pet a chinchilla during Jungle Terry’s show.